
    HR to HX: From Human Resources to the Human Experience

    A weekly podcast focused on stories that demonstrate how defining our own HX leads to elevating the Human Experience across teams, organizations, families and communities.
    enStacie Baird100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Leading with Love and Spirituality: Lance Secretan's Blueprint for Workplace Transformation

    Leading with Love and Spirituality: Lance Secretan's Blueprint for Workplace Transformation

    I had the opportunity to talk to a very special guest who is here to awaken the spirit within each and every one of us. Joining me is the renowned author, leadership expert, and speaker, Lance Secretan.

    Lance Secretan is a name synonymous with authentic leadership and personal transformation. With a career spanning over four decades, Lance has left an indelible mark on the corporate world, helping organizations embrace the power of love, inspiration, and spirituality in the workplace. His groundbreaking work has empowered countless individuals and companies to foster a more purposeful and meaningful way of leading and living.

    In this episode I had the privilege of sitting down with Lance to discuss his influential book, "Reawakening the Spirit Within." This remarkable literary masterpiece has captivated readers worldwide, offering a transformative roadmap to unlock our inner potential and lead with soulful purpose.

    During our conversation, Lance shared his personal journey of self-discovery and the profound realization that leadership is not just about strategy and tactics, but also about fostering deep human connections. We explored the vital role of spirituality and love in the workplace, and how they can ignite a ripple effect of positive change within organizations.

    Lance's unique insights challenge the traditional notions of leadership and inspire us to embrace a new paradigm—one that celebrates the authentic self, values emotional intelligence, and recognizes the interconnectedness of all beings. His wisdom will undoubtedly resonate with leaders, HR professionals, and anyone seeking to cultivate a harmonious and fulfilling work environment.

    From fostering trust and transparency to nurturing a culture of appreciation and gratitude, Lance's guidance provides a roadmap to create workplaces where people thrive and bring their whole selves to work.

    So, whether you're an aspiring leader, a seasoned executive, or simply someone who believes in the power of the human spirit, this episode is for you. Prepare to be inspired, uplifted, and motivated to embark on your own journey of personal and professional transformation.

    Thank you for joining us on this extraordinary episode of HR to HX. Remember to subscribe to our podcast and stay tuned for more insightful conversations with thought leaders who are shaping the future of work.

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Links for Lance's website, apps, and books

    4HX: The Power of Intentionality in Our Daily Lives

    4HX: The Power of Intentionality in Our Daily Lives

    In this episode, I talk about something that really struck me during my conversation with Dr. Jason Colbert... the power of intentionality in our daily lives. It's so easy to get caught up in distractions, especially with technology being so prevalent in our lives. But what if we were more intentional about where we focus our time and energy?

    So, here's your assignment for the week: After you listen to this podcast, I want you to think about where you want to spend more time and what you want to grow in your life.

    Take some time to sit down with a pen and paper and write two long-hand pages exploring this topic. This exercise will help you identify what's truly important to you, both consciously and subconsciously, and can help you create a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

    Remember, we have the power to shape our own experiences and craft the best human experience not only for others but also for ourselves. So, let's be intentional about where we focus our time and energy, and strive to be the best version of ourselves that we can be.

    Thanks for tuning in, and I'll see you next time on HR to HX.

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    4HX: The Power of Embodied Values: Living with Intention

    4HX: The Power of Embodied Values: Living with Intention

    In this episode, I reference the amazing practice that Dr. Jason Colbert puts to use every day - one that focuses on the power of embodying values.

    He shared his daily practice of choosing a value and embodying it throughout the day, and I found it to be an incredibly powerful habit to incorporate into my own life. We talked about the importance of identifying your values and working towards aligning your actions with those values. It's not always easy, but it's a worthwhile practice in building a life of intention and purpose.

    Whether you're looking to cultivate calm and flow or striving for greater trust, the key is to pick one value and commit to embodying it. It starts with a daily practice of mindfulness and intention, and carries through to your actions throughout the day. Even in the midst of chaos, you can choose to be the calm in the storm and live in alignment with your values.

    So, what value will you choose to embody today? Join us on this episode of HR to HX to learn more about the power of naming your values and building resilience through intentional living.

    For more episodes visit StacieBaird.com.

    4HX: The Power of Naming Your Emotions in Building Resilience

    4HX: The Power of Naming Your Emotions in Building Resilience

    Today I dive into the topic of resilience and its critical role in personal and professional growth. Resilience is not just about bouncing back from a tough situation; it's about using that challenge as an opportunity to grow and become a better leader and human being.

    I'll give you a quick assignment for the week: think about a difficult challenge you recently faced, then close your eyes, take a deep breath, and feel what you're feeling in your body.

    Naming how we feel is the first step in building our resilience muscle.

    We often reject the notion that we can feel two things at the same time, but it's possible to feel both fear and excitement simultaneously. I encourage you to think about the gains and positive outcomes of the situation, even if it feels like there were none. What did we learn from that experience? How can we use it to become stronger and more resilient?

    Daily resilience is a powerful muscle that we should all strive to build. Join me on this episode of HR to HX as I explore the importance of resilience and how we can use it to become better leaders and better human beings.

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Inside Out: Choosing Compassion and Resilience in the Face of Adversity

    Inside Out: Choosing Compassion and Resilience in the Face of Adversity

    Last week, Dr. Jason Kolber and I sat down with Ken Crenshaw, Director of Performance and Medical Director for the Arizona Diamondbacks. If you haven't heard that episode, I really think you should go back and enjoy it first! On this episode, Dr. Jason Kolber and I continue this insightful and powerful conversation. We are talking about our ongoing theme of "inside out". Compassion and kindness coming from within us. 

    Jason will share an agonizing story of his friend who went through the most horrific experience. You'll be inspired by how he handled the experience.

    I also share more details about my teenage daughter's fight against Leukemia, and we talk about how we can all choose how we respond to adversity. I also share some incredible stories about her resilience.

    I hope you enjoy!

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Ken and Dr. J: Self Work and Teamwork

    Ken and Dr. J: Self Work and Teamwork

    Continuing our deep dive on HX, I sit down with two wonderful people who strive every day to embody that human experience. Ken Crenshaw, Director of Performance and Medical Director, for the Arizona Diamondbacks, and Dr. Jason Kolber, who has been a regular guest on our other podcast, Optimized HX, join the show for an incredible conversation.

    Dr. Jason Kolber is an athletic performance specialist for numerous pro and amateur athletes and teams, and has a practice here in Phoenix, Arizona. He's been a long time friend and mentor and has worked with Ken for years. 

    Ken's admiration for Dr. Jason is also incredible. He introduces his title as the Chief BPE (Bringer of Positive Energy). 

    We talk about the players and management staff at the Diamondbacks, and how their work translates into performance of the team and staff. He talks about understanding yourself and knowing what it took for him to be prepared to work with others at a high level.

    Dr. Jason Kolber does a lot of the same self-focus, and he expands on his idea of service to others. 

    We talk about high performance athletes, their mindset, and how it applies to all when striving to excel in all areas.

    This show was inspiring and I hope you enjoy!

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Finding People's Superpower with Donna Dietrich

    Finding People's Superpower with Donna Dietrich

    We kick off season two and intensify our focus on adapting the old human resources approach to a better human experience. In that spirit I'm so pleased to welcome my dear friend and colleague Donna Dietrich.

    She's been an incredible influence on my life, and for 28 years has been  incredible at finding and identifying people's superpowers, as well as finding and cultivating talented and successful teams in the HX space. 

    Join us as we sit down and talk about what it takes to empower teams, how she got started, and how she approaches the HR space. 

    Enjoy this episode! 

    Find Donna's LinkedIn page here. More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    4HX: A Lesson I Wasn't Ready to Learn

    4HX: A Lesson I Wasn't Ready to Learn

    On January 31, 2023, I got a lesson I wasn't ready to learn. Hearing that my daughter has cancer was such an incredible shock and change to all of our family's lives.

    The words you never want to hear sometimes come to you. I'll talk about our journey and how it shaped my focus on everything - including the direction of this podcast. I want to focus so much deeper on the human experience. 

    And I'd like you to join me on this journey of practicing the experience together. I am excited to share stories with you that will hopefully inspire you.

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Season 2 of HR to HX Coming Soon!

    Season 2 of HR to HX Coming Soon!

    I am so grateful for all of you. Throughout this journey you've been so gracious and kind and I am excited to share that we're embarking on a new theme and new approach, while continuing to focus on what you have said you love about the show.

    Starting next week, season 2 will feature some incredible guests, with a new approach to seeing the human experience I talk about each week. 

    Join me on this journey and stay tuned! 

    Thank you for listening.

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    How to Create the Best Human Experience for Those We Lead and Those We Love?

    How to Create the Best Human Experience for Those We Lead and Those We Love?

    George Grombacher is a public speaker, podcaster, financial advisor, and so much more. Join us as we go on a journey about dealing with burnout, carving out time, letting go of anger and frustration, and so much more. 

    George talks about letting life come to him and what that means. I'll talk about emotional agility, and taking time and space to care for yourself. If you're on the precipice of burnout or frustration, you'll want to hear this episode.

    Find George's podcast, 'Lifeblood' on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

    More episodes of this podcast at StacieBaird.com.

    4HX: I'm a Daydreamer

    4HX: I'm a Daydreamer

    Amy Purdy was involved in one of the most horrific snowboarding accidents you can imagine. At the time it crushed her dreams, leaving her to wonder how she could ever really recover.

    In this episode on intention I'll share how we can write our own story and shape where it goes. Quite simply put - we are the authors of our own story.

    I love Mel Robbins' take on getting where you want to go. As she puts it so eloquently, "You can't just wake up one day and decide you want to run a marathon. You'll need to visualize the steps and put in the work."

    I also talk about manifestation and how to make it possible to get to your intentional result. 

    Thank you so much for listening.

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    More Self Love and the New Meaning of Wellbeing with Jane Cebrynski

    More Self Love and the New Meaning of Wellbeing with Jane Cebrynski

    Join us for Jane Cebrynski, Chief Wellbeing Officer, Executive Coach, and advocate of love at work. Jane shares with us, how we can raise our Love Intelligence and ignite our well-being. 

    Jane works with corporate teams to train them to understand the value of all aspect of love at work as we raise the collective bar of the new meaning of Well-being.

    The Light and Love Within You with April Brophy

    The Light and Love Within You with April Brophy

    In a continued journey to find my own center and namaste, I walked into a Sunday yoga class to find one of the most beautiful and kind spirits I have yet to encounter.

    April Brophy is beyond a yoga instructor.  She teaches mindfulness, breath and this gentle practice both in packed studio classes to individual clients.  Shaping the mindfulness practices of clients, she shares with us how you can start down your own road to ignite more self-love in your daily life.

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Love and Heart-Based Leadership with Scott Knutson

    Love and Heart-Based Leadership with Scott Knutson

    "What if someone you cared deeply for died so that you could experience love at an entirely different level?"

    In this, our second of four in the series in February on love, I felt the need to share the story of Scott Knutson. His journey is one that includes profound tragedy and loss. 

    After a terrible point in Scott's life a friend asked a question that seemed strange in the moment, but sent him on a journey to spread love in the workplace, and to dedicate his life to that effort.

    We'll learn about his contribution to individuals and institutions and why it's so important.

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    Find Scott Knutson on LinkedIn by clicking here or on his website at Leading2Serve.com.

    February Month of Love - Talking with Scott Peeples

    February Month of Love - Talking with Scott Peeples

    This is my favorite month and I have the privilege of sitting with one of my favorite guests to kick off my series this month on love.

    Scott Peeples talks about love, and self-love in particular. We'll dive into some of the metaphors that Scott uses as a guide for self love. We'll talk about spirituality, health, and so much more. I hope you enjoy.

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    4HX: Life is a Movie

    4HX: Life is a Movie

    The truth is we only control two things; how we prepare for the world, and how we respond to it. In this continuing series on intention, I talk about DeVON Franklin, an author who has written a lot on the subject of crafting a life with the end in mind.

    Jodi Picoult is another author who has shaped my intentions related to the same subject. I'll talk about that as well. I'll share a story about my son's gifts and how it shaped my thoughts on the subject.

    We'll talk about asking yourself first about what you want the outcome to be.

    Thank you for listening!

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    4HX: Say It Out Loud!

    4HX: Say It Out Loud!

    Fear is what keeps us from our greatness.

    So, what is the power of saying out loud to others what we want to achieve? In this episode I'll talk about the author, Sue Monk Kidd, and how she decided to approach her goal of being an author out loud, with intention to her husband before she went out and became just that.

    In this series on intention I want you to think about one thing you want to do with your life. What do you want to bring into your universe? Get ready to say it out loud.

    Thank you for listening.

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    4HX: The Power of Vulnerability

    4HX: The Power of Vulnerability

    Brene Brown is one of the most incredible authors I've ever read. When asked "What does it mean to dare greatly?" Her answer was beautiful, yet simple... be vulnerable, show up and be seen, ask for what you need, and have hard conversations.

    In this continuing series on intention, I'll share a story of a moment in my life where I found (essentially by accident) the power of being my true self. Vulnerability is powerful. I hope you enjoy it, and thanks for listening!

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    4HX: Getting Our Loves Out of Order

    4HX: Getting Our Loves Out of Order

    David Brooks defines sin as when we have our loves out of order. He's the author of Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life, which dives into understanding and finding your love. 

    In this continuing series on the power of intention, I'll share a story about getting priorities out of order, and why we all need to understand their importance.

    Thanks for listening, and enjoy!

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.

    4HX: The Power of Intention

    4HX: The Power of Intention

    The coming new year got me thinking about an old experience I had as I first got into HR and the medical field in particular. As we look at 2023 where will your intentions be focused? 

    I talk about that early experience, what it taught me, and more importantly, share with you some ways you might find that power of intention. Join me in this new 6-part series of HR to HX, where we'll talk about the foundation on which we can build a start towards finding our "why".

    More episodes at StacieBaird.com.