
    Kingdom Academy

    Welcome to Kingdom Academy, Gain spiritual warfare strategies for Kingdom Parenting, support & encouragement to raise spirit warriors for the next generation. We offer coaching for parenting, life & mentorship business building. If you need to find a community of like-minded Kingdom families, we are here to serve you. We need fathers and mothers, in the physical and in the spiritual to bridge the gap as one body in the Lord. Remember, you parent not against flesh and blood. Ephesians 6 is part of the battle manual the Lord has given us. Join us on Instagram @Reigninjoy and click the link in our bio, for access to our Free Parenting Discipleship Community, Access our Free Secret Place Training for you and your children or get on a free 3o min. strategy call to discover what a parenting or homeschool coach can do to support you in raising the next generation. https://linktr.ee/Reigninjoy I would love to have you join us on our Instagram @KingdomAcademypodcast and let us know what you think of our episodes, topics and guests. We would also love some ideas of who you might like to hear from as a guest and topics you would like covered! See ya in the next episode, Kingdom Family!
    enHeather Sudbrock40 Episodes

    Episodes (40)

    19: Parenting From The Heart Of The Father With Jessica Edwards Pt. 1

    19: Parenting From The Heart Of The Father With Jessica Edwards Pt. 1

    Join my sister and I as we discuss spiritual warfare parenting and what it means to parent from the heart of the Father vs. our own hearts. Oftentimes, we have bitter roots and wounds that we still need healing and deliverance from, and so parenting from the heart of the Father is a blessed placed to parent from!

    Jessi is my sister and shares her experience as a mother of 2.5, (one in the oven). How she's been learning to parent from the Father's heart over her own, and the results of doing so. 

    I would love to get on a strategy call with you, helping you discern how spiritual warfare parenting can help you step into victory and take back ground from the enemy. 

    You can secure your free 30 min. call here!

    18: Nelson Schuman: Unmasking Jezebel's Tactics in Your Family

    18: Nelson Schuman: Unmasking Jezebel's Tactics in Your Family

    Breaking the cycle for the next generation is an important part of spiritual warfare parenting. 

     In this episode with our guest, Nelson Schuman, we explore the dynamics of toxic relationships, specifically focusing on narcissistic abuse and the presence of Jezebel and Leviathan spirits. Nelson shares personal stories and provides valuable insights into the spiritual root causes of these destructive behaviors. 

     Whether you have experienced narcissistic abuse or know someone who has, this episode offers powerful guidance and hope. 

    Nelson Schuman also discusses the impact of soul wounds and the importance of forgiveness in the healing process. Drawing from his own ministry experience, he helps individuals understand the connections between emotional trauma, physical health, and the influence of demonic strongholds. You will discover the restoration process that will bring you and your family into true freedom. 

    Make sure to check out Nelson Schuman's empowering books, available on Amazon in various formats, including Audible. His latest book, "Freedom from Soul Wounds and Demons," delves even deeper into the topics discussed in the podcast. 

     If you feel led to seek deeper personal guidance and a deeper level of healing, Nelson offers one-on-one sessions for individuals and couples. Visit his website at restoredfreedom.com to learn more about these sessions and how you can request an appointment. 

    We also invite you to check out Nelson's Youtube, Tik Tok and IG accounts at, "Nelson Schuman", where he shares regular videos that offer spiritual wisdom, encouragement, and insgihts into healing and deliverance. Join his thriving community and gain valuable insights to navigate lifes challenges with grace and strength. Access our guests and their special offers and ways to connect with them, here at our resource toolbox

    Remember, healing is possible, and it starts with acknowledging the wounds, seeking forgiveness, and inviting God's transformational power into your life. 

     Thanks for being a part of our podcast community. We hope that you connect with us more at our free discipleship community, and through our other offers here. 




    17: Unlocking the Power of Worship: Raising Worship Warriors

    17: Unlocking the Power of Worship: Raising Worship Warriors

    What does it mean to live out a worship filled life? What is the impact of worship in your childrens lives and why should you be teaching it now?

     Worship goes beyond singing in church; it's about elevating God above our feelings and circumstances. We must understand the differences of idol worship and learn the many forms of worship, and how they will win our battles. Worship shifts the atomosphere, so that demons must flee. Teaching these concepts to children will prepare them and equip them for lifes battles. 


    Follow us for guest updates and more info  reigninjoy on Instagram

    Or click on our link here for access to 6 week 1:1 parenting/homeschooling intensives, our parenting coaching community with app access, or check out our free spiritual warfare discipleship community here

    16: The Impact & Struggle of Unintentional Favoritism

    16:  The Impact & Struggle of Unintentional Favoritism

    Favoritism isn't alway intentional, but it can cause long lasting damage if not realized. Make sure you aren't showing unintentional favoritism. 

    There is a beautiful balance in finding each childs unique style of needed support and love. And the results are life-changing. 


    Follow us for guest uupdates and more info @reigninjoy on instagram, link in bio

    Or click the link here for access to 6 week 1:1 parenting/homeschool intensives, our parenting coaching community with app access, or check out our free spiritual warfare discipleship community, also with app access, here.

    15 Living Out the Word: The Power of Obedience and Trust in Family Dynamics

    15  Living Out the Word: The Power of Obedience and Trust in Family Dynamics

    Teaching your children about the Word is not just about memorizing scriptures, learning how to make time and understanding the Word. 

    It is also about learning what it means to live out the Word. 

    In this episode we will discuss the power of obedience and trust, as parents, and how your ability to do so, will teach your children better than anything else. 


    You can follow us at Reigninjoy on Instagram for Parenting and Homeschool info. and updates.

    or at KingdomAcademyPodcast On instagram  

    or sign up here for a free 30 min. strategy call, a 1:1 6 week parenting/homeschool intensive, join our Spiritual Warfare Parenting Community and Mastermind, or our Free Spiritual Warfare Discipleship Community, both communities have app access once signed up for. 

    14: Establishing a Kingdom Legacy: Prioritizing Obedience to God Over Personal Desires

    14: Establishing a Kingdom Legacy: Prioritizing Obedience to God Over Personal Desires

    What is a Kingdom Legacy, and why does your family need one and want one? 

    Why is it part of your stewardship as parents to create one? To establish a legacy we need to understand what God expects from us, and surrender our will and way, to obey Him, at all costs. Are we willing? 


    Join us here, to get access to a free 1:1 30 min strategy call to figure out how we can best serve you or help you find what you need to best serve you, even if it isn't us! You can also access our Parenting community and mastermind, our 6 Week 1:1 Intensives, or even our free spiritual warfare discipleship community and more.

    13: Embracing Discipleship in Your Home: Shifting Mindsets & Prioritizing Your Family's Spiritual Restoration

    13: Embracing Discipleship in Your Home: Shifting Mindsets & Prioritizing Your Family's Spiritual Restoration

    Raising children in this day and age is not joke. The enemy is terrified that your family will align with the will of the Lord. Why is he so afraid of that? Because the Lord is raising up his standard against the enemy coming in like a flood! So, let's talk healing, deliverance and restoration for your family. This is priority, so that you can live your life as an example of how the Lord calls us to live. So your children have examples to follow. It is not easy. This strategy means death to the flesh. It means an exit strategy from the world systems. It means, leaning on the Lord for wisdom, direction and His strength. You are gonna need a battle strategy blueprint! Don't worry, that's what we are talking about in this episode.

    If you are looking to access a free 30 min. strategy call with me, more info on the Spirit Warrior Academy, or coaching intensives or if you are passionate to be a guest on this podcast, check us out here

    12:Raising Children in Obedience to Christ: The Lord's Provision for Kingdom Parenting

    12:Raising Children in Obedience to Christ: The Lord's Provision for Kingdom Parenting

    Learn how parenting according to God's plan qualifies you, prepares you, and teaches you how to parent different from the world. It's time to raise families who are set apart from the systems we have grown too comfortable with. It's important to understand how to navigate the challenges and spiritual battles that are being raged against your family. 

     Your parenting journey is unique to your family, but the foundations of your Kingdom parenting is established in your choice to obey the Lord and seperate from the world systems. 

    If you are interested in finding out more about signing up for a free 30 min. strategy call, Spirit Warrior Academy, Coaching Intensives or other offers, you can check it all out here

    11: Parental Wounds: The Unconscious Impact Of Trauma Parenting

    11: Parental Wounds: The Unconscious Impact Of Trauma Parenting

    As adults we carry many undealt with wounds. As parents this can have a deep and often damaging effect on the children. 

     So what can be done about it if we can't even recall the trauma? How do we find the dark seeds to the tree of bitter fruit we are reaping?

     It's important to heal so that we can raise children from a healed heart instead of a traumatized heart. 

    This healing with bring restoration, the ability to make clear parenting choices and not be influenced by the unseen. 

    Get your free 30 Min. coaching strategy call, check out our coaching Intensives, our Spirit Warrior Academy, which is a community teaching spiritual warfare strategies in parenting and homeschooling and includes group coaching and more. Or maybe you think you might be a good fit as a guest on our show, all that can be found here

    10: The Church of the Lost Light: When Love Becomes Conditional

    10: The Church of the Lost Light: When Love Becomes Conditional

    Is the modern-day church bibical? What is the Light on a hill? Are the body of Christ and the church the same thing? Are we neglecting our own in churches and prioritzing strangers and or "members" over the body of Christ in need? There is a frustration in the church of fellow beleivers neglecting to support one another and or preffering to support those who will elevate their goals. Have churches become worldly? Or have they always has a fault in their system? What would it look like to restore the Spirit of listening, prayer and wisdom in the church body?

    Is the church a broken system? 

    Access your free 30 min. strategy coaching call for parenting or homeschooling or info about our offers. You can find more about our coaching intensives, our community group coaching and parenting mastermind at Spirit Warrior Academy and more, here

    Kingdom Academy
    enDecember 24, 2021

    9: The Secret Place Unveiled: Finding Rest and Hearing the Voice Of God

    9: The Secret Place Unveiled: Finding Rest and Hearing the Voice Of God

    Let's dive into the transformational relationship with our Father God and how to walk with Him in the Secret Place. Hear some of my personal journey into discovering and unveiling the secret place and learning how to hear the voice of our awesome God. 

    Through scripture, personal conversations with the Lord and wisdom from the Word of God, explore your identity in Christ and how His act of obedience made a way for you to once again, walk with God.

    7: Healing the Body, Mind, and Spirit: The Powerful Connection Between Physical and Psychological Wounds

    7:  Healing the Body, Mind, and Spirit: The Powerful Connection Between Physical and Psychological Wounds

    Have you been wounded? Physically, emotionally, psychologically, or even spiritually? These wounds can cause us great harm in areas where we make decisions, how we think, how we live our lives, and in what we believe about who we are. How do we overcome negative labels, word curses, repressed memories and abuse we learned to normalize to survive?

     Sometimes a wounded person can succeed in business and life, but they will never be able to obtain joy or fulfillment until they can get free of the pain. And oftentimes, wounded people struggle to succeed at all. 

    So, let's get you healed!

    Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 2

    6: Defying Conformity: Exploring the Kingdom Marketplace

    6: Defying Conformity: Exploring the Kingdom Marketplace

    Why does the Kingdom Marketplace seem like such an unattainable fantasy?

    Because it's different.

    It wasn't meant to be the same as the world. What does it take to walk in this Kingdom Marketplace? First we must learn that we cannot mix the two. The world and the Kingdom are not to be mixed!

    Join me, if you desire to walk in the Kingdom. It will be different, it will be set apart and you will HAVE TO TRUST the Lord.


    IG @Reigninjoy,

    FB @HeatherSudbrock,

    Youtube @HeatherSudbrock


    5: From Harvard to Hollywood: Tracing the Loss of Moral Foundation in Society

    5: From Harvard to Hollywood: Tracing the Loss of Moral Foundation in Society

    How secular opinion has taken over seats of authority and how we have allowed it. But don't worry, we can take it back.

    We will explore how we have allowed secular opinions to take over seats of authority that control our rights and opinions, including institutions and universities like Harvard and media. This shift has led to a loss of our nations founding principles and a loss of moral grounding. 

    Learn what we can do to reclaim the lost ground we have allowed the enemy to take and what steps are needed from us to reclaim the authority that is our God given right. 

    Join us as we explore these crucial topics and consider what we can do to reclaim our nations values. 

    4: Transforming your Mind: Aligning with God's Plan

    4: Transforming your Mind: Aligning with God's Plan

    We have lost our minds to entertainment, music, desire, lust, busyness, and idolatry but it's time to take back the ground of our minds so that we can step into the power of the Lord and take back all the Lord created us to do. When we give up ground anywhere, we give up ground, everywhere. It's time to establish warrior mindsets in the body of Christ and take it seriously that the Lord restored us to be preists of our temples. This is a spiritual process of guarding the gates of our temples and choosing wisely what we allow to influence our minds, hearts and emotions. 

    This is how we teach the next generation, by living by example.

    3: Breaking Soul Ties and Restoring Sacredness

    2: Navigating the Complexity of Relationships: Biblical Insights and Examples

    2: Navigating the Complexity of Relationships: Biblical Insights and Examples

    Are you sick and tired of broken relationships? Done with breakups, heartache, broken hearts, or eating way too much ice cream?

    Absolutely finished with the betrayals, rejections, and abandonment? 

     It's time to heal, restore, and learn how to have healthy and faithful Kingdom relationships. Whether with friends, co-workers, or in dating and courtship or marriage, there are Biblical principles that we can apply to walking as better friends and having better relationships, complex as they may be. 

    Join me on IG @Reigninjoy, on FB @HeatherSudbrock, and on Youtube @HeatherSudbrock


    Music by:

    Imagination by Martin Miller https://soundcloud.com/martinmillerof... Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by Free Vibes: https://goo.gl/NkGhTg

    1: From Destruction to Restoration: Surrendering to God's Will in your Family

    1: From Destruction to Restoration: Surrendering to God's Will in your Family

    Only we ourselves can put an end to the broken family system. Just because we might be unsure how doesn't mean we can't learn. Let us go to the Creator of family and the Guide we've been given, the Word of God. 

     If you are with me, then let's take back this ground the enemy has stolen from us, and let's collect that MASSIVE SEVENFOLD payback and restoration!

     It's time we begin to understand authority, family alignment, and biblical boundaries. But if we are NOT WILLING to do what is needed to pivot back to obedience to God's Word, then we WILL NOT receive the blessings that are BACKED UP and waiting for us. Do you want the blessings the Lord has in store for you and your family? Are you willing to obey, surrender, and be the first one to step into the proper Biblical alignment, even if it costs you? Remember, every battle has a cost, but the victory, recompense, and spoils will be well worth it!