

    en-us462 Episodes

    Episodes (462)

    Treating severe pediatric malaria--practical priorities to save lives.

    Treating severe pediatric malaria--practical priorities to save lives.

    According to the WHO, in the African Region, about 473 000 children die from pneumonia, 300 000 from diarrhea, and a further 443 000 from malaria every year. Mortality in hospitalized cases of severe pediatric malaria is 9%-10%. Many efforts to prevention infection and improve nutrition so as to modulate the impact of infection are in place but when critically ill children present, correctly preparing staff and systems to prioritize effective care can make the difference. This session will discuss why children die from malaria, reading the signs and practical prioritization of care to reduce morbidity and mortality.

    Emergency Dental Diagnosis and Management for the Non-Dentist

    Emergency Dental Diagnosis and Management for the Non-Dentist

    In both domestic and international situations, dental needs often go unmet (for multiple reasons). Many people in poverty develop a "survivalist" mindset and only seek care when in pain. Untreated dental conditions, if neglected long enough, can turn into dental emergencies. When many patients do finally seek dental care, it is often in an emergency medical setting where dentistry is not usually available. In some parts of the world, dental care may be non-existent altogether. These emergency dental patients are often mis-diagnosed and/or go untreated in a medical setting. This lecture will serve to enlighten/empower non-dentists with some basic diagnostic and treatment skills to better manage dental emergencies in a non-dental setting. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_jonathanspenn_emergencydentaldiagnosis

    Cultural Humility in Healthcare

    Cultural Humility in Healthcare

    As we see an increasing number of culturally diverse patients in our US-based practices or on the mission field, our understanding of cultural influences in healthcare and our own biases is essential. How can we develop an eye to see where a patient’s values and worldview may differ from our own? We will review an approach to cultural humility highlighted by medical missions case studies. Presentation Slides: https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_davidnarita_culturalhumility

    God of the Desert: Finding hope and beauty in our trials

    God of the Desert:  Finding hope and beauty in our trials

    Like the prophet Elijah in the Old Testament, many times we as followers of Jesus who seek to make His name known, find ourselves crying out to God “I have had enough Lord”. Learning how to find God in our trials and to trust His loving faithfulness to refine us is a necessary part of our journey. Though sometimes difficult to share openly, the failures, disappointments, and hard times are important in the life of a global worker. Most often, just as in Elijah’s life in I Kings 19, the beauty and majesty and power of God meet us in these times. Sharing from her personal journey in medical missions as a general surgeon in the Middle East and in Kenya, Dr. Carol Spears will explore ways from scripture to find hope and beauty in the desert experiences of missionary service. The scripture is I Kings 19

    God's Heart for the Nations - Why it Matters for All Health Care Practitioners

    God's Heart for the Nations - Why it Matters for All Health Care Practitioners

    God painted His heart for the Nations throughout the pages of His Word, from Genesis to Revelation... If we live our lives, spend our money, eat/drink, exercise, pray, and practice medicine without catching this vision, we're missing out on the greatest masterpiece ever created! We create a false dichotomy of domestic healthcare and that which is international. God doesn't see it this way and neither should we.

    Integrating Healthcare and Church Planting

    Integrating Healthcare and Church Planting

    Providing healthcare in pioneer mission settings complements and demonstrates the Gospel in action, following the footsteps of Jesus. This results in both improving the healthcare of the local community—and beyond—and the planting and growth of the church. We will describe and illustrate this from experiences in Thailand, Cambodia and the Big Country in Asia. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_narita_thompson_integratinghealthcare_ https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_narita_thompson_integratinghealthcare_handout_

    Cross-Cultural Issues in Teaching Internationally

    Cross-Cultural Issues in Teaching Internationally

    This session will help prepare participants for teaching internationally and/or cross-culturally. It will discuss differences in education methods that exist between different countries and cultural reasons for them; how these differences may impact how you teach and introduce new methods; and provide examples of ways to overcome or adapt to these differences. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_sharifalkenheimer_crossculturalissues

    Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: Considerations for Medical Care in a Changing World

    Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: Considerations for Medical Care in a Changing World

    This lecture will describe complex humanitarian emergencies and the common diseases encountered and the persons affected. We will also discuss mental health issues encountered by victims and the humanitarian worker as well as describe how one can stay healthy in body, soul, and spirit dealing while dealing with the stress of living in working in such a context. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_cathyh_complexhumanitarianemergencies

    And Then the End Will Come

    And Then the End Will Come

    We live in the most amazing days since Jesus walked the earth. The global church is sprinting toward the finish line of the 2000-year Great Commission race, and by God’s grace, our generation may be the one to finish it. In this session, Douglas Cobb of The Finishing Fund will explain the global effort to get the gospel for the first time to the world’s last few unengaged people groups and will present the amazing promise of Matthew 24:14 that the completion of the Great Commission will open the door to the return of Christ.

    A Spiritual Practice to Enhance Resilience: Praying the Psalms

    A Spiritual Practice to Enhance Resilience:  Praying the Psalms

    The behavioral health literature on resilience identifies religious belief and practice as important factors contributing to psychological resilience. This literature frequently advocates Eastern religious methods of meditation and exercise as means of enhancing resilience in vulnerable individuals. Much smaller literature suggests that Christian spiritual routines might enhance resilience. This presentation proposes that the ancient Christian practice of praying the psalms enhances resilience. It describes the history and methods by which Christians usually pray the psalms. Using several specific psalm examples, the presentation describes the means by which praying the psalms provides a framework to courageously face distress as well as to endure, by God’s grace, during times of hardship. Presentation slides: https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_samueltheilman_enhanceresilienceprayingthepsalms

    Spirituality and Health

    Spirituality and Health

    Spirituality is an important component of health, and assessing a patient's spirituality is a cultural competence of healthcare professionals. This session will review the scientific evidence for links between spirituality, religious practice and health outcomes, consider what medical and nursing association guidelines say about incorporating spiritual assessments into medical practice, and describe a practical, context-appropriate framework for assessing patient spirituality in medical and nursing practice.

    Breaking Chains of Dependency: Impacting underserved communities through servant leadership

    Breaking Chains of Dependency: Impacting underserved communities through servant leadership

    Breaking the Chains of Dependency: Impacting underserved communities through servant leadership Underserved communities, such as those in Africa, have been the long-time recipients of outside aid, yet there is little sustainable change. Dependency on outside resources and hierarchal, foreign leadership remains. Could following the example of Jesus’ use of servant leadership be a way to break dependency and bring sustainable change to these communities? A small, community-based health clinic in Mauritania, Africa, was a traditional, non-governmental run clinic for 15 years, relying heavily on foreign staff for leadership and decision-making. Desiring to empower local leadership and encourage ownership, a new leadership style was introduced. Using a servant leader, holistic approach along with cultural contextualization, education, guiding a shared vision, and instilling dignity and hope, in less than a year a shift happened. Personal ownership, critical thinking, shared-decision making, and local leadership are replacing previous dependency.

    Practical Approaches Towards Elimination of the Top 5 Neglected Tropical Diseases

    Practical Approaches Towards Elimination of the Top 5 Neglected Tropical Diseases

    The 5 most common neglected tropical diseases affect over 1.5 billion people, including more than 1 billion children. Medical missionaries working in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia will certainly come in contact with most of these diseases on a daily basis. It is time for us to do more than just treat them. Mass drug adminstration programs were developed to help control and eradicate these diseases. This lecture will discuss how we can be a part of the solution.

    Advanced Practice Providers on the Mission Field

    Advanced Practice Providers on the Mission Field

    Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants can be a vital part of the mission team. We will use this session to discuss how APPs can be utilized on the field, how to prepare for missions, what to expect from your first trip, and so much more. Please join us!

    Our Current Missions Assignment (Expanded)

    Our Current Missions Assignment (Expanded)

    The missional landscape has changed. The recent global events, the shifting distribution of Christians, and the realities of what God is allowing; are presenting a whole new missional landscape. What then are the new structures, approaches, and strategies that are proving effective for missions in our days? This will be shared with a special emphasis on the emerging role of medical missions and the strategy for partnerships. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_florencemuindi_ourcurrentmission