
    Hungry: Trust Your Body. Free Your Mind.

    Hungry: Trust Your Body. Free Your Mind. is a podcast for those on a journey to move beyond dieting, restricted eating and emotional eating and want to connect with, nourish and honor their bodies. Tara Whitney, CPA and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor shares her own journey, insights and practices to support you along your journey. She also has amazing conversations with those that have evolved their own relationship with food. They share what life is like now that their minds are free and they trust their bodies.
    enTara Whitney, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Transformational Coach100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    #98: Men’s Body Image and Intuitive Eating with Aaron Flores

    #98: Men’s Body Image and Intuitive Eating with Aaron Flores

    Aaron Flores is a registered dietician nutritionist, Certified Body Trust® provider, and his main areas of focus are Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size®.

    On the podcast, Aaron shares his perspective on men’s body image and their unique and often not-so-unique challenges around healing from diet culture and practicing intuitive eating.

    Aaron shares what toxic masculinity looks like, how often men suffer in silence with their eating disorder because they believe they don’t deserve help.

    He also shares how self-compassion can often be interpreted as giving up and the challenges men have with connecting to their bodies. 

    Learn more about Aaron here.


    Aaron was recently a guest on Dan Harris' 10% Happier Podcast.

    Episode 441: What Men Don't Talk About


    Connect with Aaron on Instagram- 

    Connect with Aaron on Instagram.

    Listen to Dietician's Unplugged Podcast


    Looking for one-on-one coaching support  around intuitive eating, body image and emotional eating? 

    Schedule a clarity call with me where you can share what your goals and intentions are, I’ll offer you some insight around what’s going on and if we feel like we’re a good match, I can share more information on how we can move forward. 

    Here is my calendar link- Here is the link to my calendar.

    #97: Debunking “Love Yourself Thin” and Other Messages

    #97: Debunking “Love Yourself Thin” and Other Messages

    There was a point in time, before I discovered Intuitive Eating, when I believed that my rocky childhood and poor self-image were the reasons I couldn’t keep food under control and stop eating emotionally. Sadly, a decade or so later, I’m hearing the same messages from diet culture that tell people they need to do the inner work if they want to lose weight. For example, when deciding on the title of this podcast, I found an article called “How to Overcome 5 Psychological Blocks to Weight Loss”. It’s easy to believe this advice when the authors are highly educated and the article is stamped “medically reviewed”. 


    And guess what? In some ways, this message isn’t completely wrong. The work I do with my clients is all about challenging old beliefs and shifting mind-set. But where this advice goes wrong, and destructively so, is telling us that how we feel about ourselves and how we’ve been surviving is getting in the way of us achieving a body size they feel is appropriate. It’s incredibly deceitful and very tricky to piece apart. 


    Which is why I wanted to highlight what these articles aren’t saying. I want you to be aware of the subtle assumptions that are probably making you blame yourself for diet failures and wondering what’s wrong with you. And I want to remind you of the truth; diets won’t deliver on long term weight loss and you don’t need to wait to lose weight to treat your body with great respect. 

    #96: Intuitive Eating and the Latinx Community with Dr. Hortencia Jimenez

    #96: Intuitive Eating and the Latinx Community with Dr. Hortencia Jimenez

    Dr. Hortencia Jimenez is a pioneer in bringing intuitive eating and healing to the Latinx community by centering on important challenges like food insecurity and the labeling of foods native to the Latinx community as unhealthy. 


    On the podcast, Dr. Jimenez shares the grieving of her paternal grandmother, the one she immigrated with to the United States when she was a young child, her vision for bringing healing with intuitive eating to the Latinx community, and why she fell in love with sociology because it gave her the words to explain her experience as an undocumented citizen. Dr. Jimenez also shares how diet culture and discrimination is impacting the Latinx community because of food insecurity and the messages that food that is native to the Latinx community is unhealthy. 

    Dr. Hortencia Jimenez is of huichol ancestry, she was born in the Sierra Madre in the state of Nayarit, Mexico.  She holds a BA, MA, and Ph.D. in Sociology and is also a certified Health Coach. She is a contributing expert for UnDiet Your Mind app, a community-based app where members can work on their UnDieting journey in a safe and supportive HAES, non-diet and Intuitive Eating aligned space. 


    You can follow her at @drhortenciajimenez


    #95: Embodiment and Resilience with Mira Rao

    #95: Embodiment and Resilience with Mira Rao

    Mira Rao, Resilience and Embodiment Coach,  helps those burnt out on getting stuck in their past in therapy or whitewashing their pain with toxic positivity in coaching by releasing old trauma and stress patterns, learning deep and steady self compassion AND making significant changes in their life to move forward with resilience and confidence. 

    On the podcast, Mira shares what embodiment is and why it can help you heal painful patterns. She shares why resilience is so important and how understanding your own nervous system is a super power because it helps you to cultivate compassion and curiosity. 


    Learn more about Mira’s work at https://www.mirarao.com.au/


    Connect her on https://www.instagram.com/miraraocoach/

    #94: The Energy Center Awareness Practice

    #94: The Energy Center Awareness Practice

    I started doing energy practices a few times a day thanks to my business mentor and coach, George Kao. He created the Energy Reboot Technique to help solopreneurs get unstuck and increase productivity. 

    I noticed pretty quickly that when I took a few moments to notice my breath and become aware of my body that I was much more present and engaged in whatever came next. Soon, I was no longer doing George’s technique and creating my own. 


    Here is a practice that I’ve been sharing with my clients. They’ve shared with me how it’s a great way to start their day and find some moments of calm during a busy day. 


    On your healing journey and practicing intuitive eating, tuning into your body takes practice. I hope this simple 5 minute exercise gives you another way to notice your body and create calm. 


    If you’ve enjoyed this practice and want to do it regularly, you can use this clip that starts at the beginning of the practice. 

    #93: Body Image Healing Through Embodied Dance with Sanaz Shiraz

    #93: Body Image Healing Through Embodied Dance with Sanaz Shiraz

    Making her way from mathematics, to humanitarian aid and peace work, Sanaz Shiraz found healing  and learned how to process emotions through embodied dance. Now she coaches strong and independent women in their relationships and dating with embodied dance and movement. 


    On the podcast, Sanaz shares how embodied dance allows people to live inside of their bodies, is ideal for human expression and how it helps to create safety in the body. 


    Learn more about Sanaz and her work at  www.sanazshiraz.com


    Connect with Sanaz on Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/SanazShirazCoaching

    And Youtube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBbhJhs8-ekUblSbPmpYpmQ/featured


    #92: The Impact of Momfluencers with Sara Petersen

    #92: The Impact of Momfluencers with Sara Petersen

    Before I found Sara Petersen’s work, I had no idea what a momfluencer was and why I should care. On the podcast, Sara shares how important it is to have awareness around momfluencers so that we can stay anchored in our own values instead of being aimlessly influenced by those that want to sell us a product and the promise of being a better mother along with it. Sara shares how momfluencers often sell the “whole package”,  and therefore when they sell health, diet or nutritional information, people are more apt to buy into it.  

    Sara Petersen’s first book, Momfluenced is coming out in 2023. In the book, she examines the performance of motherhood through the complexities of mommy influencer culture, what this reveals about the texture of modern motherhood, and what we might learn from it. 

    Join Sara’s newsletter, In Pursuit of Clean Countertops here- https://sarapetersen.substack.com

    Connect with Sara on twitter and insta @slouiseptersen 


    #91: Celebrating No-Diet Day with Anne Poirier and Kathryn Best

    #91: Celebrating No-Diet Day with Anne Poirier and Kathryn Best
    No-Diet Day was started 30 years ago by Mary Evans Young to promote body acceptance and size diversity. 

    This is a day to increase the awareness of the harms of dieting and also invite people who have been dieting for most of their life to experiment with giving themselves a break from needing to follow food rules, weigh themselves and feel the pressure of needing to lose weight. 


    Dieting does not offer long-term weight loss but instead robs people of mental and physical health. 


    On the podcast, I had a panel conversation with Anne Poirier, Eating Disorder Specialist, and Kathryn Best, LCSW about why a non-diet lifestyle is so important, how diet culture impacts people’s relationship with food, and the cost of dieting. 

    Learn more here https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/nodietday

    You can connect with Anne Poirier here- https://shapingperspectives.com

    On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/annepoirier11/

    You can connect with Kathryn Best here- https://www.newmeadowscounseling.com/

    And on Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/kathryn_best_lcsw/

    #90: Feeling Empowered to Overcome Disordered Eating with Sara Gottfried

    #90: Feeling Empowered to Overcome Disordered Eating with Sara Gottfried

    Sara Gottfried, LCSW, wrote her memoir, Full: A Memoir of Overcoming an Eating Disorder, to give people a raw view of how hard and challenging it is to be in recovery and how eating disorders hold  people back from living the way they want to live.

    On the podcast, Sara shared how seeing other people feel neutral around food really inspired her to want freedom for herself. She also shared how she needed to choose recovery over and over because she didn’t want to go back to feeling isolated from her friends and loved ones. 

    Connect with Sara:


    Instagram: @sara_elleng  

    To purchase Full: A Memoir of Overcoming an Eating Disorder  https://www.saraelleng.com/store


    #89 Redefining Success On Your Terms with Becky Mollenkamp

    #89 Redefining Success On Your Terms with Becky Mollenkamp

    After doing all the right things and checking all of the “boxes” personally and professionally, Becky Mollenkamp discovered she still wasn’t fulfilled and happy.

    On the podcast, Becky shares her story of personal discovery and how she now understands the social conditioning that keeps women blaming themselves for their failures.

    We discussed how trying to achieve the thin body ideal is a way to achieve success, when it only harms us emotionally and physically. Becky also offers some fantastic questions that you can ask yourself to discover your own definition of success. 

    Check out Becky’s Get Sh*t Done Workbook + private audio series 


    Follow Becky on IG https://www.instagram.com/beckymollenkamp/ 

    Learn more about Becky here https://beckymollenkamp.com

    #88: Gentle Nutrition for Women in Midlife with Jenn Salib Huber

    #88: Gentle Nutrition for Women in Midlife with Jenn Salib Huber

    Dr. Jenn Salib Huber is on a mission to properly educate women in midlife about what’s happening in their bodies during perimenopause so they can navigate a new relationship with food.

    On the podcast, we talked about Jenn’s four pillars of how she educates and empowers clients, which include the science of what’s happening in their bodies, self-compassion, attunement and gentle nutrition. Jenn also shares the importance of maintaining muscle during midlife and offers some ideas on how to do this.

    She also offers some gentle nutrition suggestions which include how to add in protein and a reminder that carbs don’t cause weight gain. 


    Learn more about Jenn here: www.jennsalibhuber.ca

    Social media handles: IG - @menopause.nutritionist Twitter - @themidlifefeast

    Check out Beyond the Scale membership here-  https://www.intuitivenutrition.ca/BeyondTheScaleSignup


    #87: Passing Through the Discomforts of Eating Disorder Recovery with Karin Lewis

    #87: Passing Through the Discomforts of Eating Disorder Recovery with Karin Lewis

    Karin Lewis, LMFT, CEDS, believes that everyone has an essence, an offering, and uniqueness that lives within them. 

    On the podcast, Karin shares her story of recovery and why the complexity of eating disorders disconnects people from living from their own potential. 

    Karin is passionate about offering those healing from eating disorders comprehensive and compassionate care that includes the integration of the patient's family and treatment team. She also shares how eating disorder patterns are isolating and how healing it is when people know they can ask for help and receive support.  Karin shares her personal stories of recovery and encourages those on their healing journey to know that recovery is hard, but they will pass through to the other side. 

    The Karin Lewis Eating Disorder Recovery Center is expanding nationwide. Learn more here- Karinlewisedc.com

    Connect with Karin @recoverybitespod @karinlewisedc

    #85: Intuitive Eating, Safety, and Diet Culture with Amee Severson

    #85: Intuitive Eating, Safety, and Diet Culture with Amee Severson

    On the podcast, Amee shares how people new to intuitive eating often get sidetracked when they treat intuitive eating as the “screw it” diet. She shares how being free of guilt and worry around food helps improve your own health and dieting may feel necessary to do for folks when people around them are dieting too.

    Amee also shares the importance of safety and choice for everyone, but especially for those that live in marginalized bodies where safety isn’t readily accessible. 


    Amee Severson (she/they) is a Registered Dietitian whose work focuses on body liberation, fat acceptance, and intuitive eating through a social justice lens. Amee’s passion is providing safe and inclusive care for the LGBTQ+ community. 


    Amee is the co-author of  How to Raise an Intuitive Eater How to Raise an Intuitive Eater: Raising the Next Generation with Food and Body Confidence


    Learn more about Amee's work at www.prospernutritionwellness.com

    Follow Amee on Instagram @ameeistalking

    #84: Ginelle Testa on Mindfulness and the Gifts of Intuitive Eating

    #84: Ginelle Testa on Mindfulness and the Gifts of Intuitive Eating

    On the podcast, Ginelle Testa, body positivity advocate and recovery and mental health writer, shares her healing journey with food and body acceptance.

    She shares how mindfulness helped her tune into her body so she could practice giving herself enough food, how recognizing that her bingeing was a result of not eating enough every day and how connecting with communities has helped her build strength and ride out challenges. 

    We also shared lots of personal stories around cooking, writing, and sharing authentically. 

    Ginelle is working on her forthcoming memoir “Make a Home of You: A Memoir”. Connect with Ginelle on Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/ginelletesta/

    And read some of her articles here- http://www.ginelletesta.com/


    #83: Chronic Pain and Body Image with Tara Whitney

    #83: Chronic Pain and Body Image with Tara Whitney
    In this episode, I share my year and a half long experience with chronic pain in my hip. I share what it was like to deal with chronic pain and how it wore on me physically and mentally.

    I offered what I had to transform in my thinking around my pain so I could accept my pain and be present to it. And finally, I shared how chronic pain has been an amazing opportunity for me to treat my body with great love and respect. 

    #82: Healing Compulsive Exercise with Amy Gardner

    #82: Healing Compulsive Exercise with Amy Gardner
    Amy Gardner, certified eating disorder registered dietician and yoga teacher, is passionate about helping those with compulsive exercise heal their relationship with movement.

    On the podcast, Amy shares what compulsive exercise is and how to detect it, how important it is to reflect on whether exercise is additive or detractive to the quality of your life, and why moving toward exercise as a way to heal and create connection is a more positive approach (if available) than stopping exercise altogether. 

    Learn more about Amy and her work at metrowestnutrition.com and imovebook.com

    @imovewithamy (IG) @mwnutr (IG) @MetroWestNutr (FB) @imovemethod (FB)

    iMove virtual group (starting in March) iMove Clinician Training (pilot, website in development - people can email me amy@metrowestnutrition.com or visit imovebook.com)


    #81: Mindful Closets and Intuitive Eating with Dacy Gillespie

    #81: Mindful Closets and Intuitive Eating with Dacy Gillespie
    Dacy Gillespie, owner of Mindful Closet,  intuitively guides her clients to discover what they feel best in by helping them to let go of the external messages they’ve been given about what they should wear and get to the heart of what’s making them uncomfortable about their clothes.

    On the podcast, Dacy and I discuss the parallels between creating a mindful closet and intuitive eating, such as dropping external rules and using a somatic experience to determine what feels best. Dacy shares how having a mindful closet can be a warm welcome for those having a hard time accepting their “now” body and why it’s okay to grieve pieces in your closet before you let them go. 

    Check out Dacy’s group program, Making Space: https://mindfulcloset.lpages.co/making-space/



    #80: Feminism and Body Image with Melanie Klein

    #80: Feminism and Body Image with Melanie Klein

    On the podcast, Melanie Klein, writer, speaker and professor of Sociology and Gender/Women’s Studies, shares how understanding systems and constructs like sexism, diet culture, the patriarchy and white supremacy were pivotal in helping her move from blaming herself for how she felt about her body and not seeing any other choice but pursue a thinner body, to palpable relief.

    Now, Melanie answers the call to share her knowledge and expertise to help folks come to a place of body neutrality and acceptance so they can feel empowered. 

    Melanie recommended reading: 

    Feminism is for Everybody by bell hooks

    Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center by bell hooks

    Learn more about Melanie and the books she’s published here: 


    Connect with Melanie here: 

    IG: @melmelklein @ybicoalition