
    Life Builders By Julie Hamilton

    Build your best life with inspiring interviews designed to build a strong and healthy life on. Focused on faith-filled encouragement, breaking limiting mindsets, and uncovering the diamonds in your life to move you toward your highest potential & purpose!
    enJulie Hamilton100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Ep 90 Nancy Hartman: Celebrating Diversity in Children's Literature & Faith

    Ep 90 Nancy Hartman: Celebrating Diversity in Children's Literature & Faith

    "Growing up in 80’s in Germany, all my dolls except for one were white by default. Even the image of what was "beautiful," if you looked at Disney movies back then, the princesses were all blonde and blue eyed. So that was what we were striving for as a young girl."

    "What our kids read, what they are becoming, believing, and seeing is what our world is going to become one day. Spread a feast in from of them, not just potatoes or plantains."

    As a homeschool mom and a lover of literature (and people), I am so proud of this chat with Nancy Hartman. She is an incredible woman, half German-half Ghanian, and a homeschooling mom with a heart to highlight the beauty of diversity in Children's Literature.  Listen in on this very honest chat about living your own truth, seeing beauty in differences, why it's important that children see characters in books that look like themselves, being intentional about selecting books written by people of color that tell an authentic story, and how we can be specific about seeking diversity in our faith. If nothing else and you want a laugh, listen to minute 28 where I try (unsuccessfully) to say the word "Championing" about a billion times. 

    "Our kids can know there’s beauty in differences and there’s nothing to be afraid of if someone is different, but more than that, they can glean so much richness out of other people."

    Some topics that we touched on were:

    -living your authentic truth

    -teaching our children cultural traditions from their past

    -living internationally minded

    -recognizing the inherent beauty of our differences

    -intentionality in choosing books by authors who are people of color with authentic experiences

    -only 22% of children's literature is written by POC

    -learning history from a variety of perspectives

    -no one can tell your story like you

    -the necessity of valuing someone else's story

    -how the church could do a better job of intentional diversity 

    -challenges of a multi-ethnic community


    -healing one another

    -John M Perkins

    -feeding our children a feast!


    Follow Nancy's journey on IG at @therealbeautyindiversity or her website BeautyInDiversity.org 


    For recommended children's literature, check out "Grandfather's Journey" by Allen Say or Nancy's IG page for many more solid recommendations! 


    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

    Charlotte Mason homeschooling method

    Beautiful Feet homeschooling through literature


    "Let Justice Roll Down" by John M. Perkins (biographical memoir)



    Ep 89 Beth Armstrong: Staying Rooted in the Storm

    Ep 89 Beth Armstrong: Staying Rooted in the Storm

    "The doctors came in and said “He’s sicker today than he was yesterday. At some point today we need to turn off life support."  I needed to call my friends and family and let them know that this was the last day he would live."

    Throughout 394 days of hospitalization, fighting impossible odds and spending many days at death's door, Beth Armstrong tells the story of how her faith and trust in God grew through the storm of her husband's health tragedy turned testimony. In today's chat, we talk about Beth's journey, trusting God through the unknown, the little things, what to do if you need a miracle and not just walking through a storm but bearing fruit from it.  

    "God can use all of it, whether it’s a small inconvenience or a huge hurricane sized storm that you didn’t see coming. He can use it, even though it doesn’t feel good, for your good."

    Some other topics we touched on were: 

    -total surrender leads to transformation

    -perspective shifts

    -Chris on life support

    -facing 90% odds of mortality

    -peace beyond understanding

    -trusting God

    -what to do if you need a miracle

    -why God cares about big needs AND small needs

    -learning something from your difficulty and bearing fruit in the storm

    -why roots grow in the dark places

    -message on Beth's heart

    -whom we should interview next


    Follow Beth's journey at RootedLeaders.org or on FB at Beth Armour Armstrong


    Resources mentioned in this episode: 

    Link for $5 off Flourish Health Summit 


    "Rooted in the Storm: A 61-day Devotional of Faith" by Beth Armstrong

    "Growing Roots for a Mission Driven Life: My Life as a Mustard Seed (Vol 1)" by Beth Armstrong

    "Growing Roots for a Mission Driven Life: Planted in Good Soil (Vol 2)" by Beth Armstrong





    Ep 88 Roxanne Wilson: Recovery, Redemption & Forgiving Yourself

    Ep 88 Roxanne Wilson: Recovery, Redemption & Forgiving Yourself

    “The day before I went to jail, I was laying on the floor of our empty apartment with no where to go and I was asking God to kill me.  I didn’t want to live anymore. There was no hope in my life. I ended up in jail and it was the best thing that could have happened to me because it saved my life.”

    *Trigger Warning — sensitive content* Abuse. Addiction. Jail. Recovery. Redemption. Today, you’ll hear Roxanne Wilson’s powerful testimony — how she walked through hell, came out on the other side, and how God is now using her story to help women uncover their true identities! Hear her survival story, how jail saved her life, the hardest part of forgiving yourself, how to see yourself differently & to begin shifting your identity. I also accidentally preached a message about finding your identity in this podcast! 😂

    “I could grab ahold of all the things they told me when I got saved. I could believe that. But there was one problem and that was…..forgiving myself. I knew what I had done.”

    "Don't trade your authenticity for approval."


    We also touched on these topics: 

    -Living behind a mask

    -Introduction to foster care system

    -The day that changed her life forever

    -Repeating patterns of blueprints established in her early life like drug use and loving men in prison

    -Deep desperation that ultimately landed her in jail

    -The moment of awakening in jail

    -The hardest part of her new life

    -Looking in the mirror

    -Knowing who you are

    -How to rewrite your story, your name

    -Learning to love yourself

    -Finding identity in the hidden places


    -Trading authenticity for approval

    -What's on Roxanne's heart

    -Next interview


    You can follow Roxanne's journey on FB at Roxanne McKane Wilson


    Link for $5 off Flourish Health Summit 




    Ep 87 Amy Block Joy: Embezzlement & Whistleblowing

    Ep 87 Amy Block Joy: Embezzlement & Whistleblowing

    "I opened up the file folder to see what was in it…..she was practicing my signature. Her forgery of my signature was so authentic, it was scary." 

    Embezzlement. Forgery. Fraud. Imagine these things were happening in your $13M program of federal money to help the poor.  Imagine you went to your boss to turn in the "bad guys." Surely, he would be on your side. Wrong. In this case, Dr. Amy Block Joy had no idea how high up the deception was happening at UC Davis, but she knew one thing...she needed to sleep at night. Doing the right thing was the only solution that gave her peace. On today's podcast, she shares the turn of events that led her to find herself as a whistleblower, what it cost her, how she maintained courage through demoralizing retaliation and solid advice to those who might find themselves in the same situation. 

    He said, "You’ll need to find new friends and build a new life. Few people will understand what you feel, but remember it’s you who will sleep better at night knowing you did the right thing. Accept your new life now and try to embrace it as an opportunity”


    Some other topics we touched on were 

    -Her ethical journey and moral dilemma

    -How she knew something wasn't right

    -The story of accusations against her and the 4 year investigation

    -Why retaliation is dangerous

    -The importance of going to the correct person

    -How and why people want to discredit the whistleblower

    -Forceful tactics

    -Advise from Daniel Ellsberg (released the Pentagon Papers that ended the Vietnam War)

    -Steps that every whistleblower or reporter should take

    -The important of anonymity

    -Why ethics matter 


    Resources mentioned in the show: 

    Amy's Website: www.amyblockjoy.com 

    Whistleblower by Amy Block Joy

    Retaliation by Amy Block Joy

    Blowback: The Unintended Consequences of Exposing a Fraud by Amy Block Joy

    Ethics Point, a 3rd party agency collecting reports of fraud, unethical behavior by a company 



    Ep 86 Yu Kai Chou: Making Real Life Better than Games

    Ep 86 Yu Kai Chou: Making Real Life Better than Games

    After spending thousands of hours mastering video games, young Yu Kai Chou realized that he felt a deep sense of emptiness. That epiphany inspired his research that has now affected more than 1 BILLION people worldwide. In a quest to make real life more appealing than video games, he began studying the science of how developers create virtual worlds that satisfy our needs & make us want to spend time there. He has spent decades learning how to apply the core drives found in games to real life. In this episode we talk about why most gamers are actually women, core drives, how games can help solve real world problems & meet real world needs (like learning algebra) and how parents can apply these strategies to tap into core drives of our children to teach them effectively. 

    When I started this episode, I didn’t quite know what to expect, but by the end, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was one of my most informative & insightful podcast episodes ever. It opened up my world to an entirely new field of study & I hope it will do the same for you! 


    Some other topics we touched on are: 

    -Why governments & big organizations are calling on Yu kai

    -Why women make up a huge percentage of gamers

    -Origin of the “typical” gamer stereotype

    -What is gamification?

    -Why habits don’t need motivation 

    -Everyone plays a real life game

    -Search for epic meaning & calling

    -Lowest hanging fruit in making an experience enjoyable

    -The human need for social interaction

    -Best applications of gamification in real world

    -Our search for something rare drives us

    -2nd graders learning algebra 

    -Applying gamification to parenting

    -Understanding core drives of our children

    -What are you rewarding?

    -The power of family identity - Lex Luther, Game of Thrones

    -Teaching the important things

    -How outspoken faith has impacted his journey

    -Message on his heart

    -Next Interview 



    Resources mentioned: 


    “Actionable Gamification: Beyond Points, Badges & Leaderboards” by Yu Kai Chou


    Octalysis Prime education platform by Yu Kai Chou


    “Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better & How they Can Change the World” by Jane McGonigal 


    “SuperBetter: The Power of Living Gamefully” by Jane McGonigal 


    Follow Yu Kai’s journey on FB or IG @yudashkai 

    Ep 85 Myles & Katharine Weiss: When Heaven Hits Home

    Ep 85 Myles & Katharine Weiss: When Heaven Hits Home

    Pastors Myles & Katharine Weiss come from the most different backgrounds you could imagine: a New York Jew and a California christian girl. But somehow they overcame their differences, merged their lives beautifully and have been married for over 33 years. In their new book "When Heaven Hits Home: Ancient Wisdom for Today's Couples," they share wisdom for joining two lives into one with all the expertise you would expect from 27 years of being a Marriage & Family Therapist. We talked about what most marriages struggle with, tips for communication, men's vs. women's needs, how to merge two completely unique backgrounds & traditions, the process of writing about their own personal weaknesses, the hardest time in their marriage and how to regain a vision for a healthy and thriving marriage when it's not your current reality. 


    Some of the other topics we touched on are: 

    -finding God as the common denominator

    -how does ancient wisdom apply?

    -why marriage isn't old-fashioned, it's cream filled

    -what it takes for two to become one

    -what most couples fight about

    -Lashon HaTov 

    -tips for communicating

    -importance of forgiveness

    -what women need

    -what men need

    -how a man can reach the heart of a woman

    -fix it or listen?

    -their favorite chapters to write

    -assault on marriage

    -embracing tradition without being in bondage to it

    -house of peace

    -why we need heaven in our homes now

    -hardest topics to write about


    -continuing to see the treasure in your spouse

    -hardest thing they have been through in their marriage

    -navigating a church split and a prodigal son

    -how to regain vision for your own marriage

    -having a bigger purpose

    -the message on their hearts

    -whom we should interview next 


    Resources mentioned:

    When Heaven Hits Home: Ancient Wisdom for Today's Couples (available for pre-order) by Myles and Katharine Weiss 

    The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Stephen Pressfield

    Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart: Thirty True Things You Need to Know by Gordon Livingston


    Follow along with Myles and Katherine's Journey at their website or the book site here. 

    Ep 84 Jenni Catron: 4 Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership

    Ep 84 Jenni Catron: 4 Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership

    "You were made to influence the world in a way that no one else can."

    Leadership = influence. If you've got anyone in your life that you are influencing, whether you're a stay at home mom or a CEO (or both!), you are a leader. In this podcast, Jenni Catron delves deep into 4 dimensions of leadership to build a strong, healthy leader. You'll also hear why some people don't like the word "leader," about building and navigating good team partnerships, a leadership strength assessment and how to lead yourself well. This book was very instrumental in my leadership journey and I'm so honored to have Jenni on today! You can hear her smile and her passion throughout the entire podcast!


    Some of the topics we touched on are: 

    -Where leadership begins

    -Hairstyle regrets

    -The fun of being an auntie

    -Why the word "leader" is polarizing

    -Defining characteristics of a leader

    -Do you need a title to be effective?

    -Sacred responsibility

    -Discovering 4 dimensions that we can lead from

    -Framework for effective leadership

    -The importance of self-awareness

    -Lopsided teams vs. balanced teams

    -How important is self leadership

    -How we can lead ourselves well

    -Emotional intelligence

    -What most often trips leaders up

    -Why you can touch the world in a way that no one else can

    -Message on Jenni's heart

    -Whom we should interview next 


    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    4 Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership: The Power of Leading from Your Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength by Jenni Catron

    Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves

    Clout:Discover and Unleash your God Given Influence by Jenni Catron

    Switch on Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health by Dr. Caroline Leaf

    Think and Eat Yourself Smart: A Neuroscientific Approach to a Sharper Mind and Healthier Life by Dr. Caroline Leaf

    Think, Learn, Succeed: Understanding and Using Your Mind to Thrive at School, the Workplace, and Life by Dr. Caroline Leaf


    Follow Jenni's journey at her website JenniCatron.com or on IG at @jennicatron

    Ep 83 Heather Estebez: Calling, Connection & Confidence

    Ep 83 Heather Estebez: Calling, Connection & Confidence

    How can women overcome their fears of connecting with other women? How can we enable each other to walk in the unique callings on our lives with confidence and without comparison? Heather Estebez tackles these questions and more in this week’s podcast! Learn more about her testimony, why every person’s reaction is not about us, her first super scary speaking assignment, doing it afraid, how walking in our true calling frees others to do the same, how to find your tribe, and why personality is never an excuse for poor behavior! You will also get to hear about our most embarrassing mis-text mistakes! lol! 

    Some of the topics we touched on are: 

    -Heather's story 

    -Her dramatic turn away from drugs and gangs

    -Heart for missions

    -Connecting with other women

    -First scary speaking assignment

    -Why "their" actions are not all about you

    -Loving wounded people

    -American women's culture vs. global women's culture

    -Just do you!

    -Don't give up

    -Finding the confidence to walk in our calling

    -Finding inspiration

    -Proximity is power

    -Do it afraid

    -Our freedom helps others to be free

    -Maturing in having a big personality

    -Learning to be okay with yourself  when you're not like everybody else

    -Resources for growth 

    -The message on Heather's heart

    -Whom we should interview next


    Resources mentioned: 

    Ramos Ministries (You can also follow Joanne on IG at @joanneinthecity )


    The Millionaire Real Estate Agent: It's Not About the Money. It's About Being the Best You Can Be! by Gary Keller

    Becoming by Michelle Obama

    Dr. Caroline Leaf Podcast

    Next Level Living Podcast by Chrissy Helmer

    Follow Heather's Journey on IG at @mama_estebez or @realtorheatherkw or on FB at Heather Lindsey Estebez

    Ep 82 Jessie Seneca: How to Wait Well for your Promise

    Ep 82 Jessie Seneca: How to Wait Well for your Promise

    “If God had opened the door when I thought He should have, it would have been a complete train wreck.”

    This episode is for every person who is in a time of waiting, in the middle where it seems so dark & you can’t see the vision come to pass yet! Jessie Seneca, founder of More of Him Ministries & “She Leads” Conference was "in the wait" for twelve long years as she struggled with illness and God was building something in her. But now on the other side of that promise fulfilled, she’s encountered more than she could ever imagine!  In today’s 🎉 new podcast, 🎉 she shares tips for waiting well, what God is developing in you in the “middle”, wisdom bombs 💣💥 for leaders and why we can look forward with expectant hope for all He has ahead for you! 


    Some topics we touched on include: 

    -Sign of a good leader

    -Small beginnings

    -Struggles with Cushing’s Disease

    -How her testimony was built in the psychiatric hospital

    -The 12 year wait from pit to promise

    -Being willing to speak to one

    -Our part in obedience

    -How the past builds today

    -God’s timing matters


    -How to wait well

    -What to do next

    -What is built in you in the wait


    -Leadership stance

    -Why teams are necessary

    -Embracing the wait

    -Message on Jessie’s heart

    -Whom we should interview next


    Resources mentioned: 

    SHE Leads Leadership Conference

    Abound:A Call to Purposeful Servant Leadership by Jessie Seneca 

    Joseph: A Life of Rejection, Resilience and Respect by Jessie Seneca

    The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make by Hans Finzel

    The Four Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership: The Power of Leading from Your Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength by Jenni Catron

    YOU Lead Conference: Growing Every Woman's Leadership Potential

    Living Proof Ministries with Beth Moore

    Going Beyond Live with Priscilla Shirer

    Ministry to Women: The Essential Guide for Leading in the Local Church by Kelly King


    Follow Jessie’s journey at MoreofHimMinistries.org and Jessie Seneca on FB and IG!


    Ep 81 Brittany Sawrey: Identity, Anxiety & the Real Millennial Struggle

    Ep 81 Brittany Sawrey: Identity, Anxiety & the Real Millennial Struggle


    "The more and more we’re in these times of waiting, we can root down more into our identity and remember that no matter how this situation turns out, we are still beloved, we are still planned for, we are still accepted, and that our worth is not in question."  

    This former zookeeper turned Project Manager for Trueface (and throw in a little book sculpture :), really pulls back to curtains to go where not many are willing to -- to the depths of talking about identity, the struggle of being in the middle and how to wait well in that darkness, dealing with anxiety, and why rest in hard. She shares about the main reason millennials are struggling with making real connections and being seen and known.  So grateful for this very REAL chat with Brittany!

    "If we practice transparency by saying lots of facts, but not really inviting anyone into the struggle, the joys, to walk with us in THAT, then we’re not going to really experience the kind of relationships we were literally made for."

    "Have gentle curiosity about yourself."

    Some of the other topics we touched on are:

    -The growing challenges of podcasting

    -The advantages of multiple perspectives

    -What's AMAZING about the animal she chose to talk about

    -How to wait well "in the middle"

    -Grace for not being perfect in the middle

    -How identity changes the way we wait

    -Fear response

    -The beauty of waiting in the dark

    -The difficulty with resting

    -Struggling sinner or saint who still sins?

    -Living out of our true identity


    -An anxious person vs. feeling anxious 

    -Why logic doesn't change emotions

    -Having gentle curiosity

    -Transparency vs. Vulnerability

    -Millennial struggles

    -Saying facts vs. inviting someone into the struggle

    -Living out true identity


    -The life-changing message on Brittany's heart

    -Whom we should interview next



    IG: @storybooksculpture

    Trust for Today by Trueface

    The Cure: What if God isn't who you think He is and neither are you? by Trueface, Bruce McNicol, John Lynch and Bill Thrall

    Incourage: Raising Daughters Rooted in Grace by Terra Mattson

    Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals our Way to Healing by Jay Stringer


    Follow along with Brittany's journey & find out more info at the Trueface Website, IG @truefacelife FB True Face Community

    Ep 80 Gayle Belanger: Self Compassion --A First Step to Emotional Healing

    Ep 80 Gayle Belanger: Self Compassion --A First Step to Emotional Healing

    Acknowledging your own pain and showing yourself compassion is the first step to emotional healing. In this unique episode, Gayle Belanger, a addiction and PTSD counselor for almost 30 years, actually leads us through an exercise to show compassion to ourselves (at 39:00). Gayle is not just any counselor, she's MY counselor and I wanted to share with you the tools she's been teaching me that have been bringing healing to my life and I think could do the same for you! In this episode we talk about standing in our true identity, how self compassion brings healing, silencing that inner critic, being rooted & grounded in Jesus and His word, and redeeming all the gifts inside you -- even the ones you don't like! It is my prayer that this episode will open up worlds of healing for you that you didn't even know existed and that it will help you begin to walk in who you truly are, not limited by your past wounds and the world that daily tries to bring us down! 

    Note: When you hear us say "meditation", it's just a simple time of sitting with Jesus and receiving His love. Not sure if I said that!

    "If the soul is leading and your wounded, human self is in charge, then all of those toxic emotions are going into the body." 

    "Don’t hate yourself, don’t hate any part of yourself, find ways to embrace all of the parts you don’t like."

    Some of the other topics we touched on are:

    -Stigma surrounding getting counseling

    -True Identity

    -Safe healing of younger self

    -How this technique healed me (Julie) after a trauma

    -What is self compassion?

    -Silencing the inner critic

    -Observing ourselves

    -Learning to die daily

    -True self vs. human self

    -3 forms of sanctification

    -How proper alignment rewires our brain

    -What happens when our wounded soul leads

    -Disease and the body

    -Getting blindsided

    -Growing in resiliency 

    -Acknowledge pain begins healing

    -No regret

    -Being centered and grounded in Jesus

    -Fear vs. love base (get vs. give)

    -Embracing hard, unexpected changes as an upgrade

    -Redeeming our lost gifts

    -Self hate

    -Perfectionism vs. excellence

    -Self Compassion Exercise (39:00)


    -The message on Gayle's heart

    -Whom we should interview next



    "Live Free: The Inner Journey to Healing" by Gayle Belanger


    Follow along with Gayle's journey & find out more info at Live Free, on Facebook or on IG at @livefreeministry

    Ep 78 Mark Matlock: Controversial Conversations

    Ep 78 Mark Matlock: Controversial Conversations

    "We have lost the art of finding common ground. We immediately come in and we look for clues to figure out whether someone is on our side or not."

    After speaking to millions of teens and leaders around the world for the last few decades, Mark Matlock is still not afraid to "stir the pot." As the author of over 20 books, this established thought leader, advisor, and executive leader of WisdomWorks and Youth Specialities, is constantly pressing the boundaries of "safe" conversation and spurring us on to have THOUGHTFUL conversation instead. In this chat, Mark shares tips for examining the tension between faith and politics, brings wisdom for difficult conversations that occur within opposing viewpoints, and shows us how we can regain the art of finding common ground. This eye-opening discussion is overflowing with wisdom for traveling today's social media landscape. I hope you will be inspired to dig deeper and explore the tensions that arise with open hearts and open eyes.  

    "So I’ve assigned to them this idea that they are malicious and I treat them that way without realizing that maybe they’re like me--trying to figure this out. Maybe they’re trying to navigate a difficult thing. Maybe they’re trying to figure out how to respond for Christ. So I’ve tried to come along and explore those things as opposed to pre-judge people." 

    Some of the other topics we touched on are: 

    -A main source of generational tension within the church

    -What is an "Unusual Truth Expositor?"

    -Why the American Bible Society began

    -How it feels to meet the Pope

    -Navigating difficult topics in social media conversations

    -Why written words matter even today

    -The lost art

    -Assumptions that most people make

    -Exploring the tension between faith and political view

    -What we SHOULD talk about first

    -The message on Mark's heart

    -Help people see Jesus more

    -Our role in the "courtroom"

    -Whom we should interview next



    "Raising Wise Children: Handing Down the Story of Wisdom" by Mark Matlock

    "Real World Parents: Christian Parenting for Families Living in the Real World" by Mark Matlock

    "Wisdom on....Friends, Dating and Relationships (Wisdom Series)" by Mark Matlock

    "Faith for Exiles: 5 Ways for a New Generation to Follow Jesus in Digital Babylon" by David Kinnamon & Mark Matlock (available for pre-order!)


    "Actionable Gamification: Beyond Points, Badges, and Leaderboards" by Yu-kai Chou

    "Raising a Modern Day Knight: A Father's Role in Guiding His Son to Authentic Manhood" by Robert Lewis


    Follow along with Mark's journey on FB here

    Ep 78 Mark Matlock: Controversial Conversations

    Ep 78 Mark Matlock: Controversial Conversations

    "We have lost the art of finding common ground. We immediately come in and we look for clues to figure out whether someone is on our side or not."

    After speaking to millions of teens and leaders around the world for the last few decades, Mark Matlock is still not afraid to "stir the pot." As the author of over 20 books, this established thought leader, advisor, and executive leader of WisdomWorks and Youth Specialities, is constantly pressing the boundaries of "safe" conversation and spurring us on to have THOUGHTFUL conversation instead. In this chat, Mark shares tips for examining the tension between faith and politics, brings wisdom for difficult conversations that occur within opposing viewpoints, and shows us how we can regain the art of finding common ground. This eye-opening discussion is overflowing with wisdom for traveling today's social media landscape. I hope you will be inspired to dig deeper and explore the tensions that arise with open hearts and open eyes.  

    "So I’ve assigned to them this idea that they are malicious and I treat them that way without realizing that maybe they’re like me--trying to figure this out. Maybe they’re trying to navigate a difficult thing. Maybe they’re trying to figure out how to respond for Christ. So I’ve tried to come along and explore those things as opposed to pre-judge people." 

    Some of the other topics we touched on are: 

    -A main source of generational tension within the church

    -What is an "Unusual Truth Expositor?"

    -Why the American Bible Society began

    -How it feels to meet the Pope

    -Navigating difficult topics in social media conversations

    -Why written words matter even today

    -The lost art

    -Assumptions that most people make

    -Exploring the tension between faith and political view

    -What we SHOULD talk about first

    -The message on Mark's heart

    -Help people see Jesus more

    -Our role in the "courtroom"

    -Whom we should interview next



    "Raising Wise Children: Handing Down the Story of Wisdom" by Mark Matlock

    "Real World Parents: Christian Parenting for Families Living in the Real World" by Mark Matlock

    "Wisdom on....Friends, Dating and Relationships (Wisdom Series)" by Mark Matlock

    "Faith for Exiles: 5 Ways for a New Generation to Follow Jesus in Digital Babylon" by David Kinnamon & Mark Matlock (available for pre-order!)


    "Actionable Gamification: Beyond Points, Badges, and Leaderboards" by Yu-kai Chou

    "Raising a Modern Day Knight: A Father's Role in Guiding His Son to Authentic Manhood" by Robert Lewis


    Follow along with Mark's journey on FB here

    Ep 77 Arik & Hannah Housley: Alaina's Voice

    Ep 77 Arik & Hannah Housley:  Alaina's Voice

    "Everybody talks about how strong we are all the time, but it’s really how much we’ve been lifted up by everyone around us from literally the first second."  

    Arik & Hannah Housley are learning to live in a new world after losing their beautiful 18 yr old daughter Alaina to gun violence at Borderline in 2018. We are so honored and humbled that they shared in such an honest way about their experience from what has carried them through every parent's nightmare to honoring many of those who have supported them (they honored at least 23 people in this podcast-- I counted!). We also discussed their feelings toward the shooter, how faith has impacted their journey and "Alaina's Voice" -- a movement to change the world through kindness.

    "From a couple of friends that have lost loved ones, I remember thinking to myself “I would be so mad at God if this happened to me.” and it was also again like a message of the exact opposite. Like you expect one thing and it’s the complete opposite."

    Some of the other topics we touched on are: 

    -Learning about Alaina

    -The story of the Borderline shooting & finding out the terrible news

    -Being a creator instead of a victim

    -How "Alaina's Voice" was created & what she would say

    -Finding balance & truly living in the aftermath

    -Why "strong" looks different now

    -Why we need to focus on impacting our youth specifically

    -Acts of kindness that have stood out to them

    -"We don't need somebody to hate"

    -Dealing with feelings about the shooter

    -Why we need somebody to blame

    -A chance for change before this happens again

    -Faith's impact on their journey

    -The sources of their strength

    -Does time heal? 

    -What they've gained through this process

    -Why Alaina wants you the eat dark chocolate ;)

    -The message on their hearts

    -Whom we should interview next


    Resources Mentioned: 

    Engaged Encounter

    Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Tranforms the Way We Live, Love parent, and Lead by Brene Brown

    Daily Dose by Brene Brown


    Alaina's Voice Foundation on Facebook

    Alaina's Voice Foundation on Twitter

    #alainasvoice on IG 

    Ep 76 Jeff Hutsell: Not Business As usual -- Building a Grace-Infused Culture at Work

    Ep 76 Jeff Hutsell: Not Business As usual -- Building a Grace-Infused Culture at Work

    Jeff Hutsell is in the process of turning "business as usual" on it's head.  Taking the merit and cut throat competition out of the workplace, this Owner/CEO is intentional about creating an environment built on trust, honesty, freedom to fail, the freedom to create (and of course rising productivity!) and it all comes down to one word: grace. In today's chat with Jeff, he talks to us about how a grace-infused business is different than the world we are used to, adjusting our mindsets what grace really means, how the ability to fail without fear is changing their company and creativity, and what every great leader needs to know. 

    Some of the other topics we touched on are: 

    -Experiencing Christmas in Bethlehem

    -How a Holy Land Tour opened his eyes

    -Finding yourself pampered in your own beliefs

    -Jeff's struggle with "grace"

    -Receiving unmerited favor

    -What distinguishes a grace culture from business as usual

    -The key to building an env't of grace

    -What can go wrong

    -How office conversations have shifted

    -The effects of collaboration and rallying around each other

    -Freeing employees to be creative

    -What every great leader understands

    -Is my leadership agenda me focused or others focused?

    -The message on Jeff's heart

    -Whom we should interview next


    Resources Mentioned: 

    Two Roads, Two Rooms message (long 45 min) by John Lynch

    Two Roads, Two Rooms message (short 6 min) by John Lynch


    "Good to Great: Why some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't" by Jim Collins

    "Learning to Lead Like Jesus: 11 Principles to Help You Serve, Inspire, and Equip Others" by Boyd Bailey

    Follow along with Jeff's journey at IG @jeffhutsell

    Ep 75 Monique Melton: Healing & Humanity

    Ep 75 Monique Melton: Healing & Humanity

    "When you stall healing, you stall growth and even worse stall purpose."  

    "Do the heart work." That is the hard work that healing specialist Monique Melton had devoted her life to. Today she shares about how we can know if we need healing, what keeps most people from getting healed, her own dark, personal struggle that turned her pain into purpose and we how we can be honor all of humanity. 

    "People say time heals.  No. Intentional work over time heals."

    Some of the topics we touched on are: 

     -Warning signs that healing is needed

    -How to handle hard discoveries about ourselves

    -How busy-ness can indicate more below the surface

    -Serving to your detriment

    -What keeps us from getting healed

    -Purpose comes through pain

    -We can't rush the process

    -The "Baking Season"

    -Her struggle with Postpartum Mood Disorder

    -An invitation to explore deeper

    -Dealing with heart pain

    -What does unity look like? 

    -Keeping love, respect, and dignity even when we disagree

    -Losing our humanity

    -Why the heart work matters


    Follow along with Monique's journey at IG @moemotivate or get on her awesome mailing list at MoniqueMelton.com





    Ep 74 Tiffani Tyler: Real World Tips for Thriving Creatives

    Ep 74 Tiffani Tyler: Real World Tips for Thriving Creatives

    Her daring cross country move to Hollywood at only 23 years of age brought Freelance Creative Director Tiffani Tyler amazing opportunities to work with companies like WNBA and Lewis Howes: School of Greatness.  Every week, Tiffani gets to film and hear the top 1% of achievers in their fields and the knowledge that she has gleaned from this combination of experiences is so vast! In this episode aimed at young creatives, entrepreneurs and business owners, Tiffani gets real about the skills you need to know they aren't taught, the most life-impacting interview she's filmed, and what every creative needs after they start to make a living with their art. 

    Some of the topics we touched on are: 

    -Why an unconventional education matters

    -Taking a leap of faith

    -Timing is crucial

    -The wrong way to network

    -Lone wolf mentality

    -Redefining failure

    -Everybody's "couch" days

    -Most important thing young entrepreneurs need to know

    -Grow by saying no

    -Value of $50 days

    -Most life-changing interview

    -The days when no one calls

    -Message on her heart

    -Next interview

    -What every creative needs when they start to make money off their art


    Follow along with Tiffani's journey at IG @tifftylerflim 



    The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

    Hollywood Game Plan: How to Land a Job in Film, TV, and Digital Entertainment: Carole M. Kirschner

    E-Myth: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber

    Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast: Six Steps to Your Best Year of Leadership Part 1 

    School of Greatness: Leslie Odom Jr. "The Art of Booking Gigs" Podcast 





    Ep 73 Chastity Stemmons: Finding True Identity in the Sacred Place & A Blessing for 2019!

    Ep 73 Chastity Stemmons: Finding True Identity in the Sacred Place & A Blessing for 2019!

    "Trust God all the way. Even when there’s potholes and divots and accidents, you still have to trust God all the way."

    What a powerful episode! I was blown away and full on ugly-crying throughout this chat (read: straight up preach) with powerhouse speaker, stylist and transformation specialist Chastity Stemmons! She went so deep into how to discover and develop your true identity, stripping back our masks and self-imposed expectations, and finding strength in the time where you feel all is lost. Not only that, but at the end she shares a blessing for every listener for 2019! I cannot get enough of this episode and I think you'll feel the same.  Hang on time because this episode is a crazy ride!

    "Don’t ignore the little nudges that seem like they don’t add up to anything. It’s the simple obedience in God’s plan that is going to lead to greater results in every area of your life."

    "I had to get rid of my blog because it was hindering me from hearing God. Even though I was talking about God, I was no longer making a place for God in trying to get a post out."

    "Here’s how you know it’s an idol — when God asks you to come from it."


    Some of the topics we touched on were: 

    -Jesus Cappucino

    -How to find out who you really are

    -Why you're not a carbon copy

    -Steps to living out your destiny

    -How to get beyond the mask

    -What happens when we keep surface relationships

    -Why we need to seek

    -Why "I want to be my best self" is inaccurate

    -How Peter moved from betrayer into his prophetic destiny

    -When internal wars clash with culture

    -Why hardest things can sometimes be greatest

    -Being in the "Brook of Cherith" place

    -How to know the next right move

    -Cutting away of what hinders us

    -Reward for planting seeds of obedience

    -Trusting God

    -A 2019 blessing for all listeners and especially entrepreneurs, the ill, & those struggling with infertility


    Follow along with Chastity's journey at www.chastitystemmons.com 


    Ep 72 Tonya West: Tips for Better Finances in 2019 (Including Single Moms)

    Ep 72 Tonya West: Tips for Better Finances in 2019 (Including Single Moms)

    The first year her ex-husband left, Tonya West made $19,000. Her childcare expenses that year cost $12,000. With little knowledge of finance, Tonya struggled for years as a single mom, but now she has brought it full circle.  She became a financial planner with a heart to love her neighbors by helping them take control of their finances, imparting hope and freeing them from shame and embarrassment over financial troubles. In this chat, we talk about common money misconceptions and mistakes, practical advice on how to find ourselves in a better financial position one year from now and she shares valuable financial insight just for single moms along the way. 

    Some of the topics we touched on were:

    -What is exciting about the new year

    -The most common misconception about finance

    -Why you are empowered in your own money situation

    -What to do if you didn't learn about good money habits from your family

    -The heart behind financial advising

    -Why money habits don't stop with you - they are generational

    -The first step to getting finances on track

    -Looking at your debt total for the first time

    -Being free from shame and embarrassment and using emotions to your benefit

    -Biggest money mistake most people are making right now

    -Financial tips for single moms

    -What to do if there's too much month left at the end of your money and you still need food

    -What keeps us from making good decisions

    -One thing we can do to find ourselves in a better financial position one year from now

    -The message on her heart

    -Whom we should interview next



    Financial Peace University

    Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey

    Whistleblower by Amy Block Joy

    Retaliation by Amy Block Joy