
    Let's Get Metaphysical

    Let's Get Metaphysical is the podcast that explores the intersections of science and spirituality, and supports the disclosure of Universal Truth occurring right now on the planet. Let’s Get Meta’s intention is to raise the vibration of the planet by sharing, validating, and normalizing spiritual and metaphysical experiences. The show is hosted and produced by Renata Maniaci, who interviews experts and laypeople about their encounters with all things spiritual and metaphysical, and also offers occasional 'how-to' episodes on spiritual matters. Check out the shows bonus content Patreon at www.patreon.com/letsgetmeta
    enRenata Maniaci100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Leave Room For God

    Leave Room For God

    Do you like to plan every moment of your life, or do you leave room for Divinity to drop in? This episode of the Let's Get Meta podcast discusses the wonder, magic, and exhiliration that can arise when you leave room for the Divine Source in your day. Bonus content is a clearing to create more space for for the Divine in your life, and can be found at patreon.com/letsgetmeta. Enjoy the episode!

    How to Talk to God

    How to Talk to God

    This episode of the Let's Get Meta podcast explores a fundemental connection that exists between "Creator" and "Createe". Being able to communicate with the Divine is a capability we all have as humans, but the question is, do we choose to partake? 'How to Talk to God' explores this most foundational action a soul can take. Enjoy! Clear up your Divine phoneline by checking out the bonus content clearing for this episode at patreon.com/letsgetmeta. 

    Divine Supremacy

    Divine Supremacy

    If there were a guiding force behind everything that happens - who, or what, would you want that to be? Do you trust humans to make the best decisions? Aliens? Celestials? This episode of the Let's Get Meta podcast is an expansion of the previous episode Soul Take-Over, in that it examines the idea of divinity "running the show" instead of humanity. Enjoy all bonus content at patreon.com/letsgetmeta

    Simultaneous Realities

    Simultaneous Realities

    Each of our individual lives is like a thread being woven into a giant tapestry by the Divine. The picture that emerges depends on the truth of the realities being woven together. The more based in truth the reality, the more beautiful and significant the overall tapestry. The more a life, or thread, is based in untruth, the more mediocre the final product. Enjoy the bonus clearing for this episode - and all other Let's Get Meta bonus content - at patreon.com/letsgetmeta.

    Expand Your Heart

    Expand Your Heart

    Hopefully we have all had experiences that expand our hearts. This episode of the Let's Get Meta podcast is all about taking note of the situations, experiences, and people who help expand your heart. Why? It is an exhilarating feeling, it enhances your sensory abilities, and much more. So why not exercise that muscle? Enjoy the episode! Access all Let's Get Meta bonus content at patreon.com/letsgetmeta

    The Truth Crisis

    The Truth Crisis

    The global community is facing a 'Truth Crisis' of massive proportion on all levels and in all areas of life on this planet. This episode of the Let's Get Meta podcast discusses this crisis, it's implications, and what we can do to get to the "Capital T Truth" and safeguard it for the future. Bonus content for this episode is a clearing on anything getting inbetween you and the Truth, and can be accessed at patreon.com/letsgetmeta along with all other bonus content.



    Transcendence: the act of surpassing usual limits, the state of being beyond the range of normal perception. This state might be more within our reach than we realize. This episode is about transcendence, what it is, what it feels like, and how we get there without the use of substances. Our bonus content is a clearing on anything that might be blocking us from transcending, and can be found at patreon.com/letsgetmeta. Enjoy!

    We also have Let's Get Metaphysical podcast merchandise exclusively on our Patreon - check it out!

    Ask And Receive

    Ask And Receive

    Imagine having access to help with anything you need assistance with, whenever you want it. Would you use it? We all have this super-powered tool - but many people forget and leave it in the toolbox most of the time. This episode of the Let's Get Meta podcast revisits the ever-important topic of asking for Divine help and support. This episode also has an incredible bonus content clearing that is available at patreon.com/letsgetmeta. Enjoy!

    Slavery Of The Mind

    Slavery Of The Mind

    Brainwashing, conditioning, mind control, propaganda, mass formation, hypnosis - all collectively an intentional, and non-consensual, form slavery or prison for your mind. Once you see it and become aware of it, it is harder miss. This is our topic for this episode of the Let's Get Meta podcast, and we also have a particularly powerful Bonus Content clearing of all the 'mind control' frequencies mentioned above, so please check that out at patreon.com/letsgetmeta. Enjoy!

    Be Flexible

    Be Flexible

    "Be Flexible" has been a frequent recurring message this year ever since New Year's Day. Today's episode explores some of the deeper spiritual meanings of the word, and how this message might help us in the months and years to come. We also have a bonus content clearing on anything preventing us from being flexible in the face of change, transformation, and uncertainty. Enjoy this clearing at patreon.com/letsgetmeta

    The Evolution of Truth

    The Evolution of Truth

    The Let's Get Metaphysical podcast's 5th Anniversary celebration episode 'The Evolution of Truth' revisits all five seasons through a lens of evolved consciousness. Spiritual development is not about remaining static. We are here to evolve - and knowledge and truth is structured in different states of consciousness. So, we must evolve our consciousness to know the higher truths. In honor of making it to 5 years, we now have official Let's Get Meta merchandise available exclusively through the podcast's Patreon community! If you want a Let's Get Meta mug, tee, or tote please become a Patron-Angel for a short time. Enjoy our 5th anniversary episode!