
    Living and Loving Your Life with Chantel Allen

    Learn how to stop overthinking and overdoing so you can connect to the one thing you shy away from: your emotions. I’ll show you how to align your head and your heart so you can harness the power of emotion to take control of your life and create the impact you dream of. www.chantelallencoaching.com
    enChantel Allen268 Episodes

    Episodes (268)

    Hit a plateau in your personal growth? Here are 4 keys to dramatically change your life with Monica Packer

    Hit a plateau in your personal growth? Here are 4 keys to dramatically change your  life with Monica Packer

    In today's episode, our guest Monica Packer, a leading expert in personal development, introduces her unique "progress model." Get ready for an eye-opening discussion on sustainable growth, breaking free from the "all or nothing lie," and leveraging your intuition to navigate your path to progress.

    🛑 Breaking the Plateau Myth: Monica challenges the common perception of plateaus as obstacles, reframing them as essential pauses in our progress. Explore the significance of these moments and how embracing them can lead to more sustainable and meaningful growth.

    🚀 The Progress Model Unveiled: Our guest unveils her exclusive "progress model" – a roadmap for those seeking to grow in sustainable ways. Learn how to escape the trap of the "all or nothing lie", perfectionism and discover practical steps to make consistent progress in various areas of your life.

    🔍 Using Intuition to Navigate Progress: Monica shares insights into the power of intuition in decision-making. Explore how tuning into your instincts can be a game-changer in determining the right pace and direction for your progress. Discover a more personalized and fulfilling approach to reaching your goals.

    💡 Getting to Know Yourself for Progress: Dive deep into the importance of self-awareness in the journey of progress. Monica emphasizes the role of understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and values in shaping a path that aligns with your authentic self. Uncover strategies to harness your unique qualities for more effective and enjoyable growth.

    🆓 Free Download Offer: As a special gift to our listeners, Monica is offering a free download that complements the insights shared in this episode. Access valuable resources to enhance your progress journey and embrace sustainable growth. Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity!

    Do Something List 

    Get ready to shatter the plateau myth and redefine your path to progress with Monica on this empowering episode of Living and Loving Your life. Tune in now and discover a new perspective that will transform the way you navigate your journey towards personal growth and fulfillment!

    Connect with Monica on Instagram: @aboutprogress

    Check out Monica's podcast- About Progress.

    Show Notes: Click Here

    Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching 
    & come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

    If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself-  sign up with this link here. 

    Navigating Resistance

    Navigating Resistance

    One thing that has been very top-of-mind: Opposition.

    You know when you get in the groove and then suddenly life happens? It can be so frustrating and even tempting to throw yourself a pity party. But, what if that opposition was a sign that you’re doing something right? Or, that you might be on the right path? I’ve found that the greatest lessons can come in the resistance that pops up between us and our goals.

    I know you’ve heard the saying “if it was easy, everybody would do it.” Even though it’s overused, I’ve found that there’s not much to learn or grow from when everything is smooth sailing. However, there are tools that can help you through the opposition without feeling frustrated or giving up. A big part of it can be changing your perspective from “why is this happening to me?” to “what is this teaching me?”

    And if you're eager to delve deeper into these transformative topics, consider joining our CALM Connection Project (CCP). Here, you'll find a supportive space to explore, learn, and grow alongside like-minded individuals who are committed to embracing love as the guiding force in their lives.

    Just click this link to sign up for CCP. 

    To access show notes: click here

    Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching 
    & come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

    What Would Love Do?

    What Would Love Do?

    I want you to ponder a profound question: "What would love do?" This simple yet potent inquiry holds the key to unlocking our truest selves and guiding us towards a life filled with authenticity and alignment.

    In this episode, we unravel the dichotomy between the ego and the essence of love. Our ego often leads us astray, causing us to act in ways that betray our deepest values and desires. It can cloud our judgment, fueling fear, insecurity, and selfishness. But when we consciously choose to drop into our true selves, we tap into the boundless reservoir of love that resides within each of us.

    As we navigate the complexities of life, from decision-making dilemmas to challenging relationships, asking ourselves, "What would love do?" becomes our compass. It empowers us to act from a place of compassion, empathy, and authenticity. It simplifies the most intricate situations, guiding us towards choices that honor our higher selves and serve the greater good.

    Join us on this journey of self-discovery and transformation. Share this podcast with your loved ones and invite them to explore the profound implications of living by the mantra, "What would love do?" Together, let's create a community where we support each other in embodying the essence of love in every aspect of our lives.

    And if you're eager to delve deeper into these transformative topics, consider joining our CALM Connection Project (CCP). Here, you'll find a supportive space to explore, learn, and grow alongside like-minded individuals who are committed to embracing love as the guiding force in their lives.

    Just click this link to sign up for CCP. 


    To access show notes: click here

    Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching 
    & come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

    Habits that Make Life Simpler with Guest Chanelle Neilson

    Habits that Make Life Simpler with Guest Chanelle Neilson

    In today's episode, we're joined by Chanelle Neilson, a renowned expert in habit formation and the founder of Mom University. Get ready for an insightful conversation that explores the science behind habits and how implementing tiny changes can lead to significant improvements.

    🔍 Episode Highlights:

    1. Unpacking the Science of Habits: Chanelle breaks down the science of habits, explaining how our brains are wired to create and maintain routines. Discover the psychology behind habit formation and how understanding this process can empower you to make positive changes in your life.

    2. Start Small, Win Big: Why start small? Our guest emphasizes the importance of beginning with manageable habits rather than overwhelming ourselves with big goals. Learn how the tiny habits formula can be the key to sustainable change, making the journey towards improvement more accessible and enjoyable.

    3. The Tiny Habits Formula: Dive into the specifics of the tiny habits formula and how it can be applied to various aspects of your life. Chanelle provides actionable insights on how listeners can implement this formula to cultivate habits that stick.

    4. Habits that Make a Difference in Life: For all the women out there, this segment is tailored just for you. Discover specific habits that can make a profound impact on mom life, making the daily routine smoother and more enjoyable.

    5. Mom University Retreat Invitation: Chanelle extends a warm invitation to listeners to join her Mom University retreat. Find out what this unique experience has to offer and how it can be a game-changer in your journey to cultivating positive habits.

    🌟 Join Us at Mom University Retreat! Ready to take your habits to the next level? Chanelle invites you to join her at the Mom University retreat. Immerse yourself in a supportive community, gain valuable insights, and make lasting changes. Check out the link below for more details and secure your spot!

    YES tell me more about Mom University

    🎁 Free Simplify Toolbox Download: To make it even easier for you to get started, Chanelle is generously offering a free Simplify Toolbox download. Access essential tools and resources that will streamline your journey towards a more organized and simplified life. Click the link below to claim your free download!

    [Link to Simplify Toolbox Download]

    Tune in now and embark on a journey towards a happier and more fulfilled you!

    Connect with Chanelle on Instagram: @universityformoms


    To access show notes: click here

    Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching 
    & come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

    The Journey from the Head to the Heart

    The Journey from the Head to the Heart

    Do you struggle to understand the meaning behind emotion work? 

    Do you hear other people talk about it and wonder what the buzz is all about ?

    Find out on today's podcast what the journey from your heart and head is all about. 

    During todays episode we discuss the purpose of knowing your why behind doing anything and how that is a game changer when going through any growth. If you don't have an intention- you'll likely not follow through. 

    So discover your why and then join me on the journey of connecting your head to your heart. 

    &&& Exciting news mentioned in this episode: 
    CCP- CALM Connection Project is Open for enrollment. If you've been looking for a support system, a place to hold you accountable and a place for connection to yourself, emotions and relationships- this container is for you. 

    Come join the movement that is changing the coaching industry. 

    Kick off call is February 2!

    Just click this link to sign up for CCP. 


    To access show notes: click here

    Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching 
    & come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

    Belonging vs. Fitting In

    Belonging vs. Fitting In

    We all want to feel like we have a place in this world. We want to be accepted and appreciated.

    However, the way we do that, really matters.

    Many of us may find that we tend to do what we can to fit in. We try to like the shows, the podcasts or songs of our friends to fit in and have something to talk about. Maybe you buy the clothes, say more things or do more things because you're trying to fit in. But how do you feel when you're trying to fit in? Usually it's a graspy heavy place. And it doesn't work long term. Fitting in is a constantly changing thing since it's all based on external things.


    Belonging. Belonging is being who you are. In fact belonging never asks you to change who you are, it demands you be who you are. Belonging has ease attached to it. It's internal.

    So how do we shift from fitting in to belonging? Let's discuss that today on the podcast.  

    &&& Exciting news mentioned in this episode: 
    If you wanna kick off NEW YEARS with me! Come join our totally free webinar TOMORROW where I’m breaking out how I’m crafting my vision for 2024 that I think could be really helpful for you too!
    Just click this link to sign up for the Workshop. 

    When Emotions are High and Intelligence is Low

    When Emotions are High and Intelligence is Low

    Do you ever have those moments when you're feeling an emotion and you get stuck trying to figure out why?

    And as you try to figure it out- you find that you get frustrated?

    We've all heard that phrase "when emotions are high and intelligence is low" but for some reason we still think we need to figure it all out when we're feeling super emotional.

    What if trying to figure it out is half the problem? What if we just need to learn to validate the emotion to help navigate the situations that feel so heavy at times?

    Today we revisit the CALM method and apply it to this situation.

    C- Learn to call it out. Even if you don't know the name of it, learn to acknowledge it.

    A- Allow it. This step can take some time but work to be able to see and experience the emotion without needing to change it.

    L- Listen to it and Let it be. It has a good reason for being there. If it feel safe, learn to let the emotion speak and you listen. Validate what it shares.

    M- Move with it. Bring it with you now with the intent of allowing the emotion.

    We need to learn to notice the emotions before they're exploding but if we're exploding its ok too. CALM the emotion.  

    &&& Exciting news mentioned in this episode: 
    If you wanna kick off NEW YEARS with me! Come join our totally free webinar where I’m breaking out how I’m crafting my vision for 2024 that I think could be really helpful for you too!
    Just click this link to sign up for the Workshop. 

    January 26th 9am-12pm MT. 
    We'll be also sharing the details of the new Project CALM Connection Project at that workshop. So sign up to attend! You won't want to miss it! Grab a spot HERE

    Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching 
    & come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

    Show Notes: Access HERE

    What if we treated our emotions like an illness

    What if we treated our emotions like an illness

    When we are sick- do we try to just solve for it by doing more? Do we go for a run, or clean more? Do we try to understand where it's coming from? 

    Not usually. Usually we just know that we're not doing good, we give ourselves the support we think we need, and we rest. We take it easy.

    The same is how we can support our emotions. Instead of just ignoring they're there, trying to outperform them or do something different- let's learn to slow down and be with them. We don't need to understand them. We just need to see them. That is the way through.  

    &&& Exciting news mentioned in this episode: 
    If you wanna kick off NEW YEARS with me! Come join our totally free webinar where I’m breaking out how I’m crafting my vision for 2024 that I think could be really helpful for you too!
    Just click this link to sign up for the Workshop. 

    January 26th 9am-12pm MT. 
    We'll be also sharing the details of the new Project CALM Connection Project at that workshop. So sign up to attend! You won't want to miss it! Grab a spot HERE

    Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching 
    & come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

    What Taking a Break can Create

    What Taking a Break can Create

    Five years ago, if someone had told me that I would take 8 weeks off my podcast- I would have dismissed that idea. Back then, I would have told you that wasn't what successful people do. But this year, things were different. This year with a lot of unknowns, I decided to embark on a journey or self-discovery and healing and today I'm eager to share my experience and insights with you. Can’t wait to hear what you think! 

    &&& Exciting news mentioned in this episode: 
    If you wanna kick off NEW YEARS with me! Come join our totally free webinar where I’m breaking out how I’m crafting my vision for 2024 that I think could be really helpful for you too!
    Just click this link to sign up for the Workshop. 

    January 26th 9am-12pm MT. 
    We'll be also sharing the details of the new Project CALM Connection Project at that workshop. So sign up to attend! You won't want to miss it! Grab a spot HERE

    Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching 
    & come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

    Trying to Process Everything is keeping you Stuck

    Trying to Process Everything is keeping you Stuck

    First off- let's celebrate!! This podcast is 5 years old. 260 episodes and still going strong. Thank you for being apart of this community. I would love for you to share this podcast with 5 people AND leave a podcast review if you haven't yet. You are all amazing and appreicate your love and support. 

    This week also marks my 40th birthday. 40 years. I'm old :). Or maybe I'm young. 

    I have been reflecting back on 40 years of living and 5 years of this podcast. There has been such a transformation over my life. Coaching has changed so much for me over the past 5 years. At first it was all about getting something from it and helping others get something from it. However, that has shifted dramatically. I'm not about helping you get someplace different. My goal with coaching is to help you come home to yourself. Know yourself. Trust yoruself. And connect you more to your Heavenly Father. 

    As part of that. We need to learn how to surrender more to the things we are aware of. Instead of trying to fix everything, just know you see it and that's enough. Emotions, stories and patterns- as soon as we become aware of them- that is all that was needed. We need to surrender to the idea that we have control over letting those things go. Learning to see them and allow them to be there is all that is required. Let them be. 

    Whose with me? 

    If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself-  sign up with this link here. 

    Show Notes found HERE

    Why your kids not having friends may not be a bad thing

    Why your kids not having friends may not be a bad thing

    Do you ever worry that your kids not having friends in the way you think they should- might be a bad thing? 

    Do you find yourself worrying what is going on? 

    Do you blame yourself?

    Do you try to 'fix' the problem?

    What if I shared with you that having no friends isn't a bad thing after all? How would you look at the situation differently? How would you approach your kids situations? 

    Today I want to share my own personal experience with this and what I'm choosing to do with it differently.

    If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself-  sign up with this link here. 

    Show Notes found HERE

    Triggers as Opportunities

    Triggers as Opportunities

    How many times have you heard that we should avoid our triggers?

    How many times do you notice what triggers you and try to distract away from it? Or even blame the trigger for the way you feel? 

    Many of us, especially in the self-development world have heard the term triggers and have actually be taught to not give our power to triggers. 

    While I agree we don't ever want to give something outside of us our power, I also don't want to just dismiss our triggers. 

    I believe that our triggers could be a great opportunity for us to learn more about what needs to be healed within. 

    Triggers can be a great teacher. 

    Triggers can be a blessing. 

    Today I want to share how to recognize our triggers and what to do with them to shift them to being an opportunity rather than a negative thing to avoid. 

    If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself-  sign up with this link here. 

    Show Notes found HERE

    What is Selfishness in Self-Development?

    What is Selfishness in Self-Development?

    We are hearing a lot of messages around Selfishness lately.

    That we need to stop being so selfish. 

    This has a lot of people in the self-development world scratching their heads.

    Should we stop working ourselves? Is that selfish? 

    Selfishness in general has gotten a bad wrap. 

    When we think of that word- we don't typically think of a positive definition. 

    However, I think understanding what it actually is- can help us shed some light on what selfishness really is. 

    I believe there's a spectrum when it comes to selfishness. 

    Selfish is on one side that says I matter and no one else does. I will take care of myself at other people's expense.

    The other side is Self-lessness which interestingly is where people believe is where we are supposed to be. That however is us taking care of everyone else at our own expense. 

    I would offer that there's a place in the middle.

    Learning to take care of ourselves, so we can take care of everyone else.

    How can we expect ourselves to give when we have nothing to give? 

    We need to be selfish to be selfless. 

    The way we do it matters hweover. 

    We are not saying to take care of yourself at everyone else's expense.

    It's taking care of your needs AND loving everyone else. 

    Listen today as we dive deep into this conversation. 

    I would love to hear from you on your thoughts about this. 

    If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself-  sign up with this link here. 

    Show Notes found HERE

    Chopping Wood and Carrying Water- The Art of Daily Diligence

    Chopping Wood and Carrying Water- The Art of Daily Diligence

    Have you ever watched the show "Alone"? It's about these people that get dropped off into a forest with very few tools and compete to see who can outlast everyone else. 

    They have to get prepared by making their own homes, and creating a food and wood storage to last through the cold winter. 

    Now if someone decided one day to just not do anything because they didn't see the point, or because they thought it was so boring, then there may not be consequences in the short term, but their long term goals may take a hit. 

    Learning to chop wood and carry water is such a foundational key we could all use more of in our lives. 

    There are many things we can be doing on a daily basis that can really help prepare us for the hard things in the future. 

    Prayers, scriptures, going to the temple, doing an hour of silence. 

    Cleaning my house, doing laundry, going to the store.

    In the short term, my brain will always think those tasks aren't important. 

    However, in the long term, there's a huge benefit to doing the small menial tasks.

    Chopping wood and carrying water. 

    We want to learn how to take the time to do the small things which can prepare us for the unknown ahead. 

    What are some things you could implement more of this week? 

    If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself-  sign up with this link here. 

    Show Notes found HERE

    Receiving What's Working

    Receiving What's Working

    Often we can get caught up in our lives only focusing on what is not working. 

    We are of course- programmed to look for the problems. 

    However, sometimes its good to take a pause and remember that there are a lot of things working in our lives. 

    There's a lot we could receive. 

    Receiving is a skill to grow. 

    We love to give. 

    We love to solve.

    But receiving is often a bit harder. 

    So today, I challenge you to work on receiving more in your life. 

    More in your day. More in your relationships. More in your health. 

    Receiving opens us up to move. 

    And who doesn't want more. 

    Listen in to see how you can learn to shift to receiving more. 

    If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself-  sign up with this link here. 

    Show Notes found HERE

    What emotional intimacy with ourselves has to do with intimacy in our relationships

    What emotional intimacy with ourselves has to do with intimacy in our relationships

    We have a desire to be connected to our loved ones on a deep level. We want that intimacy. And yet, for so many they are lacking in that connection. 

    They think it has to do with getting their love language fulfilled. 

    Or even having them show up a certain way.

    I want to offer that in order to be connected to anyone else, we have to become intimate and connected to ourselves. 

    We are the gatekeeper to our intimacy. We only allow in what we believe. 

    So if you're wanting to deepen your connection to others, it starts with connecting more to yourself. 

    Let's learn 2 ways to build that connection with yourself. 

    And for the free PDF to the journal prompts discussed today- go here. 

    If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself-  sign up with this link here. 

    Show Notes can be found here

    Trying to Be Productive is Actually Making You Unproductive

    Trying to Be Productive is Actually Making You Unproductive

    Are you feeling overwhelmed? Unsupported? Frustrated? 

    Are you feeling like there isn't enough time to get everything done? 

    I am noticing a collective of people and clients going through this right now. They're is this fear that if they don't get things done, then they are going to be considered unproductive. 

    This is so fascinating to me.

    We are pushing non stop for what? To prove what? 

    I want to shift this conversation to seeing how the drive to being productive as determined on the outside, is actually making us unproductive. 

    Learning to be productive internally is where we'll have the biggest growth. 

    Internal productivity however, can't be measured. So making it a focus is often hard. 

    Our brain doesn't see results it can measure so doesn't think it's worth the time. 

    However, spending more time being unproductive by external measures, is actually where we'll create bigger results in our lives. 

    Listen in to see how to make this shift and why it's something you'll want to implement today. 

    If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself-  sign up with this link here. 

    Show Notes can be found here

    What are you Trying to Prove?

    What are you Trying to Prove?

    Do you notice areas in your life where you're feeling burned out, stuck or frustrated? 

    My guess is that you're trying to prove yourself in some way in those areas. 

    What are you trying to prove? 

    If you don't prove yourself, what does it mean? 

    I noticed this pattern running in my life recently. It's one I have been using for as long as I can remember. I've been trying to prove myself in my business to get valdiation from friends and family members. I've been trying to prove myself with my weight. I've been trying to prove myself as a mom. I've been trying to prove myself with what I can make money wise. 

    Just non stop on the hamster wheel of validation. 

    And it's come to a head. 

    I can't do it any more. 

    I can't get enough validation to fill my cup. 

    And I've been angry, bitter and judgemental of so many others as I've been on this quest to prove myself. 

    It doesn't work. 

    Proving myself to anyone outside of me doesn't work. 

    So let's learn today how to stop seeking that outside of you, so you can feel more fulfilled once and for all. 

    If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself-  sign up with this link here. 

    Show Notes can be found here

    Creating a Heart Learning Home with Laura Lines

    Creating a Heart Learning Home with Laura Lines

    With a new school year, emotions are high. We're on high alert navigating kids big emotions while also making sure they are getting the education we think they need. 

    Today I want to introduce you to my amazing guest and friend Laura Lines. Laura is a Certified Life Coach helping moms navigate homeschooling and bringing a heart learning home into their kids learning environment. 

    Even if you don't do homeschooling, this conversation is gold. She discusses the gap in the learning system and how we as parents can help bridge that gap with what she calls the Heart Learning Method. 

    Give it a listen. And for sure go grab her free gift.

    And if you want to go learn more from her, go check out her instagram at:

    If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself and apply more of what you're learning here on the podcast-  sign up with this link here. 

    Show Notes can be found here

    Accepting Chaos as Part of Transformation

    Accepting Chaos as Part of Transformation

    Life in new phases can feel chaotic. And with the chaos we can feel drained, and overwhelmed. We want to believe that chaos isn't necessary.

    But I want to shift how we look at chaos. Because over and over again, I can see evidence as to when we allow and even accept chaos, there is massive growth. 

    Staying calm, and in structure doesn't do much for change. 

    It just keeps us the same. 

    So instead of resisting the chaos- what if we embraced it? What might be different? 

    If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself-  sign up with this link here. 

    Show Notes can be found here