
    Humanity's Values

    Explore the human experience through understanding your Stories and how they define your Values. Expand your emotional and behavioral flexibility through the lens of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Further material can be found at www.lifeweavings.com
    enDavid Teachout43 Episodes

    Episodes (43)

    23: Stop Hiding Behind Labels

    23: Stop Hiding Behind Labels

    The struggle between the individualistic and collectivist pressures of our humanity, as seen through reading C.G. Jung’s “The Undiscovered Self” and how the subsuming of a whole person to one or another label, one or another characteristic, however powerful that label may have in its desired meaning, is to set that person up as an impossibly perfect standard and lead to dismissal in the pursuit of purity.

    Humanity's Values
    enJune 20, 2017

    21: Self-Control and the Judgment of Our Future Self

    21: Self-Control and the Judgment of Our Future Self

    Exploring the nature of self-control, the connection it has to empathy and the picture we have of our ideal self. Reading from The Atlantic article “Self-Control is Just Empathy with Your Future Self” by Ed Yong. Just as we get trapped in the present of a narrow perspective, so our future can become similarly limited.

    Humanity's Values
    enJune 08, 2017

    20: Breaking Away from Enabling

    20: Breaking Away from Enabling

    Further exploration of Sharon Martin’s article looking at: How Codependents Can Stop Enabling and Controlling. Focusing on the habits that enable the behavior of others and learning how enabling is often about the stories we tell ourselves to avoid the uncertainty of deeper questions and keep us from exploring our lives. We are so much more than what we often let ourselves believe.

    Humanity's Values
    enJune 05, 2017

    19: The Codependent In All of Us

    19: The Codependent In All of Us

    Exploring an article by Sharon Martin looking at: How Codependents Can Stop Enabling and Controlling. Asking questions of these characteristics are in all relationships, how boundaries work and whether we’re as separate from one another as we think.

    Humanity's Values
    enJune 01, 2017

    18: Nature of Sex Therapy

    18: Nature of Sex Therapy

    A discussion with Heather McPherson, AASECT certified sex therapist, licensed marriage and family therapist, therapist supervisor and founder and CEO of the Sexual Health Alliance. What is the role of a sex therapist? What are common misunderstandings of human sexuality? What leads to a fulfilling sexual relationship?

    Humanity's Values
    enMay 12, 2017

    17: Our Self-limiting Stories

    17: Our Self-limiting Stories

    We are more than any single behavior, yet often define the whole of who we are by a perceived negative act. Our self-labels hide as much as they reveal in an attempt at making the vision of our lives simple and coherent. Exploring the variables contributing to addiction helps us see how the way we look at ourselves can lead to limited understanding of our decisions.

    Humanity's Values
    enMay 09, 2017

    16: The Lure of Fanatacism

    16: The Lure of Fanatacism

    We often create stories to address one problem, only to have it take on a life of its own. More difficult is when such a story is religion and the tendency towards absolutism is a strong psychological pull. Jung’s “The Undiscovered Self” helps us see where when dealing with fanaticism we may unwittingly pull similar tendencies from within ourselves.

    Humanity's Values
    enMay 04, 2017

    15: Religion or Creed

    15: Religion or Creed

    Exploring C.G. Jung’s collection of essays “The Undiscovered Self.” The struggle between individual responsibility and the pull of collective identities where responsibility for standing for what one believes is give away. Why do you believe what you do?

    Humanity's Values
    enMay 04, 2017

    14: Concept Creep, All the World Is A Stage

    14: Concept Creep, All the World Is A Stage

    Working through “concept creep” and how our mental system of association can expand what is included in ideas and exclude a more nuanced and expansive understanding of experience. No single perspective holds all of reality, we progress in personal growth within our shared humanity through the exploration of varying visions identifying what is important. Mentions: Psychology Today, Mad in America

    Humanity's Values
    enMarch 14, 2017

    13: Emotions Are Not the Enemy

    13: Emotions Are Not the Enemy

    Viewing emotions from a place of acceptance and acknowledgment of our humanity. Removing the false fight between emotions and reason. Identifying where unhelpful assumptions of our emotional lives trap us into destructive self-talk. Mentions: Daniel Siegel, Steven Hayes, Kelly Wilson

    Humanity's Values
    enMarch 07, 2017

    12: Mindfulness: Stop Getting Caught In Your Thoughts

    12: Mindfulness: Stop Getting Caught In Your Thoughts

    Mindfulness, what it is, the benefits from its practice, and a common misunderstanding. Learn to not get trapped in the lie of a single thought or story being all of who you are. Reality and our potential is bigger than any singular narrow vision. Mentions: Daniel Siegel, Michael Puett, Dr. Jennifer Huggins

    Humanity's Values
    enMarch 01, 2017

    11: Our Humanity Is Being Triggered

    11: Our Humanity Is Being Triggered

    On the nature of triggers and how they are an indication of both what we care about and how we see the world. They are not to be scared of or ridiculed for they are part of our humanity. To stop being triggered is to stop caring about how people are treated and how the world looks. Full engagement with the world is being vulnerable and seeking ways to explore how we expand our actions within it. Referencing Martha Nussbaum’s “Upheavals of Thought.”

    Humanity's Values
    enFebruary 21, 2017

    10: What's Love Got To Do With It

    10: What's Love Got To Do With It

    Valentine’s Day exploration of love through the lens of meaning and emotions at the core of our mental lives. We are not celebrating a particular form of love, but the human capacity to connect and build purposeful stories within our relational reality. We are here to love, to explore the many bridges within and between our shared humanity.

    Humanity's Values
    enFebruary 14, 2017

    8: Working Through Anger Without Losing Your Head

    8: Working Through Anger Without Losing Your Head

    Discussing anger, exploring why we get angry and its connection to our Values. Covering an article from Psychology Today on strategies to work through anger and resentment, with a focus on acceptance, mindful appraisal and learning to escape from the narrow vision of our immediate judgments.

    Humanity's Values
    enJanuary 24, 2017

    7: Channeling Reality Through Identity

    7: Channeling Reality Through Identity

    Covering “identity politics” and the “post-truth” world we’re supposedly living in, seen through the lens of understanding our need for creating manageable and coherent personal narratives. Encouragement offered through the words of Martin Luther King Jr.

    Humanity's Values
    enJanuary 19, 2017

    6: Growing Through Awareness and Forgiveness

    6: Growing Through Awareness and Forgiveness

    Covering the last couple chapters of “The Four Agreements,” focusing on how to identify old and unhealthy agreements to replace them with new ones. Explore how to accept the whole of our lives, including the suffering, and learn to forgive by not being trapped by the stories and agreements that are limiting our vision of a more expansive and growth-oriented life.

    Humanity's Values
    enJanuary 09, 2017

    5: The Present Holds All That Is Possible

    5: The Present Holds All That Is Possible

    Exploring the fourth agreement from Don Miguel Ruiz’s book “the 4 Agreements”: Always Do Your Best. Contemplation of what it means to live in the present, to mindfully reflect on the entirety of our existence being open for exploration so long as we’re not trapped in the past or future. With some help from Carl Sagan and star stuff, we can move forward into the new habit of knowing our best is always what are doing, without judgment.

    Humanity's Values
    enJanuary 03, 2017

    4: We Only Know So Much

    4: We Only Know So Much

    Reading from “The Four Agreements” and exploring the third agreement of “Don’t Make Assumptions.” I discuss the nature of communication, how so often we think we’re listening we’re merely assuming we know everything we need to know and therefore limiting our understanding of the other person and of ourselves. The difficulty of digital communication is touched on, as well as how assumptions play havoc in our personal relationships and in society through politics.