
    Little Winks Baby Sleep Strategies

    This podcast will help you to teach your baby and toddler to sleep better at night and have better naps so you can enjoy parenting while keeping your sanity.
    enAnna McMillan48 Episodes

    Episodes (48)

    Episode 47: Awake Times - What to do when your baby is undertired

    Episode 47: Awake Times - What to do when your baby is undertired

    So your baby is fighting bedtime, baby's naps are short, baby is waking up in the middle of the night ready to party! What the heck is going on? It may just be that your baby is undertired. So what do you do if your baby is undertired? Should you just keep baby up later? Drop a nap?

    It is hard to navigate baby's sleep so Certified Sleep Coach Anna McMillan and her teammates Ashley and Robyn have a helpful conversation all about undertiredness. Learn how to tell if your baby is undertired and how to adjust naps and awake times so your baby can sleep through the night and have great naps!

    Get great sleep resources below!


    8 Things to do in the First Six Weeks


    Awake Times Chart


    Nap Chart


    Ending Early Mornings


    Best Bedtime Routine


    3 Keys to Unlocking Frustration


    Daycare Class


    Toddler Sleep Class


    Newborn Sleep  Class


    Infant Sleep Class




    1:1 Coaching with a Little Winks Certified Sleep Coach


    Sleep Sleep Baby Infant Sleep Course


    Nurturing Newborn Sleep


    Taking on Toddler Sleep


    Learning Your Littles


    Navigating Naptime


    Make traveling with your little ones easier with our Travel Guide








    Peanut App




    Tik Tok


    Check out more great articles and informational posts on our BLOG!



    Episode 46: Awake Times 2 - What to do when your baby is overtired

    Episode 46: Awake Times 2 - What to do when your baby is overtired

    Welcome to part 2 of our Awake Times series! Today is all about Overtiredness. Anna, Ashley and Robyn continue their conversation and talk about their own experiences as mamas of new babies and how overtiredness impacted their families.

    They talk about:

    What is overtiredness?

    How does overtiredness affect my baby?

    How do I recognize overtiredness in my baby?

    How do I resolve overtiredness?

    And more!

    Find great sleep resources below:


    8 Things to do in the First Six Weeks


    Awake Times Chart


    Nap Chart


    Ending Early Mornings


    Best Bedtime Routine


    3 Keys to Unlocking Frustration


    Daycare Class


    Toddler Sleep Class


    Newborn Sleep  Class


    Infant Sleep Class



    1:1 Coaching with a Little Winks Certified Sleep Coach


    Sleep Sleep Baby Infant Sleep Course


    Nurturing Newborn Sleep


    Taking on Toddler Sleep


    Learning Your Littles


    Navigating Naptime


    Make traveling with your little ones easier with our Travel Guide







    Peanut App




    Tik Tok


    Check out more great articles and informational posts on our BLOG!




    Episode 45: Awake Times AKA Nap Math

    Episode 45: Awake Times AKA Nap Math

    How do you know how long your baby should be awake? What is a good nap schedule for my baby? Do you find yourself asking these questions? Certified Sleep Coach Anna and moms Ashley and Robyn chat all things baby and toddler awake times. AKA Nap Math. 

    You'll learn:

    Why awake times are important

    How to make sure baby has appropriate awake times

    What happens if your awake times are off

    How long should your baby's last awake time be

    Bridging naps

    And more!

    Listen to help get your baby on a great nap schedule to help them sleep great through the night


    Get your General Awake Times Chart HERE

    Episode 44: How Sleep Changed My Life

    Episode 44: How Sleep Changed My Life

    Certified Sleep Coach Anna McMillan chats with a client turned team mate about how sleep actually changed her life. Before learning how to gently teach her baby to sleep, Ashley was a sleep deprived mama who desperately needed her 4 month old baby to sleep. 

    Listen in as they discuss:

    • How sleep deprivation can affect parents of babies and toddlers
    • How a parent's stress impacts a baby's ability to learn
    • How a baby's stress impacts their ability to learn
    • How finally getting enough sleep impacts how a parent funtions
    • How Little Winks can help you get the sleep you need from bedtime, through the night, ending early mornings and getting naps on track

    Learn more: https://littlewinkssleep.com/

    Find us on:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/littlewinkssleep/

    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@littlewinkssleep?lang=en

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3U2Gkx6W_ZIFu1bk3Q-Org

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/Littlewinkssleepbaby/



    Episode 43: Conquering Christmas Chaos

    Episode 43: Conquering Christmas Chaos

    Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year! However, if you have babies or toddlers, it can be the most challenging time of the year! With activities and family visits, dinners out and overnight guests, baby and toddler sleep can be disrupted, or naps can be skipped altogether! Then we're left with overtired, overstimulated little ones that just Can Not!

    Have no fear! With their usual humour and candor, Certified Sleep Coach Anna McMillan and her teammates Ashley and Robyn are here to help! Get all the info for:

    • Planning for holiday celebrating
    • Traveling to and from events
    • How to get downtime to decompress
    • Setting boundaries with friends and family members to protect sleep
    • Contingency plans for baby and toddler sleep
    • Bedtime and naps during the holidays
    • How to handle pressure from others to just let them stay up....it's Christmas afterall
    • And more!

    You can have great family time and celebrating over Christmas and still have sleep for your little ones. And if you need help recovering when sleep goes out the window, we've got you!

    Check out Little Winks Sleep to get your baby or toddler sleeping and time for yourself over the holidays!


    Episode 42: Making Multiples Managable

    Episode 42: Making Multiples Managable

    Do you have more than one little one? Whether it's twins, triplets (or more) or a baby and a toddler or two, sleep is more complicated when there's more than one. But have no fear, it can be done! Certified Sleep Coach Anna McMillan, along with other mamas of multiples, talk about:

    -how to manage different sleep schedules

    -how to help your toddler when you need to put your baby down for sleep 

    -how to do naps with multiples and not be chained to the crib

    -and so much more

    Your babies and toddlers can have great sleep while you have a life too! 

    Episode 41: 5 Years of Births, Babies and Toddlers sleeping!

    Episode 41: 5 Years of Births, Babies and Toddlers sleeping!

    We can't believe it's been 5 years of helping families get the sleep they need! We invite you to get to know the story behind Little Winks Sleep! Anna has a fun filled conversation with Robyn and Ashley again as they ask her all the questions about: 

    • Why Anna started Little Winks
    • How and where she got her training
    • How each coach came to join the team
    • Meet the 'behind the scenes' team
    • And more!

    Anna is passionate about helping families and teaching babies and toddlers to sleep through the night without crying it out! You can end those night wakings, have a quick and effective bedtime routine to signal to your little one that it's time to sleep, lay your baby down awake and they will fall asleep on their own, end early mornings and help your baby have epic naps!



    Episode 40: SOS from a Newborn Mom

    Episode 40: SOS from a Newborn Mom

    If you're the mom of a newborn, expecting a baby or know someone with a new baby you dont want to miss this! Certified Sleep Coach Anna McMillan chats with 2 of her team members for a Q&A all about newborns. Learn when  its ok to wait for your baby to wake you up for a feed, how to manage travel with a baby, how to use soothers and best practice for using a swaddle.

    Learn more about Little Winks Sleep at https://littlewinkssleep.com/


    Episode 39: Recovering from Daylight Savings

    Episode 39: Recovering from Daylight Savings

    Certified Sleep Coach Anna McMillan and two of her team members talk about how Daylight Savings in the Fall can mess with your baby's sleep. Especially causing early mornings! Listen to get tips and strategies for naps and how you can help your baby adjust to the time change and get back to sleeping through the night and waking up in the morning and not the middle of the night! 

    Visit us at https://littlewinkssleep.com/ to learn more about how to gently teach your baby to sleep through the night without crying it out!

    Episode 38: Getting Out The Door Without Melting Down

    Episode 38: Getting Out The Door Without Melting Down

    If getting out the door takes forever and involves meltdowns, this episode is a Must Listen! Anna chats with Behaviour Specialist Mandy Grass about how to make transitions such as getting out the door in the morning go more smoothly for you and your little ones. Learn strategies for moving into bathtime and bedtime as well. Anna and Mandy discuss topic that include:

    • Setting expectations for your child
    • Having systems in place
    • Planning for transitions
    • What's important for parents

    You can find Mandy on Instagram, Tik Tok and her Website.

    Episode 37: My secret for uninterrupted sleep while travelling

    Episode 37: My secret for uninterrupted sleep while travelling

    Anna is joined by co-founder of Slumberpod Katy Mallory to chat about Katy's experience as an entrepreneur and mother of 3. 

    Katy Mallory is co-founder and CEO of SlumberPod.  Katy and her mother (Lou Childs) were inspired to invent SlumberPod and start the company following a few sleepless nights on a family trip. SlumberPod is a quick assembly privacy pod that covers a playard, mini crib or toddler mattress -- giving baby their own dark and private place to sleep while sharing a room with family. Since launching SlumberPod in 2016, the company has helped more than 200,000 families with small children sleep better while traveling or at home – and has several more innovative juvenile products in the pipeline. Prior to joining SlumberPod full-time, Katy did her best to juggle a full-time role in corporate America, growing the SlumberPod brand and motherhood (Katy is mom to a 9-year-old and 6-year-old twins).

    Join Anna and Katy as they discuss topics such as:

    Traveling with kids

    Safe sleep while traveling

    Secrets for getting the most out of your Slumberpod

    Features and tips for using Slumberpod 

    And so much more!

    Find Slumberpod 

    Instragram: https://www.instagram.com/slumberpod/

    Website: https://www.slumberpod.com/

    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@slumberpod




    Episode 36: Creativity and Motherhood

    Episode 36: Creativity and Motherhood

    Anna welcomes friend and artist Joy Kinna to chat about life as a creative working mom.  Balancing work and family life can be challenging but it can be done! It takes creativity and possibly adjusting expectioans. Anna and Joy have been where you are as a new parent and have wisdom to share!

    Joy Kinna is a freelance artist living and working just outside of Vancouver, BC Canada.

    Joy has always been enthralled by the experience of art-making itself. The feeling of her hands engaging with the materials, the moments before and after mark making, and the subtle shifts in seeing the natural world around her.  Her work is the accumulation of feelings, memories, landscape, subconscious and conscious thoughts that form into colours and shapes that she interacts with on canvas.   Her work is primarily driven by the way she experiences the world visually, through the mental notes she takes as she goes about her day-to-day.  Another key part to her practice is the fact she has grown up surrounded by the landscape of the coast and this is a major theme that continues to bring life and vision to her work.

    Joy is passionate about the unique and integral impact artwork can have within a space. She believes that art can be a fulfilling experience in the spaces we dwell.

    Topics discussed include:

    Starting a family while starting a business

    Following your dreams during early motherhood

    Changing expectations during early motherhood

    Taking care of mama

    Managing your time

    And much more!

    Find Joy Kinna on:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joykinna/

    Website: https://www.joykinna.com/

    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/search?q=joy%20kinna&t=1678225354806




    Episode 35 - Minimalism without Misery

    Episode 35 - Minimalism without Misery

    Certified Sleep Coach Anna McMillan chats with Sancia Toth about living a minimilist lifestyle that fits you and your family. No strict rules here! They discuss what it means to be minimalist in a way that reduces stress for you and your children. Topics discussed include:

    Curating your life

    Making your own version of minimalism

    How a minimalist lifestyle, or order in your life, can affect your relationships

    Helping your children pare down their toys, art and other things they want to hang on to. Tips for how to talk to your children about giving away their old toys

    How your environment impacts your mood and how an organized environment helps  kids organize as well

    And so much more.


    Find Sancia on Instagram, and her podcast Minimalist Mornings

    Episode 34: Safe Beginnings with Holly Choi

    Episode 34: Safe Beginnings with Holly Choi

    Anna chats with Holly Choi from Safe Beginnings about all things BABY SAFETY.

    Holly Choi is a leader in childhood injury prevention education in North America. Holly is a nationally-certified first aid instructor, and a nationally certified Child Passenger Safety Technician-Instructor. Holly is a member of both the International Association for Child Safety (IAFCS) and Prevent Child Injury, and has completed additional child-focused safety training in child passenger safety and childhood burn prevention. Her extensive experience and knowledge in baby and toddler safety (first aid, car seat safety, childproofing, and injury prevention), in addition to being a mom of 2, gives her a well-rounded and unique perspective. 

    Holly is the sole Child Safety Expert for Parentville by buybuy BABY and Kinedu Learn.​

    Whether you're expecting your first baby or your baby arrived a few months ago, it's never too late to learn all about how to keep you baby safe while still allowing them to explore and take risks as they learn about the world around them. Anna and Holly discuss topics such as:

    The top 3 things every parent should know about baby safety

    Safety risks vs hazards

    Baby CPR

    Baby choking

    Babyproofing top tips

    Infant car seats

    and so much more

    This conversation is a must for new parents and even those with some experience under their belt!

    Find Holly Choi at:

    Website: https://safebeginnings.ca/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/safebeginnings/

    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@safebeginnings?lang=en

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@safebeginnings




    Episode 33: My Biggest Early Morning Mistake

    Episode 33: My Biggest Early Morning Mistake

    Even as a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, I can still make mistakes with my baby's sleep. Especially when it's my third baby, life can get crazy and you're in the thick of it!

    I'm sharing with you the big mistake I made that was contributing to my 4 month old baby waking up early. I talk about naps and awake times and how not having these on point can contribute to baby waking up to early in the morning. 

    I can help you avoid making this mistake and help your baby sleep through the night for 10-12 hours on their own! You can enjoy some time in the morning before the babies wake up and actually finish a HOT cup of coffee!

    Episode 32: Do I Need to Take My Child to the ER for This?

    Episode 32: Do I Need to Take My Child to the ER for This?

    We've all been there. Our little one has a fever or has fallen down or is just not seeming themselves. The doctor's office is closed and we wonder, "Should I take my kid to the emergency room?" Coach Anna chats with ER pediatrician Dr. Nkeiru Orajiaka to discuss these questions and more! Topics they discuss include:

    -When a visit to the emergency room is recommended

    -When an ER visit isn't necessary

    -Common things Dr. Orajiaka has seen

    -How to prevent childhood and baby injury

    -What to look for to help decide if you should head to the ER