
    Kulturing Kuriosity Podcast

    Hey there, Kirsty Wirth here and I am so glad you have dropped by to listen to the Kulturing Kuriosity Podcast. The inspiration behind this podcast comes from my passion to inspire people to be curious in every avenue of their lives and especially when it comes to health and wellness. Being curious is our greatest asset and is like a muscle, it needs to be flexed and once trained it’s amazing what you can achieve. You will absolutely love the variety of topics that are covered in this podcast. From exploring that food can be medicine, to the complex world of your microbiome and gut health, lifestyle hacks, sleep, nutrition, hormones, parenting, kids health the list goes on!! But I didn’t want this podcast to just provide you with more information to be confused about, I feel we are already at info overload. Rather I wanted to share stories of hope and inspiration of those who have been curious and then followed through on that curiosity and gone on to achieve wonderful things. So grab a cuppa, or strap on your walking shoes or fasten your seatbelt, however you are going to listen to this and get ready to be inspired, to learn how to think outside the box, how to question norms and your current state and then most importantly be encouraged to apply this to your own life so you can fulfill your own amazing dreams. Enjoy! Kirsty
    enKirsty Wirth37 Episodes

    Episodes (37)

    Episode 37: Kulturing Kuriosity with Ashleigh Warner

    Episode 37: Kulturing Kuriosity with Ashleigh Warner

    Welcome back to the podcast after a wee hiatus. I know this episode is going to resonate for so many of you. If you have a child who is perhaps a bit sensitive and stuck and you’re struggling with how to parent them you are really going to love this episode with Ahleigh Warner, respectful parenting advocate and holistic psychologist. 

    Episode Links:

    Check out Ashleigh's website and membership at holisticfamilypsychologist.com

    Connect with Ashleigh on Instagram @raisinghumanskind

    Ashleigh's book recommendation: Fair Play by Eve Rodsky

    Episode 36: Kulturing Kuriosity with Cliff Harvey

    Episode 36: Kulturing Kuriosity with Cliff Harvey

    I’m so happy to share with you my latest interview with Cliff Harvey. I have interviewed Cliff in the past but this conversation is next level! In this episode we discuss the hot topic of long COVID and how nutritional deficiencies can play a big part of recovery.

    But that’s not all we talk about! We touch on the role nutritional deficiencies play in vaccine adverse reactions, miscarriages, hormonal imbalances and more, plus we discuss the opportunity to really optimise a person’s full potential rather than just avoiding illness.

    Episode Links:

    Check out Cliff's website at www.cliffharvey.com

    Connect with Cliff on Instagram @cliffdoggydog

    Connect with Cliff on Facebook at Cliffdog

    Episode 35: Kulturing Kuriosity with Kelly Burton

    Episode 35: Kulturing Kuriosity with Kelly Burton
    In this episode, I interview Kelly Burton, co-owner of Good Harvest farms, a small-scale organic farm based on the Sunshine Coast that feeds over 1300 families per week. Kelly grew up in the city totally disconnected from her food supply but all that changed when she became pregnant with her first child and her interest in where her food was coming from literally grew into the dream that is now their three organic farms. Kelly’s story is one of passion, growth, and ultimately re-connection, not only with the land but with her customers.

    Episode Links:

    Visit Kelly's Website

    Connect with Kelly on Facebook and Instagram

    Check out the documentary, The Biggest Little Farm


    Episode 34: Kulturing Kuriosity with Sharon Selby

    Episode 34: Kulturing Kuriosity with Sharon Selby

    We start the year off with a great chat with Sharon Selby from Deliciously Allergy Free. We delve into Sharon’s own health journey and then the experience of navigating life with an allergy child and how the skills she learned not only reversed her sons' allergies and eczema but led to the creation of this incredible platform with courses and resources for families with allergies. Sharon truly understands that when it comes to improving health outcomes it’s what we do at home, and particularly in the kitchen, that gets the results. 

    Episode Links:

    Episode 33: Kulturing Kuriosity with Didi Cragg

    Episode 33: Kulturing Kuriosity with Didi Cragg

    I’m super excited for you to listen to this episode with holistic clinical psychologist Didi Cragg. Over the course of my own health journey I've been blessed to work with some fantastic practitioners and Didi is one of them. Didi is super passionate about the gut and mental health connection after her own experiences led her to make the  link between food and mood and symptoms. I know you will love this one so sit back.

    Episode Links:

    Episode 32: Kulturing Kuriosity with Lisa Tamati

    Episode 32: Kulturing Kuriosity with Lisa Tamati

    Get ready to be inspired. Man was I blown away while interviewing this week’s guest, Lisa Tamati. Her knowledge, energy, enthusiasm, and how she faces challenges head-on are awe-inspiring. Lisa has come from a world of being an extreme endurance athlete, pushing her body both mentally and physically which ultimately prepared her for her biggest challenge, her relentless fight to recover her mum’s health after she suffered a severe aneurysm and resulting brain damage.  I know this episode will leave you with so much hope and insights into the mindset required to tackle life's big challenges.

    Episode Links:


    Episode 31: Kulturing Kuriosity with Dr Sandeep Gupta

    Episode 31: Kulturing Kuriosity with Dr Sandeep Gupta

    Welcome to this episode with Dr Sandeep Gupta who is my go-to on the topic of chronic inflammatory illness. Dr Gupta is an integrative Dr with a real focus on nutrition. Amongst his many talents he is renowned for his expertise in the treatment of CIRS (Chronic inflammatory response syndrome), in fact he has his own online course, Mold Illness made Simple that you can access in the show notes. He is also a wealth of knowledge in the area of vector-borne illness. I know you will enjoy this information rich podcast. 

    Episode Links:

    Check out Dr Sandeep's website here

    Learn more about his Mold Illness Course


    Episode 30: Kulturing Kuriosity with Carrie Rigoni

    Episode 30: Kulturing Kuriosity with Carrie Rigoni

    In this episode I interview Dr. Carrie Rigoni who is a Chiropractor who also specialises in the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is an area of personal fascination for me and it seems there is a huge gap in public awareness around its roles in recovering from a trauma or health crisis to supporting your stress resilience etc. So listen in to learn all about the vagus nerve and how to optimise it.

    Episode Links:

    Connect with Carrie via her website:


    Read her blogs about the Vagus nerve: 





    Episode 29: Kulturing Kuriosity with Cyndi O’Meara

    Episode 29: Kulturing Kuriosity with Cyndi O’Meara

    Today I bring on a dear friend of mine, Cyndi O’Meara, nutritionist, filmmaker and educator, to discuss a hot topic with global relevance - the climate change diet and the vegan diet. I wanted to hash it out with Cyndi, arm myself with more knowledge and make sure I was clearly seeing the whole argument. In typical Cyndi fashion she helps unpack a mass of information in a common sense way. I know you will enjoy this chat, you may feel challenged but you will certainly feel her passion and wisdom shine through.

    Episode Links:


    Episode 28: Kulturing Kuriosity with Layne Beachley

    Episode 28: Kulturing Kuriosity with Layne Beachley

    Gosh, I’m excited for you to listen to this week's chat. In this episode I interview the most successful female surfer in history, Layne Beachley. What I appreciate most from our chat is how Layne reflects on what drove her to win, how she felt like she could never be enough, her lack of self worth and being driven by fear. She shares her evolution of self and how once retired from surfing she really had to dig deep to find where she could improve, to give back to society. Now Layne’s new passion is her Awake Academy which teaches people to detach from fear and learn to live a life they love. 

    Episode Link:

    Learn more about Awake Academy

    Episode 27: Kulturing Kuriosity with Alexx Stuart

    Episode 27: Kulturing Kuriosity with Alexx Stuart

    Back for the second time on the podcast, today's chat is with the wonderful Alexx Stuart. (If you are unfamiliar with Alexx please go back and listen to episode 3). On this episode we discuss Alexxs’ journey over the last 12 months to find a healthy home to live in. Sounds simple right? Due to Alexx’s CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) she needed to be on guard to find a mould free and low EMF property. After viewing over 50 properties she finally found the right place. listen in for all of Alexx’s nuggets of wisdom and learnings as she navigates assessing properties and never settling for anything that would put her health at risk.


    Episode Links:

    Episode 26: Kulturing Kuriosity with Kirsty Wirth

    Episode 26: Kulturing Kuriosity with Kirsty Wirth

    A different type of episode for you today, some musings from me, as I find myself with some rare solo time as I embark on a 9 hour drive torst my adventure at Carnarvon Gorge. Some of the topics I reflect on are the effects of, and mitigations we can take, towards reducing EMF’s. I also offer some thoughts on the power of mindset, having the right attitude as we embark on a change in lifestyle and on the flipside the fear some people may experience that prevent them from making changes. I hope you enjoy this audio journal or brain download, if you will, from me. Enjoy, Kirsty x

    Episode 25: Kulturing Kuriosity with Prof. James Adams

    Episode 25: Kulturing Kuriosity with Prof. James Adams

    I absolutely love interviewing curious minds and I have to say my guest today, Professor James Adams, epitomises the very essence of a curious mind. He is the director of the Asperger’s/Autism research programme at Arizona State University and his area of focus is researching the medical causes of Autism and how to treat and prevent it including looking at nutrition, oxidative stress and gut problems in particular. His curiosity was piqued after his own Daughter was diagnosed with Autism at a young age. We delve into an area of his research close to my own heart, that of Microbiota transfer therapy, which our family has had its own life changing results from. 


    Episode Links:

    Episode 24: Kulturing Kuriosity with Sheridan Joy

    Episode 24: Kulturing Kuriosity with Sheridan Joy

    What a great interview we have today for anyone who is a Mama, wanting to be a Mama or who simply wants to up their game when it comes to increasing their nutrient stores. Sheridan Joy is a qualified nutritionist and GAPS practitioner and shares with us her passion for nutrition during and post pregnancy. She gives us the low down on food vs synthetic nutrient sources and the most important nutrients for those pre and postnatal stages. 

    Episode Links:

    Episode 23: Kulturing Kuriosity with Anna Papaioannou

    Episode 23: Kulturing Kuriosity with Anna Papaioannou

    In this episode I chat with Anna Papaioannou aka Anna the Anxiety Coach. We talk about Anna’s own experience with anxiety which developed after a childhood accident and the journey that ensued to help her work through her debilitating condition. Through this journey,  Anna’s greatest challenges in life turned into her greatest triumph and Anna the Anxiety Coach was born and so to Anna’s mission to support and guide women to take control of their lives and step into their true power. 

    Episode Links:

    Episode 22: Kulturing Kuriosity with Jess Donovan

    Episode 22: Kulturing Kuriosity with Jess Donovan

    This one is for the Mamas and the Papas or anyone who has an interest in nourishing our children. I chat with Jess Donovan, Naturopath, who specialises in kids health, supporting families to raise happy and healthy kids. We dive into Jess’ own health journey and how finding the wonderful world of Naturopathy propelled her into her passion for kids' health. We also discuss some of the frequent deficiencies she sees in her practice and how some children benefit from supplementation. 

    Episode Links:

    Episode 21: Kulturing Kuriosity with Luke Hines

    Episode 21: Kulturing Kuriosity with Luke Hines

    Welcome back to the podcast for 2021. You are going to love this candid chat with Luke Hines about what brings him joy and what he has been curious about over the past year. Luke discusses how the COVID crisis led him to turn everything he thought he knew about his own health pillars on their head, leading to a huge readjustment and redefinition in all areas of his life. I hope this episode sparks your own curiosity in some of these areas in your own life. 

    Episode Links:

    Learn more about Luke Hines

    Connect with Luke via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

    Watch Luke's videos on YouTube

    Episode 20: Kulturing Kuriosity with Alena Pribyl

    Episode 20: Kulturing Kuriosity with Alena Pribyl

    For all the gut science nerds out there like me you are just going to love this episode. Today I interview Dr Alena Pribyl who is the senior scientist and research officer at Microba, the very lab we use at Kultured Wellness to analyse our clients’ gut microbiome. Listen in as we discuss the cutting edge science around sequencing and latest insights into the gut microbiome as it relates to mental health, cancer and more.

    Episode 19: Kulturing Kuriosity with Matt Harris

    Episode 19: Kulturing Kuriosity with Matt Harris

    Ever wanted to grow your own vegies? Well this is the episode for you. Today I chat with Matt Harris, founder of Vegepod, a company whose mission is to make growing veges foolproof. We cover topics such as soil health and quality and food miles. No matter what the size of your outdoor space I hope this inspires you to get growing.

    Learn more about Vegepod here!

    Episode 18: Kulturing Kuriosity with Rachel Favilla

    Episode 18: Kulturing Kuriosity with Rachel Favilla

    In this episode I am talking with Rachel Favilla. We begin discussing Rachel’s history of being diagnosed with Autoimmune hepatitis at age 14, which led on to a diagnosis and treatment of Anorexia. Rachel eventually found the healing power of real food and is now a nutritionist and educator with a beautiful simple philosophy around eating real food that serves your body and makes you feel good.