
    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up

    There's a place for you. A place to belong, heal, and grow. A place to serve and make a difference. A place for you to make a place for others.The Kingdom Mothers Rise Up podcast is here to equip and encourage you as you RISE UP in your Kingdom calling and purpose with GodfidenceYou'll hear the inspirational stories of women who have walked this journey of faith. You'll learn practical, Bible based strategies to grow in spiritual and emotional maturity, heal from your past, and improve your relationships.I'm Mukkove, the heart and voice behind the mic. I am a certified Christian Life Coach trained in healing prayer and Childhood Emotional Neglect Recovery. I live and love in Alaska with my husband of 28 years and our 4 children.
    en-usMukkove - The Mom Mentor96 Episodes

    Episodes (96)

    76: Embracing Emotional Messages: Navigating Involuntary Emotions and Making Wise Choices

    76: Embracing Emotional Messages: Navigating Involuntary Emotions and Making Wise Choices

    Ever had those moments when your emotions feel like they've taken control of you? We all have, and in today's episode of Kingdom Mothers Rise Up, we discuss how our emotional reactions are often automatic and involuntary, much like blinking our eyes when something comes towards our face. Fear not, for it's not the initial emotion that matters, but rather, how we choose to respond to it.

    Join us as we explore the messages our emotions carry and how we can use them to make wise choices in our lives. I share my personal experiences during the launch of my third book, revealing the range of emotions I felt and how I was able to identify and address the messages behind them. Discover the importance of acknowledging and working through our feelings, and how partnering with certain emotions can either lead us toward hope and truth or take us away from them. Don't miss this enlightening conversation on understanding and managing our involuntary emotions!

    More about identifying feelings and the messages they have for you: 
    63: Where Did That Thought Come From? Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 4

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    75: Navigating Trauma Recovery and Emotional Management in Parenting (Coaching Session Part 1)

    75: Navigating Trauma Recovery and Emotional Management in Parenting (Coaching Session Part 1)

    Feeling overwhelmed and struggling to manage emotions during trauma recovery?

    Join me for a behind-the-scenes look at a coaching session with the incredibly courageous Clerissa from South Africa. She is seeking strategies to maintain her composure while dealing with anxiety and raising her boys. Together, we explore various sources of frustration and discuss potential solutions to help Clerissa stay present with her boys while also respecting her own boundaries.

    We dive into the importance of disciplining children from a place of partnership and training, rather than punishment. I also share insights on how journaling and engaging in a two-way conversation with God can help slow down racing thoughts and bring clarity to our minds. Don't miss this opportunity to learn valuable strategies for managing emotions, creating healthy boundaries within your family, and fostering a supportive and loving environment for both yourself and your children.

    If you would like to apply for a coaching session to be used on the Kingdom Mother's Rise Up Podcast reach out to me at contact@mukkovejohnson.com and tell me about your situation.

    Heart Doodling with Jesus is a monthly membership with live workshops and practical tools for growing spiritually and emotionally mature.

    Music by Romarecord1973 from Pixabay

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    74: Embracing Self-Care and Emotional Healing as Kingdom Mothers: A Journey of Self-Discovery with Jesus

    74: Embracing Self-Care and Emotional Healing as Kingdom Mothers: A Journey of Self-Discovery with Jesus

    Are you struggling to prioritize self-care and understand your emotional needs? I invite you to join us on a journey of self-discovery as we explore the challenges of self-care for those who have experienced childhood emotional neglect. As Kingdom Mothers, it's vital that we nurture our mind, body, and spirit to truly fulfill the Lord's calling in our lives. Together, we'll uncover the joy and growth that comes from understanding our unique needs and desires.

    Learn how partnering with the Lord can bring about transformation, self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of how God designed you. Join our supportive community as we rise up as Kingdom Mothers who not only care for ourselves but also those around us. Embrace the joy of self-discovery and the freedom that comes with knowing and accepting ourselves as God intended.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    73: Leaving the New Age Behind and Finding God's Truth with Juliana Barbati

    73: Leaving the New Age Behind and Finding God's Truth with Juliana Barbati

    What if you could find healing and purpose through the transformative power of faith in Jesus, even in the midst of confusion and uncertainty? That's exactly what our incredible guest, Juliana Barbotti, shares in her powerful story of moving from a cult-like environment and belief in reincarnation to finding salvation and a new relationship with God through Jesus.

    Join us as we explore Juliana's search for healing through the world of New Age practices and how her search for truth led her to find true healing and purpose in Jesus. We'll unpack the importance of prayer, discernment, and staying rooted in God's truth in our lives as followers of Christ. Juliana's testimony serves as a reminder to be vigilant in discerning the sources and influences of the practices we engage in, and to trust in God above all else.

    As we conclude our conversation, we'll discuss the dangers of blindly trusting what we can do on our own and the significance of relying on God's guidance and wisdom in all aspects of our lives. From recognizing the Father's voice and Holy Spirit's promptings to the role of prayer in navigating suffering, Juliana's story is an inspirational reminder that our faith and trust in God should always come first. Don't miss this eye-opening episode and be inspired by Juliana's journey from New Age to a life firmly rooted in faith and trust in God.

    Juliana Barbati is a dynamic podcast strategist, consultant, and owner of a top boutique podcast production agency. Her specialties include marketing, SEO, copywriting, and monetization, all of which allow her to help entrepreneurs elevate their voices and spread their inspiring messages.

    But Juliana’s passion goes beyond business. As a born-again Christian, she is deeply passionate about the Bible and her faith in Jesus.

    In her free time, Juliana enjoys spending time in her tropical Central American paradise with her husband, two homeschooled littles, and her ever-expanding brood of cats.

    Connect with Juliana
    email  howdy@julianabarbati.com

    Website www.julianabarbati.com

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Barbati.juliana

    Heart Doodling with Jesus is a monthly membership with live workshops and practical tools for growing spiritually and emotionally mature.

    Music by Romarecord1973 from Pixabay

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    72: Uncovering the Treasures of Our Adoption in Christ

    72: Uncovering the Treasures of Our Adoption in Christ

    What does it mean to be God's adopted child and have access to His riches? Join us on a journey to uncover our inheritance as co-heirs with Christ, exploring the blessings of righteousness, healing, safety, victory, and provision of every kind through our relationship with Him. 

    We'll delve into the life of Jesus, who knew how to "write the check" every time a need arose because of His relationship with the Father. As we grow in our relationship with God, we aim to always know how to access His blessings and provisions. So, come along with us as we seek to uncover the treasures that are available to us as God's adopted children and learn how to steward them well for His glory.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    71: Discovering Self-Worth Beyond Family Expectations, Interview with Becky Zingale

    71: Discovering Self-Worth Beyond Family Expectations, Interview with Becky Zingale

    Have you ever felt like you were living under the shadow of your siblings or struggling to find your own unique identity? Join us in this incredible conversation with Becky, author of "Wonderfully Different, Wonderfully Me" as she takes us on her journey of self-discovery and embracing authenticity.

    Growing up sandwiched between a sister with health issues and her baby sister, Becky felt the pressure to earn her parents' approval. However, her husband Duane, born without ears but always the life of the party, helped her grow in confidence and learn to be comfortable in her own skin. Discover how Becky rejected the lies she was told about who she should be, and how her newfound passions for writing, butterflies, and chickens have led her to live a life true to herself. Also, hear about the inspiration behind her book and the important role her daughter plays in her story.

    In this inspiring episode, we dive deep into the challenges of special needs parenting and Becky's journey of writing her book. We also discuss her entrepreneurial endeavors, the significance of her tattoo, and her daughter's upcoming book possibly titled, "Becoming a Super Sibling." Through it all, Becky's journey of learning to trust herself, build connections, and embrace her true identity serves as an inspiring reminder for us all. Tune in now and be empowered by Becky's transformative story.

    Get Wonderfully Different, Wonderfully Me

    Follow Becky
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ourwonderfamily
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/ourwonderfamily/

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    70: Wise Women, Rise Up!

    70: Wise Women, Rise Up!

    I find it interesting that so many women in the Bible are not named. Like the wise woman of Able.

    Her story is told but not her name. I think it shows it's better to be remembered for your impact than for your name.

    She spoke up and saved her city. She took a stand and had the respect of her community.

    Learn from her and listen for how and where the Lord is asking you to rise up.

    *Scripture was read from the NIV

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    69: How to Get Out of Your Pit: Discussion with Brenda Schumman

    69: How to Get Out of Your Pit: Discussion with Brenda Schumman

    What do you do when things go wrong?

    Do you have a meltdown?

    No judgment, I've been there, too. Very recently, in fact.

    The conversation with Brenda starts with how she responded differently and her journey to get there.

    We discussed "little girl lies" (Brenda's term) and how they come about.

    We talked about what we make things mean.

    The new, the healing, only comes by walking it out because that is what rewires the brain.

    In your relationship with the Lord are you like a toddler? Is it maturing?

    There is another way to look at life

    Let's go deeper. Let's go in another direction.

    More About Brenda
    Brenda has a Master's Degree in Social Work with 18+ years in trauma and attachment treatment.  She's a Mom to grown daughters.  An author.  Loves to empower people in their kingdom identity and purpose.  And gets the privilege to love hard the children, teens, and women that God has entrusted her with as a missionary in Honduras.

    Light Your World Ministry
    Facebook at @lywministry

    Heart Doodling with Jesus is a monthly membership with live workshops and practical tools for growing spiritually and emotionally mature.

    Music by Romarecord1973 from Pixabay

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    68: Mothering is Important Work

    68: Mothering is Important Work

    Mothering is important work. Possibly the most important work you will ever do.

    The book of Nehemiah has some lessons for you about staying on task with the important work when there are distractions and challenges.

    Assess your situation.
    Be sure what you think is the problem is the problem.
    Be ready to fight while you build.
    Don't do your work alone.
    Have people you can call on.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    67: Creatively Make Room for Emotions: Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 6

    67: Creatively Make Room for Emotions: Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 6

    Creativity is powerful. It disarms us. It opens space to hear from the Lord.

    Try to put your emotions on paper in different ways to see what you learn. Bring your children along on the journey.

    Explore what they are feeling or what they want to feel. Sort out thoughts from feelings. Discern truth from lies. Heart Doodling with Jesus is a powerful tool you can use with your children to build their emotional intelligence. It is also a great tool when you are trying to connect with them in hard emotions.

    Listen to Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
    57: How to Understand Emotions: Connecting with Your Child's Emotions Part 1
    59: Create A Safe Space: Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 2
    61: Build A Culture of Communication: Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 3

    63: Where Did That Thought Come From? Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 4
    65: How Full Is Your Bucket? Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 5

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    66: Do You Feel The Call to Battle?

    66: Do You Feel The Call to Battle?

    You have been through some stormy seasons. In each one, you come out stronger.
    There are many times you want to quit. You know that is not an option so you get up and try again.

    In each season you look back and see the Lord's hand at work. You also see how much effort you are putting in for so little return.

    Part of it is playing the long game. Small wins today reap big rewards in the future.

    Part of it is not having the tools, skills, and support you need.

    Thankfully the Lord wastes nothing when you are surrendered to Him. All your honest effort and failed attempts are put to use for His glory, revealing who He has always known you to be.

    It's time to rise up!

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    65: How Full Is Your Bucket? Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 5

    65: How Full Is Your Bucket? Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 5

    How full is your emotional bucket? How about your child's?

    The analogy of everyone having an invisible emotional bucket is helpful.
    Very simply: Full bucket = happy person.
    Empty bucket = not doing so good.

    Understanding what encourages your child and what discourages them is a big part of connecting with them emotionally. What fills their bucket? What drains it?

    Being able to answer these questions about your children and for yourself go a long way in building connection.

    You are responsible for your own bucket. You are also responsible to your child to steward the access you have to their bucket well.

    Listen for tips on managing everyone's buckets well.

    Listen to Parts 1, 2, 3, & 4
    57: How to Understand Emotions: Connecting with Your Child's Emotions Part 1
    59: Create A Safe Space: Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 2
    61: Build A Culture of Communication: Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 3

    63: Where Did That Thought Come From? Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 4

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up
    en-usMay 19, 2023

    64: How Do I Let God Change Me?

    64: How Do I Let God Change Me?

    Stop striving. Let God change you.

    These probably well-intentioned words hurt and frustrated me so often through the years!

    If I knew how to let God change me don't you think I would have already?!
    If it was His job to change me and I wasn't changing clearly I was beyond help.

    This podcast is not another "Let Go & Let God" message.

    I'm finally learning to let God change me by learning to receive His love. Yes, I had to learn that too. 

    He is for you. I am for you.

    Let's Rise Up!

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    63: Where Did That Thought Come From? Connect with Your Child's Emotions part 4

    63: Where Did That Thought Come From? Connect with Your Child's Emotions part 4

    Have you ever had a thought and wondered, "Where did that thought come from?"

    All the thoughts in your head aren't yours.

    We are told in scripture to take every thought captive. 
    The first step to doing that is separating your thoughts from your emotions. What are you feeling? What are you thinking?
    Once you have identified the thoughts, take them captive and see where they came from so you know what to do with them. 
    You can learn these skills and teach your children from a very young age.

    Listen to Parts 1, 2, & 3
    57: How to Understand Emotions: Connecting with Your Child's Emotions Part 1

    59: Create A Safe Space: Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 2

    61: Build A Culture of Communication: Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 3

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    62: Do You Know Your Enemy?

    62: Do You Know Your Enemy?

    Your enemy knows who you are and what you are capable of.

    The enemy doesn't always look evil or appear dangerous. 

    He will use pain and hard things to derail you from your purpose and render you ineffective.

    He knows he is defeated and has no authority over us. We often don't know that. 

    Let each attack make you stronger and reveal more of how God's resurrection power works through you.

    The power of love wins. Every time.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    61: Build A Culture of Communication: Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 3

    61: Build A Culture of Communication: Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 3

    A culture of communication involves vocabulary around emotions. It also is the attitude and behaviors demonstrated toward emotions. To connect with your child's emotions you need a vocabulary and culture where conversations can happen.
    Emotion words are only part of the picture.

    Do you take time to listen to why the emotion is there? Do you take time to understand your child's perspective?

    Saying emotions are important and then acting like they are a bother will teach your child that emotions are a bother.

    To connect with your child build a culture of communication, especially around emotions.

    Listen to Parts 1 & 2
    57: How to Understand Emotions: Connecting with Your Child's Emotions Part 1

    59: Create A Safe Space: Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 2

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    60: What is in the Way of You Being A Warrior?

    60: What is in the Way of You Being A Warrior?

    What is in the way of you being a warrior? Is it distractions? Lack of support? Lack of clarity? Good things keeping you too busy?

    The fact that you are alive in this time in history tells me God made you to be a warrior. That may well look different for you than it does for me. We can fight differently, in different battles and all be warriors.

    Being a warrior can be lonely. Sometimes, people closest to you, may not understand the risk and sacrifice you feel called to make. But a select few will get it, at least enough to stick with you. 

    God understands. He designed you knowing the battles you would face. He knows the passions, strengths, and weaknesses He gave you. He knows how to use them all for your good.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    59: Create A Safe Space: Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 2

    59: Create A Safe Space: Connect with Your Child's Emotions Part 2

    A safe place for your emotions is vital to your health in every way. It is vital to your relationship with your child as well.

    Emotions are precious. Even when we don't think so we treat them as special. We hide them from people who don't treat them kindly. So will your child.

    Emotions are only comfortable in a safe space.

    Learn what makes a safe space for your child's emotions and what doesn't.

    This is the second in a series from the Connect With Your Child's Emotions Course.
    Listen to part one: 57: How to Understand Emotions: 1 of 6 episodes on Connecting with Your Child's Emotions

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    58: The Best Way to Protect Your Child

    58: The Best Way to Protect Your Child

    Preparing your child for the battles they will face is the best way to protect them.

    We don't hope for war but we know it will come. Warriors prepare for battles.

    Because you know there is an enemy you know there will be battles.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at:

    57: How to Understand Emotions: Connecting with Your Child's Emotions Part 1

    57: How to Understand Emotions: Connecting with Your Child's Emotions Part 1

    How do you understand what your emotions or your child's emotions are all about?

    Emotions are not bad. They are not to be ignored.
    They create energy and provide information.

    This is the first of a series coming the next 5 Fridays from my course, Connect with Your Child's Emotions.  Each episode give you a focus point for the week to make sustainable changes to the way you manage emotions in your home.

    Discipling mothers to disciple generations

    Kingdom Mothers Rise Up is here for you. There is encouragement and practical steps to improve your relationship with yourself, God, and your child.

    I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at: