

    Welcome to Man of Prestige.   For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook Man of Prestige YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/ManofPrestige  Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/manofprestige1/videos  LOLA and OLA YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LOLAandOLA  Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lolaandola/videos  Blog - https://LOLAandOLA.com  Created by myEmpirePRO https://myEmpirePRO.com FREE Books  Marriage & Relationships → http://www.LOVEandPrestige.com  Smart Real Estate Wholesaling → https://www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com  Digital Marketing → http://DigitalMarketingCertified.com  My name is OLA and I am your host.   I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society. But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family...  And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships. This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.   We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war. The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.   Thank you so much. Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one. And peace. #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage
    enmyEmpirePRO100 Episodes

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    Welcome to Man of Prestige.  

    For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook

    Man of Prestige

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/ManofPrestige 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/manofprestige1/videos 


    LOLA and OLA

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LOLAandOLA 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lolaandola/videos 

    Blog - https://LOLAandOLA.com 


    Created by myEmpirePRO



    FREE Books 

    Marriage & Relationships → http://www.LOVEandPrestige.com 

    Smart Real Estate Wholesaling → https://www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com 

    Digital Marketing → http://DigitalMarketingCertified.com 


    My name is OLA and I am your host.  

    I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society.

    But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family... 

    And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships.

    This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.  

    We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war.

    The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.  

    Thank you so much.

    Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one.

    And peace.


    #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage



    Welcome to Man of Prestige.  

    For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook

    Man of Prestige

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/ManofPrestige 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/manofprestige1/videos 


    LOLA and OLA

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LOLAandOLA 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lolaandola/videos 

    Blog - https://LOLAandOLA.com 


    Created by myEmpirePRO



    FREE Books 

    Marriage & Relationships → http://www.LOVEandPrestige.com 

    Smart Real Estate Wholesaling → https://www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com 

    Digital Marketing → http://DigitalMarketingCertified.com 


    My name is OLA and I am your host.  

    I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society.

    But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family... 

    And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships.

    This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.  

    We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war.

    The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.  

    Thank you so much.

    Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one.

    And peace.


    #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage




    Welcome to Man of Prestige.  

    For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook

    Man of Prestige

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/ManofPrestige 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/manofprestige1/videos 

    LOLA and OLA

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LOLAandOLA 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lolaandola/videos 

    Blog - https://LOLAandOLA.com 


    Created by myEmpirePRO



    FREE Books 

    Marriage & Relationships → http://www.LOVEandPrestige.com 

    Smart Real Estate Wholesaling → https://www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com 

    Digital Marketing → http://DigitalMarketingCertified.com 


    My name is OLA and I am your host.  

    I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society.

    But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family... 

    And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships.

    This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.  

    We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war.

    The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.  

    Thank you so much.

    Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one.

    And peace.


    #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage 


    Surviving on 100K? Living Paycheck to Paycheck?

    Surviving on 100K? Living Paycheck to Paycheck?

    Earning $100K & Living Paycheck to Paycheck? 3 Secrets to Break Free!

    Living Large on $100K? Think Again!

    So, you're pulling in a cool $100,000 a year – nice, right? 

    But here's the kicker: a whopping 51% of Americans with a six-figure income are still living paycheck to paycheck, according to NASDAQ. 

    Hold on, what's going on here? Let's unpack this financial puzzle together.



    The Money Struggle is Real!

    First things first, if you find yourself scratching your head wondering where all that hard-earned cash is disappearing to, you're not alone. 

    Life is expensive, and sometimes it feels like no matter how much you make, it's just never quite enough.

     - High housing costs

    - Unexpected expenses, and the ever-present 

    - Lifestyle inflation trap 

    ...are all culprits. 

    You know, that tendency we all have to adjust our spending to match our income? 

    It's a sneaky phenomenon that can lead to financial trouble without us even realizing it.

    Before we dive into solutions, let's get one thing straight – it's not your fault. 

    Living paycheck to paycheck is a common struggle, and it's not necessarily a sign of financial irresponsibility. 

    Life happens, and money can be slippery.

    But here's the real talk: after watching or listening to this, you'll have the knowledge to take control and make a change. 

    No more excuses – it's time to break free from the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle.

    Here are The Usual Suspects: Budgets and Emergency Funds

    You've likely heard the typical advice: 

    1. Track your spending

    2. Create a budget

    3. Build an emergency fund, and 

    4. Reduce your debt. 

    Sure, these are solid steps, but let's be real – they only take you so far. 

    You can't cut corners below a basic lifestyle, and nobody wants to live a solitary life.

    Let's break and bust a few myths that many are struggling with... 

    Is Rich ≠ Financially Free?

    Let's bust this myth: being rich doesn't guarantee financial freedom. 

    It's not about the amount you make but how well your lifestyle is covered, even when you're not working. 

    Can you jet off on a random vacation? 

    Do you choose quality over price for your basic needs? 

    That's the real measure of financial freedom.

    What's Considered 'Rich' Anyway?

    The answer? It depends on where you live. 

    There's no universal threshold for a single person's 'rich' status – it's all relative.

    Is Six Figures ≠ Financial Security?

    For all you 30-somethings chasing that six-figure dream, reality check: a six-figure income doesn't stretch as far as it used to. 

    Rainy days and emergencies can quickly drain those earnings, contributing to the nation's growing debt crisis.

    So, what does it really mean to live paycheck to paycheck? 

    On paper, you're covering your bills, but in reality, there's nothing left. 

    It's a precarious way to live, especially if you're responsible for a family.

    So, what's the secret sauce to unlock your abundant lifestyle based on your own terms? 

    Well, it boils down to two main choices:

    1. Increase your income.

    2. Make your money work for you.

    Here are the 3 Roadblocks to Abundance!

    Before you roll your eyes thinking it's just another self-help spiel, hear me out. 

    There are 3 reasons you might be falling short in the financial success department:

    Reason #1 - Lack of Marketplace Value

    Your income reflects the value you bring to the marketplace. If it's not enough, it's time to up your game.

    Reason #2 - Limited Service Capability

    If you're stuck serving one boss or one corporation (same thing), you're not maximizing your earning potential. 

    More monetize-able service, more value, more money.

    Reason #3 - Lack of Leverage

    If your income is tied solely to your physical presence, you're missing out. Money should work for you, not the other way around.  

    And when money works for you, you will have other people and their money working for you; including people like me.

    The Game-Changer: Digital Business!

    Here's the kicker – you don't need a truckload of skills or a hefty investment. 

    All you need is one thing: a good digital business system. 

    In this digital age, the ability to 'copy and paste' a successful income system is your golden ticket.

    Head over to www.7secretsto7figure.com and grab a seat at our 80-minute webinar where I will show you how this works and get instant access to our free "easy to read" book on "Digital Marketing" to kickstart your journey to financial freedom.


    5 SIGNS! Is Your Spouse Hiding Depression? Watch Now!

    5 SIGNS! Is Your Spouse Hiding Depression? Watch Now!

    5 Signs.. Is Your Husband Depressed?

    Let's talk about the complexities of depression in a relationship. 

    You might be wondering, what does it mean for a person to be depressed, and is it possible to be depressed without it being clinical in nature?

    Depression is like a raincloud that refuses to part.  It's more than just feeling sad; it's a persistent, deep-seated darkness that affects a person's thoughts, feelings, and daily life. 

    Now, can someone be depressed without it being clinical? Absolutely. Life's challenges can cast shadows on anyone, but when these shadows linger, it might be time to consider professional help.



    So, if you as a wife suspect your husband is battling the blues, does knowing about depression benefit the relationship? Absolutely. 

    But understanding depression should equip you to be a supportive partner. It's not about being on the edge, but rather standing beside your loved one, ready to lend a hand.

    Let’s discuss some 3 first signs of 5 that would more appropriately point to depression in your husband.

    Sign Number 1: Changes in Mood

    When it comes to changes in mood, keep an eye out for persistent shifts in emotional states. Depression often brings about intense feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or irritability. 

    Your husband may seem more easily frustrated, even over minor issues. The key is the persistence of these mood changes; we all have off days, but if this becomes the new norm, it's time to take notice.

    Now, how does this correlate with relationship struggles? Well, imagine navigating the unpredictable waters of someone's fluctuating moods. It can create an emotional distance between partners, making communication challenging. 

    Understanding that these mood changes might be linked to depression should allow a partner with the knowledge to approach the other with empathy rather than frustration.

    Sign Number 2: Changes in Sleep Patterns

    Depression has a way of disrupting the delicate balance of sleep. Pay attention if your husband experiences significant changes in his sleep patterns. 

    This could manifest as insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, or conversely, excessive sleep. Sleep is a cornerstone of physical and mental well-being, and disruptions can have a ripple effect on all aspects of life.

    How does this tie into relationship struggles? Imagine the impact of sleep deprivation on daily interactions. Fatigue can heighten irritability and decrease patience, potentially leading to conflicts within the relationship. 

    By addressing sleep pattern changes, you're not just addressing a symptom but proactively managing a factor that could contribute to relationship strain.

    Sign Number 3: Withdrawal from Activities

    A once social and active husband suddenly withdrawing from activities he used to enjoy? That's a significant red flag. 

    Depression often convinces individuals to isolate themselves, creating a barrier even with activities they once found pleasure in. It's not just about physical withdrawal; there's an emotional distance that comes with it.

    Now, let's connect the dots to relationship struggles. Imagine planning outings or activities together, only to be met with disinterest or reluctance. 

    The withdrawal can extend to emotional availability, making it challenging to connect on a deeper level. Recognizing this sign is crucial for partners to work together in reintroducing enjoyable activities and rebuilding emotional bonds.

    What about signs that you might be seeing but not necessarily indicative of depression; at least that we can’t conclude to be clinical in nature.

    Well it might be a clinical condition to not hit the like, share and subscribe buttons immediately as it will lead to not getting notified when we drop the next video… DO IT NOW!

    SIGN NUMBER 4: Disconnects

    Feeling a disconnect between your husband's depression and relationship struggles? Feeling a disconnect from your husband?

    Focus on understanding the symptoms before jumping to conclusions. A proper diagnosis is the foundation for effective treatment.

    SIGN NUMBER 5: Pushing Away

    Why would a wife link her husband pushing her away to the possibility of depression? 

    Well, sometimes depression manifests as a desire for isolation. It's not a blame game; it's about recognizing patterns and seeking understanding.

    So you are thinking "My husband is depressed and won't get help." What should you do?

    If you find yourself in this situation, the source of this diagnostic conclusion is first to be assessed. 

    Encourage open communication, express your concern, and help him understand the benefits of seeking professional help. But remember, it's a journey, not a sprint.

    The emphasis should be on supporting him in seeking professional help. Beyond being a pillar of support, recognizing when it's not a relational issue is crucial.

    And No! Constant anger isn't a definitive sign, but it could be an expression of underlying emotional turmoil.

    Depression? Is He Running Mad?

    I wanted to address this because of certain cultures that tend to gravitate away from what is scientifically proven.  Closed mindedness only make matters like this worse than it needs to be

    Running mad is probably a stretch, but genuine concern is valid. Mental health matters, and addressing it early can make all the difference. 

    But here's the thing – don't jump to conclusions.

    Clearly, you are seeking a solution and that’s a great place to start from.  But refrain from self-diagnosis which may include psycho-analyzing your husband. 

    Balancing mental health awareness with refraining from self-diagnosis is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship. Instead of attempting to psycho-analyze your husband, focus on fostering open communication. 

    Encourage dialogue about emotions and well-being without assuming the role of a mental health professional. Seek information together, emphasizing that understanding mental health is a shared journey. 

    If concerns arise, consider professional advice to ensure accurate assessments and appropriate support. Remember, communication, empathy, and seeking guidance when needed contribute to a supportive environment without the pitfalls of self-diagnosis.

    What About Post-Baby Blues?

    Yes, the challenges of parenthood can amplify stressors, contributing to or exacerbating depression. It's a delicate dance of responsibilities and emotions.

    In Conclusion

    Suspicion of depression is an additional layer of concern. Seek help for the actual symptoms, not unfounded diagnoses. 

    Your relationship is a partnership, and navigating mental health challenges together can strengthen that bond as long as things are being approached from a place as close as possible to empathy

    Remember, your journey through depression in a relationship is unique, and professional guidance to address issues with respect to your particular story is key and can make all the difference.

    Don’t forget to download our free books at www.GetMyMarriageBack.com

    Let's bring Lola and maybe a few others into the conversation.


    #marriage #fixmymarriage #savemymarriage


    How to Get 323% More Clients with AI & Digital Marketing Secrets!

    How to Get 323% More Clients with  AI & Digital Marketing Secrets!

    I want to give you 5 Steps To Increase Your Clients By 323% With AI & Digital Marketing

    In the ever-evolving landscape of business, staying ahead is not just an option but a necessity. 

    If you're wondering how to up your game and boost your clientele, fear not – we've got you covered. 

    Dive into these five steps that can skyrocket your client base by a whopping 323%, blending the power of AI and digital marketing seamlessly.





    Step 1: Perform a Market Research and Marketing Audit

    Before diving headfirst into the digital marketing ocean, it's essential to understand your business's current position. 

    Conduct a thorough market research and marketing audit. 

    Identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This groundwork will be the compass guiding your strategic moves.

    Think of it as putting on your explorer hat before venturing into uncharted territory. 

    By dissecting your market, understanding your competitors, and unveiling the internal intricacies of your business through a SWOT analysis, you gain a comprehensive view of the landscape. 

    This knowledge serves as your strategic compass, directing you toward opportunities, guiding you away from potential pitfalls, and providing a clear roadmap for impactful decision-making. 

    In essence, it's not just about knowing where you stand; it's about equipping yourself with the insights needed to navigate the complex and dynamic world of digital marketing with confidence and purpose.

    Step 2: Create the Ideal Profile and Avatar of Your Ideal Client

    Who's your dream client? Paint a vivid picture. Understand their pain points, desires, and aspirations. 

    Creating an ideal client profile helps you tailor your digital marketing efforts to resonate with the audience you want to attract. It's like having a secret weapon in your marketing arsenal.

    Picture your dream client – not as an abstract entity, but as a flesh-and-blood persona with distinct traits, challenges, and dreams. 

    Dive deep into their psyche, unraveling their pain points, aspirations, and desires. 

    This isn't a mere exercise; it's the art of creating an ideal client profile, a personalized blueprint that becomes your secret weapon in the vast arena of digital marketing. 

    This profile transforms vague notions into a vivid, relatable character, enabling you to tailor your messaging, content, and strategies with precision. 

    It's the equivalent of having an ally who understands your every move, ensuring your digital marketing efforts resonate authentically with the audience you most passionately want to attract. 

    In the realm of client engagement, this intimate understanding is not just a tool; it's a strategic advantage that sets the stage for meaningful connections and lasting relationships.

    Step 3: Turn Your Existing Products and Services Into an Irresistible Offer

    Take a fresh look at what you're offering. How can you make it irresistible? 

    Bundle services, throw in exclusive bonuses, or provide limited-time discounts. 

    The goal is to make your potential clients think, "I can't afford to miss out on this!" Craft an offer they simply can't refuse.

    Imagine your offerings as a treasure chest waiting to be discovered. 

    In this step, take a fresh, discerning gaze at what you're presenting to the world. How can you elevate it from mere products and services to an irresistible, must-have package? 

    Consider bundling complementary services, adding exclusive bonuses that speak directly to your ideal client's needs, or introducing limited-time discounts to create a sense of urgency. 

    The objective is clear: fashion an offer so compelling that potential clients can't help but exclaim, "I can't afford to miss out on this!" 

    It's not just about showcasing value; it's about unveiling it in a way that resonates profoundly with your audience. 

    Craft an offer that transcends transactions and becomes an irresistible invitation to embark on a transformative journey with your brand. After all, in the realm of digital marketing, the art of crafting an offer they simply can't refuse is the catalyst for forging lasting connections and converting interest into enthusiastic commitment. 

    Here is an offer; I will allow you to click our video like, share and subscribe button in order to be notified when we drop the next video.  So for how much?  FREE! Hit those buttons right now.

    Step 4: Carve Out a Free Sample Version of the Expected Transformation

    Everyone loves a sneak peek. Create a lead magnet that showcases the transformation your products or services can bring. 

    Whether it's a free trial, a downloadable guide, or an exclusive video series, give your audience a taste of what's to come. This free sample should leave them craving more.

    In the world of digital marketing, providing a sneak peek isn't just a strategy; it's an art form. Picture it as crafting a tantalizing trailer for an upcoming blockbuster. 

    In this step, create a lead magnet that goes beyond mere information – it's a preview of the transformative journey your products or services offer. 

    Whether it's a free trial, a downloadable guide filled with actionable insights, or an exclusive video series unveiling expert tips, this is your chance to offer a taste of the positive change your audience can experience. 

    This free sample isn't just a gesture; it's a strategic move to leave them hungry for more. It's the anticipation before the grand reveal, the spark that ignites curiosity and sets the stage for a deeper engagement. 

    By delivering a compelling preview of the transformation you promise, you're not just attracting attention; you're creating a narrative that resonates and entices your audience to eagerly embrace what lies ahead.

    Step 5: Set Up a Digital Marketing Attraction Campaign

    Now that you have your irresistible offer and lead magnet, it's time to let the digital magic happen. Set up an attraction marketing campaign that targets 15-20 ideal clientele prospects every day. 

    Utilize social media, email marketing, and other digital channels to distribute your lead magnets strategically. The key is to pull, not push, your audience toward your offerings.

    With your irresistible offer and enticing lead magnet in hand, it's time to orchestrate the digital magic. Enter the realm of attraction marketing, a strategic dance designed to captivate your ideal clients. 

    Your mission: target 15-20 prospects from your dream clientele every day. This isn't a spray-and-pray approach; it's a carefully curated performance across social media, email marketing, and various digital channels. 

    Picture it as a symphony where each note, or in this case, each campaign, harmonizes to create an irresistible melody. The essence lies in pulling, not pushing – gently guiding your audience toward your offerings rather than bombarding them. 

    It's a subtle art, where strategic placement and timing become your allies. In this digital ballet, the goal is to create an undeniable gravitational pull, making your audience not just notice but willingly step into the spotlight of your transformative offerings. 

    The result? A well-choreographed journey where your digital marketing efforts become a magnetic force, seamlessly connecting your brand with the eager audience it deserves.

    You Will Discover More in "Digital Marketing Certified"

    If you want us to help you implement Ai and digital marketing to transform you passion to clients and subsequently profits, for a limited time, register for our 80 minutes workshop at www.7Secretsto7Figure.com as the next step and you get a free digital copy of my book "Digital Marketing Certified" just for registering for the workshop.


    #DigitalMarketing #OnlineMarketing #MarketingStrategy #SocialMediaMarketing #SEO #SEM #ContentMarketing #DigitalStrategy #MarketingTips #MarketingTrends


    Rebuilding Trust in Relationships: 6 KEY TIPS AND INSIGHTS!

    Rebuilding Trust in Relationships: 6 KEY TIPS AND INSIGHTS!

    6 Tips To Navigating Trust Issues in Relationships

    Trust is the bedrock of any healthy, thriving relationship. It's the adhesive that binds love, respect, and understanding. But what happens when trust wavers or crumbles? 

    Can a relationship survive without it? Let's dive into this complex yet crucial aspect of relationships and explore ways to mend or mitigate the absence of trust.

    TIP NUMBER 1: The Critical Role of Trust




    Can a relationship survive with no trust? It's like trying to sail a boat without wind—possible but extremely challenging. 

    Trust issues shake the very core of a relationship, draining the joy and transforming the essence of romance into a toxic state. 

    When trust erodes, doubts and insecurities loom large, suffocating the connection that once thrived.

    TIP NUMBER 2: Addressing the Root Cause

    What if there is no trust in a relationship? How do you fix it? 

    It’s imperative to go beyond surface-level problems, conducting a deep root cause analysis. Sometimes, lack of trust isn't just about the present relationship but might stem from past experiences. 

    Acknowledging this issue is the first step; the next involves recognizing that trust issues aren't unique and can be overcome. 

    Patience and an open mindset to creating new, positive experiences can gradually replace past negative ones. But it’s easier said than done—acknowledging this is the initial phase of the solution.

    TIP NUMBER 3: Red Flags and Signs of No Trust

    Are trust issues a red flag? Absolutely. When trust is fractured, it's akin to a warning sign on the road. 

    It’s not a dead end, but a signal to proceed with caution and actively work towards resolution. 

    Constantly living in a defensive mode to protect oneself consumes valuable energy and might cause one to miss out on life's essence.

    Another way of missing out on life is by not  hitting the like, share, and subscribe button in order to be notified when we drop videos.  Don’t miss out on the next video.

    TIP NUMBER 4: Recognizing the Signs and Dealing with No Trust

    The signs of no trust in a relationship can vary—from constant suspicion to the erosion of open communication. 

    Psychology illuminates the intricate workings of trust and its impact on relationships, emphasizing the need for building a safe, reliable connection. 

    Fixing a relationship without trust demands patience, a willingness to create new experiences, and a conscious effort to release past grievances.

    TIP NUMBER 5: Respect and Trust Go Hand in Hand

    A relationship without trust and respect is like a tree without roots. Respect complements trust, and both are essential for a healthy partnership. 

    When trust wavers, respect might follow suit, and it's vital to work on both simultaneously.

    TIP NUMBER 6: Unpacking Personal Trust Issues

    Understanding personal trust issues with a partner is a pivotal step. It might not always be about them but could relate to individuaql experiences, past traumas, or unresolved emotions. 

    Addressing these factors as a team can be immensely helpful in rebuilding trust.

    Trust is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. 

    Recognizing, addressing, and actively working on trust issues can help strengthen the bond between partners and restore the joy and security within the relationship.

    How Can Trusting God Help With Trust Issues?

    Trusting in God to address trust issues is a personal choice that has proven effective for many, including myself. 

    It's acknowledging that I can't control or see everything in my own life, and that acceptance allows me to free up energy that might otherwise be spent constantly looking over my shoulder.

    In situations where trust becomes an issue, particularly in romantic contexts, I opt to trust in a higher version of myself and in a higher power. 

    This choice helps me relinquish the need for absolute control and fosters a sense of peace and faith. I choose to trust God.

    Ultimately, when it comes to relationships, there's an undeniable involvement of attraction and emotional connection. 

    For me, love should feel liberating, akin to a sense of freedom that allows trust to flourish naturally.

    Let's bring LOLA and maybe others into the conversation.


    #marriage #fixmymarriage #savemymarriage


    Can You Make 6 Figures as a Digital Marketer? UNVEILING LUCRATIVE SECRETS!

    Can You Make 6 Figures as a Digital Marketer? UNVEILING LUCRATIVE SECRETS!

    LET’S Unveiling the Lucrative Realm of Digital Marketing: Can You Hit Six Figures?

    Digital marketing—just a buzzword? 

    Nope, it's a pathway to lucrative opportunities, opening doors for that coveted 6-figure income you've been eyeing. 

    Whether you're pondering a career shift or contemplating how to amplify your earnings, the digital marketing sphere might just be the golden ticket you've been seeking.





    Here are some 5 to 7 reasons why you should consider shifting careers to digital marketing.

    1. Lucrative Potential:

    Digital marketing is a field brimming with untapped financial potential. 

    With the right skill set and strategy, it can lead to a 6-figure income, making it an enticing pathway for those seeking substantial financial growth.

    2. Ever-Evolving Industry:

    This arena is in a perpetual state of evolution. 

    It thrives on innovation and creativity, constantly offering new challenges and opportunities for personal and professional growth. 

    It's an environment where you can thrive on being at the forefront of change.

    3. Diverse Career Paths:

    Digital marketing isn’t a one-size-fits-all domain. 

    It encompasses various specializations, from content creation to SEO, social media, email marketing, and more. 

    This diversity allows for flexibility and the chance to find a niche that truly aligns with your passions and skills.

    4. Work Flexibility:

    The digital nature of this field often allows for remote work, freelance opportunities, or flexible schedules. 

    This level of autonomy can enhance your work-life balance, offering the freedom to work from virtually anywhere in the world.

    5. High Demand:

    Businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of a strong online presence. 

    As a result, the demand for skilled digital marketers is on the rise. 

    This means more job opportunities and a greater chance of job security in this field.

    6. Creativity and Analytics:

    Digital marketing is a blend of creativity and analytics. 

    It requires both innovative thinking to craft engaging campaigns and the ability to analyze data to refine strategies. 

    This duality allows for a dynamic and exciting work environment.

    7. Access to Resources and Learning:

    The digital sphere offers a vast array of resources, courses, and communities for learning and upskilling. 

    This means you can continually hone your craft, staying updated with the latest trends and tools in the ever-evolving world of marketing.

    Transitioning to digital marketing isn’t just about chasing financial success; it's also about embracing a field that offers continuous learning, diverse opportunities, and the chance to unleash your creativity. 

    If you're considering a career shift, this industry may hold the key to a more fulfilling and rewarding professional journey.

    Earning Potential in Digital Marketing: Unraveling the Figures

    Let's address the elephant in the room: Can you make six figures as a digital marketer? 

    Absolutely! There are primarily two distinct avenues: working as a digital marketing manager for established companies or harnessing your skills to craft your own business empire.

    For those torn between these paths, consider a hybrid approach, blending the best of both worlds.

    But if you're nudged to pick one and have the luxury of choice, using your skills to establish a freelance business tends to yield the most rewarding outcomes.

    Another thing that  can yield great outcomes is hitting the like, share and subscribe buttons in order to be notified when I drop the next video… Leave me a comment as well… What would you like to use the skills of digital marketing to do?

    Cracking the Code: Peak Salaries in the Digital Marketing Realm

    Now, the big question: What's the ceiling on earnings in digital marketing? 

    Brace yourself because, in the freelance domain, the sky's the limit! 

    Yes, you read that right—making millions is within the realm of possibility. 

    However, as a digital marketing manager or specialist, the average annual salary typically hovers around a robust $118,000.

    Exploring the Landscape: Marketing Management Salaries

    But wait, what about the pinnacle of earning potential in marketing management?

    Here's the deal: If you're aiming for a salaried position, the figures can vary widely depending on your entry point. 

    It's not just about being entry-level. 

    If you find training programs or facilitate projects that showcase your hands-on experience, you can veer straight into a six-figure salary in a remote job.

    Best Marketing Jobs: Your Pathway to Success

    In the realm of marketing roles, several positions offer not only rewarding remuneration but also substantial career growth. 

    The top-tier positions include Digital Marketing Manager, SEO Manager, Email Marketing Manager, Content Manager, PPC Manager, and a host of others.

    1. Digital Marketing Manager:

    Digital Marketing Managers are responsible for developing, implementing, and overseeing digital marketing strategies. 

    They lead teams, set objectives, analyze campaigns, and ensure an organization's online presence aligns with its goals. 

    Their role involves a comprehensive understanding of various digital channels and a knack for strategizing to boost brand visibility and engagement.

    2. SEO Manager:

    SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Managers specialize in optimizing websites to improve their visibility in search engine results. 

    They focus on keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, content strategy, and technical SEO. 

    Their goal is to increase organic traffic and ensure websites rank higher on search engine results pages.

    3. Email Marketing Manager:

    Email Marketing Managers craft and execute email campaigns aimed at engaging and retaining customers. 

    They design strategies, create compelling content, manage subscriber lists, analyze campaign performance, and work towards improving open and click-through rates. 

    Their aim is to create impactful email communication that drives conversions.

    4. Content Manager:

    Content Managers oversee the creation, publication, and management of content across various digital platforms. 

    This includes websites, blogs, social media, and more. 

    They develop content strategies, ensure quality and consistency, and often manage a team of writers and creators. 

    Their role is pivotal in shaping a brand's narrative and engagement with its audience.

    5. PPC Manager:

    PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Managers handle paid advertising campaigns. 

    They strategize, execute, and monitor paid ads on platforms like Google Ads, social media, and other online channels. 

    Their focus lies in optimizing ad performance, managing budgets, and ensuring that ads generate high-quality leads or conversions at the lowest cost possible.

    These roles represent just a snippet of the diverse opportunities available in the digital marketing landscape. 

    Each one requires a unique set of skills, knowledge, and expertise. 

    Exploring these roles can help individuals identify the specific area that aligns best with their interests and strengths, opening doors to rewarding and impactful career paths within the field.

    If you want more information, go to www.digitalmarketingcertified.com to download my book for free and I will also give you a free ticket to our online workshop on “6-Figures with Ai and Digital Marketing.


    #DigitalMarketing #OnlineMarketing #MarketingStrategy #SocialMediaMarketing #SEO #SEM #ContentMarketing #DigitalStrategy #MarketingTips #MarketingTrends

    FAST MONEY METHOD🚀 Earn $500 Online in ONE Hour!

    FAST MONEY METHOD🚀 Earn $500 Online in ONE Hour!

    In this video, I want to teach you how to legally make $500 in the next one hour.

    1. Learn what it is in this video… in this video, learn how to make $500 in this video and share it with someone how to set it up; charge them $2,000 for it.  It’s worth more because they can use that skill over and over again.





    2. Learn it and do the work for them; help them set it up and charge them $30,000 for it. It’s worth more because they can use that skill over and over again.

    3. Help someone solve a problem that’s actually costing them at least $5,000 every year. Charge them $500 for it.

    4. Create a $500 product that serves a need or perceived need and sell it.

    5. Help someone else sell their $1,000 product and collect $500, a 50% sales commission. 

    I know what you are thinking. You don’t know someone else who has a $1,000 product? I will show you where to find them.

    I know something else you are thinking. You don’t have someone to sell to?  

    There are a bunch of people inside their email inbox, their text message, WhatsApp, DM, on Facebook and Instagram newsfeed looking to buy that specific product right now.  I will show you how to show any product or service you choose to them for pennies literally.

    Not all of them will buy but there is a little known secret on how to get more and more of the buy from you.  Before some of them will buy from you, they have to feel like they know, like and trust you. The keyword is feel.  

    Once I show you how to find the people, the people that need the product,  find a way to give away a small usable piece of the product to just 100 people for free in exchange for their contact information so you can get them to KLT you… know, like and trust you. That piece you are giving away is called the LEAD MAGNET.

    Get my free book “Digital Marketing Certified” and access my free workshop; you can access all of that at digitalmarketingcertified.com and I will show $500 in the next hour and you can even build a 6-figure career in digital marketing.

    This is the easiest money you will ever make… so listen carefully as I do a quick recap.

    1. Learn this valuable skill from this video on "Making $500 in an Hour" and teach someone to set it up for a fee of $2,000. That’s 4X of what I promised at the beginning of this video.  This skill is reusable, making it a worthy investment for them.

    2. Offer your expertise to set it up for others for a charge of $30,000. It’s a higher fee because you're doing the work for them, saving them time and effort.  And as you can see, investing this time in this video is already bringing in returns.

    3. Help someone solve a $5,000 problem for just $500. This is a win-win situation for both parties. They will even refer others to you.

    4. Create a product or service that fulfills a need and sell it for $500.  I will show you how to find people to sell it to. In fact, ideally, you should find them first before creating the product because that helps you create a product they just don’t just right... but they actually want.

    5. Help others in selling their $1,000 products and earn a 50% commission ($500). I'll guide you on finding these products and potential buyers through various channels like email, social media, search engines such as Google, YouTube and more.

    To increase sales even after your first $500, it's important to make potential buyers feel like they know, like, and trust you… THE KLT FACTOR… One way is to offer a small part of your product for free (we called that a Lead Magnet) to 100 people in exchange for their contact details. Once they give you their contact information, they have demonstrated interest and they are now an engaged lead. This builds a relationship and trust and you can convert that to as many $500 as you want.

    All of this can be set up and automated with Ai (Artificial Intelligence). Can I show you?  To learn more about these methods and get a step-by-step guide, visit www.DigitalMarketingCertified.com. Get my free book, "Digital Marketing Certified," and attend my workshop to discover how to make $500 online repeatedly and even build a successful career in digital marketing.


    An Angry Husband? 9 Tips for a Happier Marriage

    An Angry Husband? 9 Tips for a Happier Marriage

    Is your husband always angry? I get it—living with a husband who's always angry, negative, or moody can feel like walking on eggshells. 

    It can put a real strain on the relationship and your own well-being. 

    But don't fret! We've got some tips and insights to help you navigate this challenging situation and maybe even find opportunities for growth.



    1. Understanding the Angry Vibe

    First off, let's acknowledge that dealing with a perpetually upset husband isn't a walk in the park.  It might feel like you're under attack, and that's totally understandable. 

    Feeling like you're constantly under attack can be emotionally exhausting. It's like carrying an invisible weight on your shoulders, and it's crucial to acknowledge and validate these feelings. 

    When trying to understand the perpetually angry vibe, it's beneficial for you to separate the person from the behavior. 

    Your husband's anger is probably not a definition of his entire being; it's a manifestation of something deeper.  Perhaps it's stress from work, health concerns, unresolved issues, or even personal insecurities. 

    By distinguishing between the person and the emotion, you create a space for empathy and a chance to uncover the root causes, which is essential for finding constructive solutions and fostering a stronger, more compassionate connection. 

    Remember, it's not about excusing the behavior but understanding it in a way that allows for growth and healing.

    2. You Have 2 Choices

    However, it's crucial to remember: you've got choices. Yep, two of 'em! You can either gear up to defend yourself against this seemingly inexplicable behavior or use it as a chance to elevate your relationship. Sounds tricky? We'll break it down.

    You're the captain of your ship, and navigating these turbulent waters begins with recognizing your agency. Choosing to defend yourself might mean setting clear boundaries, asserting your needs, and seeking support. 

    On the flip side, viewing this challenging behavior as an opportunity is a mindset shift. It's about transforming a negative situation into a chance for growth, both individually and as a couple. 

    Embrace it as an invitation to open lines of communication, to understand each other's perspectives more deeply, and to collaborate on finding solutions. 

    This choice isn't about sweeping problems under the rug but about facing them head-on, with a determination to evolve and strengthen the bonds of your relationship. It's about choosing the path that aligns with your long-term happiness and well-being.

    3. Analyzing the Angry Pattern

    Is it really an "always" thing? Often, when we're deep in the trenches of a romantic relationship, it's easy to slap an "always" label on your husband's behavior. 

    But here's the thing: humans have a knack for exaggeration, especially when things get a little funky. Take a step back and ask yourself if this perpetual anger is truly constant or more of a tendency we all have to blow things out of proportion.

    Our emotions can often lead us to perceive situations in absolutes, and relationships can be a breeding ground for such black-and-white thinking. 

    It's like the fog of emotions can cloud our ability to see the nuances. Stepping back and taking a rational look at the situation can be like turning on a light in that fog. 

    It's about realizing that labeling something as 'always' angry may not be accurate, and that in reality, emotions fluctuate, circumstances change, and people evolve. 

    Recognizing this can help you approach the issue with a more balanced perspective, encouraging dialogue and understanding instead of jumping to conclusions. 

    It’s not about dismissing the validity of your feelings obviously, but rather about seeing the bigger picture and finding a way to navigate the emotional landscape with clarity and insight.

    4. The Importance of Support

    Alright, here's a golden rule: don't pour from an empty cup. Dealing with a constantly angry husband can be emotionally draining, and you need your own support system. 

    Reach out to non-judgmental friends, family, a coach or a counselor. You need someone in your corner to help you navigate these challenging times.

    Imagine you're on a long journey and your emotional well-being is your fuel. To keep going, you need to make pit stops and refuel. 

    Dealing with a perpetually upset husband is no different. You can't give them the understanding, patience, and support they need if your emotional tank is on-empty. 

    A support system acts like your pit stop, where you replenish your emotional reserves. It's a safe space where you can vent, gain perspective, and gather the strength to face the storm. 

    Friends, family... Particularly non-judgmental and trusted ones, which is the minority, or a professional can be that pit stop, offering a listening ear, sound advice, and sometimes a good laugh. 

    Remember, you're not alone on this journey, and having a support system can make all the difference in navigating these challenging times with resilience and grace.  

    You can start by hitting that like, share and subscribe button.  And turn on all the notifications in order to be notified when we release the next video.

    Actually, you can start by grabbing our books for free at www.LOLAandOLA.com

    It also gives you access to a free masterclass where you will learn the 3 secrets of success in long-term relationships and marriage in these modern times.

    Okay.  Let's do some fire rounds for the rest of these tips.

    5. Express Yourself, Loud and Clear

    Now, let's talk about action. When you feel that wave of anger coming from your husband, it's vital not to enable any bad behaviors that tag along—yelling, emotional or verbal abuse, you name it. 

    As soon as you sense it, express how you feel. Communication is key... but effective communication is really what you need. It's like a pressure valve, releasing the pent-up tension.

    6. Recognizing Cry for Help

    Moody behavior and constant complaining might be signs that your husband is struggling. It's like a cry out for help, a way of saying, "Hey, something's not right in my world." Instead of taking it personally, consider this an opportunity to support your husband through a difficult time.  If you are having to do that quite often, it's not sustainable.  Seek professional help.

    7. Weathering the Storm: A Phase, Not a Lifetime

    Remember, this phase doesn't have to last forever. If you tackle it head-on, seeing it as an opportunity for growth, you'll come out stronger on the other side. It's about handling the stormy seas of a relationship and finding the silver lining.

    There you go! Remember, navigating a moody husband takes patience, understanding, and a good dose of self-care. Hang in there, and don't hesitate to seek professional help when needed. Your relationship is worth the effort.  Let’s bring LOLA and maybe others into the conversation.


    How To Invest in Real Estate

    How To Invest in Real Estate

    Want to learn how to invest in real estate?  Of course, real estate investment is an exciting and potentially lucrative venture. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, there are strategies and approaches that can help you navigate this dynamic market. 



    In this blog, we'll explore 9 effective tips to guide you on your real estate investment journey.

    1. Buy a House and Build Equity Over Time

    Buying a house is a fundamental step in real estate investing. When you purchase a property, you're investing in an asset that has the potential to appreciate over time, building equity that can be leveraged for future investments.

    EQUITY: Direct Consequence of Investing in Real Estate

    When you buy a house, you're becoming the owner of a special kind of valuable thing. Imagine you buy a cool new gadget, like a video game console. 

    As you use it and enjoy it, other people might also want to play with it. In the same way, when you own a house, it becomes more valuable as time goes on.

    The value of a house can go up because the area it's in becomes more popular, or because you make improvements to the house itself. 

    Just like how a toy becomes more valuable if it's rare or has extra features, a house becomes more valuable if it's in a good location or if you make it better.

    Now, this increase in value of your house is called "equity." Think of equity as a super cool points system. The more equity you have in your house, the more points you've earned as a homeowner.

    Imagine you buy a video game and start with zero points. As you play and accomplish more tasks, you earn points. 

    Similarly, when you buy a house, you start with a certain value, but as the house becomes more valuable over time, you gain equity points.

    The best part is, you can use these equity points to your advantage, just like using points to unlock new levels in a game. You can use your equity to make even more investments or maybe even buy a bigger, fancier house in the future!

    So, buying a house and building equity means becoming the owner of something that can get more valuable over time, and you can use that increased value to do more exciting things in the future including pulling cool cash out to invest more into real estate.

    2. Buy a Rental Property and Live in One of the Units

    Purchasing a rental property and residing in one of the units is a smart strategy. Not only do you have the advantage of being on-site to manage the property, but the rental income from other units can help cover your mortgage and expenses.

    Investing in a rental property while choosing to live in one of its units is a financially astute and multifaceted approach in real estate. This strategy offers a plethora of benefits that can substantially enhance your financial standing and real estate portfolio.

    First and foremost, taking up residence on the property provides you with a significant advantage — being physically present allows for more effective and hands-on property management. 

    Proximity enables you to respond promptly to any issues, supervise maintenance and repairs, and ensure the property is well-maintained, ultimately leading to a positive rental experience for all tenants.

    In addition to the advantage of on-site management, the rental income generated from the other units in the property can serve as a crucial financial asset--cash flow. 

    This revenue stream can significantly offset your mortgage payments and other associated property expenses, effectively reducing your overall financial liability. 

    Essentially, the rental income functions as a financial buffer, alleviating the financial strain on your personal finances and allowing you to channel more of your income toward savings, investments, or achieving other financial objectives.

    This strategy essentially allows you to leverage your housing situation to derive financial benefits. While occupying one unit, you transform the remaining units into revenue-generating assets, effectively converting the property into a lucrative investment that has the potential for long-term profitability. 

    This dual-purpose approach not only provides you with a place to live but also positions you as a strategic investor, maximizing the advantages of property ownership and rental income in a synergistic manner. Another way you can maximize all of this is to just hit the like, share and subscribe button and turn on all your notifications to be notified when we drop the next video.

    3. Learn and Leverage the BRRR Strategy

    The BRRR strategy, which stands for Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, and Repeat, is a powerful approach to real estate investing. 

    By renovating a property to increase its value, renting it out for regular income, refinancing to pull out equity as cash, and repeating the process, you can scale your real estate portfolio effectively.

    4. Use as Little of Your Personal Money as Possible

    Minimizing the use of your personal funds is a prudent approach. Consider utilizing other financing options like mortgages, partnerships, or creative financing to secure properties with minimal personal investment, thus maximizing your return on investment.

    Opting to use as little of your personal money as possible in real estate investments is a strategic move aimed at optimizing your financial gains. 

    By minimizing personal financial input, you are effectively diversifying your investment opportunities and leveraging various financing avenues like mortgages, partnerships, or creative financial instruments. 

    This approach increases your purchasing power, allowing you to acquire more properties or invest in higher-value assets. 

    Ultimately, it maximizes your return on investment by amplifying potential profits and minimizing risk, propelling you toward a more prosperous and diversified investment portfolio.

    5. Be Cautious of Over-Leveraging Debt

    While leverage can amplify your potential gains in real estate, it's crucial to exercise caution. Over-leveraging by taking on excessive debt can put you at risk if the market takes a downturn. Maintain a balanced approach to debt and ensure you can comfortably service your loans.

    6. Focus on Buying Right

    Success in real estate investing often hinges on acquiring properties at the right price. Conduct thorough market research, perform due diligence on potential properties, and negotiate effectively to ensure you're getting the best deal possible.

    7. Avoid High-End Neighborhoods

    High-end neighborhoods often come with a hefty price tag and may not always offer the best return on investment. Consider targeting properties in up-and-coming or undervalued areas where there is potential for growth and increased property value over time.

    8. Avoid Low-End Neighborhoods

    Similarly, low-end neighborhoods may seem attractive due to lower acquisition costs, but they can come with higher risks such as higher crime rates and lower demand. Strive to find a balance by investing in neighborhoods with stable growth potential.

    9. Focus on Neighborhoods You Can Relate With

    Investing in neighborhoods you can relate to or have a strong understanding of can give you a competitive advantage. Familiarity with local dynamics, trends, and demands can guide your investment decisions and help you make informed choices.

    In conclusion, real estate investing offers numerous opportunities for those willing to learn and navigate the market effectively. 

    By employing the right strategies, being cautious with your financial decisions, and focusing on the right properties and neighborhoods, you can achieve success in the dynamic world of real estate. And if you enjoy this video, you will get so much more value from the video that just popped up on the screen.


    20 Signs Your Marriage is FALLING APART (4 Flags and 16 Tips)

    20 Signs Your Marriage is FALLING APART (4 Flags and 16 Tips)

    Your marriage is falling apart? We get it—life can throw curve-balls, and sometimes your once rock-solid marriage can start feeling like it's on shaky ground. 

    It's a tough situation to face, and it can feel overwhelming when your marriage is seemingly falling apart. Whether it's due to a change in lifestyle, the arrival of a new baby, or other reasons, you're not alone in this journey.

    So, your marriage is going through a rough patch, and it feels like you're drifting further away from your partner. 



    Maybe it's because your lifestyle has taken a significant turn, and suddenly you're on different paths. 

    Or perhaps, the beautiful chaos that comes with a new baby has shifted the dynamics of your relationship.

    Whatever the reason, it's essential to remember that many couples face similar challenges.

    Most people would just find other people going through the same misery. 

    And you know what they say; misery loves company and therefore your feelings are confirmed.

    Then it starts to feel as though this is going on everywhere and all of it stems from wickedness.

    There are many innocent reasons; let's get into it.

    One of the common reasons for a marriage hitting rocky shores is a significant change in lifestyle. 

    It might be a demanding job, relocation to a new place, or even a newfound passion that has shifted your focus. 

    Sometimes, these changes can create a gap between you and your partner, making it feel like you're drifting apart.

    Tip #1: Communication is Key (Heard That Before?): 

    Hear me out.  Everyone advises you to talk openly and honestly with your partner about the changes and how they're affecting your relationship.  I know you have probably tried and that failed…

    Try this.  Leading with an intention to understand your partner's needs and concerns is crucial.

    Tip #2: Schedule Quality Time

    Make an effort to set aside quality time for your partner amidst the busyness of life. Don't wait for them to think about it first.  Try not to wait for your partner for everything.  You have the power to influence what you want.

    It could be a regular date night or even a weekend getaway to reconnect.

    Tip #3: Welcoming a New Member: The Baby Factor

    Ah, the beautiful chaos of parenthood! 

    The arrival of a baby is undoubtedly a joyous occasion, but it can also be a significant strain on a marriage. 

    The shift in focus from each other to the needs of the baby can sometimes lead to a feeling of being neglected or disconnected from your partner.

    Tip #4: Teamwork 

    Approach parenting as a team. But don't just focus on competitive sharing of responsibilities.  Help your partner physically and emotionally in this new phase of life.

    Maybe your partner needs you to physically help to nurture the new bundle.  But also, maybe your partner need you to emotionally help by reminding them kindly how you feel when you operate as a team.

    Tip #5: Stay Connected: 

    Despite the demands of parenting, make an effort to create quality time for your partner even if it's just a quiet evening at home after the baby is asleep.

    Tip #6: Seeking Solace in Faith

    For those who have a strong alignment in faith, facing marital struggles can be an emotional and spiritual challenge. The beliefs and values you hold dear can greatly influence how you perceive and navigate a troubled marriage.

    Tip #7: Prayer and Counseling: 

    Seek guidance through prayer and consider couples counseling from a faith driven perspective. Many faith-based organizations offer counseling services tailored to marital challenges.  Lean on Your Faith: Allow your faith to guide you in forgiving, understanding, and finding hope for the future of your marriage.

    Recognizing the signs that your marriage is in trouble is the first step toward finding a solution. Here are 4 signs include:

    1. Constant arguments

    2. Lack of communication

    3. Emotional detachment

    4. Growing sense of dissatisfaction or unhappiness.

    Let's break it down.

    1. Constant Arguments

    Constant arguments are a red flag in any relationship, especially in a marriage. These disputes can indicate underlying issues such as unresolved conflicts, unmet expectations, or communication breakdowns. It's crucial to address these conflicts openly and constructively, seeking compromises and understanding to maintain a healthy relationship.

    2. Lack of Communication

    Communication is the foundation of a strong and enduring marriage. When communication dwindles, misunderstandings and feelings of being unheard or neglected can creep in. It's essential to cultivate open, honest, and regular communication. Create a safe space where both partners feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns.

    3. Emotional Detachment

    Emotional detachment often occurs when partners become distant or disconnected from each other emotionally. This can be due to various reasons, such as stress, individual growth in different directions, or unaddressed emotional issues. To rekindle emotional closeness, couples should engage in activities that nurture their bond, express love and appreciation, and seek couples counseling if needed.

    4. Growing Sense of Dissatisfaction or Unhappiness

    Feeling constantly dissatisfied or unhappy in a marriage is a significant warning sign. It may result from unmet needs, unrealistic expectations, or unaddressed grievances. 

    Tip #8: Listen and Reflect: 

    Take a step back and reflect on your relationship. Listen to your partner's concerns and be open to understanding their point of view.

    Tip #9: Seek Professional Help: 

    If the signs persist, consider individual coaching and counseling. A neutral third party can provide guidance and tools to help you navigate the issues.

    Maybe you are dealing with the Walkaway Wife Syndrome which refers to a situation where a wife, feeling emotionally disconnected and unheard, decides to leave the marriage. This syndrome typically stems from years of feeling neglected and unimportant in the relationship.

    Tip #10: Prioritize Communication: 

    Again… and of course, open, honest, and consistent communication can prevent this syndrome. Many might tell you to make sure you're regularly checking in with each other and addressing concerns.

    But that's often not enough in romantic relationships.  In romantic relationships, be sure to try these 5 more tips, making a total of 15 Tips to resolve those 4 signs… and when you consider the ignorance of those 15 tips as signs… we have a total of 19 signs your marriage is falling apart:

    Tip #11. Nurture a strong friendship

    Tip #12. Focus on ethically seducing for attraction

    Tip #13. Manage your expectations, 

    Tip #14. Give your partner the freedom to express their expectations and... 

    Tip #15. Manage your pride.

    Let's break them further down.  Well… that will cost you some money.  How much?  Just hit the like, share and subscribe button and turn on all your notifications to be notified when we drop the next video.

    Tip #11. Nurture a Strong Friendship

    The foundation of a successful romantic relationship is a strong friendship. Cultivate a genuine liking and understanding of each other's interests, dreams, and personality. Be there for one another as a friend would, offering support, trust, and a shoulder to lean on during both good and challenging times.

    Tip #12. Focus on Skillful and Ethical Seduction for Attraction

    Attraction is a vital aspect of any romantic relationship. Ethical seduction emphasizes building attraction through leading with value.  

    Value is in the eyes of the beholder and it doesn't have to compromise your own value. This strategy should be at the forefront of all interactions, promoting a healthy and loving bond based on organic attraction and desire.

    Tip #13. Manage Your Expectations

    Unrealistic expectations can strain a relationship. It's important to communicate your needs and desires while understanding and respecting your partner's limitations and capabilities. Being realistic about what can be achieved in the relationship helps in maintaining harmony and reducing unnecessary disappointment.

    Tip #14. Give Your Partner the Freedom to Express Their Expectations

    Encourage your partner to openly express their expectations, desires, and concerns. Listening attentively and validating their feelings creates an environment of trust and understanding. Mutual respect for each other's needs and expectations is key to a thriving relationship.

    Tip #15.  Manage Your Pride

    Pride can hinder effective communication and resolution of conflicts. Learn to let go of your ego and pride for the sake of the relationship. Apologize when necessary, admit mistakes, and be willing to compromise. A humble and understanding approach fosters a stronger and more loving connection with your partner.

    Taking a Hard Look at Ourselves: Am I the Problem?

    Self-reflection is crucial when facing marital issues. Sometimes, we might unknowingly contribute to the problems in our marriage. It takes courage to ask oneself if they are part of the issue.

    Last Tip; Making a Total of 20 Signs: Self-Awareness and Acceptance: 

    Be willing to acknowledge your flaws and work on improving yourself. Consider individual coaching and counseling to understand your thoughts, behaviors, and patterns that might be affecting the relationship.

    Remember, every marriage is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution.  But there are principles that work across the board.  Don't get that twisted.

    It's about doing the work and finding what works best for you and your partner and navigating this journey together. Stay strong, and never hesitate to seek help when needed. You've got this. 

    Let’s bring LOLA into the conversation and maybe a few friends.


    #marriage #fixmymarriage #savemymarriage





    Are you a beginner looking to step into the exciting world of real estate investing but not sure where to start? 

    You're in the right place! Real estate investing can be a rewarding journey if you approach it with the right knowledge and strategies. 

    In this guide, we'll explore valuable tips and resources to kickstart your real estate investing journey.



    1. Where Should I Start Investing as a Beginner?

    As a beginner in real estate investing, it's essential to lay a solid foundation. 

    Start by learning how to find deals through a strategy known as wholesale real estate. 

    Wholesale real estate involves finding properties at a significant discount and then assigning the rights of those deals, secured with a purchase contract, to other investors for a profit—an assignment fee. 

    This approach allows you to dip your toes into the real estate waters without the need for substantial capital investment. 

    Moreover, it's an excellent method to learn about property values, negotiation skills, and deal analysis, setting you on the right path for a successful journey in real estate investing. 


    Understanding the mechanics of wholesale real estate will provide you with valuable insights and serve as a stepping stone to more complex investment strategies as you gain experience and confidence in the real estate market.

    Whether you're eager to get started with just a few hundred dollars or willing to invest more, wholesale real estate provides a practical approach for beginners to break into the real estate market. 

    Through proper education and hands-on experience in wholesaling, you can gradually build your investment portfolio and expand into various real estate investment opportunities.

    2. Recommended Real Estate Investing Books for Beginners

    One of the best ways to learn and gain insights into real estate investing is by reading books. I might be biased a little; here are two recommended books for beginners in real estate investing written by yours truly:

    Book 1: Smart Real Estate Wholesaling: This book provides valuable insights into the wholesale real estate strategy, guiding you on how to identify, negotiate, and close deals successfully like a pro.  

    Inside the book, you will discover the 3 pillars of a real estate wholesaling empire in the modern age

    Book 2: Real Estate Money Secrets: Explore this book to uncover the financial secrets and strategies that can help you navigate the real estate investing landscape effectively.  

    This book is the insider secrets to real estate investing and building a real estate empire from scratch like a PRO

    For those eager to dive into these resources, both books are available for free download right here.

    3. Learning from YouTube: Real Estate Investing for Beginners

    YouTube is a treasure trove of knowledge, and there's a wealth of real estate investing information available for beginners. 

    The digital platform offers an array of educational content, making it a prime resource for those beginning their real estate investment journey. 

    One exceptional channel to explore is our myEmpirePRO of course. 

    With over 1,000 free videos covering various aspects of real estate investing, this channel provides a rich learning experience. 

    From fundamental concepts like understanding property types and financing options to more advanced strategies such as market analysis and investment planning, myEmpirePRO equips you with a diverse range of insights. 


    Engage with the content, ask questions, and join the community of aspiring real estate investors for a supportive and enriching learning experience.

    By leveraging YouTube channels like myEmpirePRO, you can gain valuable knowledge, learn from experienced investors, and stay updated with the latest trends and developments in the real estate market. 

    It's a flexible and accessible way to expand your understanding and expertise in the world of real estate investing. 

    Remember, the more you learn, the more confident and informed you'll become in making successful investment decisions.

    Obviously… The first step to that is to obviously Hit the like, share, subscribe and turn on all your notifications in order to be notified when I drop the next video.

    4. Embracing Webinars: Real Estate Investing for Beginners

    In recent times, webinars have gained popularity, replacing traditional seminars due to their convenience and accessibility. 

    Unlike conventional seminars, webinars spare you the pressure of enduring relentless sales pitches from gurus who may not provide the personalized coaching you seek. 

    Webinars offer a unique platform to gain valuable insights into real estate investing for beginners right from the comfort of your home. 

    These online events often feature seasoned investors, industry experts, and successful individuals sharing their experiences and expertise. 

    You can explore a myriad of topics, strategies, and tips, all aimed at helping beginners navigate the real estate investing landscape effectively. Embrace this modern approach to learning, as it allows you to gather knowledge and interact with experts without leaving your home. 

    Stay informed, engaged, and prepared for your real estate investment journey.

    5. Starting Your Real Estate Investment Journey with Limited Funds

    The question many beginners ask is, "Can I invest $100 in real estate?" 

    While it's possible, it's crucial to ensure that you're adequately informed before making any investment. 

    If you find yourself in a position where you have limited funds, consider immersing yourself in educational content. 

    Watch informative videos on the myEmpirePRO YouTube channel to expand your knowledge before taking any investment steps.

    6. Investing in Real Estate for Passive Income: A Strategic Approach

    Building passive income through real estate is a popular goal. 

    To achieve this, start by learning the ins and outs of wholesale real estate. Acquire the skills needed to find and negotiate the best deals, allowing you to accumulate properties that generate passive income over time.

    7. Investing in Rental Property: Proceed with Caution

    Rental properties can provide a steady stream of income, but for a beginner, it's essential to proceed with caution. Jumping into this realm without a solid understanding of how to evaluate deals can be risky. Education and due diligence are key to making successful investments in rental properties.

    In conclusion, real estate investing offers a world of opportunities, and with the right knowledge and strategies, you can embark on a successful journey. Educate yourself, gather resources, and leverage the available platforms to hone your skills and make informed decisions on your path to becoming a real estate investor.

    If you enjoy this video, you will get so much more value from the video that just popped up on the screen.

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    9 Tips to Get Her INITIATING INTIMACY Again!

    9 Tips to Get Her INITIATING INTIMACY Again!

    I have 9 Tips to Ethically Seduce Your Wife if She Never Initiates Intimacy.  Welcome, my name is OLA and one half of a life partnership with my beautiful wife, LOLA.  We will bring her into the conversation in a few minutes.




    Are you wondering what to do when it feels like your wife never initiates intimacy in your relationship? It's a common concern that many individuals experience in long-term relationships. Understanding how to address this issue with understanding is key to nurturing a healthy and fulfilling intimate connection.

    First of all, let's take a deep breath and acknowledge that relationships are complex, and there's rarely a one-size-fits-all solution. However, we've got some friendly tips and insights that might help you navigate this situation. So, grab a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage, get comfortable, and let's dive in!

    Tip Number 1: Never Say Never

    You've heard it before, and we'll say it again—never say never. Using absolute terms like "never" and "always" can often lead to misunderstanding the actual issue. Sometimes, a little awareness about our language can go a long way in understanding and resolving relationship issues.

    Avoid Absolute Terms: Words Matter.  In the realm of relationships, communication is the cornerstone of understanding and resolution. It's crucial to be mindful of the language we use, especially when discussing sensitive matters such as intimacy in a romantic relationship. 

    One common pitfall is the use of absolute terms like "never" and "always." When we utter statements such as "my wife never initiates intimacy," we might inadvertently exaggerate the issue. It's essential to recognize that our emotions can sometimes color our perception, making us think things are more absolute than they really are. 

    So, the first step in addressing this concern is to be aware that employing extreme terms may not accurately represent the situation. This awareness alone can significantly contribute to finding a solution and fostering a healthier relationship.

    In the heat of a moment or when grappling with frustrations, it's easy to say things like "you never" or "you always." However, these absolutes rarely capture the full complexity of a situation. 

    Relationships are intricate and multifaceted, influenced by numerous variables like emotions, stress, external factors, and personal experiences. Applying a blanket term like "never" oversimplifies the issue and doesn't allow for a deeper understanding of what's truly going on.

    So, the next time you catch yourself using extreme language, take a moment to pause and reflect. Consider if the situation is genuinely as absolute as you've described. 

    Perhaps your partner initiates intimacy less frequently than you'd like, but maybe there have been instances where they did make a move. Acknowledging these subtleties opens the door to a more constructive dialogue about your needs and desires, fostering a greater sense of understanding and compromise in your relationship. Remember, words matter, and choosing them wisely can positively impact how you perceive and address your concerns.

    Tip Number 2: Analyze Changes in Behavior

    In any relationship, being attentive to shifts or changes in behavior is crucial for maintaining a strong and healthy connection. One of the fundamental aspects to consider is whether the lack of initiation of intimacy is a recent development or a modification of an existing pattern. Understanding this timeline can offer valuable insights into potential triggers and motivations.

    If you're finding that your partner has never initiated intimacy, it's essential to recognize that expecting a sudden shift in this behavior can be challenging. People have their individual comfort zones and ways of expressing intimacy, and abruptly altering this can be uncomfortable or unnatural. However, if there was a time when your partner did initiate intimacy and it has noticeably dwindled, it's worth delving into the reasons behind this shift.

    It could be that there are underlying concerns or stressors that have caused a change in their behavior. Perhaps there are insecurities or unspoken anxieties that need to be addressed. By reassessing the differences in behavior, you create an opportunity for you to understand and a chance to find a way forward that suits the specific needs of the romantic relationship.

    By nurturing an environment of openness and empathy, you can then easily do the work to find solutions that enhance your intimacy and strengthen the bond you share.

    Tip Number 3: Self-Reflection for a Better Connection

    It's essential to take a closer look at your feelings and thoughts. Consider your insecurities and how you view your relationship. Our personal struggles can influence how we interact with others, including our partner. Take time to reflect on your emotions and concerns, and how they might be affecting your intimacy. By understanding yourself better, you can work towards a stronger and more open connection with your spouse.

    Tip Number 4: Worst vs Best Case

    Consider adopting a more optimistic perspective towards your wife's behavior. Rather than immediately thinking the worst, envision the best-case scenario. 

    Maybe she's dealing with personal challenges or stress affecting her initiation of intimacy. By maintaining trust and positive assumptions, you encourage open communication and understanding within your relationship.

    Instead of assuming the worst, like infidelity, consider that she might be facing difficulties that impact attraction. If you approach the situation with kindness and empathy, you create an atmosphere of trust and love that could ultimately reignite the spark in your relationship.

    However, if you tend to expect the worst, the actual situation could be the opposite: you may have unintentionally stifled attraction in the romantic relationship. Therefore, the upcoming tips are tailored to help you enhance your attractiveness by starting with a positive outlook; assuming the best-case scenario.

    Tip Number 5: Hit the like, share, subscribe buttons and turn on all your notifications in order to be notified when I drop the rest of the video.  Just kidding, do the needful anyway and I appreciate you for that.

    The Real Tip Number 5: It's All About Attraction

    Intimacy challenges often stem from the dynamics of attraction. Invest time in comprehending what specifically attracts your wife and find ways to emphasize those aspects. Sometimes, even minor adjustments can have a major impact.

    This issue revolves around attraction, not a lack of responsibility or commitment. Explore what ignites a spark for her, and aim to deepen those connections. 

    By paying attention to what draws her closer and fostering that attraction, you can potentially revive the intimacy in your relationship. It's about recognizing and enhancing those attractions, allowing your bond to flourish and naturally lead to a more intimate connection.

    Tip Number 6: Influence, Not Control

    In relationships, creating a positive impact is vital. If you notice a lack of intimacy, consider reevaluating how you've been positively affecting the dynamics of your relationship. 

    Constructive influence comes from understanding, respect, and love. It's about being patient and understanding that building attraction takes time, requiring gradual changes that align with respect and understanding. 

    Work on fostering an environment of trust and care, allowing attraction to grow naturally without pressure. By positively influencing the relationship dynamics, you can pave the way for a stronger bond and a more intimate connection with your wife. 

    Tip Number 7: Social Dynamics

    Consider how your social interactions and communication skills contribute to the allure of your relationship. Cultivate charisma by showing genuine interest in your wife's thoughts and feelings, actively listening, and engaging in meaningful conversations. 

    Demonstrate empathy, kindness, and understanding, building a magnetic connection that transcends mere conversations. Your approach to social dynamics within your relationship can significantly impact the attraction between both of you. 

    By mastering ethical persuasive techniques, you can create a more enchanting and appealing bond, reigniting the spark that initially drew you together. Remember, ethical charm and genuine interest can subtly enhance intimacy within your marriage.

    Tip Number 8: Ethical Seduction

    Understanding what sparks desire in your wife is crucial, and it's not about manipulation but genuine connection. Focus on nurturing the relationship with care, empathy, and love.

    This approach to seduction is more about understanding and reciprocation rather than manipulation. It involves learning how to cultivate a giving and caring environment that encourages your wife to take the initiative in intimacy. 

    Think of your wife as the nurturer that she is, like the earth needing safety, structure, the seed from you and the right conditions to flourish and reciprocate. 

    If your wife has stopped initiating intimacy, it's essential to reflect on these aspects. Ethically and effectively seducing her to rekindle the flame of desire by reassessing and adjusting the way you provide care, understanding, and support in your relationship. 

    The choice of whether this effort is worthwhile lies with you.

    Tip Number 9: Emotions Factors

    Emotions steer our actions, acting as a guide in our relationships. Instead of jumping to conclusions, delve into the emotional landscape of your relationship. Things might be more complex than they appear on the surface.

    If it's the worst-case scenario and your wife is cheating with someone else.  Let's assume worse case where she's simply a wicked person aiming to punish you and utilize intimacy as a weapon against you, and this isn't related to attraction issues, then it would imply she is attracted to you but is also willing to punish herself, in addition to harboring a desire to be wicked. 

    Do you smell the oxymoron in that? You see, this doesn't align with logical reasoning. It appeared logical because the most significant variable, like for many people, was overlooked: emotions.

    Emotions play a significant part in our actions regardless of gender, often influencing our behaviors and decisions. 

    By acknowledging and understanding the emotions at play in your relationship, you can better navigate the situation and work towards a resolution that addresses the emotional needs and concerns of both you and your wife.

    So your turn: Can you recall a time when shifting language from "never" or "always" to a more nuanced approach improved communication in your relationship? Share that experience with us.  And if you've never paid attention to the impact of these words, also let us know in the comment area.  

    Let's bring LOLA into the conversation.


    #marriage #fixmymarriage #savemymarriage


    14 Excuses Why 90% of Millionaires Swear by this Property Investment Method!

    14 Excuses Why 90% of Millionaires Swear by this Property Investment Method!

    If you have your eyes set on mastering the art of property investment and diving into the top 1%, you have come to the right place. Investing in real estate is like crafting fine art, and the best artists have their own set of secret brushes and techniques.






    Today, we are here to share those brushes with you.

    Firstly… Knowledge is Not the Key:

    Applied knowledge is the key. Experience is the key. 

    Acquiring experience (and not acquired experience) is the key. Successful property investors don't just dip their toes into the market; they dive in headfirst. 

    They don't wait until they are armed with a wealth of knowledge, but they also tend to leverage the power of mentorship. 

    Make it your mission to become a real estate connoisseur. Align yourself with a mentor who has experience as you start acquiring experience and not just immersing yourself in endless books, seminars, online courses, and webinars. 

    Those things are good, but you must know that you learn more from doing. 

    That's how you best learn about market trends, property values, financial analysis, and everything else under the property sun.

    Secondly… Location, Location, Location... Of course.

    The age-old adage in real estate holds true: location is crucial. The best properties are often located in areas with promising growth potential—think upcoming neighborhoods or regions undergoing development.

    Research local infrastructure plans, job opportunities, schools, and amenities. A strategic location can significantly bolster your investment's value over time.

    With that being said, what you need to know more is how locations affect valuations of properties and not necessarily the falsity of zero value when a location is not as desired as others.

    Thirdly, property investment is a numbers game:

    Numbers aren't everyone's best friend, but they are your ally in property investment. 

    You need to analyze potential properties meticulously. Understand cash flow, cap rates, and return on investment (ROI) calculations. 

    These figures aren't just for show—they guide your decisions and ensure you're investing wisely. 

    In fact, there are some more hidden numbers like insurance, interests, maintenance, property management costs, and etc. 

    This is also an area where a competent mentor becomes handy. Speaking of…

    The fourth thing I want you to do is to…  Build a Solid Network

    It's Who You Know, and not what you know.  Networking isn't just about swapping business cards at events.

    It's about forming genuine connections with professionals in the industry—agents, brokers, other investors, and even mentors.

    Accessible mentors, no matter how much they cost, are always cheaper than $10 books on the Amazon shelves. You might have to rewind that to process what I just said. 

    These relationships can offer insights, opportunities, and sometimes, that one deal that sets you on the path to the top 1%. 

    In this game, a numbers game, the next 10 deals might do a little better than breaking even, and the next deal after that might make you a profit that you've needed to get you to the next level. 

    I've seen this over and over in the past 18 years. In fact, the last 6 years have been all that to me personally, while the last 48 hours alone have made more impact on my business than the last 6 years. 

    I can tell you more about that later.

    The fifth secret: Don't Shy Away from Risks... Just Assess

    Property investment isn't for the faint of heart. Sometimes, you need to take a leap of faith. But here's the catch—make sure it's an assessed risk. 

    Assess the risks as you go without overthinking, weigh the pros and cons, and then take an informed decision. We all have to make decisions from limited information. You are not alone. 

    You shouldn't be alone if you have a mentor. The top 1% got there by embracing risks wisely.

    Last but definitely not the least; The Profit Comes from How You Buy.

    This saying has resonated with me since the outset of my journey in 2005, emphasizing a fundamental principle in property investment: you make your profit when you buy, not when you sell. 

    It underscores the significance of the purchasing stage, emphasizing that the success and profitability of a property investment are primarily determined by the buying decisions made at the inception of the venture. 

    By strategically assessing and selecting properties that align with your investment goals, financial capacity, and market trends, you set the stage for a potentially lucrative investment. 

    Essentially, this adage serves as a reminder to meticulously analyze the property, consider the potential for appreciation, evaluate the neighborhood's growth prospects, and weigh other critical factors before committing to the purchase. 

    Making a wise and informed decision during the buying phase is the key to reaping rewards in the realm of property investment.

    One of the Ways to Mitigate Risk Is Wholesale Real Estate: Your Gateway to the Top 1%

    It's time to talk about how wholesale real estate fits into this equation, especially for beginners aspiring to make their mark in the realm of property investment.

    Wholesale real estate involves finding deeply discounted properties and assigning the rights to buy them to other investors for an assignment fee; the profit. This strategy can be a fantastic entry point for beginners, allowing them to bring value to seasoned investors while making a name for themselves.

    Here Are the 4 Ways That Wholesale Real Estate Aligns with Property Investment Secrets?

    Way Number 1: Hit the like, share, subscribe and turn on all your notifications in order to be notified when I drop the next video.

    The actual Way Number 1. Knowledge Expansion: Engaging in wholesale real estate broadens your understanding of property values, market dynamics, and negotiation skills. It's a hands-on lesson that complements the theoretical knowledge you've gathered without the need to have the big capital required for traditional property investment; while making money as you go.

    Way Number 2. Building a Network: Wholesale deals often involve collaboration with experienced investors; a network of mentors right? This is an excellent opportunity to network and learn from their expertise, adding to your own circle of industry contacts.

    Way Number 3. Risk Mitigation: Wholesale deals usually involve lower risk compared to direct property investment and ownership. You're not burdened with the responsibility of managing the property long-term, reducing potential risks while you are still acquiring experience as mentioned earlier.

    Way Number 4. Financial Savviness: Managing finances efficiently is a significant aspect of wholesaling. You learn to evaluate properties quickly and accurately, enhancing your property financial acumen, which is indispensable for successful property investment.

    Here Are 4 Tips for Succeeding in Wholesale Real Estate

    Tip Number 1. Market Research: Understand your target market thoroughly. I am not saying the "local market" here because, with the internet opportunity of today, you can operate United States real estate wholesaling from anywhere if you have a smartphone and laptop with an internet connection. You can start by using the free trial of www.EmpireBIGData.com to identify the areas where distressed properties are prevalent and potential buyers are interested.

    Tip Number 2. Network Relentlessly: Attend real estate events, join online forums, and connect with industry professionals. Your network can be your greatest asset in finding deals, end-buyers and executing wholesale real estate transactions.

    Tip Number 3. Negotiation Skills: Hone your negotiation skills. The better you negotiate, the more profit you can make from each deal. And practice makes perfect in these regards.

    Tip Number 4. Master Marketing: Learn effective marketing strategies to reach potential sellers and buyers. Utilize online platforms, social media, and targeted direct advertising to maximize your reach.

    So, there you have it—the top 1% secret of property investment and how wholesale real estate can be your stepping stone into this exciting realm. Remember, every property transaction is a lesson, and every lesson propels you closer to the elite league of property investors.

    If you enjoy this video, you will get so much more value from the video that just popped up on the screen.


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    13 Signs Your Marriage is Causing You Depression

    13 Signs Your Marriage is Causing You Depression

    Do you even know what depression is before blaming it for an undesirable marriage?  

    We're diving into a topic today that affects countless people around the world – depression. 

    We'll be discussing its impact on marriages and exploring how it might not be fair to point the finger at marriage as the sole culprit. 

    What is Depression?





    First things first, let's clarify what depression is. 

    Depression is a mental health condition characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in daily activities. 

    It's important to understand that depression is a medical condition that can affect anyone, regardless of their relationship status.

    Now, here's the big question: Can we really blame marriage for causing depression? 

    Well, it's tempting to point fingers, but the truth is that depression is a complex issue with various factors at play. While marital problems can contribute to it, they're rarely the sole cause.

    Here are the 13 Signs That Your Marriage is Possibly Making You Depressed.

    Sign Number 1. Communication Problems: 

    Effective communication is the lifeblood of a healthy marriage. When communication breaks down, misunderstandings become the norm, and conflicts escalate. 

    Constantly feeling unheard or unable to express your thoughts and emotions can lead to a sense of frustration and isolation. 

    Over time, this can erode the emotional connection between partners and contribute to depressive feelings.

    Sign Number 2. Lack of Emotional Intimacy: 

    Emotional intimacy is the emotional closeness and connection you share with your spouse. When it dwindles, you may feel emotionally distant, like you're living parallel lives rather than sharing one. 

    This emotional disconnection can lead to feelings of loneliness, sadness, and a sense of being unfulfilled within the marriage.

    Sign Number 3. Lack of Physical Intimacy: 

    A decrease in physical affection and sexual intimacy can signal a deeper issue in a marriage. The absence of physical closeness can make you feel rejected, unattractive, and unloved. 

    These feelings can be incredibly painful and contribute to a sense of sadness and diminished self-worth.

    Sign Number 4. Financial Problems: 

    Money is a common source of stress in marriages. Ongoing financial arguments, mounting debt, or a constant fear of financial instability can lead to overwhelming anxiety. 

    The stress of financial problems can feel never-ending and lead to persistent feelings of hopelessness and despair.

    Sign Number 5. Infidelity: 

    Discovering that your partner has been unfaithful is a traumatic experience. It shatters trust and can unleash a torrent of emotions, including betrayal, anger, and profound insecurity. 

    These emotions can be all-consuming and have a profound impact on your mental health, potentially leading to depression.

    Sign Number 6. Coping with Illness or Disability: 

    Whether it's your own health issue or your spouse's, coping with illness or disability can be emotionally exhausting. 

    The challenges, uncertainty, and changes in lifestyle that come with health issues can make you feel helpless and emotionally drained, contributing to feelings of sadness and despair.

    Sign Number 7. Grief from Death of a Loved One: 

    Grief is a heavy emotional burden, and when both partners in a marriage are grieving, it can strain the relationship. Coping with the loss of a loved one can be overwhelming and emotionally isolating. The inability to provide emotional support to each other during this challenging time can exacerbate feelings of sadness and isolation.

    Sign Number 8. Stressful Life Events: 

    Major life changes, such as job loss or relocation, can introduce high levels of stress into a marriage. These events disrupt established routines and create uncertainty about the future. The resulting anxiety and sadness can lead to a sense of being overwhelmed and contribute to depressive symptoms.

    Sign Number 9. Constant Arguments: 

    Frequent and unresolved conflicts can create a toxic atmosphere within a marriage. Chronic stress from these constant battles can lead to emotional exhaustion, making it challenging to find joy or contentment in the relationship. The persistent tension can contribute to feelings of hopelessness and depression.

    Sign Number 10. Emotional Neglect: 

    Feeling emotionally neglected means your emotional needs consistently go unmet in the relationship. Over time, this can lead to a sense of emptiness and sadness as you long for emotional connection and support that isn't being provided by your spouse.

    Sign Number 11. Criticism and Blame: 

    Frequent criticism or blame from your spouse can chip away at your self-esteem and self-worth. Feeling constantly criticized and blamed can make you believe you are unworthy or incapable, leading to feelings of worthlessness and depression.

    Sign Number 12. Social Isolation: 

    When a marriage becomes the sole focus of your life and you withdraw from friends and family, it can lead to social isolation. This isolation can intensify feelings of loneliness, as you may lack the support and social connections that provide emotional nourishment.

    Sign Number 13. Thoughts of Divorce or Separation: 

    Constantly contemplating ending the marriage is a clear sign of deep dissatisfaction and unhappiness within the relationship. These persistent thoughts can create a sense of hopelessness about the future of the marriage, contributing to depressive symptoms.

    When two or more humans come together to collaborate, whether in a professional setting or in personal relationships, it's almost inevitable that some degree of friction will arise. 

    However, when we talk about romantic relationships, especially marriages, we're entering a realm where the complexity of human emotions takes center stage. 

    Imagine multiplying the usual challenges by a factor of 10,000 for romantic relationships and then again for marriages – it's a recipe for a roller-coaster of emotions.

    The core of many of these emotional challenges can often be traced back to two key factors: pride and unrealistic expectations. Pride can lead individuals to be resistant to change or compromise, creating barriers to effective communication and understanding within a relationship. 

    Unrealistic expectations set the stage for disappointment because no one, no matter how perfect their partner may be, can fully meet the lofty standards set by these expectations.

    It's important to note that while some issues in marriage may indeed be rooted in the actions of one or both partners, a significant portion of these challenges can be attributed to incompetence rather than malice.

    Incompetence, in this context, doesn't imply a lack of intelligence but rather a lack of knowledge or skills in navigating the complexities of a relationship.

    The good news is that despite the seemingly overwhelming layers of complexity that can accumulate in a marriage, it doesn't require solving 10,000 x 10,000 problems. 

    Instead, it often comes down to mastering a few fundamental principles that can act as a solvent, dissolving many of the layers of tension and conflict.

    By learning effective communication skills, practicing empathy, embracing compromise, and cultivating emotional intelligence, couples can transform their relationship. 

    These principles serve as a bridge to connect partners on a deeper level, allowing them to navigate the ups and downs of life together with love, understanding, and a sense of shared purpose.

    Ultimately, the dream of a life filled with love and bliss, which often feels unattainable amid the complexities of marriage, can become a reality. 

    It's not about erasing every issue but rather about equipping yourself with the tools to address and overcome them together. 

    While no relationship is entirely free from challenges, the journey toward a more fulfilling and harmonious marriage becomes not only possible but achievable through continuous growth, learning, and mutual support. So here are 5 ways to deal with depression in a marriage.

    Number 1. Seek Professional Help:

    Consulting a therapist or counselor can provide you and your spouse with expert guidance on addressing depression. They offer a safe space for open dialogue and practical strategies, acting as skilled navigators through the complexities of marriage and mental health.  You can check out our services at LOLAandOLA.com

    Number 2. Communicate Openly and Honestly:

    Open and honest communication builds trust and understanding in your relationship. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with your partner fosters empathy, helping both of you work together to tackle depression's challenges, ultimately strengthening your bond.

    Number 3. Be Patient and Understanding:

    Recognize that healing from depression and improving your marriage is a gradual journey. Patience and understanding toward each other's progress and setbacks are key. This attitude promotes resilience and a deeper connection in your partnership.

    Number 4. Learn to Manage Stress:

    Developing healthy stress-management techniques, such as mindfulness or relaxation exercises, empowers you to reduce stress's impact on your relationship. These practices enhance your overall well-being and equip you to face life's difficulties together.

    Number 5. Make Lifestyle Changes:

    Incorporating healthy habits like regular exercise and a balanced diet benefits both mental and physical health. Such lifestyle changes create a shared commitment to well-being, strengthening your relationship and providing a foundation for resilience in the face of depression.

    In conclusion, depression is a serious condition that can profoundly impact a marriage. However, it's essential to remember that there is hope and you might one skill or tool away from happiness. 

    Seeking professional help and implementing healthy strategies can help couples navigate the challenges and find their way back to a healthier, happier marriage.

    If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, please don't hesitate to seek assistance. You don't have to face it alone.  Go to LOLAandOLA.com to download the free books.  It’s our testimony and the lessons we’ve learned over the last 19 years plus.

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    Mastering Communication in Marriage ✅ 11 Secrets to Sizzling Romance

    Mastering Communication in Marriage ✅ 11 Secrets to Sizzling Romance

    Welcome to an extraordinary journey that will transform your marriage forever! Are you ready to dive deep into the secrets of building a lasting connection with your spouse? Buckle up, because today, we're unveiling 11 secrets that will revolutionize your communication in marriage! Alright, let's dive into the first secret that will transform your marriage.



    Secret Number 1. Active Listening

    The first secret to successful communication in marriage is active listening. This skill goes far beyond the surface level of hearing words; it delves deep into understanding your partner's thoughts, feelings, and desires.

    When you genuinely listen to your partner, you not only make them feel heard but also create a deeper connection. Imagine it as a bridge between your hearts, one that allows both of you to traverse the emotional landscape of your relationship with ease.

    When your wife feels heard, it's as if you've unlocked a hidden dimension of your connection. It's not just about hearing her words; it's about comprehending the unspoken nuances—the subtle shifts in her tone, the unsaid worries, and the unexpressed desires. In this sense, you can truly penetrate her world, establishing a level of intimacy that transcends the physical.

    Similarly, when your husband feels heard, it's akin to a pledge of devotion. He recognizes that you value his thoughts and respect his perspective. As a result, he's more inclined to wholeheartedly commit himself to your happiness, striving to fulfill your needs and desires in every possible way.Active listening is the cornerstone of a thriving marriage. It's the secret weapon that not only helps you understand your partner better but also draws you closer, creating a magnetic bond that withstands the tests of time and trials of life.Secret Number 2. Understanding Power Dynamics

    In any marriage, understanding the intricate web of power dynamics is crucial. It's not about striving for a rigid sense of equality, but rather achieving a balanced and equitable partnership that thrives on the nuances of your unique emotional and relational contexts.So, what's the difference between equity and equality? Equity, unlike equality, pays attention to the context and emotional frame of reference within the relationship. It acknowledges that each partner may have different strengths, weaknesses, and emotional needs at various times. This recognition allows for a more fluid and dynamic distribution of power.Equality, on the other hand, often hinges on a fixed, one-size-fits-all approach. It can inadvertently create a subtle sense of competition between husband and wife, where each strives to maintain an exact equilibrium in responsibilities and privileges. This rigid perspective can lead to unnecessary tensions and misunderstandings.Understanding power dynamics isn't about establishing dominance; it's about navigating your relationship with empathy and sensitivity. When you grasp the concept of power, you'll begin to recognize and transform any elements that resemble competition between you and your partner.Many traditional communication principles inadvertently position spouses as competitors, fostering an atmosphere where one must "win" a discussion or argument. Instead, focusing on equitable power dynamics means working together as a team. It's about acknowledging that each partner brings unique strengths and perspectives to the relationship, and by combining these strengths, you can create a stronger, more harmonious partnership. In doing so, you'll move away from the idea of competing against each other and toward the goal of collaborating to build a thriving marriage.Secret Number 3. Understanding Your Leverage

    Communication isn't just about talking. Sometimes, silence can be a powerful tool, allowing your partner the space they need to express themselves fully.Secret Number 4. Self-Awareness

    Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence. By understanding your own emotions, you can better navigate difficult conversations with your spouse.Secret Number 5. Social Intelligence

    Your capacity to engage with others extends its influence into your marriage as well. Building and nurturing your social intelligence can be a game-changer when it comes to establishing trust and deeper connections within your relationship.In everyday life, it's not uncommon for individuals to experience moments of social awkwardness, particularly when effective communication is of the essence. These moments can arise during crucial discussions with your spouse. However, by honing your social intelligence, you can learn to navigate these situations with grace and confidence.Social intelligence isn't about being the life of the party or a master of small talk. Instead, it's about recognizing and understanding the emotions, needs, and perspectives of those around you. When you develop this skill, it enhances your ability to connect with your partner on a deeper level.In those pivotal moments when effective communication is most needed, your refined social intelligence will help you maintain composure, show empathy, and respond thoughtfully. Ultimately, this will foster an environment of trust, openness, and understanding within your marriage, even during the most challenging conversations.Secret Number 6. Emotional Vulnerability

    Emotional vulnerability is a potent tool in deepening your connection with your spouse. It involves being willing to share your innermost thoughts and feelings, even if they make you feel exposed or uncomfortable. When you allow yourself to be emotionally vulnerable, you invite your partner into your world on a profound level, fostering trust and intimacy.But be sure to read the room before sharing your fears, dreams, and insecurities with your spouse, and encourage them to share as much as they need to; make them comfortable doing that. This level of wisdom creates a safe space for both of you, building a strong emotional bond that can withstand the trials of marriage.Secret Number 7. Nonverbal Communication

    Nonverbal communication plays a significant role in seduction within a marriage. Your body language, eye contact, and physical touch can convey desire, passion, and love without the need for words. Learn to use these nonverbal cues to send clear messages of attraction and affection to your partner.Subtle touches, lingering glances, and affectionate gestures can create a seductive atmosphere that keeps the romance alive in your marriage. Pay attention to your partner's nonverbal cues as well, as they can reveal their desires and feelings even when they don't verbalize them.Secret Number 8. Timing and Patience

    Effective communication in a seductive marriage requires a keen sense of timing and patience. Sometimes, the most seductive moments are the ones that are allowed to simmer and build gradually. Rather than rushing into things, take the time to savor the anticipation and desire that naturally arise when you allow moments to unfold at their own pace.Patience can be a powerful tool in seduction. It allows you to build tension and excitement, creating an atmosphere of longing and desire. Whether it's planning a special date night or waiting for the perfect moment to express your feelings, patience can amplify the seductive energy in your marriage.Secret Number 9. Playfulness and Flirtation

    Marriage doesn't have to be serious all the time. Playfulness and flirtation can inject a sense of fun and excitement into your relationship. Tease and flirt with your spouse as you would when you were first dating. Use humor and light-hearted banter to create a playful atmosphere that ignites desire and keeps the spark alive.Flirtation is a way to remind your partner that you still find them irresistibly attractive. It's about maintaining a sense of novelty and adventure in your marriage, even as you navigate the routines of daily life.Secret Number 10. Adaptability & Embracing Change

    Change is inevitable in any long-term relationship. To maintain effective communication in a seductive marriage, you as a partner must be adaptable and willing to grow with your partner.  Embrace the changes as you both evolve over time.As you adapt to this inevitable reality, make an effort to rediscover and rekindle your desires. What attracted you to your partner in the beginning may evolve, but there are always new aspects to explore and appreciate. Embrace change as an opportunity to deepen your connection and discover new sources of seduction within your evolving relationship.Secret Number 11. Mutual Fulfillment

    Ultimately, effective communication in a marriage is about being aware of your partner's desires and working to help them feel fulfilled. Make an effort to understand what truly excites and satisfies your partner, both emotionally and physically. Then, commit to helping in fulfilling those desires as an ongoing act of love and seduction.You will then create a reciprocal cycle of desire and satisfaction that keeps the spark alive in your marriage. This mutual fulfillment ensures that both partners feel cherished, desired, and deeply connected to each other eventually.Incorporating these 11 secrets into your approach to communication in marriage will help you build and maintain a connection that keeps the flame of passion and desire burning brightly throughout your journey together.Communication in marriage is an art, not an exact science. By embracing these secrets, you can build a connection that stands the test of time. Let's get the conversation going in the comments below! Tell me, what's your biggest communication challenge in your marriage?  Now, it's your turn! Like this video, share it with others who need these secrets, and don't forget to subscribe and turn on those notifications!


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    7 Real Estate Investing Secrets For Beginners (PROVEN)

    7 Real Estate Investing Secrets For Beginners (PROVEN)

    If you've ever dreamt of making it big in the world of real estate investing, you're not alone. Many have turned this dream into a reality, and you can too! The good news is, real estate investing for beginners is actually simpler than most people think. We're here to spill the beans on the seven secrets that will set you on the path to success.




    I know you've wondered how some people make lots of money by buying and selling houses and properties? It's like a big game of Monopoly, but in real life. This is called "real estate investing," and guess what? You can do it too.

    Now, let's break it down. Real estate investing is like a grown-up version of that game where you buy and sell real estate properties. Instead of colorful paper money, you use real money, and instead of a game board, you deal with real houses and buildings.

    People get into real estate investing to make money. They buy properties (like houses, apartments, or land) and then either sell them for a higher price or rent them out to make a steady income. It's a bit like having your own little business in the world of buildings and land.

    But, hold on! Before you can become a real estate pro, there are seven secrets you need to know. So, let's get started on this exciting journey into the world of real estate investing, step by step.

    And even if you don't have "real money", you can get started with a desire, time, and skills that I am about to hand to you right now.

    Secret Number 1: Decide!

    Alright, let's dive right in (pun intended)!  And don't you dare... this is very important.

    Imagine you're at a big, cool swimming pool on a hot summer day. You're looking at the water, and it's so tempting, just waiting for you to jump in. But, there's one thing holding you back—sometimes you're not sure how deep the water is.

    Starting your journey as a beginner in real estate investing can feel a lot like that poolside moment. The very first thing you need to do is decide to start.

    Now, here's the thing: it's okay to feel a little nervous when you're trying something new, like learning to swim or getting into real estate investing. But guess what? Everyone starts somewhere, and this right here is your starting point.

    Think about some famous people who started with nothing but big dreams. Have you ever heard of a guy named Warren Buffett? He's one of the richest people in the world, and do you think he started with billions of dollars? Your guess is as good as mine.

    Warren Buffett decided to dive into the world of investing, just like you can decide to dive into real estate investing. He DECIDED!

    Sarah, a schoolteacher, always dreamt of being a real estate investor. But guess what? She didn't have a lot of money or experience.

    So, what did Sarah do? She spent time learning about real estate by reading books, watching videos, listening to podcasts and talking to people who knew a lot about it. She even attended special classes to learn even more.

    Then, she found a little house that she could afford. It wasn't a mansion or anything, but it was a start. Sarah bought that house, fixed it up, and rented it to some nice people.

    Over time, Sarah kept learning and buying more houses. Of course, she faced some challenges along the way, like when the roof needed fixing, but she never gave up. Today, Sarah is a super successful real estate investor, and she's living a life she once only dreamed about.

    Making the decision to start is the most important step. You might feel like you're standing at the edge of a deep pool, but you can start in the shallow end and slowly work your way up. Believe in yourself, take that leap of faith, and your journey into real estate investing begins with a splash. Here is 6 more secrets on your exciting real estate investing adventure!

    Secret Number 2: Get Started, Don't Procrastinate

    Okay, so you've decided to take the plunge into the exciting world of real estate investing. Great! But here's another secret for you: don't wait too long to get started.

    Imagine you're on a big water slide at a water park. You're all set at the top, ready for the thrilling ride down. But what if you hesitated and stayed there, looking down the slide for too long? You'd miss out on all the fun!

    Real estate investing is a bit like that water slide. If you spend too much time thinking and not enough time doing, you'll miss out on opportunities. The longer you wait, the more chances pass you by.

    Now, we're not saying you should rush into things without thinking, just like you wouldn't want to go down that water slide without checking if it's safe first. But once you've done your research and feel reasonably confident, don't procrastinate. Start small if you need to, but start now.

    Think of it this way: every second you don't start is like standing at the top of the water slide, missing out on the thrill of the ride. So, don't let procrastination hold you back. Take action, and you'll be on your way to an exciting real estate investing adventure!

    Secret Number 3: Educate Yourself Continuously

    Alright, you're on the right track! You've decided to dive into real estate investing, and you've learned not to let procrastination hold you back. Now, it's time for the next secret: education.

    Remember when you first started school, and you didn't know your ABCs or how to count to ten? Well, real estate investing is a bit like that. You start by learning the basics, and then you build on that knowledge.

    So, here's the deal: knowledge is power in the world of real estate. The more you know, the better decisions you can make. It's a bit like having a treasure map – the more details you have, the easier it is to find the hidden treasure.

    You can start your real estate education in a bunch of ways. There are books about real estate investing, just like there are books to help you with math or science. You can watch videos and take online courses, a lot like how you learn cool stuff on the internet. And hey, don't forget about talking to people who know a lot about real estate – it's like asking your teacher for help when you don't understand something in class.

    Now, we've got a little surprise for you. We have two free books, "Real Estate Money Secret" and "Smart Real Estate Wholesaling," that can help you kickstart your real estate education. These books are like having a super-duper guide to the world of real estate investing. You can find them at www.RealEstateMoneySecrets.com.

    But that's not all! We're also offering a free masterclass to help you get started on your real estate journey. It's like having a real-life expert teach you all the tricks of the trade. So, head over to www.RealEstateMoneySecrets.com to grab those free books and join the masterclass. It's a fantastic place to start your real estate adventure, and we can't wait to see you there! Stay tuned for more secrets that will help you become a real estate superstar.

    Secret Number 4: Don't Try to Finish All Your Education in One Day

    Alright, real estate adventurer, you're doing great so far! You've decided to dive into real estate investing, you've learned not to wait around, and you've started educating yourself. Now, let's talk about a secret that's super important: taking your time.

    Think about learning a new game or a new subject in school. You don't become a pro in a day, right? The same goes for real estate investing. It's like a big puzzle, and you're putting the pieces together, one by one.

    Sometimes, when we're excited about something new, we want to learn everything all at once. But here's the thing: real estate investing is like a marathon, not a sprint. You don't need to rush to the finish line.

    Take your time to understand each piece of the puzzle. Learn about different types of real estate investments, like buying houses to rent out or flipping properties to sell for a profit. Explore how to analyze the value of a property and how to deal with contracts and paperwork.

    By taking it step by step, you'll become a better investor in the long run. It's like building a strong foundation for a tall skyscraper – you want it to be solid, not rushed.

    So, remember, don't try to finish all your real estate education in one day. It's okay to take your time, learn at your own pace, and enjoy the journey of becoming a savvy real estate investor.

    Stay tuned for more secrets, and keep building your real estate knowledge piece by piece.

    Secret Number 5: The Hidden Treasures of Time and Skills

    You've been on quite the adventure, and now it's time to unveil a secret that flips the script on traditional wisdom. In the world of real estate, it's often said that you need heaps of cash to get started. But guess what? We're about to prove that time and skills can be just as valuable, if not more so!

    Imagine you're in a game where everyone has their own unique superpower. Some players have mountains of money at their disposal, while others have an incredible knack for fixing things or a magical ability to connect with people. You, my friend, might have the power of time and skills.  I know for a fact that you have the power to tap on the LIKE button right now.

    As for Time, Time is an asset that doesn't discriminate. Whether you're a student, a working professional, or somewhere in between, the hours in your day are just as precious as anyone else's. And guess what? In the world of real estate, having time means you can add value to established real estate investors who don't have the same luxury.

    As For Skills, Now, here's the real kicker. Your skills, no matter how small or specialized, can be like gold in real estate investing. Can you learn marketing skills? Are you handy with tools? These are extremely valuable skills for real estate investing projects. Do you have a way with words and negotiation? That can save you and others big bucks in deals. Don't underestimate what you bring to the table.

    So, what does all this mean? It means you can dive into real estate investing without having a secret vault of money. Instead, you leverage your time and skills. For example, if you're short on funds but rich in time and skills, you can start by searching for properties that need a little TLC. 

    You can start your search at www.EmpireBIGData.com  You can then put in some elbow grease and make them shine. When you're ready to sell or rent, you'll have a valuable asset that you've enhanced with your skills and hard work.

    Remember, there's more than one path to real estate success, and yours might just be paved with time and skills. Don't let anyone tell you that you need a mountain of cash to get started. You've got unique strengths that can lead to fantastic opportunities in real estate.

    Secret Number 6: Decide to Never Quit

    You're well on your way in this exciting journey of real estate investing! You've learned some valuable secrets so far, and now it's time for one that's absolutely crucial: the secret of persistence.

    Think of real estate investing as an adventurous hike up a mountain. It's exhilarating and challenging at the same time. You're climbing towards a stunning view, but along the way, there might be rocks to navigate, steep slopes to conquer, and even unexpected detours.

    In real estate, just like on that mountain, you might face challenges. Deals might not go as planned, repairs could cost more than you expected, or you might hit some financial bumps in the road. But here's the secret that separates the successful from the discouraged: deciding never to quit.

    Let's look at a real-life example. Imagine you're climbing that mountain, and you slip and stumble on a rocky trail. It's tempting to turn around and head back down, right? But what if you knew that the breathtaking view from the top was just a bit further ahead? Would you give up, or would you dust yourself off and keep climbing?

    Real estate investing is no different. There will be setbacks, but deciding never to quit means picking yourself up, learning from your mistakes, and pushing forward. It's like having a "never give up" attitude tattooed on your mindset.

    Successful real estate investors didn't achieve their goals by quitting when things got tough. They persevered, adapted, and kept going, no matter the challenges. They knew that every setback was just a stepping stone toward their ultimate success.

    So, as you continue your real estate journey, remember this secret: decide to never quit. Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. Keep climbing that real estate mountain, and you'll reach those breathtaking views of success that you've been dreaming of.

    And don't forget to check out those two free books, "Real Estate Money Secret" and "Smart Real Estate Wholesaling," as well as the free masterclass waiting for you at www.RealEstateMoneySecrets.com. These resources will help you stay motivated and persistent as you navigate the world of real estate investing. Keep moving forward, and the view from the top will be worth every step!

    Secret Number 7: Every Second You Don't Start Compounds

    It's time for the grand finale. Every second you don't start is a moment where potential opportunities slip through your fingers. Time is your most precious asset in this adventure.

    Think about this: successful real estate investors didn't become successful overnight. They started somewhere, just like you are now. But what set them apart was their understanding that every second they didn't start, the opportunity to grow and make money was slipping away.

    So, whether you're still in the planning stages, saving up for your first investment, or analyzing potential properties, remember this secret: every second you don't start compounds. The more you wait, the more opportunities you miss.

    You don't need to start with a massive investment. You can start by investing time into your education and start acquiring skills.  You can begin small, but take that first step. Plant the seeds of your future success today.

    And guess what? Those free resources we've been talking about, "Real Estate Money Secret" and "Smart Real Estate Wholesaling," along with the free masterclass at www.RealEstateMoneySecrets.com, are fantastic places to start. They'll give you the knowledge and motivation you need to make the most of every second.

    Now that you're armed with these seven secrets, remember that real estate investing is an adventure filled with ups and downs. But with the right mindset, determination, and a willingness to start, you're well on your way to a future filled with exciting real estate opportunities.

    So, go out there and start building your real estate empire. Every second counts, and your journey begins now. Hit the like, share, subscribe and turn on your notifications.  And if you found value in this video, you will like this next one that just popped up on the screen.


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    7 Essential Real Estate Investment Tips for Beginners

    7 Essential Real Estate Investment Tips for Beginners

    Hey there, future real estate moguls! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of real estate investment? Well, you're in the right place because today, we've got something special lined up for you. We're going to unlock the secrets of real estate investing and share seven unbelievable tips for beginners to get you started on your journey to financial freedom. So, stick around because you won't want to miss this!





    Real estate investment might seem like a daunting endeavor, but it doesn't have to be. Whether you're looking to generate monthly cash flow or build long-term wealth, real estate can be an excellent avenue for investment. In this video, we'll break down the basics of real estate investing and provide you with seven valuable tips to get started on the right foot.

    At its core, real estate investing is a way to grow your wealth in a manner that often outpaces the effects of inflation. While your regular job provides income, real estate investments can offer appreciation and income simultaneously.  Before we dive into the tips, let's first understand why investing in real estate is a smart move. While there are many reasons, two primary motivations are cash flow and wealth building.

    8 Benefits of Real Estate Investing:

    Benefit Number 1 of 8. Steady Cash Flow

    Real estate can provide a consistent stream of rental income, offering financial stability and covering ongoing expenses.

    Benefit Number 2 of 8. Long-Term Wealth Building

    Over time, real estate properties tend to appreciate in value, allowing investors to build substantial equity and long-term wealth.

    According to the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), the average U.S. home value has increased at an annual rate of 4.3% since 1991.  

    Notably, in areas like San Francisco, median home values have surged by an annual rate of 10.5% since 1991.  For instance, a $200,000 investment in a home in 1991 would have appreciated to over $600,000 by 2023.

    Real estate investors can build equity as they make mortgage payments.  

    For example, a buyer who purchased a $200,000 home with a 20% down payment would accumulate $160,000 in equity after making 20% of their mortgage payments.  This equity can be leveraged for other investments or financial goals.

    Location, with properties near schools, jobs, and amenities tending to appreciate faster.  Demand, where high demand relative to supply drives up prices.  

    Supply, with limited availability often leading to price increases.  Economic conditions, as periods of growth generally boost real estate prices.

    The Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index reveals a historical annual appreciation rate of approximately 3-5% for residential real estate in the U.S.

    The Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances underscores that most Americans accumulate significant wealth through home equity, which appreciates over time.

    Data from the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) demonstrates that commercial real estate investments have consistently delivered robust returns, often surpassing stocks and bonds.

    Rental income from residential properties in the U.S. surpassed $500 billion in 2019, providing a reliable source of cash flow.

    Homeowners can amass substantial equity over time through mortgage payments and property value appreciation.

    The Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University reports a median increase of $40,000 in homeowner equity from 2013 to 2018.

    Benefit Number 3 of 8. Diversification: 

    Real estate investments can diversify your portfolio, reducing risk by spreading your assets across different asset classes.

    Benefit Number 4 of 8. Tax Advantages: 

    Real estate investors can benefit from various tax deductions, such as mortgage interest and property depreciation, which can reduce their overall tax liability.

    Benefit Number 5 of 8. Tangible Asset: 

    Unlike some other investments, real estate provides a tangible asset that you can see and touch, adding a sense of security.

    Benefit Number 6. Inflation Hedge: 

    Real estate often keeps pace with or outpaces inflation, preserving your purchasing power over time.

    Benefit Number 7 of 8. Control: 

    Real estate investments offer a level of control, allowing you to make decisions about property management, improvements, and rental terms.

    Benefit Number 8 of 8. Passive Income: 

    When managed properly, rental properties can generate passive income, allowing you to earn money without actively working for it.

    Real estate offers a unique combination of stability and profit potential that makes it appealing to both seasoned investors and beginners alike.

    7 Types of Real Estate Investments

    Now, let's explore the different types of real estate investments you can consider:

    Real Estate Investments Type 1 of 7. Buy and Hold: 

    This strategy involves purchasing properties for the purpose of generating monthly cash flow and building equity over time.

    Real Estate Investments Type 2 of 7. Flipping: 

    Flipping is all about buying distressed properties, renovating them, and selling them for a profit within a relatively short time frame, typically six months to a year.

    Real Estate Investments Type 3 of 7. Wholesaling: 

    As a wholesaler, you'll identify great real estate deals and pass them on to investors who have the resources to acquire them, earning a fee for your efforts.

    Real Estate Investments Type 4 of 7. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): 

    These are companies that own, operate, or finance income-producing real estate. Investing in REITs allows you to own a share of various real estate properties without directly owning them.


    Real Estate Investments Type 5 of 7. House Hacking: 

    This strategy involves purchasing a multi-family home, living in one of the units, and renting out the others to cover your living expenses.

    Real Estate Investments Type 6 of 7. Short-Term Rentals: 

    With platforms like AirBnB, you can profit from renting out your property on a short-term basis to travelers and tourists.

    Real Estate Investments Type 7 of 7. Creative Financing: 

    This category includes various creative methods like lease options and seller financing to acquire real estate without a traditional mortgage.

    Finding the right investment property is crucial. You'll want to consider factors like location, property condition, market trends, and potential for future growth. Local real estate agents and online resources can be valuable tools in your search.

    But in this time and age, AI and data driven platforms such as www.EmpireBIGData.com makes it super simple to assess and analyze all these factors in one click.

    Financing your real estate investment can be done through various means. These include traditional mortgages, hard money loans, private investors, and even your own savings.  Conventionally, mortgages and cash might be your first thought of a funding source.  But there are many other creative options that we will continue to discuss.

    Managing a rental property involves handling tenants, maintenance, and finances. You can choose to do this yourself or hire a property management company to handle these tasks for you.  When you do get to this level, it's better to structure the cost of property management into your deals.

    Profits in real estate can come from rental income, property appreciation, and strategic buying and selling. It's important to have a clear plan and understand how your chosen investment strategy generates income.

    Different strategies for real estate investing suit different goals. Evaluate your objectives and risk tolerance to determine which approach aligns best with your financial aspirations.

    Finally, here are 7 tips to guide you on your real estate investment journey:

    Tip Number 1 of 7. Do Your Research: 

    Knowledge is power in real estate. Take the time to learn about the market, property types, and investment strategies before jumping in.

    Tip Number 2 of 7. Exit Before Entry: 

    Have a clear exit strategy in place before making an investment. Knowing how you'll profit or mitigate losses is essential.

    Tip Number 3 of 7. Learn How to Find Deals: 

    Understanding how to identify great deals is a skill that can set you up for success. Networking, online listings, and real estate clubs can be helpful resources.  And again, AI and data driven platforms such as www.EmpireBIGData.com makes it super simple to assess and analyze all these factors in one click.

    Tip Number 4 of 7. Learn How to Fund Deals: 

    Explore various financing options and understand the pros and cons of each. Being well-financed is crucial for your real estate ventures.

    Tip Number 5 of 7. Real Estate Agents Are Overrated: 

    While real estate agents can be helpful, they aren't always necessary, especially in the age of online listings. Don't hesitate to explore properties independently.

    Tip Number 6 of 7. Be Patient: 

    Real estate investments may take time to yield significant returns. Avoid impulsive decisions and focus on the long-term gains.

    Tip Number 7 of 7. Don't Overextend Yourself: 

    Avoid over-leveraging or investing beyond your means. Responsible financial management is key to a successful real estate journey.  Saving such people was responsible for my first fleet of real estate success I enjoyed as a beginner in my first 3 years.

    Real estate investment offers substantial rewards, such as generating income, building wealth, and providing a hedge against inflation. However, it also carries risks that must be carefully managed. Education and experience are your allies in navigating the world of real estate investing.

    Now, here's your mission: Hit the like, share, and subscribe button in order to be notified of the next video.

    I've got a burning question for you – have you dipped your toes into the world of real estate yet? What phase are you in... Beginner, Intermediate... How many deals have you done? 

    We'd love to hear from you! Drop a comment down below, and let's start a conversation. Your insights could be the inspiration someone needs to kickstart their own real estate journey. 

    If you got value from this video, you'll definitely like the one that just popped on the screen. Join me on the next video.

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    My Marriage is Over 💔 These Are The 16 Signs To Watch Out For

    My Marriage is Over 💔 These Are The 16 Signs To Watch Out For

    "My marriage is over"  You think your marriage is over?  Is it Time to Let Go? 16 Signs Your Marriage Might Be Over

    Hey there, Today, we're diving headfirst into a topic that might be a bit tough to tackle, but let's face it together. We're talking about a subject that's both delicate and crucial to address: the possibility that your marriage might be heading towards its final chapter.





    Welcome back to our channel. If you're new here, consider subscribing and hitting that notification bell so you won't miss any of our insightful discussions. 

    So, how can you tell if your marriage is on the rocks? We've compiled a list of 16 signs to help guide you through this challenging journey. Let's dive right in!

    Sign Number 1. Indifference

    Indifference in a marriage is a sign that the emotional connection and investment between partners have weakened or faded, often leading to a lack of affection, communication, and support. 

    Indifference, often referred to as the silent alarm. It's not just about the absence of arguments; it's about a lack of emotion altogether. When the spark you once shared starts to dim, it's time to pay attention.

    Sign Number 2. Lack of Communication

    A lack of communication in a marriage can be a telling sign that the relationship is in trouble, as healthy communication is the backbone of a strong partnership. 

    Sign Number 3. Constant Criticism

    Constant criticism within a marriage can serve as a warning sign that the relationship is in jeopardy. While disagreements and constructive feedback are normal, a persistent pattern of criticism that outweighs positive interactions suggests deeper underlying issues. 

    Sign Number 4. Emotional Disconnection

    Emotional disconnection in a marriage is a clear sign of trouble, indicating that the bond between partners has weakened significantly. 

    Sign Number 5. Unresolved Resentment

    Unresolved resentment is a sign that a marriage is over because it can lead to a lack of intimacy, destructive behaviors, and loss of hope. 

    Sign Number 6. Lack of Intimacy

    A lack of intimacy in a marriage can be a strong indicator that the relationship is in jeopardy. Intimacy encompasses emotional, physical, and sexual closeness, and when partners no longer share these aspects, it suggests a significant emotional disconnect. 

    Sign Number 7. Different Priorities

    Different priorities can be a sign that a marriage is over because they can lead to conflict, frustration, and a lack of connection. When spouses have different priorities, they may not be able to agree on how to spend their time, money, or energy. This can lead to arguments and resentment, which can damage the relationship. 

    Sign Number 8. Avoidance of Problems

    Avoidance of problems within a marriage can be a concerning sign that the relationship is facing challenges. When partners consistently sidestep or ignore important issues rather than addressing them, it indicates a breakdown in effective communication and conflict resolution. 

    Sign Number 9. Defensive Behavior

    Defensive behavior is a sign that a marriage is over because it can lead to communication breakdown, resentment, and a lack of trust. When one spouse is constantly defensive, it can be difficult to have a productive conversation. 

    Sign Number 10. Lack of Trust

    A lack of trust within a marriage is a significant red flag that the relationship is in a vulnerable state. Trust is the cornerstone of a healthy partnership, and when partners begin to doubt each other's honesty, intentions, or actions, it creates a toxic atmosphere of suspicion and insecurity. 

    Sign Number 11. Absence of Support

    Absence of support is a sign that a marriage is over because it can lead to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and despair. When one spouse does not feel supported by the other, they may feel like they are going through tough times alone. 

    Sign Number 12. Growing Apart

    Growing apart within a marriage is a clear indication that the relationship is facing challenges. As individuals evolve over time, it's essential for partners to grow together and maintain shared interests and goals. 

    Sign Number 13. Loneliness in Company

    Loneliness in company is a sign that a marriage is over because it can lead to a lack of intimacy, disconnection, and a feeling of being misunderstood. When you feel lonely even when you are with your spouse, it means that you are not feeling emotionally or physically connected to them. This can be a sign that the marriage is in trouble.

    Sign Number 14. Resisting Compromise

    Resisting compromise within a marriage is a concerning sign that the partnership is in trouble. Successful marriages thrive on cooperation, flexibility, and mutual understanding. 

    Sign Number 15. Frequent Blame Game

    Frequent blame-game is a sign that a marriage is over because it can lead to increased conflict, resentment, and a lack of trust. When spouses are constantly blaming each other for problems, it can be difficult to have a productive conversation. 

    Sign Number 16. Imagining a Future Alone

    Imagining a future alone is a poignant indication that a marriage may be coming to an end. In a thriving partnership, both individuals envision a shared future together. 

    Coping with a failing marriage can be a real rollercoaster. It's okay to lean on your support system, whether it's your friends, family, or a wise counselor. You're not alone on this path.

    And remember, addressing both the emotional and legal aspects is vital. Wise counsel can help you navigate your feelings, while legal advice can guide you through the complexities of the divorce process if that's the path you choose.

    But wait, before you make any big decisions, remember that your marriage doesn't have to be over. We've been through challenging times too, and there are resources out there to help you navigate this tough spot.

    Download our free books and consider booking a consultation at www.GetMyMarriageBack.com ...  Take advantage of these resources to ensure you're making the best choice for your future.

    Remember, your happiness matters. You've got this! If you found this video helpful, give it a thumbs up, share it with someone who might need it, and subscribe for more insightful content. Thanks for watching, and until next time, take care!

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