
    Let's Talk Orange

    The Orange Collab is a supportive community based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Our purpose is to help women of color, creative entrepreneurs feel seen, heard, and supported. Through our Let’s Talk Orange podcast, in-person/virtual events, and online communities (Patreon & Facebook), we provide a safe space for entrepreneurs to discuss successes, struggles, and everything in between.
    enThe Orange Collab48 Episodes

    Episodes (48)

    47. Let’s Talk Holidays - Self Care

    47. Let’s Talk Holidays - Self Care

    Holiday burnout is real! So it’s important to practice self-care during the busy season. In today’s episode co-hosts JayJay and Amber chat about how they prioritize self-care during the holidays. They also talk about how the holidays look and feel different for those that may be experiencing grief and loss. 


    What we talked about

    • Self-care for the entrepreneur and creative 
    • Self-care for the grieving 
    • Giving yourself intentional space and time 
    • Surrounding yourself with additional friends and family 
    • Giving yourself permission to have good and bad moments 
    • Being okay with winding down the year instead of trying to squeeze in more tasks


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast.

    46. Let’s Talk Holidays - Business Gift Giving

    46. Let’s Talk Holidays - Business Gift Giving

    Do you send holiday gifts or cards to people you’ve worked with throughout the year? As the year begins to wind down, sending holiday cards, gifts, and/or treats to businesses you’ve worked with can be a great way to show appreciation for the professional relationship. 


    In today’s episode, co-hosts JayJay and Tyler sat down to chat about why they send gifts to people they’ve worked with. Tune in to hear them discuss the benefits of gift-giving and suggestions for the type of gifts to give. 


    What we talked about

    • Why we give gifts to people we’ve worked with 
    • How to make gift giving simpler 
    • How we curate our holiday gifts 
    • The benefits of gift giving 


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast. 

    45. Let’s Talk Holidays - Dealing With a Busy Holiday Schedule

    45. Let’s Talk Holidays - Dealing With a Busy Holiday Schedule

    The holiday season is a busy time and navigating through it can be overwhelming. In today’s episode, co-hosts JayJay and Kendra sat down to talk about their plans to get through the busy holiday season with a little less stress.

    Tune in to hear their past struggles and tips they plan on implementing this year to make the holiday season a smoother one. 

    What we talked about

    • How we’ve handled the holiday season in the past
    • How we want to manage our holiday schedules this year 
    • Learning how to manage and protect our time this season 


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    44. Let’s Talk Finding Confidence as a Creative Entrepreneur

    44. Let’s Talk Finding Confidence as a Creative Entrepreneur

    Having confidence as a creative entrepreneur is important. But we know that confidence isn’t always easy, especially when starting something new. 

    In today’s episode co-hosts, JayJay, Amber, and Tyler chat about their thoughts about maintaining confidence as a creative entrepreneur. Tune in to hear about the areas they’ve struggled with and how they continue to push themselves outside of their comfort zone to build their confidence. 


    What we talked about

    • How having a business has changed our lives 
    • Our struggles with confidence 
    • What things impact our confidence
    • How we measure our confidence levels 


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    43. Let’s Talk Our Favorite Spots in Vegas For Creatives

    43. Let’s Talk Our Favorite Spots in Vegas For Creatives

    One of the benefits of being a creative entrepreneur is being able to work remotely. We love finding great spaces to work, meet up, and even have photo shoots. 

    In today’s episode, co-hosts Kendra and Amber chat about their favorite spots in Las Vegas for creatives. Tune in to hear what they look for when scouting a good location and where they go when they need creative inspiration. 


    What we talked about

    • Locations that we work best in 
    • Why we love the Downtown Las Vegas area 
    • Exploring your local bookstores and libraries 


    Locations mentioned in this episode:


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast.

    42. Let’s Talk Being Consistent

    42. Let’s Talk Being Consistent

    Being consistent is something that we’ve all struggled with. It’s a habit that has to be learned and practiced. 

    In today’s episode, co-hosts Kendra, JayJay, and Tyler sat down to chat about what consistency means to them. Tune in to hear them discuss how they’ve applied the habit to their lives and why social media shouldn’t be our only focus when it comes to consistency.  


    What we talked about

    • Consistency doesn’t just apply to social media 
    • Setting the rules and training your audience on what to expect from you 
    • Focusing more on building healthy habits 
    • Remembering that we change and don’t have to stick to something for the sake of being consistent 
    • Habit stacking 


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    41. Let’s Talk Setting Boundaries

    41. Let’s Talk Setting Boundaries

    Setting boundaries in your personal and professional life is necessary, but it’s also a skill that takes continual practice. In today’s episode, co-hosts JayJay and Tyler chat about their struggles and successes with setting boundaries. Tune in to hear them discuss how they identify boundaries that need to be set in their lives and how they’ve learned to enforce them. 


    What we talked about

    • Setting boundaries with co-workers versus loved ones 
    • Learning the difference between being “mean” and setting a boundary
    • Understanding that setting and enforcing boundaries is a skill that has to be practiced
    • Learning how to identify boundaries that are needed in your life  


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast.

    40. Let’s Talk Things We Wish We Knew Before Becoming a Female Business Owner

    40. Let’s Talk Things We Wish We Knew Before Becoming a Female Business Owner

    Starting a business is an exciting accomplishment! But it’s also full of unknowns.

    In today’s episode, co-hosts JayJay and Brittany chat about what they wish they would have known before becoming business owners. Tune in to hear them discuss the lessons they’ve learned and the tips they have for other female business owners. 


    What we talked about

    • What it was like for us to go full time in our businesses. 
    • The mental and emotional challenges of starting a business. 
    • “This is a game of endurance, you just have to stick it out.”
    • Stepping into the role of CEO. 
    • Learning about business finances. 
    • Setting internal business goals. 


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast.

    39. Let’s Talk Identifying Your Needs as a Creative Female Entrepreneur

    39. Let’s Talk Identifying Your Needs as a Creative Female Entrepreneur

    When was the last time you checked in with yourself? Do you know what you need in the current season you’re in? In today’s episode co-hosts JayJay and Amber answer those questions and more. Tune in to hear them chat about how they recognize and understand their current needs. 


    What we talked about

    • What we need as women. 
    • What we need as creatives. 
    • What we need as entrepreneurs. 
    • What we need from our community. 


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast. 


    38. Let’s Talk About How Instagram Isn’t Fun Anymore

    38. Let’s Talk About How Instagram Isn’t Fun Anymore

    Instagram has changed a lot over these last few years. Some changes have improved the user experience. But lately, things have felt different on the app. 

    In today’s episode, JayJay, Amber, and Brittany chat about their feelings towards Instagram and how they have adjusted their app usage. They also share their thoughts on shifting their business marketing strategies so it’s less dependent on creating Instagram content. 

    What we talked about

    • Our frustration with Instagram 
    • Not having control over the type of content we’re shown 
    • How the interaction on the platform has changed 
    • Instagram usage as a business owner 
    • Learning the online behaviors of our ideal client


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast. 

    37. Let’s Talk Good and Bad Business Advice

    37. Let’s Talk Good and Bad Business Advice

    We receive advice all the time. Some of the advice is good, and some isn’t. As creative entrepreneurs, we have to be mindful of the advice we receive. 


    In today’s episode hosts JayJay, Amber, and Brittany sit down to chat about some of the best and worst advice that are given to new entrepreneurs. Tune in to hear their strong thoughts and feelings about the different types of advice that's online. 


    What we talked about

    • “The early bird gets the worm” - JayJay 
    • “You will not be an expert to all people” - Amber 
    • “If you want something done right, do it yourself” - Brittany 
    • “If I build it, they will come” - JayJay 
    • “If you work a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life” - Amber 
    • “It shouldn’t be this hard, so I must be doing something wrong” - All 
    • “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” - Brittany 


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast. 

    36. How To Deal With Impostor Syndrome

    36. How To Deal With Impostor Syndrome

    Impostor syndrome is something that many of us have dealt with. We can be our own worst critics and often downplay our skills and talents. 


    In today’s episode, Orange Collab Co-Creators JayJay, Kendra, and Tyler chat about how they’ve each dealt with impostor syndrome. Tune in to hear how they recognize it in their lives and how they overcome it. 


    What we talked about

    • Remembering that what you have to offer is valuable. 
    • Finding people who can help you through moments of impostor syndrome. 
    • How comparison can lead to impostor syndrome. 
    • Learning to be confident with your offers. 
    • Saying yes to things that scare you. 
    • Tips for dealing with impostor syndrome. 


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast. 

    35. What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Tabitha Brown

    35. What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Tabitha Brown

    We love following the success journey of other entrepreneurs. It’s inspiring and educational. And one of our favorite entrepreneurs to follow is Tabitha Brown! 


    In today’s episode, JayJay and Amber sit down to discuss how inspired they are by Tabitha Brown's entrepreneurial journey. They also share impactful lessons that they’ve picked up from her over the years and how they use those lessons in their life and business. 


    What we talked about

    • Our experience with testing the vegan lifestyle. 
    • Why we are encouraged and inspired by Tabitha Brown's journey. 
    • Recognizing that you don’t have to know everything in order to get started. 
    • Not being afraid to try something new. 
    • Remembering that you have value to add to your market.  
    • Being a successful multi-passionate entrepreneur.  


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast. 

    34. Navigating Through Career Changes

    34. Navigating Through Career Changes

    Dealing with a career change can be an interesting process. It can feel exciting and risky at the same time. It’s not always an easy decision and can take time to reach a conclusion. 


    In today’s episode co-hosts JayJay and Kendra sat down to chat about their recent career changes. Tune in as they share what they learned and their top tips for navigating the process. 


    What we talked about

    • Taking skills from past jobs into new positions. 
    • Dealing with salary negotiations. 
    • Giving yourself grace in a new position. 
    • Recognizing your emotions when changing careers and identifying what you need to be successful in your new position. 
    • Mental health in the workplace. 


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast. 

    33. Does Work-life Balance Exist?

    33. Does Work-life Balance Exist?

    Sometimes it seems like there are never enough hours in a day. We juggle multiple things at once yet, it can feel like we still aren’t balancing things well. 


    In today's episode, Kendra and JayJay sat down with fellow Orange Collab co-founder Brittany to chat about the concept of work-life balance. Does it exist or is it a myth? Tune in to hear their thoughts and how they manage their busy work and life schedules.


    What we talked about

    • Our thoughts on the work-life balance and if it’s realistic 
    • Learning how to be in the moment 
    • The difference between balancing and managing 
    • Thoughts on how to manage work and life better 
    • Pre-planning for busy seasons 
    • Leaning on your support system 


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast. 

    32. Entrepreneur Tips: Taking Breaks & Finding Hobbies

    32. Entrepreneur Tips: Taking Breaks & Finding Hobbies

    Have you taken a break lately? Our days are jam-packed with emails, calls, and to-do lists so it’s important to have activities that we enjoy. Hobbies give our minds respite and are a form of self-care.


    In today’s episode, Kendra and JayJay sat down with fellow Orange Collab co-creator Brittany to chat about the importance of having hobbies. Tune in to hear how they discovered their hobbies, new activities they want to try, and tips on how you can begin using hobbies to rejuvenate you. 


    What we talked about

    • Why having a hobby is necessary 
    • How we discovered our hobbies 
    • How hobbies rejuvenate us 
    • What can be considered a hobby 
    • Making time to do things outside of work 
    • Tips on how to find a hobby and things that you enjoy 


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast.

    31. Our Favorite Business Books - Part 2

    31. Our Favorite Business Books - Part 2

    JayJay and Brittany are back for part two of their top business book suggestions. In today’s episode, they are talking all about their favorite marketing and biography books. They also share how they pull inspiration from other people's personal and entrepreneurial journeys. 


    Books mentioned in this episode: 


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 


    • All book links above are affiliate links. By purchasing the books through the links The Orange Collab will earn a small commission. 




    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast. 

    30. Our Favorite Business Books - Part 1

    30. Our Favorite Business Books - Part 1

    In today’s episode JayJay and fellow Orange Collab co-founder, Brittany chat about their favorite business books! Tune in to hear their recommendations on business basics, backend systems, and mindset. They also share reading tips they’ve learned from BookTube and discuss popular business books that they didn’t care for. 


    Books mentioned in this episode: 


    Other links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s hosts: 

    Final thoughts: 

    • All book links above are affiliate links. By purchasing the books through the links The Orange Collab will earn a small commission.
    • Join our Patreon 
    • Follow us on Instagram @theorangecollab 



    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast.

    29. Ways To Improve Your Networking Skills

    29. Ways To Improve Your Networking Skills

    Networking is still an amazing marketing tool to help entrepreneurs expand their business community and position themselves in front of new clients. 


    In today’s episode, JayJay and fellow Orange Collab co-founder, Brittany chat about how they each use networking to expand their business. Tune in to hear their tips on how to navigate networking as an introvert and how to use it to build a referral network. 


    What we talked about

    • Why networking is still a great marketing activity 
    • Networking as an introvert 
    • How networking can help you grow your business 
    • Tips for finding networking events 
    • Networking online 
    • Identifying non-traditional networking opportunities 
    • Tips for keeping in contact with new people that you meet 


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    28. Should You Take a Social Media Break or Limit Your Screen Time?

    28. Should You Take a Social Media Break or Limit Your Screen Time?

    Have you ever considered taking a break from social media or limiting your daily screen time? Electronic devices have made our lives easier. But are they hindering us in other areas? 


    In today’s episode, Kendra is joined by fellow Orange Collab creators, Brittany and Tyler. They chat about the pros and cons of being dependent on different social media platforms and how they try to limit their daily screen time. 


    What we talked about

    • If we believe limiting your screen time is effective 
    • Recognizing our own limitations with electronic devices 
    • Taking social media breaks 
    • Checking our daily screentime 
    • Finding online content that we love 


    Links mentioned in this episode:


    Today’s Hosts: 

    Final Thoughts: 



    • Connect with us online at www.theorangecollab.com 
    • Don’t forget to like, review, and subscribe to the podcast.