
    Marketing and a Mic

    Welcome to Marketing and a Mic, hosted by Fusion One Marketing. On this podcast, you'll find a blend of our #BizTalk series where we chat with local businesses, as well as #MarketingMix, a series compiled of relevant topics to help you in the digital marketing world. This podcast is for Entrepreneurs, small business owners, and even start-ups that are looking for informative marketing strategies to help their business. To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com
    en-usFusion One Marketing140 Episodes

    Episodes (140)

    How to Track the Success of Your Marketing Efforts | Episode #81

    How to Track the Success of Your Marketing Efforts | Episode #81

    Do you know how profitable your marketing is? If your business has a website and uses social media, SEO, and online ads, you should be tracking all your marketing efforts.

    We're going to show you what tools are available to track the effectiveness of all your marketing efforts and how this can greatly improve your ROI.

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    Time Stamp Notes
    0:00 Welcome to Marketing and a Mic!
    2:10 What are Marketing Metrics?
    3:02 Website Marketing Metrics
    5:29 Website Metrics to Track
    7:03 SEO Marketing Metrics
    8:24 SEO Keyword Tool
    10:38 SEO Metrics to Track
    11:36 Social Media Marketing Metrics
    14:54 Social Media Metrics to Track
    15:40 PPC Marketing Metrics
    17:35 PPC Metrics to Track
    18:30 PPC Metric Tools
    21:39 Social Media Ad Tracking
    22:38 DASH - Powered by Fusion One Marketing
    24:34 That's a Wrap!


    Social Media Platforms - Which Should You Advertise On? | Episode #80

    Social Media Platforms - Which Should You Advertise On? | Episode #80

    If you’re a business looking to advertise but have no idea what social platform is right for you, this is your show.

    We’re going to break down 3 of the top social media advertising platforms and share which is best for certain industries and some helpful best practices to create a lead-generating ad.

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    Time Stamp Notes:
    0:00 Welcome to Marketing and a Mic
    1:16 Instagram Ads
    1:57 Types of Industries for Instagram Ads
    6:04 Instagram Advertising Best Practices
    11:01 Types of Industries for Facebook Ads
    17:37 Facebook Advertising Best Practices
    21:00 Types of Industries for YouTube Ads
    28:25 YouTube Advertising Best Practices
    32:40 Recap & That's a Wrap!

    How to Build a Social Media Marketing Strategy | Episode #79

    How to Build a Social Media Marketing Strategy | Episode #79

    Whether you are new to social media or need a better strategy, this show is for you.

    We’re going to cover platform tips, content creation, and social media best practices to help build your brand awareness and increase your customer base.
    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    Time Stamp Notes:
    0:00 Welcome to Marketing and a Mic!
    1:54 The Basics
    9:29 Best Practices
    11:09 Hashtags
    16:16 Inviting Others 
    18:12 Platform Tips 
    23:34 Driving Website Traffic
    25:02 Communication Features
    28:15 Recap & That's a Wrap!


    The Importance of Online Reviews | Episode #78

    The Importance of Online Reviews | Episode #78

    A lot of businesses understand the importance of online reviews, but they may not understand exactly WHY they are so important for your online presence.

    We're going to share with you an effective and powerful way to get a steady stream of online reviews and get customers calling.

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    Time Stamp Notes:
    [00:00] Welcome to Marketing and a Mic!
    [1:41] Social Proof Drives Purchases
    [3:24] Seem More Trustworthy
    [5:51] Make Your Business More Visible
    [8:05] Creating Business Profiles
    [9:22] Making it Easy for Customers to Leave Reviews
    [10:06] FOM Review System
    [16:12] Review Cards
    [17:30] Responding to Reviews
    [19:23] Recap & That's a Wrap!

    Website Optimization: How to Improve Your Online Rankings | Episode #77

    Website Optimization: How to Improve Your Online Rankings | Episode #77

    What matters when it comes to website optimization and improving your online rankings?

    We’re going to give you a step-by-step guide on what your website needs to have to boost its SEO rankings and examples of how to do it. 

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    Time Stamp Notes:
    [00:00] Welcome to Marketing and a Mic!
    [02:30] Creating Useful and Consistent Content
    [08:25] Page Speed
    [13:50] Internal Links
    [1:55] Incorporate Your Location
    [13:32] Engage with Connections & Colleagues
    [20:45] On-Page Experience
    [24:56] Recap & That's a Wrap!

    Google Trends that Will Put Your Ads on Top | Episode #76

    Google Trends that Will Put Your Ads on Top | Episode #76

    How will new privacy guidelines, automation, and other Google trends impact your online ads? We're going to show you some new Google capabilities that will help put your ad on top.

    #GoogleAds #digitalmarketing #marketing

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    How to Use LinkedIn for B2B Marketing | Episode #75

    How to Use LinkedIn for B2B Marketing | Episode #75

    LinkedIn is a social platform built for business networking and it works exceptionally well for generating B2B leads. We’re going to show you 7 great ways to use LinkedIn to achieve your marketing goals.

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    Time Stamp Notes:

    Time Stamp Notes:

    [00:00] Welcome to Marketing and a Mic!
    [01:06] Turn Your Page into a Conversion Page
    [05:43] Showcase Pages
    [08:19] Identifying Key Decision Makers
    [11:06] Refrain from the Cold Lead Approach
    [13:32] Engage with Connections & Colleagues
    [15:06] Participating in LinkedIn Groups
    [17:50] Following Suggested Content
    [19:48] Recap & That's a Wrap!


    SEO Strategies to Win the Rank War | Episode #74

    SEO Strategies to Win the Rank War | Episode #74

    Search engines use a specific SEO checklist to ensure they give users the most accurate and trustworthy information online. This criterion has everything to do with online visibility and rankings.

    We're going to show you 5 SEO strategies that will help give your business a boost in search results.

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    Time Stamp Notes:

    [00:00] Welcome to Marketing and a Mic!
    [01:00] SEO Basics
    [02:21] Long-Tail Keywords
    [04:48] Long-Form Content
    [09:20] Core Web Vital Signals
    [14:00] Video Key Moments 
    [19:17] E-A-T (Expertise, Authority & Trust)
    [23:30] That's a Wrap!

    How to Start a Podcast: Step-by-Step Guide | Episode #73

    How to Start a Podcast: Step-by-Step Guide | Episode #73

    If you’ve been thinking about starting a podcast, this is the show for you. We’re going to walk you through the process step by step and give you the confidence to start your podcast show.

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    Time Stamp Notes:

    [00:00] Welcome to Marketing and a Mic!
    [01:02] Planning Your Podcast
    [01:38] Determine Your Target Audience
    [02:36] Know Your Content 
    [03:36] Plan Show Topics in Advance
    [05:11] Name Your Podcast
    [06:48] Choose Style & Frequency
    [08:56] Preparing Your Podcast
    [09:05] Run of Show
    [13:20] Streaming Platforms
    [14:56] Audio Only Platforms
    [15:52] Launching Your Podcast
    [16:05] Choose Hosting Site
    [20:14] Get Listed in Directories
    [21:04] Podcast Equipment Tips
    [22:24] That's a Wrap!

    In-House Marketing Team or Hire an Agency: Which is Better? | Episode #72

    In-House Marketing Team or Hire an Agency: Which is Better? | Episode #72

    Whether you’re a small start-up or an established business, you need marketing. The good news is you have options.

    Is it better to build a marketing team internally or hire an agency to get the job done? We’re going to break down the pros and cons of each to help you make an informed decision on what’s best for your business. 

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    Time Stamp Notes:

    [00:00] Welcome to Marketing and a Mic!
    [01:02] Agency vs. In-House Marketing
    [02:41] Pros of In-House Marketing
    [04:48] Cons of In-House Marketing
    [09:12] Pros of a Marketing Agency
    [13:33] Cons of a Marketing Agency 
    [16:59] That's a Wrap!

    Marketing and a Mic
    en-usJanuary 21, 2022

    How Customers Prefer to Contact Businesses | Episode #71

    How Customers Prefer to Contact Businesses | Episode #71

    With chatbots, text messages, messenger, and so on, it has become increasingly easier for customers to contact businesses.

    So, what do they prefer? We’re going to share our findings with you, and some important takeaways to ensure you’re offering the channels customers want to see.

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    Time Stamp Notes:

    [0:02] Welcome to Marketing and a Mic!
    [01:55] Customer Age Drives Preference
    [04:41] Stage of Buying Impacts Preference
    [09:13] Text Messaging vs Live Chat vs Messenger 
    [11:18] SMS Content That Consumers Want
    [13:41] Fusion One Marketing's Tips 
    [17:18] That's a Wrap!

    What's New With Instagram | Episode #70

    What's New With Instagram | Episode #70

    Instagram was on the fast train last year with new features and updates, and they are showing no signs of slowing down.

    We’re going to talk about what trends to expect now and in the near future with Instagram, and how to best use this platform for your business.
    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    How to Find Your Marketing Focus | Episode #69

    How to Find Your Marketing Focus | Episode #69

    This show is about discovering which marketing tactics are best for your business. We’re going to walk through all the steps necessary to build the right strategy and share some key questions that will help you find the right marketing focus for your business.

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    Time-Stamp Notes:

    [0:08] Welcome to Marketing and a Mic!
    [02:34] Defining Your Marketing Plan
    [04:44] Analyzing Your Target Audience
    [06:30] Identifying Pain Points
    [08:40] Applying The Right Marketing Tactics
    [12:28] Additional Marketing Options
    [19:09] That's a Wrap!

    Marketing Trends on the Horizon for 2022 | Episode #68

    Marketing Trends on the Horizon for 2022 | Episode #68

    We've done the research for you and compiled a list of the top 6 marketing trends to be on the lookout for in 2022, and how to optimize them for your business.

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    Time-Stamp Notes: 
    [0:29] Welcome to Marketing and a Mic
    [01:55] Voice Search
    [04:14] Social Selling & Social Commerce
    [06:47] Audio Content
    [10:11] Multitask Uniform Model
    [14:27] Short-Form Video
    [18:02] Customer Intent & User Experience
    [22:10] That's a Wrap!

    Marketing and a Mic
    en-usDecember 17, 2021

    8 Ways To Brilliantly Use QR Codes for Marketing | Marketing Mix Episode #67

    8 Ways To Brilliantly Use QR Codes for Marketing | Marketing Mix Episode #67

    QR Codes are making a comeback – for real this time. QR Codes are providing one of the most seamless and fastest customer experiences for customers.

    We have a complete list of ways to use this unique piece of technology to help make it easier and seamless for customers to take action!

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    Your Digital Marketing Cheat Sheet | Marketing Mix Episode #66

    Your Digital Marketing Cheat Sheet | Marketing Mix Episode #66

    This show is all about helping your business. We're going to give you a rundown of some basic digital marketing tactics every business should be doing and exactly how to do it. Plus, we've brought in some special guests to get in on the fun!

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    The NEW Google Business Profile: Everything You Need to Know | Marketing Mix Episode #65

    The NEW Google Business Profile: Everything You Need to Know | Marketing Mix Episode #65

    Goodbye Google My Business, Hello Google Business Profile! We're going to talk about everything that's changed and what these updates mean for businesses.

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    Time-Stamp Notes:

    [2:07] What's Changed?
    [3:30] New Features
    [3:50] Verify Your Business
    [5:30] Edit Business Profile
    [7:06] Multi-Location Businesses
    [9:10] Edit Your Business Info
    [10:22] Add Your Products
    [11:44] Add Your Services
    [12:43] Your Customers
    [13:55] Messaging
    [16:11] Call History
    [19:05] Benefits of Google Business Profile
    [20:49] That's a Wrap!

    How to Create YouTube Ads: Part 2 | Marketing Mix Episode #64

    How to Create YouTube Ads: Part 2 | Marketing Mix Episode #64

    Join us for Part 2 as we dive deeper into creating YouTube Ads. We'll explore how to set up, target, and launch an effective ad on YouTube. We'll also share some of our top tips that will ensure you're setting up your ad for success.

    Time-Stamp Notes:

    [3:16] YouTube Ad Setup
    [4:02] Google Ads
    [5:07] Campaign Goals
    [5:52] Campaign Subtype
    [6:27] Budgeting Strategy
    [7:12] Setting Up Your Budget
    [10:44] Inventory Type
    [12:45] Defining Your Target Audience
    [13:29] Demographics
    [14:37] Targeting
    [16:30] Custom Intent
    [18:14] Launch Your Ad
    [20:09] Tracking Metrics
    [22:08] That's a Wrap!

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/
    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing 
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    How to Create YouTube Ads: Beginner's Guide | Marketing Mix Episode #63

    How to Create YouTube Ads: Beginner's Guide | Marketing Mix Episode #63

    If you’ve seen YouTube ads in action, you might be asking yourself, "are they worth the investment?" The short answer is yes! YouTube Advertising is actually relatively inexpensive for small businesses, and the cost might surprise you.

    We’re going to break down the basics in advertising costs, the different types of YouTube ads available, and how to create an Oscar-worthy video that will entice viewers to take action.

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam

    Time-Stamp Notes:

    [2:14] Intro to YouTube Ads
    [3:30] The Cost of YouTube Ads
    [6:02] Types of YouTube Ads
    [12:44] How to Build a Killer YouTube Ad
    [23:27] That's a Wrap! Overview of What's To Come Next Week. 

    What Apple's iOS Update Means For Advertising | Marketing Mix Episode #62

    What Apple's iOS Update Means For Advertising | Marketing Mix Episode #62

    It's official. It's happening. Apple’s new policies have impacted small businesses and Facebook advertisers. However, it's not all lost. We've got some helpful workarounds for small business owners to get the most out of their online ads despite these changes.

    To watch the full video of this episode visit:

    To learn more about our marketing services, visit: https://fusiononemarketing.com/

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fusiononemarketing
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/fusion-one-marketing/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/fusiononemarketing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/fusiononeteam