

    Welcome to Man of Prestige.   For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook Man of Prestige YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/ManofPrestige  Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/manofprestige1/videos  LOLA and OLA YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LOLAandOLA  Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lolaandola/videos  Blog - https://LOLAandOLA.com  Created by myEmpirePRO https://myEmpirePRO.com FREE Books  Marriage & Relationships → http://www.LOVEandPrestige.com  Smart Real Estate Wholesaling → https://www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com  Digital Marketing → http://DigitalMarketingCertified.com  My name is OLA and I am your host.   I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society. But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family...  And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships. This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.   We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war. The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.   Thank you so much. Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one. And peace. #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage
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    Crack the 9 "MUST-HAVE" Codes Inside Contracts for Wholesaling Real Estate

    Crack the 9 "MUST-HAVE" Codes Inside Contracts for Wholesaling Real Estate

    The 9 Components You NEED for Real Estate Fortune Inside Contracts for Wholesaling Real Estate!

    If you've embarked on the exciting journey into the world of wholesaling and understanding the contracts for wholesaling real estate are on your mind, fear not.

    We're here to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of everything related to these contracts. Let's unravel these mysteries and equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate this exciting venture.

    But First, What is Wholesaling Real Estate All About?





    Wholesaling real estate is essentially acting as the middle-person in a real estate transaction. It involves identifying undervalued properties, securing them under a real estate sales contract, and then transferring or assigning this contract to another buyer for a fee. 

    It's a win-win-win scenario—a win for the original property seller, a win for you as the wholesaler, and a win for the end buyer.

    Wholesaling real estate can be a win for the original property seller for 6 main reasons:

    Reason Number 1 - Quick Sale: Wholesaling offers a speedy way to get rid of a property that has represented a headache for its owner. 

    The wholesaler typically finds a buyer quickly because they are often part of a network of investors actively looking for properties. 

    This swift transaction can be beneficial for sellers who want to sell their property promptly.

    Reason Number 2 - Reduced Hassle: Wholesalers often handle administrative tasks and negotiations, taking the burden off the seller. Sellers may appreciate the simplicity of dealing with a single buyer (the wholesaler) rather than numerous potential buyers.

    Reason Number 3 - Assured Sale: The wholesaler typically signs a contract that legally obligates them to purchase the property. This assurance provides a level of certainty to the original seller, knowing that the deal is likely to go through; in exchange for a price much lower than the fair market value.

    Reason Number 4 - Avoiding Marketing Costs: Selling a property often involves marketing efforts, which can be expensive and time-consuming. When working with a wholesaler, sellers can bypass these marketing costs and efforts since the wholesaler is responsible for finding the end buyer.

    Reason Number 5 - No Repairs or Improvements: Wholesalers usually purchase the property in its current condition, eliminating the need for the seller to invest time and money into repairs or renovations to make the property more attractive to buyers.

    Reason Number 6 and 6th reason so far to hit the like, share, subscribe and turn on all notifications to be notified when I drop the next video - Flexible Terms: Wholesalers may offer flexible terms and conditions to the seller, making the process more accommodating based on the seller's needs and circumstances.

    In essence, wholesaling real estate offers a streamlined, efficient, and convenient process for sellers, providing them with a viable option to sell their property swiftly without the challenges and uncertainties often associated with traditional selling methods.  To make this possible, particular types of contracts are essential.

    Contracts play a pivotal role in wholesaling real estate, and there are two main types you need to be familiar with:

    Contract Type Number 1 - Real Estate Sales Contract:

    The Real Estate Sales Contract, often referred to as a purchase agreement or purchase and sale agreement, is the cornerstone of any real estate transaction, including wholesaling. 

    This contract represents the initial step in the wholesaling process, setting the entire deal into motion.

    Contract Type Number 2 - Assignment Contract:

    The Assignment Contract, also known as a purchase agreement addendum or assignment of contract, plays a pivotal role in real estate wholesaling. 

    It enables the wholesaler to transfer the rights and responsibilities of the original sales contract to another party, allowing for the potential assignment of the deal. 

    Once you have the contract type 1 in place, it's time to seal the deal. There are two popular approaches:

    Approach Number 1 - Assignment Closing:

    The Assignment Closing approach is a streamlined and efficient method in real estate wholesaling. It involves the use of two key contracts: the original executed real estate sales contract and an assignment contract. Here's a breakdown of how it works.

    The wholesaler begins by securing a property under a real estate sales contract with the original seller. This contract establishes the terms and conditions of the purchase.

    After securing the sales contract, the wholesaler identifies another buyer (assignee) who is interested in purchasing the property.

    The wholesaler then enters into an assignment contract with the assignee. This contract transfers the equitable rights and obligations of the original sales contract to the new buyer, making them the new buyer under the terms agreed upon in the original contract.

    In exchange for transferring the contract rights, the wholesaler receives an assignment fee from the assignee. This fee represents the wholesaler's profit in the deal.

    The deal is closed, and the property is transferred from the original seller to the new buyer. The wholesaler's involvement ends at this point, and they walk away with the assignment fee.

    This approach is popular for its simplicity and speed. It allows wholesalers to profit from a deal without the need for significant financial investment, making it an attractive option for those starting in real estate wholesaling.

    The reflection in the closing statement, may lead to certain types of financing imposing a cap on the assignment fees, typically around $10,000 to $15,000. That can be avoided with approach number 2.

    Approach Number 2 - Double Closing:

    The Double Closing approach, although involving more paperwork and coordination, can potentially result in higher profits for the wholesaler. Here's a detailed look at how it operates:

    The wholesaler signs an assignable contract (i.e has an assignment clause) with the original seller (the property owner) just as in a typical real estate transaction. This contract establishes the terms and conditions of the purchase from the seller.

    The wholesaler then enters into a separate sales contract with the end buyer. This contract outlines the terms of the sale between the wholesaler and the end buyer.

    The closing for both contracts is coordinated to happen concurrently or within a short time-frame. This involves careful scheduling and coordination to ensure a smooth transition of ownership.

    The wholesaler may fund the purchase from the original seller using their funds or a temporary transactional funding source.

    The end buyer funds their purchase through their financing or other means.  

    Predatory lending laws could restrict the utilization of identical funds for both transactions, while mortgage regulations might bar an end buyer from financing a property transferred within the previous 6 months through a mortgage financing.

    The wholesaler closes the purchase from the original seller, acquiring the property.

    Using the proceeds from the end buyer, the wholesaler immediately resells the property in a subsequent closing to the end buyer at a higher price.

    The difference between the purchase price from the original seller and the selling price to the end buyer represents the wholesaler's profit minus closing costs.

    This approach allows wholesalers to maximize their profit potential by capitalizing on the spread between the two transaction prices. 

    Although it involves more paperwork and potentially higher costs, it can lead to greater financial gains for the wholesaler.

    Both approaches have their merits and are chosen based on the wholesaler's financial capacity, risk tolerance, and overall strategy in the real estate wholesaling venture.

    What Is The Significance of an Assignable Real Estate Contract?

    The assignable real estate contract is a crucial tool in the wholesaling world. It secures your stake, or equitable interest, in a property until you find the right end buyer. It's akin to having a reserved seat at the real estate table.  With that being said: 

    Here are The Contract Must-Haves: 9 Items to Check Off

    When choosing sales contracts for wholesaling real estate, make sure to include these essential components:

    Item Number 1 - Party Names (Buyer and Seller): Clearly specify the involved parties to avoid any confusion.

    Item Number 2 - Assignment Clause: This is the linchpin that enables you to transfer the contract, enhancing the deal.

    Item Number 3 - Property Information: Provide detailed information about the property to ensure clarity for all parties involved.

    Item Number 4 - Purchase Price: Clearly state the agreed-upon purchase price, as it's a critical aspect of the contract.

    Item Number 5 - Target Closing Date: Set a realistic closing date to establish a timeline for the transaction.

    Item Number 6 - Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): Demonstrate your commitment by including a deposit, showcasing your seriousness about the deal.

    Item Number 7 - Financing: Lay out the financing details to establish a clear financial framework.

    Item Number 8 - Contingencies: Address potential contingencies to ensure all bases are covered and reduce risks.

    Before I get to item number 9, I have special gifts just for you… 3 free books to download and free masterclass at www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com | Don’t forget to grab it.

    Item Number 9 - Signatures of Both Parties: Ensure that the contract is legally binding by obtaining signatures from all involved parties.

    The Importance of the Assignment Clause In Contract for Wholesaling Real Estate

    The Assignment Clause is a pivotal element of the original sales contract that grants you the authority to transfer contract rights and responsibilities to the end buyer. 

    In conclusion, understanding contracts for wholesaling real estate is paramount to success in this industry. With the right contracts and knowledge, you can navigate the real estate market with confidence and skill.

    If you enjoy this video, you will get so much more value from the video that just popped up on the screen.




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    LOLA and OLA

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    Created by myEmpirePRO



    FREE Books 

    Marriage & Relationships → http://www.LOVEandPrestige.com 

    Smart Real Estate Wholesaling → https://www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com 

    Digital Marketing → http://DigitalMarketingCertified.com 


    My name is OLA and I am your host.  

    I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society.

    But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family... 

    And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships.

    This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.  

    We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war.

    The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.  

    Thank you so much.

    Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one.

    And peace.


    #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage 



    Welcome to Man of Prestige.  

    For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook

    Man of Prestige

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/ManofPrestige 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/manofprestige1/videos 


    LOLA and OLA

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LOLAandOLA 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lolaandola/videos 

    Blog - https://LOLAandOLA.com 


    Created by myEmpirePRO



    FREE Books 

    Marriage & Relationships → http://www.LOVEandPrestige.com 

    Smart Real Estate Wholesaling → https://www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com 

    Digital Marketing → http://DigitalMarketingCertified.com 


    My name is OLA and I am your host.  

    I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society.

    But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family... 

    And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships.

    This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.  

    We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war.

    The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.  

    Thank you so much.

    Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one.

    And peace.


    #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage 


    Real Estate Investing Demystified: 10 Steps Beginner's Guide!

    Real Estate Investing Demystified: 10 Steps Beginner's Guide!

    Welcome to our comprehensive guide to real estate investing – the ultimate ticket to financial freedom! Whether you're new to the game or looking to expand your investment horizons, you're in the right place. So let's dive right in!



    You've probably heard about investment portfolios – those magical collections of assets that can help you ride the wave of financial success. Well, guess what? Real estate is your golden ticket to building wealth that's more stable than your grandma's rocking chair.

    Now, imagine your investment portfolio as a delicious blend of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and, of course, the superstar of them all – real estate! Balancing potential returns and risks is the name of the game here.

    And speaking of real estate, it's more than just cozy homes. It's an umbrella that covers everything from skyscrapers to warehouses. Think of it like a puzzle – you've got the land, the buildings, and all those little improvements that make it shine.

    Yep, improvements – those upgrades that boost a property's value and charm. It's like giving your home a stylish makeover. And guess what? This concept applies to both your cozy single family homes and that sleek commercial building downtown.

    Now, when it comes to real estate, we're not just talking about land – we're talking about the whole package. Imagine the land as the canvas and the structures as the masterpiece that's painted upon it.

    And here's the scoop: real estate investing is the flavor of the season.  You can finally say goodbye to inflation worries and hello to boosting your net worth like a pro!

    And guess what? Real estate is no pushover. It's not just holding its ground over time; it's giving other investments a run for their money. Stocks, cryptocurrencies, forex – they're all in the ring, but real estate? It's the heavyweight champion!

    Let's break it down with some numbers, shall we? So, stocks might dance around 7% average annual return, but real estate? 

    It's got its own rhythm, averaging between 5-7%. 

    And hey, unlike stocks, real estate doesn't let you make impulsive decisions – it's got a built-in restraint, like a trusty seatbelt for your financial journey.

    Cryptocurrencies? Well, they're like the rollercoaster of investments – one moment up, the next moment down. And as for forex, it's like spinning a globe and trying to predict the future. But real estate? It's that reliable old friend you can count on.

    Now, you might be thinking, "Hey, I'm new to this party. Can I really join?" Absolutely! You don't need a suitcase full of cash; all you need is the right mindset, a dash of time, and a sprinkle of knowledge.

    The best part? Starting out gives you an edge. Seasoned investors might be juggling a lot, but you? You've got the luxury of time and the thrill of picking your path. 

    And guess what? You don't need a vault full of gold bars to snag a seat at the real estate table. Even a humble couple of thousand dollars can kick-start your journey. All you need is the right strategy and a splash of know-how.

    Now, before we wrap up, are you wondering if taking the real estate plunge is worth it? It's like asking if ice cream on a hot day is a good idea – absolutely! With the right approach, your investments can work harder for you.

    And for those of you thinking, "But my wallet's feeling light," No worries! We've got a step-by-step guide for you to invest with little to no money. Get ready to be amazed!

    Ready for the ultimate real estate investing journey? Let's get into the nitty-gritty with our step-by-step guide!

    Step 1: Educate Yourself. Before you leap, learn! Dive into some real estate investing books.

    Get my books.  They are FREE...  "Smart Real Estate Wholesaling" and "Real Estate Money Secrets" – they're your guides to success.

    Get them at www.RealEstateMoneySecrets.com

    Step 2: Embrace Technology. Get cozy with technology – it's your real estate ally. Explore apps like the one I use and recommend at www.EmpireBigData.com for property records and analysis tools that'll make you a deal-spotting wizard.

    Step 3: Network and Mentorship. Connect like a pro! Networking is your secret sauce. It's how I started in 2005, scouring newspapers for meetups. Today, social media makes it even easier to build a community.

    Step 4: Get Creative with Financing. You don't need a money tree to invest. Wholesale real estate, explore seller financing, or dive into lease options. The world of real estate is your oyster.

    Step 5: Meet REITs. Meet Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – your ticket to investing without buying properties. These companies are like your backstage pass to real estate riches.

    Step 6: Invest Your Sweat Equity. Got skills? Put 'em to work! Partner up, offer your expertise, and watch your investment grow, just like that cozy bungalow you've got your eye on.

    Step 7: Join Forces with Joint Ventures. Teamwork makes the dream work! Partner with experienced investors who've got the funds, and you've got the energy and skills. It's a win-win.

    In fact, downloading my books for free at www.RealEstateMoneySecrets.com is the very first step to partnering with us here.

    Step 8: Master the Art of Negotiation. Negotiation is your secret weapon. Learn the ropes, focus on distressed properties, and swoop in for the win.

    Step 9: House Hacking. Imagine living in a place that pays for itself! House hacking lets you do just that. Live in a multi-unit property and rent out the other units – covering your living expenses while building equity and gaining real estate experience.

    But wait, we're not done yet! There's still more to uncover in this real estate adventure. Are you ready?

    Step 10: Continuous Learning and Adaptation. Markets change, strategies evolve, and innovations pop up like daisies. It's important to stay informed, adapt to new trends, and keep learning about this dynamic world of real estate.

    Remember, while it's possible to invest in real estate with little to no money, it requires dedication, resourcefulness, and a willingness to learn. And we've made that super-simple with access to the free books, "Smart Real Estate Wholesaling" and "Real Estate Money Secrets" at www.RealEstateMoneySecrets.com

    By utilizing creative strategies and leveraging available resources, you can begin your real estate investing journey and work towards building wealth over time.

    So there you have it, the ultimate 10-step guide to real estate investing! From learning the ropes to networking, from creative financing to house hacking – you're armed with all the tools you need to embark on this exciting journey.

    Now, go out there and make those real estate dreams a reality! Happy investing, and remember – the only limit is your imagination.

    Please hit the like, share, subscribe and turn on all your notifications to be notified when I release the next video.  If you like this video, you will definitely like the one that just popped on the screen.  Go ahead and tap on it.


    6-Figure Gains: 7 Best Wholesale Real Estate Books

    6-Figure Gains: 7 Best Wholesale Real Estate Books

    Hey There.  This is OLA.  Today, we're diving into more wholesale real estate, and I'm here to be your guide. So grab a seat, because we're about to uncover the best wholesale real estate books that will pave your path to triumph.

    But before we dive into these treasure troves of knowledge, let's break down the basics of wholesale real estate in a way that even your grandma would get it.

    Imagine you're at a warehouse store, grabbing a massive bag of your favorite chips at a discounted price. Now, picture selling those individual bags to your pals at a slightly higher rate but still cheaper than what they'd pay at a convenience store. Well, that's the essence of wholesale real estate – but instead of chips, we're dealing with houses!

    Wholesale real estate is a smart strategy. You, yes you, become the middle-person, connecting motivated sellers who need to sell quickly with investors hungry for prime real estate opportunities. Your role is to secure properties at prices lower than what savvy investors would pay, and then, like a matchmaker, connect the seller and investor for a win-win situation.

    And guess what? I've personally scored a whopping $82,000 net profit from a single deal using this method! But wait, there's more to it than meets the eye.

    Wholesale real estate isn't just about connecting buyers and sellers. It's about understanding the market, finding motivated sellers, and honing your negotiation skills. It's a blend of detective work, interpersonal finesse, and real estate expertise all rolled into one exciting adventure!

    So, whether you're a beginner dipping your toes into real estate or a seasoned investor, wholesale real estate is your ticket to some serious gains. It's a win-win for everyone involved: sellers get quick sales, investors score great deals, and you – the clever middleperson – pocket a well-deserved fee.

    Ready to learn more? Well, here comes the best part! I've handpicked an assortment of remarkable wholesale real estate books that will skyrocket your expertise. Let's kick things off with a must-read: 

    Wholesale Real Estate Book Number 1: "The Book on Investing in Real Estate with No (and Low) Money Down" by the incredible Brandon Turner. This gem isn't solely about wholesale real estate, but it's loaded with creative financing insights that have been game-changers in my own deals.

    Creative financing, my friend, is the secret sauce that adds flavor to your real estate game. It's about thinking outside the box to make deals happen when traditional financing options fall short. Seller financing, lease-options, subject-to deals – it's like a buffet of innovative strategies that empower you to secure properties on your terms. And now, let's talk about...

    Wholesale Real Estate Book Number 2:  "Wholesaling Real Estate: A Beginner's Guide" by Brent Driscoll. This book is a true gem for newbies like me, packed with foundational wisdom and practical tips that even beginners can apply. Next up...

    Wholesale Real Estate Book Number 3:  We have "Flip Your Future: How to Quit Your Job, Live Your Dreams, And Make Six Figures Your First Year Flipping Real Estate" by Ryan Pineda. This powerhouse read doesn't just cover flipping, but also offers golden insights for successful wholesaling. Six-figure dreams, here we come!

    Wholesale Real Estate Book Number 4: "The Wholesale Truth: Real Estate Investing in the Modern World" by Vena Jones-Cox and Brent Driscoll – a treasure trove of wisdom for wholesale real estate enthusiasts. From finding deals to mastering negotiations, this guide is your ultimate resource for becoming a pro. And let's not forget..

    Wholesale Real Estate Book Number 5:  "If You Can't Wholesale After This: I've Got Nothing For You" by Todd M. Fleming. It's a no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point book that breaks down the wholesale process with practical advice. It's like having a seasoned mentor right at your fingertips.

    But hold on tight, because there's a surprise waiting for you! As a thank-you gesture, I'm offering my very own authored books for FREE! "Smart Real Estate Wholesaling" and "Real Estate Money Secrets" are up for grabs. You can go to www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com to download your copies.

    These reads will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to conquer wholesale real estate. From foundational principles to insider strategies, these books are your compass for navigating this exciting journey.

    Happy reading, happy investing, and remember – success awaits those who dare to take the leap into the world of wholesale real estate!

    #realestate #money #investing

    SEXLESS MARRIAGE 🤦🏾‍♂️ Menopause & NOT Wanting To Be Touched

    SEXLESS MARRIAGE 🤦🏾‍♂️ Menopause & NOT Wanting To Be Touched

    Hey there, everyone! Welcome back to our channel. Today, we've got a topic that's been buzzing in the comments section – the connection between menopause, intimacy, and its impact on marriage. You asked, and we're here to discuss. But first, let's dive into some intriguing comments from our viewers, Gregory and Deshaun, on our previous video "Is Sexless Marriage Grounds for Divorce in the Bible?" Stick around, because we're about to have a heart-to-heart about this important issue.





    Gregory's Comment: "My wife, once she's gone through menopause, doesn't want to be intimate with me. To me, it sounds like an excuse. I've heard about older women still having sex in their old age."

    Deshaun's Comment: In answering the question of "if sexless marriage is grounds for divorce in the bible? She says... "Most definitely , and it’s a two-way street. I just left a 12-year sex-less marriage. It was the most humiliating, dehumanizing experience ever!"

    We'll be addressing these insightful comments in just a moment. So, grab a cozy spot, because we're about to have a candid and informative discussion about the effects of menopause on intimacy and relationships. Let's jump in!

    Alright, let's start by understanding what menopause really is.  Menopause is a natural phase in a woman's life, signaling the end of her reproductive years. During this time, the ovaries gradually produce fewer hormones, leading to the cessation of menstrual periods. Usually occurring between 45 and 55, menopause brings along various changes – not just physically, but emotionally too.

    Now, let's review what exactly a sexless marriage is.  A sexless marriage is generally defined as a relationship where couples have minimal or no sexual activity for an extended period. Keep in mind, what's considered "sexless" can vary from couple to couple, depending on individual preferences and needs.  But that's a tricky definition too.  Let me explain.

    If you or (not and)... or your partner is feeling disconnected in this department, it is a sign to address the situation.  Feeling like a detective uncovering the emotional side of menopause? I've got you covered.

    Gregory's comment got us thinking. Menopause doesn't just bring physical changes; it can also stir up emotions. Like those teenage mood swings, menopause can lead to shifts in libido and self-perception. Hormonal changes, body image concerns, and self-confidence matters can all play a part in the mix.

    So, how do you navigate a sexless marriage after 60? Let's talk solutions!  Deshaun's candid experience reminds us that it's no walk in the park. Communication is key. Open, respectful conversations about needs and concerns (though easier said than done) can bridge the gap. Seeking professional guidance is also a great step to tackle this tough phase together; you will need the support--trust me!

    Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room – how does a sexless marriage affect husbands and wives?  Just like the effect on wives, a sexless marriage can have a profound impact on husbands too.

    Emotional distress, self-esteem issues, communication breakdown, and doubts about connection – husbands can experience these, plus potential effects on their mental and physical health. It's a reminder that this isn't a one-sided journey as Deshaun mentioned in her comment.

    Feeling the need to reignite the spark after menopause? We've got some tips for you.  Gregory's concern about post-menopause intimacy isn't uncommon. Remember, it's not just about physical stimulation. Emotional connection, making your partner feel desired – these are essential. Exploring new forms of intimacy, like focused touch and romantic gestures, can be a game-changer.

    Deshaun's experience highlights the importance of both partners engaging self awareness and keeping the flame alive. From surprising date nights to exploring fantasies, there's a world of ways to spice up your married life. Communication, experimentation, and a sprinkle of your own special charm – it's all in the mix!

    To all our fantastic viewers, and especially, Gregory and Deshaun, thank you for sharing your thoughts. You've opened up a crucial dialogue about intimacy, menopause, and marriage.  Remember, every relationship is a unique journey. Patience, understanding, and communication are your allies. Don't compare your path to others'. Seek guidance ... You need the support when your personal emotions are engaged, and always remember – the heart of a fulfilling marriage is built on emotional connection, respect, and genuine care for one another.

    That's it for today's chat! Don't forget to hit that like button, share and subscribe for more insightful discussions. If you enjoyed this video, you will love the one that just popped up on the screen right here.  Until next time, keep those conversations going, and take care!


    SEXLESS MARRIAGE: Grounds for Divorce in the Bible?

    SEXLESS MARRIAGE: Grounds for Divorce in the Bible?

    When examining the question, "Is a sexless marriage biblical grounds for divorce?" In the context of the Bible's teachings, it's important to consider various factors that impact relationships and intimacy within marriage. This is OLA. LOLA is doing well. Thanks for asking.



    Sexless marriages are a reality that some couples face, and understanding how biblical principles relate to this issue requires a nuanced approach. 

    In fact, I was just listening to a video where some men referred to one form of this same problem as duty-booty.  

    This is a situation where one of the spouses is not really interested in sexual activity but would indulge purely as a dutiful responsibility.

    You can expect that it would wear completely off with time.  The truth is that this is a struggle for many married couples.

    So What Does The Bible Say?

    The Bible does not explicitly mention sexless marriages as grounds for divorce, but it does provide guidance on the importance of intimacy, love, and mutual respect within a marital relationship.

    The Biblical Perspective on Intimacy and Love:

    Throughout the Bible, there is a consistent emphasis on the significance of physical and emotional intimacy within marriage. 

    The Song of Solomon, for instance, beautifully portrays the love and desire shared between a husband and wife. 

    Additionally, verses such as 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 highlight the mutual responsibility spouses have to fulfill each other's needs and to avoid depriving one another of intimacy.

    “Verse 3: The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. 

    Verse 4: For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 

    Verse 5: Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

    The Importance of Communication and Understanding:

    When faced with a sexless marriage, open communication and understanding between spouses become crucial. 

    Engaging in honest (admittedly and perhaps awkward) conversations about each partner's sexual needs, desires, and emotional challenges can lead to a deeper understanding of the situation and potential solutions.

    Seek Support and Professional Help:

    For Christian couples struggling with intimacy issues, seeking guidance from trusted church leaders or professional counselors who align with biblical principles can be beneficial. 

    These individuals can provide insight and support in addressing the root causes of the problem and working towards solutions that align with the couple's faith.

    Emphasize Unconditional Love and Grace:

    The Bible encourages love and grace within relationships as opposed to the now-popular misguided boundaries that couples are now setting on each other nowadays. 

    Recognizing that no marriage is perfect, spouses should strive to extend grace and understanding to each other. 

    Instead of rushing into divorce, couples are encouraged to prayerfully seek resolutions and healing through patience, forgiveness, and commitment to growth.

    In conclusion… 

    While the Bible doesn't explicitly designate a sexless marriage as grounds for divorce, it does emphasize the importance of intimacy, love, and respect within marriage. 

    When faced with this challenge, it is essential for Christian couples to approach the issue with prayer, communication, understanding, and a commitment to strengthen their bond; it's all a camouflaged opportunity. 

    Seeking professional help and support from the faith community can also aid couples in navigating through difficult times. 

    Remember, God's ultimate desire is for marriages to thrive and reflect His love and grace.

    Are you ready to take your relationship and marriage to the next level?  Our testimony is available for you as a free book that you can download at www.GetMyMarriageBack.com

    If you like this video, hit like, share and subscribe.  And oh! You will like this video as well.  Tap on it.

    DOUBLE CLOSING: Unleash a Real Estate Wholesaling GOLDMINE!

    DOUBLE CLOSING: Unleash a Real Estate Wholesaling GOLDMINE!

    Are you a real estate wholesaler looking to skyrocket your profits? 

    Well, get ready because we're about to unveil a game-changing strategy that can take your wholesaling business to new heights. 

    But quickly... Let's talk about 'Double Closing: A Real Estate Wholesaling Strategy That Works'!






    Today, we're diving deep into the world of double closings—a powerful technique that can help you close real estate deals like a pro.

    But wait, what exactly is double closing? Let's break it down. 

    Double closing is when a real estate wholesaler purchases a property from a seller and immediately resells it to an end buyer, often within a matter of minutes.

    So there are two sides of the transaction; Side A and Side B.

    Side A is the side of the transaction that transfers title from the seller to you as the wholesaler.  While Side B is the side of the transaction that transfers title from you, the wholesaler, to the end buyer.

    This means you can earn a profit on the deal without even taking long term ownership of the property or paying any closing costs. How amazing is that?

    Now, before you get too excited, let's talk about the risks. Double closing is not without its challenges. If the end buyer backs out, you could find yourself stuck with the property or what we call the equitable right that you can't cash out on.

    But don't worry, we've got you covered. Our coaching program will show you how to protect yourself and navigate the complexities of double closings.

    To ensure a smooth transaction, it's crucial to involve experienced professionals, like a real estate attorney and title agent, who understand the process inside out.

    One of the most significant advantages of double closing is speed. Time is money in the real estate world, and double closings can help you close deals in just days or even hours because it's typically all-cash.

    Imagine turning a profit and moving on to the next deal without the usual costs and hassles of owning real estate. Double closing is a game-changer that is still understood but only a few-selected!

    Let's talk benefits! Quicker closings, increased profits, and reduced risk—these are just a few of the perks you can enjoy with double closings.

    But remember, success lies in the details. Let's walk through the five essential steps of a double closing: find a motivated seller, negotiate a purchase price, get the property under contract, find an end buyer, and close the deal with both parties.

    Now, we hear you! You're probably wondering about the potential risks. But fear not, with our expert guidance, you'll be equipped to tackle any challenges that may come your way.

    To ensure smooth sailing, we've got four crucial tips for your first double closing: research, find a reliable real estate attorney, transparent communication, and always be prepared to walk away if the deal doesn't align with your goals.

    And here's the exciting part! We're offering a comprehensive masterclass at www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com to help you master the art of double closings and take your real estate wholesaling to a whole new level.  In fact, you get 3 free books as soon as you register for the class.  

    Are you ready to revolutionize your wholesaling business? Join our masterclass and gain access to step-by-step guidance and valuable resources on double closings.

    Don't miss this golden opportunity! Click the link in the description or around this video to learn more and secure your spot in our exclusive masterclass at www.smartrealestatewholesaling.com 

    Subscribe to the channel for more game-changing real estate tips and strategies. Like this video if you found it valuable, and share it with your fellow wholesalers. And if you like this video, you will like the video popping on the screen right now.  Check it out.

    Until next time, happy wholesaling!


    TRUST in a RELATIONSHIP - 23 Ways to Fix and Rebuild it.

    TRUST in a RELATIONSHIP - 23 Ways to Fix and Rebuild it.

    Hey there.. Prestige Family.  We all know trust is the rock-solid foundation of any successful relationship. It's what keeps the flame of love burning bright!  Hey, sometimes life throws us a curveball, and trust can take a hit.

    But fear not! Today, we've got a treasure trove of 23 effective ways to fix and rebuild trust in your relationship. From understanding the dynamics of trust to unleashing the power of open communication and vulnerability ...these strategies will guide you on the challenging path of rebuilding trust, even if you have to start alone.  Let's strengthen those bonds, ignite the passion, and build unbreakable trust, one step at a time!  




    As usual, we will focus on what you can control and not diagnose the side of the story that we do not know.  Let's dive in.

    1. Understand the Importance of Trust

    Recognize the significance of trust in a relationship – it affects emotional well-being and the overall health of the bond. Trust is the bedrock that holds everything together, fostering love, intimacy, and growth. When shattered, it leads to emotional turmoil. Rebuilding trust demands patience, commitment, and a genuine desire to repair what's broken. Let's embark on the path to rebuilding trust, one step at a time!

    2. Accept Responsibility

    Own up to your actions if trust is broken. Admit your mistakes, express remorse, and show commitment to making amends. Taking responsibility demonstrates integrity and paves the way for open communication and healing. Embrace this opportunity to grow and rebuild trust in your relationship.

    3. Open and Honest Communication

    Establish open and honest communication with your partner. Encourage candid conversations about feelings and concerns, while practicing active listening and empathy. When both partners feel heard and validated, trust flourishes, deepening the emotional connection in your relationship. Let your communication be a beacon of trust, guiding your journey towards understanding each other's hearts and minds.

    4. Practice Active Listening

    Master the art of listening to your partner – it shows respect and value for their perspective. Avoid interrupting or getting defensive during discussions, as it hinders trust-building. Instead, give them your undivided attention, respond with empathy, and reflect back to ensure understanding. Active listening fosters a deeper connection, creating a safe and open atmosphere. Let your partner know their words are cherished and trusted in your relationship.

    5. Express Empathy

    Empathy is the superpower of trust-building. Step into your partner's shoes, grasp their emotions and perspective. Validate their feelings, creating a bridge of connection and deepening trust between you both.

    6. Rebuild Integrity

    Integrity is the cornerstone of trust. Walk the talk and align your actions with your words. Consistently acting with honesty and keeping promises shows reliability, fostering security and dependability. Embrace integrity as your guiding principle on this trust-building journey, transforming your connection with your partner.

    7. Apologize Sincerely

    A genuine apology works wonders in rebuilding trust. Take responsibility, express remorse, and show dedication to healing and making amends.

    8. Patience and Time

    Rebuilding trust is a gradual process that requires both partners to be patient and committed. Trust cannot be rebuilt overnight, but with genuine effort and understanding, it can be nurtured and strengthened over time, paving the way for a stronger and more resilient relationship.

    9. Establish Boundaries

    Boundaries are the trust-safeguarding fence in a relationship, providing safety and respect. Openly discussing expectations nurtures trust and understanding. Remember, applying boundaries is an art, not an exact science.  Focus on managing your expectations and giving your partner unlimited freedom to express their expectations.

    10. Demonstrate Reliability

    Reliability is the backbone of trust. Show up consistently, keep promises, and build a foundation of dependability. Small gestures reinforce the connection and create a sense of security in the relationship.

    11. Avoid Deception

    Wisdom guides trust-building. Be authentic, consider emotions, and balance truthfulness with sensitivity in communication. Embrace wisdom to build a bond grounded in trust.

    12. Seek Professional Help

    Seek professional support for rebuilding trust. Therapists, counselors, or coaches offer fresh insights and effective tools to overcome challenges, fostering open communication and healing.

    13. Practice Forgiveness

    In the journey of rebuilding trust, practicing forgiveness is a transformative act of healing.  While it may be challenging, work towards forgiveness, without imposing unrealistic expectations on yourself or your partner.  Remember, forgiveness is a deeply personal process.

    14. Build Self-Trust

    Before trusting others, it's essential to cultivate trust within yourself.  Prioritize self-care, set healthy boundaries, and follow through on your commitments to strengthen your self-trust. 

    As you become more confident in your own integrity, trusting others becomes a natural extension, fostering a solid and authentic foundation of trust in your relationship.

    15. Be Accountable

    Accountability is a cornerstone of trust in a relationship. 

    It's about owning up to your mistakes and taking responsibility for your actions. When you show your partner that you are committed to personal growth and positive change, it not only rebuilds trust but also strengthens the bond of mutual respect and admiration.

    16. Be Transparent

    Embrace transparency to rebuild trust while respecting personal boundaries and privacy. Find a balance that fosters trust and understanding, deepening your connection with your partner.

    17. Demonstrate Consistency

    Consistency is the key to rebuilding trust. Align your words and actions to show reliability and commitment, fostering safety and stability in your relationship. Let your actions speak louder than words on this trust-building journey.

    18. Show Appreciation

    In rebuilding trust, genuine appreciation for your partner's efforts is like watering trust's seeds, fostering a deeper emotional connection. Recognize their vulnerability, reinforcing their value in your life. Appreciation nurtures a strong foundation of trust.

    19. Practice Empathy

    Empathy is trust-building's heart, bridging the gap with your partner. Understand their pain and emotions by putting yourself in their shoes. Genuine empathy fosters healing, understanding, and deeper emotional connection, rebuilding trust.

    20. Let Go of Resentment

    To rebuild trust, release past resentments and anger. Carrying grudges hinders healing and growth. Embrace forgiveness for a brighter future together, free from past grievances.

    21. Initiate Couples Activities

    Shared activities strengthen the bond and trust in a relationship. Enjoy hobbies, date nights, and new experiences together to create positive memories, enhance emotional connection and erase the effects of bad experiences.

    22. Focus on Self-Improvement

    Prioritize self-improvement in rebuilding trust. Invest in emotional intelligence, communication skills, and self-awareness to navigate challenges and foster a more fulfilling connection with your partner. Your individual growth strengthens the relationship and builds trust and harmony.

    23. Celebrate Progress

    Celebrate every step forward in rebuilding trust. Each small victory strengthens your commitment and nurtures a stronger relationship. Embrace the journey of progress, and trust will flourish, fostering a more resilient and loving bond.

    As you've learned, rebuilding trust is a journey that demands dedication and compassion from both partners. 

    By embracing the strategies outlined above – from open communication to practicing forgiveness and empathy – you can begin to mend the fractures in your relationship and nurture a deeper connection with your loved one.

    We have been through this rebuilding trust in a relationship.  So if you're ready to take the next step in restoring trust and strengthening your bond, we invite you to download our free book "Get My Marriage Back." 

    Packed with practical tools, and our real-life success stories, this book offers invaluable insights to guide you on the path to healing, seducing your partner, boosting attraction and rebuilding a loving, lasting relationship with your romantic partner.

    Don't wait any longer. You can access your free copy of "Get My Marriage Back" now at www.LOVEandPrestige.com 

    Together, let's embark on this transformative journey of trust-building and reignite the flame of love and understanding in your relationship. Your future of trust, love, and happiness awaits. Download your free book today.


    My Husband Yells At Me!

    My Husband Yells At Me!

    He yells at you? If this is you, I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing difficulties with your husband. I can only imagine how confusing this period is for your marriage. Yelling can be distressing and detrimental to a relationship for either side but I need to highlight some differences in its effects when it comes to which side; husband or wife.

    In this video, we will explore 5 effective tips to address and resolve this issue permanently, creating a healthier and more harmonious relationship. Let's dive in!






    Tip #5: Stay Safe

    When faced with a situation where your husband yells at you, it is important to prioritize your safety above all else. While yelling itself can be emotionally harmful, if it escalates to physical threats or violence, it becomes even more critical to take immediate action. Your well-being is of utmost importance, and you deserve to be in a safe and secure environment. If you ever feel physically threatened or unsafe, it is crucial to seek help right away. One way to do this is by reaching out to domestic abuse hotlines in your area.

    These hotlines are staffed by trained professionals who can provide you with support, guidance, and resources. They can help you develop a safety plan and connect you with local services that can assist you in navigating the situation. It is important to have the information for domestic abuse hotlines readily available, even if you don't currently feel an immediate need for it. Abusive situations can often escalate gradually but seemingly fast, and having the contact information on hand ensures that you can access help quickly if the need arises. Remember, prevention is key.

    By being proactive and seeking support before the situation worsens, you are taking an important step towards safeguarding yourself.

    If you are unsure of the hotline numbers in your area, a simple online search using keywords like "domestic abuse hotline" along with your location can provide you with the necessary information. Please remember that my purpose is to provide information and support, but I am not a substitute for professional help. If you find yourself in an emergency or immediate danger, please reach out to your local authorities or call emergency services right away. Your safety is of paramount importance.

    Tip #4: It's Not Your Fault

    Human relationships, especially those involving romantic partnerships, are intricate and multifaceted. Conflicts are an inevitable part of any relationship, and it's important to remember that when your husband yells at you, it is not automatically your fault. Blaming yourself for his behavior is not productive for your emotional well-being. It's essential to recognize that conflicts arise due to a multitude of factors. Communication breakdowns, differing perspectives, past experiences, and personal triggers can all contribute to conflicts within a relationship.

    It is rarely a simple matter of assigning blame to one person. By acknowledging that conflicts are a natural part of human interactions, you can begin to release the burden of self-blame. This shift in perspective allows you to approach the issue with a more balanced and compassionate mindset. Instead of internalizing the blame, focus on addressing the conflict in a healthy and respectful manner. When conflicts arise, it is crucial to engage in open and honest communication with your husband once you feel safe. Express your feelings and concerns without resorting to blaming or accusing language.

    Use "I" statements to convey how his yelling affects you personally. For example, “I don’t feel safe when you yell like that.” By sharing your emotions and experiences, you create an opportunity for understanding and more importantly for him to solve a problem from a prospective of feeling needed. It's also important to recognize that conflicts often require no more than one person’s effort towards the direction of resolution. Sure! While it may not be entirely your husband's fault, he also bears responsibility for his behavior and its impact on the relationship. But that is not it.

    This is an opportunity to involve a little seduction skills which will give you an opportunity to earn a higher level of romantic interest and attraction here. It will also encourage open dialogue where both of you can express your perspectives, actively listen to each other, and work together to find constructive and more sustainable solutions. Seeking the support of a coach or counselor can be immensely beneficial in navigating conflicts and improving communication within your relationship.

    A trained professional can help you as an individual gain insight into the underlying issues and provide guidance on healthier ways to address conflicts and express emotions even if you have to start alone. Remember, conflicts are a normal part of relationships, but it's crucial to approach them with understanding, empathy, and a commitment to finding resolutions that honor your well-being first and subsequently his. By letting go of self-blame and embracing a collaborative approach, you can work towards a healthier and more harmonious relationship.

    Tip #3: Engage Your Power

    When faced with a situation where your husband yells at you, it is natural these days to think about setting boundaries. While boundaries are essential for maintaining a healthy relationship, it is equally important to tap into your personal power and influence. Instead of trying to control your husband's behavior, focus on understanding and harnessing your own strengths. Take a moment to reflect on the qualities that attracted and seduced him to marry you in the first place. What aspects of yourself and your relationship made him choose you as his wife?

    Recognize that you have the ability to influence him in a positive way, and with the right support, you can re-engage your power to make a significant impact on your relationship dynamics. When setting boundaries, it's important to approach them with respect and understanding. Avoid imposing boundaries as a parent would on a child, as this can create a power dynamic that may not be conducive to a healthy romantic partnership. Instead, focus on establishing boundaries that prioritize your well-being and promote mutual respect; it’s for you and your self-preservation.

    As soon as it feels safe, communicate your needs and expectations to your husband in a calm and assertive manner, making it clear that your boundaries are not meant to control him, but to create an environment where both of you feel respected and heard. While boundaries are important, it's equally crucial to recognize that change cannot be forced upon someone. Your husband may not be fully aware of the impact his yelling has on you, or he may struggle with his own emotions and communication skills. Rather than trying to change him directly, focus on modeling the behavior you wish to see in the relationship. Lead by example by embodying effective communication, active listening, and respect.

    When conflicts arise, strive to respond calmly and assertively. Show empathy and understanding towards his perspective while expressing your own feelings and needs; granted, it’s tricky. You might wonder if you are enabling bad behavior. Not really. By approaching conflicts with compassion and understanding, you create an opportunity for growth and positive change within your relationship. Engaging your power does not mean controlling your husband, but rather harnessing your own strengths and abilities to positively influence your relationship. With patience, understanding, and support, you can work towards creating a partnership built on mutual respect, effective communication, and shared growth.

    Tip #2: Communication 2.0

    When it comes to addressing conflicts in your relationship, effective communication plays a crucial role. However, it's important to recognize that communication goes beyond just being calm and honest. It's about ensuring that your husband feels respected, valued, and truly heard. Communication 2.0 is a concept that involves active listening as a fundamental aspect of effective communication. It goes beyond simply talking and encompasses creating a space where both partners can express themselves openly and honestly; so it might have to start with your active listening capabilities. This approach allows for a healthier and more constructive dialogue, fostering understanding and connection. To practice communication 2.0, it's essential to actively listen to your husband's concerns, perspectives, and emotions; it might take a tremendous amount of patience. This means giving him your full attention without interrupting or dismissing his thoughts; you might even feel like it’s unfair. Show genuine interest in understanding his point of view, even if it differs from your own. Reflecting on what he is saying, verbally and especially non-verbally, it demonstrates that you value his input and are willing to engage in meaningful conversation. Active listening involves more than just hearing the words being spoken.

    Pay attention to his body language, tone of voice, and the emotions underlying his message. Seek clarification if needed, and ask open-ended questions to encourage him to elaborate and share his thoughts more deeply. This level of engagement demonstrates your commitment to understanding his perspective and fosters a deeper level of connection and empathy. If you can picture this, you can probably imagine how yelling at you is virtually impossible. It's important to note that communication 2.0 is a two-way street. While it is crucial for you to actively listen to your husband, it is equally important for him to practice the same approach. But it’s a dance and sometimes it takes the potential complainer (i.e you) leading the tango in the direction that you desire and then you can take credit for it.

    By embracing communication 2.0, you create an environment where both partners feel valued and respected eventually; not necessarily instantly. It lays the foundation for effective problem-solving, increased empathy, and a stronger emotional bond within the relationship. In addition to practicing communication 2.0, consider seeking further guidance and insights on effective communication strategies. As mentioned earlier, Lola and I have a whole chapter dedicated to communication 2.0 in our book. Exploring these resources can provide you with additional tools and techniques to enhance your communication skills and promote a healthier and more fulfilling relationship. Remember, effective communication is a key component of any successful relationship.

    Tip #1: This is Not Sustainable

    While the tips provided thus far offer valuable guidance for improving your relationship, it is crucial to recognize that the current dynamic of your marriage is not sustainable in the long run. It's important to acknowledge the social construct that many relationships operate within, where the husband is often expected to be the head of the household and the leader of the marriage. The previous tips focus on empowering yourself and improving your personal communication skills. These strategies can certainly lead your marriage in a better direction and promote healthier dynamics. However, if you find yourself constantly shouldering the responsibility of leading and making important decisions, it might eventually kill attraction. So it may be necessary for your husband to engage in coaching or seek personal growth opportunities once you are able to seduce him into that receptive space.

    Taking the lead in a relationship can be draining and burdensome over time as you have your own lane and responsibilities as a lady. It's essential for the husband in most marriages to take the responsibility of leading and setting the tone for the emotional well-being of the marriage. This allows for a more balanced and sustainable partnership where both individuals feel valued and involved. When the time comes, you can encourage your husband to join you to explore personal growth opportunities, such as coaching or counseling. This can provide him with the tools and insights needed to develop leadership skills, improve communication, and foster a greater sense of self-awareness; earning a version of respect that is much more sustainable and attractive overtime. It will not only benefit him but also benefits the relationship as a whole. It's important to approach this suggestion with sensitivity and understanding.

    Avoid framing it as a criticism or a personal flaw, but rather as an opportunity for growth and development together as a couple and a family. Communicate your desire for a more balanced partnership where both of you can actively contribute, making decision-making and leadership easier for him. There is no need to compete with him with regards to leadership. Partnership and leadership are not mutually exclusive and in reality, there is no one without the other. You can even lead by encouraging him to lead if leadership is what you crave so badly. Leadership is not about running our mouths; it’s demonstrated in action. By encouraging your husband's personal growth journey, you create a space for him to explore his own potential and take on a more active role in the relationship without feeling like you are a subordinate. This shift can bring about a healthier and more sustainable dynamic where both partners feel empowered and fulfilled.

    Dealing with a husband who yells at you can be incredibly challenging, but it's not an insurmountable issue. By prioritizing your safety, understanding that conflicts are not solely your fault, engaging your personal power, implementing effective communication strategies, and recognizing the need for sustainable change, you can work towards a healthier and more harmonious relationship. Remember, it's essential to seek support from professionals or trusted individuals who can provide personalized advice tailored to your specific circumstances. LOLA and I have been through this in one shape or form and resolved it permanently. Download our book for our full story and discover the strategies we used to overcome this challenge. Visit www.LoveAndPrestige.com to access the book and gain valuable insights for your own journey towards a happier and healthier relationship.


    My Wife Yells at Me: 5 Tips To Seduce Her And Resolve This Permanently

    My Wife Yells at Me: 5 Tips To Seduce Her And Resolve This Permanently

    My wife yells at me. So your wife yells at you?

    In any relationship, conflicts and disagreements are bound to arise from time to time. However, when your wife starts yelling at you frequently, it can be emotionally draining and damaging to the relationship. If you find yourself in this situation, I’m sorry that you are dealing with this.

    It's important to address the issue and work towards a healthier and more respectful dynamic. In this video, we will discuss five practical tips to help you resolve this problem permanently, creating a happier and more harmonious relationship with your wife.

    Let’s countdown the tips as we dig a little deeper into each one.






    Tip #5 - How to Locate National Support Against All Levels of Abuse.

    When dealing with a wife who yells at you, it's essential to prioritize your safety and well-being. If you ever feel threatened or fear for your safety, it's crucial to seek help immediately.

    You can locate your national support hotline for domestic violence or abuse and reach out to them for guidance and support. These organizations have professionals trained to handle such situations and can provide you with the necessary resources to ensure your safety and well-being. Just search the phrase "domestic abuse" with your country name on your favorite online search engine such as Google and you will have instant access to help.

    Tip #4 - Engaging in Self-Intelligence and Leveraging it for Improvement in Your Relationship.

    While it's important to address your wife's yelling, it's also essential to examine your own behavior and how it may contribute to this situation. Engaging in self-intelligence allows you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your actions.

    Assess what aspects of yourself might be attracting this behavior from your wife, without falling into self-guilt or victim shaming. By leveraging this self-awareness, you can make positive changes within yourself and your relationship, fostering growth and harmony.

    Tip #3 - Re-interpreting Yelling from Your Wife Appropriately to Maximize Permanent Resolution.

    Yelling from your wife is often a cry for help or a manifestation of underlying issues or frustrations. Instead of immediately reacting negatively, it's important to re-interpret their behavior appropriately.

    Understand that yelling may stem from deeper emotional or communication challenges. By approaching the situation with empathy and understanding, you can create a safe space for open and honest communication, giving her the freedom to express her expectations, feelings, and concerns without resorting to yelling.

    Tip #2 - The Right Way to Establish Boundaries and Communication Guidelines

    Establishing clear boundaries and communication guidelines is crucial when dealing with yelling in a relationship. Instead of practicing lower tolerance of your wife, think about boundaries for yourself and self-respect.

    When you have adequate self-respect and boundaries, there are certain types of conversations you would never engage with an emotional reaction.

    Once your wife demonstrates that she is mimicking the level of self-respect that you desire, you can then sit down with her and have an open conversation about how yelling affects you emotionally and how you would like to be treated during disagreements. These guidelines can include alternative communication methods, such as using "I" statements or taking breaks during heated discussions, to prevent escalation and promote healthy dialogue.

    Tip #1 - How to Create Sustainable Measures to Keep Yelling and Bad Communication Habits Far Away From Your Marriage.

    Resolving the issue of yelling in your marriage requires sustainable measures to prevent its recurrence. This involves ongoing effort and commitment from you in the short-term, and eventually both partners over the long run.

    Practice active listening, empathy, and patience in your day-to-day interactions. By consistently prioritizing open and respectful communication, you can create a healthier and more harmonious relationship, keeping yelling and bad communication habits at bay.

    Dealing with a wife who constantly yells at you can be emotionally challenging and detrimental to your mental health and the relationship. However, by following these five tips, you can take significant steps toward resolving this issue permanently.

    If you're struggling with the issue of your wife yelling at you, we understand the challenges you're facing. LOLA and I have been through similar experiences, and we have written a book called "Get My Marriage Back" sharing our personal story and the strategies we used to overcome this issue permanently.

    Download our book for free from www.LoveAndPrestige.com for a comprehensive guide to building a harmonious and loving relationship and marriage.

    Remember, resolving conflicts in a relationship requires commitment and effort from both partners, but it starts with you. Prioritize your safety, engage in self-reflection, and work towards open and respectful communication with your wife.

    Thank you for watching. For more helpful resources and information, visit www.LoveAndPrestige.com.


    KOALA BEAR Doubles Down On Registered Nurses’ STIGMA in MARRIAGE With His Own Wife

    KOALA BEAR Doubles Down On Registered Nurses’ STIGMA in MARRIAGE With His Own Wife

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    My name is OLA and I am your host.  

    I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society.

    But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family... 

    And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships.

    This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.  

    We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war.

    The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.  

    Thank you so much.

    Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one.

    And peace.

    #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage 



    Welcome to Man of Prestige.  

    For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook


    Man of Prestige

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    LOLA and OLA

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    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lolaandola/videos 

    Blog - https://LOLAandOLA.com 


    Created by myEmpirePRO



    FREE Books 

    Marriage & Relationships → http://www.LOVEandPrestige.com 

    Smart Real Estate Wholesaling → https://www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com 

    Digital Marketing → http://DigitalMarketingCertified.com 


    My name is OLA and I am your host.  

    I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society.

    But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family... 

    And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships.

    This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.  

    We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war.

    The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.  

    Thank you so much.

    Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one.

    And peace.

    #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage 

    EMDEE TIAMIYU - The Battles of the Lames & The Liars (ft Daddy Freeze)

    EMDEE TIAMIYU - The Battles of the Lames & The Liars (ft Daddy Freeze)

    Welcome to Man of Prestige.  

    For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook


    Man of Prestige

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    LOLA and OLA

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    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lolaandola/videos 

    Blog - https://LOLAandOLA.com 


    Created by myEmpirePRO



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    Marriage & Relationships → http://www.LOVEandPrestige.com 

    Smart Real Estate Wholesaling → https://www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com 

    Digital Marketing → http://DigitalMarketingCertified.com 


    My name is OLA and I am your host.  

    I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society.

    But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family... 

    And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships.

    This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.  

    We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war.

    The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.  

    Thank you so much.

    Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one.

    And peace.

    #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage 

    Derrick Jaxn CONFESSED To 11 Women (Da_Naia Jackson on Dear Future Wife)

    Derrick Jaxn CONFESSED To 11 Women (Da_Naia Jackson on Dear Future Wife)

    Welcome to Man of Prestige.  

    For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook


    Man of Prestige

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/ManofPrestige 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/manofprestige1/videos 


    LOLA and OLA

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LOLAandOLA 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lolaandola/videos 

    Blog - https://LOLAandOLA.com 


    Created by myEmpirePRO



    FREE Books 

    Marriage & Relationships → http://www.LOVEandPrestige.com 

    Smart Real Estate Wholesaling → https://www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com 

    Digital Marketing → http://DigitalMarketingCertified.com 


    My name is OLA and I am your host.  

    I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society.

    But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family... 

    And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships.

    This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.  

    We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war.

    The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.  

    Thank you so much.

    Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one.

    And peace.

    #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage 

    CAN MEN EVER CHANGE? The 2baba 2face Annie Saga Continues…

    CAN MEN EVER CHANGE? The 2baba 2face Annie Saga Continues…

    Welcome to Man of Prestige.  

    For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook


    Man of Prestige

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/ManofPrestige 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/manofprestige1/videos 


    LOLA and OLA

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LOLAandOLA 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lolaandola/videos 

    Blog - https://LOLAandOLA.com 


    Created by myEmpirePRO



    FREE Books 

    Marriage & Relationships → http://www.LOVEandPrestige.com 

    Smart Real Estate Wholesaling → https://www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com 

    Digital Marketing → http://DigitalMarketingCertified.com 


    My name is OLA and I am your host.  

    I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society.

    But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family... 

    And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships.

    This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.  

    We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war.

    The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.  

    Thank you so much.

    Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one.

    And peace.

    #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage 

    BACKLASH 🤦🏾_♂️ Is BRIAN MCKNIGHT A Deadbeat DAD_ Ex-Wife Speaks Out & Daughter_s Lawsuit

    BACKLASH 🤦🏾_♂️ Is BRIAN MCKNIGHT A Deadbeat DAD_ Ex-Wife Speaks Out & Daughter_s Lawsuit

    Welcome to Man of Prestige.  

    For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook


    Man of Prestige

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/ManofPrestige 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/manofprestige1/videos 


    LOLA and OLA

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LOLAandOLA 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lolaandola/videos 

    Blog - https://LOLAandOLA.com 


    Created by myEmpirePRO



    FREE Books 

    Marriage & Relationships → http://www.LOVEandPrestige.com 

    Smart Real Estate Wholesaling → https://www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com 

    Digital Marketing → http://DigitalMarketingCertified.com 


    My name is OLA and I am your host.  

    I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society.

    But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family... 

    And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships.

    This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.  

    We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war.

    The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.  

    Thank you so much.

    Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one.

    And peace.

    #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage 

    FEMI OTEDOLA🥷 vs 🤺TONY ELUMELU… (SNAKE🐍) Did You Know Billionaires Also Do THIS_

    FEMI OTEDOLA🥷 vs 🤺TONY ELUMELU… (SNAKE🐍) Did You Know Billionaires Also Do THIS_

    Welcome to Man of Prestige.  

    For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook


    Man of Prestige

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/ManofPrestige 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/manofprestige1/videos 


    LOLA and OLA

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LOLAandOLA 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lolaandola/videos 

    Blog - https://LOLAandOLA.com 


    Created by myEmpirePRO



    FREE Books 

    Marriage & Relationships → http://www.LOVEandPrestige.com 

    Smart Real Estate Wholesaling → https://www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com 

    Digital Marketing → http://DigitalMarketingCertified.com 


    My name is OLA and I am your host.  

    I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society.

    But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family... 

    And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships.

    This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.  

    We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war.

    The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.  

    Thank you so much.

    Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one.

    And peace.


    #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage 

    JUDY AUSTIN 🤦🏾_♂️ U Keep Disgrac_n YOself_ Our God Has Suffered. CHAI! YUL EDOCHIE Come here...

    JUDY AUSTIN 🤦🏾_♂️ U Keep Disgrac_n YOself_ Our God Has Suffered. CHAI! YUL EDOCHIE Come here...

    Welcome to Man of Prestige.  

    For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook


    Man of Prestige

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/ManofPrestige 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/manofprestige1/videos 


    LOLA and OLA

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LOLAandOLA 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lolaandola/videos 

    Blog - https://LOLAandOLA.com 


    Created by myEmpirePRO



    FREE Books 

    Marriage & Relationships → http://www.LOVEandPrestige.com 

    Smart Real Estate Wholesaling → https://www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com 

    Digital Marketing → http://DigitalMarketingCertified.com 


    My name is OLA and I am your host.  

    I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society.

    But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family... 

    And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships.

    This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.  

    We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war.

    The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.  

    Thank you so much.

    Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one.

    And peace.


    #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage 


    STEVE HARVEY 🤦🏾_♂️ “What Do You Bring To The Table_” (WHAT_S WRONG WITH TODAY_S DATING WORLD_)

    STEVE HARVEY 🤦🏾_♂️ “What Do You Bring To The Table_” (WHAT_S WRONG WITH TODAY_S DATING WORLD_)

    Welcome to Man of Prestige.  

    For Full experience visit us on YouTube & Facebook

    Man of Prestige

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/ManofPrestige 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/manofprestige1/videos 


    LOLA and OLA

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LOLAandOLA 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lolaandola/videos 

    Blog - https://LOLAandOLA.com 


    Created by myEmpirePRO



    FREE Books 

    Marriage & Relationships → http://www.LOVEandPrestige.com 

    Smart Real Estate Wholesaling → https://www.SmartRealEstateWholesaling.com 

    Digital Marketing → http://DigitalMarketingCertified.com 


    My name is OLA and I am your host.  

    I truly believe that the state of our society and the family structure is a function of the emotional and mental health of the men of our society.

    But this has evolved to a family.  The Prestigious Family... 

    And that's a family of ladies and gentlemen who want to remain students of what it takes to achieve healthier and profitable relationships.

    This platform was originally designed to address issues around manhood and relationships.  But our world between men and women are so interwoven that we can't avoid each other.  

    We need and want each other evident by the passionate ways we express the talking points in the epidemic of the online gender war.

    The gender war stops here on Man of Prestige.  

    Thank you so much.

    Hopefully, you've been enlightened and educated.  See you on the next one.

    And peace.


    #manofprestige #relationships #love #marriage