
    I Surrendered... Now What?

    You have accepted Jesus as your Lord, now what? As men of Christ we are called to live to a higher standard which God has given us through His word, the Bible. The Mission: Teach men of God how to live in this world while honoring and glorifying God. The Vision: All men will use their skills and abilities to honor and glorify God as living sacrifices. "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies bas a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:1-2)
    enNilan Lansing125 Episodes

    Episodes (125)

    065. Love isn't Enough

    065. Love isn't Enough
    As Christians love is an important part of how we are taught to live. Love God, Love Others. Yet, love only gets us in the door.  Jesus loved us and died for us on the cross which got us into the kingdom and family of God.  However, becoming part of the family is just the beginning. As a member of the family, we are called to become an active member. We are called to do more than just show up at the "reunions" every Sunday.  But what more could there be?  Listen to hear what comes next.

    060. Most Underrated Character Trait of Jesus

    060. Most Underrated Character Trait of Jesus
    Jesus was strong (physically, mentally and spiritually, loving, kind, patient among many other character traits.  However, those don't really happen if Jesus wasn't discipline and able to discipline himself.  Jesus knew his mission and his purpose and stuck to the instructions of His Father.  If it wasn't for that character trait, we would have salvation in His name.

    057. Birth and Renewal (of the Christmas Season)

    057. Birth and Renewal (of the Christmas Season)
    Christmas is a season of joy, peace, giving and... renewal? Most people think of the new year as a time to start over and renew themselves.  However, the renewal process starts with the birth of Christ Jesus.  This isn't just the birth of Christ but the birth of our King, our Savior and our salvation. This should be the beginning of our own renewal as we move forward toward living a transformed life.

    055. Self Love = Self Improvement.

    055. Self Love = Self Improvement.
    The body positive movement sounds great, but it is actually cover up for people who are trying to hide their weaknesses and insecurities.  Self-love isn't accepting yourself. That's not love at all.  Love is an action. You can sit on the couch all day telling yourself how much you love yourself. At the end of the day, you know you are just lying because if you truly loved yourself, you would improve yourself.  Physically, Mentally and Spiritually.

    051. Are You Being Punished for Your Sins?

    051. Are You Being Punished for Your Sins?
    Is suffering punishment for sin? Job's friends would argue this is true, however, this is not the case. There are many righteous people who suffer while many sinners prosper. Why is this so?  Why one suffers while others prosper is only knowledge God knowns, but suffering doesn't have to be in vain.  We can use suffering to grow in our faith and develop our spiritual, mental and physical strength.

    047. Intentionality in Every Area of Life

    047. Intentionality in Every Area of Life
    In our fast paced, mixed-up society it's easy to get lost in constant need to keep moving.  This typically ends in us doing something or lots of things we don't really care to do.  Even worse we find ourselves in situations, relationships and careers we feel are hopeless death traps.  Life doesn't have to be this way.  With some intentionality we can begin to stop endless need to do more and start doing things that add value to our lives and to those in our care.  P.S. God's entire plan has been done out of intentionality. If he is doing it, we should be taking note as well.