
    Human Powered Life

    A podcast dedicated to brining YOU amazing guests, amazing stories, amazing content, and action steps to being a better version of yourself. Dr. Josh Handt, your host is a Chiropractor, studying to be a functional medicine doctor, an ultramarathoner, and a person who studies life. He practices what he preaches and wants the best for family, friends, patients and listeners. The word Doctor means TO TEACH and he embodies that every day of his life. Join our tribe of Human Powered Life Heroes and become the best YOU!
    en-usDr. Joshua Handt47 Episodes

    Episodes (47)

    047: Season 1 Done

    047: Season 1 Done

    hey everyone... nothing fancy here... Season 1 DONE

    We'd like to give a big thanks to all of our guests and to all of you who have been listening and watching the show. We are greatly humbled by you taking the time effort and energy to be better. Check the website for updates and potential blog posts. We'll see you soon.

    Human Powered Life
    en-usMay 10, 2023

    046: THE ULTRAMARATHON MAN- Dean Karnazes

    046: THE ULTRAMARATHON MAN- Dean Karnazes


    Bestselling author and one of TIME magazine's 100 Most Influential People on Earth, Dean Karnazes has raced and traveled to all seven continents, twice, including running across Death Valley in the middle of summer, the hottest place on earth, and running a marathon to the South Pole, the coldest place on earth. He serves as a US Athlete Ambassador, has twice carried the Olympic Torch, and is a recipient of the President's Council on Sports, and recieved the Fitness and Nutrition Lifetime Achievement award.

    It was an honor to be able to connect with Dean.  Afterall, I ended up getting his book titled Ultramarathon Man around the year 2006 and no, I didn't read it.  12 or 13 years later, my parents were cleaning out my old bedroom and making it into a bedroom for my soon to be nephew and gave me a box or stuff.  They said keep it or throw it out... on top of that box was the book Ultramarathon Man.  At this point I had finished either one or 2 ultras and decided to dive in to the book.  I couldn't put it down.  I think it took me 2 days to go through it.  I ended up getting another one of his books 50/50, and then recently the book A Runners High.  He's as good a writer as he is a runner.

    I was pumped when I asked Dean's friend Charlie Engle, if he could connect me with Dean... It took about 10 minutes for that to happen and with persistence and ever changing schedules we connected on the podcast.  

    I think you will really enjoy the show and you'll probably go and get a couple of his books.  Connect with him below.

    Human Powered Life
    en-usApril 12, 2023

    045: Overwhelm

    045: Overwhelm


    As a chiropractor, podcaster, and health entrepreneur, I've seen many patients who struggle with overwhelm. It's a common issue that can cause physical and emotional stress, affect your relationships, and harm your overall well-being. However, I believe that with some practical strategies and mindset shifts, you can overcome overwhelm and achieve balance and harmony in your life.

    Here are some tips that can help you conquer overwhelm:

    1. Prioritize and delegate: Often, overwhelm is caused by having too many responsibilities and not enough time or resources to manage them. In such cases, it's essential to prioritize your tasks and delegate some of them to others. Make a list of all the things you need to do and determine which ones are urgent, important, or can be postponed or eliminated. Then, assign some of the less critical tasks to colleagues, family members, or virtual assistants who can help you lighten your workload.
    2. Break it down: Another way to manage overwhelm is to break down big projects or goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. This approach can help you focus on the present moment and avoid getting overwhelmed by the big picture. For example, if you have to write a report or prepare a presentation, divide it into sections or steps, and work on them one at a time. You can also set deadlines or milestones for each task to keep yourself accountable and motivated.
    3. Simplify and streamline: Often, overwhelm can be caused by having too much stuff, clutter, or information around you. To simplify your life, try to declutter your physical space, simplify your routines, and reduce your digital distractions. For example, you can donate or sell clothes, books, or gadgets that you don't need or use, unsubscribe from unnecessary emails, or limit your social media time. You can also use productivity tools, such as calendars, task managers, or automation software, to streamline your workflow and save time and energy.
    4. Focus on self-care: When you feel overwhelmed, it's easy to neglect your own needs and self-care practices. However, taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health is essential to reduce stress, increase resilience, and improve your overall quality of life. Some self-care practices you can try include meditation, yoga, exercise, healthy eating, getting enough sleep, spending time in nature, or doing activities you enjoy.
    5. Shift your mindset: Finally, overcoming overwhelm requires a mindset shift. Instead of seeing overwhelm as a negative or insurmountable challenge, try to reframe it as an opportunity for growth and learning. Practice gratitude, mindfulness, and positive self-talk to cultivate a more resilient and optimistic attitude. Also, remember that it's okay to ask for help, seek support from friends, family, or professionals, and be kind and patient with yourself.

    In conclusion, overwhelm is a common issue that affects many people, but it's not a permanent state. By implementing practical strategies and mindset shifts, you can overcome overwhelm, achieve balance and harmony, and live a fulfilling life. As a chiropractor and health coach, I'm here to support you in your journey towards better health and well-being. Let's conquer overwhelm together!

    Human Powered Life
    en-usMarch 29, 2023

    044: Hindsight is 20/20

    044: Hindsight is 20/20


    Hindsight in life is always 2020... at least it should be!

    Whether it's from an injury, a business decision, a relationship decision, and more, we can always do what the military call and AAR- After Action Report.  

    A personal AAR would be to observe everything that happened in an event, or a series of events and see where you did things good (keep doing those), and areas where improvement would be needed (areas to be modified).

    In this episode I share how an injury has helped me in more ways that one.  And you may be wondering why or how an injury can help you!  

    Listen in and remember to share this episode and others with friends.  THANK YOU!

    -Dr. Josh Handt


    Human Powered Life
    en-usMarch 22, 2023

    043: Life-stacks with Zack Schreirer

    043: Life-stacks with Zack Schreirer

    Our guest today is Zack Schrier.  This guy is a serial entrepreneur and at the time of the recording he's only 24 years old.  This should hopefully inspire you to not only pay attention, but to take action in your health and your business.

    Zack is a serial entrepreneur, who started his first business in high school. He then cofounded Quevos as a freshman in college. Quevos is a category-leading CPG company that pioneered the development of healthy chips made from egg whites. Zack appeared on ABC’s Shark Tank in 2021 and secured an investment from Daniel Lubetzky, the founder of Kind Bars. His true passions are health and philosophy, and he co-founded Lifestacks to bring his vision for healthy, high-performance living to the market.

    Connect with LifeStacks:




    Human Powered Life
    en-usMarch 15, 2023

    042: Healing From Candida with Dr. Michael Biamonte

    042: Healing From Candida with Dr. Michael Biamonte


    In this episode with Dr. Michael Biamonte we talk about Candida, health, and how Candida can impact your health and you may not even know!  This is an episode that may make you think and take some tests to see if you may unknowingly have candida.  Enjoy the episode and here's a little about today's guest.

    Michael Biamonte is the founder of the Biamonte Center for Clinical Nutrition. He is a co creator of BioCybernetics, which is an unprecedented computer software program that is able to study blood work, mineral tests and many other lab tests to determine exactly where your body is imbalanced. Learn more here. As a 30-year practitioner, he is dedicated to improving the lives of his patients and helping them get back to living. He holds a Doctorate of Nutripathy and is a New York State certified Clinical Nutritionist. He is a professional member of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists, The American College of Nutrition and is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Clinical Nutrition Certification Board. He is listed in “The Directory of Distinguished Americans” for his research in Nutrition and Physiology.



    Send Dr. Michael Biamonte a message to get the Giveaway below:

    Special Audience Giveaway: The Candida Chronicles & 5 Phase Treatment

    Biamonte Center Address: 2185 34th Ave #14d, Queens, NY 11106

    Human Powered Life
    en-usMarch 08, 2023

    041: Messages from the Universe

    041: Messages from the Universe
    A lesson from the LIFESTYLE LOCKER:
    Often times in life things happen and we think they are “to us”, where as I’m working hard on paying attention to why these things are happening “for us”. These are Universal messages.
    Have you ever woken up with some amazing thoughts or ideas in the middle of the night? This is your innate talking.
    Human Powered Life
    en-usMarch 01, 2023

    040: Challenges and suffering are optional...Expect Miracles

    040: Challenges and suffering are optional...Expect Miracles


    What do you expect from your life? Anything? Are you endlessly dreaming about what you think you want? Do you live with a “what if” mentality? Could it be better? Could it be worse? YOU GET TO CHOOSE

    Thre are some great take aways in under 20 minutes.  Watch or listen and take action today!!! Remember.  Be-Do-Have

    Human Powered Life
    en-usFebruary 22, 2023

    039: Are you ready for a Human Oil Change? with Udo Erasmus

    039: Are you ready for a Human Oil Change? with Udo Erasmus


    This is the second interview we've had with the world renoud Udo Erasmus.  Most know him for his Udo's Oils.  They're sold around the world.  His history is quite amazing.  Starting back in World War 2 where his family was fleeing both Communism from one side and Facism on the other side. His fascination with wanting to figure out how all human beings could live with each other became a life long mission. Here's a little about our amazing guest.

    Udo Erasums as studied Science, Bioscience, Psychology, Medicine (1 year), Biochemistry, Genetics, and nutrition. He decided to start working many blue collar jobs to learn and experience life; he was poisoned by pesticides which led him to focus on nutrition, then oils, then wrote a book on oils and health, then developed method for processing and making oils with health in mind, then flax seed oil, then a blend which is more balanced balanced with omega 3 and 6.

    •  worked on digestion
    • working on portable greens
    • Now developing programs for Total Health based in nature and human nature
    • Human Nature and Human Environments
    • Internal awareness
    • Life energy
    • Inspired purpose (positive mind) and physical body
    • Protective mind & skills, social group, natural environment
    • Infinite awareness, emotions (composite)

    Connect with Udo:


    Human Powered Life
    en-usFebruary 15, 2023

    038: Day ZERO of your LIFE

    038: Day ZERO of your LIFE


    Do you know what a day ZERO is in life?

    Dive into this short episode to START taking action steps on the prep days of your life.  Prep-action-results.

    That's all.

    Appreciate you all,

    Dr. Josh Handt

    Human Powered Life
    en-usFebruary 08, 2023

    037: Change is Easy, Thinking About Change is Hard

    037: Change is Easy, Thinking About Change is Hard



    The concept of change is easy and thinking about changes hard comes from a friend and mentor Dr. Eric Plasker. He is the author of the 100 Year Lifestyle and it's like an uncle to me as well. 

    The concept around changes easy and thinking about changes hard is applied to doing healthy things for yourself. I've applied it in so many different areas of my life and I've actually looked back to see where I made actually applied this. I share some of my journeys with you too hopefully inspire you to make some great changes in your life. I realize that as I am on my Journey, I can help inspire others with theirs through chiropractic, through this podcast, and any other ways that people may interact with me and my content.

    Please check out the links below so you can connect with me as a Chiropractor, Podcaster, future functional medicine doctor, and Lifestyle leader. Also please check out the www.100yearlifestyle.com 

    036: AMWAP- As Many Wins As Possible

    036: AMWAP- As Many Wins As Possible


    Our habits define certain things in our life... what habits do you have that are either driving you towards better health and abundance and others that are driving you towards sickness, disease, and death.  

    Also winning is important... maybe not the way you may be thinking. Simple wins to start your day like making your bed is so important.  It sets your day up for more wins.  So start your days, winning and add more throughout the day.  

    Dive into this short episode and take simple steps to claim your day. 

    Human Powered Life
    en-usJanuary 25, 2023

    035: From Navy SEAL to Healer with Christopher Maher

    035: From Navy SEAL to Healer with Christopher Maher


    Being a person who study's natural health and wellbeing as well as someone who reads a ton of books on US Special Forces, this was an interview that that feels like I manifested it's creation! Christopher is warrior for health and healing and I truly think you you will resonate with this conversation and you won't believe his calmness on the interview.

    Christopher Maher is a former Navy SEAL who endured intense amounts of physical, mental, and emotional stress as a child and during and after his military career. He has taught himself how to free his energy, body, mind and emotions from pain by developing the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of being. Christopher studied Traditional Chinese Medical Practices at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and at Yo San University, then continued his studies at The Universal Healing Tao System. He is a student of Grand Master Mantak Chia at the Universal Tao Master School in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and is currently pursuing his Master's and Doctorate degrees in Traditional Chinese Medicine.


    Human Powered Life
    en-usJanuary 18, 2023

    034: 7 Habits you want to start today. Create results, not excuses

    034: 7 Habits you want to start today. Create results, not excuses


    We're half way throgh the first month of 2023 and what have you done to make yourself better?

    This is a short but good and powerful episode that has the possibility to transform your life from today on.  It's based off of our free document that's available at the bottom of our webpage for free.  All you have to do is put your name and email in and it's sent to you ASAP! It's called "7 Healthy Habits To Start Today"

    We want to get this in as many hands and minds as possible!  Help us get this to EVERYONE you know.  Just send them over so they can get their free copy!  Is it so bad to want to give away something that took time, energy, and money to create?  Would you do 7 simple things if you it could change your life for the better?

    I would and I did!!! It's now your turn.  

    033: Healing from cancer with Dr. Patrick Vickers

    033: Healing from cancer with Dr. Patrick Vickers


    Can cancer be cured? or just treated?

    Our guest today dives deep into healing cancer and why the most censored doctor in history was right about healing chronic conditions and cancer. This may be a touchy subject to some, it's a very important conversation today as it was 100+ years ago.

    Dr. Patrick Vickers is the creator and director of the Gerson Clinic in Mexico. It's there, that they used Advanced Gersen Therapy Techniques to help people heal themselves from cancer and others to maximize their health through the same principles.

    We wanted you to start of the year right by sharing something that's so vital to the health of humanity. When you can fully express health the way god intended you to, you have the potential to heal from almost if not everything. It's a longer interview and well worth your time. You more than likely won't hear this from many other places unless you're looking for it or if you know someone that has or had cancer and looked outside the main stream.

    Make sure to head over to the his website below and tap “gift” at the menu. With password: “podcast”, you will have an access to exclusive video materials and more.

    Human Powered Life
    en-usJanuary 04, 2023

    032: Finishing up the Year and Getting READY for the next one

    032: Finishing up the Year and Getting READY for the next one


    This year has been a journey like the rest. It's had its ups and downs. As far as the podcast, it's been an up hill directon.  32 episodes, amazing guests, amazing stories, technologies, supplements, and products.  Our reach isn't as far a Lifestyle Locker Radio was, but we are charging forward.  We can all agree that a healthier human population would mean a happier population.  I can say I've loved all the guests we've had so far, they've all brought great things to the table.  I've implemented products, took advice on nutrition, and more.  

    As we wind down 2022, and move into 2023, I would recommend writing down goals you want to accomplish for 2023.  More importantly I would recommend what you want out of life. What do you really want?  It's a big question.  Take a note pad out that you can keep in a night stand or somewhere you can look at it regularly.  Being reminded of what you want and why you want it is powerful.  Just like we get bombarded with the same commercials ALL DAY LONG on TV as they try to sell you everything from cars to drugs, you can create your own marketing campaign for your LIFE.

    Enjoy the last few days of 2022, be happy and have fun.  See you next year!

    Human Powered Life
    en-usDecember 28, 2022

    031: Take the Driver's Seat in Every Area of Life with Dr. Lou Corleto

    031: Take the Driver's Seat in Every Area of Life with Dr. Lou Corleto


    I met Dr. Lou Corleto probably about 20 or more years ago at a Chiropractic conference in New Jersey.  He always stood out and always seemed like he was deeply connected and in tune with LIFE... Lou was also a fun guy to be around during the conferences as he was always givig back to the profession of Chiropractic and the Chiropractic students.  

    I think you'll feel more deeply connected to yourself after listening to the conversations.  Here's a little bit about Lou:

    Dr. Louis Corleto is an internationally recognized speaker, teacher, and healer. Lou has been studying the human “bodies,” consciousness, and healing principles for 30+ years. He personally has served tens of thousands of people on seven continents  and in over 50 countries.

    His work has assisted the paralyzed to walk, children with autism to heal, and victims to become victors. He is President & CEO of AdJustWorld, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization providing aid to communities in need across the globe: Lou and his teams have served over a quarter of a million people in places like Tibet, Brasil, Russia, Japan, Argentina, and beyond.

    Lou’s book, Healing vs Curing: Opening the Door to a New Lease on Life, Your Life!, radically upends the current western worldview on health and healthcare, and offers new solutions to take control of your own full-spectrum wellbeing. He also owns the Center for Life Expression, a sanctuary for personal transformation in the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee.

    Lou’s mission is to assist people to embrace the fact that they are the “driver” and NOT their vehicle (they are spirit and not just their body) so they walk their life in trust.

    Here's the best way to connect with Dr. Lou Corleto:

    Connect with us:

    Human Powered Life
    en-usDecember 21, 2022

    030: Drinking LITEWATER with Victor Sagalovsky

    030: Drinking LITEWATER with Victor Sagalovsky


    Our soft spoken guest today is Victor Sagalovsky who is the Co-founder of Litewater Scietific. In this episode you'll learn that not all water is created equal. That means, the type of water that you drink daily can have a profound impact on your health and longevity.  In the recent past, I've heard about deuterium depleted water, but didn't really learn that much about it.  Well... in this conversation we go through what it is, where it's found in the world, how it can be produced, and how amazing it is for your heatlh.  Victor even has offered us a discount code that you can use to get 10% off your first subscription order.  The code is HUMANPOWERED

    Here's a litte bit about our guest Victor Sagalovsky:

    Victor started out in his early 20’s as an innovator in plant-based culinary art, having co-founded, in 1995, the first organic gourmet raw food restaurant in North America called RAW. He attended Loyola University and University of Hawaii where he pursued multidisciplinary education. He has completed apprenticeships and graduate courseworkin chemistry, optical microscopy and molecular biology. He is the author of many articles and guides in the field of wellness, biohacking, emerging medicine, technology, mysticism and esoteric wisdom. He also holds a number of firsts as a 3D cinematographer, having been a pioneer in digital stereoscopy in the mid 2000's in Hollywood with 3ality. He is the author of Gold: Catalyst of Radiant Health, a book about the history and science of the medicinal benefits of gold, and is adept in gold alchemy and the making of ORME’s. His theory entitled Endogenous Radiation Damage Theory of Aging proposes that our biggest obstacle to longevity is the excess deuterium and other damaging isotopes on the planet and proper mitigation will radically extend our lifespans. In 2018 he co-founded Litewater Scientific dedicated to the research, development and production of the most deuterium depleted water on earth. unraveling the secrets of health span and longevity.

    Human Powered Life
    en-usDecember 14, 2022

    029: Starving to Heal in Siberia with Michelle Slater, PhD

    029: Starving to Heal in Siberia with Michelle Slater, PhD

    When I got the book Starving to Heal in Siberia, I didn't know what to think about it.  I had it in my cue to read, but our interview happened first. What Michelle has gone through before her healing is quite amazing. Her story is epic and if you're listening to this episode I would encourage you to go over to lifestylelocker.com to watch the video. You would have absolutely no idea that this woman was ever near death.  I really enjoyed this conversation and I hope you do too. Make sure you go out to get this book and see how her challenges can improve your life. Here's a little bit about Michelle:

    Michelle Slater is a scholar of comparative literature and president of the educational nonprofit Mayapple Center for the Arts and Humanities in Connecticut. She holds a Ph.D. in French literature from Johns Hopkins University.

    Her long battle with and recovery from late-stage neurological Lyme disease served as the genesis for this book. Debilitated by the disease to the extent that she was no longer able to teach at her university or perform simple tasks like driving and reading, Slater spent several years pursuing every known treatment, from aggressive allopathic methods to holistic remedies. When all failed to deliver recovery, she discovered Dr. Sergey Filonov’s dry fasting program and spent two months in Siberia under his care. She recovered completely from Lyme disease, regaining her memory and returning to researching, writing, hiking, and running.

    Since 2017, she has not experienced a single symptom.

    Here's where you can find her:

    Connect with us here:

    Human Powered Life
    en-usDecember 07, 2022

    028: Ian Mitchell and his Wizard Sciences

    028: Ian Mitchell and his Wizard Sciences


    I'm glad you're reading and hopefully listening to this amaizng episode with Ian Mitchell.  He has a company called Wizard Sciences and I truly believe he's a wizard in the world of science.  As you go through this episode, we talk about PUSHING human performance, recovery, injury, health, longevity and even a motorcycle accident. 

    Ian is a wealth of knowldge and is not afraid to share what he knows and has tested out.  The great thing about science is that it's never settled, it's under constant scrutiny and evolution. This episode should get you jacked up to be a better human being... to be HUMAN POWERED and to unleash your human potential.  

    Here's a little about Ian Mitchell:

    Over the past decade, lan has developed a series of novel therapeutics using Lipofullerenic-Conjugates and holds multiple patents across a host of different scientific disciplines such as nano-medicine and materials science, and additionally holds joint patents with the University of Tulsa for viral inhibitors, cancer screening technology, and personalized cell culture media for both laboratory and clinical settings. lan recently developed the first viable gamma ray shielding system for use on spacecraft and space habitats as well as a carbon negative concrete to inhibit greenhouse gas proliferation. Ian is the lead scientist at Wizard Sciences and Biocharged and the Polymath in Residence at Austin based Ecliptic Capital.

    So... if the bio above reads like this will be a hard episode to listen to... it's not.  It's AWESOME and easy to understand.  Remember he's a BRILLIAN scientist that is out to help humanity and the world... becasue they are one in the same. 

    To Get 15% off your order, make sure to use the code: HUMANPOWERED on https://wizardsciences.com
