
    Kingdom Mentor Podcast With Theresa Croft

    Theresa is a Voice Revivalist.
    She helps faith based women entrepreneurs who feel voiceless because of trauma, revive their voice to create impact saving money, earning money and growing themselves in community.

    She does this with one to one coaching, her podcast and ai cources.

     'Unleashing Kingdom Voices,' the evolved and vibrant successor to the 'Kingdom Mentor Podcast.' This refreshed and dynamic series is dedicated to sharing voices of hope, information, and transformation. 

    Whether you're seeking to deepen your understanding of AI or looking to embark on a journey of personal development, this podcast is your go-to source. We're expanding our horizons to bring you a diverse range of topics and inspiring stories that resonate with your quest for growth and identity transformation. 

    From cutting-edge technological insights, such as AI, to empowering personal narratives, 'Unleashing Kingdom Voices' promises to be a beacon of knowledge, inspiration, and transformation. Stay tuned for episodes that will not only inform but also uplift and motivate you on your journey.

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    Episodes (117)

    It's My Father's House

    It's My Father's House

    Family is Kingdom....an inheritance of such great wealth.

    The matriarch of the Croft Family, Sheryl, is playing the piano up a storm of praise in heaven!

    Lots of emotion... stifling pain at times...around a funeral and the aftermath.

    I love my family, my husband, my daughter, my son....

    I can only pray a legacy of the goodness and mercy of God will follow...,

    “One generation shall praise Your works to another, And shall declare Your mighty acts.”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭145:4‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

    In light of this week, I thought I'd go to the vault of the Kingdom Mentor Podcast and share a dream that had to do with my Father. But when it's really all said and done it's about THE Father.

    I think this is a now word for you as you may face lack in your finances or lack of joy with what is going on in the world.

    I'd like to take the time now to say to you..."It's all going to be ok. In fact it's going to be better than ok.


    Because our Father is working behind the scenes to bring to you order in a world that has had nothing but evil chaos.

    Enter in...It's Your Father's House.

    Click here to receive your personal Identity Blueprint Call with me.

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    Hope Thoughts With Guest Anna Gabriel

    Hope Thoughts With Guest Anna Gabriel

    How is your hope level as we close out one month on to another for this new year of 2021?

    Hope. It can seem elusive with all the troubles from Covid-19, the illnesses, and even death.

    My family is facing my husband's mom in ICU as I write this. 

    But no matter what, I believe God gives us a cup of hope each day to be a source or a spark from Him.

    I sat down with one of our Kingdom Mentor Academy's member Anna Gabriel to share some real down to earth hope thoughts.

    There's nothing like a chat with a friend and the Word of God to stir up expectations of God's goodness.

    As I've gone through some angsts with fear or purpose I simply "hide" under my blanked and have a cup of coffee with Jesus on the couch. When anxiety wants to chase me down like a freight train and I'm stuck in the middle of the tracks, Holy Spirit sweeps me out of the way with with optimism and confidence from His Word

    This verse stuck out: 

    “Quiet your heart in his presence and pray; keep hope alive as you long for God to come through for you.” Psalm 37:7 TPT

     Keep hope alive. That has to be a ‘now’ word for today. And the way to keep hope alive is so simply laid out in this verse from the Passion Translation… 

    Get in His Presence and be still, pray and proclaim the goodness of God over your life. 

    I knew the Vinedresser had something to say about it:

    “My child, come into My Vineyard with your fear filled anxiety and gut-wrenching worry. Take your eyes off what you are waiting for and rest your heart on the secure promises I have spoken over your life. Keep hope alive. Come to My banquet table and feast on my never ending faithfulness.

     “As you learn to taste and see how good I am, you can walk daily making My Presence your utmost delight and exquisite pleasure in which to leisurely bask. I will provide what you need and even what you desire the most. Your hopes and dreams are as alive in My heart as they are in yours. 

    "After all, I am the Creator of them.dear one. Hand over the reins and give Me the right to direct your life as you trust Me along the way. You will find that simply managing your relationship with Me is so much easier than trying to manage people and the circumstances around you. 

    "I have a way of taking problems, stress and fear away from you, pulling it off perfectly.

     “Keep hope alive child. Let me be your justice. As sure as the sun comes up each day is as sure as you can be of my righteousness and acts of grace with favor. Shhh. Be quiet, dear child. No need to explain the whys and the how’s… Simply come deeper into My Vineyard away from the arrows of anger, envy and revenge. They won’t hit you here in My Presence. Take a seat. Let’s talk...."

    (Excerpt From Listen To The Vinedresser Volume 1 on Kindle)

    So sit down with my guest Anna and allow us to fill your hope cup.

    I welcome you to have a cup with me on a zoom call with the Identity Blueprint!
    Get a blueprint for hope and purpose. Click here to learn more.

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    How To Cancel The Agreement With Fear-Let's Take a Ride!

    How To Cancel The Agreement With Fear-Let's Take a Ride!

    This idea of being in agreement with heaven came in a new form the other day as I was praying for a client before their upper level mentoring session.

    God showed me this..

    Sometimes we can get in agreement with the wrong things.

    Such as…anxiety, fear, depression, procrastination…comparison.

    It’s like we sit down with it…pour the hot water for tea or go to St. Arbucks to have coffee with these thoughts.

    We start to move in agreement in our minds…and start speaking in agreement to very things that stop us from going forward or thwart our very identity in Christ.

    It’s like we think constantly…”I’m so anxious…I feel anxious …I’m worried about that….

    Over and over day in and day out we are getting up to the same agreement of what is opposite to our true identity.

    Anxiety is not your identity friend.

    Fear is not your identity.

    Comparing yourself and not feeling enough is not your identity!

    What do you do?

    When I realized this was applying to me, I went a day verbally muttering….or shouting if outside..I cancel that agreement to…….

    Then I realized it’s not only about canceling the thought but also there needs to be an action.

    New identity creates new activity.

    God showed me I needed to get to the root of that agreement….dig it up…expose it to HIS LIGHT and replace first with the soil of His Word.

    Yes, you cover up the dug-out root with the blood of Jesus…His work on the cross was once and for all….for you…for me…

    Then you move some soil in your heart from HIS Word to cover it….The deeper the hole the same amount of His Promises can replace the empty spot.

    I just happened to be in book of Colossians during this time. So I hang out with Holy Spirit there and see the soil of His Word that I put into action for agreement with by declaring His thoughts for me…

    “Yes, feast on all the treasures of the heavenly realm and fill your thoughts with heavenly realities, and not with the distractions of the natural realm.”
    ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:2‬ ‭TPT‬‬

    So instead of having dinner with fear I’m going to go to a feast with treasures of wisdom, peace…all the good stuff in the heavenly realm to fill my thoughts…to get in agreement with a heaven reality which is now….

    I will cancel my agreement with the distractions that try to fill my mind in the natural realm.

    I am a spirit being having a human experience.

    But I am crucified with Christ…it’s no longer I who live but Christ in me and the life I live in the flesh (with all it’s distractions, and effort to agree with the negatives) I live BY FAITH OF THE Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. Galations 2:20

    Let's go for a ride..on a zoom call with the Identity Blueprint!

    Click here to learn more.

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    Walking In Your Kingdom Authority--In The Rest To Run Word

    Walking In Your Kingdom Authority--In The Rest To Run Word

    What do I really mean by taking your kingdom authority in this rest to run word.

    One memory came quickly to my mind where Dave and me with the kids were visiting a north Georgia retreat center in the mountains.

    The kids and me were getting bit by chiggers and experiencing the agony of the itch and the pain of those bugger. One night we were all sitting drinking coffee where the kids and I were tending to the bites by putting clear nail polish to get them to come out of their dug in place.

    Gross, I know. But check this. My husband Dave did not have a bite anywhere. He calmly told us we needed to take our Kingdom Authority over these chiggers.

    By faith, we did. And the bites stopped. In fact we made many trips back to the Georgia Mountains to this retreat and never got bit again.

    If you notice in the theme verse Hebrews 11:11 of the rest to run word, notice that Sarah took authority in her resting in promises of God.

    "Sarah’s faith embraced the miracle power to conceive even though she was barren and was past the age of childbearing, for the authority of her faithrested in the One who made the promise, and she tapped into his faithfulness."

    As Jesus is so are we.

    In this podcast I share how we can rise up with the same authority that God gave Jesus, as noticed in Ephesians 1...

    The true awakening is here for this rest to run word. As events enfold I pray you will rise up in authority and not fear to speak and help many who will be sad, angry, confused, or even happy in these coming days.

    Your voice...in the rest to run position walking in your authority to truly be an emerging messenger for the nations.

    I believe in you. You are enough.

    For more details or the Free Series: Three Keys To Find Your Voice When Your Emotions Scream Shut up, click here.

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    Answering The Question: What Do You Mean By Rest

    Answering The Question: What Do You Mean By Rest

    I love when I get questions. 

    So let me answer...This might make more sense to you...

    "I’m a bit confused thou

    "Rest in his promises (no speak)

    "Raise my voice (speak)

    "In my lane ? (Only with believers)"

    I share again some basic thoughts about the Rest To Run Word for 2021 with emphasis on you taking your Kingdom authority over issues.

    Much of the resting is based on His promises.

    Check this out...First the promise...

    “Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm has already been lavished upon us as a love gift from our wonderful heavenly Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus—all because he sees us wrapped into Christ. This is why we celebrate him with all our hearts!”

    ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1:3‬ ‭TPT‬‬.


    In this age of forces trying to stifle or shut down your voice,  you can warm your heart on these truths...

    He’s lavished His best on you as a gift from your Father in heaven.

    He imparts total well being as He releases grace over you.

    He takes good care of your souls, our well being.

    He wraps us and enfolds you in His grace.

    The same crazy love He has for His son Jesus He has for you.

    You are chosen. You are more than enough.

    Your voice envelopes His plans for you and He takes great pleasure  in you.

    It’s a done deal. From the foundation of the universe you were on His mind.

    He chose you.

    Rest in that today. Come out of the cold in your mind and come into the Presence of His wrap around comfort.

    Does that warm your heart some?

    I've opened spots on my calendar for the Identity Blueprint. I have one for you.

    Click here to find out more.

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    Your Voice: Rise Up From The Mess To A Message

    Your Voice: Rise Up From The Mess To A Message

    This is a set up. A set time to awaken your voice and speak hope, life and joy.

    But first...You have to take care of strings hanging from your inner package. Your soul may have become unraveled from the stress, the fried, tried and crucified place of going through all the emotions from pain, uncertainty and yes the craziness going on in our country right now. (1-27-2021).

    I believe the rising up means taking responsibility and staying in your lane with your voice.

    “This God wraps his presence around his beloved and gives them not only a great intimacy, but a great authority. “

    Brian Simmons 

    I share about a "you-turn" represented in what Holy Spirit downloaded to me as the FRP process:

    Focus -observe the issues and jangled emotions that you  need to address for correction.

    R-Go ahead and feel the reality of this...pain, trauma, issue. God gave us feelings so you don't have to stuff the pain.

    P-Invite the presence of Jesus to nurture you. Rest in His promises.

    From this place you can take responsibility for yourself and let God be responsible for others.

    The true place in the True Awakening...starts with you.

    For more information or to contact with Theresa, click here or go to https://iKingsMedia.com/blueprint

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    The Great Awakening: Listen To The Vinedresser (911)

    The Great Awakening: Listen To The Vinedresser (911)

    Short and simple.

    This is a time of a great awakening.

    The 911 is not for you. It's a turnaround of evil being defeated....world wide.

    The Holy Spirit downloaded this word after I soaked in Isaiah 45.


    Do not fear child. This time is for the great awakening never before seen.

    I've laid the plan. I've appointed my servants to execute this move to awake the nations to my Right Hand.

    Swing wide the gates of heaven. Look beloved, what I'm enfolding.

    This is the true awakening

    You will not be the ones paralyzed by fear. I go before you to level the mountains of deception and wickedness. It is My Hand that has turned the tide smashing gates of man made spin offs of what is true and beautiful.

    Open your hands (your soul and your spirit) so I can give you the treasures of revelation, wisdom, and true love that has been hidden in darkness but now comes to light.

    This is the true awakening.

    These majestic moves of My love and light are so that all may now that I am the Lord, your God. I am the Vinedresser of your cares and worries, your dreams and visions.

    Yes, dear one, I am calling you by name to raise your powerful voice for this work of mine. It is for the sake of the forgotten, the lost, the abused, the children, the glory. 

    This is the true awakening.

    So raise your voice beloved and declare that I am the Lord, the true Vinedresser, and there is no other. In your "loud voice" I am setting you in places where I have equipped you to win battles. Just as far as the east is to the west I have removed your transgressions so is the same distance for you to declare who I am, and that there is no other.

    This is the true awakening.

    You will be the light to a world lost in darkness. You will be the salt to draw all men to my feast...Even those who have lost their appetite for a loving meal at my table. Speak child and ask God to bring an open heaven over your region so He can pour out HIS righteousness where many salvations can sprout out, faster than a Chinese virus, infecting people with the truth of my  chain breaking love.

    This is the true awakening.

    Do you see the clenching of teeth from the wayward ones? They cannot figure out or censor my true patriots of my powerful Voice resounding from hearts ablaze for truth. They do not know their true Father, the Vinedresser. They mock and spew forth words that contain a stench of fear, doubt, and evil.

    I am the one who made this earth and created people to live on it. Watch My Hand continue to move just as they did when I spoke and created the heavens and the stars at my command. 

    This is the true awakening.

    I am raising you up dear one, lover of the Vinedresser, to fulfill my virtuous purposes.  Listen for Me dear one. I will be the guide to your actions, to the words I will have you speak. I have raised you up as such a time as this...To use your voice and speak as a servant of the Lord of Heaven's armies:

    This IS the true awakening...Are you ready.

    Go now not in striving but abiding...

    Love the Vinedresser
    by @TheresaCroft

    For more information and for a free Identity Blue

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    Again...God's Hand Has Turned The Tide

    Again...God's Hand Has Turned The Tide

    The Tide is turning for you.

    I feel this deep in my heart…especially now in light of the turmoil in the world.

    I hear God's Hand has turned the tide...for you too.

    What do you do now with your hope and dreams amidst so much tyranny in the world today.

    Can I remind you.

    You have a voice. You have a book in you. You have a business to start.

    You have purpose. Do not compare yourself with others.

    Listen! The tide is turning.

    Listen….to the Vinedresser:
    “I have turned the tide!

    “You are My warrior who can flick off your enemies like flies. “I have turned the tide child.

    “Just stay in the House of Wine and be found faithful to My Voice. I will lead you. I will speak through you. I will give you loyal friends of Mine who make firm commitments and follow through with them.

    “Hide My words in your heart. Never forget the stirring of your spirit in the House of Wine as you connect your heart to Mine.. I have not called you to a draining life but a reigning life.

    “I have turned the tide.

    “Seek My wisdom. Make it your relentless quest as you look for meaning to your current circumstances. I do not see you in lack but in great wealth. I do not see you in defeat but in victory.

    “Do you hear the shouts, the triumphant songs? “I have turned the tide!

    “So, do not strive but abide.”

    Love the Vinedresser

    He is turning the tide friend!

    Will you declare that.

    Say it!

    God has turned the tide!

    To walk out this word, contact me for the blueprint.
    Click here Now

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    What Do We Do Now? The Rest To Run in 2021

    What Do We Do Now? The Rest To Run in 2021

    What Do We Do Now!?

    I did not want to go online or say much today.

    I was feeling the emotional backlash of the Georgia Senate Race not to mention two months of election drama.

    But I had to say something. I stayed in my own lane understanding the 2021 Word of Rest To Run that Holy Spirit gave me needed to be walked out!

    How do you position yourself to rise up with your voice?

    The key...is your position as you rise by the power of The Holy Spirit resting in the promises of God!

    How do you position yourself to be in the midst of the roar of fear trying to rise up from the inside of your very being?

    How do you step into the confidence from your identity that is filled with revelation from Holy Spirit to break asunder the bars of fear and doubt?

    The Position In Rest To Run in 2021

    Hebrews 11:11 tpt
    Sarah's position...amidst a huge promise to have a child and be a part of Abraham walking into the Fulfilmment of God's promise...you will be an father of multitudes....is key.

    She had moments of flaking out. Yes.
    But her faith embraced His miracles; she rose in authority RESTING in the promises and then...she ran (tapping into the faithfulness of God)!

    Can you relate!?

    Flake not. Put a stake in the ground as you

    REST TO RUN in 2021!

    Learn more and receive a free video series to redeem your voice.
    Click here for that resource!

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    2021 Prophetic Word-Rest To Run

    2021 Prophetic Word-Rest To Run

    I can honestly say much of this word has come from my own restlessness from this past year.

    In addition to the pandemic, the violence in the streets, and the election...I’ve experienced my own traumatic year.

    God spoke this  word to me, Rest To Run, about the time when the pandemic hit.

    I kept going back to it as you can see in the past episodes here on my podcast.

    The basis of this Rest To Run Word is found in Hebrews 11:11 tpt

    “Sarah’s faith embraced God’s miracle power to conceive even though she was barren and was past the age of childbearing, for the authority of her faith rested in the One who made the promise, and she tapped into his faithfulness.”

    This Rest To Run...powered by the Holy Spirit!!!

    Listen it to find that place...to rest to run...so your powerful voice can be heard by those who really need you.

    If you have a question or comment, send me a dm on Instagram!!

    You can find more encouragement that is not simply information but for transformation at my home. Click here for https://iKingsMedia.com

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    My Story & 3 Clues To Discovering Your Voice

    My Story & 3 Clues To Discovering Your Voice

    You are going into this new year looking to help your family with a new business/

    Or you want to step out now and make a difference with your purpose.

    I believe discovering your true voice is so key to walking forward with confidence.

    In this episode I give you three clues to help you put the pieces together to truly find your voice.

    Listen in. Tell me what clue helped you by sending a dm to me on Instagram.

    I have a free video series to help you Find Your Voice When Your Emotions Are Screaming Shut UP!

    Click here for that free series!

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    Victory Over The Drama Of The Trauma

    Victory Over The Drama Of The Trauma

    If there is one passion that underlines helping you find your voice, I believe seeing women free from the trauma is one huge key.

    I’m a Kingdom Mentor passionate to help you find your voice from a foundation of identity. I do this with the Kingdom Mentor Academy’s Redeem Your Voice Camp where we dive deep into the repair, restore, and rebuild process based on Amos 9:11.

    So I knew this testimony of hope over any trauma needed to be shared with a wider audience.

    So I invite you into a Redeem Your Voice Camp interview featuring Linda Riddle.

    Linda Riddle has been in ministry for nearly two decades. She’s led in several key areas both in the local church and globally. She’s a writer, a Bible teacher, a prophetic voice, and an ordained minister. Her number one passion is teaching people how to operate in the ways of the Holy Spirit through the gifts of the Spirit, biblical dream interpretation, and prophetic revelation. 

    You can find out more about her ministry and check out some of her resources at LindaGRiddle.org

    If you really want to surrender and have real help in walking away from the pain of the trauma, I invite you into a free Identity Blueprint.

    We’ll have a cup of coffee together (over zoom camera). I’ll ask a few questions and give you a framework for breakthrough, This comes with your own Identity Blueprint and a 30 day action plan.

    Click here to learn more.

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    How To Survive The Wait To Your Dreams

    How To Survive The Wait To Your Dreams

    I see you.

    You have waited and waited for dreams to come true.

    It might be that marriage restoration, that vision in your destiny, that desire to walk fully in your purpose.

    I read this and thought of you.

    “You can’t rush a resurrection. As surely as Jesus rose on time, your triumph will be on schedule also.” 

    jack Hayford 

    So may I leave you with this word.

    “Here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord. Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting—for he will never disappoint you!” 

    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27:14‬ ‭TPT‬‬ 

    You may be in a position when NOW is the time to market your voice. You have an extraordinary solution behind your voice.

    Here is a free resource...10 Keys To Market Your Voice IN the Digital Age.

    Click here to learn more:


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    How To Sell Your Products Without Bugging Friends And Family

    How To Sell Your Products Without Bugging Friends And Family

    I am freaking excited about this episode.


    Yes. I may love to help you find your voice but when you make that decision to share and market your voice, I can be sure you have something "ordinary"  that God loves to stamp His EXTRA to and you become an EXTRAordinary solution for people's pain point.

    I enjoy marketing and sharing proven strategies to grow your brand. I do this through the CARE strategy.

    IN this episode I'm going to lay out simple steps to get your ideal customers to know, like and trust you.

    You don't have to "spam" your family and friends with your opportunity.

    You CAN reach out and connect to make relationships to make clients who will embrace you and your product.

    The will get excited about you, not your product.

    So learn how to show up...in all your brilliance from God and make a splash with your business, your product, your book, your coaching business...

    I won't bore you with my credentials. I did help one of my clients by creating a social media platform that made them an online influencer. It was Stairway Ministries. You may not recognize that name. But they are the non-profit ministry behind Dr. Brian Simmons and The Passion Translation.

    Hey. I 'm here to carry your dreams.

    Check in on a Blueprint Identity call and let's talk about you and your dreams with a breakthrough model of rest to run.

    Click here while spots are open.

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    How To Survive When In The "Blind"

    How To Survive When In The "Blind"

    So I headed north in my truck the other day.

    ​​​​​​​I was going to hunt. Hunting for deer to fill my freezer as well as enjoying it as sport.

    I spent five hours, some in the dark, alone in the cold....with a gun...in a small tent like structure called a blind.

    Definition: "A hunting blind (US), hide or machan is a cover device for hunters or gamekeepers, designed to reduce the chance of detection."

    I wanted to be there. It was of my own choosing. And...it was fun.

    On the way home in my truck I thought of you and how you may feel like you're in a blind, of your own making or not. I thought of how this is putting pressure on you and you feel like you lost your voice.

    Chinese Virus...  with all the sad details and confining restraints.... make make feel you're in a blind You may be forced to home-school your kids or it hit you financially... or you have a dear one struggling with the virus.

    I am so sorry. I feel your pain. My heart has shattered for you and with you.

    On the way home, Holy Spirit lit me up with three keys to share. And...He said speak it now while it's so deep on my heart.

    So..excuse the less than stellar quality of my audio...I spoke into my phone to share these thoughts as I drove home from the mountains.

    I'd like to think you are in the truck with me, and I'm sharing just with you!

    You can not just survive but thrive ....in the blind.

    You are valuable....and so dear to me.

    IN the House of Wine,


    PS You can take a ride in my truck to share via zoom. Click here to learn more.

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    Identity Series With Author Michelle Archbell

    Identity Series With Author Michelle Archbell

    Introducing Author Michell Archbell- The Identity Series!

    Michelle lives in Queensland Australia and is a wife, mother,
    grandmother and an author.

    She is a lover of God and carries the heart of Father God.
    Michelle has completed a Certificate 4 in Christian Ministry, as
    well as completing the Watchman's school of Prayer.

    She has been involved in Women's ministry in the local church ,
    encouraging women to a rich walk in their Christian life.
    She has written prayer blogs for a local church website, inspiring
    others to a deeper prayer life.

    Michelle encourages and inspires others to deepen their
    relationship with God and to encounter Father God heart in deep
    intimacy with Him in her first book, titled:

    A Journey Into The Fathers Heart: Whispers from the Heavenly

    Follow Michelle on Instagram @michelle_archbell_author

    Find your voice with free resource at https://RedeemYourVoice.com

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    It's War: Walking In Victory With Your Voice

    It's War: Walking In Victory With Your Voice

    Are you feeling the angst of the fight…causing rivers of tears to go with your fears?

    Are you tired of the manic media playing tricks with your mind.

    Or...Do you feel stuck. Religion or systems of world are choking you…..

    You feel held back.

    Your mind is exploding.

    It feels like WAR.:

    This verse lit up on my i-pad as a declaration one morning. I could not budge from it as I heard Holy Spirit speak. (vinedresser word forming)

    “God Almighty declares the word of the gospel with power, and the warring women of Zion deliver its message:” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭68:11‬ ‭TPT‬‬

    I am relentless to help you find your voice, share your voice and even market your voice.

    My heart for you continues to be geared up during this season to help you walk in soul health, no matter what you are having to face today.

    I believe you can be restored in your identity so you can take authority over your emotions and be a part of the shift in influence today with powerful declarations.

    Rest to run. Not simply to survive but thrive.

    I see you!

    Ok…just want to encourage you as a Godmother, as a mentor, as a dream carrier who believes in you and your dreams.

    Talk soon.

    In the Vine,


    PS I have spaces on my calendar for Identity Blueprints to give you a framework for breakthrough today. Click here while there are time slots available.

    Podcast home is https://iKingsMedia.com/blog

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    145 Identity Series: Finding Your Voice In Your Copywriting with Sarah Voris

    145 Identity Series: Finding Your Voice In Your Copywriting with Sarah Voris

    The Identity Series With The Kingdom Mentor Podcast: Finding Your Voice In Your Copywriting with Sarah Voris Sarah is an MLM drop out who searched for a long time to find something that was truly “hers.” She eventually found her sweet spot way outside of her comfort zone when she started writing for other online […]

    The post 145 Identity Series: Finding Your Voice In Your Copywriting with Sarah Voris appeared first on iKings Media: Kingdom Mentor.

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    Podcast 144: Grace Unfiltered: Theresa Croft Interviewed By Grace Morrison

    Podcast 144: Grace Unfiltered:  Theresa Croft Interviewed By Grace Morrison

      Grace Unfiltered: Theresa Croft Interview Podcast 144 In this special interview for Grace Unfiltered, I have the honor of being interviewed by the amazing and talented Grace Morrison. As I share in the beginning of this podcast, Grace is one excellent example of “showing up” with her voice. As she shares on her page:  […]

    The post Podcast 144: Grace Unfiltered: Theresa Croft Interviewed By Grace Morrison appeared first on iKings Media: Kingdom Mentor.

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    3 Steps To Hold The One Who Gave You The Dream More Than The Dream

    3 Steps To Hold The One Who Gave You The Dream More Than The Dream

    3 Steps To Hold The One Who Gave You The Dream Podcast Notes On The Dream: My husband said.. “Sometimes we hold our dreams so tight instead of holding the ONE who gave us the dream” And what happens? Our voice is shut down…We start to feel stuck. We worry…we feel we are not enough… […]

    The post 3 Steps To Hold The One Who Gave You The Dream More Than The Dream appeared first on iKings Media: Kingdom Mentor.

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