
    Leslie Fonteyne

    Sheer Alchemy with Leslie Fonteyne

    Leslie Fonteyne is a Transformation Catalyst who uses her Intuitive and Energetic gifts to catapult listeners into living the life they were born to manifest. Whether it is shifting from scarcity to abundance, from emotional pain into joy or from illness into health. How does it happen

    Known for the "Leslie Fonteyne Experience" and her Abundance Now events, Leslie not only teaches audience members how to clear their energy systems to achieve their "personal gold;" she also invites an unbeatable team of Ascended Masters and Archangels into the session. These amazing light beings join in partnership with you to clear the blocks that prevent you from stepping into love, abundance and joy. Leslie clairvoyantly works with your energy field and ignites the fire within you to step into all that you are. The result Deep, inner transformation. You won't be the same.

    Through this experience, you will be reminded of how powerful you are and how connected you can be to your Higher Self, Source Energy and the high-vibrational beings that can help usher you into a life of abundance. The destination of this journey is assured it's paved with discovery, expansiveness and miracles. Listeners have experienced clarity of vision, purpose and direction, physical healings, and the removal of emotional and mental blockages.

    Leslie speaks all over North America and conducts individual energetic transformation sessions with clients. She has published teaching and meditational clearing CDs as well as a regular Inspiration blog on stepping intentionally into abundance and healing.

    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio93 Episodes

    Episodes (93)

    Encore: Creating Your Life on Purpose

    Encore: Creating Your Life on Purpose
    Our lives belong to us. We know that, but do we live that way? How often do we give away our time and energy, expecting that our dreams should happen anyway? Join me for a recovery session: we're taking our lives back
    Leslie Fonteyne
    en-usNovember 04, 2015

    Climbing out of the Mineshaft – Progress You Can’t See Yet

    Climbing out of the Mineshaft – Progress You Can’t See Yet
    This may not be a popular topic, but for many people on the spiritual path, it is a real experience. We need to be reminded.

    First, there are many of us digging very deep into core wounds. We’re wondering if this is just about us – it’s not. We’re experiencing a collective healing, carrying a huge load.

    When we’re doing that and everyone around is talking about how to stay positive, we’re going to our depths.

    The reason I call this the mine shaft is that it’s different from the mountain climb. On a mountain climb, you can typically see where you’re going and where you’ve been. In a mine shaft, as the elevator is going up from the bottom of the mine, there’s nothing to see. Nothing around you. It’s as if you have to trust that you are making progress though you can’t see anything. You have to trust that there will be light at the top. Much like England during the bombings of World War II. They had to believe those bombs would eventually stop falling. What is going on with you? How do you maintain while all seems to counter what you think you’re supposed to be experiencing around you.

    Truth and Consequences: Stepping into New Frontiers with Leslie Fonteyne and Dr. Pat

    Truth and Consequences: Stepping into New Frontiers with Leslie Fonteyne and Dr. Pat
    To achieve joy and enthusiasm in our lives, sometimes we have to look through the filter of our own truth. When our truth confronts an established way of life that contains no joy, we may put up walls and defenses out of fear, explaining why it has to stay. Let’s look at what stops us from stepping into the new adventures of our lives.

    Encore: Visions, Dreams and Procrastination

    Encore: Visions, Dreams and Procrastination
    We have the dream, the idea, and we begin. Then procrastination sets in and we do anything but. What is that? How does this kind of interference stop us? Let's dig deep and clear out the source of the fears that prevent our greatness.
    Leslie Fonteyne
    en-usOctober 14, 2015