
    Jessie's World

    Welcome to Jessie's World - a weekly variety show that takes us through Jessie's Wheel of Life including Community, Fun, Health & Wellness, Entrepreneurship, Relationships, and Personal Development. Each segment brings a different flavor, making it interesting and engaging. The host Jessica Lambert aka @jessicavibez keeps it conversational and weaves humor though light and heavier topics. Special guests come from all walks of life and may surprise you. The ultimate goal of the show is to entertain, inspire, uplift, and assist us all (host included) in becoming our best selves. You get new, entertainment, wellness, and inspiration all in one great show. Segments Include: Tessy Time (Community) - real talks about current societal issues. Mrs. Write (Fun) - a freestyle on-air comical writing segment where computer generated prompts are turned into master poems, songs, and short stories right on the spot. Big Boss Vibez (Career Health) - let's talk all things entrepreneurship and bring our businesses to new heights Today's Topic (and sometimes - Guest) - This segment covers a variety of topics that are aimed at peeking curiosity, inspiring, motivating, supporting, and most of all assisting listeners in becoming their best selves. Gods N Goddesses (Health and Wellness) - travel inwards to center yourself. Let's focus on the personal care and wellness items that will help ensure you maximize your quality of life. A peer learning and sharing segment we grow together. Love, Fam, N Family (Relationships) - let's share stories of human impact and the importance of leading with love. Quote of the day. Affirmation Outro. Listener interaction is encouraged. If you have show suggestions or would like to be a guest on our show you can send your request on Instagram @jessicavibez or @jessiesworldxo you may also visit www.platinumrouge.com/jessies-world
    enPlatinum Rouge (Jessica Lambert and Tredel Lambert)31 Episodes

    Episodes (31)

    Maximizing Excellence and Managing Expectations

    Maximizing Excellence and Managing Expectations

    Intro - welcome to Jessies World were people learn how to improve their businesses, how to improve society, and how to improve their lives. Jessie's World encourages global healing by discussing topics that will help you improve yourself. Follow on Instagram @JessiesWorldXO and follow me, your host Jessica Lambert @JessicaVibez 

    Tessy Time - discusses the alarming news reports of increasingly aggressive and hurtful crimes, and peels back the layers to discuss root cause, and possible solutions that could help us as a society to heal. Special focus is given to calling for all leaders, and all people, to remember that WE are the ones who are responsible for being positive role models for youth and it us on US to ensure young people do not feel destitute and without options out here. It also discusses the importance of personal development, and the role that personal responsibility and  accountability play in improving one's life.

    Big Boss Vibez - discusses the importance of MANAGING EXPECTATIONS in business. It dives into HOW to set up a structure that will re-enforce positive behavior allowing expectations to be met through strong and intentional systems and processes. 

    Topic - main topic is about managing expectations in personal relationships. Jessica shares insights into how expectations can erode otherwise good relationships, and can lead to co-dependency in extreme cases. She encourages people to take back their power by evaluating where they have placed unfair or onerous expectations on others that they can start meeting themselves.

    Gods N Goddesses - takes listeners through a guided meditations, bringing them to their best selves through their mind's eye, and helping them see the freedom that comes with self-reliance and personal empowerment.

    Quotes "Someone with too many expectations will find that disappointment is their constant companion." Jessica Lambert aka @jessicavibez

    Affirmation "Today, I will be mindful of what I expect of others. I will work to be more self-reliant, & will be grateful for those who CHOOSE to be here for me. I am capable and I am blessed."

    Thank you for tuning in. Please tune in every week, so that we can become our best selves together. Please like, follow, subscribe, and share with others who you think this podcast can help - sharing is caring. Also please leave a review, it means a lot.

    Big hugs and love. 

    Remember to DM me, your host @JessicaVibez on Instagram if you have questions for the Dear Jessica live I will do on Instagram or if you want me to cover specific topics on this podcast.

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    Eating Elephants, Breaking Silos, & Scaling Business

    Eating Elephants, Breaking Silos, & Scaling Business

    Jessie starts off the introduction celebrating that TOGETHER we have reached 10 episodes dedicating our time and energy to OURSELVES and the process and practice of becoming our best selves. Acknowledging it is a journey more than it is a destination, Jessica thanks listeners for participating and joining her as we collectively embark on the ground breaking pursuit of manifesting self-actualization. 

    Tessy Time advocates for more Critical Thinking, Community Discussion, and balanced media reporting citing that there are often MANY SOLUTIONS or possible solutions where some may see one. She also cautions against hasty moves fueled by emotions without first weighting desired and possible UNINTENDED impacts that could prove more catastrophic than the original issue needing resolution. Instead, Tessy asks people to engage in dialogue with a pure heart, open mind, and with the true intention of finding the best possible solution - together as a team. She also notes that this skill of effective communication, shared mission, and non-combative critical analysis when solution finding is an asset in business and in personal lives and can create positive transformations in even the most difficult situations. 

     Bing Boss Vibez discusses how to prevent, and address, stagnation in your business.

    Today's Topic is How to Eat and Elephant - and other productivity tips. Jessica offers 7 life-hacks that will improve business and life - and ensure your productivity level skyrockets.

    Gods N Goddesses brings us back to center, and encourages us to connect with self. It's an exciting segment, highlighting the importance of "You Time" and even challenging us all to have a solo date night regularly.

    Shout Out to all the regular listeners who have made it this far - 10 episodes means you are starting to make BECOMING YOUR BEST SELF a HABIT and that is sooooooooooo amazing and very much reason to celebrate :) 

    Quote "I love dates with me. I dress up. I get excited. I'm about to chill with my FAVORITE person and that's so DOPE!" Jessica Lambert.

    Quote "Your flaws are nothing in the face of your ATTRIBUTES" Jessica Lambert aka @JessicaVibez (follow on Instagram)

    Affirmation "I do NOT have to do it all today. Instead, I know that balance will pave my way. l won't just plant the rose bush, I will smell it too. When I fill my cup, it can runneth onto YOU!" Jessica Lambert

    Thank you for visiting Jessie's World - the perfect place to have good vibes and blessed words poured into you so that you may continue to do the great work of transforming into your best self. 

    Please follow / subscribe, like, share, and leave a review xo. Also please follow us on Instagram @JessiesWorldXO and follow me, your Host, Jessica Lambert @JessicaVibez with a Z!

    Tune in every week - as we continue our best-self journey together.

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    Jessie's World Eps 9 Exploring the Link Between Authenticity, Selfishness, Abundance, and Global Healing

    Jessie's World Eps 9 Exploring the  Link Between Authenticity, Selfishness, Abundance, and Global Healing

    Welcome to Jessie's World - let's become our best selves together. 
    Be sure to follow us on Instagram @JessiesWorldXO and follow our host @JessicaVibez
    Tune in every Wednesday at 8pm on Instagram Live @JessiesWorldXO to catch live interviews with inspiring people who are also working to become their best selves. Let's support each other along our journey to increase the altitude on our upwardly mobile dash.

    Tessy Time - Try Anyway!!! Tessy gives the apathetic a stern talking to, encouraging them to push themselves, heal their past, challenge their believes, and disrupt their comfort zone so they can become their best self and live their best life. Tessy reminds us that "adversity may be a contributor to failure but it is NOT an excuse for apathy!" Jessica Lambert

    Mrs. Write - delivers a fun freestyle about why she would rather shop at a bookstore like Chapters Indigo than go to the library - she later debriefs by sharing fond memories of visiting the library, and her love for Amelia Bedelia books. Jessica Lambert reminds us she and her son Tredel Lambert are authors of children's book series Hip Hop Heroz you can find No Chainz and you can find Jack Fly both great books that teach children life lessons on Amazon. 

    Big Boss Vibez reminds us that if we are not strong personally, then our business and financial health is resting on shaky ground.

    Gods N Goddesses is a great meditation that centers us and facilitates our visualization of our TRUE AUTHENTIC INNER BEST SELF, reminding us that becoming your best self in an INTERNAL job before it is an EXTERNAL one. 

    Quote "Your business, finances, relationships, and even your love life rests on the FOUNDATION that is the content of your character." Jessica Lambert

    Affirmation "Today, I re-commit to me. I give myself permission to put myself FIRST. Because only when my cup runneth over can I pour blessings into other areas of my life, into the lives of my loved ones, and into the world.

    I have a duty to nurture and share my unique talents and gifts, and to bless the world as God intentded.

    I may fall 1000 times, but I will rise 1001 - because I have a clear and defined God given purpose.

    I will heal my battle wounds, confront my fears, build my strengths, let go of the past, and walk proudly into the abundant light that lies ahead for me. 

    I am success manifesting.

    My dash will rise!" By Jessica Lambert

    Thank you for listening to Jessie's World.
    Please follow us on Instagram @JessiesWorldXO 
    Please like and share this podcast, and please leave us a review - it really makes a difference.
    We are allies on this journey called life, peers supporting each other in becoming our best selves - and I am honored to walk with you friends.
    Sincerely, Jessica Lambert aka Jessica Vibez

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    Slaying Ghosts & Side Stepping Haterz

    Slaying Ghosts & Side Stepping Haterz

    Tessy Time - Tessy takes on Haters, reminding them to "leave people's business alone!"

    Mrs. Write - A fun poem about the randomly generated word "Baby."

    Big Boss Vibez - Reminds you to set small reasonable goals, and focus one one at a time to get manage anxiety and achieve success at work.

    Topic - Slaying Ghosts from Past that still stand in the way of our success today. Dealing with trauma is important. Without knowing it, past trauma has likely shaped who you are, your limitations, preconceived notions, fears and bias. It's time to put on your Ghost Buster uniform and find the traumas that are standing in your way and let them know "You Ain't Afraid of No Ghost!" Confronting a dark past is an essential step towards manifesting a bright future.

    Shout Outs - My son, and the apple of my eye, @tredelthecomicgod follow him on Instagram he's a talented Illustrator and an amazing person.

    Quotes and Affirmation - listen to hear original quotes and affirmations from Jessica Lambert that will help you become your best self.

    Tune in weekly to Jessie's World Podcast and let's become our best selves together.

    Jessie's World is a not just a podcast, it is a community of people dedicated to becoming their best selves... together. Follow us on @JessiesWorldXO on Instagram and you can follow Host Jessica Lambert on Instagram @JessicaVibez - tune in weekly.

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    Show Up for Your Glow Up

    Show Up for Your Glow Up

    Tessy Time - Natural Paths, Family Doctors, Specialists, and other health and healing professionals from all walks should be able to bring forward evidence of helpful solutions to medical issues including the pandemic - and be deemed as reputable option on official forums if in fact that is the case. 

    Mrs. Write - does fun freestyle about why it's more important to have a nice home than it is to have a nice car...do you agree or nah? Put in comments.

    Topic - Show Up (for Your Glow Up) - discusses the importance of showing up for YOU!!! We put so much emphasis on showing up for OTHERS in life, but are you really showing up for you and what matters to you most? Your "Glow Up" will only come when you Show Up and MAKE IT COME!

    Big Boss Vibez - Continues the theme of achieving success by showing up, and graduates it from showing up for yourself, to showing up for your business / professional aspirations. Learn from Jessie's years of experience helping successful companies and non-profit organizations lean their plans to ensure they are all rowing in the same direction and that everyone can word hard towards a SHARED VISION.

    Gods N Goddesses - encourages listeners to Deep Clean Your Mind offering tips on how to ensure a good clear mind ready and able to work towards your personal and professional goals daily - this is a MUST LISTEN, very informative. Participate with #CleansYourMind and tag @JessiesWorldxo

    Shout Out - Deanna Monk a loving supportive lady who is also fam and who I appreciate

    Quote - Cleanliness is next to Godliness. 

    Affirmation - listen to find out - it's a good one.

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    Stay Calm & Keep Dreaming - Even When Stressed

    Stay Calm & Keep Dreaming - Even When Stressed

    It's easy to work towards becoming your best self, and living your best life, when everything is going well - but how do you handle stress and adversity? Does it make you double down, or quit? Join us as we uncover ways to continue to strive, even during a tough time.


    Tessy Time - Tessy discusses the crazy reality of rando sugar daddies on social media, and their link to the current gas prices.

    Mrs. Write - weaves a fable about a golden snake named Seashell

    Big Boss Vibez - helps you put the focus back on yourself, and realize the difference between your issues, and taking on the issue of others to avoid your own. Jessica shares the equation she created and uses to keep her focused: Stress Management = Success Management citing that minding your own business is a key component to stress reduction - as is sleep!

    Main Topic - shares tips from lifehack.or and Jessica's own experience, on how to remain calm, and maintain focus on your dream, even during a stressful time.

    Gods N Goddesses - discusses the importance of DREAMING BIG and discusses why playing small, or dreaming in the past will not lead to manifesting self actualization and unlocking one's inner gifts and key to abundance. 

    Shout Outs - to the two kids who pushed back me saying no to them cutting my lawn and just kept asking every few days - you finally got my business good job.

    Quote "If you stop dreaming, you are just sleeping" Jimmy, Raising Hope - Netflix.

    Affirmation - listen to episode to find out ;) 

    Outro - thank you for listening to Jessie's World podcast with Jessica Lambert aka Jessica Vibez follow me @JessicaVibez on Instagram and follow our show @JessiesWorldxo - this is a Platinum Rouge production.

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    Unlocking Personal Success & Abundance (pt. 2) / Jessie's Hierarchy of Priorities Theory

    Unlocking Personal Success & Abundance (pt. 2) / Jessie's Hierarchy of Priorities Theory

    Join Jessie to discuss how to turn your internal gifts and passion into a profitable business. Also, strengthen your time management skills and approach using Jessie's Hierarchy of Priorities model. Finally, learn ways to center yourself and re-connect with your purpose, while warding off worldly pressures. It's always jokes, but also, this is serious business xoxo!

    Intro - Rich rising famalam, welcome to Jessie's World!

    Tessy Time - Unifying Our Come-up, discusses the importance of considering HOW WE CAN HELP EACHOTHER (our family, our friends, our community, our network) while building ourselves and strengthening our businesses - it works for Ivy League School Alumni, it works for the Kardashian, and it can work for us too!

    Mrs. Write - Fun short frestyle about DRAMA :)

    Big Boss Vibez - A serious look at time management and the  role it plays in our lives as a whole. It's time to re-think how we use our time, and restructure our lives so that we can manifest our blessings and welcome abundance more freely - consider Jessie's Hierarchy of Priorities!

    Topic - Unlocking Personal Success and Abundance (pt. 2)

    A look at the general principals of business development and the achievement of business success. As much as we encourage listeners to find and develop their innate gifts into their life's work and calling, this work still must be structured as a business and delivered in a systematic way as to ensure sustainable abundance. Raw talent and innate gifts alone will not get there. Jessie walks us through the GENERAL steps of creating a Success Strategy as a starting point for you to put your gifts into marketable rotation. 

    Gods & Goddesses - 5 Tips for Re-Centering Yourself and Re-Aligning with Your Purpose and Passion - on tough days it can be hard to remember WHY on earth you chose such a grueling and difficult path (lol we have all been there), these are the moment's you need to come armed with handy dandy tools to push past those moments and on into strengthened and renewed conviction for your life's work.

    Quote "All the validation I need lives inside of me" Jessica Lambert. 

    Affirmation "Challenges are just opportunities to strengthen my commitment to myself, my values, my gifts, and my calling - I got this!" Jessica Lambert

    Outro - Thank you for listening to Jessie's World weekly podcast - follow us on Instagram @JessiesWorldXO and connect with Host Jessica Lambert on Instagram @JessicaVibez this is a Platinum Rouge production.

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    Unlocking Personal Success and Abundance (pt. 1)

    Unlocking Personal Success and Abundance (pt. 1)

    The main topic looks at Discovering and Re-Discovering our unique gifts. Each  of us are given a set of gifts that contain our purpose in life. When we discover, access, nurture, and grow these gifts and then use them for our life's work, we are able to achieve a level of satisfaction and success we desire while also being happier, healthier, and feeling more fulfilled. Equally important, by using these gifts, we are able to put into the world what we came to manifest, and in that way, we make the world a better place. 

    Tessy Time takes on Ontario's Emergency Room and ICU crisis and urges all levels of government to find the funding and solutions needed to fix the issues ASAP.

    Mrs. Write doesn't disappoint with an awkward but funny impromptu tale.

    Big Bosses learn a very important lesson to aid in their success.

    Gods and Goddesses center themselves and connect with the future joy they are now going to work diligently and joyfully towards. 

    Timothy Lambert (Jessie's uncle, brother, father figure, and friend) gets a big shout out for just being the fun loving and kind man he has been in her life. "I am grateful we got to grow up in the same home, at the same time together. There are so many childhood experiences I have had where the only other living person who had them with my is my Broduncle (brother dad uncle) Tim. He's more special to me than he will ever know. I am so grateful for all he has done and continues to do in my life." Jessica Lambert

    The episode ends with an inspiring quote and an affirmation you should say every day until next episode xo keep working on becoming your best you.

    P.s. Somehow Jessie finds a way to work humor into traditionally dry topics, making this as comedic as it is uplifting!

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    Mind, Body, and Solar Return

    Mind, Body, and Solar Return

    Host Jessica Lambert aka @Jessicavibez discusses the importance of creating balance before, during, and after your birthday celebration so that you can have the most enjoyable experience possible. The revolutionary system outlined in this episode is great for any major holiday or event and will help to:
    - Manage expectations
    - Reduce weight gain while allowing you to indulge in food, drink, and fun
    - Help those who love you feel appreciated and want to give to you
    - Help you enjoy a renewed beginning anytime you please, and especially after you Solar Return 
    - Bring joy to you no matter what your situation

    You can not afford to miss this episode - it is transformative. 
    In the great words of @TredelTheComicGod this show will help you "get your life!"

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    Celebrating Success & Ogling Outcomes

    Celebrating Success & Ogling Outcomes

    Jessie’s World – podcast

    Eps 2.

    Topic –  Important Life Hack -  Set Goals Measure Outcomes



    Rich Living. 

    Welcome to Jessie’s World where we talk all things love, life, success, wellness and more. 

    If you have a good sense of humor, are upwardly mobile, and ready to GET IT – you’ve come to the right place.

    You have now entered the intersection where deep honest discussions meet bear jokes; where real talks, tips, and support meets mind ya biz niz energy, and where loving blessed vibez meets…everyone!!!

    Follow me personally on IG @jessicavibez and our podcast @jessiesworldxo

    TODAYS TOPIC / GUEST will be…

    BUT FIRST…it’s Tessy Time


    Tessy Time

    The UN saying it’s ‘too dangerous’ to go into the area where gang leaders have taken over in Haiti to help the innocent people – I call BS!

    Mrs. Write

    Random Topic Freestyle (Poetry / Short Story / Song / Hip Hop Freestyle etc.) 

    Big Boss Vibez

    The last thing you probably expect me to recommend in our Big Boss Vibez segment is to …go to sleep. 

    BUT YOU HAVE SO MUCH WORK TO DO … me too – but hear this…

    Sleep is so important for life and for business. 

    When you sleep you have more energy for work. It’s important that each night you allow your mind, body, and soul to heal and to recover from the hustle and bustle of the day – a proper sleep will help keep you healthy, alert, and focused on success.

    Today’s Topic – Importance of Setting Goals refer to Jessie’s Word resource Daily Success Planner on Amazon 3 cover options 8.5 x 11 

    This should be done annually, monthly, weekly, and daily and they should feed into each other. 

    Today I started a new practice where I also document EVERY outcome I achieve

    Get resource on Amazon Jessie's World Daily Success Planner


    Gods N Goddesses 

    Last episode we focused on BREATH.

    This episode I wanted to discuss stress management – because it’s such an important topic we will cover it for the next few episodes, offering tips to reduce your stress dramatically and help you have a happier, more productive day.


    Love Fam n Family

    When setting goals you must also set boundaries. If you are starting a new business or are just becoming more serious about a goal or business you already have – it can be difficult to tell loved ones you need more time and space for you.

    Saying NO and setting boundaries not only helps you protect your energy and accomplish your goals, it also shows respect for your loved ones.

    By protecting your time and energy – when you do give your time you will be able to focus on them instead of promising what you can not deliver and disappointing others.

    Lovingly putting boundaries around your time and energy for your own personal development is good for everyone. 


    You can never cross the ocean unless you are willing to loose sight of the shore - unknown


    Today I will set my goals and I will work diligently and relentlessly toward them. I will trust the process as I work on achieving my goals. I will acknowledge the outcomes I create, and I will appreciate every baby step as a win towards my ultimate goal. 

    I believe in myself no matter what, and I will push past fear and adversity to make my dreams a reality, burning all bridges behind me – success is the only option, I got this!


    Thank you so much for visiting Jessie’s World where we strive to improve life one podcast at a time. I hope you enjoyed our show. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @jessiesworldxo and you can follow me, your host Jessica Lambert on Instagram @JessicaVibez – you can also find us on platinum rouge . com

    See you next time on Jessie’s world. 


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    Jessie's World - Who's Raising the Adults (Eps. 1)

    Jessie's World - Who's Raising the Adults (Eps. 1)

    Join Jessie as she introduces the world to her world - a world where no one is perfect, but we are all trying to become our best selves. You will also meet Tessy - she is a no-nonsense tell it how it is Social Commentator who doesn't hold back. Mrs. Write will engage you with fun impromptu poems, stories, and freestyles about random topics, and our Big Boss Vibez segment will help you boss up. 

    Who's Raising the Adults is today's topic where we look at how brain drain in the family structure has impact current and future adults, and we consider ways to overcome challenges and lack of direction in an already uncertain world. 

    Our Gods n Goddesses segment brings us back to centre and to self so we can relax, debrief, and end strong with affirmations and intentions to keep our energy high as we move from our higher inner self through the world easily claiming our success. 

    It's fun, it's entertaining, and it's enlightening - welcome xo.

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