
    Kingsview Community Church Podcast

    The Kingsview Podcast features weekly messages recorded live at Kingsview Community Church in Hamilton, Ontario Canada.
    enKingsview Community Church246 Episodes

    Episodes (246)

    Does Sin Make God's Power Greater?

    Does Sin Make God's Power Greater?

    Light is always brighter when it's contrasted against darkness. The same can be said of God's power and faithfulness – it's so much more clear when contrasted against evil. So, why not say “Let us do evil that good may result”? That's the hypothetical question Paul poses in Romans 3. And for a moment it makes a kind of sense. But as today's message shows, that moment can't hold up in the light of God's truth.

    Check Your Heart

    Check Your Heart

    Can you really be saved by God if your heart isn't in it? In Romans Chapter 2, Paul is addressing his fellow Jews of the day and asking a very similar question of them. Many of them believed that because they were God's "chosen people" and had the covenant of circumcision they were above others and automatically saved. And Paul basically flips that on its head by saying that, no, it's all about the heart and that even gentiles who love and obey God are actually true "Jews". So again it begs the question of us: are we saved because we said the right things, or because we truly believe them in our hearts...

    Hypocrisy Always Starts Small

    Hypocrisy Always Starts Small

    "Christians are a bunch of hypocrits." Sadly it's a statement we've heard too many times. And since for years we have stood in judgment of the sins of the world all while becoming blind to our own, is it really any surprise? Pastor Josh challenges us this week to look deep in our hearts, confess our sins to God and commit to ending this culture of hypocrisy...

    The Wrath & Love Of God

    The Wrath & Love Of God

    If it wasn't already obvious, the Book of Romans is not an easy book to study. Take Romans 1:18, "18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness". The thing is, while there is context to understand this verse within the point Paul is making, there is also a larger context to understanding the nature of God. While culture tends to view Him as either "a God of love" or "a God of wrath", Pastor Josh shows us that without a clear picture of both you won't understand who God really is.

    Kingsview Church Mortgage Burning Ceremony

    Kingsview Church Mortgage Burning Ceremony

    This service marks a very significant moment in the history of Kingsview Church. By becoming mortgage-free, this liberates us to move forward in a practical sense. But more than that, this marks the end of one season of growth and faith and the beginning of another. Join us as we celebrate the greatness, goodness and faithfulness of God and what He has done.

    Unashamed Of The Gospel

    Unashamed Of The Gospel

    This week in our Book of Romans series Pastor Josh starts examining Chapter 1:16-17 – what might well be considered the "thesis" of the entire letter Paul is writing. And to begin a thesis with "For I am not ashamed of the gospel" is a bit... weird. It's like, "Yeah we know that Paul." But as Pastor Josh shows, there is a big difference between 'embarrassment' and 'shame' and in this context that is key.

    The One Who Had Mercy

    The One Who Had Mercy

    Completing our Parables of Jesus Series, we come to one of most famous parables of all: The Good Samaritan. It's so famous in fact, that most of us probably have it memorized and feel we understand the point Jesus was trying to make. But as guest pastor David Burke points out, this story was (and is) so scandalous, it should leave us deeply challenged: are we willing to also show mercy on those we hate.

    A Slave By Choice

    A Slave By Choice

    As we begin our new series on the Book of Romans, the hard questions start in Chapter 1, Verse 1. Many translations have Paul introducing himself as a "servant of Christ". Some have it as "bondservant". A few dare to translate it more closely to the original Greek word: slave. And that's a word with a ton of baggage behind it, both in Biblical and modern contexts. As Pastor Josh demonstrates though, context is important... but choice is everything.

    Love Needs An Exit Strategy

    Love Needs An Exit Strategy

    In the Parable of the Talents, a master leaves for a long journey, entrusting valuable resources in the hands of his servants with the expectation that they'll invest in his kingdom with them wisely. Sound familiar? God has given us so many gifts, abilities and talents for the express purpose of demonstrating His love and growing His kingdom. But if we bury them, what good are they and what does it say about how we feel about the one who gave them to us?

    Where Is Your Treasure? – Parables of Jesus

    Where Is Your Treasure? – Parables of Jesus

    Today in our Parables of Jesus series, we come to two very short, very connected parables: The Treasure in a Field and The Pearl of Great Price. While not long stories, their imagery is vivid and the questions they stir up are incredibly deep. You will gladly sacrifice anything to have the thing you value most. The question is do we value the gospel as much as the picture Jesus is painting for us?

    Small Beginnings, Big Effect – Parables of Jesus

    Small Beginnings, Big Effect – Parables of Jesus

    It doesn't make a lot of sense that God would use such small things – mustard seeds and yeast – to describe how his kingdom works. This is the God of the universe after all, the most powerful being in existence. But then it doesn't make typical sense that God would use such seemingly insignificant people simply operating in whatever community they're in to make such huge impacts on the world. As Pastor Josh shares this week, we clearly underestimate how God can use us...