
    Mark My Words Podcast

    Investing, business, finance &economics - Mark Homer has the experience to help you with many of your questions & challenges. Mark My Words is a successful, eccentric & introverted businessman’s experience of 20 years with no waffle, ads, bravado or big pitches. Mark will interview the worlds most successful business, finance & money experts as well as impart his knowledge in a factual, direct manner. Mark runs & owns multiple businesses & property portfolios so teaches you what he does on a daily basis. A contrarian investor & capitalist, Mark will help you raise more finance, make more money & grow your business empire.
    enHarry Kumar203 Episodes

    Episodes (203)

    Raising UK Debt & Interest Rates Will Collapse The Economy

    Raising UK Debt & Interest Rates Will Collapse The Economy

    CLASH OF THE TITANS - Go To moorevleeds.com to find out more

    How high could interest rates go, whether to invest in property right now and what a 100% mortgage is are just some of the questions Mark answers in this Q&A episode of Mark My Words.



    • The UK is behind the curve, the EU is still putting interest rates up currently and it’s predicted we will still have some small rises in interest.
    • Inflation is higher in the UK than in the EU and US due to our reliance on gas, labour supply shock from covid lockdowns and food price increases.
    • Government debt is set to rise still and is continuing to impact growth.
    • House prices are still falling but at a slower rate.
    • There are opportunities to add to your property portfolio right now, there are always good deals available.
    • Pay off student debt as soon as you can but not at the detriment of owning a property and career progression.


    ‘Inflation is the primary consideration when setting interest rates’

    ‘Inflation will start to fall slightly, it’s already baked into the numbers’

    ‘House price falls are starting to slow and the market is beginning to stabilise’

    ‘Variable rates aren’t always a bad thing’


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.


    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive

    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enMay 17, 2023

    Is Now a Good Time to Buy a Property?

    Is Now a Good Time to Buy a Property?

    Mark answers some of the most asked questions he is getting at the moment including why yes now is a good time to invest in buy to lets, why interest rates will be dropping and why some debt can be good.


    • Being debt free isn’t always the best option, it can be worth investing money into property rather than paying off your mortgage
    • Inflation will be paying your debt down, including your mortgage debt.
    • The government haven’t helped tenants, landlords are selling up meaning less supply and so prices have increased.
    • Mark suspects interest rates will drop in the next few years.


    ‘There are less landlords coming into the market and that’s pushing rents higher and higher’

    ‘Prices have fallen and there are still some deals out there’

    ‘The IMF says the natural point of interest in the UK is way lower than we are at the moment”


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.


    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive


    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enMay 03, 2023

    Will Rising Energy Bills & Oil Prices Crash The Market?

    Will Rising Energy Bills & Oil Prices Crash The Market?

    In this episode, Mark gives an update on energy, particularly on how this will impact landlords and the property market.


    • The government has confirmed that landlords will need to meet an EPC rating of C or better by 2028 for new and existing tenancies.
    • The best ways to go from a D or an E to a C rating is by a few small changes, such as energy saving lightbulbs, adding a storage heater or adding solar panels.
    • Start planning for your properties now, as the deadline gets closer EPC experts will become busier and it will be more costly for you to make the necessary changes.
    • There are exemptions, particularly if it’s going to be very costly for you to improve.
    • Some landlords will be selling due to this which presents investment opportunities for those who are willing to put the work and knowledge in.
    • Fuel prices will start to fall this year as wholesale priced drop and alternative options become available.
    • Diesel and petrol prices have dropped significantly, almost hitting pre-2020 levels. This means that electric car demand has also dropped, they aren’t as financially attractive as they were.


    “I think quite a few landlords are selling because of this, this could be an opportunity”

    “More and more of these sources of energy are coming online now”

    “I don’t think the energy cap will be needed in the same way going into 2024”


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a systems and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.



    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive

    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enApril 19, 2023

    Mark Homer Talks Investing and How to Avoid the BIGGEST Financial Mistakes

    Mark Homer Talks Investing and How to Avoid the BIGGEST Financial Mistakes

    CLASH OF THE TITANS - Go To moorevleeds.com to find out more

    FREE DOWNLOAD How YOU Can Make A FORTUNE From Buy-To-Let


    Join Mark as he speaks to Kevin for a second time about how to build and manage a property business including your accounts and finances as well as investing. Mark and Kev also discuss investing abroad, the best way to do crypto and the biggest financial mistakes they see people making again and again.


    • One day Mark envisions moving abroad, his plan would be to come back to the UK once a month for 3-4 days for tax rules and use that time to manage him team on the ground in the UK
    • Mark recommends using a simple spreadsheet to manage your costs, finances etc when first starting out, it’s simple, it works and is usually free!
    • The impact of late payments (excluding mortgages) on a company credit file is less than on a personal file, another one of the benefits of setting yourself up as a limited company as soon as you can.
    • Bitcoin is probably the most stable coin from an investment perspective, anything else is a real gamble. Mark would still recommend you don’t put anymore of 5% into Bitcoin as it’s still very high risk.
    • Most of those in cryptocurrency are then converting it into something ‘real’ such as fiat currency.
    • Now is the time to buy property, prices are falling and will continue to fall and then increase again.
    • Mark only buys properties with a 10 year view, he doesn’t flip properties. He also focuses on unloved properties as this is where he can add the most value.


    ‘Leverage is often not paying a bill, because the bill is wrong’

    ‘The underlying technology behind crypto, the ledger system, is revolutionary’

    ‘You can use property [investing] as the vehicle to earn money and put that into crypto…it’s a no-money-down crypto’

    ‘I’ve never made more money, investing wise, out of anything other than property’

    ‘As interest rates have gone up, it’s pushed property prices down’

    ‘I love the stuff that’s unloved because that’s where you add value’


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.


    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive


    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enApril 05, 2023

    How I Built My Property Empire From ZERO

    How I Built My Property Empire From ZERO

    In this episode, Mark reveals how he built his multi-million property empire, his thoughts on the property market right now, as well as how to find investors and venture partners. He also delves deep into the importance of risk in business and how you can manage it.


    • The biggest risk mark has had to contend with is his most recent property development when lockdown hit right in the middle of the project and he was paying 60k a month in interest. But the risks taken have paid off.
    • Lots of people use the asking price as a guide price in property, but it can be irrelevant in the grand scheme, a property will sell for what someone is willing to pay for it.
    • There’s still leverage to be had in single-let properties, you just need to focus closely now more than ever, on the yield.
    • Direct to the vendor can be a great way to get a discount on your purchase price but working with agents and fostering those relationships can help you get more and bigger deals too.
    • You have to educate yourself so that you know how to recognise a good property deal anywhere, regardless of whether that is from an agent, direct or even at auction.
    • Build credibility for yourself and show the value you can bring to a deal, creating your own track record, this will make you appealing to investors.
    • Debt can be powerful. It’s important to not over leverage but you can actually make more money from inflation by reducing the value of the mortgage than actual growth in real terms.
    • A good accountant can add a lot of value, you don’t know what you don’t know and they can reduce your tax bills significantly.


    ‘Mark is the brains behind Progressive Property"

    “You always want to add value, it’s so important”

    “The best deals we have ever done have been direct vendor”

    “We all start the same way”

    “You can make more money out of inflation, reducing the value of the mortgage than you can growth in real terms”

    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enMarch 23, 2023

    6 Things I've Learnt in 17 Years in Business

    6 Things I've Learnt in 17 Years in Business

    As Mark hits his 43rd birthday he reflects on the 6 key things he has learnt in his 17 years of business including why inflation can be your biggest helper as well as the many tax reliefs many people aren’t utilising enough! 


    • When you are investing, particularly in property, inflation can be your friend in a big way.
    • Inflation is the devaluation of money over time; the value of mortgages decreases at the rate of inflation too
    • Taking many small and consistent steps over time is something that Mark has recognised contributed to his success in business. It’s not all about making big or ‘quick’ wins.
    • You cannot manage what you don’t measure, Mark loves KPIs and data because people make mistakes and they also lie.
    • It’s easy right now to complain about taxes, but one thing business people often don’t focus on is the reliefs they are entitled to. Always make sure you are offsetting everything you possibly can. 
    • Over the years mark has realised it is possible to sweat the small things too much, it’s more important to focus on the bigger picture


     “Inflation could create the biggest returns that you receive in property”

    “Inflation has an equally positive on any debt or mortgages you have, inflation is actually paying your mortgage down”

    “The effects of taking those small steps hardwired those habits into your head so it becomes easier and easier”

    “Make sure you are claiming every [tax] relief you possibly can”

    “It’s a major benefit not paying capital gains tax on your home”

    “If you sweat the pennies too much you’ll often miss the pounds”


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a systems and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.


    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive

    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enMarch 09, 2023

    Are Stealth Taxes Out of Control?

    Are Stealth Taxes Out of Control?

    Part 2 of the Mark & Rob special episode. Mark and Rob continue to talk openly and honestly about all things business, particularly focusing on the negative impact of the tax in the UK and the long-lasting impacts of covid and lockdowns.

    Mark & Rob Reveal:

    • The differences between the current recession and 2008
    • The long-lasting impact of covid
    • How to make every pound a prisoner
    • The best way to invest in the current climate

    Also featured

    • The current state of employment and wages
    • Whether Andrew Tate is right about NOT working in a business you’re passionate about
    • How to find and nurture a good business partnership


    “There’s probably more cash around than we thought there was going to be”

    “We could be moving into a lost decade”

    “I do try and focus on the big wins”

    “You need to diversify”


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.


    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive

    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enFebruary 23, 2023

    What I've Learnt in 17 Years of Business With Business Partner Rob Moore

    What I've Learnt in 17 Years of Business With Business Partner Rob Moore

    Progressive Property co-founder and co-owner Rob joins Mark in this special episode. Rob and Mark openly and honestly talk about the business lessons, mistakes, tips and tricks they have learnt in the past 17 years as well as their thoughts on the current state of the UK.

    Mark & Rob Reveal:

    • The actual causes behind high inflation in the UK
    • Why tax is too high
    • How lockdown has irreversibly damaged the UK
    • Their thoughts on Prince Harry and the Royal Family
    • Why they think the government is incompetent

    Also featured

    • The demise of the British Empire & Globalisation
    • Why the political system needs to change
    • Discussion on the current tax system and what could work better


    “I think the UK is the worst I have seen it”

    “The consequences of lockdown are going to be way worse in the long down than what the lockdown saved us from”

    “I think Prince Harry is a disgrace”

    “Growth is the solution but we don’t have anyone in government who wants to prioritise growth”


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.


    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive


    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enFebruary 09, 2023

    Economic Update and The Incoming Recession of 2023

    Economic Update and The Incoming Recession of 2023

    A macroeconomic update from Mark in this quick but informative episode.


    • Inflation has started to fall, it’s likely that inflation has already peaked. This doesn’t mean we won’t head into a recession.
    • There’s the potential for us to enter a ‘shallow recession’ due to interest rates still increasing but things like gas prices decreasing.
    • Medium-long-term inflation may need to increase to get interest rates back down to 2% levels
    • Consumer spending is holding up reasonably well still. People are still booking holidays and buying things.
    • What has potentially saved consumer spending is the amount of savings people had due to the pandemic.
    • Property prices will still fall and affordability for both housing and things like cars will be impacted, this will take time for the country to adjust.


     “Gas prices now are at a level well before Putin invaded Ukraine so electricity prices will start to fall”

    “Inflation is probably going to half”

    “Things aren’t turning around yet but you can see where this thing ends and you can see a trajectory out of this”

    “Property probably takes 18 months to reset and we’re seeing this”

    “The UK is the sick man of Europe”


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.


    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive

    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enJanuary 20, 2023

    My 2023 Property Predictions

    My 2023 Property Predictions

    Join Mark in this episode where he unveils his personal predictions for the property market in 2023 including why property prices are set to drop 30-40%!


    • Inflation is now 10% and mortgage rates have gone up considerably resulting in property prices dropping around 10-15% already.
    • The reverse is happening in the rental market as fewer people are buying and supply is too low.
    • Mark doesn’t believe the bank of England will go to 5% inflation however, we won’t be seeing the historically low rates we have had over the past decade.
    • Wages are now starting to increase in line with inflation.
    • Properties will continue to fall in 2023, potentially in real terms a 40% drop in house prices.
    • The big national builders are already building less. There will be fewer houses built in 2023.


     “Clearly it’s not been an easy ride for lots of businesses”

    “We’re on course for a 30-40% drop in real house prices”

    “They printed too much money”

    “The national house builders are cutting back”


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.



    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive


    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enJanuary 06, 2023

    My Honest Thoughts on Interest Rates, Nigel Farage & BTL Investing | Mark Homer Q&A

    My Honest Thoughts on Interest Rates, Nigel Farage & BTL Investing | Mark Homer Q&A

    As it’s the end of the year, Mark wanted to do a roundup Q&A of some of his most popular YouTube videos of the year. He answers questions surrounding investing, Brexit, his opinion on Nigel Farage, and more!


    • The EPC policy will over time have an impact on rental prices.
    • Ideally landlords shouldn’t increase rents by more than 5% but this isn’t always possible, as long as you aren’t increasing them above the market rate then you don’t need to worry.
    • Nigel Farage can definitely stir the pot on occasion but he also has a lot of valuable knowledge and experience.
    • Mark didn’t agree with Brexit, he believes it’s been a disaster.
    • Buy-to-let is still a great way to invest. In the medium to long term the purchases you make as a buy to let landlord will fair better than what you bought in 2021 for example.


     “Government have screwed tenants, yes this is exactly what they have done”

    “How can it be a great idea to shut down or impede your trading relationship with your closest trade partners”

    “Immigration is now higher than it was when we were in the EU”

    “Predictions when it comes to economics…are usually wrong!”


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.



    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive

    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enDecember 29, 2022

    Why You Should NEVER Buy an Electric Car

    Why You Should NEVER Buy an Electric Car

    Mark can’t see a single reason to buy an electric car right now. Listen in to this episode to hear his reasons why this is and why you shouldn’t be buying an electric car.


    • In terms of the environment, developing and building electric cars is more environmentally complex than we are led to believe and the full life-cycle of an electric car has a bigger environmental impact than many people talk about.
    • The cost of buying an electric car is significantly higher than the diesel and petrol equivalent.
    • It’s no longer cheaper to charge an electric car than to put fuel in a petrol one. Road tax will also be charged eventually.
    • The infrastructure and range still isn’t there for electric cars.


     “When the battery becomes decommissioned that has quite a significant effect on the environment”

    “If you look at the whole life cycle of these electric cars I don’t think there are environmental benefits”

    “I just think their arguments are largely flawed”


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.



    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive

    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enDecember 15, 2022

    Steve Lawsdown Billionaire Investor Co Founder of Hargreaves Lansdown

    Steve Lawsdown Billionaire Investor Co Founder of Hargreaves Lansdown

    Join Mark Homer today as he interviews co-founder of award winning investment service Hargreaves Lansdown and majority shareholder of Bristol City FC, Stephen Lansdown CBE. Together they discuss the impact the pandemic has had on the financial market globally, why saving for your future is more important than ever and why people should take an active interest in their personal investments.


    • There is a lot of value accredited to trail commissions businesses, especially over the last 10-15 years. Company valuations that are based on repeat income seem stronger than those that are taking a one off chunk. If you’re giving a good service then a client will stay loyal to you and you will continue to take that income. The more clients you get the more assets you have got and the more fees you generate.
    • Governments are so much in debt due to the financial crisis and the pandemic, that you have to make your own precisions which is why saving is so important. Financial services platforms are in a good position to service that market. Healthcare, technology and renewable energy are good investment opportunities for now and the future.
    • Whilst the timing of it is hard to predict, the reality is there will be inflation at some point. Inflation is needed because that is how assets recover and how we get ourselves out of debt. Cash is not great at the moment and the alternative to that is equity investment which is why the stock market is benefiting massively.
    • There has always been a herd instinct in investment and many people tend to follow the crowd. You can follow it too far, and that is what makes the market. The market will not go up forever, and it will not go down forever, it will adjust along the way.
    • A wise way to use your money is to firstly ensure you have a certain amount in cash to meet your short term expenditure so that you are never caught short. Secondly, get some income that gives you a guaranteed return with fixed interest rates. Finally look towards investing in growth and income with either equity or property.
    • The fixed interest market is more of a property rental market these days. If you can find a good property/properties that can give you a good yield and can ensure you a good, guaranteed income then you can budget accordingly and make further investments along the way.
    • People should take an active interest in their investments, that is what the platform Hargreaves Lansdown has done for people. It allows people to look at all their investments in one place, to make decisions very quickly and to get information on those investments. You have got to plan for your later life and your family at the earliest possible stage. The stock market and investments markets are the best place to do that.


    “It was because other people were stealing our food off the table we decided to beat them at their own game.”

    “As long as we give you a good service, as long as we make sure your money is secure and you’re happy and confident in what we’re doing, then you’re going to give us the instructions to do every transaction that you possibly can.”

    “The moment of truth arrives as to where all the balls are going to land once the government starts to withdraw stamp duty holiday, furlough, grants and all the rest of it.”

    “Everyone makes loads of money until the money stops coming in, and then it falls apart.”

    “There is no working together for the common good.”

    “They are all the ingredients for a good all around investment attitude.”


    Stephen Philip Lansdown CBE is an English-born Guernsey billionaire. He co-founded the British financial services firm Hargreaves Lansdown with Peter Hargreaves. He is a founder of Bristol Sport and majority shareholder of Bristol Bears, Bristol Flyers, and Bristol City Football Club. Lansdown was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2017 Birthday Honours for services to business and the community in Bristol.


    Mark Homer is an entrepreneur investor.  He has worked with investment since he was 15 years old using the laws of wealth! He is a spreadsheet analyst with an impressive following from major publications including BBC Radio, The Wall Street Journal, The Independent, and co-authoring the UK’s best-selling property books.  Mark has always looked for the best investment vehicle, and at the end of 2007 with Rob Moore the co-founder of Progressive Property his joint portfolio produced more profit than any of the other investments he’d tried in the last ten years, combined.


    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enDecember 01, 2022

    The Truth About Rising Rents

    The Truth About Rising Rents

    In this episode, Mark talks all about the rental market including how you can manage your own residential portfolio and deal with the rising crisis.


    • Mark has been working with rentals in Peterborough since 2005. Sine 2016 the sector hasn’t grown at the rate it needed to due to new government legislation, this has created the lack of supply we are seeing now.
    • Some of those who were planning to buy houses not can’t due to interest rates so will also be looking at the private sector.
    • As a landlord, your mortgage may be going up due to interest rises but because of high demand, you should be able to increase your rent to offset this.
    • We’re not going to suddenly see the sales market recover so rent will continue to go up.
    • The government have created policies that have impacted both landlords and tenants negatively.
    • Now is the time to buy, you make the most money when you buy in a depressed market.


     “The private rental sector just hasn’t kept the pace”

    “The rental market is as good as it’s been and they expect it to increase further”

    “You need to be able to cover your costs and make a bit of profit”

    "You make your money when you buy in a depressed market"


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.



    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive

    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enNovember 17, 2022

    An Open & Honest Q&A on Anything Business With Rob Moore

    An Open & Honest Q&A on Anything Business With Rob Moore

    Rob joins Mark in this episode to have an open and frank Q&A all about business. They discuss why stress is important to be successful, how you can market effectively as well as the people they look up to in business and much more!


    • Your business only grows as well as you do, how you deal with challenges, stress and pressure make a big difference. Business is a series of dealing with problems and fixing them.
    • Looking after yourself physically and mentally allows you to perform better in your business. Remove any stress that you can and become single-minded when working.
    • There is negative and positive stress and you can change a stress simply by your perception and mindset. Anyone who can deal with stress positively will become successful.
    • Rob and Mark both believe that they balance each other out and neither would be as successful without the other. They are as close as you can get to the perfect business partnership.
    • Always make sure you know where you are spending your marketing money and where you are getting successful leads. Then ensure you take these leads through a buying cycle and track this too.
    • It’s important to know where to focus your energy in business, especially when opportunities arise. Mark and Rob have found it better to focus on industries they have passion and knowledge for.
    • With the economic difficulties, the UK is facing right now there will be opportunities. If we learn from ’08 then people will be accepting less risk and the biggest opportunities will be in around 18 months or so.


     “80% of what people try and get you to do in your day is nonsense”

    “The day before holiday everybody gets 2 weeks of work done…that’s positive stress”

    “I think it’s good to focus on a couple of businesses and focus on them”

    “Doing something that you’re passionate about and that you enjoy it, makes you good at it”

    “I love all this because you can get in, get a lot more assets with a lot less money and less risk”

    “You only get these opportunities a few times in your life”


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.



    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive

    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enOctober 27, 2022

    Should You Buy or Lease a Car?

    Should You Buy or Lease a Car?

    Rob and Mark get asked several times a week whether to buy or lease a car! Mark knows more than almost anyone else all about owning cars, including the best deals in each situation. Listen in to be educated on all things owning cars!


    • If you are buying a high-end supercar or classic, the best thing is to buy it at 2+ years old.
    • Financing is a good option, you can even approach lease companies to buy it, lease it to you and give you the option of buying at the end of the lease.
    • A tax-efficient way to buy a car is to put it against an LLP or as a sole trader.
    • A flat rate isn’t as good a deal as it sounds. You often actually paying more.
    • What Mark focuses on above everything else, is the yearly cost including depreciation and maintenance.
    • Manufacturers at any one point may have too many cars. They don’t want to reduce prices on the forecourt because of this though as there will still be people who will pay that. They instead get discounted via contract hire.
    • The car market is starting to recover from the supply issue over the Covid pandemic. You will start to see better deals via contract hire.



     “Often a good idea to buy with finance”

    “When the market turns, it’s gonna turn hard”

    “If you look at the APR, that’s the real rate”

    “Are you bothered about owning something or are you bothered about paying the least amount on the ownership you have”

    “What do I get, for the best car, for the least about of money”


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.



    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive

    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enOctober 13, 2022

    Will Interest Rates Crash The Housing Market

    Will Interest Rates Crash The Housing Market

    With the news of interest rates rapidly increasing and mortgage products being removed across lenders, it’s understandable to question whether interest rates will cause a crash in the housing market. In this episode, Mark explores why this may or may not happen and the other issues the current turmoil in the market could cause.


    • UK base rate is said to hit 6% by May 2023 but this is a market expectation, it may not happen.
    • There is still demand in the housing market currently but there has been a significant slowdown in the past 6 months.
    • One way the government could speed up growth in the economy and increase productivity is to remove a lot of unnecessary EU regulations.
    • The media loves bad news and anything they can sensationalise, hence them talking about housing market crashes and a sterling crisis.
    • If you do have debt, inflation does have an upside, inflation means your debt is lowered.
    • In a residential mortgage market, Mark prefers to use fixed-term mortgages, especially long-term ones if you know you aren’t going to move, you can still get good rates now.


     We’ve gone straight through the crossroads now and things are changing quite rapidly”

    “Demand will probably start dropping considerably, we’re probably in recession already”

    “Could house prices crash? Absolutely”

    “History tells us when inflation rates start to increase they do so quite quickly”


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.



    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive

    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enSeptember 29, 2022

    How to Save Money During the Energy Bills Crisis

    How to Save Money During the Energy Bills Crisis

    A practical and informative episode where Mark gives invaluable tips on what you can do to save money during the energy crisis. Mark also gives his long-term view on the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on the housing market.


    • Since 2019 business energy rates are set to go up 800%!
    • Putting solar on buildings is a way to save money, payback for solar now is only around 2 ½ years because of the cost of energy
    • Individual room heating controls, particularly in HMO’s can save landlords a significant amount
    • Heating controls, the right ones, combined with solar can save you around 30%
    • Bleed your radiators to ensure they are working efficiently. Move furniture away from radiators to increase better heat flow.
    • Fix any draughts around doors, windows etc
    • Close your curtains, it can reduce heat loss by up to 17%
    • Bulk cook, if you are heating your oven, cook multiple items and meals to utilise the energy being used.
    • Keeping your fridge clean and ventilated as well as defrosting your freezer will help them be more energy efficient
    • Submit regular energy readings and pay by direct debit as this reduces the cost of your bill.
    • Consider excluding energy bills for future tenancies or find other ways to encourage tenants to be more responsible with energy usage.
    • There are fewer landlords in the sector now, and rents are increasing as a reflection.


     “Residents are going to be paying just a little bit more than they are playing at the moment”

    “They think inflation is going to hit 22% next year, which is absolutely nuts”

    “Don’t charge your phone overnight and look at energy ratings on anything you buy”

    “We’re trying to encourage tenants to be more responsible with their energy usage”

    “You need to stay ahead of it, of the changes and work out how you are going to react”


    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/


    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.



    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive


    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    The Hidden Cost Of Business

    The Hidden Cost Of Business

    Are you keen to start a new business venture but don’t know what to expect? Or perhaps you’re running a business and wanting a helping hand? Join Mark Homer today as he discusses the hidden costs of running a business. Discover the importance of not hiring cheap employees, having enough cash in the bank to survive a recession and being able to adapt to new industry standards.


    • Hiring cheap employees can potentially be a huge hidden cost when running your company. When you want 10/10 employees you have got to pay for them, they will be worth three or four times more in revenue than a poor employee. They will also save you a lot of money in losses and costs.
    • A hidden cost of running a business is buying unnecessary products to furnish your offices. These can cost a company tens of thousands of pounds when starting a company when they don’t have much cash in the bank. It is much more important and worthwhile to put your money into marketing, sales and growing your business. The material items can come later.
    • Not keeping cash can be a huge cost to the business. You do need to keep some cash, as we have seen through this COVID period and the previous recession there are some businesses who did not have cash in the bank. These companies were unable to switch their business model and ended up going bust. Be focused on keeping good chunks of cashback to ensure your business can carry on trading.
    • When the market changes, competition comes along. You need to be able to adapt your business, if you’re standing still and staying the same you will no longer be relevant. You won't have adapted to the market as it has changed and you will end up going bust. The competition will come along, your customers will want other things and your competition will respond to that and take your business away from you.
    • Diverting time into nonsense. Lockdown has been a great eye-opener for how much nonsense was really going on in daily life. Unnecessary travelling, phone calls and other distractions take place in the office each day which do not serve many purposes to your business. Focus on your income generating tasks so that you are not getting diverted into other issues that are not productive.


    “Only hire 10/10’s. Pick the best, surround yourself with great people.”

    “The best businesses start in the garage with nothing and grow their revenue stream. That is the most important thing.”

    “Businesses do not go bust due to lack of profit, they go bust due to lack of cash.”


    Mark Homer is an entrepreneur investor.  He has worked with investment since he was 15 years old using the laws of wealth! He is a spreadsheet analyst with an impressive following from major publications including BBC Radio, The Wall Street Journal, The Independent, and co-authoring the UK’s best-selling property books.  Mark has always looked for the best investment vehicle, and at the end of 2007 with Rob Moore the co-founder of Progressive Property his joint portfolio produced more profit than any of the other investments he’d tried in the last ten years, combined.


    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive

    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enAugust 31, 2022

    The Changes in Mortgages You Need to Know About

    The Changes in Mortgages You Need to Know About

    Join Mark in this episode as he discusses some of the top stories in the media at the moment, including the mortgage affordability test being scrapped, staggering interest rates and the cost of living crisis.




    • It’s in the news that the bank of England are looking at removing the mortgage affordability test. This is not as ‘bad’ as it sounds. After 2008 the new rules and regs applied were in some cases, draconian.


    • The traditional loan to income cap isn’t being removed of modified, that sits around 4 to 5 times your income. What this is talking about is ‘affordability’ checks, things such as your childcare costs, subscriptions and other outgoings.


    • An attempt to move private tenants into homeowners is to allow benefits to be assessed and considered in the mortgage application.


    • It’s being estimated that the Bank of England base rate is going to hit 3% by the first quarter of 2023, we haven’t seen increases like this since 2008.


    • Lots of people are still moving but the housing market is starting to slow somewhat, probably due to the effects of the cost-of-living crisis.


    • The lack of investment made by UK companies is another big news story. In some cases this isn’t surprising due to the aftermath of covid and threat of a higher corporation tax.


    • Businesses are much less productive than they were and this reduction in investment is compounding it.



     “This mortgage is being written for 30 or 40 years, of course your outgoings are going to change”

    “Bank of England base rate has been going up significantly as it likely to keep doing so”

    “I suspect that this will support house prices even more, not that they need more support due to lack of supply in the market”

    “A property market crash is always a possibility”

    “Gas and electric prices have gone up by 300% already”



    https://www.youtube.com/user/progressiveproperty https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/the-progressive-co-founders/



    Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties.



    Email: Markhomer@progressiveproperty.co.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhomer1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprogressive

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/markprogressive

    ‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: https://progressivemedia.uk/

    Mark My Words Podcast
    enAugust 04, 2022