
    Kingsview Community Church Podcast

    The Kingsview Podcast features weekly messages recorded live at Kingsview Community Church in Hamilton, Ontario Canada.
    enKingsview Community Church246 Episodes

    Episodes (246)

    Easter Celebration 2020

    Easter Celebration 2020

    This year, Easter looked very different for everyone, but thankfully we know and serve a God who doesn't change. And what better way to celebrate this fact than by joining Guest Pastor Joe Amaral as he shows the context, significance, and unchanging power of the resurrect of Jesus Christ. No matter where we find ourselves, this truth is what sets us free and gives us hope beyond all hopes.

    From Frustration To Worship

    From Frustration To Worship

    Being stuck in isolation so easily leads to frustration. And if you thought the Bible had nothing to offer you, just turn to the Psalms. In many, David is writing these from a cave. After being on the run from someone who wants to kill him. And the best estimates we have are he was stuck there for months. Sound familiar? So listen to how David pours his heart out to God. He vents his full frustration and anguish, but by the end it turns to worship. That's a pattern we can definitely be following right now...

    Enduring The Narrow Path

    Enduring The Narrow Path

    The Bible says, in Romans 5, that Christians are called to "rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." Which means, contrary to how it's been presented by some, Christianity is NOT easy street. In fact, following Christ is the hardest path you can walk. But those who do, discover a hope they couldn't find any other way...

    Equipping The Called

    Equipping The Called

    We've all heard the story of Jesus calling Peter out of the boat and walking on water. And when Peter doubted, he started to sink. The question is, what was he doubting and, more importantly, who? Was he doubting Jesus... or himself? One thing we really need to understand as Christians is that, if Jesus calls us to do something He will equip us to do it. And in these trying times, that's a truth we need to cling to.

    Living By Faith In The Midst Of Fear

    Living By Faith In The Midst Of Fear

    As we enter a very unusual season of being forced apart and left wondering what the future holds, Pastor Josh addresses the fears we are likely facing. But he also reminds and encourages us that, by faith in Christ, we don't have to live under fear or be controlled by it. Rather, by surrendering that fear to Jesus and allowing Him to renew our minds by the truth of His Word to place our trust in Him, we can start operating as the church body that our communities need right now.

    Dead To Sin

    Dead To Sin

    In Romans 6, Paul writes that we should "count ourselves as dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus." That "sin shall no longer be our master" because we have been "brought from death to life." This is strong language and unequivocal in its meaning. But are we each living this way? How often do we find ourselves still stuck as slaves to lifestyles, thought patterns and behaviours that are far less than (or the total opposite of) what Jesus paid for? Pastor Josh examines this and exhorts us to live out those amazing words that Paul wrote...

    How To Work Out Your Salvation

    How To Work Out Your Salvation

    What does it mean to "work out your salvation in fear and trembling"? Does it mean we're to be terrified all the time? It doesn't make much sense, especially given how many times we're commanded to not be afraid. But both commands are in scripture, so how do we reconcile them? Pastor Josh examines this and shows that the distinction is on what we are to be afraid of and how that should motivate us to act... especially when no one is looking.

    We've All Been Given A Window

    We've All Been Given A Window

    We have a very special guest this week as our youth retreat breaks from the norm and concludes as part of our Sunday service. Guest Pastor Scott Murray shares a powerful message that we all know to be true, but need reminding of often: God has given all of us a great commission. He's mapped out specific plans and tasks for each of us. And He's allotted us a window of time to do it. Each of us doesn't have the exact same window, but each one is equally vital.

    Fully God & Fully Human

    Fully God & Fully Human

    The incarnation of Christ is perhaps the greatest mystery of all time. God the Son became human. Perfect, undying, inexhaustible deity became flesh and blood. Vulnerable to death. And yes... even tired. In Matthew, Mark and Luke, there is the story of Jesus asleep in the boat as a great storm arose and threatened to sink them all. This story shows the humanity of Jesus - he was exhausted and needed to sleep – and the deity of Jesus – he spoke to nature and commanded it. Something that had never been done before...

    While We Were Still Enemies

    While We Were Still Enemies

    Even people who've never read a word of the Bible have likely heard the verse "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." But if you read just two verses later, Paul says "For if, when we were enemies of God..." We get that we were sinners, but did you ever think about yourself as an enemy of God? Pastor Josh looks deeper into this and shows that when in Matthew, Jesus commanded us to "love our enemies", he was using the exact same word.

    Hearing God In The Whisper

    Hearing God In The Whisper

    We all want to hear from God. Somewhere within - even in those who don't believe in God - our souls cry out to be heard, known and loved by God. But are we willing to quiet ourselves and the world around us in order to hear Him? As guest pastor, David Burke, shares this week: If we expect that He only speaks in loud, mountain top experiences, then we'll become very disappointed at how little we hear from Him. Because while God does speak to us like that, most often he comes to us in the whisper...

    Pressure Produces Fuel

    Pressure Produces Fuel

    Do you "glory in tribulations"? On the surface it seems like a ridiculous thing to say, but Paul said it in Romans 5:3-4 – "...but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope." Pastor Josh digs into this passage and reveals that often tribulations – "intense pressures" – are the only way to produce the fuel that we need to keep reflecting the glory of God: perseverance, character and hope.

    Heaven Is Our Home

    Heaven Is Our Home

    As we grieve the passing of Peter Sertic, Pastor Josh reminds us that, though we can't really understand why it happened this way, Peter is home. Because as painful as it is to walk through circumstances like these, we don't walk as people without hope. That hope is secure in Christ alone and His words that, "In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going away to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am...

    Healing Comes From God Alone

    Healing Comes From God Alone

    Salvation belongs to God alone. We know this, not only because of Biblical truth, but from our own experiences – despite all our best efforts we can't stop ourselves from sinning or find the life we're seeking. Only Jesus can offer that to us freely. So why do we feel like we have to "earn" healing? How is it any different from salvation?

    Don't Worry, Be Happy

    Don't Worry, Be Happy

    As we close out 2019 together, our friend, guest pastor Rich Redman reminds us that Philippians chapter 4 exhorts us to "not be anxious about anything" – to not worry. But in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, we are to present our requests to God so that "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." In other words, we'll have peace and can therefore find happiness. God bless you and see you in 2020!

    Obedience Leads To Peace

    Obedience Leads To Peace

    "Do not be afraid." It's not a phrase you would normally think is associated with Christmas, but in fact it's woven throughout the story. Each time someone – Mary, Joseph, Zechariah, the shepherds – encountered the supernatural they were terrified and had to be encouraged to not fear. But chances are, while their fear probably eased a bit, it didn't just go away. What they were each being asked to do was a big leap of faith. And yet, as they obeyed God's command, the peace of the Lord came...

    Hope Is Built On Trust

    Hope Is Built On Trust

    One of the wonderful things about Advent is that it's a journey, because that's truly what Christmas was and is. Jesus didn't just arrive one night with some fanfare. He was hoped for over hundreds of years and in that time expectation built on what both He and his arrival would be like. And it certainly wasn't expected to be a helpless baby, born to lowly, unwed parents, in a town no one cared about. But if you follow the story from the very beginning, you can see the trust God was building in preparation of fulfilling that hope...