
    Midwest Real

    A podcast and blog with an unquenchable lust for rabbit holes and open-minded inquiry. Each week, host Michael Phillip and fascinating guests dig into new and novel knowledge nuggets from the nether regions of the multiverse.
    enMichael Phillip92 Episodes

    Episodes (92)

    071. Bruce Damer Ph.D

    071. Bruce Damer Ph.D

    Dr. Bruce Damer is a multi-disciplinary scientist and an aficionado of all things woo. He researches evolutionary biology, especially focusing on questions surrounding the origin of life. He designs asteroid-wrangling spacecraft and he's an expert in computer science who has spent decades researching emergent, lifelike virtual systems.

    Head to midwestreal.net for a full write up and links!  

    070. Chris de Cinque of Closure in Moscow returns!

    070. Chris de Cinque of Closure in Moscow returns!


    Chris de Cinque has special, cheeky, verbose way about him. He's a born performer orator and novelty magnet. He also sings in the proggy, deep-diving satire-soaked band Closure in Moscow. If you think it’s not possible to write an insightful, mystical rabbit hole of a concept record that grapples with grandiose themes like enlightenment, metamorphosis and transhumanism all while maintaining a deep sense of fourth-wall-breaking satire complete with boner noises, Closure in Moscow's critically acclaimed opus, Pink Lemonade will prove you deeply wrong. 

    head to midwestreal.net for a full write up and links!

    069. The Return of Marty Leeds! | The Mystic and the Madman Swim in the Same Waters

    069. The Return of Marty Leeds! | The Mystic and the Madman Swim in the Same Waters

    Marty Leeds is an author and researcher on the subjects of myth, math, spirituality, philosophy, sacred geometry and lost civilizations. He has an ongoing lecture series available on Youtube and he’s the host of the podcast The Marty Leeds' Mathemagical Radio Hour. Marty has been a guest on many popular podcasts, had an article recently featured on grahamhancock.com, and has been a featured speaker at several conferences, including the up-comingModern Knowledge Canadian Tour.  


    Head to midwestreal.net for a full write-up!

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    068. The Higherside Chats' Greg Carlwood

    068. The Higherside Chats' Greg Carlwood


    Never forget just how possible it is to take a 90 degree turn off of the the well-worn. You have the capacity to sharpen the stick on your freak flag, stab it deep into the soil and craft something that is uniquely yours around it. If you nurture it, tend to it and care for it enough, it just might bear enough fruit to free you from the nine-to-five path for good.  

    Greg Carlwood has done just what I've described in a huge way. His show, The Higherside Chats has become one of the most popular conspiracy-based podcasts out there- and the thing just keeps growing. It's chalk full of all of the sexy, shadowy, esoteric, entertaining goodness you could ever hope for in a podcast, so check it out and give the Carlwood some love!


    For a full write-up and more links, head to MIDWESTREAL.NET


    063. Liam Wilson, Michael Phillip | Rabbit Holes Don't End

    063. Liam Wilson, Michael Phillip | Rabbit Holes Don't End

    Guest and pal Liam Wilson is a musician, psychonaut, yogi, meditator, traveler and writer (by no means does he live an unexamined, "typical" nine-to-five lifestyle). Yet, none of that has prepaired him one bit for the trajectory altering uppercut to the nethers that is fatherhood.

    As if that weren’t nuclear enough, he also just participated in a two-day Ayahuasca ceremony run by a mysterious, otherworldly, head-sucking nomadic shaman. An experience that has left him rethinking even the most basic anchors most of us ground our very realities in.

    For a full write up and links, head to midwestreal.net  

    062. Zoltan Istvan, Michael Phillip | Are we on the Cusp of a Transhumanist Utopia?

    062. Zoltan Istvan, Michael Phillip | Are we on the Cusp of a Transhumanist Utopia?

    We have absolutely no idea what the future will hold, but we’re definitely on the cusp of something huge.

    Are we headed for an unprecedented utopian neo renaissance? Will technological and medical breakthroughs enable us to live practically forever so we’re free to pursue our passions all day long? Or are we on the verge of something darker? Some sort of Huxlian, Orwellian dystopia steeped in thought control, murderous AI and oligarch overlords who'll invade our minds in an effort to milk us for money and energy as we jump willingly into ultra-plush matrix pods of their design? 

    Who knows?

    Our guest this week, Zoltan Istvan is the author of the Transhumanist Wager. He writes for practically every major technology website (Gizmodo, Huffington Post, Motherboard Wired etc.) He’s the founder of a transhumanist political party, which aims to draw attention and dollars to science and tech. He’s also traveled around the world on a god damned sailboat. 

    Head to midwestreal.net for links and the full write-up and more!

    061. Will Pangman, Michael Phillip

    061. Will Pangman, Michael Phillip

    Although more and more of the analog world is seeping into the digital realm, the almighty dollar has managed to resist the pixel-y tide. Currency creation remains an esoteric, behind-the-scenes process controlled by a few privileged, monocle-clad, suit- wearers -- why is that? Are we meant to believe money is great the way it is, or sacred? I'm not (pun intended) buying it, nor are the thousands of people using Bitcoin.

    Will Pangman is a Bitcoin evangelist, works for a Bitcoin start up and is a regular on The Bitcoin Group podcast.

    Head to midwestreal.net for a full write-up.  

    059. The Secrets in Plain Sight All Around Us | Scott Onstott, Michael Phillip

    059. The Secrets in Plain Sight All Around Us | Scott Onstott, Michael Phillip

    Scott Onstott is an Author and researcher with a background in math and architecture. Thanks to his proclivity for quantification, Scott has an aptitude for tracking down, highlighting and making sense of truly unbelievable numerological and geometrical synchronicities that reverberate throughout manmade structures, nature and the cosmos. His self-produced film, Secrets in Plain Sight is an exploration of these and many other phenomena and has been viewed over 4 million times on Youtube.

    head to midwestreal.net for links and a full write-up

    058. Everything is Sound. With Alexandre Tannous, Michael Phillip.

    058. Everything is Sound. With Alexandre Tannous, Michael Phillip.
    Alexandre Tannous is one of those guys whose insight just continually surprises you. 
    He holds multiple degrees in music and philosophy. More importantly, he has traveled to over 40 of countries where he has participated in dozens of shamanic, meditative and initiatory ceremonies. Alexandre also researches the esoteric and therapeutic properties of sound from scientific and shamanic perspectives. He has lectured at many major universities including Georgetown, Princeton and NYU.
    Head to midwestreal.net for a full write-up.

    056. Dr. Rick Strassman, Michael Phillip

    056. Dr. Rick Strassman, Michael Phillip

    Within all of us, there's a chemical gateway to another dimension. It's called DMT. What is its purpose? Why is it so ubiquitous throughout nature? No one knows, but one thing's for sure- it can change your life in a matter of minutes.  

    Dr. Rick Strassman has studied the substance for over 20 years. He's the author of DMT the Spirit Molecule and his new book, DMT and the Soul of Prophecy.

    For a full write up, head to midwestreal.net ! 

    It's Not Science Fiction, It's Biomimicry- Dr. Michael Nosonovsky, Michael Phillip

    It's Not Science Fiction, It's Biomimicry-  Dr. Michael Nosonovsky, Michael Phillip

    “In the first half of the 20th century, the prevailing idea was that humans could be masters of nature and the universe. We thought that human power was unlimited. We thought- ‘we can change rivers, we can move mountains—’ we can actually conquer nature. Then, sometime in the second half of the 20th century, we made the realization that the relationship between nature and humans is actually much more complex than that.  



    We can learn a lot from nature. This is where the idea of biomimetics and harmony between man and nature came in.” 

    Dr. Michael Nosonovsky

    For the full article, head to midwestreal.net