
    Killer Media Sales

    Build your sales skills and win more business with Killer Media Sales. Find out how to pitch more effectively, close more deals and become a master of your time management. This weekly podcast reveals how you can deliver the best client outcomes, win more business and maximise your sales.
    enKiller Media Sales208 Episodes

    Episodes (208)

    How to deliver bad news

    How to deliver bad news

    We have all been there: Something bad has happened (personally or professionally) and you have to inform your boss or a friend about it. Two things come to your mind: 1) You don’t know how to say it and overthink it. Or, 2) You just spill it out without thinking about the consequences. But did you know there’s a third way to deliver bad news in a 'good' way?

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson talk about the importance of knowing how to deliver information but more specifically how to deliver bad news. They mention that the importance of communicating the bad news is critical, as people's reactions will depend on this. The duo advise that one of the best things you can do is to manage the impact and acknowledge that something went wrong and the damage caused, but most importantly, to have a solution or solutions ready to go.

    They also highlight that as a sales person you not only have to be prepared for bad things to happen but you also need to be ready to perform during a moment of crisis. An understanding that everyone takes bad news differently, will help you to develop your communication abilities and come up with more creative solutions.

    Do you want to know what the two key factors are that will make you be better at delivering bad news? Listen till the end of this podcast to find out, you can’t miss this one!

    For anyone who wants to be a sales person

    For anyone who wants to be a sales person

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson talk to all of those who would like to change careers and become a sales person, or anyone that's always been interested in sales but doesn’t know if they have the skills needed to be good at it. The pair discuss communication skills, strong presentation, the way you carry yourself, and how you present information are just a few of the skills and qualities that make a good sales person.

    They also mention that one of the core fundamentals in sales is that you have to be “fairly fearless” when it comes to talking about money. They mention that being likable is really important in sales but emphasise that “this is not enough” to be good at sales. They highlight that talking about money is key, and probably the most important thing in sales is you have to be able to close a deal and not only be pleasant with a client.

    According to the duo, salespeople can lack certain qualities and skills and still be good at it, however they give one single and powerful piece of advice to anyone that is moving into sales or trying to get a job in sales that will help you discover if this career is for you. Do you want to know what it is? Don’t miss this amazing episode and find out! Tune in now!

    Back to the basics

    Back to the basics

    The challenges that media sales people face in today’s environment are not the same as they were five, 10 or 20 years ago. So, as the media landscape evolves, so do the questions you make to your clients.

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson talk about the importance of always asking the right questions, but also they invite you to challenge your questions as a media sales person and refresh them constantly. The duo discuss how things go awry in sales. Sales people don’t just fall off a cliff, but gradually downward spiral, for example missing targets more frequently, which may trigger confidence and in turn make the situation worse. These things happen over time and are actually because you can get a bit rusty at what you’re doing, therefore it is important to know your client and the market but also change with them.

    If you want to know how to stay up-to-date with the sales and the market environment, this is an episode you can’t miss, tune in now!

    Every crisis is an opportunity

    Every crisis is an opportunity

    The world is constantly changing, but we change with it too, and one of the things that make us, and the world change, is a crisis. But have you ever dealt with a difficult situation in your life? Something unexpected happened and you just froze and didn’t know what to do?

    In case you missed it, in one of the most interesting episodes of Killer Media Sales, Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson discuss how a normal situation in sales can turn into a crisis, when something happens quickly or unexpectedly and especially when those situations catch you off guard.

    In this episode they also raise some questions: What makes a crisis, a crisis? What are the key aspects that can turn a normal sales situation into a crisis? What’s the key to solving a crisis? Can a crisis be avoided?

    They also discuss how in dealing with a crisis you have to get out of your comfort zone and the more you do that, the better you’ll be at handling difficult situations. The pair also consider how a crisis can be a huge opportunity to deepen a relationship and build trust.

    You can’t miss this episode full of tips and tricks that will help you to kill it in media sales.

    Are you persuasive or influential?

    Are you persuasive or influential?

    Do you remember the last time that you bought a product just because a celebrity endorsed it? And can you tell if you are being persuaded or influenced?

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Russell Stephenson is joined again by the director and owner of Frontier Performance Pancho Mehrotra to talk about persuasion and implements in sales. They discuss the differences between persuasion and influence and give advice to sales people about the importance of understanding your own thinking in order to influence and persuade others and improve your sales.

    The duo also talk about the mistakes that sales people make when they focus on “sales tactics” rather than building the self of that person so he or she can learn (among other things) how to react under pressure or how to improve their communication skills. Pancho mentions that this is one of the big challenges in sales nowadays, but also says that if you want to improve your sales and learn how to be more persuasive and influential in your role, this is something that can be learned and trained and definitely can be mastered with experience.

    If you want to learn how to influence more and persuade better, this is an episode that you can’t miss. Tune in now!

    How to avoid cognitive dissonance in sales

    How to avoid cognitive dissonance in sales

    Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you can’t make a decision, so you end up picking the “easiest” option (no matter good or bad) so you just end your mental conflict? That’s called cognitive dissonance. You may think, “how is this related to my sales?”.

    Well, in this episode of Killer Media Sales Russell Stephenson is joined by the director and owner of Frontier Performance Pancho Mehrotra to talk about cognitive dissonance and how this can impact the negotiation process with your clients. They discuss the importance of knowing what your discovery process is as a sales person, in order to identify the needs and desires of your clients, so you can make better decisions and avoid this cognitive dissonance in your sales pitch as well as in your client thought process.

    The duo also talk about the power of people’s beliefs and how sometimes our decision making process is not always the right one, and that as a sales person, being aware and knowing when your client is having two conflicting thoughts is key in the sales process, so you can make “decision making” smoother and easier for them.

    If you want to know more about how to avoid this cognitive dissonance to improve your sales, this is an episode you can’t miss, listen now!

    The real reason to host parties for your clients

    The real reason to host parties for your clients

    There are many ways to improve relationships with your clients but probably one of the most enjoyable are the cocktail parties, lunches and dinners with them. Many people, however, see them as a way to get free drinks and they are missing out on what hosting and entertaining a client actually means.

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales Phillip Tarrant director of Momentum Media, joins Russell Stephenson to talk about the importance of entertaining your clients when hosting a party or event. Phillip mentions that this is an ability and a skillset that needs to be developed, and emphasises the fact that it is not solely about having a couple of drinks with your clients and being friends for a night, but it's about being professional and being mindful of your 'why'.

    He also says that as the host in these types of events, you’re the brand ambassador of your business, therefore you have to make sure your clients are having a good experience, and that you understand the benefits of this, and most importantly you do not lose focus of what’s going on , especially if you’re a new media sales person. The pair also talk about the importance of networking in these parties, what’s the objective of them and what it is that you want to achieve in order to control the outcome of these events.

    If you want to know more, this episode is definitely a must listen! Tune in now!

    The good, the bad and the ugly of working remotely!

    The good, the bad and the ugly of working remotely!

    Working from home looks like it will be the new normal. However, like everything in life, there are pros and cons. A lot of people can feel more focused while working from home while others can feel less motivated. Whatever the case is, the reality is that business nowadays will have to adapt to this new hybrid working environment.

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson talk about the advantages and disadvantages of working remotely. They discuss how to stay motivated in a home office environment, especially for sales people when most of them are used to the buzz of the sales floor.

    On the other hand, they also discuss how working from home can help people to be more self disciplined, as by default you can no longer rely on your colleagues to keep you accountable. Working remotely can build a deep sense of responsibility and this can help you to perform better and hit your sales targets for the year.

    Do you want to know how to manage your time better? Or do you wonder how the year ahead is going to look for your business and your sales in this new hybrid working landscape? You can’t miss this episode, tune in now!

    Is it the right time for business to look at loyalty programs?

    Is it the right time for business to look at loyalty programs?

    Ten years ago, a media sales professional probably wouldn’t consider implementing a loyalty program due the fear of ending up lowering the value of a marketing campaign. However, the world has changed now and eight of every ten companies have a loyalty program.

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson again raise the subject of loyalty and rewards programs and what the best strategies you can implement to improve your client relationships through them are. They discuss how you can use these rewards programs as a way to compete in the media sales industry and not only as a way to give away “money” or “gifts” to your clients. They put a special emphasis on why the best reward you can give to your clients is a “tangible reward”.

    They discuss the importance of framing the real value of the money that your clients are spending with you, by rewarding them with something like digital advertising, interviews, or broadcasts. They mention that “the discount disappears" and it doesn’t get recognised, but the tangible inclusion of those additional things you do for them is what will make a difference. Should you be rewarding all your clients? Or only your premium ones? What about attracting new clients through loyalty programs? Well, if you want to know more about this interesting topic, listen to this episode and find out! You can’t miss it!

    Should you be rewarding your clients?

    Should you be rewarding your clients?

    The value of recognising loyalty with your clients has never really changed, it is only the way in which you go about it that makes a difference. Recognising this loyalty is important in the sales-client relationship, and should never go away. Most businesses nowadays have membership and rewards programs as a way to demonstrate to their clients how important they are to the business. But is this something that the media industry should do, too?

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson discuss if a rewards program is something that media sales people should implement with their clients and if so, what this reward should look like? They talk about how the first thing you should do as a sales professional is to ask yourself, why are you rewarding your clients? Is it because you “like” the client or is this reward only a part of a “business strategy”?

    They also chat about how you have to be cautious when telling clients that you’ll be rewarding them, as you never know what will happen in the future, and you can end up with a mad client. Finally, they also mention that having lunch, dinners or a few drinks with a client are not always the best way to build a relationship with them, as those things tend to disappear. Instead, they recommend for you to go and look for growth opportunities and focus on building long-term relationships with your clients, as your aim should be to have few larger relationships than a lot of short term ones.

    Do you want to know more? Don’t miss this episode, tune in now!

    The perfect customer service for a media sales person

    The perfect customer service for a media sales person

    We have all heard the old saying “the client is always right” and this is a great topic for a debate. If you’re a client you expect to be treated well, if you’re a sales person you might think otherwise. Customer service can be a bit problematic for sales people in general, but in media sales, this gets particularly tricky when dealing with clients that are hard to please.

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson talk about the importance of taking ownership of the relationship you have with your clients and how understanding their needs and truly listening to them will set up the ongoing nature of the relationship and how you will be able to manage it in the future.

    They discuss how you have to be conscious of the fact that not everything in this client relationship will be rock solid guaranteed. And for this reason, as a media sales person your key to success in this customer service relationship is when your client feels like “they are your only client”.

    The duo also talk about one of the most common mistakes with sales people that is “the easiest client can often be forgotten” and how you can neglect them and their needs while being busy trying to please the hardest clients. They also explain why accountability and communication are critical in this relationship and how you can deliver the best service and outcomes by understanding the importance of the value of the money your client is spending.

    One more episode that you cannot afford to miss! Tune in now!

    A masterclass: dealing with a crisis

    A masterclass: dealing with a crisis

    Relationships are hard. Whether they are romantic, at work, in your family or with friends, no one escapes from having to face problems or misunderstandings. However, in a professional sales environment, dealing with issues, especially with your clients, can be particularly sensitive, and not knowing how to approach them can end up in a “breakup” and is the last thing we want to see.

    In this last episode of 2021, Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson talk about the ramifications and consequences of having a big problem with a client. In this Killer Media Sales chapter, Alex shares a personal experience where he explains how the small things are those that can cause a problem with your client relationship, but how “big gestures” and the use of common sense are what will solve them.

    He explains that the key factor to solve a misconception on the client side is acknowledging the problem, and that in letting your client know that you understand why they are unhappy is a very disarming way to approach it. Alex highlights that this has to be done sincerely. He also describes how he approached a very difficult situation doing this, and warns the listener to not let their ego take over the circumstance. He adds that the worst thing you can do is try to “justify” things as you’ll build up many barriers to negotiate effectively.

    The pair also talk about why making a sincere apology, and showing that you’re there to reconcile the differences while recognising and acknowledging that something went wrong (if it did) will help you find common ground to build, and to move forward with your client.

    A great episode to end the year and a must listen to all sales people, listen now!

    Are you just tired or are you burned out?

    Are you just tired or are you burned out?

    Have you been feeling tired and stressed lately, that all you can think of is to go on holiday so you can recharge? If the answer is yes, you should know you’re not the only one and most people at this point of the year are thinking and feeling the same thing. Being weary at the end of the year is natural, you’ve been working hard and it is normal to feel fatigued and look forward to a well-deserved break.

    However, if what you’re feeling is irritability, severe mental and physical exhaustion, and you’re so stressed that no amount of sleep leaves you feeling rested or even worse, you wake up in the morning and you feel unable to cope with your day-to-day activities, you’re not tired, you’re probably burned out.

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson talk about one the most unspoken topics, and probably one of the most critical nowadays: BURNOUT! They discuss the differences between feeling tired and being burned out. What does burnout look like, how does it feel and how can you identify it?

    By sharing his burnout experience, Alex mentions that this can happen to anyone and for different reasons and how burnout can be present not only psychologically but also physically. The duo also explain that the most important thing you can do, is to talk to your friends, family and your doctor about what’s going on. They also highlight how crucial it is to spot the signs early, as this is critical to avoid major issues later on such as anxiety, depression or even suicidal thoughts.

    If you’ve been feeling like this lately, you definitely need to listen to this episode. Listen NOW!

    The power of innovation in sales!

    The power of innovation in sales!

    Creativity is something all human beings possess on different levels. But in the realm of sales, people can get very creative very quickly, as they look to convince a client to try new things and close the deal. However, this creativity can become a problem when you get a crazy idea and present it to your client without even trying it first.

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson talk about the importance of understanding your limitation as a sales person, as well as knowing the expectations of your clients, when it comes to being creative. They also reflect on the question: Are you creating new things for the sake of doing things? Or are you actually thinking about the outcomes you’ll get with your new ideas?

    They also talk about how critical it is for salespeople to control the process, as well as the importance of delivering ideas to a client which you have tested and you know are viable. Alex and Russell also discuss how to avoid this creative process”becoming a distraction and instead focusing on getting good outcomes from something that isn’t necessarily new but something you know will deliver good results to you and your clients.

    You can’t miss this episode! Tune in now

    Know your industry, not your client!

    Know your industry, not your client!

    Media is the way in which people interact with the environment. Understanding how people engage with content is probably the most important thing to know in media sales to help your clients make decisions, and shape their message to reach as many people as possible.

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson talk about the importance of knowing your industry and your audiences as this will give you an invaluable insight, not only about the industry but about your own job as a salesperson. They explain that you don’t have to know every corner of media but having a clear understanding of the particular media you’re passionate about, will take you to another level in terms of the value you can offer to your clients.

    They also explain that you don’t have to be the smartest person in the room, but when you give an invitation to talk about your industry and get handed the mic then you need to be knowledgeable enough to let your clients know what they need to know, so they will be more inclined to close that deal with you.

    This is definitely one of those podcasts that you CANNOT MISS! Tune in now!

    The importance of language in your sales pitch

    The importance of language in your sales pitch

    We all know how important language is in all aspects of communication in life. Language is more than just words, it has a currency of meaning. That's how we make sense of the world around us. But what about the use of language in sales? Is it really good to be the most knowledgeable person in the room and show it off to your client?

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales the founder of Frontier Performance Pancho Mehrotra is back to talk to Russell Stephenson and dig deeper in the S.A.L.E. Personality. They focus on the use of language and the importance of adapting it to the different sales scenarios and needs you may encounter with your clients.

    Pancho also explains why the worst thing you can do as a salesperson is to make friends with your clients, and highlights the importance of knowing what to say and what not to say in your sales speech, and how flexibility is key when it comes to avoiding the “friend zone” with your potential clients. This is another amazing episode you can’t miss. Tune in now!

    The psychology behind sales

    The psychology behind sales

    Have you ever wanted to understand why you feel particular emotions, and how are these affecting your sales results? Would you like to know how to control your emotions and behaviours so you can fight adversity and thrive in your work environment? Even more, if you’re looking to hire and expand your sales department, do you want to know what the crucial aspects are that you should look for in your candidates?

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Russell Stephenson talks to the founder of Frontier Performance Pancho Mehrotra about emotional intelligence, and the importance of training it, as well as how you can become more adaptable in your business environment by developing and enhancing this skill. Pancho also shares his knowledge on what are the key attributes that you should look at when trying to hire a salesperson, by explaining the “S.A.L.E. Personality”.

    They also discuss the impact of the environment in which you were raised as a key factor in your future behaviour and how this can be re-wired for the better by working on yourself slowly but constantly. Pancho also shares the importance of having adaptability and balance within your team, people who can build relationships but also members who are goal orientated. This is an amazing episode that you can not miss. Listen now!

    Do your clients need to like you?

    Do your clients need to like you?

    The desire to be liked is inherent to the human condition. But as a salesperson a deep understanding of what it is like to be “likeable” is extremely important in the sales process. However, wanting to be liked and please can become a barrier to closing a deal with your client, and as a sales person you have to understand what being “liked” means in a professional relationship.

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson talk about the differences between being liked as a sales professional and being liked as a person. They talk about the DNA of what it is like to be “likeable”, how to avoid becoming a “pleaser” and why relying on your charming personality might keep you away from asking hard questions that can help you identify your client's needs.

    They also discuss how important it is to be liked within your team and your business, and why sometimes it is better to fit in and be part of a team rather than just be liked for the sake of it. The duo also talk about why being respected and being respectful can be more important than being likeable.

    Another incredible episode that you can’t miss. Tune in now!

    How to deal with competition

    How to deal with competition

    Dealing with competition is always challenging. But in the media sales industry it’s particularly hard when that “competition or competitor” you’re dealing with has a “win-lose” mentality.

    Usually there’s a level of mutual respect between like-minded competitors and they recognise that bad mouthing, sledging and casting aspersions on the integrity of the material they are putting out doesn’t benefit anyone. But what should you do when a competitor fights below the belt? What if they don’t have the level of respect and integrity that you expect?

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson talk about the bad practices that tend to come from certain organisations in the media sales industry. They also share the key attributes of successful media sales people who best handle these types of situations. This is an episode that you can’t miss.

    The importance of having a 'now moment' in your sales pitch

    The importance of having a 'now moment' in your sales pitch

    The media sales industry is constantly changing and with this in mind, using the same pitch each time isn't going to work, because data changes all of the time. Sales people have to adapt quickly to these changes if they want to keep moving forward successfully.

    In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson talk about why it is important to recognise your “now moment” in your sales pitch and why you have to be able to identify the two types of “now” in media sales.

    Alex and Russell share the key elements you have to consider as a sales person in order to find the perfect time to reach your audience. They also explain the importance of considering those two types of “now” in isolation if you want to capitalise on both.

    Another amazing episode you can’t miss. Listen now!