
    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up

    There's a place for you. A place to belong, heal, and grow. A place to serve and make a difference. A place for you to make a place for others.The Kingdom Mothers Rise Up podcast is here to equip and encourage you as you RISE UP in your Kingdom calling and purpose with GodfidenceYou'll hear the inspirational stories of women who have walked this journey of faith. You'll learn practical, Bible based strategies to grow in spiritual and emotional maturity, heal from your past, and improve your relationships.I'm Mukkove, the heart and voice behind the mic. I am a certified Christian Life Coach trained in healing prayer and Childhood Emotional Neglect Recovery. I live and love in Alaska with my husband of 28 years and our 4 children.
    en-usMukkove - The Mom Mentor96 Episodes

    Episodes (96)

    96: Walking Out Freedom From Fear

    96: Walking Out Freedom From Fear

    In episode 93, I shared the revelation the Lord had given me about my daughter's fear of me losing her. I laid a foundation for that fear when she was an infant and removed when the Lord revealed it. 
    The story I share in today's episode is another big step in the journey. In talking and listening to the Lord we discovered her fear of the dark was linked to that same core fear. More of the wall is removed in her heart.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    95: Slow Down, Take the Pressure Off, Walk at God's Pace

    95: Slow Down, Take the Pressure Off, Walk at God's Pace

    The Lord has been impressing on my heart, slow down. It's interesting because I feel like my word for 2024 is access. But then what the Lord keeps saying is slow down, slow down, slow down. I am trying to press into that and understand what that looks like. 

    Part of slowing down is taking the pressure off. Taking pressure off means adjusting my expectations of where I show up and how often I show up, and that kind of thing. 

    I sat down to Heart Doodle with Jesus to sort out what I was feeling when it came to slowing down. Part of me was feeling discouraged and rather hopeless. Then there's the side that can see the benefit of slowing down and the appeal of slowing down. I can see and feel the contrast of my feelings.

    As I listened the Lord said, “Slowing down is important. It's obedience.” That struck a chord with me. It's not just oh, do I want to or do I not? It's obedience because He's telling me to slow down. So slowing down is obedience and that's why it's important. Slowing down, on the one hand, feels good, it feels peaceful, so, yes, can I please slow down? The other side is how am I going to make this work? How am I going to get everything done? What does this look like? I don't have the details and I think it's important to realize that walking in faith and living with the Lord often has both sides. When you are walking with the Lord it doesn’t mean everything is roses, easy and peaceful. There's still an enemy. There's still your old programming that pushes you in different ways. 

    Obedience goes against striving. The pressure comes from my striving and my own expectations of what needs to be done or how it's supposed to look.

    In February's Heart Doodling Workshop (recording is available here) the first doodle I titled, What Was. Doing a Heart Doodle with Jesus gives space to feel and identify your feelings. It is an opportunity to pay attention to the thoughts running through your head. Most importantly it is a time to hear God’s perspective on your thoughts, feelings, and circumstances.

    I invite you to reach out to me. If you're in a place of “I can't even imagine slowing down, yet there's that place in my spirit where that sounds so appealing, but then that just gets crushed with everything that floods in on top of it, of all the things to do and all the people that would be upset.” reach out to me. We can have a conversation and see how I can best support you. I have options starting at $17 a month.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    94: You can Get Past the Mom Guilt:Receiving Forgiveness

    94: You can Get Past the Mom Guilt:Receiving Forgiveness

    Have you ever felt the weight of guilt as a mother, haunted by the moments you wish you could take back? I know I have, and in our latest conversation, I lay bare the emotional journey of confronting the guilt born from unintentionally instilling fear into my child. We tackle the tough work of dismantling that foundation, replacing it with trust and the unwavering grace we're so freely given. This isn't about wallowing in what's been done; it's about confessing, seeking forgiveness, and most importantly, learning to move forward. By sharing my own steps towards healing, I hope to guide you through the liberating process of letting go of the guilt that binds us.

    As we delve deeper, we unearth the truths about our identity in Christ. There's a profound freedom in understanding that we are made righteous through Him, not through our own toils and efforts. I discuss how embracing this transformative belief can release us from the past and propel us into the life we are meant to live—free from the chains of guilt and fear. I encourage you to share your own stories, seek advice, and build a supportive community where we can all thrive in the light of these revelations. Together, let's step into the freedom that comes with being new creations in Christ, leaving behind old patterns for a fresh start.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    93: Laying Foundations: Learn from My Mistakes

    93: Laying Foundations: Learn from My Mistakes

    My youngest daughter has always had a fear of me losing her. It didn’t make sense because I’d never lost or left her anywhere. 

    The Lord showed me why in a conversation and from a Heart Doodle with Teagan. I explained in this week’s podcast. I also share how intentionally laying good foundations will set your children up for healthy behavior patterns and good character.

    The short version is I laid the foundation for her fear by partnering with fear when she was an infant. 

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    92: Embracing Imperfection: Heart Doodling with Jesus for Growth and Wellness

    92: Embracing Imperfection: Heart Doodling with Jesus for Growth and Wellness

    Is there room for creativity in your time with God? 
    What about your emotions? Are they welcome? 
    Hi, if we haven't met, I'm Mukkove Johnson and I am here to encourage and equip you to understand and use the gift of your emotions. One of the ways that I do that is through the process I've developed called heart doodling with Jesus. 

    One of my favorite things about heart doodling with Jesus is that it helps to build awareness, and awareness is so important to mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

    Register for the February 9th workshop in Wasilla, Alaska

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up
    en-usFebruary 03, 2024

    91: Showing Up for Myself: Meeting Unmet Needs for Myself

    91: Showing Up for Myself: Meeting Unmet Needs for Myself

    This heart-to-heart episode is a tender exploration of what it means to truly show up for oneself, especially for those of us who have felt the sting of childhood emotional neglect. I open up about my journey towards self-awareness—how it began with the challenging, yet essential, practice of tuning into my own needs and the neglected parts of my soul. Through stories and reflections, I illustrate the deeply personal process of setting boundaries and embracing self-care, not as indulgences, but as fundamental acts of self-compassion.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    90: Let Go of Regret: Get the Meassage and Let It Move On

    90: Let Go of Regret: Get the Meassage and Let It Move On

    I sat down at a coffee shop to write without the distractions of home and child.

    I immediately felt like crying. 

    This is a very familiar experience for me. I slow down and I feel like crying. Over the years this has led to me paying attention to my tears. They come for many reasons. Sad, mad, happy, overwhelmed in good or bad ways, sensing God’s presence, and being weary from going too much.

    The last one was the reason today. 

    I’ve been slowing down physically and in my expectations of how much I can get done ( and getting more done). Slowing down to pay attention to how I am feeling and why,,, not so much. Taking the pressure off of trying to say the right thing in the right way… not so much either.

    Instead of diving into writing, which was the purpose of this time because I have put off writing twice already this week, I pulled out my sketchbook to sort out the tears.

    I’m glad I did.

    I drew a big teardrop and wrote the word regret.

    I asked what regret was.

    At least for today it was grief over what could have been. I could have more clarity. I could have this writing done. I could feel like I know what I’m doing. I could…

    As I wrote it I was reminded of the times in the Chronicles of Narnia when Lucy asked Aslan about what would have happened. He responds that she doesn’t get to know what would have happened. She can obey and find out what will happen.

    Regret was grieving what I imagined could have happened.

    Now it’s time to obey, to move, and find out what will happen.

    This was a good revelation and insight. At times I would have left it at that. 

    However it was not actionable. There was no practical way I was going to apply it and make a change to intentionally move toward what I want to happen.

    In the past this would have led to the urge and pressure to create a detailed plan for all the things I want to have happen.

    I still felt the urge.

    I also had the reminder that doing a simple thing everyday has gotten me more progress and more peace in managing my home.

    I’m trying to apply this to my spiritual and mental health as well.

    I’m still experimenting with exactly what that looks like. I know it means slowing down. It means changing my thinking from a project mentality to a small steps mentality. 

    There is a temptation to listen to the bullying voice telling me I should have that already. God’s been talking to me about the importance and impact of small steps for almost 3 years.

    I don’t need to bully myself.

    I don’t need to let the devil bully me either.

    I don’t need to stay in what could have been.

    I move into what will be.

    I will change.

    I will learn.

    I will see the goodness of God in the land of the living.

    Is there an area you have been experiencing regret?

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    89: Slow Down: The Journey to Discipleship

    89: Slow Down: The Journey to Discipleship

    Slow down. 

    Take the pressure off.

    Show up faithfully.

    These are the things that are making a shift in my life. 

    Not trying harder, doing more, or going full speed then crashing.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    #88 The Power of Acceptance: Unraveling the Impact of Emotional Neglect on Receiving

    #88 The Power of Acceptance: Unraveling the Impact of Emotional Neglect on Receiving

    Have you ever paused to wonder why receiving - be it a compliment, a gift, or a helping hand - can often feel so uncomfortable? This episode dares to delve into the tangled web of guilt, emotional neglect, and distorted teachings from childhood that make us resist our innate design as receivers. As we unravel how the inability to receive can stifle our growth and dampen the joy of the giver, you'll discover a new perspective on how God has designed us to be receivers first and givers second.

    As we journey deeper, we'll confront the profound impact of childhood emotional neglect on our capacity to accept kindness, help, and divine truths. Understanding these struggles and overcoming them can lead us to not only embrace our roles as receivers but also improve our relationships and self-care abilities. This open-hearted conversation is more than mere talk; it's a call for you to reflect, share your experiences, and embrace the joy of receiving. Come join us for this empowering and enlightening discourse.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up
    en-usDecember 17, 2023

    87: Transform Your Holiday Stress into Serene Celebration

    87: Transform Your Holiday Stress into Serene Celebration

    What if the secret to a joyful, stress-free holiday season was not about managing your emotions, but feeling them? As the festive season approaches, we take a deep-dive into exploring this concept, reminding you to check societal expectations at the door and put what truly counts at the center - your well-being and spending quality time with loved ones.

    Prepare to challenge the norms as we unfold three vital questions; "Who says," "What fits," and "What if it was easy," guiding you to a happier, less stressful Christmas. We share personal experiences and practical advice, especially in managing difficult conversations.

    Our focus? Helping you understand and navigate your emotions rather than control others. By the end of this episode, you'll be well-equipped to take control of your actions and reactions, making room for a more fulfilling holiday season. So, tune in and join us as we redefine the often stressful holiday narrative into one of joy and serenity.

    There are three simple questions you can ask to make your Christmas more peaceful. They are simple questions. Following through on your answers may be a little harder.

    Says who?

    All those things you’re feeling you have to do - says who? Question your expectations. Questions the expectations of others.

    What fits?

    We all have limits. There is only so much time, energy, and money. How do you want to use what you have? How much of what you have do you want to use?

    What’s fun?

    What if getting ready and going through the Christmas season was fun? What would it look like? What would you do? What would you not do?

    Asking the questions is a great place to start. Once you have asked yourself the questions, come back and ask me your questions.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    86: Embracing the Power of Pause: Personal Insights on Wellness and New Beginnings

    86: Embracing the Power of Pause: Personal Insights on Wellness and New Beginnings

    Taking a leaf from my own journey, I hit the pause button for the month of August. In this episode from my tranquil greenhouse, I share the insights and lessons I'm learning from my decision to prioritize my mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. 

    It's the end of season two, but it's also the beginning of a new, exciting chapter. 

    I've discovered the power of saying 'no', and how scaling back isn't a sign of weakness, but an open door to more.

    Navigating the labyrinth of toxic stress and the pressures of productivity, I open up about the importance of not letting the need to 'produce' define our self-worth. You'll get a glimpse into my email newsletters that narrate my ongoing journey of emotional health and my relationship with the Lord. Even though I'm taking a step back, I'll continue to be a part of the Kingdom Mothers Rise Up community, always ready to lend my support. As we wrap up this chapter and gear up for the next, I'm eager to see what the Lord has in store for us when I return for season three.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    85: Understanding and Embracing Our Emotions: A Divine Gift Not to be Suppressed

    85: Understanding and Embracing Our Emotions: A Divine Gift Not to be Suppressed

    What if the emotions you've been told to suppress are actually a divine gift? I’m joined by Theresa Emanuel, founder of P31Virtues Christian Lifestyle Blog,  to challenge the cultural messages that have told us to hide our feelings. We're taking a stand, asserting that emotions are not a problem, but a gift meant to be acknowledged and savored.

     We delve into the often confusing space between thoughts and emotions, and provide helpful strategies to manage them effectively.

    This episode promises you a fresh perspective on how to handle emotions, leaving you empowered to embrace your feelings in a healthier and more fulfilling way. Join us for a conversational journey to understanding and embracing the intricate fabric of our emotions.

    Meet Theresa
    Theresa Emanuel is an author, speaker, and creator of the P31Virtues Christian Lifestyle Blog and the Faith Food Fellowship podcast. She encourages Christian women to put their faith into action daily while nurturing themselves through biblical self-care. Then they can harness spiritual laws and exponentially increase their joy and good success. Through her podcast, Theresa exudes the love of God and brilliantly relates how her faith influences her multifaceted life. She simplifies the Christian experience from guilt-laden regulations to proactive life-enhancing action steps. Think of her as an inspired personal stylist for the heart because empowerment is supernatural, not superficial.

    Email: Theresa@p31entrepreneur.com

    Website: https://www.faithfoodfellowship.com

    The Roadmap to Calm offers:

    a strategy that allows for prioritizing what is most important and actionable on any given day. 
    a step-by-step process that will help you establish simple routines to keep calm in any situation.
    an easy system to help you get things done even if it requires heroic measures.
    You will not only become more efficient but you will also enjoy a better quality of life!

    Download the Roadmap to Calm now!


    Heart Doodling with Jesus is a monthly membership with live workshops and practical tools for growing spiritually and emotionally mature.

    Music by Romarecord1973 from Pixabay

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    84: When You Know the Story the Behavior Makes Sense

    84: When You Know the Story the Behavior Makes Sense

    Have you ever considered the impact of personal stories on understanding behavior?

    This podcast episode takes a deep dive into this fascinating concept. By looking at life experiences and the narratives you weave around them, you learn why you respond the way you do and how you can develop a deeper level of empathy. As you unpack the layers of your past experiences, you also reveal the potential for healthier interactions and improved relationships. 

    In this journey of introspection, you also touch upon the power of compassion and self-reflection. Learn how a simple shift in your reactions can nurture a more empathetic environment. 

    It's a comforting thought that God, being privy to our entire story, remains patient with me, even when I stumble. 

     Tune in and join me in fostering a greater understanding and compassionate approach towards ourselves and others.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    83: The Transformative Power of Hormonal Coaching with Bekah Yawn

    83: The Transformative Power of Hormonal Coaching with Bekah Yawn

    Unlock the power of hormonal education with my special guest, Hormone Coach Bekah Yawn. Learn to understand and appreciate the divine design of your bodies. 

    Bekah's insights will empower you to explore the potential of hormone coaching, focusing on the importance of understanding instead of diagnosing. The Fiat Institute's unique 'let it be' approach hones in on identifying the root issues providing women with the necessary tools to apply in their unique situations. 

    Ever wondered how self-care and hormonal understanding could significantly impact your life and those of future generations? 

    Discover the transformational possibilities of lifestyle changes, and how taking care of ourselves physically and biologically can redefine our lives. Bekah introduces us to the FEMM Hormone Harmony program, a game-changer in hormone coaching that is already transforming women's lives.

    Listen to Part 1: 

    81: Understanding Your Body: Hormone Coaching and Fertility Awareness with Bekah Yawn

    Meet Bekah
    Bekah Yawn, FEMM Educator & Hormone Coach at Fertility Set Free

    Bekah Yawn has worked with dozens of women and couples nationwide to empower them in their fertility, cycle, and hormones. With a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, graduating top in her class with FEMM, and certified as a Hormone Coach through the Fiat Institute, she is well respected in the fertility education community. As a FEMM educator and Hormone Coach, she can help any woman learn magnitudes about her body and how to support it naturally through utilizing her FEMM Hormone Harmony program.

    email fertilitysetfree@gmail.com
    website www.fertilitysetfree.com
    social @bekah.yawn

    Gifts for you!
    If you're ready to take charge of your fertility and hormones and need a support sister in your journey, schedule your free 20-minute consultation with Bekah at https://fertilitysetfree.as.me/.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    82: Embracing Divine Love: Understanding and Owning Our Belovedness

    82: Embracing Divine Love: Understanding and Owning Our Belovedness

    Have you ever pondered upon the depth of the love the Lord has for us and how it transforms our view of ourselves?

    This revealing discussion is about that epiphany - a powerful realization of my journey, embracing divine love and subsequently learning to genuinely love myself. I paint a vivid picture through the profound message in the song Belovedness by Sarah Koger, which has become a cherished anthem for me. Prepare yourself for a deeper exploration of self-love, faith, and the exhilarating experience of owning our belovedness.

    During this conversation, I also delve into the beautiful song I am Your Beloved by Jonathan David & Melissa Helser, reinforcing our need to acknowledge ourselves as the cherished ones of the Lord. 

    What do you need to do to own your belovedness? 

    The true essence of love is doing what's best for the ones we love. There is a difference between self-love and selfishness. We are called to love our neighbor as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39). The Father loves us as much as He loves Jesus (John 17:23).

    Join me on this enlightening journey towards truly understanding and owning our belovedness.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    81: Understanding Your Body: Hormone Coaching and Fertility Awareness with Bekah Yawn

    81: Understanding Your Body: Hormone Coaching and Fertility Awareness with Bekah Yawn

    Imagine unlocking the mysteries of God designed your body, understanding what every sign and symptom is trying to communicate to you.

    That's the extraordinary journey Bekah Yawn, hormone coach and FEMM educator, has been on and she's here to share her invaluable insights with us. Bekah's personal experiences with the fertility awareness-based method and hormone coaching form the backbone of our enlightening conversation. We explore the need for birth control options free of detrimental side effects and abortifacient concerns.

    In the latter half of our discussion, we dive deeper into the exploration of various resources Becca utilized to understand her body, such as the Marquette Method. We lay bare the multitude of root causes for hormonal imbalances and suggest ways to address them. We underscore the significance of hormone coaching in alleviating symptoms and restoring root causes. Ending on an empowering note, we focus on how Becca, through her personalized health coaching, equips women with practical solutions and teaches them how to trust their own bodies. So, tune in and ready yourself for a wealth of knowledge that is about to unfold.

    Meet Bekah
    Bekah Yawn, FEMM Educator & Hormone Coach at Fertility Set Free

    Bekah Yawn has worked with dozens of women and couples nationwide to empower them in their fertility, cycle, and hormones. With a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, graduating top in her class with FEMM, and certified as a Hormone Coach through the Fiat Institute, she is well respected in the fertility education community. As a FEMM educator and Hormone Coach, she can help any woman learn magnitudes about her body and how to support it naturally through utilizing her FEMM Hormone Harmony program.

    email fertilitysetfree@gmail.com
    website www.fertilitysetfree.com
    social @bekah.yawn

    Gifts for you!
    If you're ready to take charge of your fertility and hormones and needing a support sister in your journey, schedule your free 20 minute consultation with Bekah at https://fertilitysetfree.as.me/.

    As a gift for the listeners of Kingdom MOMpreneurs podcast, listeners who book Bekah's FEMM Hormone Harmony program can get $50 off with coupon code 50OFF (applied after consult with purchase of program). This is not an affiliate link. I gain nothing if you work with Bekah. 

    Heart Doodling with Jesus is a monthly membership with live workshops and practical tools for growing spiritually and emotionally mature.

    Music by Romarecord1973 from Pixabay

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    80: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in Christ: Choosing to Stand in Freedom

    80: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in Christ: Choosing to Stand in Freedom

    Have you ever struggled to live up to expectations that seem impossible to meet? Well, what if I told you that there is a freedom that transcends all these daily concerns—a freedom found in Christ? As someone who is journeying through the confusion and turmoil to find this freedom, I'm excited to unpack this profound concept, drawing from Galatians 5:1. 

    Our conversation will delve into the transformative power of Christ's love, where we are free from the burdens of our past, condemnation, and even death. Yet, it's not just about freedom from things—it's also about the freedom to do things.
    It's a beautiful journey, one that led me to realize that Christianity is not restrictive, but freeing, and I believe it can do the same for you. So, whether you're yearning to break free from old labels or seeking a life that's truly fulfilling, this episode is for you. 

    Join me on this exploration of freedom in Christ and be empowered to make wise choices that uphold your newfound freedom. Together, let's stand firm in this freedom, centered on God's love, and choose life in the Spirit. 

    Remember, no matter the struggles, your freedom is always there and the Lord is always with you. So tune in, learn, and prepare to experience the joy of freedom in Christ.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    79: Raising Purpose-Driven Teens: A Conversation with Coach Helen on Nurturing the Next Generation of Leaders

    79: Raising Purpose-Driven Teens: A Conversation with Coach Helen on Nurturing the Next Generation of Leaders

    What if I told you that teenagers are capable of having identities rooted in purpose? It's a concept I'm exploring with my guest, Coach Helen. As the founder of the RPTL (Raising Purpose-driven Teen Leaders ) Academy that works specifically with pre-teens, Helen is passionate about equipping the next generation of leaders with the skills they need to navigate through life's challenges.

    You've probably heard the teenage years are tough, even more so when you feel like you're on your own. In this conversation with Coach Helen, we discuss the need for a community that supports and nurtures our teens. Helen shares how the power of togetherness, the voices of others echoing the same values you instill in your children, can greatly impact their journey to adulthood. We also delve into her hands-on approach of providing tangible testimonies of the young ones she mentors and how she is preparing them for the future.

    As we wrap up our discussion, we focus on a rather interesting approach to preteen and teen development: raising kingdom financiers and entrepreneurs. Coach Helen opens up about her innovative methods, using Bible study groups as a platform to shift mindsets, cultivating a sense of purpose and identity in your children. This episode is a treasure trove of insights into the importance of a relationship with God and how to guide your children toward a purpose-driven life. Hang tight, you're in for a treat!

    Meet Coach Helen
    Helen Verroux, aka Coach Helen, is the founder of the Raising Purpose Driven Teen Leaders Movement (RPTL movement & Academy). She defines herself as a teen and young adult leadership expert, a youth trainer, a kingdom entrepreneur, an author, a movement maker, and a success/leadership coach.

    She is also a John Maxwell certified coach and the CEO of the vibrant international company called “The Keys For Success” which helps parents, youth organizations, and schools to raise purpose-driven teen leaders without compromising their moral values. Being an educator for more than 12 years, she strongly believes that now is the time to equip young people to navigate effectively in this new economy with programs that not only revolutionize the educational system but that help teens to gain clarity on their purpose and understand the concept of financial freedom.

    She has a passion for transformational leadership, personal growth, and serving others. Helen loves to discover different cultures.

    Connect with Coach Helen
    email: thekeysforsuccesscoach@gmail.com

    Heart Doodling with Jesus is a monthly membership with live workshops and practical tools for growing spiritually and emotionally mature.

    Music by Romarecord1973 from Pixabay

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    78: Independence Day: The Spiritual Power of Declarations and Faith

    78: Independence Day: The Spiritual Power of Declarations and Faith

    Happy 4th of July! 
    Ever wondered why we celebrate the Declaration of Independence and not the actual gaining of independence? 
    Tune into this special edition of Kingdom Mothers Rise Up podcast for a deep dive into the true significance of Independence Day. We'll unravel the spiritual truth of making powerful declarations based on scripture, similar to the audacious Declaration of Independence that sparked a revolution. 

    Unearth the spiritual parallels to the determination and faith echoed by the signers of the declaration. With us, explore the importance of maintaining faith, even in uncertain times, and the cost we often need to pay to uphold our declarations.

    Discover how a firm resolve in our spiritual declarations can help us set aside distractions and invest in the changes necessary to make these declarations come true. Reflect on your own declarations and the stand you are called to take in this spiritually enlightening episode.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    77: Fear, Guilt, and the Path to Resilience: A Journey with Clarissa (Coaching Session Part 2)

    77: Fear, Guilt, and the Path to Resilience: A Journey with Clarissa (Coaching Session Part 2)

    Ever been afraid that someone you love will abandon you, or felt guilty about taking time for yourself?

    Our guest, Clerissa from South Africa, knows these feelings all too well. Join us as she shares her deeply personal story of dealing with ingrained trauma, struggling with fears, and learning to recognize her emotional cues.

    In the latter part of our coaching session, we transition towards a more hopeful path, discussing resilience, joy, and the power of community. Hear from Clerissa how mistakes can be stepping stones in strengthening relationships and fostering resilience, especially in children.

    Creative activities can be a helpful release and a potent reset button.

    Remember, there's no 'right' way to self-care.

    Witness Clerissa's journey towards healing assisted by our podcast and the supportive community she has found in Kingdom Mother's Rise Up and others.

    Feeling alone? It doesn't have to be that way. Join us, share your story, and be a part of our community.

    If you would like to listen to part 1 of Clerissa's session you can listen here:
    75: Navigating Trauma Recovery and Emotional Management in Parenting (Coaching Session Part 1)

    Heart Doodling with Jesus is a monthly membership with live workshops and practical tools for growing spiritually and emotionally mature.

    Music by Romarecord1973 from Pixabay

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at: