
    Living Your Gifts Radio with Susan Hough: Ancient Applications for Modern Times

    Rituals are the foundation pulling us together, but it takes a community to support the radical rituals we need throughout our lives. Living Your Gifts Radio with Susan Hough welcomes you to the journey of finding your community, and who you are today is how you find your way. Learn the knowledge of generations and how it applies to your everyday life. Tune in for an unconventional perspective on ancient wisdom and how it can change your life right now. It won’t be easy, but Susan Hough tells us how to navigate this fast-changing world with the power of the gifts we already have. Get in touch with the authentic core of what makes your talents unique so you can finally see the way to your true community where your gifts can break free and fly you to success.
    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio10 Episodes

    Episodes (10)

    Changing the Elements ~ 2020 to 2021 with Guest Jen Hutchinson

    Changing the Elements ~ 2020 to 2021 with Guest Jen Hutchinson

    With the advent of a new year, we move from the Earth element into the Water element of the Dagara cosmology. And they overlap with each during the transition. During this show, we will reflect on the expressions of both the Earth and Water elements as they show up in our psyches and our experiences. How we can make sense of the past year, and what we can set as our intention for the coming year.


    Joining me in today’s topic is Jen Hutchinson, PhD and a dear friend.

    Community: Setting Intention with guest Larisa Stow!

    Community: Setting Intention with guest Larisa Stow!

    When I think about community it's when you make a decision that being individual isn’t working. We're in our little individual boxes pretending everything is ok and it's not. This isolation is causing us to be unable to see each other. What’s separated us in life is separating us from one another.

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Transformation - Releasing Grief, Part 2

    Transformation - Releasing Grief, Part 2

    In Western culture, people grieve in private and in isolation. We are expected to “get over” grief and “move on”. Only grief doesn’t work that way. In the Dagara tradition of Burkina Faso, grief is observed in community. They hold grief rituals in which people come from far away to support each other to move through and release individual and communal grief.

    Transformation - Releasing Grief, Part 1 with Guest Carlyle Coash!

    Transformation - Releasing Grief, Part 1 with Guest Carlyle Coash!

    In our culture we grieve alone and hold it inside. We are fixers in our culture; we fix it and move on. Only grief doesn’t really work that way. In the Dagara tradition they grieve in community, in fact during a grief ritual people will come from far away to be a part of helping you move through and release your grief.

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Hope For The Future: Teens in Action Part 2!

    Hope For The Future: Teens in Action Part 2!

    NEW VIRTUAL WALKING FOR WATER!! JUNE 27th and 28th We are excited to announce our first ever Virtual Walking For Water!!! Our high school groups on both the East and West Coasts are determined to stay inspired and are creating this Virtual Walking for Water event. They are passionate and excited to find this way to generate donations and still be able to help provide water wells and education to those in Africa and India. The event will stretch over two days – June 27th and 28th from 11am to 1pm.

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Global Rites of Passage: Navigating the Unknown

    Global Rites of Passage: Navigating the Unknown

    Discussing our current situation around the globe and how we can, as a community make it through this. Community, really everything in life, looks very different now, but we can find ways that are new and make it through this together.

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Finding Your Mentor: Taking A Risk!

    Finding Your Mentor: Taking A Risk!

    Webster's defines Mentor as a trusted counselor or guide-to help and encourage someone. Do you have to know exactly what you need from or want in a mentor to find one? Join me on the next Living Your Gifts: Ancient Applications for Modern Times where Dr. Pat joins us to discuss mentors in her life and the risk involved in connecting with them.

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/