
    Hungry: Trust Your Body. Free Your Mind.

    Hungry: Trust Your Body. Free Your Mind. is a podcast for those on a journey to move beyond dieting, restricted eating and emotional eating and want to connect with, nourish and honor their bodies. Tara Whitney, CPA and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor shares her own journey, insights and practices to support you along your journey. She also has amazing conversations with those that have evolved their own relationship with food. They share what life is like now that their minds are free and they trust their bodies.
    enTara Whitney, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Transformational Coach100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    #118: The Final Episode! The Importance of Closure, Unexpected Outcomes and What Happens When You Trust Yourself

    #118: The Final Episode! The Importance of Closure, Unexpected Outcomes and What Happens When You Trust Yourself

    This is the final episode of the podcast!

    Tara shares her big takeaways from publishing over 100 episodes, including why closure is so important, some unexpected outcomes from the podcast and what happened when she trusted herself and the energy she was noticing.

    Tara also shares her vision for her next podcast. 

    #117: Your Body, Your Best Friend with Erica Mather

    #117: Your Body, Your Best Friend with Erica Mather

    Erica Mather is a certified Yoga Therapist and the author of “Your Body, Your Best Friend: End the Confidence-Crushing Pursuit of Unrealistic Beauty Standards & Embrace Your True Power”. She brings her own struggles with body image from a young age and transformational yoga principles to guiding people to feel better in their bodies, no matter what body challenges they have. 


    On the podcast, we talked about why it’s so common for folks to dissociate with painful internal body talk and the difference between objectification and embodiment. We also talked about the importance of recognizing unrealistic thin body ideals and fat bias and the role of personal responsibility in freeing yourself from the impact of them.  Erica shares what it’s like to have your body as your best friend, so you can see that possibility for yourself. We also talked about body image in the yoga community, our drive for belonging, and how choosing to befriend your body is an ultimate act of defiance. 


    Check out Erica’s book: Your Body, Your Best Friend: End the Confidence-Crushing Pursuit of Unrealistic Beauty Standards & Embrace Your True Power on Amazon. 


    Website: www.ericamather.com

    Social media handles: IG: @Erica-Mather

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/erica.mather


    #116: Improving Health Without Focusing on the Scale With Adrien Paczosa

    #116: Improving Health Without Focusing on the Scale With Adrien Paczosa

    Adrien Paczosa believes that dietetic care with a health at every size approach should be accessible and affordable nationwide. Thanks to her vision, she founded Nourish, a virtual-first nutrition group with affordable access to nutrition care.  


    On the podcast, we talked about how focusing on body weight only creates harmful weight cycling, how every diet and diet book should have a warning that weight cycling is harmful to your health, and why everyone should be offered the option to define health for themselves because it’s a personal definition. We also talked about incorporating other ways of improving health into daily habits, without the focus on weight loss. 


    Learn more about Nourish here. www.UseNourish.com

    Connect with Nourish and Adrien on Social:



    #115: 6 Ways to Feel Better About Your Body

    #115: 6 Ways to Feel Better About Your Body

    When you feel better about your body this holiday season, you’ll have the energy and emotional resilience to be more present and available.

    On the podcast, Tara offers you six strategies that will support you to feel better about your body and also feel better living inside of your body.

    These simple and practical strategies can be practiced all year round. 

    Let’s stay connected! Join my weekly newsletter here.

    #114: How to Survive New Year Diet Commercials

    #114: How to Survive New Year Diet Commercials

    Diet and weight loss commercials are in full force in the holiday season and it can feel pretty overwhelming.

    On the podcast, Tara shares why this is happening and offers some concrete strategies with media, social media and in your relationships on how to set boundaries so you can continue along your non-diet and intuitive eating practices with more peace and ease. 

    Let’s stay connected! Join my weekly newsletter here.


    #113: A New Framework around Holiday Stress Eating

    #113: A New Framework around Holiday Stress Eating

    Holiday stress eating is often seen as a problem that needs to be solved by changing what you eat. But this strategy only makes you focus on food as the problem and distracts you from why you need relief in the first place.

    On the podcast, Tara offers you a new framework around holiday stress eating that’s based around needs and feelings. Stress eating is just a strategy used to try to get your needs met. When you understand what your needs are, you can start to use other ways to support yourself without food. 

    Learn more about Non Violent Communication and the Compassion Course here. https://www.nycnvc.org/

    Let’s stay connected! Join my weekly newsletter here.

    #112: Strategies To Free Yourself From Food and Body Shame This Holiday Season

    #112: Strategies To Free Yourself From Food and Body Shame This Holiday Season

    The holiday season is an intense time, and it’s not surprising that folks may feel more shame around their patterns of eating and their bodies.

    On the podcast, Tara shares what the mechanism of shame is and how it works, why you may be feeling more shame during this time of year, and how shame around food and shame around your body are two different things (but may feel like one thing).

    Tara offers some strategies around how to free yourself from shame so that you don’t need to react and reinforce it. 

    Let’s stay connected! Join my weekly newsletter here.

    #111: Reclaiming Body Trust with Dana Sturtevant and Hilary Kenavey

    #111: Reclaiming Body Trust with Dana Sturtevant and Hilary Kenavey

    On the podcast, Tara speaks with the founders of the Center for Body Trust, Dana Sturtevant and Hilary Kenavey. They co-authored “Reclaiming Body Trust: A Path To Healing and Liberation”, which was recently published. 

    Hillary and Dana describe diet culture as a shapeshifter that’s incredibly deceptive. They also share how destructive it is because it speaks to people’s hearts and tender spots. This is why some people are more susceptible to the order and control around food that diet culture offers.  Hillary shares why it’s so heartbreaking that people aren’t offered consent to opt into diet culture, instead they are just immersed in it. 

    We also talked about what trust looks like and feels like. Dana asks “ Who are you placing your trust in?” when it comes to food, your health and your body. She shares the analogy of seeing your journey of body trust as a tree, and being able to move from old poisonous soil to nourishing soil. 

    Hilary offers a powerful distinction around transformation, which often comes from being able to reclaim our personal narrative around food and body image and being able to understand all the pieces of it including the impact of diet culture. 


    Connect with Dana and Hillary here:

    FACEBOOK: @CenterForBodyTrust  

    INSTAGRAM: @Center4BodyTrust  

    Order your copy of Reclaiming Body Trust here. 


    Stay connected with Tara and Join her weekly newsletter here.

    #110: Why It’s Time to Stop Calling Food “Junk” or “Healthy”

    #110: Why It’s Time to Stop Calling Food “Junk” or “Healthy”

    I can just say “junk food” and you know immediately what foods fit into that category. You also know what foods are “healthy”. We’ve learned which foods are which from our parents, teachers, social media, friends, and diet programs.   But do these labels change whether you eat those foods or not? Or, do you just feel better or worse when you eat them? 

    On the podcast, Tara dives into the messages we hear about the value of foods and how conflicting they are, why these labels are meant to motivate us to eat in a certain way but that’s not really what it does, and how to look at food instead (without the labels). 

    Let’s stay connected! Join my weekly newsletter here.


    #109: 5 Things To Keep In Mind When You Start Intuitive Eating

    #109: 5 Things To Keep In Mind When You Start Intuitive Eating

    You may have hit diet rockbottom and refuse to go on another diet again. Or, you’re just frustrated with your relationship with food and you’re ready for something different and new. Or, you stumbled upon intuitive eating and are curious. 


    In this episode, Tara shares six things (she added one at the end) to keep in mind while you’re starting your intuitive eating practice. They include some of the challenges you may encounter when you reject the diet mentality, learn about diet culture, practice tuning into your body, want to know if you’re doing it right and feel alone because so many people around you are still dieting. 


    This journey is worth it and my hope this episode will leave you feeling better equipped to take these steps in a new direction. 

    Let’s stay connected! Join my weekly newsletter here.

    #108: Want to Avoid Halloween Candy? A Common Sense (and possibly unconventional) Approach

    #108: Want to Avoid Halloween Candy? A Common Sense (and possibly unconventional) Approach

    With Halloween around the corner, the idea of being around so much candy may be giving you a real fright (sorry, I couldn’t help it). And I get it. There was a time when being around candy felt so conflicting to me. I wanted to eat it, but not eat too much of it. I wanted to enjoy my favorites, but more often than not, when I started to eat one Snickers bar, it would turn into far too many. 

    The common advice that we get from diet culture is to not have candy in the house and get rid of it as soon as we can. Or, to just buy the candy we don’t like so we won’t be tempted. Wouldn’t it be nice to just feel relaxed around candy and trust yourself enough to know that you can eat it if you’d like it and leave it when you’re not wanting it? I want to guide you to that place. 

    On the podcast, I’m going to share with you why the conventional advice around avoiding Halloween candy doesn’t work. And offer you a common sense approach using intuitive eating principles. I’ll share what to do this year, if you haven’t started practicing intuitive eating yet and what to do if you’ve been practicing intuitive eating for a while but want to feel even more free around all foods, including Halloween Candy. 

    #107: Explaining Intuitive Eating to Skeptical Loved Ones

    #107: Explaining Intuitive Eating to Skeptical Loved Ones

    Have you started eating intuitively, but are having a hard time explaining what you’re doing to your friends and family? 

    Are you feeling self-conscious about your food choices because now you’re eating foods that your family are not used to seeing you eat? 

    Are loved ones concerned because they think you’re not being “healthy”? 

    Navigating intuitive eating when others are dieting or are expecting you to diet can be really hard.

    On the podcast, I share my perspective on what’s going on, how to get your feet underneath you so you can have some conversations around this (if you choose to) and how to continue to practice intuitive eating with more confidence. 

    #106: What is Overeating?

    #106: What is Overeating?

    I got this question from a friend and I knew it was time to go back to basics. I use the term “overeating” so often, but it’s important that you have a clear understanding of what overeating is and why you may be doing it. 


    On the podcast, I share why we’ve been conditioned to believe that overeating is wrong and bad. We don’t worry if we haven’t had enough water to drink or if we’ve over-hydrated!  


    I offer a concrete way to know if you’ve eaten past a comfortable fullness, as opposed to believing you’ve overeaten if you eat more than a portion size that’s been determined by a diet. I also offer four reasons why people typically overeat. It’s not surprising that three of these reasons have to do with dieting!


    Subscribe to my weekly newsletter where I share my latest blog and podcast episodes. https://www.tara-whitney.com/

    #105: Advice for Parents of Teens with Eating Disorders with Kayla Douthitt

    #105: Advice for Parents of Teens with Eating Disorders with Kayla Douthitt

    Kayla Douthitt, anti-diet advocate,  is passionate about offering parents of teens with eating disorders more support and education.

    On the podcast, she shares the signs for parents to look for if they are concerned that their child may have an eating disorder, like excessive exercise, weighing themselves regularly, trying to monitor food intake and comparing themselves to their peers. 

    Kayla also shares how parents may also be struggling in their relationship with food and their body image, how important mindset is to overcome perfectionism, and advice on what to do with cell phones and social media. 

    You can connect with Kayla here. 

    Also @WisdomNWellness on Facebook and @wisdomnwellnessky on Instagram

    #104: Is It Time To Give Up Drinking?

    #104: Is It Time To Give Up Drinking?

    Something happens when you start your intuitive eating journey. You start to wake up to the signals your body shares with you. Some of those signals are lovely, like the sun on your skin and when your belly hurts because you’ve been laughing so hard. And some are not so lovely, like when you’re tired and have a headache after drinking a couple of glasses of wine the night before. 

    We can’t filter out the signals we don’t prefer and just notice the ones we do prefer. Which is why you may be noticing how alcohol may not feel good to you.

    On the podcast, Tara shares her own story being alcohol free for the past three years and how she came to that decision. She also shares the common thread between dieting and drinking, which are both a form of deprivation. Tara offers a few suggestions if you’d like to take the next step to examining your relationship with alcohol. 

    Looking for one-on-one coaching support  around intuitive eating, body image and emotional eating? 

    Schedule a clarity call with me where you can share what your goals and intentions are, I’ll offer you some insight around what’s going on and if we feel like we’re a good match, I can share more information on how we can move forward. 

    Here is my calendar link.

    #103: Ditching the Rules and Joyful Movement with Barb Puzanovova

    #103: Ditching the Rules and Joyful Movement with Barb Puzanovova

    When Barb Puzanovova (she/her), aka The Non-Diet Trainer,  was struggling with orthorexia and compulsive exercise in college, she realized she was spending way too much time thinking about food and exercise. Her life felt out of sync. One question that opened her eyes was “Have you had a day without a (food and training) goal?”. 

    On the podcast, Barb shares her recovery and how critical finding an inclusive, anti-diet gym was. She also shares how recognizing the obstacles that folks feel around hating exercise is very real and how it can be harmful to insist they try to work through their resistance. We also talked about the harmful impact of elitism and anti-fat bias in the fitness industry. 

    Connect with Barb on Instagram and her website.

    Check out Barb’s Joyful Movement Program starting this fall here.

    On the podcast, Barb mentions the Maintenance Phase podcast episode on the presidents physical fitness test. Here is the link.

    #102: Diet Culture, Thin Privilege and Thin Fragility

    #102: Diet Culture, Thin Privilege and Thin Fragility

    After sharing a post about how exhausting I felt talking about diet culture (see post below), I realized a few things that I needed to name and share.

    On the podcast, I shared the post I shared, why it was an important piece for me to share openly, the reaction I received from the community, and two surprising take-aways; thin privilege and thin fragility. 

    I share and name my own thin privilege and get specific about how I know I’m privileged living inside of a straight-sized body. I also share my own fragility and how recognizing the impact of diet culture on marginalized identities is critical to our own freedom. 

    The social media post: 

    I know this is very uncool of me, but I get tired of talking about diet culture. 

    I'm in awe of so many of my colleagues that call out the harmful messages and inaccuracies we're being told about health, weight, food and body size. 

    I know I've done my share and there is more for me to do, but it just wears on me. 

    I feel hopeless. Like we are fighting a losing battle. Any impact I have is a faint whisper compared to the massive marketing machines behind diet culture kings like Weight Watchers, Noom, and Jenny Craig. 

    In this hopelessness, I feel indifference. Fine- go ahead. Keep marketing to kids. Keep lying to people and telling them your diet is a lifestyle plan. Take people's money and take away their body autonomy. 

    It makes me so angry, I could scream. But who do I scream at? Who do I call? It's like I'm swinging my arms blind folded. Diet culture is everywhere, with no obvious physical location. 

    I've given my hard earned money to Weight Watchers. I've been duped by them too. 

    Maybe that's why I'm tired of talking about diet culture. I'm mad at myself. I'm mad that I was deceived. I'm mad that all of my clients have been deceived too and they have to hire me. 

    I wish it never existed. I wish I never went on a diet when I was 12. Then I wouldn't have to talk about diet culture. 

    I realize now that I'm just fuckin' sad. That's all. 

    #101: Daring to Not Diet with Glenys Oyston

    #101: Daring to Not Diet with Glenys Oyston

    Glenys Oyston, RDN shares her history of dieting and being the “5%” that lost weight but feeling so much emotional distress and food preoccupation to be there.

    She shared her desire for body currency and desiring the accolades that come from being that person that lost weight and can keep it off. 

    We talked about the risk that comes from only deriving our value from our body because we miss other ways to value ourselves.

    Glenys shares what body tolerance is: being okay that you don’t like your body, what to do when you’re having a bad body day, the importance of noticing internalized anti-fat phobia, and recognizing the challenges in the workplace around self care. 

    Connect with Glenys here: 



    Free guide: https://www.selfcare4diabetes.com/myths 

    Group Coaching starting in September 2022

    Looking for one-on-one coaching support  around intuitive eating, body image and emotional eating? 

    Schedule a clarity call with me where you can share what your goals and intentions are, I’ll offer you some insight around what’s going on and if we feel like we’re a good match, I can share more information on how we can move forward. 

    Here is my calendar link


    #100: Intuitive Eating and Cancer Care and Recovery with Tamar Rothenberg

    #100: Intuitive Eating and Cancer Care and Recovery with Tamar Rothenberg

    Tamar Rothenberg, MS, RDN, a registered dietitian who specializes in recovery after breast cancer offers her clients non-diet and weight neutral option support.

    On the podcast, Tamar shares how important it is to debunk faulty information that we receive from wellness culture on juice cleanses, clean eating and supplements. She clarifies that we can’t prevent cancer, we can only reduce the risk of cancer occurrence. She reminds us that getting cancer isn’t anyone’s fault and that no one did anything wrong if they have the experience of cancer.

    We also talked about how beneficial the practice of intuitive eating is with cancer care and recovery because it’s about self-care, not self-control. 


    Learn more about Tamar here.

    Connect with Tamar socially: 



    Private Facebook group for thrivers

    Check out Tamar's new book: Cancer Diet for the Newly Diagnosed

    Looking for one-on-one coaching support  around intuitive eating, body image and emotional eating? 


    Schedule a clarity call with me where you can share what your goals and intentions are, I’ll offer you some insight around what’s going on and if we feel like we’re a good match, I can share more information on how we can move forward. 

    Here is my calendar link

    #99: Health, Liberty and Happiness Are for All Sizes With Ragen Chastain

    #99: Health, Liberty and Happiness Are for All Sizes With Ragen Chastain

    Ragen Chastain is a speaker, writer, trained researcher, multi-certified health and fitness professional, and thought leader in Weight Science, Weight Stigma, and Weight-Neutral Health.

    On the podcast, Ragen shares her discovery that diets don’t lead to long-term weight loss. She shares the pivotal moment when she knew she couldn’t just be a fat dancer, she had to be a fat activist, why healthism can’t ever excuse fatphobia, how diet culture has hijacked health and healthcare, the history of BMI, and why we all need to challenge the assumption that poor health has to do with being in a big body. 

    Ragen is a national dance champion, triathlete, and marathoner who holds the Guinness World Record for Heaviest Woman to Complete a Marathon, and co-founded the Fit Fatties Facebook group which has over 11,000 members. Ragen lives in LA with her fiancée Julianne and their two adorable dogs.

    Connect with Ragen here.

    Instagram: @RagenChastain 

    Facebook: @RagenChastain 

    Twitter: @DancesWithFat 

    YouTUbe: @DancesWithFat

    Check out Ragen’s Fat Healthcare Summer Workshop Series

    Subscribe to the Weight and Healthcare Newsletter

    Looking for one-on-one coaching support  around intuitive eating, body image and emotional eating? 

    Schedule a clarity call with me where you can share what your goals and intentions are, I’ll offer you some insight around what’s going on and if we feel like we’re a good match, I can share more information on how we can move forward. 

    Here is my calendar link.