
    Life Matters - Separate stories podcast

    Helping you figure out all the big stuff in life: relationships, health, money, work and the world. Let's talk! With trusted experts and your stories, Life Matters is all about what matters to you.
    enAustralian Broadcasting Corporation247 Episodes

    Episodes (247)

    Balancing the books on the shadow education system

    Balancing the books on the shadow education system

    When students are struggling at school or trying to get into a selective-entry high school, some parents may decide to engage a private tutor. But the industry, dubbed the shadow education system, remains largely unregulated, so standards and outcomes vary greatly. With cost-of-living pressures biting, how can parents make the best decisions for their children? Meanwhile, concerns remain about inequity for those families who cannot afford to pay for extra schooling.

    Is the travel industry ageist?

    Is the travel industry ageist?

    The Boomer generation pretty much kickstarted the whole backpacking movement in the 1960s and 1970s. Now some hotels won't accept bookings from people over sixty-five years old, and your travel insurance might skyrocket once you turn seventy.

    Is the travel industry ageist? And what opportunities exist for players willing to embrace 'inclusive' tourism?

    What do you get out of being a fan?

    What do you get out of being a fan?

    How do you feel about your favourite star and what would you do to show your devotion to them? Would you hand over a month's wages to see them in concert? Or get a tattoo? We look at the benefits of fandom, and how we can draw identity and community from our idols with psychologist, Chris Cheers, who shares his love for Dolly Parton.

    Will switching to a 'dumb phone' bring your attention back?

    Will switching to a 'dumb phone' bring your attention back?

    Many of us have a problematic relationship with our smartphones, checking emails or doomscrolling into the late hours of the night.

    It can feel hard to resist the pull of constantly pinging notifications, could downgrading to a phone without these capabilities restore your inner peace?

    There's a small but growing group switching to 'dumb phones' to take control of their lives back. We look at what it's like, and how to get on top of your digital nutrition.

    The unparalleled joy of watching a muster dog round up sheep

    The unparalleled joy of watching a muster dog round up sheep

    The world is becoming increasingly automated, but when it comes to herding livestock on a farm, working dogs are more efficient than any machine. So what is it about the dog and sheep relationship and the dog and farmer relationship that is so special? And why, judging by the popularity of ABC TV’s Muster Dogs, is watching a muster dog at work something none of us can get enough of?

    Rodney and Jeff have 7 kids co-parented with five other couples. How do they make it work?

    Rodney and Jeff have 7 kids co-parented with five other couples. How do they make it work?

    Rodney and his partner Jeff are the proud parents of seven kids. They co-parent with five other couples and believe living in extended, chosen families is the best way to make life happy for everyone involved. For anyone finding the nuclear family model unsustainable, both practically and financially, how could they follow Jeff and Rodney’s lead?   

    How to talk to teens when they get benched

    How to talk to teens when they get benched

    Sport has benefits for everyone, from better physical health to improved social skills and resilience. Yet eight out of 10 Australian children fail to meet the WHO's guidelines of doing 60 minutes of physical activity a day. Team sports can be great, but some teens give up when the competition gets too intense, especially if coaches give them less playing time than others. So how can parents and coaches help cushion the blow of being benched?

    Jim Moginie, The Silver River

    Jim Moginie, The Silver River

    Beds are Burning, Blue Sky Mine and Power and the Passion: these are just a few of the epic songs Jim Moginie would co-write for the band Midnight Oil. 

    Jim is a founding member - songwriter, guitarist and keyboardist - but beyond the band life he held a mystery close to his heart...a big unanswered question. Where did he really come from?

    His memoir is called The Silver River: a memoir of family lost and found.


    Jim Moginie, musician and author

    Minions, not overlords: Finding answers in a digital future

    Minions, not overlords: Finding answers in a digital future

    Every day, we interact with dozens of algorithms as we go about our lives: they plan the best route between destinations; help us find new music; and curate our social media feeds. 

    Meanwhile, AI tools are learning to generate content in a way that seemed like science fiction a decade ago.

    But these same tools are raising major questions about the way they're created and used, and the power they might have over our lives.

    Is it possible to take the good parts of this emerging technology without resigning ourselves to the negatives?

    Have you talked to your loved one about their end-of-life choices?

    Have you talked to your loved one about their end-of-life choices?

    As Australia's population ages, our need for palliative care services is expected to double by 2050. But regardless of age, not everyone gets the same access to end-of-life care when living at home.

    Meanwhile, a new resource aims to help the families of those moving into aged care, so they can be ready to anticipate their loved one's palliative care needs in future.

    The relationship is the project: building together as a community

    The relationship is the project: building together as a community

    Whether it's a garden or a huge art project, working together as a community can be a chance to create something exciting and lasting.

    But these kinds of big collaborative projects come with challenges: in the way they're run, and the kinds of relationships they involve between community members and practitioners.

    Jade Lillie and Adolfo Aranjuez discuss what it takes to come together and build relationships that extend far beyond the deadlines?

    Are airline point schemes worth it?

    Are airline point schemes worth it?

    Airline loyalty programs can seem great, it's always good to get something for nothing, right?

    In a time where every dollar counts, you might want your dollar taking you as far as it can.

    But the hamster wheel of earning points, particular when credit cards are involved, can expose us to financial traps.

    We look at what airline points really get you.

    Rethinking housework: how mindful housekeeping can boost wellbeing

    Rethinking housework: how mindful housekeeping can boost wellbeing

    Doing the dishes, folding laundry, getting in the garden, or cooking dinner might feel like ‘chores’: just more things on the big list of nuisances we don't have time for.

    But changing our mindset around housekeeping can help our mental clarity and wellbeing.

    We explore the cultural devaluation of ‘home’ work, and how rethinking our relationship with domestic can improve our lives.