

    en-us462 Episodes

    Episodes (462)

    The Training Years: Wisdom for What’s Now and Pearls for What's Next

    The Training Years: Wisdom for What’s Now and Pearls for What's Next

    For those in training and recently finished, we will learn how to maximize this season. We’ll spend the first half tackling topics like original motivation, long-haul stamina, pearls and pitfalls of living in community, debt, vision for one’s next step to the nations, and helping the needy now tensioned with investing in education to help others later. We pray this will infuse you with the hope of Christ and give you eyes to see this refining, exciting time as He does. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_redican_heidenreich_thomas_thetrainingyears For the second hour, we’ll divide into small discussion groups with those from your same stage of the journey (i.e., recent grads, residents, M1, M2, M3, M4, pre-med, PA, NP, RN, pharmacy, dental, PT/OT/ST, spouses). With facilitators who have gone through it before, we’ll dive into the individualized questions you have and brainstorm how God might sustain you now and lead you in the upcoming season.

    The Role of Nurses in Missions

    The Role of Nurses in Missions

    We are all called to live missionally. It is the Lord's plan for all peoples to know of His glory. As nurses, we may have access to those who have never heard the Gospel. We can get behind closed doors working within communities, establish trust, pray with patients, and provide wholistic care. Nurses care for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of people. We can use the discipline of nursing to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We can show honor, respect, caring, and compassion to everyone the Lord brings into our path, no matter where we are serving Him. As believers, we can make disciples. Healthy, authentic disciples make healthy churches. The church is not a place, or an event, it is the people. We as nurses have extra tools in our toolbox to pray, teach, encourage, advance the Gospel, and give glory to the Lord. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_rebeccameyer_roleofnursesinmissions

    Transitioning from Expatriate to National Leadership: Past, present and future

    Transitioning from Expatriate to National Leadership: Past, present and future

    Many mission healthcare programs have been started by expatriates with little or no input from national partners. These programs are often supported by external funds which is one of the reasons that control is still in the hands of expatriates. Transitioning from expatriate to national leadership is increasingly important as nationalism affects national policies. This may take the form of denying visas to healthcare personnel, leaving programs dependent on national leadership and staffing. For programs to continue, it is imperative that nationals be prepared to take responsibility for administrating and continuing clinical and educational programs. This workshop will present examples from missionaries who have made this transition, are presently experiencing the transition, or are making plans to transition to national leadership. We will discuss how transitions have been successful, some of the pitfalls of making the transition without adequate preparation and potential steps to move forward in making this transition. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_jamessmith_transitioningfromexpatriate_

    Our Current Missions Assignment

    Our Current Missions Assignment

    The missional landscape has changed. The recent global events, the shifting distribution of Christians, and the realities of what God is allowing; are presenting a whole new missional landscape. What then are the new structures, approaches, and strategies that are proving effective for missions in our days? This will be shared with a special emphasis on the emerging role of medical missions and the strategy for partnerships.

    Faith Prescriptions: Spiritual Interventions With Our Patients

    Faith Prescriptions: Spiritual Interventions With Our Patients

    Our efforts to provide excellent, compassionate treatment for our patients can open huge doors to address their spiritual needs. This session will provide an introduction to the CMDA "Faith Prescriptions" video series, a collection of 25 episodes created to equip and inspire us to communicate the love of Christ to our patients with sensitivity and respect.

    Treatment of Worms and Other Parasitic Diseases

    Treatment of Worms and Other Parasitic Diseases

    This session will be a quick review of common treatments for worms, Chagas disease, Human African Trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis which are all parasites more common outside of the United States. However with a recent increase in immigrants they are becoming more common in some parts of the United States. The brief discussion of the treatment of each of these infections will include medications, dosing, side effects and monitoring.

    Whole Person Care in Small Town America

    Whole Person Care in Small Town America

    In today's uncertain world, patients are dealing with more and more stress and anxiety that ultimately impacts their health. Patients sometimes have "hidden unhealed triggers" that can lead to physical impairments. III John 2 states "Above all brethren, I desire you to prosper and be in Health, even as your soul prospers." In this session, the participant will learn how to "tend to their souls" and learn to identify areas of brokenness that patients are dealing with such that they are equipped to help patients tend to their souls, in an effort to propagate physical, emotional and spiritual health.

    Language Learning - Should I? and How?

    Language Learning - Should I? and How?

    As a health care professional on the mission field, the task of language learning is both essential and complicated. We say that language learning is a high value and priority for ourselves as missionaries, and yet it often is the first thing to take a back seat in life and ministry. Why is that? How can we do better? With over 15 years of experience in educating, training, and coaching missionaries in language and culture learning, Dr. Mullen will cast a vision for what it takes to truly become “fluent” in your target host language. She will offer biblical, theoretical, and practical advice for missionaries and missions leaders alike on how to prepare, execute, and continually improve communicative competence in a second language and cross-cultural setting.

    Supporting Global Critical Care in Low Middle Income Countries through Medical Education

    Supporting Global Critical Care in Low Middle Income Countries through Medical Education

    Medical education has a potentially powerful role in global health. This breakout will explore some ways that medical education can not only support patient care but also resource and research capacity building to better care for critically ill patients in low-middle-income countries. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_burtonlee_supportingglobalcriticalcare

    Diabetes Care in Low Resource Settings

    Diabetes Care in Low Resource Settings

    Background. Diabetes programs are difficult to implement in low-income settings. Mentoring clinics is promising to implement initiatives. We mentored local Community Health Workers (CHWs) to implement a diabetes program for low-income Latino(a)s (N=59) with type 2 diabetes in a twophased approach, each 6-months. Methods. -Phase 1 (training, feasibility assessment): participants randomized to the diabetes program or usual care. CHW-instructors (CHW-Is) led the program, CHWs observed. -Phase 2 (mentoring): CHWs led the program, CHW-Is mentored. -The program included monthly group visits and weekly CHWs/CHWIs-participant telehealth contact. -Outcomes included baseline to 6-month clinical changes i.e., HbA1c, adherence to medications and six American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines, CHW pre/posttest scores, and hypoglycemia. Results. Significant outcomes included improved HbA1c levels, medication and ADA adherence, hypoglycemic events, and CHWs test scores.

    Preparing the next generation in Missional Healthcare - The Formational Course in Missional Healthcare - An Indo and Africa initiative and approach

    Preparing the next generation in Missional Healthcare - The Formational Course in Missional Healthcare - An Indo and Africa initiative and approach

    This breakout session is will be a taster of the Formational Course of the Academy of Missional Healthcare and Initiative of COGI and CAPRO. Designed primarily for pre-internship students in healthcare, it is also open to young professionals. This session will provide a taster to the eight-core module mentorship course in Missional Healthcare. The session will also highlight the uniqueness of the program. The Formational course provides participants with “A missional context of learning” in an environment of Transformational learning, problem-based training, experiential sharing alongside practical role-plays and interactive group exercises. Continual learning and reflective engagement through “journaling” is a key component of the program. The full program gives broad insights into the health and development needs in a country as well the various expressions of medical missions. It also provides a deeper understanding of God’s mission pertinent to healthcare and the healthcare person.

    Trends in Church Planting Among Unreached People Groups

    Trends in Church Planting Among Unreached People Groups

    There are few things as thrilling to see as a group of local believers springing up where it didn’t exist before! In this session we will take an initial thought-provoking and inspirational look at church planting among unreached peoples around the world using current, real-life stories. We’ll also hear from everyday people who went out to minister to the healthcare needs of others, bringing with them a passion to see new communities of believers emerge and thrive among the unreached.

    Mentoring Christ Followers in Healthcare

    Mentoring Christ Followers in Healthcare

    Despite the recognition that successful mentoring experiences are usually the result of intentional and committed relationships between mentor and mentee, there are still challenges in achieving consistent, positive outcomes for mission driven Christ followers in healthcare. Healthcare missionaries, whether domestic or foreign, face unexpected challenges, failures, and disappointments, both on and off the field of service, across a broad spectrum of life, work, and ministry. This talk will focus on the essential commitments of both mentor and mentee during the early career of cross-cultural workers who serve in diverse living and working environments.