
    Inspiration to Millions

    Welcome to the Entrepreneurial Renaissance where every content creator has the best opportunity in history to become an Inspiration To Millions! Join Canon Wing, renowned Namer who has named products and services that have earned over 3 billion in sales, every Tuesday and Thursday. She delivers Fortune 100 level strategies to today’s beginning entrepreneur. Why? Because it has always been the entrepreneur who has bettered the world and our time to inspire positive change and evolutionary progress is NOW.
    enCanon Wing100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    [CASE STUDY: BITCOIN] The Culture Behind The Currency | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon) Branding Expert

    [CASE STUDY: BITCOIN] The Culture Behind The Currency | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon) Branding Expert

    [CASE STUDY: BITCOIN] The Culture Behind The Currency 

    Add your name to the early bird list here
    If you have any doubt that creating a brand culture creates massive sales, just look at Bitcoin— A brand that created a brand culture for people who don’t want to belong to a culture! In today’s episode, we reveal why the Bitcoin brand is brilliant, and talk about how you can do this branding magic for yourself! Tune in now…
    Top Tips
    • There is an entirely new cyber-world that is forming right now, where the cryptocurrency you use says something about who you are and what you stand for.
    • “The obsession with owning altcoins isn’t about how much they’re worth. It’s about how the cryptocurrency makes people feel about themselves. In a word: Branding.” 
    • In reality, the invention of cryptocurrency really isn’t rocking the boat as much as you might think. It’s just a perception.
    • “Everyone wants to belong, and even an anti-culture community is a community.” - Canon Wing
    • ANYWHERE where we feel like we completely belong, instantly becomes a home away from home.
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
    are cryptocurrencies a good investment, are cryptocurrencies the future, bitcoin, bitcoin - the culture behind the currency, bitcoin documentary, bitcoin explained, bitcoin news, bitcoin price, bitcoin wallet, cryptocurrency explained, digital currency, should I invest in bitcoin, should I invest in cryptocurrency, what is bitcoin, what is cryptocurrency and how does it work, why is bitcoin going up, why is bitcoin valuable
    Inspiration to Millions
    enApril 07, 2022

    How A Brand Builds Trust In 2022 | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    How A Brand Builds Trust In 2022 | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    How A Brand Builds Trust In 2022

    My GIFT to You
    Building brand loyalty today looks different than it did even a few years ago. Massive changes in business are creating new expectations, and so here are the Top 5 Best Ways for a brand to build trust in 2022. Tune in now!
    Top Tips
    • Trust is the key to unlocking word-of-mouth advertising, proven to be 50X more effective than any other form of marketing.
    • “Assuming you already know what your ideal customer wants, guarantees you to miss something that could have brought you closer to your ideal audience.”
    • Did you know that the success of your brand is directly proportional to how well your brand listens? Learn more now!
    • Your brand’s promise to your Ideal Individuals should be an invitation to a greater future. 
    • The brand that listens best is the brand that knows its customers the best, and the brand that knows us the best is the brand that WINS.
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
    build customer trust, building a business brand, building a business from scratch, building trust with customers, customer trust, customer value satisfaction trust and retention, how to build a brand from scratch, how to build a brand in 2022, how to build a successful business from scratch, how to build a successful business online, how to build trust with customers, how to build trust with customers online, how to build your online brand, how to gain customer trust
    Inspiration to Millions
    enMarch 31, 2022

    What Should A Website Include? Top 5 Must-Haves | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    What Should A Website Include? Top 5 Must-Haves | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    What Should A Website Include? Top 5 Must-Haves 

    Add your name to the early bird list here
    Did you know, 91% of small business websites are not mobile optimized? And that mobile shopping is set to increase to over 72% of all e-commerce shopping this year? Is your website built for this and does it make site visitors do what you want it to? Namer Canon Wing lists 5 features websites should have, but most often don’t. Tune in to learn how you can improve your website.
    Top Tips
    • Statistics show that 91% of small business websites are not mobile-friendly, causing those businesses to lose customers and sales.
    • More and more people are now shopping from their mobile phones on the go, and they are looking for a mobile-optimized website that offers a seamless experience.
    • The five elements of a website that really works are to be mobile-friendly, have powerful visuals and cohesive branding, compelling and optimized content, social elements and social proof, and security and analytics. 
    • A website is something that promotes a brand and its products 24/7, even when employees are asleep and the enterprise is shut for business.
    • Namer and brand creator Canon Wing explains why websites should be able to make a great first impression, and how they can do this.
    Have Questions? I Love Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is The #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly. 
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    Inspiration to Millions
    enMarch 24, 2022

    Top 5 Tips For How to Connect With Your Audience | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Top 5 Tips For How to Connect With Your Audience | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Top 5 Tips For How to Connect With Your Audience 

    My GIFT to You
    Your customers’ expectations have evolved more in the past 2 years than they have in the past ten! Don’t miss out on these Top 5 Tips For How to Connect With Your Audience in 2022. Learn more now!
    Top Tips
    • You don’t hear a lot of people talking about building a brand that demonstrates high self-esteem, but it’s actually a secret sauce.
    • “Your brand’s core values should align with how you want your brand to make people feel.” 
    • A warm and responsive relationship with a brand has the potential to change a person’s life, give them hope, and guide them on a path toward a greater future.
    • Business as we know it is once again changing. And what people want from the brands they love and choose to welcome into their lives—is definitely changing.
    • “We are far more likely to exercise acceptance with the brands who make us feel truly and unconditionally accepted.” 
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
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    Inspiration to Millions
    enMarch 17, 2022

    Top 3 Must-Haves For Start-Up Online Branding | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Top 3 Must-Haves For Start-Up Online Branding | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert
    Top 3 Must-Haves for Start-Up Online Branding 
    Add your name to the early bird list here
    The hardest thing about launching a start-up brand online is knowing where to begin. Learn the Top 3 Must-Haves for Start-Up Online Branding from a Fortune 100s insider now!
    Top Tips
    • In today’s digital marketplace, it’s not just about coming up with a great name anymore—it also needs to be a great domain name. Get it right the first time! Watch the episode now…
    • Consider that your brand’s online presence will be advertising for you 24/7, and be agile enough to loosen your grip on any one name until you find the one that works across many platforms. 
    • When it comes to domain names, keywords help with discoverability, but only to a certain small degree. Learn more now!
    • You know that saying, ‘a picture's worth a thousand words?’ Well when it comes to your logo for online branding, that saying is an understatement!
    • Typically when expertise in website building isn’t utilized in the beginning, it leads to expensive rebranding later down the line that often inconveniences the customers you’ve already gained.
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
    digital marketing, how does online marketing work, how to build a successful startup, how to build a successful startup business, how to build your online brand, how to grow your brand online, how to grow your business, online branding strategies, online marketing, online marketing & branding, social media marketing, starting a brand, starting a business, startup, top 3 must-haves for start-up online branding
    Inspiration to Millions
    enMarch 10, 2022

    Top 5 Tips For Winning Brand Loyalty | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Top 5 Tips For Winning Brand Loyalty | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert
    Top 5 Tips For Winning Brand Loyalty
    My GIFT to You: The Answer Key to The Blink Test!
    No matter what business you are in, brand loyalty is your business plan! Don’t miss out on these Top 5 Tips for winning brand loyalty in today’s post-pandemic marketplace! Listen now.
    Top Tips
    • “When building your brand like a hometown, you have the opportunity to make your brand a superhero within your digital community…” Learn more now!
    • The decision to buy is emotional, and new discoveries in brain science reveal that enthusiasm is the most powerful emotion for triggering new neural connections in the human mind.
    • “Just like any true leader, a leading brand creates a community of leaders.” Learn more now!
    • Brands aren’t just being held up against their direct competitors anymore. A recent study found that 87% of consumers are comparing ALL brands to the very best brands in the world.
    • “There’s always a deeper truth hidden just below the surface. It’s your brand’s responsibility to keep listening until your ideal customers feel safe enough to reveal their inner sanctum of hidden truth.”
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
    brand loyalty in marketing, branding tips and tricks, branding tips for small business, branding trends 2022, customer loyalty, customer loyalty and retention, customer retention, digital marketing, entrepreneurship branding, how to build a successful brand, how to build a successful brand 2022, how to build a successful business, how to build a successful business from scratch, how to create loyal customers, what is brand loyalty
    Inspiration to Millions
    enMarch 03, 2022

    How to Overcome a Price Barrier with Effective Brand Messaging | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    How to Overcome a Price Barrier with Effective Brand Messaging | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert
    How to Overcome a Price Barrier with Effective Brand Messaging
    Add your name to the early bird list here
    Did you know that you can increase profits by 10-12% by increasing product price by just about 1%? Brander and namer Canon Wing explains how brands can highlight utility, features, status, security, or financial future to make cost irrelevant in the minds of their ideal individuals. She shares four key strategies that help your ideal individuals to choose your brand over the competition and converts bargain hunters to value seekers. Tune in now!
    Top Tips
    check mark button The aim of every business is to get people to prefer their brand over the competition. For this to happen, brands have to become valuable in and of themselves – to a point where price becomes irrelevant.
    check mark button Targeted brand messaging can help transform buyers from bargain hunters into value seekers. The fact is that human beings are wired to be aspirational and to not value things they get for free.
    check mark button Brands have to convince buyers that price is just one component of their buying decisions and that it isn't the most important one. Brands have to communicate how their product will simplify, secure, ease, or improve the lives of buyers.
    check mark button A brand should be able to convince people that they not only want the product but also need it. They should be able to make the purchase worth their while with a value proposition.
    check mark button A brand needs to become desirable in the eyes of their ideal individuals more than other brands in the fray. The exclusivity or high intrinsic worth of a product or special features have to be clearly communicated.
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.



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    Inspiration to Millions
    enFebruary 24, 2022

    [CASE STUDY] Top 3 Ways Creativity Becomes Revenue | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    [CASE STUDY] Top 3 Ways Creativity Becomes Revenue | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    [CASE STUDY] Top 3 Ways Creativity Becomes Revenue 

    Add your name to the early bird list here
    Has anyone ever called your creative aspirations a ‘pipe dream,’ or referred to your art as ‘a hobby?’ Don’t let the tyranny of language discourage you from turning your creativity into revenue. It’s WAY more possible than you might think…Tune in now!
    Top Tips
    • Don’t be afraid to turn your art into revenue. Historically, art is the BEST investment because it retains its value. Art is the keeper of our culture. It serves as a universal language that is unrestricted by verbal barriers.
    • The general message being sent to the world right now is, “If a bot can do what you do—you better get better, or get out!” Learn more now!
    • The decision to buy is emotional. Anytime you make an artistic contribution to someone else’s business, you are making them more money. Art is brimming with value.
    •  Statistics released in 2021 revealed that the survival rate for a small business in its first year is higher now than it ever has been before…listen to the episode now!
    • The #1 reason million dollar ideas die is because people don’t know where to start, and they don’t know how to brand. You can do better. RSVP with the link above!
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
    best revenue generating business, generating revenue, how to create a successful art business, how to create a successful brand, how to generate revenue, how to make money from art, how to make money from your hobby, how to make money with creativity, how to use your creativity, revenue growth management, revenue management, top 3 ways creativity becomes revenue, turning a hobby into a business, turning your hobby into a business
    Inspiration to Millions
    enFebruary 22, 2022

    Top 5 Tips For How to Name Your Business | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Top 5 Tips For How to Name Your Business | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert
    Top 5 Tips For How to Name Your Business
    Everyone I meet is in a state of urgency to get their brand right and get it up right now. Here are the insider answers to some of the most common questions entrepreneurs are asking me when deciding how to name their brand. Tune in now!
    Top Tips:
    • Name the emotion you want your brand to inspire BEFORE you choose the name for your business. Learn more now!
    • “When it comes to business names, clarity outperforms clever every single time.”
    • People often won’t remember exactly what they see, or what they read, but they will remember how a brand makes them feel. 
    • “You want your brand’s name to open a wide and welcome door that feels like coming home.”
    • Your business name should create a very personal connection between your business and your brand community. Listen now!
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
    brand name, choosing a brand name for your business, choosing a name for your business, choosing a name for your company, choosing a name for your llc, how to choose a name for your brand, how to choose a name for your business, how to choose a name for your company, how to come up with a business name, how to come up with a name for your brand, how to come up with a name for your business, how to decide a name for your brand, how to decide a name for your business
    Inspiration to Millions
    enFebruary 15, 2022

    Top 5 Brand Leadership Tips For 2022 | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Top 5 Brand Leadership Tips For 2022 | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Top 5 Brand Leadership Tips For 2022 

    My GIFT to You - The Delegation Chart!
    Use this episode to sharpen your leadership skills, and meet 2022 with a professional edge! With the business landscape evolving more in the past two years than in the past ten, don’t miss out on learning more about these top 5 insider leadership secrets. Listen now!
    Top Tips
    • Set the bar high for incorporating play into your company culture, and lead by fun example.
    • A badass team in 2022 is made up of people who can see where the success of your company and the fruition of their own Big Whys converge.
    • Productivity is actually not the number one driver behind any brand’s success. Focusing solely or even hyper-vigilantly on productivity often costs more than it’s worth.
    • “The overall happiness and trust that your employees and suppliers feel in regards to your brand will be what ultimately defines your brand culture.” Learn more now!
    • Warning: Millions of Entrepreneurs will suffer from burnout because they are chasing the idea of ‘feeling successful.’ Here’s how the pros handle it: Tune into the episode now!
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
    best leadership tips, branding tips for small business, how do successful entrepreneurs think, how to build a successful brand, how to build a successful business, how to build an online brand, how to build an online community for your business, how to build an online presence, leadership tips and tricks, leadership tips for managers, leadership tips for new leaders, learn how to do business online, new manager tips, what do brand managers do
    Inspiration to Millions
    enFebruary 10, 2022

    How NOT To Brand In 2022 | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    How NOT To Brand In 2022 | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    How NOT To Brand In 2022 

    My GIFT to You: The 10 Landmarks of Branding
    It’s a new world in branding, and sometimes learning what NOT to do can be SO valuable! Here are 5 brilliant NEW what-not-to-do’s from the founder of Inspiration to Millions, Canon Wing, for the entrepreneur who is building a brand to Come Out of Nowhere in 2022. Tune in now!
    Top Tips
    • Avoid several common mistakes that most entrepreneurs make when they are first building a brand!
    • Provide your brand with a true identity; a foundation that can withstand some inevitable trial and error, while still winning brand loyalty. 
    • Discover opportunities to elevate your mindset about brand building in ways that can help shape a thriving community.
    •  Free yourself from the limiting belief that you need a lot of money to begin building a wildly successful brand: Listen to the first tip now! 
    • Gain exclusive access to my 10 Landmarks of Branding in the link above for a more immersive, step-by-step, brand-building experience. 
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
    best way to brand your business, best way to brand your business in 2022, branding in 2022, branding tips and tricks, branding tips for small business, branding your business 2022, how does branding work, how to brand your business, how to brand your business on social media, how to brand yourself, how to build a brand from scratch, how to build a brand image, how to build a brand in 2022, ways to brand your business
    Inspiration to Millions
    enFebruary 08, 2022

    Brand To Your Local Audience With Google My Business | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Brand To Your Local Audience With Google My Business | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Brand To Your Local Audience With Google My Business

    My GIFT to You - Google My Business 
    We all Google for a KFC near me, a salon or a chiropractor near me, etc. 50% of all Google searches are local! And that is why you cannot afford not to brand to your local audience. This is why Google My Business is an invaluable tool to grow your business, as namer and branding expert Canon Wing explains in this video. Tune in now!
    Top Tips
    • ‘Near me’ mobile searchers have gone up 500% in the past two years, and are only set to increase. This is because everyone is looking for speed and convenience locally.
    • Google My Business helps you brand to your local audience. For businesses, it is a powerful tool that helps them to get discovered, and consumers get to find what they seek.
    • Google My Business makes your brand searchable, reachable, contactable, and available. It helps people see where you are, your contact details, what customers say about you, and more. 
    • 29% of Google results contain local results comprising businesses that use the Google My Business tool. This is free, easy, and quick to set up, and requires no technical training or know-how.
    • In this episode, Canon Wing explains step-by-step how you can quickly set up your Google My Business listing, and how you can remain relevant to your audience with later additions.
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
    brand to your local audience with google my business, gmb local seo, google maps, google my business, google my business optimization, google my business seo, google my business seo 2022, google my business tips, google my business tips and tricks, how to market to your target audience, how to rank on google maps, how to set up google my business, how to set up google my business for maximum results, local seo, marketing to your target audience, rank in google maps
    Inspiration to Millions
    enFebruary 03, 2022

    Top 5 Fortune 100 Branding Secrets | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Top 5 Fortune 100 Branding Secrets | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Top 5 Fortune 100 Branding Secrets 

    My GIFT to You: The Answer Key For Passing The Blink Test! 
    Get these insider’s branding secrets for 2022, so your new brand can Come Out of Nowhere, even if no one knows your name yet.
    Top Tips
    • Because of the cultural shifts brought on by the pandemic, the expectations from brands have changed more in the past 2 years, than in the past 10 years.
    • “A brand shows love by creating the emotional support of a community that lets your people know they are not alone.”
    • Today, 66% of consumers WORLDWIDE consider company culture and the welfare of employees to be deciding factors for whether they buy from your brand or your competitor’s brand.
    • “At the foundation of every truly great brand culture is a higher purpose to serve the greater good of humanity.”
    • Every successful business in today’s marketplace had to learn How to Pass The Blink Test, and they are counting on you to fail just like they did in the beginning. Get the answer key from the link above!
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
    How to brand like a successful business
    Best advice for building a brand
    How to build a brand
    What do I need to build a brand?
    Tips for how to build a brand
    Inspiration to Millions
    enFebruary 01, 2022

    Top 5 Reasons To Quit Your J-O-B | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Top 5 Reasons To Quit Your J-O-B | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert
    Top 5 Reasons To Quit Your J-O-B 
    My GIFT To You: The 10 Landmarks of Branding
    Are you ready to be your own best boss? In the wake of the pandemic, statistics show that there’s never been a better time to break free of conventional work environments, and to start betting on yourself! Listen now!
    Top Tips
    • You don’t need to have a lot of money, a lot of experience, or a college degree to be successful. Here’s what you DO need! Listen to the episode now.
    • A survey done by Guidant Financial discovered that 30% of entrepreneurs don’t have college degrees.
    • Some of the most vital parts of building a business are free.
    • The odds of small businesses surviving their first year is at an all-time high of 80%! Learn more now!
    • Every successful business in today’s marketplace had to learn How to Pass The Blink Test, and they are counting on you to fail just like they did in the beginning. You can do better. 
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
    Inspiration to Millions
    enJanuary 27, 2022

    How to Get Your Brand Report –– Use This Checklist | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    How to Get Your Brand Report –– Use This Checklist | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    How to Get Your Brand Report –– Use This Checklist

    My GIFT to You - Brand Report Checklist
    How would you like to get your brand off to a flying start? And avoid the fate of over half of all American businesses that fail within the first 5 years? Namer and branding expert Canon Wing has put together a helpful branding checklist to help you identify weaknesses in your brand before it’s too late. Watch this video to strengthen your position in the marketplace, and get the insight you need to help your brand succeed.
    Top Tips
    • About half of all American businesses are forced to shut shop within five years of being launched because they fail to recognize and rectify weaknesses. Whether you're launching a new brand or want to empower an existing brand, this is for you.
    • Your brand is an emotion; it is what people remember, recognize, and feel about your service or product. If your brand successfully evokes the right emotions and feelings, this helps guide the buying choices of your ideal individuals.
    • Your brand has to demonstrate how it promises a better tomorrow, fulfills a desire, and streamlines processes. A brand must also stay relevant, as Canon explains via the Coca-Cola and McDonald’s case studies.
    • Brand positioning is vital, as the Netflix versus Blockbuster story demonstrates, and pricing must align with perceived value, as Apple and OnePlus have shown. A brand also has to be responsive to customers and to changing social realities and needs.
    • A brand has to be consistent across all touchpoints while still remaining distinctive and recognizable. A successful brand is also one that is able to create brand equity over time.
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
    branding your business, how to brand your business, how to determine your target market, how to find target audience, how to find your target market, how to identify target audience, how to identify target market, identify your target market, marketing strategy, marketing tips, selecting a target market, target audience examples, target market, target market analysis, target market examples, target marketing

    Branding To Rule Your Market | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Branding To Rule Your Market | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Branding To Rule Your Market

    My GIFT to You
    Is there really one proven formula that can help millions of people get past their resistance to buying from your brand? What’s the phrase that pays? Learn more now! 
    Top Tips
    • “Nobody likes to feel like they're losing their freedom of choice. This is why high-pressure sales copy fails.” Learn what works now!
    • We don’t need bulging budgets to build your brand right. We need to engage the phrase that pays…Get it here!
    • “Branding is about winning over new members while deepening the relationship with your current audience.”
    • The Either-Or phrasing is now mission-critical to closing a sale, even with your most hesitant buyers. Learn more now!
    • Your most hesitant buyers can often be the buyers who need your offer the most.” 
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
    2022 branding trends, 2022 digital marketing, 2022 digital marketing trends, 2022 marketing strategy, brand strategy, branding 101, branding basics, branding strategies for small business, branding strategies in marketing, branding your business, how to reach more customers online, how to write a good sales pitch, how to write great sales copy, how to write sales copy, marketing strategy, what is branding in marketing, what is the best way to market your business

    [CASE STUDY: GoPuff] The Dial-It-In Brand Strategy | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    [CASE STUDY: GoPuff] The Dial-It-In Brand Strategy | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    [CASE STUDY: GoPuff] The Dial-It-In Brand Strategy 

    My GIFT to You.
    Brand strategy has evolved rapidly over the last two years and it’s time to learn some new tricks! Don’t miss out on learning the EXCLUSIVE Dial-It-In Brand Strategy, and come out ahead in 2022! Listen now!
    Top Tips
    • Ask yourself at every turn, “Is this action, is this choice, is this behavior…aligned with my brand’s voice?”  And just keep dialing it in! Learn more now…
    • Dial in your brand’s Win-Win-Win and get really good at conveying those every potential wins to the people you want in your brand community.
    • Here’s a little secret that most Entrepreneurs learn the hard way: It is far more likely that you are NOT your ideal audience.
    • As a new brand, do everything you can to dial in your immediate customer knowledge but be prepared to need to dial it in again and again and again as your brand grows, and your community expands.
    Never assume you know everything there is to know about your target audience.
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
    branding strategy 2022, building a successful brand, creating a successful brand, gopuff the dial-it-in brand strategy, how does gopuff work, how to brand and market your business, how to brand your business on social media, how to build a successful brand, how to build a successful brand in 2022, how to build a successful business, successful brand stories, successful branding strategy, what is gopuff

    How Much Does It Cost To Start A Home Business? | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    How Much Does It Cost To Start A Home Business? | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    How Much Does It Cost To Start A Home Business?

    My GIFT to You 
    There’s ONE limiting belief that stands out above all others that stops Entrepreneurs in their tracks. Don’t let it happen to you! Listen to today’s episode to uncover the truth about how much it REALLY costs to become a famous brand.
    Top Tips
    • Today we’re answering the question on every Entrepreneur's Mind: How much money, moo-la, cashola, does it take to become a household brand?
    • “Getting caught in analysis paralysis trying to budget the price of success? Here’s the truth: Money doesn’t buy brand loyalty.” 
    • No one can outspend you on brand loyalty. They can only out-brand you.
    • It was never the money that made a company a household name. It was always the message, the empowering belief, the seed of truth it planted in the hearts of its brand community.
    • “The belief that brand loyalty costs big bucks stops many Entrepreneurs from even starting.”
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
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    How to Leave Your Job Without Creating a New One | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    How to Leave Your Job Without Creating a New One | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    How to Leave Your Job Without Creating a New One 

    My GIFT to You
    Millions of people across the nation are getting ready to bet on themselves, and become their own boss. But how do you leave your job, without creating a new one? Listen now!
    Top Tips
    • “The pandemic hit hard, but throughout history, there has been a silver lining for Entrepreneurs after every major crisis.”
    • Whatever is driving The Great Resignation—If you hear the call within yourself to join your fellow Entrepreneurs and finally start betting on yourself, now is the time to do it.
    • “The shock of having so few choices during lockdown opened millions of eyes to how few choices they were being given at their jobs.”
    • Lockdown showed people new ways to make money that they never knew were possible. Ways to use their talents to make MORE money while spending MORE time with their families, and having MORE control over their schedules. 
    • “People aren’t getting lazy. People are getting ready—to bet on themselves and become their own boss.”
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
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    Top Branding Fails & How to Avoid Them | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Top Branding Fails & How to Avoid Them | with Canon Wing (aka Cannon), Branding Expert

    Top Branding Fails & How to Avoid Them 

    My GIFT to YOU: Get the Branding Checklist Here!
    What do you think about when names like Heineken, Frito Lay, Kodak, McDonald’s, or ESPN come to mind? Top brands, right? But did you know these and other Fortune 100 brands are responsible for the top branding fails as well? Don’t miss this hilariously astounding podcast, as namer and branding expert Canon Wing talks about some epic branding fails of this century! 
    Top Tips
    • The process of branding is like telling a joke – if your ideal audience doesn’t get it and you have to explain, you’ve failed. Canon Wing explains what not to do to grow a brand.
    • An ad by Heineken was seen to be deliberately racist; a branding stunt they pulled and said sorry for. GM was aiming for edgy with the Aztek but ended up with the ugliest car ever.
    • Singapore Airlines had one of the top branding fails during the COVID pandemic and then repeated its mistake. Kodak failed to keep up with the times and perished.
    • North Face made an off-brand move that reflected poorly on them and then boasted about it. ESPN Phone was a product launched without adequate testing and it bombed.
    • The branding fails of top names like Facebook VR, Frito Lay, McDonald’s, and many others are lessons for other entrepreneurs. Check out the top 10 branding fails of this century!
    Have Questions? I LOVE Questions Because The Courage To Ask Is the #1 Most Powerful Tool We Have To Learn. Ask Away In The Comment Box Below Or Contact Me Directly.
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