
    Maria Merola's Podcasts

    en-usMaria Merola48 Episodes

    Episodes (48)

    Maria Merola on “The Prophecy Club” with Stan Johnson: Date of Messiah’s Birth Part 1 (12/01/2011)

    Maria Merola on “The Prophecy Club” with Stan Johnson: Date of Messiah’s Birth Part 1 (12/01/2011)
    In Part 1 of this Christmas Expose series of The Prophecy Club, Stan Johnson asked Maria Merola to share about the birth of the true Messiah of Yisra’el versus the birth of the false Messiah’s of paganism. See all of Maria’s blogs related to the subject of Christ-Mass below:  “December 25th Birth of the Antichrist.”  http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/09/december-25th-birth-of-antichrist_22.html “Sixteen Crucified Saviors? Why the Date of Messiah’s Birth & Resurrection Matters!”  http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/copyright-double-portion-inheritance_20.html “The Messiah of Yisra’el Born on the Feast of Trumpets on September 11th in 3 B.C.”  http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/messiah-of-israel-born-on-feast-of.html “Chanukkah: Over-throw of Zeus Worship & Perfect Anti-thesis to Christ-Mass.”  http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/09/hanukkahover-throw-of-zeus-worship.html

    Maria Merola on American Voice Radio’s “Messiah’s Branch” with Pastor Dan Catlin: The Birthday of the Antichrist Part 1 (12/01/2011)

    Maria Merola on American Voice Radio’s “Messiah’s Branch” with Pastor Dan Catlin: The Birthday of the Antichrist Part 1 (12/01/2011)
    Pastor Dan Catlin of Messiah’s Branch Ministries interviewed Maria Merola live on American Voice Radio as she explained the deep satanic roots of Christ-Mass. See Pastor Dan’s website at:  http://branch.podomatic.com/ See Maria’s blog entitled: “December 25th Birth of the Antichrist.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/09/december-25th-birth-of-antichrist_22.html

    Chuck Pate Interviews Maria Merola on “Discovering Hidden Treasures” Part 5 (October 2011)

    Chuck Pate Interviews Maria Merola on “Discovering Hidden Treasures” Part 5 (October 2011)
    In Part 5 of this interview Chuck Pate from “Discovering Hidden Treasures” Radio Show asked Maria Merola to expound on the subjects of the Divorce, Remarriage & the Mark of the Beast. Is it true that we can never remarry once we are divorced? Did our Messiah contradict the Torah in Deuteronomy 24 where it says that a woman may remarry after her husband divorces her? Or is there a textual translation error in Matthew 5 & 19 with the words and putting away? What exactly is the Mark of the Beast according to the Torah? See Maria’s blogs below:  “The Mark of YaHuWaH or the Mark of the Beast?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/mark-of-yhwh-or-mark-of-beast.html “Does YaHuWaH Allow Remarriage After Divorce?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/02/does-yahuwah-hate-divorce_09.html

    Chuck Pate Interviews Maria Merola on “Discovering Hidden Treasures” Part 4 (October 2011)

    Chuck Pate Interviews Maria Merola on “Discovering Hidden Treasures” Part 4 (October 2011)
    In Part 4 of this interview Chuck Pate from Discovering Hidden Treasures Radio Show asked Maria Merola to share and expound on the subject of the weekly 7th Day Sabbath. Did the First Century believers continue to keep the 7th Day Sabbath Holy? Or did the day of worship change to Sunday? Did our Messiah resurrect on Sunday Morning as traditionally taught? Was he “three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” as the sign of Jonah the Prophet (Matthew 12:40) before resurrecting? Or was he only in the grave for 1.5 days between “Good Friday” and Sunday Morning? Maria answers all of these questions in this segment. See Maria’s blog entitled: “Dispensationalist Versus A Covenant View of the Sabbath.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/dispensationalist-versus-covenant-view_09.html Also see the blog entitled: “How Does Good Friday Discredit our Messiah? Can You Count to Three?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/how-does-good-friday-discredit-our_23.html Another blog of Maria’s which show evidence that our Messiah died on a Wednesday Passover and Resurrected on the Sabbath Day is seen here: “How Does the Sabbath Day Point to the Resurrection? I Will Raise Him Up at the Last Day.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/how-does-sabbath-day-point-to_25.html

    Chuck Pate Interviews Maria Merola on “Discovering Hidden Treasures” Part 3 (October 2011)

    Chuck Pate Interviews Maria Merola on “Discovering Hidden Treasures” Part 3 (October 2011)
    In Part 3 of this interview Chuck Pate from “Discovering Hidden Treasures” Radio Show asked Maria Merola to explain some of the common misunderstandings within Christianity concerning eating unclean foods. The common response that most Christians use to justify eating unclean animals comes from an interpolation in Mark 7:17 where the Gnostics inserted the phrase: “In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.” Listen to this interview and discover that the word of our Creator remains the same and never changes! See Maria’s Blog entitled: “Did Jesus Make all Foods Clean?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/07/did-jesus-make-all-foods-clean_2211.html

    Chuck Pate Interviews Maria Merola on “Discovering Hidden Treasures” Part 2 (October 2011)

    Chuck Pate Interviews Maria Merola on “Discovering Hidden Treasures” Part 2 (October 2011)
    In this interview Chuck Pate from “Discovering Hidden Treasures” Radio Show asked Maria Merola to clear up some common misunderstandings and misinterpreted scriptures that are often used in Christianity. In Part 2 of this interview, Chuck asked Maria to explain some common misunderstandings about Paul’s Letters concerning the role of women in the Assembly. Maria did a teaching using the “two or three witnesses” of scripture (Luke 24:44, 2nd Timothy 3:16) of the Torah, Prophets & Psalms (TaNaKh) as well as Paul’s Epistles proving that YaHuWaH is not against women teaching or prophesying in the Assembly. Once you hear the historical background and the original language of the text, you will never again be confused about Paul’s Letter concerning the role of women in 1st Corinthians 14:34-36; 1st Timothy 2:12. Maria’s blog articles about the subject of women teaching can be seen here at these links: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/08/are-women-be-allowed-to-teach-in-body_7698.html http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/10/talmud-forbids-women-from-speaking-in_6434.html

    Chuck Pate Interviews Maria Merola on “Discovering Hidden Treasures” Part 1 (October 2011)

    Chuck Pate Interviews Maria Merola on “Discovering Hidden Treasures” Part 1 (October 2011)
    In this interview Chuck Pate from “Discovering Hidden Treasures” Radio Show asked Maria Merola to clear up some common misunderstandings and misinterpreted scriptures that are often used in Christianity. In Part 1 of this interview, Chuck asked Maria to explain why it is important to get back to the original Hebrew Alphabet and Language. Maria’s blog explaining the Paleo Hebrew Alphabet is seen here: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/08/alef-taw-red-heifer-two-sticks-versus.html

    Shema AM – The 13th Apostle & the 13th Tribe (11/22/2011)

    Shema AM – The 13th Apostle & the 13th Tribe (11/22/2011)
    In this episode, Daniel was away so Maria did a teaching showing that the Apostle Shau’wl (Paul) is prophetically the 13th Apostle for the 13th tribe of Ephrayim who later on is merged into the other tribes in the New Yerushalayim (Jerusalem). Maria also talked about how pagan symbols began as created things in nature by YaHuWaH, but Satan has hi-jacked these to be used as objects of idolatry. One such symbol is the “Magen David Star” also called “The Star of David” which was created by YaHuWaH evidenced in the cells of the Israeli Survivor Flower. See the link below: http://www.israel21c.org/technology/israeli-survivor-flower-boasts-cells-in-shape-of-star-of-david Also see Maria’s blog entitled “The 13th Apostle Assigned to the 13th Tribe.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2012/02/13th-apostle-assigned-to-13th-tribe_8556.html

    Shema AM - Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth (11/17/2011)

    Shema AM - Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth (11/17/2011)
    In this episode of “Shema AM” Maria did the show by herself since Daniel was away and she explained the difference between when YaHuW’shuwa Messiah says “it is written” and “you have heard it said.” Some people have erroneously concluded that the “eye for eye, tooth for tooth” commandment in the Torah was all about seeking revenge and being spiteful, but Maria clears up the confusion over this as she explains that the Torah provides Laws of fairness and restitution. See Maria’s Blog for the notes on this teaching: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/09/eye-for-eye-tooth-for-tooth.html

    Maria Merola Interviews Nehemia Gordon & Keith Johnson (07/22/2009)

    Maria Merola Interviews Nehemia Gordon & Keith Johnson (07/22/2009)
    In this interview in July 2009, Maria discussed with Nehemia Keith their new book “A Prayer to our Father” and the Hebraic understanding of a prayer that was taught to us by our Savior. Maria also asked Nehemia why he would want to write about Yahuwshuwa of Nazareth when he does not believe in him as Messiah. Nehemia’s answer might surprise you. http://www.aprayertoourfather.com/

    Shema AM - Does the Torah or Talmud Silence Women? (11/14/2011)

    Shema AM - Does the Torah or Talmud Silence Women? (11/14/2011)
    In this episode, Maria did a teaching from the “two or three witnesses” scripture seen in Luke 24:44 & 2nd Timothy 3:16. We are told by our Messiah that a matter is established “out of the mouth of two or three witnesses” (Matthew 18:16) What are these two or three witnesses that we must consult when teaching doctrine? Law, Prophets & Psalms, in Hebrew is called “Towrah, Nabiym & Ketuwbiym” which has an acronym of: TaNaKh. Often times, people try to use one verse of Paul’s Epistles to establish doctrine, but this is not the sound “hermeneutics.” One such topic topic that people are often taking out of context has to do with “women teaching” or “women keeping silence in the assemblies.” Contrary to what many have been falsely taught to be believe, YaHuWaH is not against women teaching or prophesying in the Assembly. Once you hear the historical background and the original language of the text, you will never again be confused about Sha’uwl (Paul)’s Letter concerning the role of women in 1st Corinthians 14:34-36 or 1st Timothy 2:12. See Maria’s blog articles about the subject of women teaching can be seen below at these links: “Are Women Allowed to Teach in the Body of Messiah?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/08/are-women-be-allowed-to-teach-in-body_7698.html “Talmud Forbids Women From Speaking in the Assembly---not Torah!” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/10/talmud-forbids-women-from-speaking-in_6434.html

    Shema AM – Nimrod’s Kingdom, the Flood & the Nephilim (10/31/2011)

    Shema AM – Nimrod’s Kingdom, the Flood & the Nephilim (10/31/2011)
    In this episode, Maria read from part of last Sabbath’s Torah portion in Bereshiyth (Genesis) 6 where YaHuWaH destroyed the entire race of human-fallen angel hybrids called “Giants” (Nephilim) and how the last days will be a repeat of the “Days of Noah.” See Maria’s blog below entitled: “Nimrod, the Papacy & Pangaea.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/nimrod-papacy-pangaea_17.html

    Faith Radio: Satan’s Mockery (10/26/2011)

    Faith Radio: Satan’s Mockery (10/26/2011)
    Daniel Merrick interviewed Maria Merola as they discussed the genuine holy days of YaHuWaH versus the pagan holidays of the witches dressed up to appear “Christian” by the Papacy. See Maria’s related blogs below: “Feasts for the Beast Are Full of Yeast: Eight Pagan Sabbaths & Halloween”: http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/10/feasts-for-beast-full-of-yeast-eight.html “Chanukkah: Overthrow of Zeus Worship & Perfect Antithesis to Christ-Mass!” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/09/hanukkahover-throw-of-zeus-worship.html

    Shema AM - Choose Blessings or Curses? (10/27/2011)

    Shema AM - Choose Blessings or Curses? (10/27/2011)
    In this show Maria, preached and got on her & soap box about the curses that we bring upon our children and our family when we persist in pagan holidays and worshiping in a false way that violates the commandments. See Maria’s related blogs below: “What Real Witches Practice After Halloween.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/10/what-real-witches-practice-after_23.html “A Prayer for Cleansing & Removal of All Sin Ground Given to Satan by my Will.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/prayer-for-cleansing-removal-of-all-sin.html “Spiritual Warfare Prayer.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/spiritual-warfare-prayer_25.html

    Shema AM - Maria Interviews Jason Brown (10/24/2011)

    Shema AM - Maria Interviews Jason Brown (10/24/2011)
    On Monday October 24th Maria interviewed Jason Brown from Whitesburg Kentucky where she was invited to speak in person during the week of Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles). Jason told his story about how he was brought into the Hebraic Roots of the faith back purely by praying and reading the scriptures on his own. Today Jason is bringing his home-town friends and family into the understanding of their Hebrew Roots simply by hosting Conferences in his small town of Whitesburg Kentucky. Jason’s online magazine is found at this website: http://www.inhisgripinc.com/

    Shema AM – YaHuW’shuwa Messiah as the Kinsmen Redeemer (10/10/2011)

    Shema AM – YaHuW’shuwa Messiah as the Kinsmen Redeemer (10/10/2011)
    Did you ever wonder why YaHuW’chanon (John) the Baptizer made this statement? “He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe’s latchet I am not worthy to unloose.” Maria explains in this show that the “Twin Goats on Yom Kippur” are prophetically connected to two brides (Leah & Rachel) and Two Houses of Yisra’el (Ephraim & Judah). See how Messiah became the Kinsmen Redeemer and the bride price was two goats for two brides! See Maria’s blog entitled: “The Twin Goats on Yom Kippur Fulfilled in YaHuW’shuwa Messiah.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/twin-goats-on-yom-kippur-fulfilled-in_25.html

    Shema AM - Yom Kippur Twin Goats Fulfilled in Messiah Part 1 (10/05/2011)

    Shema AM - Yom Kippur Twin Goats Fulfilled in Messiah Part 1 (10/05/2011)
    In this show on October 5th 2011, Maria taught about the instructions for Yom Kippur found in Leviticus 16 and how our Messiah Yahuwshuwa fulfilled the pattern of the Twin Goats for Yom Kippur. See Maria’s blog entitled: “The Twin Goats on Yom Kippur Fulfilled in Yahuwshuwa Messiah.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/twin-goats-on-yom-kippur-fulfilled-in_25.html

    Shema AM - Ten Days of Awe in Prophecy (10/03/2011)

    Shema AM - Ten Days of Awe in Prophecy (10/03/2011)
    Many of you thought that the “Ten Days of Awe” is not mentioned in scripture. But think again! Maria shared from Revelation 2:10 where the Congregation at Smyrna is told by Messiah that they will have “ten days of tribulation.” The Hebrew word for “awe” means “tribulation” and “sister rivalry”! Rebekah was asked to stay “ten days” before going to meet her bridegroom Isaac, but she did not want to wait 10 days. She wanted to “go meet the bridegroom!” This is a prophetic picture of “the five wise virgins” out of the “ten virgins” during these ten days between the Feast of Trumpets & the Day of Atonement. Yahuwshuwa Messiah will gather two brides prophetically typified in Leah & Rachel. These 10 days are a period of repentance for the bride has made herself ready! See Maria’s blog entitled: “Ten Days of Awe Leading Up to Yom Kippur!” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/08/ten-days-of-awe-leading-up-to-yom.html

    Shema AM - Two Calendars, Three Harvests & Seven Feasts (09/28/2011)

    Shema AM - Two Calendars, Three Harvests & Seven Feasts (09/28/2011)
    Maria did the show by herself as Daniel & Maria are going to be doing separate shows for a while in order to free up their schedules. Maria announced that she will be doing the “Shema AM” show alone on Monday’s & Wednesday’s and Daniel will doing “Shema AM” by himself on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. Maria also explained in this show the difference between the Jewish Calendar and the Agricultural Sighted Moon Calendar, as well as the three different harvests within the seven month-long agricultural year of seven feast days. Also see Maria’s blog entitled: “Messiah’s Forty Days of Fasting Leading Up To Yom Kippur!” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/09/messiahs-forty-days-of-fasting-leading_4090.html Also see Maria’s blog entitled: “Times Seasons & the Thief in the Night.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/times-seasons-thief-in-night-when-is_25.html

    Shema AM - Under the Law & Works of the Law: What Does Paul Mean? (09/07/2011)

    Shema AM - Under the Law & Works of the Law: What Does Paul Mean? (09/07/2011)
    In this show, Daniel was away so Maria did a teaching by herself on the meaning of Paul’s words in Galatians 3 and also in Romans 3-6. What did the Apostle Sha’uwl (Paul) mean by the terms “under the law” and “works of the law?” See Maria’s related blogs below: “What Does it Mean to be Under the Law?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-does-it-mean-to-be-under-law.html “Are You a Foolish Galatian or a Wise Virgin?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/08/copyright-double-portion-inheritance.html