
    Intentional Living with Tanya Hale

    Join certified LDS mid-life coach Tanya Hale on a journey of discovering how to navigate middle-age with more meaning, acceptance, contentment, and happiness.
    enTanya Hale299 Episodes

    Episodes (299)

    #298 Friendship In Marriage

    #298 Friendship In Marriage

    Many of the people I work with who are struggling in their marriages find friendship with their partner to be elusive.  It was there when they got married, and over time, they have become more and more distant, negative, and dismissive, until they find they just don't have a good friendship with their spouse anymore.  And this is a huge problem.  Dr. John Gottman, a relationship expert has said, 'happy marriages are based on a deep friendship. . . a mutual respect for and enjoyment of each other’s company.'  It's time to rekindle the friendship in our marriages, and in this podcast we're going to talk about how.

    #297 Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

    #297 Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

    I hear so many people who just want us all to get along.  What many of them are meaning is, why can't everyone have the same opinions and wants and needs?  Why doesn't everyone just do things the way I want and then it would be easy?  Of course that would be easy, it would also defeat a huge part of the reason we are here on earth, to learn to be more loving and accepting and respectful of other people's agency.  So, maybe we're actually not all supposed to get along, maybe we're really supposed to learn to love and accept other people for who they are and honor their agency.  

    #296 Creating More Safety in Your Relationship

    #296 Creating More Safety in Your Relationship

    When we feel safe in our relationships, we feel we can show up with more vulnerability.  When we show up with more vulnerability, we create more emotional and physical intimacy.  But oftentimes, the behaviors we are engaging in in our relationships put the other person into protective mode rather than feeling safe, and so we struggle to create the connected relationships we really desire.  In this podcast we will talk about ten ways we can create more of a safe space for our person.

    #295 Safety in The Relationship Circle

    #295 Safety in The Relationship Circle

    So many of us did not learn growing up what it means to be in a relationship.  If you're like me, you thought that growing up and getting married would mean that you would have someone to love you, to shore up your insecurities, to validate you, or to agree with your opinions.  If you're like me, what you wouldn't have thought was that a relationship is a place to learn how to be more loving and kind and show up in a space of US rather than a space of ME.  In this podcast we are digging a little deeper into what it means to show up in relationship to create a safe space for our partner.

    #294 The 90-day Relationship How To

    #294 The 90-day Relationship How To

    When I really got serious about dating in my 50's, I used something called the 90-day Relationship.  An idea baby of Brooke Castillo from The Life Coach School, I took it and ran with it.  Basically, you're all in, fully committed, and figuring things out for 90 days.  It was a brilliant process for me to figure out relationships more and to find my person.  Through this process I discovered some of my most destructive patterns of behavior and was able to clean them up.  Check out this podcast to learn more about why this process worked so amazingly well for me.

    #293 Dating in Mid-life

    #293 Dating in Mid-life

    Dating in the middle part of our lives is a different ballgame than when we were in our 20s.  Thank goodness!  We have a much better understanding of who we are and what is really important to us in a relationship.  And using the tools you learn here on the podcast you will be able to create something very different.  I'm going to be sharing with you some of the ways that I showed up dating in my 50s that I feel made a huge difference for me finding such an amazing partner.  

    #292 Healing and Moving Forward After Divorce

    #292 Healing and Moving Forward After Divorce

    Divorce is a major life event, and one that can leave us feeling as though our whole world has been upended, because, often it has been.  It can be really tough to get our feet on solid ground with all of the emotional and even physical turmoil that divorce creates.  How do we start to heal from all of the pain?  And how do we move forward into the life we imagined waited for us outside of our terribly dysfunctional marriage? 

    #291 Divorce and Self-Worth

    #291 Divorce and Self-Worth

    If ever there is a time in our lives when our self-worth seems like it's up for grabs, going through a divorce is it.  It's a time when we question our judgment, our wisdom, our value, our loveability, basically, we question so much of who we are and the choices we have made.  And yet, having a strong sense of self is so vital to our abililty to move forward and heal and grow.  So, how can we hold onto, or even grow our sense of self-worth?  How can we see our value even in the midst of one of the toughest decisions in our lives?

    #290 Resentment and Contempt in Our Relationships

    #290 Resentment and Contempt in Our Relationships

    One-upping and one-downing in our relationships is so normal and expected for most of us, that we can often have a tough time recognizing when we are doing it. Here are two things to look for to help you be more aware: resentment and contempt. When we are putting ourselves in a one-down position, we will often feel resentment. When we are putting ourselves in a one-up position, we will often feel contempt. When we can learn to recognize these thoughts and behaviors, we can then start to figure out how to approach our relationships from a much healthier and happier equal place.

    #289 Why Our Relationships Need Validation

    #289 Why Our Relationships Need Validation

    Validation is something that we often seek from others to shore up our sense of self.  And this never really works, because SELF-worth is something that can only be created within ourselves.  Validation in our marriages and relationships, however, is a very important tool.  It lets the other person know we see them, we acknowledge them, we accept them, and it creates connection and intimacy.  In this podcast we are discussing how we can better validate our relationships to create greater connection.

    #288 When You’re In a Tough Marriage

    #288 When You’re In a Tough Marriage

    It's hard to know what to do when you're in a tough marriage.  You have tried so many things to make it better, and often it seems that despite your best efforts it's getting worse.  You're stuck in limbo trying to decide what to do and whether you should call it quits or keep trying.  What can we do to make it better?  How do we know what the right decision is?  How do we make a decision we can feel confident in?  All that and more in this podcast.

    #287 Equality In Your Relationships and Your Self-Worth

    #287 Equality In Your Relationships and Your Self-Worth

    Our natural tendency as humans is to go into a one-up or a one-down approach in our relationships, especially when there is conflict.  And yet, this tactic is incredibly ineffective in helping us to communicate clearly and get on the same page.  In addition, when we engage with one-upping or one-downing the other person, we are attacking our own sense of self-worth, which then exacerbates our tendency to go up or down.  Let's clear this up, shall we?

    #286 How Miscommunication Destroys Relationships

    #286 How Miscommunication Destroys Relationships

    Miscommunication is a silent killer in our relationships.  The tricky part is, we often don't even realize we are miscommunicating, and yet it causes so many fights and so much frustration for us.  When we can understand why miscommunication happens, we can behave in ways that will clear up what both of our expectations are about and we can preemptively stop most of the fights before they even start.  

    #285 Trust & Betrayal

    #285 Trust & Betrayal

    When we talk about betrayal in relationships, we most often think of the really big betrayals such as infidelity.  But just as important are the small betrayals that can occur over and over in our relationships that erode trust over time.  Trust is such a vital part of our relationships, and when it's not there, we also don't have emotional intimacy or partnership.  Learning to recognize our small betrayals and clean them up is vital in order to create stronger relationships.

    #284 Why Vulnerability Matters

    #284  Why Vulnerability Matters

    Many of us grew up in homes where we didn't receive any training about vulnerability in relationships.  We were fairly uneducated about emotions, and it has shown to be very detrimental in our marriage relationships.  My previous 24-year marriage struggled with a severe lack of vulnerability, and today we're talking about why that was such a problem and the difference vulnerability will make in your emotional intimacy.

    #283 How To Be A Better Partner

    #283 How To Be A Better Partner

    Sometimes our relationships can get difficult, or if not difficult, a little stale.  In those times it can be hard not to check out and show up in a way that nourishes our relationship.  Today we're going to talk about eight ways that we can be a better partner in our marriage relationships, or in any relationship.  When we show up better, the relationship is always better.  And since the quality of our life depends mostly on the quality of our relationships, it's always helpful to give our relationships some solid TLC.

    #282 What We Are Really Fighting About

    #282 What We Are Really Fighting About

    Sometimes in our relationships we find ourselves fighting a lot.  The fascinating part about this is that what we're fighting about, isn't really what the fight is about.  We may think it's about them being a side-seat driver when it's really about our insecurities about being thought of as not being good enough or being wrong.  When we can dig a little deeper into what's really going on, we can learn to have some meaningful and intimate discussions that create connection rather than fights that lead to disconnection.

    #281 Mid-Life Sexuality with Jennifer Finlayson-Fife

    #281 Mid-Life Sexuality with Jennifer Finlayson-Fife

    Learning to step into our God-given sexuality is a necessary step to coming into a sense of self.  And having a strong sense of self is vital in being able to create the life we are capable of and develop the equal marriage relationships we desire.  In this episode, Jennifer Finlayson-Fife discusses how sexuality often manifests itself in middle-age and how we can learn to create a healthier sexual relationship in our relationship.

    #280 Living in Alignment

    #280 Living in Alignment

    Living in alignment is a place where our thoughts and behaviors are aligned with our values.  Just because we are human we will get out of alignment, we will say and do things that hurt others, that break down trust, or that don't exemplify our religious beliefs.  Learning to offer ourselves grace in these times and then understanding how to get back into alignment will heal our hearts and our relationships.

    #279 When You're Not Equally Yoked

    #279 When You're Not Equally Yoked

    I work with a lot of clients who don't feel they are equally yoked with their partner, meaning, they don't feel they are both 'all in' or even in at the same level, and yet they want to stay in the relationship.  When this is the case, resentment and frustration will begin to take over our relationship and things start to break down and make it more and more difficult to stay.  In this podcast we are talking about how we can work with what we have to create the best possible relationship and a fulfilling life as well.