
    Master Your Health Podcast

    The Master Your Health Podcast is all about providing you with the information and tools you need to elevate your life. The hosts, Chris Rocchio and Amanda Rocchio, are dedicated to being your top resource for all things health, nutrition, fitness and wellness. While we believe there is no one-size-fits-all plan that is perfect for everyone, we’re all about discovering the right systems that work for you to accomplish your health and wellness goals.
    enAmanda Rocchio63 Episodes

    Episodes (63)

    62: Optimize Your Strengths with Talent Stacking

    62: Optimize Your Strengths with Talent Stacking

    Talent Stacking is a concept developed by Scott Adams (author and creator of the Dilbert comic) that combines your strongest skills in order to give you an edge in your field. It can have a huge impact on your life and career when used correctly. That’s why in this episode we’re breaking down the method, how to determine your own talent stack, strategies to improve, and so much more.


    In this episode you'll learn:

    -What a talent stack is 

    -How to determine valuable skills in a particular field

    -How Amanda and Chris use talent stacking 

    -Ways a talent stack can benefit you 

    -Strategies to help you accumulate more knowledge about your specialties

    -Some of the best invaluable universal skills you can learn 

    -That it’s never too late to develop a new skill 

    -How to build your talent stack when starting from scratch 

    -How to use your skills to create an edge



    How to Lose at Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams

    Loserthink by Scott Adams

    61: How Decluttering Can Change Your Life

    61: How Decluttering Can Change Your Life

    Decluttering your space and getting rid of things may not seem like the most exciting idea, but it can make a huge difference in your day-to-day life and stress levels. That's why in this episode, we're breaking down Marie Kondo's method of decluttering, how to use it, and how it can benefit you. If you have ever felt overwhelmed by the amount of things in your house that you haven’t used in forever or thought about decluttering your things, then this episode is for you. 


    In this episode you'll learn:

    -About the concept of decluttering 

    -Amanda and Chris' experience with organization using this method 

    -About minimalism and how it differs from Marie Kondo's method 

    -How to strategize decluttering your space 

    -How decluttering can save you time in the long run 

    -Some key rules to keep in mind when getting rid of things

    -Tips to prevent accumulating things you don't love 

    -Ways to categorize your items

    -The order of categories she suggests when decluttering your space  

    -Why it's beneficial to sort through sentimental items last

    -Benefits of following Marie Kondo's method 



    Marie Kondo's book: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up 

    60: Getting Serious About Pregnancy Nutrition w/ Kelly LeVeque

    60: Getting Serious About Pregnancy Nutrition w/ Kelly LeVeque

    Health and nutrition should always be a priority, but especially when it comes to pregnancy. Kelly LeVeque aka @bewellbykelly is a holistic nutritionist and celebrity health coach who specializes in pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and post-pregnancy nutrition. In this episode, Kelly shares lots of tips for good nutrition and overall health in all stages of pregnancy. 


    In this episode you'll learn:

    -How breastfeeding can affect energy and hunger 

    -What you can do pre-pregnancy to help with the process 

    -Which type of foods are most important for healthy pregnancy

    -About heme iron vs non-heme iron 

    -About the importance of thyroid health for pregnancy 

    -What foods are rich in folate 

    -Why red meat can be beneficial, especially during pregnancy 

    -About ALA, DHEA, and more 

    -Some better tasting ways to incorporate organ meat like liver

    -What to look for in a quality prenatal supplement

    -When to start taking a prenatal 

    -Recommendations to help with nausea during the first trimester

    -The importance of healthy fats during pregnancy 

    -The role blood sugar can play in pregnancy 

    -Some things men can do to help with fertility 

    -Important things to know about breastfeeding

    -How much cooking at home more often can improve your health


    Where to find Kelly:

    Instagram @bewellbykelly | FaceBook | Twitter 

    Books by Kelly: Body Love & Body Love Every Day 



    59: Top Nutrition and Fitness Myths, Part 3

    59: Top Nutrition and Fitness Myths, Part 3

    With the amount of conflicting health-related information out there, it can be difficult to navigate what’s what when it comes to nutrition. That’s why in this episode, we’re breaking down the truth behind more common health myths. 


    In this episode you’ll learn: 

    -About the fresh vs frozen produce debate

    -Different factors that play into the nutritional value of certain vegetables when fresh vs frozen 

    -How fasted exercise affects fat burn

    -About how glucose is stored in the body 

    -The truth about eating carbs at certain times of the day or night 

    -About insulin sensitivity at night 

    -About weight training at a younger age

    -The truth about Apple Cider Vinegar and how it affects blood sugar and weight loss 










    Fasted exercise when compared to fed exercise “does not increase the amount of weight loss and fat mass loss.

    Study link - rb.gy/08nh4d

    Study link - https://bit.ly/3poFxES

    Your metabolism during sleep isn’t significantly different than the RMR during waking hours https://www.nature.com/articles/1600685

    One metaanalysis in 2017 that covered over 100 studies and narrowed them down to 5 that met their strict criteria. Their findings debunked the myth and concluded there’s no statistically significant change in fat loss if evening meals are reduced


    Gymnastics or weightlifting, may be beneficial for bone formation and growth.


    Another review reported that high loads have a critical roll in bone mass acquisition during and before puberty. https://link.springer.com/article/10.2165%2F00007256-200636070-00002

    A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study on obese Japanese subjects that showed that the 2 groups who had vinegar every day (15 ml and 30 ml) showed lower body fat and weight after 12 weeks than the placebo group. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19661687/

    Another study in 2013 showed that vinegar enhances satiety, but the researchers noted that it was actually giving people nausea, which is definitely not a sustainable strategy.


    58: The Immunity Fix w/ Dr. DiNicolantonio

    58: The Immunity Fix w/ Dr. DiNicolantonio

    The human immune system is crucial to good health, especially today with the prevalence of COVID-19. There has been much debate over if, and how you can support immune health. In this episode, Dr. James DiNicolantonio, a cardiovascular research scientist and doctor of pharmacy at Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City, Missouri, takes a deep dive into what he has learned about supporting immune health in general, as well as directly relating to COVID-19. 


    In this episode you’ll learn: 

    -Which vitamins can help boost your immune system 

    -About immune cells and how they function

    -About glycosidic activity of white blood cells 

    -Some foods that can cause more inflammation and possibly weaken your immune system 

    -Which food/oils have been shown to help with Covid-19 

    -Specific foods to avoid 

    -How glucose has been shown to affect the immune system and Covid-19

    -Some of the most important factors of overall immune health 

    -Which vitamins are crucial for immunity 

    -About caffeine and how it affects autophagy 

    -Ways to achieve better metabolic health 

    -About metabolic syndrome 

    -The truth about fasting when you’re sick 

    -How exercise can affect the immune system

    -About dysbiosis and ways to know if you should address it 

    -How to test for dysbiosis 

    -About the elimination diet 

    -What mycotoxins are and how they can affect the body 

    -How vaccines work in general 

    -Dr. DiNicolantonio's opinion on the vaccine and who could benefit from it 

    -Why it’s so important to get sunlight in the mornings 

    -Why getting fresh air is so important 

    -Benefits of grounding 

    -How cold therapy affects infections 


    Find Dr. DiNicolantonio at:


    Get a copy of Dr. DiNicolantonio's book, Immunity Fix here

    Instagram: @drjamesdinic

    57: Top Nutrition and Fitness Myths, Part 2

    57: Top Nutrition and Fitness Myths, Part 2

    There are so many health and wellness myths out there that can make achieving a healthy lifestyle seem impossible. But it doesn’t need to be so complicated. That’s why we’re breaking down even more of the most common myths surrounding health and fitness.


    In this episode you'll learn: 

    -How to spot BS when it comes to big claims 

    -The truth about protein and how it affects the body and calcium

    -Some benefits of high protein diets 

    -Myths around sunscreen and sun exposure 

    -About the difference between UVB rays and UVA rays 

    -How to find a high quality sunscreen 

    -About alkaline diets and the truth behind food ph 

    -The truth about alkaline water and how it affects stomach ph 

    -About saturated fat and cholesterol levels 

    -Dietary cholesterol and how it affects cholesterol levels 

    -About hyperresonders to cholesterol 

    -About 'detox diets' and how they can affect the body 
















    56: Top Nutrition and Fitness Myths, Part 1

    56: Top Nutrition and Fitness Myths, Part 1

    There are so many crazy nutrition and fitness myths out there, it can be difficult to know what’s what. That’s why in this episode, we’re breaking down 5 common health and fitness myths and the truth behind them. From dietary sodium intake to supplement needs, strength training, and so much more, we got you covered. 


    In this episode you’ll learn: 

    -About sodium intake and its importance 

    -Where most people’s salt intake actually comes from 

    -How to know if dairy products are right for you 

    -The truth behind the idea that dairy is linked to common health issues 

    -Benefits of pasture raised dairy vs. conventional dairy products 

    -About myths around the common cold 

    -The truth about supplement needs for most people

    -How to choose a high quality supplement 

    -Which vitamins Americans are commonly low in 

    -How lifting weights affects the human body 

    -Benefits of strength training



    Supplement brands Chris recommends:

    Nordic Naturals | Designs for Health | Thorne | Now Foods | ATP Lab



    Sodium in highly processed foods, 2017 study - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5417577/#R3  

    Claims about dairy-related links to all-cause mortality, CVD, and CHD - https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/the-china-study-revisited/









    A 2010 clinical trial showed that school children who took vitamin D3 daily had a lower risk of contracting influenza A -


    A systematic review concluded that vitamin D provided protection against acute respiratory infection - 


    Other references - 


    55: How to Set 2021 Intentions & Resolutions That Actually Stick

    55: How to Set 2021 Intentions & Resolutions That Actually Stick

    Now that 2020 is in the rear view and a new year lies ahead, it’s the perfect time to reflect on some goals you’d like to reach in 2021 and how you plan to achieve them. Whether your goal is health-related, business-related, or personal, many people tend to start the new year with plenty of goals but aren’t able to stick to them as the year progresses. That’s why in this episode we’re sharing ways to set realistic, achievable goals that you can actually stick to long-term.  


    In this episode you’ll learn: 

    -How to optimize your goals to be realistic 

    -About the psychology behind goal setting 

    -Examples of how to set realistic goals 

    - How to work your way up to your big goals 

    -How to set up a specific action plan 

    -About the role that your environment can play 

    -Some questions to ask yourself when setting new goals 

    -Some of Amanda & Chris’ goals for 2021 



    How to Make New Habits Stick w/ Sohee Lee 

    54: Eat Smarter w/ Shawn Stevenson

    54:  Eat Smarter w/ Shawn Stevenson

    Food can be complicated, especially when you’re trying to improve your quality of health or lose weight. In this episode, Shawn Stevenson breaks down the science behind how food affects the human body and ways to optimize it to fit your goals. 


    In this episode you’ll learn:

    -About the CICO (Calories In Calories Out) model and its shortcomings

    -The role of hormones in fat storage and burning

    -About fat cells and different types of fat

    -Nutrient digestion and absorption

    -About microbiome

    -How people with different backgrounds may responds differently to same diet


    -About the Three Amigos of fat storage

    Where to Find Shawn:

    Website/Podcast - https://themodelhealthshow.com/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheShawnModel

    Instagram - @ShawnModel

    Twitter - @ShawnModel



    Eat Smarter - https://eatsmarterbook.com/

    Sleep Smarter - https://sleepsmarterbook.com/

    53: How to Turn Actions Into Habits That Will Change Your Life

    53: How to Turn Actions Into Habits That Will Change Your Life

    What you do every day is what really adds up to your goals and feeling your overall best. That's why it's so important to establish and maintain good habits. When you're trying to change your habits, the ability to make them stick is what will set you apart and propel you towards your goals. In this episode, we are sharing 8 research-backed strategies and tactics to help make your habits stick.


    In this episode you’ll learn: 

    -Ways to help make your habits stick 

    -About different types of goals 

    -Common mistakes people make when creating new habits 

    -Some ways to help motivate yourself

    -What to avoid doing when starting a new habit 



    Atomic Habits by: James Clear  

    Tiny Habits by: BJ Fogg

    How to Fail at Everything and Still Win Big by: Scott Adams 

    52: Foods that Help Regulate Blood Sugar

    52: Foods that Help Regulate Blood Sugar

    Consuming a healthy, balanced diet is essential for all aspects of health, including optimal blood sugar control. So whether you have prediabetes, diabetes, or simply would like to lower your risk of developing these conditions later, it's important to know how you can help regulate your blood sugar. In this episode, we're sharing some extremely nutritious foods that can help reduce your blood sugar levels, which foods to avoid, and so much more.


    -About key terms to know when it comes to

    -Foods for blood sugar regulation

    -Which foods to avoid for blood sugar regulation



    1. A 2019 study found that eating 2 cups (250 grams) of red raspberries with a high carb meal significantly reduced post-meal insulin and blood sugar in adults with prediabetes, compared to the control group
      1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30767409/
      1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19571155/
    2. One study showed that consuming 500 mg of cinnamon extract daily for 12 weeks decreased a marker of oxidative stress by 14% in adults with prediabetes 
      1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3767714/
    3. Association study - One review of 543 people with type 2 diabetes found taking it was associated with an average decrease of over 24 mg/dL
      1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6566605/
      2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22537070/
    4. Shown in studies to enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics
      1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6267433/
    5. A study in 25 people with type 2 diabetes demonstrated that consuming both peanuts and almonds throughout the day as part of a low carb diet reduced both fasting and post-meal blood sugar levels
      1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25076495/
    6. A review found diets emphasizing tree nuts at an average daily intake of 2 ounces (56 grams) significantly reduced fasting blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), which is a marker of long-term blood sugar control, compared with a control diet, in people with type 2 diabetes
      1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23969321/
    7. A study in 21 people with prediabetes found that eating fermented kimchi for 8 weeks improved glucose tolerance in 33% of the participants, while only 9.5% of participants who consumed fresh kimchi showed improved glucose tolerance
      1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29228348/
    8. A review of 25 controlled studies found that eating whole flax seeds led to significant improvements in blood sugar control 
      1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30073224/
    9. Daily consumption of one large egg may reduce the risk of diabetes without having any adverse effects on lipid profiles in individuals with pre- and type II diabetes.

    51: Lowering Your Risk of Prediabetes & Diabetes

    51: Lowering Your Risk of Prediabetes & Diabetes

    Insulin is a key hormone when it comes to how your body functions. It can also play a huge role in diabetes, prediabetes, and many other aspects of health so it’s important to know how your body processes it. In this episode, we break down the difference between insulin sensitivity and insulin resistance, tips for supporting insulin sensitivity, how it can affect you, and so much more. 


    In this episode you'll learn:

    -Why hormones are key to a properly functioning body

    -How insulin is made, why it's important, and how it affects fat cells

    -The difference between insulin sensitivity and insulin resistance 

    -Ways that dietary fat and protein can affect insulin levels

    -About insulin sensitivity in those who have diabetes

    -Some common signs and symptoms of prediabetes

    -Risk factors for Diabetes

    -About insulin sensitivity vs. insulin resistance and what they mean

    -Ways to help improve insulin sensitivity

    -Some glycemic lowering foods

    -Foods that are good for blood sugar regulation


    Wired to Eat by: Robb Wolf

    50: Scientifically Proven Ways to Increase Your Happiness

    50: Scientifically Proven Ways to Increase Your Happiness

    It’s perfectly healthy to let yourself feel a range of emotions. However, if you’re feeling down more often than not, there are some practical steps you can take to help brighten your mood. In this episode, we share some tools that can help you navigate times where happiness doesn’t come as naturally, and 10 science-backed tips to help you optimize your happiness.


     As always, a special shoutout to Organifi and their amazing Immunity Boost that tastes great and is a key part of our everyday routine. We love that it’s a sweet afternoon treat and the Immune support blend is made with real, quality ingredients like vitamin C, turmeric, zinc, ginger, mushroom beta-glucans, and more. Check out their products are Organifi.com/masteryourhealth and use our code MASTERS for 15% off Organifi products.


    In this episode you’ll learn:

    -About some daily practices that can help increase general happiness

    -Simple lifestyle changes that can have a huge impact on how you feel 

    -About the importance of human connection

    -Which foods support greater happiness and better well being

    -Specific sounds that have been shown to be soothing for almost all humans

    -Some ways that you can spend time that help increase happiness

    -The role expectations can play in how you feel  


    Soundclip  of a rainy cafe ambience

    Soundclip of rain & thunderstorm

    49: Most Nutrient Dense Foods to Add to Your Nutrition Plan

    49: Most Nutrient Dense Foods to Add to Your Nutrition Plan

    It is crucial for optimal overall health that humans consume a diet consisting of quality nutrients. We've come a long way in terms of knowing what nutrients we need to survive and thrive as humans, however nutritional deficiencies are surprisingly still common today. That's why we wanted to cover some of the most nutrient dense foods to include in your nutrition plan.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    -About the benefits of eating extremely nutrient dense foods like liver, salmon, kale, oysters, blueberries, seaweed, garlic, eggs w/ yolk, sardines, & red cabbage, bok choy, goji berries

    -How to cook liver

    -Which organ/part of the animal is most nutritious

    -Why omega-3's are important 

    -What makes kale incredibly nutritious

    -How to maximize the benefits of garlic

    -Why whole eggs are extremely nutrient dense

    -About blueberries and their nutrient profile

    -What makes seaweed such a good choice

    -Which vitamins oysters are a wonderful source of

    -Some amazing benefits of eating red cabbage, especially for women

    -About the many nutrients packed into bok choy

    -Why goji berries are so nutrient dense 

    48: Why Infertility is Rising & How we Can Boost Chances of Conception with Dr. Katherine Zagone

    48: Why Infertility is Rising & How we Can Boost Chances of Conception with Dr. Katherine Zagone

    Maintaining your health is crucial to all aspects of life, including fertility. That’s why if you want a child of your own or know someone who does, it can be helpful to understand some of the health-related components to conception. In this episode, fertility specialist Dr. Katherine Zagone breaks down the key components of fertility and conception, the importance of addressing all aspects of fertility, tips on how to get pregnant naturally and holistically, and so much more. 

    In this episode you'll learn: 

    -Why infertility is on the rise in the U.S. 

    -How environmental toxins affect infertility 

    -That about 80 new chemicals are created every day

    -How environmental toxins can affect egg quality, sperm quality, and more

    -That it's more and more common to have children later in life 

    -About the myth that you can't have kids after 40

    -That chronological age is different than your biological age 

    -About true age

    -Why telomere testing can be beneficial 

    -That you can essentially age faster or slower than time

    -About genetics and how to reverse your biological age 

    -That fertility is a byproduct of overall health 

    -Dr. Zagone's perspective on freezing eggs

    -Why hormonal contraceptives can be taxing on a woman's system 

    -About some factors that can increase your real age 

    -How fasting can affect fertility

    -About different types of fasting 

    -Why she uses Keto-mojo test trips to test for ketones and glucose 

    -About the fasting mimicking diet 

    -How fasting can affect hypothyroidism 

    -Why Dr. Zagone typically recommends a full detox for her patients 

    -How gut health can affect fertility 

    -That what males do is just as important when getting pregnant 

    -About the difference between motility and morphology of sperm 

    -That low testosterone in men is a more common occurrence today 

    -How EMFs can affect fertility 

    -How marijuana can affect fertility 

    -That tap water quality can affect fertility in some people 

    -That shower filters can be beneficial

    -How to approach nutrition and exercise when you're trying to conceive 

    -Why it's crucial to eat a clean diet that consists of mostly of whole foods 

    -The importance of eating a wide variety of healthy fats and antioxidants 

    -How stress affects fertility 

    -Why it's important to address past traumas and how they can affect cortisol and fertility 

    -Some things to look for to know if you're ovulating 

    -How birth control pills work and how they can affect fertility afterwards 

    -That hormonal birth control has been linked to nutrient deficiencies, thyroid problems, and poor gut health

    -About conceiving through IVF and how it works

    -About IVI and that it's different from IVF 

    -That it is possible to choose the gender of the baby when using IVF 

    -Why it's so important to manage stress levels for overall health and fertility 

    Connect here: 


    References from the episode:

    Dr. Jolene Brighten’s episode: The Truth About Birth Control 

    Keto-Mojo test strips to test for ketones and glucose: 

    Bath water filter

    47: 12 Strategic Hacks to Increase Productivity

    47: 12 Strategic Hacks to Increase Productivity

    One simple way to improve your overall stress levels, productivity, and health is to evaluate how you spend your time. After all, what you do with your time is one of the most important factors in productivity and if used wisely, it can contribute to how smoothly other aspects of your life run. That's why Chris is sharing some of our top hacks to help increase productivity and efficiency: 


    In this episode you'll learn: 

    -The importance of scheduling large uninterrupted blocks of time to complete tasks

    -Why it's a good idea to do creative work in the AM

    -That frequent interruptions can make it difficult or even impossible to get back into the work flow

    -That light exercise in the morning can help you get into the flow of the work day

    -Why batching emails, texts and similar work related tasks into the same time frame is helpful for productivity 

    -To prioritize things that set other things on your to do list into motion,like setting up time-saving systems 

    -What the term "eat the frog" means and how it can improve the flow of your day 

    -Why it's generally not helpful to multitask 

    -That multitasking can have a negative impact on your mind and reduce productivity by up to 40% 

    -Why it's a good idea to simplify your schedule and cancel any unnecessary meetings

    -How removing certain notifications from apps you deem unnecessary can increase productivity 

    -About the "power of no" and why it's not efficient to take on too much

    -About the concept of opportunity cost

    -That daily writing like a 5 minute journal can be helpful

    -The importance of quality sleep for productivity 

    -About Tim Ferris' 8 step process for maximizing efficiency



    Some studies have shown multitasking to have a negative impact on your mind and reduce productivity by up to 40% https://www.apa.org/research/action/multitask

    46: What’s in Processed Food? Taking on the Major Food Manufacturers w/ Vani Hari

    46: What’s in Processed Food? Taking on the Major Food Manufacturers w/ Vani Hari

    Consuming too many ultra processed foods is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to nutrition. That's why it's so crucial to make sure you're eating mostly whole foods that will support good overall health. In this episode, Vani Hari, a revolutionary food activist, author of multiple books including New York Times bestseller, Feeding You Lies and owner of Truvani, shares what she has learned through her experience with advocating for higher quality ingredients and battling big food corporations like Kraft, Kellogg's, Chipotle, and more. She also breaks down how to avoid being duped by marketing tactics, confused by lengthy food labels, and how to put these methods into action on a regular basis. 


    In this episode you'll learn:

    -How Vani got into the health/nutrition space

    -How food norms and quality affected how she felt in her childhood 

    -About how switching to whole, organic foods can change multiple aspects of health

    -How the name "Food Babe" came about 

    -Why it's so important to read the ingredients on all of the food you eat

    -About Vani's first experience with food activism

    -About her experience with uncovering what was in Chipotle's products and how she got them to remove all GMO's from their food

    -About some better sodas and drink choices 

    -That Topo Chico water contains a controversial chemical called PFAS 

    -Some better options when it comes to sweets

    -About Vani's line of products, Truvani

    -About Kraft's use of artificial food dyes in only their U.S. products 

    -About the different food standards in Europe compared to the United States 

    -That the FDA has never had the power to third party test

    -The real purpose behind why most food chemicals are created 

    -That other countries take more precautions when it comes to chemicals and they look at safety data

    -That McDonald's french fries in the U.S. contain 11 ingredients, overseas they contain 3 ingredients

    -Why Kellogg's is one of Vani's least favorite companies when it comes to their ingredients 

    -That Kellogg's continues to use artificial food dyes even though they said they'd remove them all by 2018

    -About Vani's thoughts on the argument that prices will increase if switched to higher quality ingredients 

    -Why it's so crucial to take back control of our food

    -About Vani's "3 question detox" (1- What are the ingredients you're eating? 2- Are they nutritious? 3- Where do they come from?)

    -That The Food Babe Kitchen teaches how to create a real food kitchen and cook healthy food that tastes great 

    -About Vani's favorite recipes in her book and how her mom influenced them


    Connect with Vani: 

    Instagram: @thefoodbabe https://www.instagram.com/thefoodbabe/?hl=en 

    Website: Foodbabekitchen.com

    Buy her books:

    The Food Babe Way  

    Feeding You Lies   

    The Food Babe Kitchen  

    References from the episode:

    Conscious Eating by Gabriel Cousens

    45: Brain Health & Steps You Can Take to Prevent Dementia with Max Lugavere

    45: Brain Health & Steps You Can Take to Prevent Dementia with Max Lugavere

    The brain is one of the most important organs in your entire body. It plays a major role in how well other organs function, so it's a good idea to support a healthy brain with a healthy lifestyle. In this episode, Max Lugavere, a health and science journalist, expert in all things brain health, and author of New York Times best-seller Genius Foods: Become Smarter, Happier, and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life, shares what he has learned about how food, exercise, lifestyle changes, and more can affect brain health and cognitive decline. 


    In this episode you'll learn:

    -How Max got started in the health/fitness/nutrition space

    -How his mother's experience with dementia affected him

    -That dementia can affect people at any age 

    -Why preventive actions are so crucial for dementia

    -Why good metabolic health is key to maintaining and boosting brain health

    -Only 12% of people in the US have what is considered "good" metabolic health 

    -That blood pressure plays a key role in brain health 

    -About the myth that dietary sodium from homemade food largely affects blood pressure 

    -Why whole foods are a better choice than highly processed foods 

    -That 71% of the sodium that your average person consumes comes from ultra processed packaged foods, and restaurant foods

    -Why he chooses to eat low-carb 

    -Why Max advocates for a mostly grain free diet for those with blood sugar regulation issues and nutrient deficiencies 

    -For improved brain health protein and fiber should be prioritized at every meal 

    -Max's view on the ketogenic diet and improvement to cognitive function

    -About glucose hypometabolism 

    -About time restricted feeding and how it has been shown to affect metabolic health and blood sugar regulation and blood pressure

    -Some of Max's favorite foods for brain health 

    -Benefits of avocados and a certain fat they contain

    -Why grass fed beef is a great choice when it comes to healthy protein and fat sources

    -The importance of understanding how foods affect behavior 

    -That Max allows himself 1 "snack" per day to help maintain moderation 

    -Some oils people should avoid (grape-seed oil, canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil)

    -The difference between monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats 

    -How different oils are extracted 

    -Some better options when it comes to choosing salad dressings

    -Why Max isn't afraid of unsaturated fats 

    -The brain benefits of exercise, especially aerobic exercise 

    -Why resistance training is crucial for metabolic health 

    -That non-exercise physical activity makes up a huge portion of calories that you burn everyday 

    -That boxing can greatly benefits fitness levels and brain health

    -About the benefits if sauna for mental and cognitive function

    -The importance of mastering the art of positive self-talk

    Connect with Max on Instagram 

    Max’s books, Genius Life and

    Genius Foods: Become Smarter, Happier, and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life 

    Max’s Podcast Genius Life 


    Other References: 

    Amanda's episode: How to Meal Prep Like a Boss 

    Barrel sauna 

    Infrared sauna 



    -2019 NIH study that found ultra processed foods overconsumed by about 500 cals per day https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/nih-study-finds-heavily-processed-foods-cause-overeating-weight-gain 

    44: How to Support a Healthy Pregnancy with Sarah Kuhn

    44: How to Support a Healthy Pregnancy with Sarah Kuhn

    There are an endless amount of myths surrounding pregnancy and pre/postpartum health, which can definitely cause some confusion when it comes to supporting a healthy pregnancy from before conception to post-pregnancy . In this episode, Sarah Kuhn, a mom of 3 and pre/post natal exercise specialist and CEO of Juna App, keeps it real by sharing what she has learned about optimizing health specifically for pregnancy, debunking some of the most common myths surrounding what studies have shown is and isn't safe during pregnancy, and sharing extremely helpful advice that will help clear up some of the confusion around nutrition and health throughout pregnancy.


    In this episode you'll learn: 

    • About Sarah and her experience during her pregnancies
    • About some health related changes you can make to prepare for pregnancy 
    • That trying to conceive is very case-by case and looks different for everyone
    • Data suggests that the Mediterranean diet is beneficial for the trying-to-conceive period (for both men and women)
    • The importance of physical activity for pregnancy
    • How working out can affect conception 
    • That period tracking apps can be helpful, especially if you're trying to conceive 
    • About some common misconceptions around exercising during pregnancy 
    • Debunking the myth that pregnant women can't exercise if their heart rate goes above 140bpm
    • About the new recommendation in regards to exercising during pregnancy (the "talk test") 
    • That saunas and hot yoga are not recommended for pregnant women 
    • The importance of core strength
    • About some moves like side planks that can be done in moderation to strengthen the core
    • That diastasis recti is common in the third trimester 
    • That breathing through your diaphragm during pregnancy can have benefits 
    • About Sarah's 2 "no-no's" when it comes to pregnant women exercising
    • What the recovery recommendation is for postpartum exercise 
    • About Sarah's first pregnancy experience compared to her third pregnancy 
    • About the hormone Relaxin 
    • That there are so many benefits to working out throughout pregnancy, even if you didn't work out before your pregnancy 
    • When it comes to physical activity after delivery, listen to what your doctor says no matter what, because it depends on your specific delivery, circumstances, etc. 
    • Why it's so important to ask your doctor very specific questions, especially after delivery 
    • That Sarah recommends doing kegels as soon as possible after delivery, even if you've had a c-section 
    • Why she recommends seeing a pelvic floor specialist if you can 
    • Debunking the myth that exercise will affect breast feeding/milk production 
    • About some different ways breastfeeding can affect mom's weight 
    • Foods that are beneficial to eat during pregnancy (fatty fish, healthy whole grains, lots of fruits and vegetables, prenatal vitamin)
    • Debunking some of the biggest nutrition myths about what you can't eat while pregnant
    • About Emily Oster and her recommendations for nutrition throughout pregnancy 
    • That it's not really necessary to avoid eating runny eggs due to salmonella risk 
    • The importance of avoiding any high mercury fish (shark, tuna in limited amounts, tilefish) 
    • That you can eat raw fish-- when you know how it's being handled/stored, and trust that it's safe 
    • Debunking the myth that you can't have any caffeine at all when you're pregnant 
    • Why it's important to be cautious of herbal teas during pregnancy 
    • About the safety of deli meats
    • Debunking the myth that you're "eating for two" 
    • Healthier ways to support extra needed calories 
    • Benefits of eating 6 small meals throughout the day 
    • About the importance of setting boundaries for your body 


    Connect with Sarah on Instagram 

    Download the Juna Moms App on Apple and Android 

    43: Optimize Your Hydration with Tracy Duhs

    43: Optimize Your Hydration with Tracy Duhs

    When it comes to overall health, hydration is the name of the game. However there is actually so much more to proper hydration than simply drinking a lot of water. In this episode, we discuss all things water with the "hydration queen" Tracy Duhs, including why it's helpful to supplement water with trace elements, alternatives to trace minerals if you can't buy them yet, about reverse osmosis, signs of dehydration, and so much more.

    As always, special shout out to Organifi and their amazing red juice for providing a delicious & nutritious afternoon pick-me-up! It really satisfies that craving for a sweet treat during the day, but only has 2 grams of naturally occurring sugar and no caffeine. Their red juice is packed with a tons of vitamins and minerals including an antioxidant berry blend, metabolism boosting blend, and an endurance blend with beet root powder, cordyceps powder, & reishi mushroom extract. It's definitely our go-to, especially before or after a workout and in the afternoon. Check out our favorite products here:  https://www.organifishop.com/pages/masteryourhealth and use our code MASTERS for 15% off your order. Check out more details from this episode below:

    In this episode you'll learn:

    -How Tracy got into the world of water

    -About her experience with dehydration during pregnancy

    -A few effects of mineral imbalance can

    -Why Tracy prefers mountain spring water

    -Why it's helpful to supplement water with trace elements

    -Alternatives to trace minerals if you can't buy them yet

    -Why Tracy suggests not drinking purified water

    -That natural spring water is the highest quality water you can drink

    -How water affects cell health

    -That reverse osmosis can be helpful if you can't afford mountain spring water (when you add trace elements back into it)

    -About Brita water filters and their lack of effectiveness with most water supplies

    -Why it's helpful to pinpoint the exact type of water supply you get (based on contaminants)

    -The main problem with reverse osmosis setups

    -Why sitting water is never good

    -Why shower filters aren't as effective as you may think

    -About the idea that humans are 70% water by mass

    -That dehydration becomes more of an issue with age

    -Humans are 98.9% water molecules

    -Hydration is about so much more than just drinking a lot of water

    -That we make our own metabolic water from mitochondria

    -About plastic vs. glass when it comes to bottled water and how heat/light can affect it

    -That xenoestrogens in water can throw off the endocrine system

    -Why most people wake up thirsty

    -That it's important to hydrate right away in the day

    -About hydrogen tablets and how they can be helpful

    -Tips for flushing excess sodium

    -About the difference between alkaline water vs alkalizing your system

    -Why it's so important to eat your water 

    -That aloe is great if you want to upgrade your hydration game 

    -How healthy fats can impact hydration

    -Key signs of dehydration - fatigue, excess hunger, bad breath, headaches, dry eyes/mouth, dry lips

    -About how the color of your urine may indicate hydration levels 

    -Why it's important to be intentional about your hydration but also not over-obsess over it

    -About the deuterium depleted water from Russia that Tracy drinks 

    -The importance of hydration, mineralization, nutrition, movement, sunlight, creative playtime, loving connected community, and sleep

    Connect with @Tracyduhs on Instagram

    Check out her podcast, Hydrate with Tracy Duhs


    Aquatru Water: https://www.aquatruwater.com/?src=affiliate&aid=14626&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtZH7BRDzARIsAGjbK2YlbpM-jy2WGiNYJx9P0ux-tH7O7iZkBqOooRbpSC3lb8lRWpZc_6caApWREALw_wcB

    Quicksilver Hydrogen Tablets: https://www.quicksilverscientific.com/all-products/h2-elite/