
    Keep Your Courage

    For the military wives who are overwhelmed, who are exhausted, who are lonely or scared or stressed, who keep going but sometimes need to be reminded how, exactly, to keep going. Consider this podcast your weekly reminder: You’re not alone and you’re gonna make it. Sarah Sandifer guides you into a way of living military life where you keep your courage no matter what, so that even in the chaos you have a strong center that holds.
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    Episodes (100)

    87: Summer Series - Keep Going. Unless You Shouldn't.

    87: Summer Series - Keep Going. Unless You Shouldn't.

    For the summer, we are going to re-visit some of my very favorite episodes of Keep Your Courage this year- the episodes that form the pillars of what we're about around here. And so today, as we military are ones who keep going- What then, do we do about when we actually can't keep going any longer? I think today's episode might be exactly what you need.

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    86: Summer Series- Build a Marriage Together, Apart

    86: Summer Series- Build a Marriage Together, Apart

    For the summer, we are going to re-visit some of my very favorite episodes of Keep Your Courage from this year- the episodes that form the pillars of what we're about around here. And so today, as we build our military marriages, we know that sometimes what connects us needs to be stronger than being able to reach out and grab their hand. Let's talk about it.

    85: How to Handle Change

    85: How to Handle Change

    There are so many reasons why and how things could be changing for any of us this summer from deployments to moves to people moving around you to new unit leadership and the list goes on. We deal with a lot of change in the military life- but there are ways we can get through it better and well. I'll tell you some ideas here.

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    83: How a Broken Marriage Can Be Strong

    83: How a Broken Marriage Can Be Strong

    We military wives can be a strong and feisty and independent bunch- which are good characteristics in a hard life like the military. But what if we could allow these hard things to make us tender and broken as well? This could be the exact thing our marriages need to get closer together. Listen in to hear what I mean.

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    82: All We Really Need to Know

    82: All We Really Need to Know

    It's fair to say a lot of us have a lot of questions right now that we would love some answers to. We have a lot of things stressing us out right now that we would love some clarity on. If you're in a season where it feels uncertain and you'd love to know how it's all going to work out and what to do next, this episode is just for you. 

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    81: How to Find Common Ground in Friendship

    81: How to Find Common Ground in Friendship

    Most of us know what it's like to have to move and be the new girl, with new people who don't know our life stories. The exhaustion from having to tell all of your stories again is a real thing, especially when they were hard ones from previous assignments that these people weren't a part of. There's something magic about military gals though, and I think seeing new military communities this way could make all the difference as we make new friends in each military assignment.

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    79: Find Where Your Home Is

    79: Find Where Your Home Is

    Within the military, I can basically guarantee that at some point you will move or at some point you have moved- away from home, to a new home. If that's a little confusing to you, it is to me, too- Can you have more than one place that is home? Is home where you are or where you've been?

    If you are feeling all the ways about having to move a lot, about having to start over, about wondering how in the world do you make a new place feel like home when you're still grieving the loss of your last home, then this episode is for you.

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    79: How to Parent Resilient Kids

    79: How to Parent Resilient Kids

    One of our greatest fears about this military life is if we're asking too much of our kids to live this hard life that they didn't have a choice in living. It builds resilience in them, yes, but what if it's too hard? Well, here are some thoughts about parenting a resilient kid and how we actually do it. 

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    Related Episodes:

    Episode 58: What if We Don't Want to be Resilient?

    78: We Keep Courage for Everyone

    78: We Keep Courage for Everyone

    In the military, we live a life on behalf of others in so many ways. One surprising way I have experienced this? The power of this sisterhood of friends and military wives who show me what it looks like to live a life that is so full and so brave and gritty that it has a ripple effect onto my life. I need to see other women live this hard life well because it makes me believe that I can be it and become it, too. Sometimes we're the believer in someone else, sometimes we need someone else to believe in us. Does it make a difference? I think so. I hope you'll listen in and see.

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    Other episodes mentioned:

    Episode 75: See a Hard Moment in a New Way

    77: Take What You Can Get in Marriage

    77: Take What You Can Get in Marriage

    I think we all could write a book titled "Not How I Thought This Would Go!" as a result of our military lives. We military gals have gotten pretty good at adjusting. Maybe we could also adjust a little bit in our marriage too, when needed. Our spouses are gone sometimes, a lot of the time. Maybe we can learn to get creative in how we approach our marriage and instead of letting the change and separation be a place of bitterness, we can use it as an invitation to take what we can get and see it as an opportunity instead. I'll show you how.

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    Other episodes mentioned:

    Episode 32: The Story of Our Family's Return to the Military

    76: Can This Hard Life Still Be a Good Life?

    76: Can This Hard Life Still Be a Good Life?

    This military life pushes you fully into experiences that take you so far past any limits you thought you had, asking you to do more than you thought you could do. And it's in those moments that you realize you can't do this on your own- you need others in the ring with you. Is this how we discover the hard life can still be a good life? I think so. Listen in.

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    75: See a Hard Moment in a New Way

    75: See a Hard Moment in a New Way

    Part of the wholehearted military life is not only feeling some of the things, but actually feeling all of the things- the good and the hard and learning how to live with it all. And my goodness in the military life, we are handed It All. If you're in a season of military life that feels like Level 10 stress all the time, if you're wondering if you can actually make it, the perspective shift in this episode might be just for you.

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    74: Trust Anyway

    74: Trust Anyway

    We in the military know exactly what it's like to have someone else determine much of how our life goes. And as common as it is in the military experience, it still makes me feel a certain kind of way. So much of our own lived life is out of our control... but what if that could be a good thing? If your life feels a little out of control, if you're waiting on orders, waiting for word on what comes next, waiting for someone else to make a decision that guides the way your whole life goes, this episode is for you.  

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    73: Make the Deployment Count

    73: Make the Deployment Count

    The military life is a hard one. And my goal is to help make it a little less hard. Because the world feels a little precarious right now, right? A lot are going through deployments, a lot have them on the horizon. A deployment is one of the hardest things we can endure in the military life. But I've found some ways over the years that help me get through deployments- if you need some encouragement on getting through yourself, listen in.

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    Other episodes mentioned: 

    Keep Your Courage | Episode 68: Think This Instead

    72: Small Things Add Up

    72: Small Things Add Up

    It always surprises me that it's often the small moments that add up over time that make me come the most undone. This is true. But what if there's a completely different perspective to have about small moments in this military life? What if it's the small moments that actually give us a structure upon which to build our life? Listen in for more.

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    71: The Miracle of Friendship

    71: The Miracle of Friendship

    The military life, as hard as it is, gives us lots of opportunities to need to rely on other people in order to get us through. But something happens along the way that feels a little close to a miracle- we could be going through the hardest time of our lives, but because we had someone in the ring with us, we make it through and can even sometimes look back on that season with fondness. How? And how do you get there with a new friend? Listen in.

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    Other episodes mentioned:

    Episode 2: Remember What It's Like

    70: Small Moments Matter in a Marriage

    70: Small Moments Matter in a Marriage

    I've noticed my ability to handle what we go through in the military has a direct connection to how connected I feel to my husband. He's the soldier but we're the team and we're in it together. Ideally. Because it doesn't always feel like we're actually in it together. I discovered a way, a small way, to help re-connect our marriage. If you need some encouragement from the real side of military marriage, this episode is just for you.

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    69: See Mothering Differently

    69: See Mothering Differently

    Here we are, military wives, some of us mothers too, living a chaotic and uncertain life ourselves, trying to tend to All The Needs of tiny humans who can't do it themselves yet. What if that situation that seems like it's driving you to the absolute end of yourself is actually an invitation to deeper connection? If you need a little encouragement on how in the world to mother children in the midst of military life, this episode is for you.

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    68: Think This Instead

    68: Think This Instead

    It kinda feels like we're all being pretty shaken right now. From deployments to hard assignments to loneliness to waiting on orders, the military world feels kinda tender and hard. Instead of focusing on all of those hard things though that can lead to fear and anxiety and overwhelm, try focusing on what I offer in this episode. I think it just might help.

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