
    I Surrendered... Now What?

    You have accepted Jesus as your Lord, now what? As men of Christ we are called to live to a higher standard which God has given us through His word, the Bible. The Mission: Teach men of God how to live in this world while honoring and glorifying God. The Vision: All men will use their skills and abilities to honor and glorify God as living sacrifices. "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies bas a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:1-2)
    enNilan Lansing125 Episodes

    Episodes (125)

    085. Coffee vs Jesus

    085. Coffee vs Jesus
    Often, we don't realize how much of an impact someone, or something has on our lives until we don't our daily dose.  This could be a positive or a negative impact.  Sometimes we need to remove things for a short time to see if it's something we need to give up or not.  A live with/without Jesus has a similar effect.  We typically won't see the how good life is with Jesus until we've stopped focusing on Jesus.

    084. Moral Government, Biblical Taxation?

    084. Moral Government, Biblical Taxation?
    I have been getting more questions over the past couple months. I want to share some of these to help you guys learn and grow. My thinking is, "If I have a question, someone else has the same question."  I will be applying this to your questions as you guys ask them.  You can ask your questions to me on Instagram @surrendered.strength or @nilanlansing, Facebook @surrenderedstrength

    076. Godly Men (Do & Do Not) Pt. 3

    076. Godly Men (Do & Do Not) Pt. 3
    There is a way we are to live as men. Every man should have these skills: Strong, providers, protectors, hunters, fixers, and the list goes on and on.  But there is a way a Godly man should use those skills which will separate him from the worldly man.  This three-part series discusses and defines how lives of Godly men differ from worldly men even though we should all know the skills listed above.

    075. Greater Love (Special Easter Episode)

    075. Greater Love (Special Easter Episode)
    This is an extra episode I wanted to share to celebrate the rising of Christ!  I discuss: -The point of the cross -What Jesus' death teaches us -How we can apply the mindset, attitude and passion of Jesus to our lives Let us imitate the love Jesus showed us through his life and death.

    074. Godly Men (Do & Do Not) Pt. 2

    074. Godly Men (Do & Do Not) Pt. 2
    There is a way we are to live as men. Every man should have these skills: Strong, providers, protectors, hunters, fixers, and the list goes on and on.  But there is a way a Godly man should use those skills which will separate him from the worldly man.  This three-part series discusses and defines how lives of Godly men differ from worldly men even though we should all know the skills listed above.

    073. Godly Men (Do & Do Not) Pt. 1

    073. Godly Men (Do & Do Not) Pt. 1
    There is a way we are to live as men. Every man should have these skills: Strong, providers, protectors, hunters, fixers, and the list goes on and on.  But there is a way a Godly man should use those skills which will separate him from the worldly man.  This three-part series discusses and defines how lives of Godly men differ from worldly men even though we should all know the skills listed above.

    072. Heart Checks (Godly Men vs. Worldly Men)

    072. Heart Checks (Godly Men vs. Worldly Men)
    Proverbs 21:2 says, "the Lord weighs the heart." God looks at our hearts over our action.  Is your heart aligned with God's will and God's way?  Heart Checks separate Godly men from worldly men. Men of God know their "WHY," their purpose.  Godly men also know it's easy to get distracted in this world hence the importance of Heart Checks.  Five questions to ask yourself to make sure you are living as a Godly man.  Listen to learn how God men stay focused in the midst of the chaos of this world.

    069. The Biggest Factor of Success?

    069. The Biggest Factor of Success?
    There are many factors of success in all areas of life. I have spoken of many of them discipline, endurance, and love.  There is one that I would say foreshadows these factors that must happen if the others are going to happen... Consistency.  Consistency as a child of God, as a Father, as a Husband, etc.  We have consistently show up or there is no opportunity to be disciplined, have endurance or even to spread love.