
    Let's Get Metaphysical

    Let's Get Metaphysical is the podcast that explores the intersections of science and spirituality, and supports the disclosure of Universal Truth occurring right now on the planet. Let’s Get Meta’s intention is to raise the vibration of the planet by sharing, validating, and normalizing spiritual and metaphysical experiences. The show is hosted and produced by Renata Maniaci, who interviews experts and laypeople about their encounters with all things spiritual and metaphysical, and also offers occasional 'how-to' episodes on spiritual matters. Check out the shows bonus content Patreon at www.patreon.com/letsgetmeta
    enRenata Maniaci100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Think For Yourself

    Think For Yourself

    Part of awakening is acquiring the ability to discern what is what - without outside interference. There are times, especially in childhood where outside instruction may be necessary, but when we reach a certain point in evolution, it is vital to clear any dogma, propaganda, mind control, brain washing, outside influence, outdated beliefs that prevents you from thinking for yourself. This episode's bonus content is a clearing of any outside influences that no longer serve you. You can enjoy all bonus content at patreon.com/letsgetmeta.

    Trust In Nature

    Trust In Nature

    As Host Renata's travels in Asia wrap up, a recurring theme is Trust In Nature. Sometimes it is easier to do that when you have no other choice - such as when traveling in an unknown land. Applying this edict however is almost more important in your everyday life. This Let's Get Meta episode explores that way of being. Enjoy all podcast bonus content at www.patreon.com/letsgetmeta

    Go Where You Are Called

    Go Where You Are Called

    We all have inner callings, and they can help guide us, if we are quiet enough to hear them. Not only for 'where to go', but 'what to do', 'whom to connect with', and 'how' to fulfill your mission on Earth. This podcast is a direct result of one such 'calling'. This episode, recorded by Host Renata Maniaci while traveling in Bhutan, discusses the 'where' aspect of these callings. Enjoy all bonus content at patreon.com/letsgetmeta. 

    Relinquish Fear of Death

    Relinquish Fear of Death

    If one believes they die exactly when they are supposed to, why then should fear of death continue to exist for that person? Let's Get Meta podcast Host Ren discusses humans' innate fear, despite all belief systems, and offers how one might "let go" of that fear, in order to shine even brighter while on the planet. All bonus content for the Let's Get Meta podcast can be found at patreon.com/letsgetmeta.

    Running On Faith

    Running On Faith

    Surrendered states abound as Let's Get Meta podcast host Renata Maniaci travels through India. Ren shares personal observations and insights on the fuel that seems to be running this part of the world and how, surely, no atheist could survive in this energy. Joking aside, any opportunities for surrender, and "letting go" are to be reverred and savored, no matter the form they may take. Enjoy all bonus content for the Let's Get Meta Podcast at patreon.com/letsgetmeta

    Downloads from Sacred Sites

    Downloads from Sacred Sites

    How many times have you been traveling, or visiting a sacred place and had a mystical experience? It is fairly known that we pick up important downloads from special places, but have you considered what you bring to a space? Listen in to hear stories of the magic of some sacred places and also somes insights about how you many affect the spaces you are in. This episode's bonus content can be found at patreon.com/letsgetmeta.

    Obstacles to Enlightenment Part 1

    Obstacles to Enlightenment Part 1

    Why do we face hardships, struggles, and discomfort in this life? Why isn't everything just easy, beautiful, and smooth? Is everything that happens Divine? In this episode of the Let's Get Meta podcast we take a closer look at the obstacles we face as humans on planet Earth, and what we can do to overcome them on our way to higher consciousness and enlightenment. Enjoy all bonus content at patreon.com/letsgetmeta.

    The Secret Power of Gratitude

    The Secret Power of Gratitude

    'The Secret Power of Gratitude' is an aptly named episode in that all of us have access to this power, but very few know about it or take advantage of it. This Let's Get Meta podcast episode explores this hidden secret, and encourages listeners to make use of this innate circuitry to open the floodgates to gifts from the Universe. The bonus content for this episode is a powerful clearing on anything blocking us from accessing more gratitude, and can be found at patreon.com/letsgetmeta. Enjoy!

    Allow the Divine

    Allow the Divine

    This episode allows in a bit more of the divine than usual, which in turn reveals a bit more unfiltered information about how this planet works. A special message reminding that we are not alone, and encouraging us to stay clear and not be led astray. Please enjoy the bonus content clearing for this episode to remove anything designed to lead you astray from your highest divine life path. Access all Let's Get Meta podcast bonus content at patreon.com/letsgetmeta.

    Education for the Soul

    Education for the Soul

    The education of the mind has been worshipped as the highest ideal on this planet for far too long, leaving us heavily imbalanced and undernourished when it comes to the immortal part of us, the soul. As we move forward into more equity in education within deserving human constructs such as race, sexuality, ability, gender identity, etc., can we not also all move higher into education that includes the cosmic constructs of Universal Truth, our divine nature, and our ultimate evolution beyond this planet? It is time for us to grow beyond our aspirations to be global citizens: we are now entering a time-space that requires our acceptance into Universal citizenship. And this must start within the curriculums of our formal educational systems. Access all bonus content at patreon.com/letsgetmeta.

    Fall Into Faith

    Fall Into Faith

    Faith is something we come to on our own. Some are hardwired for it, many come to it over time, others may not see it in this lifetime. Let's Get Meta episode Fall Into Fall touches on the role our own perspectives have in either preventing, or allowing us to have faith. The bonus content is a clearing on blocks to faith and the experiences that caused them. Enjoy it at patreon.com/letsgetmeta

    Instruments of the Divine

    Instruments of the Divine

    As we continue to choose the light, we are becoming greater, more powerful instruments of the Divine. In this episode of the Let's Get Meta podcast, Host Ren shares an experience of transformation and enlightenment, demonstrating how we can all follow the signs to higher states of being. The bonus content clearing for this episode is a special live event for the Fall 2022 Equinox. The live event and recording is available to all angel donors at patreon.com/letsgetmeta

    Choose The Light

    Choose The Light

    We are Light Beings, created from the Light. However, being on this dense, sometimes dark planet we easily forget where we came from. In this Let's Get Metaphysical podcast episode, Host Renata Maniaci discusses this choice we have the oppotunity to make - every second of every day. With the Earth in crisis, every choice we make right now matters. So, let's choose the Light! Enjoy all bonus content at patreon.com/letsgetmeta.

    The Dark No Longer Hides

    The Dark No Longer Hides

    There was a time when unsavory, deceitful, and manipulative forces had to cloak, mask, and disguise themselves. That time, it seems, is gone. In this episode of Let's Get Metaphysical, Host Ren discusses how overt and blatant "the dark" has become, and also suggests what might be done to counter these negative influences. Enjoy the bonus content clearing at patreon.com/letsgetmeta

    Don't Be Possessed

    Don't Be Possessed

    Having dark, scary, or negative thoughts? Can't get rid of them? Are they yours? Could you be possessed, or at least influenced by something outside yourself? This episode of the Let's Get Metaphysical podcast is all about understanding 'possession': How it can happen, what it can look like, and how to clear yourself. Discerning what is you and what isn't is an important part of your spiritual journey. For access to all bonus content for this podcast visit patreon.com/letsgetmeta.

    How to Cleanse Your Spirit

    How to Cleanse Your Spirit

    It's hard to spiritually awaken when your spirit isn't clean and clear! What do we mean by that? Let's Get Metaphysical podcast episode 105 is all about becoming aware of how stuff gets into your field, how to get any "bad" stuff out, and how to bring the "good" stuff in. You may be suprised at how you unintentionally let negative things into your field without knowing it. Become more aware, and intentionally bring only good stuff in! Check out our spirit cleansing session in the bonus content at patreon.com/letsgetmeta