
    Influence By Design

    In a world where expertise is the currency of choice, join us for a journey from seasoned professional to influential industry leader. Authority Positioning Strategist Samantha Riley hosts conversations for ambitious coaches & holistic health practitioners about strategic growth, impactful branding, and creating a business that reflects your vision of success and fulfilment.
    enSamantha Riley569 Episodes

    Episodes (569)

    Reflections On Business In 2023

    Reflections On Business In 2023
    We all know the old adage - "time flies when you're having fun". Yet as entrepreneurs consumed by business-building, we often neglect to pause and assess if we are truly enjoying the ride. Moreover, in the relentless pursuit of goals, it becomes easy to lose perspective across critical areas that ultimately enable or derail our success. In this introspective episode, Samantha and Tim emphasize why consistent self-reflection is imperative not just professionally, but personally too. As 2023 draws to a close, Samantha and Tim reflect on monumental technology advancements, economic shifts, client relationships, health realizations and team dynamics over the past year. If you feel like you've lost sight of your why, lack work-life balance or want to build supreme clarity before mapping your 2024 plan, this episode is for you. Discover how to harness the power of reflection so you can create your 2024 business plan and design your most fulfilling life.
    Influence By Design
    enDecember 07, 2023

    How To Build Your List As You Build Your Business with Ellen Finkelstein

    How To Build Your List As You Build Your Business with Ellen Finkelstein
    Many experts focus intensely on creating their courses and programs, yet overlook the crucial need to build an audience who will actually buy from them. In this episode of Influence by Design, Samantha chats with Ellen Finkelstein on how to build an engaged email list to help your business thrive. Your “list” is a list of people you can legally reach out to, and Ellen emphasizes the value of building your email list.She shares how synergistic partnerships, "freebie swaps," and consistency have significantly helped in growing her own list and how these have been instrumental in nurturing business relationships over time. She also highlights the importance of being selective in ensuring that you only share valuable and relevant content with your audience. She shares how her "newsletter style" allows her to promote multiple partners in every email she sends, providing massive value to her audience. Ellen also tackles ideal email frequency, overcoming worries about "bothering" people, and effective ways to build trust and engagement. Tune in as Samantha and Ellen discuss the necessity of consistently building your audience hand-in-hand while growing your business. Their insightful tips and strategies will lay the foundation for success and help you expand your reach. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/544
    Influence By Design
    enDecember 04, 2023

    Plan For Your 7 Figure Business

    Plan For Your 7 Figure Business
    Your business' purpose should be to generate enough income to support your desired lifestyle. In this episode of Influence by Design, Samantha talks to Tim about the importance of calculating your actual lifestyle costs and then determining the revenue you need from your business, rather than going around and chasing vague targets. “A million dollars” has become a go-to goal for most entrepreneurs wanting to grow their business by increasing revenue. However, very few successfully hit the $1M mark — in fact, only 4.4% of businesses do —because most set it as an indeterminate target without making an effort to ground it in their actual lifestyle costs and desired business model. Sam and Tim discuss the value of making tiny, 1% improvements, which can be achieved by simply ticking off 3 tasks every day. If done consistently, these actions compound over time, and you’ll soon find yourself well on your way to hitting your targets (perhaps even exceeding them). Tune in as Samantha and Tim explore the benefits of knowing your desired lifestyle costs, becoming aware of the requisite profit margins for the realization of this goal, and setting tangible, realistic targets. The insights you’ll gain will guide you as you enhance and model your business so it fits and supports the lifestyle you desire. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/543
    Influence By Design
    enDecember 01, 2023

    Attract an Audience of Buyers with Christine Campbell Rapin

    Attract an Audience of Buyers with Christine Campbell Rapin
    Many entrepreneurs frequently find themselves falling into the traps of sustaining a business and ensuring they stay afloat despite challenging circumstances. It’s not uncommon to find yourself waiting, searching, and chasing after those evasive buyers, the ones who will propel your business to greater heights and help you make your mark in the industry. Have you sent countless emails, thinking that sending out as many as you can will boost your chances of finding the right buyers? Are you always ready with your enticing offers, eager to pounce on just about anybody showing interest in what you have to say? In this episode of Influence by Design, we speak with Christine Campbell Rapin to gather insights, tips, and tricks on identifying the right buyers, sending accurate messages across, and converting curious individuals into paying clients. You’ll learn about the buyers’ three lanes of traffic and the value of getting into the fast lane, where you’ll find more “unicorns.” Christine shares some of her personal experiences as a rookie in the world of business and a seasoned coach intent on helping struggling entrepreneurs. She is eager to share her knowledge and expertise, so you learn how to develop critical thinking skills, formulate sound strategies, and find the best solutions to your various business dilemmas. Whether you’re a newbie or a veteran entrepreneur, you’ll find this episode useful in your quest for attracting the right buyers, sparking curiosity, and converting mere interest into lasting business relationships. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/542
    Influence By Design
    enNovember 27, 2023

    The Traits of Eight Figure Entrepreneurs - Part 2

    The Traits of Eight Figure Entrepreneurs - Part 2
    In Part 2 of The Traits of Eight Figure Entrepreneurs, Samantha and Tim continue to dive into the defining mindsets and attributes of highly successful 8-figure entrepreneurs. Having covered the first four traits in Part 1, they now explore four additional qualities that set next-level entrepreneurs apart. Listeners will gain powerful insights on how embracing challenges, surrounding yourself with a strong peer network, cultivating an insatiable appetite for learning, and balancing confidence with humility can help accelerate your entrepreneurial growth. Join Samantha and Tim as they reveal their best strategies for optimizing your strengths, environment, and inner game to maximize your potential and achieve game-changing success. Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale, this episode provides actionable advice to help you level up. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/541
    Influence By Design
    enNovember 22, 2023

    Aligning Business and Life with Angela Henderson

    Aligning Business and Life with Angela Henderson
    It's easy to get trapped on the hamster wheel of managing a business, relentlessly chasing productivity, sustainability, and revenue without ever having the chance to pause and appreciate the journey. In this episode of Influence by Design, Angela Henderson offers her thoughts on aligning your business with your true desires — be it spending quality time with the people who matter most, exploring the world, revelling in your hobbies, or simply enjoying life. Angela shares her wisdom on embracing life's seasons, surrendering to divine timing, making the right choices (and enacting them), and living life according to your terms. She encourages her fellow entrepreneurs to take radical responsibility for designing a business that serves their lives, not the other way around. Through her own story of transitioning from a mental health clinician to a successful business owner, Angela demonstrates how you can create alignment between passion and purpose, heal trauma, and enjoy both revenue and freedom from having your own business. Her insights on overcoming the seven major mindset blocks, identifying and understanding triggers, and the value of putting together a synergistic business team speak to anyone seeking more breathing space and fulfilment in their lives. If you're feeling misaligned, uninspired, or worn out, don't skip this episode. Angela's insights will inspire you to be brave enough to take on a more definitive stance, trust the process, and reconnect with your truest self. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/540
    Influence By Design
    enNovember 20, 2023

    The Traits of Eight Figure Entrepreneurs - Part 1

    The Traits of Eight Figure Entrepreneurs - Part 1
    What does it take to build a business generating over $10 million per year? In this episode, Samantha and Tim pull back the curtain on the key traits and behaviours that set eight figure entrepreneurs apart. They dive into what it really takes to reach the next level of business success. Samantha and Tim draw from their experience coaching and interacting with ultra-high earning entrepreneurs. They share the mindsets, values, and actions that allow people to grow financially successful companies. Gain insights on the importance of adaptability, integrity, leadership skills, calculated risk-taking, and more. If you want to avoid years of struggle and fast-track your path to multi-million dollar success, this episode is essential listening. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/539 Samantha Riley xx Get your free copy of The Human Design Advantage - https://samanthariley.global/advantage/ Join the Coaches, Thought Leaders & Changemakers FB Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/172041823301121 I’d love to connect with you - please reach out and say hi: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thesamriley/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samriley/
    Influence By Design
    enNovember 16, 2023

    The Rhythm Of Success with Marie-Elizabeth Mali

    The Rhythm Of Success with Marie-Elizabeth Mali
    It's easy to fall into the trap of relentless productivity, to ride the waves of success, without ever pausing to savor the taste of triumph. But as we chase those fleeting moments of victory, do we ever question the 'Now what?' In this episode of Influence by Design, we feature the insightful Marie Elizabeth-Mali as she offers a profound exploration of life seasons, the rhythms of success, and the transformative power of desire. The wisdom she imparts isn't just for women but for everyone who seeks to live a life aligned with their purpose and desires. She invites us to align with the natural flow of life, allowing our creative energies to ebb and flow as nature intends. Whether you're at the pinnacle of success or grappling with the question 'Now what?, Marie-Elizabeth's wisdom will inspire you to embrace curiosity, to surrender, and to appreciate the gifts of the present moment. This episode speaks to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of life's rhythms, and a more profound sense of purpose, so don’t skip this one. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/538
    Influence By Design
    enNovember 14, 2023

    Mastering the Art of Client Retention

    Mastering the Art of Client Retention
    Companies invest significant resources into lead generation, marketing, and sales strategies to attract new leads. However, the secret to success lies in the careful preservation of the clients you already have. In today's episode, Samantha and Tim take us on a journey into the often-overlooked realm of client retention. As business owners, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of attracting new clients but this episode underscores the notion that retaining existing clients is equally, if not more, critical for long-term growth. The episode navigates various strategies and tactics that can be employed to improve client retention. From creating a sense of community among clients to extending the length of contracts, they share the practical steps you can take to transform casual customers into devoted advocates for your business. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/537
    Influence By Design
    enNovember 08, 2023

    Publicity Tips and Techniques with Jill Lublin

    Publicity Tips and Techniques with Jill Lublin
    In a world brimming with noise and distractions, effectively conveying your message can pose a significant challenge. That's where the magic of publicity and PR comes into play, and nobody understands this better than publicity expert, Jill Lublin. In today's episode, we delve into the world of publicity and discover the art of captivating your audience through compelling stories and powerful messages. Jill's expertise in the world of publicity is both profound and invaluable. But what truly sets her apart is her deep belief in the power of kindness as a driving force behind successful publicity. Publicity is not merely about self-promotion; it's about delivering value to your audience. Jill shares the importance of crafting a message that resonates with readers, viewers, and listeners by focusing on their needs and problems, not just showcasing your business. This episode will inspire you to harness the power of publicity and unlock doors to new opportunities, let's dive in. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/536
    Influence By Design
    enNovember 06, 2023

    Guarantees & Risk Reversals

    Guarantees & Risk Reversals
    Offering a guarantee is one of the most powerful ways to increase conversion rates and build trust with prospects. However, they must be crafted thoughtfully to be effective. In this episode of Influence by Design, Samantha and Tim break down the art and science behind guarantees and risk reversals that drive sales. Learn the difference between guarantees and risk reversals and how to leverage them in your business. Discover common mistakes that erode trust and gain actionable strategies to create a guarantee policy that alleviates buyer concerns and conveys confidence in your offer. Whether you sell high-ticket services or physical products, this episode will equip you to use guarantees to profitably scale your business. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/535
    Influence By Design
    enNovember 05, 2023

    Building a Storybrand: How to Craft Compelling Messages with Amy Singleton

    Building a Storybrand: How to Craft Compelling Messages with Amy Singleton
    Imagine having the ability to craft messages so compelling that they not only capture your audience's attention but also move them to take action. However, the online space is noisy so it's easy to get lost in the sea of information. So how can you cut through the noise and offer messages that best resonate with your audience? In this episode of Influence by Design, we speak with Amy Singleton about building a storybrand and how to craft compelling messages. The conversation centres on the StoryBrand Framework, a powerful tool used to create messages that leave a lasting impact. It allows ideal clients to be the hero of their story while you assume the role of a trusted guide. Amy shares valuable insights on the key concepts of a clear website, the benefits of a website audit, and the strategic use of platforms to elevate messaging. Are you ready to create a brand message that engages with your target audience and helps you achieve remarkable results? Don't miss this episode. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/534
    Influence By Design
    enOctober 30, 2023

    Astrology and Human Design: Your Cosmic Blueprint for Life with Rochelle Christiane

    Astrology and Human Design: Your Cosmic Blueprint for Life with Rochelle Christiane
    As an entrepreneur, gaining a deeper understanding of yourself is an invaluable asset to help achieve success and move through the failures. Your Human Design serves as your blueprint that not only guides your actions but aligns them with your true purpose. In this episode of Influence by Design, we dive into the enthralling world of astrology and human design: your cosmic blueprint for life with Rochelle Christiane. She is a Holistic Health Coach, Human Design reader, and learning astrologer. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/533
    Influence By Design
    enOctober 23, 2023

    BONUS Subconscious Healing Session with Daniel Rechnitzer

    BONUS Subconscious Healing Session with Daniel Rechnitzer
    In this bonus episode, we revisit the captivating world of the subconscious mind with Daniel Rechnitzer. He leads us through a subconscious healing session using The EnlightenMe Machine and taps into a shared quantum field where healing and awareness become a collective endeavour. The EnlightenMe Machine is a device Daniel uses to initiate work at the subconscious level toward collective transformation. As we embark on this journey, Daniel advises of the triggering effects of unravelling limiting beliefs. It might be a little confronting but you just need to be aware of the feelings and let it go. Daniel will lead us through this profound exercise and encourage us to release the constraints by visualising them dissipating and freeing us from their grip. Don't miss this chance to explore the hidden depths of your mind and harness the power within. Tune in and be part of this transformative session in the realm of the subconscious. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/532
    Influence By Design
    enOctober 18, 2023

    Elevating Your Frequency for Success with Daniel Rechnitzer

    Elevating Your Frequency for Success with Daniel Rechnitzer
    As business owners, we often possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and experiences to thrive in our ventures. Yet lurking beneath the surface are subtle yet powerful factors that can hinder our progress. So how can we overcome these obstacles and unlock our full potential for success? In today's episode of Influence by Design, we talk about elevating your frequency for success with Daniel Rechnitzer. He is the Founder of Intuition Wisdom Institute and has been honing his intuitive abilities for over 25 years. Our concept of personal identity and deeply ingrained beliefs shapes our reality, thoughts, emotions, and even physical well-being. Daniel encourages us to challenge these self-imposed limitations and explore the possibilities of a more expansive self-awareness. Understanding the connection between thoughts, feelings, and wellness can be a game-changer for business owners as it offers an opportunity to transform restrictive self-views into empowering ones that leads to fulfilling endeavours. Join us in this enlightening conversation that reminds us that true success begins within ourselves and initiates a journey that promises not only professional success but also personal growth and fulfillment. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/531
    Influence By Design
    enOctober 16, 2023

    The Four Pillars of Business Fulfilment with Anne Benveniste

    The Four Pillars of Business Fulfilment with Anne Benveniste
    Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads in your business, feeling unfulfilled but just can't quite put your finger on what's missing? Many of us have been there, trapped in a cycle of work and business, wondering why it doesn't hit the mark. In this episode of Influence by Design, we discover the four pillars of business fulfilment with Anne Benveniste. She helps ambitious people create energising careers they love. The journey towards fulfilment is like solving a complex puzzle. You may be experiencing success, but deep down something's amiss and you can't articulate what's wrong. Anne helps unravel the mystery and shares practical steps to break free from this bewildering state through the four pillars she shares in our conversation. This episode is a practical guide to transforming your personal journey, and is filled with stories that navigate burnout, negativity and showcases that change is essential. Get ready for an engaging conversation that leads you towards a more fulfilling, successful journey and into a future filled with possibilities. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/530
    Influence By Design
    enOctober 09, 2023

    The CEO Mindset

    The CEO Mindset
    The CEO Mindset… You may have heard about it, but how does it relate to you in your coaching business? In this episode of Influence by Design, Samantha with her special co-host for today, Leon Flitton have an insightful discussion about embracing the CEO mindset as an entrepreneur. CEOs take the lead in driving vision. Employees follow the plan. Entrepreneurs know they need to do things differently to employees, but it can be a struggle to break habits that have been instilled in us since we were at school. Shifting your mentality from employee to CEO can be challenging, but a critical step needed to take your business to the next level. If you're a seasoned business owner or just starting your journey, Samantha and Leon will equip you with the right mindset needed to thrive in today's dynamic world of business. Discover how the characteristics discussed can reshape your business journey and achieve the CEO mindset, let's dive in. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/529
    Influence By Design
    enOctober 06, 2023

    Selling and Licensing Your Content with Mitch Axelrod

    Selling and Licensing Your Content with Mitch Axelrod
    Intellectual property (IP) is a business owner’s most valuable asset. It highlights what sets them apart and gives them an edge in their industry. But, knowing how to make the most of this valuable resource and customize it to meet their clients' needs is a skill that only a small number of people understand. In this episode of Influence by Design, we discuss the topic of selling and licensing your content with Mitch Axelrod. He is an expert IP strategist, has been in the entrepreneurship game for 45 years, and has helped companies and entrepreneurs generate $2.5 billion of additional income. Early in his career, Mitch discovered to look beyond the traditional way of offering complete courses and programs and saw an opportunity with selling only the components his clients wanted. This concept is based on asking prospects one very specific question, “What do you want to do with it?” Join us to discover how you can further leverage the power of your IP. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/528
    Influence By Design
    enOctober 01, 2023

    Unique Marketing Strategies That We Love

    Unique Marketing Strategies That We Love
    Business owners across the globe are constantly searching for innovative ways to differentiate themselves from the crowd and make their mark. The secret to standing out lies in mastering the art of marketing that captures attention, engages audiences, and drives success. In this episode of Influence by Design, Tim and Samantha share unique marketing campaigns that have grabbed their attention, so you can start to think outside the box. We encounter thousands of marketing messages daily, so the challenge is crafting one that truly connects with the audience. Doing the unexpected, making your audience feel extraordinary, and recognizing the power of people to effectively market you are key to your marketing success. If you're a business owner tired of your marketing blending into the noise, this episode is for you. Join Samantha and Tim as they reveal stand-out marketing that transforms strangers into delighted advocates of your brand. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/527
    Influence By Design
    enSeptember 27, 2023

    Growing Your Email List With Online Summits

    Growing Your Email List With Online Summits
    Online summits have emerged as a powerful strategy for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to expand their reach, build their email lists, and establish authority. But how can this strategy be effectively implemented to maximise the potential benefits? In this episode of Influence by Design, I speak with Jay Williams about building your email list through successful online summits. He is an International Speaker, Mindset & Master Performance Coach and has helped over 500 entrepreneurs to amplify their revenue. The first step to success with your online summit is strategic planning. Jay highlights the essential - identifying your target audience, their specific needs, pain points, and goals. Understanding these allows you to tailor-fit topics or speakers that are relevant and engaging for your audience. Join us for this episode as we explore the boundless potential of online summits and revolutionise your marketing approach. The world of online summits awaits, and the insights you gain here could reshape your business for the better. For full show notes and links - https://samanthariley.global/podcast/526
    Influence By Design
    enSeptember 25, 2023