
    Imperfectly Ambitious

    Imperfectly Ambitious is your go-to podcast if you're an ambitious achiever, checking all the boxes, but know that there's more for you... More impact you know you can make, on your terms. Join us each week for business mentorship, trainings, and a good dose of real talk that will leave you feeling inspired to take imperfect action one step at a time in pursuing what you know you were meant to do.
    enAmanda Edwards297 Episodes

    Episodes (297)

    295. Real Talk: Follow the Breadcrumbs…

    295. Real Talk: Follow the Breadcrumbs…

    Maybe you’re facing a big decision…

    Maybe you’re waiting for a better time to start something…

    Maybe you’re waiting for circumstances to change …

    Maybe there’s something you can’t stop thinking about…

     If so, this short and sweet real talk is for you :)


    Imperfectly Ambitious
    enMay 10, 2023

    294. Rewiring Your Mind for Sales Success, with Brad Bizjack

    294. Rewiring Your Mind for Sales Success, with Brad Bizjack

    What are your beliefs about sales and selling? In this episode, we’re talking with Brad Bizjack about rewiring your mindset in order to get better results when it comes to sales. Sales can be FUN, energizing, and rewarding… 

    Brad Bizjack is a personal development expert, Certified High-Performance Coach and multi 7-Figure business owner. His mission is to help people come alive to their limitless possibilities while arriving at their own unique definition of success. He lives in western Illinois with his wife, Janiece, and their daughter, Lillian.

    Take the quiz! What's Your Success Archetype?


    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking



    Imperfectly Ambitious
    enMay 02, 2023

    293. Jess Dennis on Life After Alcohol and 200+ Days of Being Alcohol Free

    293. Jess Dennis on Life After Alcohol and 200+ Days of Being Alcohol Free

    This is a real conversation about life with, and without, alcohol. Alcohol can be such a habit in our lives, that we don’t even THINK about it.  In this conversation, I’m talking with my friend, Jess Dennis, who is 200+ days alcohol free. She’s so easy to talk to and gives such great insights and real talk around this topic…. A topic that isn’t talked about very often, but is coming more and more to light with the sober curious movement.

    Jess is a mom to three girls (13, 11 & 3) and a wife to her high school sweetheart of 15 years. She's been an entrepreneur for the past 15 years as well, running companies from direct sales to bricks n mortar franchises. She views businesses as creative endeavors and loves bringing a concept to market and then helping it grow into a fully operational, successful business. In 2019 she wrote a book called: The Balanced Entrepreneur which highlights the life lessons she's learned through entrepreneurship. Her latest passion project is around the sober curious movement with a newsletter called "Life After Alcohol". This newsletter chronicles her own journey to stop drinking and offers honest, real talk about what it's like to question the role alcohol plays in our lives and imagine a life on the other side. 

    SIgn up for Jess' weekly newsletter, Life After Alcohol, HERE!


    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking

    292. Hack Your Business Productivity and Save Your Sanity, with Nicole Liloia

    292. Hack Your Business Productivity and Save Your Sanity, with Nicole Liloia

    We’re chatting about how to make the best use of the time you have because it can be so easy to get distracted with shiny object syndrome! In this episode, we’re talking about:

    • Creating multiple streams of revenue within your business, so that you aren’t reliant on one thing 

    • Time tracking to help you be more intentional with your tasks 

    • Identifying how much time you’re spending on the the right tasks that help move the needle 

    New Jersey-based Nicole Liloia is a small business coach and strategist. Over the course of her 9 years in this business, she has helped over 500 service providers build their business and diversify their income streams through her signature Bigger Business Bootcamp and Grow Your Income Mastermind. Her Facebook group supports over 10,000 entrepreneurs by giving them real, unmatched support and resources to get to that next level in their business.





    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking

    291. Limitations of a Scarcity Mindset in Business

    291. Limitations of a Scarcity Mindset in Business

    Shifting your mindset from fear and scarcity to one of abundance when it comes to your clients, competition and overall business is a game changer. It will completely change how you think, act, and feel about your work. It takes practice, but when you’re able to make this shift, it’s a game-changer. Let’s dive in…


    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking

    290. Understanding Feminine (and Masculine) Energy in Order to Create More Success, with Allyson Chavez

    290. Understanding Feminine (and Masculine) Energy in Order to Create More Success, with Allyson Chavez

    This episode is a masterclass in how to achieve higher levels of success without the struggle, by leading with your feminine energy and letting your masculinity energy support it. 

    We’re talking with Allyson Chavez about:

    -Some of the key differentiators between masculine and feminine energy

    -How to use both at a practical level 

    -How to shift how you live and work to tap into more of your feminine 

    Allyson Chavez is a prosperity & success coach for ambitious, God-centered women. She teaches women how to get phenomenal results with ease, bend time & space, achieve their goals without hustle or grind, & reshape their reality in feminine energy (no more constant pushing)! She is a sought-after speaker on mindset, prosperity, universal laws and success strategies. She is the bestselling author of The Prosperity Approach. Her work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, and hundreds of television, newspaper, and magazine outlets. Allyson believes that challenge is necessary on your success journey--but the struggle isn’t! Her mission is to end the struggle and bring joy to the lives of millions of women around the globe.







    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking


    Imperfectly Ambitious
    enMarch 28, 2023

    289. Simple and Engaging Email Copywriting Strategies, with Jenny Roth

    289. Simple and Engaging Email Copywriting Strategies, with Jenny Roth

    This episode is jam-packed with strategies you can implement today for creating engagement with your email list and have FUN doing it!

    In this episode with Jenny Roth we talk about:

    • How to be consistent with email writing 

    • Where to start when it all just feels so heavy and you’re at a loss

    • Practical tips for generating ideas

    • Frameworks for each week

    • Misconceptions around email lists (and the truths)

    • How to create the right call to actions

    • Common mistakes people make and how to fix them

    Jenny Roth is an email funnel and website copywriting for coaches. She specializes in joyful, strategic copy that generates leads and welcomes your clients with open arms. Her mission is uncovering words that will resonate most with your clients, so you can have higher converting, fun-to-read copy, without spending hours upon hours at your keyboard to make it happen. Jenny started her copywriting business back in 2014, working very part-time when her three daughters were small, to going full-time now that her kids are all in school. When she isn't writing, you can find her hanging out with her husband and three daughters in beautiful, windy South Dakota where they love to camp, swim in the Missouri river, raise chickens, and ride bikes.



    Above the Bar Copy Podcast (Apple and Spotify)


    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking


    288. How to Know When it's Time to Hire Someone, with Jamie Van Cuyk

    288. How to Know When it's Time to Hire Someone, with Jamie Van Cuyk

    In this episode we’re talking about: 

    • Jamie’s own journey to becoming a consultant 

    • How t know when and who to hire

    • Getting through the mindset blocks around hiring 

    • How to write job descriptions that will attract the right candidates

    • Four signs that it’s time to hire

    Jamie Van Cuyk, the owner and lead strategist of Growing Your Team. She is passionate about helping women small business owners become confident leaders who hire right every single time.




    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking


    287. How You Feel Physically Impacts Your Work: A Conversation about Stress and Gut Health, with Angelica Ventrice

    287. How You Feel Physically Impacts Your Work: A Conversation about Stress and Gut Health, with Angelica Ventrice

    How you feel physically impacts EVERYTHING else in your life. If you want to bring more wealth and abundance into your life, it starts with a clear mind (and clear gut)! In this episode with Angelica Ventrice, we talking about:

    1. How stress impacts your body

    2. Misconceptions about your health 

    3. The importance of gut health - symptoms and root causes

    4. Key foods to help with gut health 

    5. What else can we do beyond eating healthy?

    Angelica Ventrice is a High-Performance Mentor & Health Coach to entrepreneurial and career-driven women who desire to up-level their Health & Wealth! She has been featured in Entrepreneur, Authority Magazine, and My FitnessPal, and she is obsessed with guiding driven women to shift their mindset & bank accounts while shedding those unwanted pounds along the way without ridiculous fad diets or crazy restrictions!

    To this date, she has helped over 700 women to transform their bodies & minds while finding a true alignment in their personal & professional lives!


    Learn More about the Fit for Life Program: https://bit.ly/3aOjLZL 





    286. Negotiation for Everyday, with Susie Tomenchok

    286. Negotiation for Everyday, with Susie Tomenchok

    How can you use negotiation to create the conditions to get more of what you want?

    In this episode with Susie Tomenchok we talk about:

    -Being intentional about using negotiation in your day to day and the strategy around it

    -Practical techniques to start honing your negotiation skills

    -Being prepared to go into any conversation and the types of questions you should be asking 

    -Being clear on the outcomes you want in order to better influence your results 

    -A new way to look at the word ‘No’...


    Susie Tomenchok is an entrepreneur, author, and executive coach helping her clients unleash their inner negotiators.

    Before discovering her passion for executive coaching, Susie held a range of senior positions in the Telecommunications industry in a career that spanned over 20 years.

    While working at Comcast, Susie honed her negotiation skills by overseeing a client portfolio valued at over $80M annually.

    Susie worked with and closed deals for some of the biggest names in corporate America, including ESPN/Disney, Boeing, Gallup, Discovery, Viacom, NBC, and A&E.

    Susie's talent for coaching and passing on her skills became apparent after she realized her three daughters were using her own negotiation tactics against her to get what they wanted. She'd clearly taught them too well. This was the sign she needed to leave her corporate life and embark on a new career as a consultant and executive coach.

    Susie now works with startups, large organizations, and individuals, helping her clients discover their negotiation superpowers, advocate for themselves, and stop being the path of least resistance.

    She even found time to write her first book, The Art of Everyday Negotiation without Manipulation, and now enjoys watching her (now grown) daughters blaze their own trail.


    285. Why Your Sales Calls Could be Falling Flat

    285. Why Your Sales Calls Could be Falling Flat

    Join me to talk about key shifts to make in order to have more effective and authentic sales conversations that build trust and get results. Sales isn’t about convincing someone to buy. It’s about leading someone down a path to get the results they’re looking for. Let’s talk about how that can start to show up more in how you structure your sales conversations…


    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking


    284. Finding Your Unique Brilliance

    284. Finding Your Unique Brilliance

    Your unique brilliance is what comes out when you're in your zone. Your energy is different. You can feel the difference physically in your body. You literally come to life. Pay attention to that. AND THEN don’t under value that. Your zone is not someone else’s zone. Put those gifts to work and maximize how you use them! And in business, you can charge for the outcomes you know you can deliver, all while using your unique brilliance to uniquely position yourself in your industry.


    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking




    283. What’s More Important than Chasing the Next Best Strategy

    283. What’s More Important than Chasing the Next Best Strategy

    You can give two people the same strategy, and they can have wildly different results. Why is that?? Strategy is important, yes. Process is important, of course. But your thoughts, beliefs, energy and how you show up makes all the difference. Let’s dive in!


    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking


    282. How to Control Your Sales Process

    282. How to Control Your Sales Process

    What we’re talking about in this episode will elevate your sales conversations and process, making for much better results!  It’s NOT about controlling the outcome, or having everything be so rigid, trying to control every detail, but it is about confidently owning your process, guiding your client and really being intentional in your conversations…


    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking


    281. For When You're Feeling Stuck...

    281. For When You're Feeling Stuck...

    Sometimes there's just no better way to describe it than 'stuck'...

    There can be simple shifts, sometimes big ones, and probably a combination. And sometimes a good start is realizing what you’re doing is because it’s just what you’ve always done…that you might have to make some changes. And change is uncomfortable. What happens if you don’t make a change? Can you live with the result of that a year from now? Two years from now? Let's chat :)


    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking

    280. Getting Clarity on Your Vision

    280. Getting Clarity on Your Vision

    You hear about vision all the time and how important it is, but do you really have clarity on yours? In this episode, we’re taking a topic that can be very high level and conceptual and bringing some practical application to it, so that you can have some things to reflect on that will help you get more clarity on what that vision is for you.


    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking

    279. Money Psychology and Designing the Life You Want, with Mikelann Valterra

    279. Money Psychology and Designing the Life You Want, with Mikelann Valterra

    We’re diving deeper into money today…this isn’t an episode about financial planning. We’re talking about the emotional side of money that we all have, as well as the practical side.

    Mikelann Valterra is an author, keynote speaker, and money coach who helps women transform their relationship with money to create a life they love. For over 20 years, she has been a thought leader in the field of Financial Psychology. Her strong background in emotional intelligence, paired with her practical money strategies enable her clients to consciously design their life while escaping financial stress and anxiety. 






    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking

    278. Your Sales Plan for the Year

    278. Your Sales Plan for the Year

    In the midst of all the goals and planning for the year, quarter, and months ahead - where does your sales plan fit into that? Have you thought about it? And HOW have you thought about it?

    I want to talk through that in this episode. I’ve been in sales a long time, I’ve done planning so many different ways over the years, and as I’ve grown, as my sales have grown, I can reflect on what has worked for ME the best when it comes to sales planning. This isn’t me telling you what you need to do - rather the purpose of this episode is to offer different ways to think about sales planning, and give a perspective or two that maybe you haven't thought of yet.


    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking


    277. Don’t Let Perfectionism Hold You Back from what You Really Want this Year

    277. Don’t Let Perfectionism Hold You Back from what You Really Want this Year

    I put aside what I was going to talk about and recorded what I thought needed to be said right now instead. Tune in - it might just be what you need to hear.  

    And Happy New Year to you!  I’m so glad you’re here, hanging out with me. Cheers to all that’s to come for you in the year ahead.


    **Connect at a deeper level with your 'perfect fit' clients. Grab my free audio training with workbook HERE to meet them right where they're at with messaging that resonates. 

    **Come connect with me on Instagram! And if you love this episode, share it and tag me so I can see what you're liking

    276. Real Talk [Replay]: Trust the Timing - You are Right Where You Need to Be

    276. Real Talk [Replay]: Trust the Timing - You are Right Where You Need to Be

    I'm all about going for it…. Leaving comfort for what’s on the other side. So often we don't FEEL ready and therefore you have to start BEFORE you’re 'ready', when you feel excited and called to something…

    AND, I believe in timing and being intentional and cognizant of that. I believe in divine timing that sometimes just doesn't even make sense in the moment...until you look back and are in awe of how things played out.

    This is a short and sweet real talk to remind you that you're not behind. Right now is part of the story. It's a moment in time, preapring you for what's next... 


    >>>Grab my Magnetize Your Message Masterclass, so you can create more connection and stand out from the noise with your content.  Join here: www.imperfectlyambitious.com/magnetize

    Come connect with me on Instagram or take a screenshot of this episode tag me and share it in your stories so I can see what you're loving.