
    How to Thrive After 35 Talk Radio

    Tune in to How to Thrive After 35 as your host, Roslyn Franken, brings you exciting and inspiring guests to share their practical insights and personal wisdom to help you THRIVE in your life and NOT just survive. ABOUT ROSLYN FRANKEN, INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKER, AUTHOR, RADIO HOST... In her newest book and presentation titled, MEANT TO BE: A TRUE STORY OF MIGHT, MIRACLES AND TRIUMPH OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT, inspirational speaker and author Roslyn Franken reveals the unforgettable true story of her parents, John and Sonja Franken - two unlikely survivors of World War II. While John fights for his life as a POW in Japan and survives the Nagasaki atomic bomb, Sonja endures the horrors of Auschwitz. She faces death in the gas chamber three times and survives. After the war, fate brings them together to find enduring love and rebuild their lives in the most extraordinary ways despite the tragedies of their pasts. Their story is one of triumph over tragedy filled with messages of positivity and perseverance, faith and fortitude, daring and determination, and hope and humility. When diagnosed with cancer at 29, Roslyn turns to her parents’ remarkable experiences, beliefs and positive attitudes as inspiration in her own fight to beat cancer and become a long-term survivor. How did her parents survive their captivity? How did they meet to find enduring love? What profound life-changing lessons did Roslyn learn from her parents' extraordinary experiences and positive attitudes and her own difficult cancer journey that we can all learn from to live a better and more courageous life? In her first book titled, THE A LIST: 9 GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR HEALTHY EATING AND POSITIVE LIVING, Roslyn Franken takes her readers and audiences through the remarkable weight loss journey that changed her body and changed her life... Ten years after surviving cancer, age 39, at her heaviest weight and concerned for her health, Roslyn decided to fight back once again - only this time to win her battles with food, weight and lifestyle challenges, once and for all! For more information about Roslyn, go to www.roslynfranken.com. To be a guest on the show, to be a sponsor or to make comments or suggestions, send email to info@roslynfranken.com
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    Episodes (44)

    Getting Back on Track - featuring Dr. Vic Weatherall, Chiropractor

    Getting Back on Track - featuring Dr. Vic Weatherall, Chiropractor
    If you have back, neck, or joint pain, be sure to tune in to this episode. Listen to Dr. Weatherall, Chiropractor, who will be sharing loads of practical information and useful tips on how to manage your back and joint pain and even prevent it to start with. Dr. Weatherall was instrumental in helping me overcome serious car injuries sustained in July 2003 and this is my opportunity to share him with all of you. For more information and to contact Dr. Weatherall directly, visit http://www.advancechiro.on.ca.

    Living Your Dreams - Featuring guest Elliott Smith, Magician

    Living Your Dreams - Featuring guest Elliott Smith, Magician
    If you want to be inspired, then come meet Elliott Smith, 55 years old and living his childhood dream. He is a full-time professional magician (www.seethemagic.com), co-author of a powerful business system book called “Highway to Success: The Entertainers Roadmap to Business” (www.happymediumbooks.com) and is also in the best physical shape of his life. Elliott Smith will share with you his attitudes and insights on how his healthy habits help him maintain his passion for living his dream. Be sure to stay to the end and hear Elliott’s advice to listeners on how to thrive after 35 and a sneak peak announcement of Roslyn's very special guest for next month's show. Be sure to share this show with a friend.

    Taking Control by Reaching Out

    Taking Control by Reaching Out
    If you want to be inspired, then you will love this show! Special guest, Yolisa Nongauza, will share with you her powerful insights on how she has chosen to overcome her struggles with health and weight by giving herself the gift of reaching out for the help and support she needed. Be sure to stay to the end and hear Yolisa's advice to listeners and a sneak peak announcement of Roslyn's very special guest for next month's show. Be sure to share this show with a friend.


    You are going to love this show! Listen to host Roslyn Franken as she shares some powerful insights on how to respond to that call to thrive when it has come into your life. Roslyn shares some key tips on what attitudes you need to let go of and what new attitudes you need to embrace into your life to make room for some thriving in your life. Why just survive when you can thrive? Be sure to stay to the end and hear Roslyn’s compelling reference to Nelson Mandella’s 1994 inaugural speech on fear and a sneak peak announcement of Roslyn’s very special guest for next month’s show. Be sure to share this show with a friend. Also if you are not registered for our monthly Healthy Hints newsletter, go now and sign up at www.roslynfranken.com.