
    HR to HX: From Human Resources to the Human Experience

    A weekly podcast focused on stories that demonstrate how defining our own HX leads to elevating the Human Experience across teams, organizations, families and communities.
    enStacie Baird100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Love and Light, and Enjoying the Journey with Emilie Grombacher

    Love and Light, and Enjoying the Journey with Emilie Grombacher

    On today's episode I'm talking with Emilie Grombacher, a friend, colleague, and all around great human! Emilie is the Senior Director of Human Resources at The Kudelski Group, but most of our time is spent talking about the important connections we have as moms and partners.

    Emilie talks about yoga and how important it is in her life to find space for others. 

    We talk about hard things with teenagers, how the work from home structure affects our relationships at work, and a lot more!

    I hope you enjoy this episode!


    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Emilie Grombacher on LinkedIn

    Strength Through Adversity: The Amazing Story of Tanner Gers

    Strength Through Adversity: The Amazing Story of Tanner Gers

    What an unbelievable treat this was to talk with Tanner Gers. As some of you know I am going to speak at the Transform 2024 conference this year, and Tanner will be there as well. It's part of how we got introduced, and I'm so excited to share his story with you today.

    In this episode, Tanner shares an auto accident in 2004 that almost took his life. His vehicle collided with a tree and he sustained extensive injuries, including a shattered jaw, a broken back, the loss of one eye, and complete loss of sight in both.

    Imagine waking up in total darkness, not knowing at first how you got there. Tanner talks about his initial struggles adapting to his new life, and some encouraging talk from his father. We'll talk about that conversation and how Tanner not only survived this event, but how it galvanized his resolve, which led to him becoming a paralympian, and competing in the Paralympic Games.

    Currently, Tanner champions efforts to increase awareness for digital accessibility, staffing and recruiting, and training and certification for others with disabilities. At the core of his approach is his CAT Program - Certify/Apprentice/Transition.

    His story is so inspiring and I hope you enjoy it.


    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Resources and Links for the Show

    Tanner Gers LinkedIn

    Tanner on Instagram

    Tools for Change in Your Organization

    Tools for Change in Your Organization

    On today's episode, we'll continue in the spirit of my discussion last week with Stefanie Krievens, of The Change Architecture. I'll follow by suggesting some assignments that can help you navigate change in your organization.

    Step one - change your own mindset regarding your relationship to change; in step two I will talk about communicating with pragmatic hope. It was a phrase I love but owe the credit to Stefanie for coming up with. And step three - don't roll it out all at once - talk first in your organization to those who embrace change.

    You need a contingency plan, understand balanced hope in this process, and recognizing that for change (whether for yourself or your team) it's more a fear of losing autonomy.

    I hope you enjoy this episode!


    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    The Change Architecture: A Conversation with Stefanie Krievins

    The Change Architecture: A Conversation with Stefanie Krievins

    Today I am talking with a legendary voice in the space of the human experience. Stefanie Krievins leads a firm focused on the workforces of the future. She is the host of the Hot Mess Hotline (links below), a podcast for ambitious leaders who want to drive impactful change.

    I had the opportunity to sit down and hear her amazing journey. We talked about what led her to this space, and we dove deeper into some of her routines and habits that help her in this powerful journey. We discussed resilience, her passion in the space of foster care, and how people can embrace change in an organization.

    Stefanie’s the creator of The Change Architecture, which provides a new framework for driving transformation in the 21st century.

    Thanks as always for listening!


    Contact information for Stefanie

    LinkedIn Profile | The Change Architects Website

    Hot Mess Hotline Podcast on Spotify | on Apple Podcasts

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.


    My Daughter's Story of Struggle and Strength: One Year After Diagnosis

    My Daughter's Story of Struggle and Strength: One Year After Diagnosis

    This episode has been one I've wanted to do for some time - it's an enormous part of why I've changed the brand of the podcast to encompass the broader human experience. My daughter, Jocelyn, is my very special guest today. She talks about her leukemia diagnosis over a year ago, and the battle that would take up all of 2023, and change the way she has to look at her health for the rest of her life.

    Hearing this story from her provides so much joy for who she is as a woman, how she's grown, and my hope is that you'll hear the same message. 

    She shares some of the early indicators that were thought to be a bad case of the flu, the mysterious bruises she got, and when she checked in to Phoenix Children's Hospital. She talks about shaving her head, the incredible people that stepped up for her when she was down, and the quirky things that people say and do - when they don't know what to say or do!

    The lesson and ongoing message in this podcast for all of us is, I believe, that through struggle and adversity comes strength. I'm so proud of my daughter - and the lessons I believe are important for anyone struggling. 

    I hope that you find this episode to be uplifting and motivating for your own human experience.

    Thank you so much for listening!


    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    4HX: Embrace the Suck

    4HX: Embrace the Suck

    It's time for an assignment! Based on last week's podcast, I'll talk about putting those ideas into action. Last week was called Do the Hard Thing: Being Comfortable with Discomfort. I talked about a podcast by Andrew Huberman, who talks about the aMCC (anterior anterior mid cingulate cortex), and it's function in the brain. There are some great notes on preparedness for this lesson, so if you haven't heard it you should go back and listen.

    And now...it's time to try it! This episode is brief - but the goal here is to do one thing to put that tenacity into action. Embrace the suck!

    Thanks for listening,


    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Do You Do the Hard Thing? Being Comfortable with Discomfort

    Do You Do the Hard Thing? Being Comfortable with Discomfort

    In this episode we'll look at tenacity. What makes us strive for more; and more specifically, to be uncomfortable in that striving. Does doing things we don't want to do make us stronger? And how?

    I talk about some of the areas from my recent experiences (and going back to my childhood) that have helped me charge forward through discomfort. We've talked a lot about how we shift our focus on a thing - for thirty years I looked at my childhood experiences through a certain lense. Once I shifted that thing it became clear that to a strong degree those experiences gave me that ability to be comfortable doing hard things.

    I talk about Andrew Huberman, Ph.D, who produces a podcast called the Huberman Lab. There's a podcast episode in particular that resonated with me called How to Increase Your Willpower & Tenacity. In this episode there are many really incredible insights improving tenacity. As part of it, I talked last week about studies around the anterior mid cingulate cortex (aMCC) as an important hub in the brain that calcaulates the cost/benefit analysis if you will that are necessary for tenacity. I find it so fascinating that we're developing science around this concept that felt much more abstract before. Further, the research is also showing that when you do less in the space of "hard things", this aMCC shrinks!

    I think it's fascinating new science that looks at tenacity and accomplishing hard things in a new light.

    I hope you enjoy and if you feel that it was helpful, please share with others!


    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.


    The Abundance Mindset (4HX)

    The Abundance Mindset (4HX)

    Four minutes - for you! Today we'll continue the work we started with last week's episode titled Abundance is the Answer and Love is the Way.

    How do we find abundance? How do we shift our focus. What do we do when fear comes?

    I talk about the steps it takes and how to list your gratitude, shift your mindset, and turn those doubts into beliefs.



    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Abundance is the Answer and Love is the Way

    Abundance is the Answer and Love is the Way

    Abundance is the answer and love is the way. This was my mantra for 2023, and after only a little thought I knew it needed to be the same for 2024. In this episode, I talk about some of the unique challenges we all face and how that mantra can work for you.

    What brought this into focus personally (as some of you know) was my daughter's Leukemia diagnosis in January 2023. I'll tell you some of the places I got to mentally and emotionally that you might not believe. It surprised me, as well.

    I talk about some additional examples where that came into play. I'll also talk about this mantra compared to some of the other conversations I've had on this podcast around gratitude, and why, while they're related, this is a bit different.

    I'll also share the power of jumping in with both feet on this topic.

    We'll discuss self-compassion; and just as importantly, I'll talk through a scenario and describe all of those steps and feelings associated with it. These are things that take practice, but that you can develop into useful skills for any challenge.

    This week is just for things to think about - next week I'll help you build a habit to take you from scarcity to an abundance mindset.



    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.


    Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

    The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan

    What Got You Here Won't Get You There by Goldsmith Marshall


    Our First Episode with Bri Morsa and Brian Mohr!

    Our First Episode with Bri Morsa and Brian Mohr!

    Welcome to the NEW version of the podcast, The HX Podcast! Similar in so many ways, but designed to focus on broader stories of the human experience (HX) to inspire all of you who listen!

    To start the new year, I thought about how wonderful it would be to talk to two friends. How they met, their focus on the gift of being human, and their journey (including how they met), absolutely needed to be shared.

    We talk about Bri Morsa (who works as a life coach among other things) and Brian Mohr, and how they met. But mostly the focus for all of us is to share what the human experience means to each of us (in our life, in our work), and why we shifted this podcast to talk about this work.

    I hope you enjoy!


    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Evaluating the Door You Need to Close

    Evaluating the Door You Need to Close

    In our last official episode of the season, we conclude this small 5-part series. And again, it would be helpful to listen to the previous three episodes. You can find them at the bottom of these notes.

    But what we need to do is take the summary of what we cultivated in those episodes.

    • First, in episode 34, we looked backward to moments in 2023 when we felt our very best.
    • Then, in episode 35, take some of those same reflections of last year and consider which doors we need to close.
    • In episode 36 we focused on prioritization of the lists.
    • Then we talked about stacking these habits in episode 37 (based on the James Clear book, Atomic Habits).

    This is about evaluating which doors you need to close to make it a great 2024. We'll talk about using these tools in a myriad of ways - whether it's about ending a relationship, job, or something that is keeping you from living your very best life. Even identifying it gets you closer to that happiness. 

    This isn't easy work - but it's worthwhile work. To do this work well, it takes adjusting your mindset around failure and pain. Making these choices will help you find a path that gives you more than you expected.

    We are going to re-brand the podcast slightly in 2024. It's not going to change much for you if you enjoy the podcast. But we will make this more about the human experience, and less specifically about human resources. I'm sure those components will remain consistent throughout my stories, of course, but these lessons we learn are broader than one subject. I hope you enjoy and join me on the journey going forward!

    Have a great holiday and Happy New Year!


    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Stacking These Habits!

    Stacking These Habits!

    In this episode, we combine the work from episodes one, two, and three.

    We'll use these prioritized lists and pick the top four (or whatever number feels right to you). Then, using principles found in James Clear's book, Atomic Habits, we'll talk about using morning or evening habit stacking. 

    One week at a time (in January), we'll talk about adding a new habit from your list.

    We'll talk about the value of forming this over time, giving yourself grace if you slip, and finding that next improvement, a piece at a time. I'll talk about the importance of avoiding those pitfalls that might keep you in shame if it doesn't go according to plan.

    Keep in mind that this doesn't need to wait until January. It doesn't need to be only four. It doesn't need to be once per week, or morning, noon, or night. Find something that works for you using the principles we talk about.

    Next week, I'll conclude this series by giving you the last piece to do the work. 

    I hope you enjoy these episodes!


    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    How Do You Craft Your Very Best Human Experience?

    How Do You Craft Your Very Best Human Experience?

    In this episode, we combine the work from episodes one and two - and for those who haven't listened... they are short, but important to this week.

    In episode 34, I asked you what the elements were for you that helped you feel the most light, love, joy, whatever that feeling is for you in 2023.

    In episode 35, I asked you to curate the opposite - what are the doors that you need to close to have the best 2024?

    In this episode I will talk about prioritizing the first list - when you look at it...when you say those things out loud - you might find some of those really speak to you. Put those big ones at the top of the list. Whatever gave you the best week ever, put those at the top - and start to prioritize them.

    Second thing, and this is a bit more challenging - consider which of those doors you need to close (from your other list) and start the process of closing them. But mostly, even as a first step, I think it's time to re-imagine those experiences as lessons, or reposition those painful times as lessons that needed to be learned.


    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.



    Reflecting on Hard and Painful Relationships, Situations, Experiences

    Reflecting on Hard and Painful Relationships, Situations, Experiences

    In this, part two of this small series to wrap up 2023, I'll expand on last week's work of reflection. I talk about shifting focus to the present day as well as the future. I personally went through two incredible challenges - my daughter's leukemia diagnosis in January and subsequent treatment, and the work I'm involved with at CMS, and the building of a team to fight the opioid epidemic.

    Wouldn't it be valuable to have a clearer understanding of the doors you need to close to help move forward into 2024? It doesn't necessarily have to happen at the end of a calendar year, but if you haven't done this work it might make sense to view it from this perspective.

    I want to encourage you to make the list - and keep making it. We'll keep moving forward in this work in the next episodes before the end of the year. 

    I hope you enjoy, and always feel free to contact me if you need support. 


    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    What Does Good Look Like for You? Looking Back to Help you Look Forward

    What Does Good Look Like for You? Looking Back to Help you Look Forward

    I am putting out this episode, a first in a brief series before the end of the year (and end of the season), and before a wonderful change to the podcast that will begin at the start of 2024.

    Each of the episodes will be a small exercise - each can be as easy or involved as you want them to be. This one is about looking backward. Think about a week in 2023 where you felt your very best - work week, vacation week, whatever. We'll examine what things occurred that caused that great feeling. What did you say yes to? What did you say no to? Did you have a lot of engagement, or very little?

    I hope you enjoy this episode and the journey to help connect to your best self.


    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Unveiling the Power of Pay Transparency and more with Sally Loftis

    Unveiling the Power of Pay Transparency and more with Sally Loftis

    On this episode we have Sally Loftis, an expert in supporting humanity in the workplace. Sally has worked in the industry for 25 years, and runs her own consulting firm called Loftis Partners.

    She specializes in strategy pieces of human resources, including pay equity and building trust and transparency within the workplace. During the episode, we discussed the steps organizations can take to foster greater trust, from the HR standpoint, by building trust throughout the employee life cycle, and from a leadership standpoint, by being authentic and vulnerable.

    We also talked about the importance of pay transparency and how to socialize pay within the organization. We also talked about the ways in which we can all make little decisions within our power and influence that build trust in our circle of influence.

    Thanks for listening!

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Sally's LinkedIn Page

    Sally's website, LoftisPartners.com.

    Meredith Fish and Transitioning to Work 2.0

    Meredith Fish and Transitioning to Work 2.0

    I'm so excited to share this episode with you! Meredith Fish. We talked about her extensive experience in HR, and how she's tackling the new post COVID culture when it comes to the workplace. Meredith's approach starts with Work 2.0 and using this new time as an opportunity to build trust by encouraging open dialogue.

    We talk about the day-to-day personalization experience in the workplace, and practices we've developed to help model the examples of what Work 2.0 can look like.

    We talk about coaching and Meredith talks about the importance of modeling the behaviors that start the process of what we'd like to see that goes beyond standard HR coaching, and get down to the peer-to-peer aspect of it.

    We also talk about our upbringings that were about work equating to your worth, and where the future of HR is going (or at least where we hope that it's going).

    Meredith Fish's LinkedIn Page.

    Thank you so much for listening!


    More episodes at StacieBaird.com

    Cancer Journal Notes: Part 2

    Cancer Journal Notes: Part 2

    "Now I know exactly what beautiful looks like". Those were the words from a dear friend in one of the hardest times of my daughter's life (and mine). This is a second episode of a 2 part series on our daughter's journey battling cancer. If you haven't heard the first episode, click here.

    I talk about her decision to shave her head, her bravery throughout the last eight months, and what the lessons that I learned from a mother's perspective. I share some of the thoughts I had throughout the journey, and the valuable time I got to have with her that would have NEVER happened had she not had cancer.

    It's a challenge not to be "toxically positive" (because there were many hard times) - but I'll forever see the love and goodness in these experiences.

    Thanks for listening.


    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Cancer Journal Notes: Part 1

    Cancer Journal Notes: Part 1

    As we've just gone in to have my daughter's port removed and traveled this scary journey of cancer, I thought it might be a good idea to share some of my journal notes along the way. 

    We experienced a life-changing, gut wrenching experience - one we'll all never forget. One of the incredible things about this journey is what we all collectively learned about ourselves and each other. As often as I could, I wrote down thoughts about my daughter's bravery, persistence, giving myself space, understanding that we're all just trying to do our best, and so much more.

    Today I share some of those thoughts, and the lessons I thought should be shared. It leads into a bit more about my plans for the podcast in 2024, and how we're going to evolve to cover not just HR, but about the general human experience. 

    I hope you enjoy this episode.


    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Jessica Corral Part Two: Finding the Solution to Feeling Better

    Jessica Corral Part Two: Finding the Solution to Feeling Better

    Jessica Corral and I continue our conversation from last week and expand into more of giving ourselves permission to take space and the value of setting boundaries.

    First, if you haven't heard that episode, you can check that out here. Jessica Corral is an incredible mentor and co-founder of Headfarmer. She brings a wealth of life experience to the conversation.

    Jessica talks about how the gifts she received from experiences and those around her that love her, particularly regarding her impatience, and how "hustling for her worthiness", while it felt admirable in the moment, is really not a sustainable practice.

    We talk at length about doing the work on ourselves and how some of these trying times in our lives teach us lessons in profound ways we may not have otherwise noticed.

    I hope you enjoy this conversation.


    Jessica Corral's LinkedIn Page | Headfarmer.com Website

    For more episodes visit StacieBaird.com.