
    Life Builders By Julie Hamilton

    Build your best life with inspiring interviews designed to build a strong and healthy life on. Focused on faith-filled encouragement, breaking limiting mindsets, and uncovering the diamonds in your life to move you toward your highest potential & purpose!
    enJulie Hamilton100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Ep 107 Kelly King: Thriving in the Wait

    Ep 107 Kelly King: Thriving in the Wait

    Kelly King knows a thing or two about waiting well! She's been in women's ministry for decades, and that's brought her to her current position as the Women's Resource Specialist for Lifeway Christian Resources. Hear her encouragement for wading through unmet expectations, being faithful to take the next steps when the promise seems far away, how women's ministry has changed over the decades, and finally finding yourself in just the right place and the right season! 

    Follow Kelly's Journey on IG and Twitter at @kellydking

    Resources mentioned: 

    Open Windows devotional magazine for a more mature audience

    Stand Firm devotional magazine for men

    Journey devotional magazine for women


    You Lead 1 Day Leadership Training for Women

    Lifeway Women's Leadership Forum

    Women's Leadership Forum in Irvine, Feb 20 - 21


    Ep 106 David & Kenzie Rowe: Serving Grace One Cup at a Time

    Ep 106 David & Kenzie Rowe: Serving Grace One Cup at a Time

    Dutch Bros Coffee isn't just loud music, chatty teenagers and crazy drinks.  It's a grace incubator and leadership laboratory under the care of David & Kenzie Rowe. These passionate young leaders are impacting our community and work force one cup at a time by teaching their employees how to thrive in face to face relationships, grow healthy minds and hearts, and develop into their best self. Today let's talk about maintaining vision throughout the mundane tasks, growing an env't of grace in the workplace, what they love about the public and nerd out on what leadership development books are in their own mini-library!

    Follow David and Kenzie's journey by stopping by the Dutch Bros stand in Napa or Sonoma! They're not really on social media :) 

    Resources mentioned in today's episode: 

    "The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom" by Don Miguel Ruiz 

    "Be Here Now" by Ram Dass

    "Entreleadership:20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom From the Trenches" by Dave Ramsey

    "QBQ: The Question Behind the Question" by John G. Miller

    Joe Rogan Podcast 

    Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

    Robin Sharma Mastery Sessions Podcast 

    Ep 105 Jay Stringer: Unwanted sexual behavior & the map to healing

    Ep 105 Jay Stringer: Unwanted sexual behavior & the map to healing

    Wow wow wow. This podcast ranks high among my favorites ever.  Therapist and author Jay Stringer explores the world of unwanted sexual behavior (pornography, infidelity, and buying sex) with such grace and gentleness, showing us that these behaviors are actually invitations to finding healing and wholeness. We talk about how these unwanted behaviors are not random, they have specific root causes, about how the church and secular "treatments" haven't been effective and why, about how we don't have a "lust management" problem but a heart problem usually related to anger or power, what to do when you find out a spouse is using pornography, how we can grow up in abuse without ever being touched, and how our culture, even our language perpetuates violence against and degradation of women. This chat will enlighten, challenge, and hopefully encourage you to find the way to healing and encourage those around you to do the same!

    Follow Jay's journey at www.jay-stringer.com 



    "Unwanted: How Sexual Brokeness Reveals Our Way to Healing" by Jay Stringer


    Ep 104 Ally Portee: From South Carolina to Serving Syrian Refugees

    Ep 104 Ally Portee: From South Carolina to Serving Syrian Refugees

    How does a girl from South Carolina who doesn't like people grow up to work in the White House & Congress and then find her heart's passion serving Syrian refugees & working in the world of fashion in the Middle East? In this interview with Ally Portee we'll find out! Learn how her childhood influenced her heart for the nations and love for politics, what she treasures about the Middle East, the realities of Syrian refugee camps and how YOU can help most, what it takes to become a writer at Harper's Bazaar Arabia, why you should "let it go," and tips to navigate the twists and turns of your own path!

    Follow Ally's world wide journey at @allylolitaportee 



    Ep 103 Terra Mattson: Staying Rooted in Courage & Grace & Raising Daughters

    Ep 103 Terra Mattson: Staying Rooted in Courage & Grace & Raising Daughters

    "Two key factors I saw contributed to raising daughters well. 1) If they had a safe relationship with their parents, they could get through anything and 2) If they had an ONGOING dialogue, a slow drip of truth and real relationships."

    Terra Mattson, a Marriage & Family Therapist, combined all her clinical knowledge, ministry knowledge, and life experience to create dialogue and support for raising AND being daughters rooted in grace! Her free curriculum has been used to create mom/daughter groups all around the world (Courageous Girls), she founded Living Wholehearted and is now expanding into a conference called InCourage 2020 where she's bringing women together to create honest and beautiful conversations and bring healing. Today we talked about sin vs. survival behaviors, her biggest awakening, raising daughters in grace, and the biggest obstacles facing women today...you'll be surprised about her insight on that one!

    Follow Terra's journey at www.TerraMattson.com  or on IG at @TerraMattson, @Living_Wholehearted, or @MyCourageousGirls 

    Here are the resources we discussed today: 

    Incourage 2020 Gathering "Let's Talk About It"

    Courageous Girls small group resources 

    Ep 102 Marni Ausenbaugh: Faith Walk through the Fire

    Ep 102 Marni Ausenbaugh: Faith Walk through the Fire

    "You’re not going to see what's next fully until you let go of everything else."

    Former "churchy girl" Marni Ausenbaugh shares vulnerably about her journey of self discovery and walking by faith through a season where nothing seems stable. 

    "Be authentic and live a life of purpose on purpose."


    Follow Marni's journey at www.marniausenbaugh.com and her name on Youtube, IG and FB! (and look out for her new podcasting "Reformed Churchy Girl" coming soon.)


    Ep 100 Brian Dixon: Start with Your People

    Ep 100 Brian Dixon: Start with Your People

    Brian Dixon has helped literally thousands of messengers & authors grow in their craft through Hopewriters and his clarity coaching. Today he joined us to share practical ways we can be cultural architects, build the life we want by focusing on the people closest to us first and also a few fantastic tips for want-to-be authors! I just ordered his brand new book "Start With Your People" today and I hope you will too! You also do not want to miss his "kitchen fail" story -- I am still laughing about it! 

    "What’s obvious to you is magic to other people."

    Follow Brian's journey on IG at @brianjdixon where he loves to answer his DM's! 

    Resources mentioned in today's show include: 

    -Order Start With Your People at www.startwithyourpeople.com to get the bonus features! 

    -30 second quiz for writers: hopewriters.com/quiz 

    "Poverty, Riches and Wealth: Moving from a Life of Lack into True Kingdom Abundance" by Kris Vallotton

    Kris Vallotton Podcast "Becoming a Cultural Architect" 



    Ep 100 Brian Dixon: Start with Your People

    Ep 100 Brian Dixon: Start with Your People

    Brian Dixon has helped literally thousands of messengers & authors grow in their craft through Hopewriters and his clarity coaching. Today he joined us to share practical ways we can be cultural architects, build the life we want by focusing on the people closest to us first and also a few fantastic tips for want-to-be authors! I just ordered his brand new book "Start With Your People" today and I hope you will too! You also do not want to miss his "kitchen fail" story -- I am still laughing about it! 

    "What’s obvious to you is magic to other people."

    Follow Brian's journey on IG at @brianjdixon where he loves to answer his DM's! 

    Resources mentioned in today's show include: 

    -Order Start With Your People at www.startwithyourpeople.com to get the bonus features! 

    -30 second quiz for writers: hopewriters.com/quiz 

    "Poverty, Riches and Wealth: Moving from a Life of Lack into True Kingdom Abundance" by Kris Vallotton

    Kris Vallotton Podcast "Becoming a Cultural Architect" 



    Ep 98 Tom Stonecipher: Supporting Women in Leadership

    Ep 98 Tom Stonecipher: Supporting Women in Leadership

    "Please know that you can trust Him to be faithful and He will bring about and accomplish all that He has promised you."

    In today's chat we tackle one of the biggest and most controversial issues in the church -- women in leadership-- and so much more! Dear friend & Pastor Tom Stonecipher dares to jump in to bring some biblical clarity to how and why we should support leaders & their authority regardless of their gender. He shares about Jesus's view of women, why women sometimes make better pastors, practical advice for husbands to support their wives, why timing matters and why we can trust God! The whole thing is great, but if you only have a few minutes, skip to minute 32:00 where the absolute gold unfolds! If you're a woman who feels called, but stuck, listening to this last part is an absolute MUST!!

    Other topics mentioned in this chat include:

    -What conservative religious traditions typically believe about women

    -The surprising division surrounding this topic

    -How Jesus viewed women

    -Why football & jeans almost cost a bible school admission

    -Why women are uniquely qualified as pastors

    -Needing ALL parts of the body

    -Deborah in Judges 4, her husband & her servant leadership

    -Submitting to authority, no matter the gender

    -Evidence that Jesus intentionally supported women in leadership

    -Would Tom vote for a woman president? Why or why not?

    -Practical advice for husbands & wives supporting each other's leading


    -The importance of "workable fire"

    -The three C's of support

    -Why a season isn't permanent

    -Being stretched in waiting

    -God's time table vs. our time table

    -A word for women who feel called, but feel stuck where they are

    -Staying the course


    Follow Tom's journey on IG at @ranchopreacher or listen to his sermons at Rancho Christian Center 


    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Rancho Christian Center

    Cherish Ministry for Pregnant Teens & Young Moms with Rachel Tucker

    "Why Not Women: A Biblical Study of Women in Missions, Ministry & Leadership" by Loren Cunningham


    Ep 97 Christine Caine: What Our Generation Needs

    Ep 97 Christine Caine: What Our Generation Needs

    The bottom line is I almost missed my purpose because I bowed down to fear.  The enemy will thwart most of our destinies because of fear more than anything else.

    Global evangelist and anti human trafficking advocate Christine Caine stops by to stir our faith and share her thoughts on why we need to live an "Undaunted" life, how to find the appointment on the other side of disappointment, what our generations are in desperate need of right now, why "overnight success" takes 20 - 30 years, the state of the global church and how fear wants to derail us from our destiny and in her case, almost succeeded. 

    Some of other topics we touched on were: 

    -her favorite season of parenting

    -teamwork makes the dreamwork

    -enjoying the journey

    -why she updated & rewrote the book "Undaunted"

    -daring to do what God calls you to do

    -what she's had to overcome

    -keys to entering your God given destiny

    -how God's work on the inside of us correlates to our outside work

    -what happens when we don't quit

    -Bible heroes and instagram 

    -learning to bear the weight

    - the myth of "overnight success"

    -what Christine is learning right now

    -why it's hard to remain faithful

    -how fear almost derailed her destiny

    -whom we should interview next

    A lot of us never find the God appointment on the other side of disappointment because we quit along the way.

    If we could understand how exceptional the God who lives within us is, we would have a lot more faith to do what God’s called us to do!

    Follow Christine Caine's journey on any social media channel at Christine Caine!

    Here are resources we mentioned in this episode: 

    "Undaunted: Daring to Do What God calls you to Do" by Christine Caine

    Propel Women

    A21 Campaign

    Walk for Freedom 


    Ep 96 Janet Newberry: Life & Parenting by Design, Not Default!

    Ep 96 Janet Newberry: Life & Parenting by Design, Not Default!

    “When we aim at the target of performance, maturity always suffers. But when we aim at the target of maturity, the performance goes off the charts.”

    This is one of the best parenting episodes we've ever had! Janet Newberry shows us how growing up in a performance based culture & education system harms our children, ourselves and our relationships. Thankfully, we have a choice to live free by design and not stay stuck in the default.  In this episode, we chat about the differences between design vs default, how to know whether we're performing for others or being our true selves, and why parenting should not be transactional (striving to earn our next privilege), but transformational (built on a trust relationship & help) and so much more!! Janet is the host of the Brave Love Podcast, one of my go-to podcasts that is making me a much more effective parent and I count it as a privilege to have her on the show!

    In this chat, we also talked about: 

    -Their grand adventure- traveling the US and living in an Airstream named Freedom 

    -wearing the "good enough" mask

    -perils of a performance based culture

    -breaking the perform & pain relief cycle most of us live in

    -how work is different than performing

    -the default mindset in the education system

    -breaking codependency 

    -What is my God given instinct? 

    -finding courage to move from codependent to confident

    -crisis in the dishes section

    -the cost of finding your voice

    -redeeming childhood

    -creating transformational, maturing relationship with our children

    -helping our children mature

    -learning to "be me"


    Follow Janet's journey & John 15 Academy at www.janetnewberry.com , on FB at Janet Newberry, and IG 


    Resources mentioned in this episode

    Brave Love Podcast by Janet & Doug Newberry

    "Education by Design, Not Default: How brave love creates fearless learning" by Janet Newberry

    John 15 Academy with Janet Newberry


    "The Cure: What if God Isn't Who You Think He Is and Neither are You?" by Trueface 

    "The Cure & Parents" by Bill Thrall & Trueface

    Trueface Podcast

    "Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals the Way to Our Healing" by Jay Stringer 

    "Beloved Chaos: Moving from Religion to Love in a Red Light District" by Jamie West Zumwalt

    Ep 95 Misty Phillip: Overcoming Hardships + Secrets of Successful Creatives

    Ep 95 Misty Phillip:  Overcoming Hardships + Secrets of Successful Creatives

    Out of all the episodes I've recorded, Misty Phillip's story is one that I've probably reflected on about most since recording it.  Misty has faced her share of life challenges; losing a child to Trisomy 18, a broken childhood, caring for a special needs child, and one of her most formidable foes, breaking both arms at the same time and spending a year in recovery. In spite of all of this, her life's message is about overcoming! She shares tips for those of us who feel stuck, what matters most in overcoming, explains how her creative mastermind went from 2 people to 70 and lets us in on the secrets of successful creatives. Find out what "crack time" is and why collaborating with creatives who are in different fields than you matters. 


    In this episode, we also chat about: 

    - transitioning from learner to teacher

    - adult children 

    -why God's timing matters

    -why she wrote "The Struggle is Real, But So Is God"

    -living a defeated Christian life

    -the hardest thing to overcome in her life

    -what she learned when she literally couldn't do anything for herself

    -definition of grace

    -being loved for who we are, not what we do

    -finding a support system

    -building a creative mastermind from 2 - 70 people

    -why in person connection matters

    -why we need variety

    -an author who can't type

    -tips for producing work in the creative field

    -batch processing

    -crack time

    -what she would say to someone who feels that they will never overcome

    -tips for weathering hard times


    Follow Misty's journey at www.mistyphillip.com or all social media channels at her name


    Resources mentioned in this episode: 

    "The Struggle is Real, But So Is God" by Misty Phillip

    "Listener's Audio Bible" by Max McLean

    "His Girls Gather" FB Community by Susan B. Mead

    She Speaks Conference by Proverbs 31 Ministries

    Compel Training for writing 

    Declare Conference & Podcast

    Hope Writers with Brian Dixon




    Ep 94 Caitlin Zick: Why You Need a Girl Gang and How to Get One!

    Ep 94 Caitlin Zick: Why You Need a Girl Gang and How to Get One!

    More than ever, women feel alone and are longing for deep and supportive friendships. But how do we get there? How do we find that "girl gang" to cheer us on in life? Caitlin Zick, co-director of Moral Revolution, stops by today to chat about the "honesty room", all access pass and how we can be intentional about building the communities that we desperately need.  We'll talk about her new book "Look at You, Girl", the vocabulary we need to have in-depth conversations, the cost of the "busy" badge, tips to go from strangers to sisters and why owning your story matters. 

    Some of the other topics we chatted about include: 

    -What is Moral Revolution? 

    -Why they are labeled as "the sex pastors"

    -The dream in teenager Caitlin's heart

    -Why "Look at you, Girl" was written

    -Why are the eyes closed on the front cover if we're supposed to be looking?

    -Friendships that push you out of the boat

    -How do we begin transforming inside instead of outside?

    -Identifying labels and lies you've lived under

    -Sourcing the lies

    -Being comfortable in our own skin

    -What it takes to go from strangers to sisters

    -DTR - Defining moments

    -Honesty Room 

    -The cost of being "too busy"

    -Being Intentional

    -How to ask real questions

    -Breakfast Club

    -Giving the all access pass

    -Using our story intentionally to help others


    Resource discussed in this episode: 

    "Look at You, Girl: Kickstart to seeing yourself the way God does" by Caitlin Zick

    Moral Revolution

    "Leap Into Love" 20 day study with Havilah Cunnington

    The Connected Life Podcast by Justin & Abi Stumvall 




    Ep 93 Chrissy Helmer: Daily Disruptors of Healthy Living

    Ep 93 Chrissy Helmer: Daily Disruptors of Healthy Living

    Hitler's invention, flouride, is "more toxic than lead but slightly less toxic than arsenic." 

    On today's podcast, we explore this and other subtle forces affecting our health daily, even if we're not aware of them.  In this totally off-the-cuff chat, we talked about EMF's (electromagnetic fields), causes of the current fertility crisis, water, quantum physics, the power of thoughts and words and why wellness is a 4 dimensional process. Strap on your seatbelt, because you're about to go for a ride that's going to challenge and maybe even change you! For more info on pursuing healthy living, check out Chrissy's new book "Healing Through Wisdom.

    Some other topics we discussed were: 

    -The event that caused Chrissy to pursue health and wellness not just for herself, but for others

    -What she went through that she never wants anyone else to do

    -How long it actually takes to detox from gluten, grain, and sugar

    -The scary reason you should care about your liver

    -Being intentional about sharing wellness without demeaning others

    -Why health is 4 dimensional 

    -What people at peak performance do differently

    -Why the journey to physical or spiritual health often parallel

    -How toxic is flouride? How beneficial is it?

    -How we can care for our teeth without flouride

    -EMF's & radiation

    -Current highest childhood cancer

    -What is equivalent to 16 xrays at one time

    -How to increase your risk of cancer by 40%

    -The link between phones and anxiety

    -Causes for fertility crisis

    -Your inside world

    -Quantum physics -- why your words and thoughts matter

    -Why diseases begin in our thoughts

    -The story of Dr. Joe Dispenza

    -Aligning our inner world through deeper healing


    Follow Chrissy's journey at IG @chrissyhelmer , at Next Level Living Podcast on iTunes or Spotify 

    Free download of the first chapter of "Healing Through Wisdom" at htwbook.com 


    Resources mentioned in today's show: 

    "Radiation Nation: Fallout of Modern Technology - Your Complete Guide to EMF Protection & Safety: The Proven Health Risks of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) & What to Do Protect Yourself & Family" by Daniel T. Debaun

    Defender Shield Products at ecochic.net  Use code "ECOCHIC20" for 20% off products

    Bill Johnson

    Kris Vallotton

    Gayle Belanger

    "5am Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life" by Robin Sharma

    Dr. Caroline Leaf Podcast "Let's Talk about Quantum Physics"

    Lewis Howes Podcast with Dr. Joe Dispenza "Heal Your Body with Your Mind"







    Ep 92 Anna LeBaron: The Polygamist's Daughter

    Ep 92 Anna LeBaron: The Polygamist's Daughter

    At the age of 9, little Anna Lebaron had 49 siblings. But even after growing up in a violent polygamist cult constantly on the run from the law, her life today is a true testament to the possibility of finding hope, healing and true identity after childhood trauma and neglect. In today's podcast (and her book "The Polygamist's Daughter"), Anna holds out hope for every person who feels too broken to ever be whole again.

    Some of the topics we touched on were: 

    -Life in a polygamist cult

    -How poverty and polygamy affected her walk with God

    -Effect of fatherlessness

    -Pursuing healing and freedom

    -Finding true comfort 

    -Turning to food for comfort/losing weight

    -Self care to combat PTSD

    -Why this memoir matters

    -Every person's potential for healing

    -The length of the healing process

    -What does freedom actually mean? 

    -Being who we are destined to become

    -When God's spirit is near

    -"You're right here."

    -Experiencing the fathering heart after fatherlessness 

    -How to hear God speak

    -Message on Anna's heart

    -You can hear God

    -You can heal

    -Doing our part

    -Who we should interview next

    -The power of telling your own story and transitioning it from the inside to the outside

    -Taking the next right step


    Follow along with Anna's journey at her website or social media sites at @annaklebaron


    Resources mentioned in today's episode: 

    "The Polygamist's Daughter: A Memoir" by Anna LeBaron

    Bob Hamp

    Foundations of Freedom by Bob Hamp

    "Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovered our Hidden Life in God" by Dallas Willard




    Ep 91 Dr. Marla Parker: Why is Change So Hard?

    Ep 91 Dr. Marla Parker: Why is Change So Hard?

    The only constant in life is change. But why is it so hard? I am honored to have CSULA professor & social innovation expert, Dr. Marla Parker, here to show us how to navigate challenging shifts well and why it's necessary to respond to God's call for change in our lives. Dr. Parker shares some excellent examples of responses to change, healthy steps to navigate the disequilibrium we feel, why we MUST have a new view of ourselves to step into the next level of our life and what concerns and encourages her most about millennials! 

    Other topics we touched on were: 

    -Can introverts be leaders?

    -One teacher's impact

    -Why is it important to respond to calls for change?

    -An elegant, biblical model for response to change

    -Navigating disequilibrium

    -Why change requires rest

    -Embracing a new view of ourselves

    -The fears she's had to shed to grow

    -What concerns her most about what she's seeing in college age students today. 

    -The most encouraging characteristic of the upcoming generation

    -Message on her heart/call on her life

    -Whom we should interview next (see below for list of amazing people and resources she mentioned in the show). 



    Link for $5 off Flourish Health Summit 




    Resources/People mentioned in the show:

    Jobelle Gacuya with HMNTY

    Ann Marie Williams with Public Words Project (on IG)

    Lisa Baxter with After School All Stars

    Conaxion or @Conaxion on Twitter

    Dr. Dmetri Seals 

    Chrystal Parker with Craft Spirits Week June 16 - 22

    Dr. Chris Hayter

    Dr. April Jackson

    Monique Melton - author, speaker, relationship & diversity coach, Anti racism Mastermind 

    Ramona Wright