
    I Surrendered... Now What?

    You have accepted Jesus as your Lord, now what? As men of Christ we are called to live to a higher standard which God has given us through His word, the Bible. The Mission: Teach men of God how to live in this world while honoring and glorifying God. The Vision: All men will use their skills and abilities to honor and glorify God as living sacrifices. "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies bas a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:1-2)
    enNilan Lansing125 Episodes

    Episodes (125)

    105: Do Atheist have Temptations?

    105: Do Atheist have Temptations?
    Are temptations only experienced by Christians?  Of course not!  We all experience temptations whether we are a Christian, Muslim, Atheist, etc. The more important question, "How do we deal with temptations?" As Christians we will experience different temptations, but all temptations are derived from the same concepts.  Do something evil or don't do something right and good.  Again, as Christians, we have different ways of dealing with temptations and overcoming temptations from our past.  Listen to learn how you can overcome your temptations!

    104. What just happened to me? How Am I Different?

    104. What just happened to me? How Am I Different?
    There are a lot of questions to be answered when you give your life to Jesus.  Let's start from the beginning in today's episode of the edition of "I Surrendered... Now What?" You believe Jesus is your Lord and Savior in your heart. You confess Jesus is your Lord and Savior with your mouth.  You repent and are baptized. What Just happened? A lot!  But it's all good happenings! Listen to today's episode to learn what just happened to you and how you are different in Jesus!
    I Surrendered... Now What?
    enOctober 17, 2023

    103: What is God doing in my life? (Wrong Question!)

    103: What is God doing in my life? (Wrong Question!)
    Often we can find ourselves asking, "What is God doing in my life?" It's a fair question but it's not the right question.  Mainly because God is doing more than we will ever comprehend in our life.  I think there is a better question we should be asking when we are looking for direction and seeking God.  Listen to hear what that question is and for an update on the future of the podcast!

    102. STOP Doing Random Acts of Kindness!

    102. STOP Doing Random Acts of Kindness!
    What is the purpose of random acts of kindness?  Better question, "What is YOUR reason for doing random acts of kindness?" Are you trying to earn your way into heaven? Are you trying to get people to like you? Are you trying to fill a whole in your heart? Acts of Kindness or Good deeds are good and important but only if you are doing them with the right purpose.  Good deeds won't get you into heaven, won't get people to like you or fill that hole in your heart.  Only Jesus can get you into heaven and fill the hole.  And, who cares if people like you! So, why acts of kindness or good deeds?  Because you were made for them!  You were made to honor and glorify God and share the Gospel through them!  You don't have to stop; just know why you're doing them!

    101. Is Our Justice System focused on Justice or Grace?

    101. Is Our Justice System focused on Justice or Grace?
    Is our society a justice focused society or a grace-based society? We know when there is injustice to certain persons, we hear the cry for justice from all the protesters and rioters.  But have we ever stopped to ask, "If justice was given to me, what would my sentence be?" We are quick to throw stones but don't want any stones thrown at us.  If you really look at our "justice" system, there is more grace than justice. However, there is a missing component to the grace offered in our society.  Jesus.
    I Surrendered... Now What?
    enSeptember 26, 2023

    100. No Working Plumbing, Choosing Your Thoughts

    100. No Working Plumbing, Choosing Your Thoughts
    I wasn't planning on discussing plumbing this week, but I had an interesting week so here we are... Whether you want to call it Murphy's Law or something else it happened to me the other day and we were left without plumbing.  In the midst of all this chaos I had time to reflect on the importance of our thoughts and how our thoughts can impact our current situation.  Even more so the fact that we can choose which thoughts we listen and agree with... thoughts of good or evil, positive or negative thoughts. Listen to hear how we ended up without plumbing and how choosing your thoughts can change your life!

    099. Mentally Preparing and Using Your Abilities to the Fullest

    099. Mentally Preparing and Using Your Abilities to the Fullest
    Life is filled with challenges and troubles.  Whether we seek them or let them find us it is only a matter of time before your faced with something nearly unbearable.  Are you mentally prepared? Are you spiritually prepared?  Are you physically prepared? Jesus reminds us to cast his anxieties on Him.  Are you prepared to give them to Jesus?

    096. Faith and Fitness, Trevor Baxter, One Gym - Elkhorn

    096. Faith and Fitness, Trevor Baxter, One Gym - Elkhorn
    The epitome of Surrendered Strength? This week's guest just might be that as he strengthens people in his community physically and spiritually!  My guest Trevor Baxter, head coach and co-owner of One Gym in Elkhorn, NE shares his story of faith and fitness.  Trevor has used both his faith and fitness to overcome many obstacles over the years.  Now he is using his story to strengthen his community and point people to Jesus!  Connect with Trevor via email: or by looking him up on Facebook. One Gym website:

    095. Coach Like Jesus, Guest Coach Tim Rulo

    095. Coach Like Jesus, Guest Coach Tim Rulo
    This week I get the honor of interviewing a mentor, friend and brother in Christ, Tim Rulo. Coach Rulo has been coaching football since 2003 with a Christ-like focus on how to coach athletes to make them successful on and off the field. Coach Rulo shares some of his coaching points and how he shares Jesus with his players. Coach Rulo can be contacted via email at trulo@coler1indians.org or on Twitter: @GDFMFB

    094. Fits of Anger, Battling My Flesh

    094. Fits of Anger, Battling My Flesh
    The past few weeks have been a challenge to say the least. I have been feeling attacks from the enemy almost daily.  These attacks have been causing struggles within my relationship with my wife and kids and my day-to-day routines.  In this episode I discuss some of the attacks, the desires of the flesh I have been struggling with and how to combat these attacks.  This journey with Christ Jesus will always have attacks and battles but when we walk in the fruit of the spirit, we know we are winning!  Learn how to win these battles!

    093. Are You a Dangerous Man?

    093. Are You a Dangerous Man?
    This world is full of evil, can you protect yourself? Most people think fighting, guns, and self-defense tactics when asked this question.  However, the real enemy requires more than physical tactics.  As men of God, we must be equipped for spiritual battle. Our enemy uses different tactics in his attacks.  In your fight for eternal live, you must become Spiritually Dangerous!  In this episode, my guest David Howat and I discuss the importance of being Spiritually Dangerous and how to prepare for the unseen battle of your soul.  Connect with David on Instagram for encouragement, prayer request and more! @spirituallydangerous