
    Mind Money Soul

    This podcast is for women looking to feel good about money, build wealth and achieve financial freedom! Laura is a Certified Money & Mindset Coach, and Financial Wellbeing Speaker talking about money in a fun, judgment-free way, teaching you how to use money as a tool to live your best life! If you are ready to get financially confident, grow your money, and smash your big life goals, then the Mind Money Soul Podcast is for you! Tune in weekly as she explores the emotional, practical, and spiritual sides of money to help you explore your money mindset, improve your relationship with money, build your net worth and step into financial abundance. Change your mindset, grow your money, feed your soul.
    enLaura Ann Moore80 Episodes

    Episodes (80)

    080 - MILLIONAIRE SECRETS | 6 Tips To Become Wealthy [PART 1 - Spend Wisely]

    080 - MILLIONAIRE SECRETS | 6 Tips To Become Wealthy [PART 1 - Spend Wisely]

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing how to reach financial freedom by spending wisely.

    Welcome to the start of a 6 part series on how to become wealthy. I’m going to be spilling the secrets of millionaires and sharing the top 6 things they are doing to successfully manage and grow their money. Although the term millionaire is used frequently during this episode, being wealthy doesn’t necessarily mean you need to reach the status of a millionaire. At it’s core, being wealthy is about living the life that you want by having the 3 things money can give you: freedom, choice and independence.

    The first thing that millionaires do to become and stay wealthy is spend wisely. We all get taught how to spend our money, but do you know how to spend wisely? Tune in to today’s episode to learn the key difference, because adding this extra step will transform your mindset and relationship with money. If you want to learn how to spend with intention so that you can live in the moment whilst also supporting your future self, start here. 

    In this episode:

    • The difference between spending and spending wisely
    • How to be intentional by having a spending plan and budgets
    • How instant gratification can derail your future goals
    • How to live manage and grow your money to reach financial freedom
    • The importance of having an intentional fun fund
    • Why millionaires don’t always look like millionaires


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    The Money Hotline | How Much Should I Be Investing?

    The Money Hotline | How Much Should I Be Investing?

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be answering the common question of “how much should I be investing?”

    Technically this is a trick question, because when the word ‘should’ is involved it requires us to look closer. When it comes to investing, there is no right or wrong way and it’s going to look different for everyone. Personal finance is exactly that, it’s personal.

    There are 3 main things to consider when it comes to investing, including affordability, your long term plans and how to increase your investment pot. The short answer is - it’s not a case of how much ‘should’ you invest, it’s really about how much you would ‘like’ to invest. What is your why behind investing? What is driving you towards investing? What is your big happy goal? Sitting with these questions and reverse engineering your goals will be a huge support on your investing journey.

    In this episode:

    • How to calculate how much you can afford to invest
    • How to be realistic and minimise risk when you invest
    • Why long term goals will drive your investment choices
    • How to make the most of compound interest
    • How to bring in more money to invest
    • How to get your money to work for you


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    3 Ways To Manage Your Money Better

    3 Ways To Manage Your Money Better

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing my 3 top tips on how to manage your money better.

    It’s the most simple and straightforward thing but it’s something that so many of us struggle with. In fact, I’d make a confident assumption that everyone listening to this episode could be better at managing their money. Money management isn’t complicated or difficult, it’s simply deciding where you want your money to go. Most people fall down because they either don’t know where their money is going or they assume it will sort itself out.

    Mastering the art of money management can be achieved by small actions such as setting up a separate spending account, creating a spending plan and working on your money mindset. Managing your money will give you power and control over your finances, allowing you to no longer live pay check to pay check and to save towards your big happy goals. 

    In this episode:

    • Why you should have a separate spending account
    • How to create a saving, spending and investing plan
    • Why you should always pay yourself first
    • How to understand your emotional triggers and money beliefs
    • How to practise mindful spending through visualisation


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    Should I Quit My Job To Run My Business Full Time?

    Should I Quit My Job To Run My Business Full Time?

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing 4 things to consider when you’re debating whether to quit your job to run your business full time. 

    I get asked this question often and it’s something I’m able to advise on from a financial expert perspective and also on a personal level, as I quit my long-term job fulfil my souls calling and pursue my career. In today’s episode I share my story, how I built Mind Money Soul as a side hustle and how I successfully turned my passion into a full time business. It’s not as simple as waking up one day and deciding you want to quit your job. There are important elements to consider if you’re serious about creating a profitable, sustainable business. 

    There’s a narrative that 9-5’s suck and being a business owner is elite, but sometimes the grass isn’t always greener. As an employee, the benefits can be very attractive - a workplace pension, the security of a salary, work perks, the support and companionship of having colleagues. That said, the freedom that comes with being self-employed is incomparable. It’s important to remember that not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur, business owner, founder or freelancer and often you won’t know until you try - maybe you’ll love it more than you ever imaged or maybe you’ll realise it’s not for you. The key thing is to ensure you’re going into this process mentally and financially prepared.

    In this episode:

    • How I created my business as a side hustle
    • 4 things to consider before you quit your full time job
    • How to feel supported by your emergency fund
    • How to project your income and expenses
    • How to identify if your business is sustainable
    • The importance of mindset work and mental preparation
    • How to successfully turn a passion into a business


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    Do Not Fall Into This Financial Trap | How To Avoid Lifestyle Creep

    Do Not Fall Into This Financial Trap | How To Avoid Lifestyle Creep

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing how to avoid a lifestyle creep.

    Lifestyle creep is when an individuals standards of living improves as their discretionary income rises and former luxuries become new necessities. The rise in discretionary income can happen either through an increase of income or in a decrease in costs. Essentially this means you have more ‘fun’ money to play with (things that aren’t going towards bills or debt) but instead of keeping the same lifestyle or investing/ saving your extra money, you choose to inflate your lifestyle to meet your pay check. 

    Why is this a financial trap? It can totally derail your future plans (including retirement plans or clearing your debt) and prevent you from reaching your big happy goals. The dangerous thing is that it can start really small. You might choose the most expensive thing on the menu, or grab an Uber more than you choose to walk. All of these little purchases that you deem ‘necessities’ will become an integral part of your life. The issue isn’t with living a boujee lifestyle, it’s the fact that you're not putting a financial buffer in place and you’re not going to feel the financial effects of this increase of money. The key lesson is: having more money allows you to get closer to your big happy goal but you have to be intentional with that money. 

    In this episode:

    • Understanding the term ‘lifestyle creep’

    • Why lifestyle creep is a financial trap

    • How lifestyle creep starts small and filters up

    • How to build wealth by saving and investing

    • Why you need  to have a financial buffer

    • What wealthy people do to protect and grow their money

    • 3 tips on how to avoid lifestyle creep

    • The importance of being intentional with your money

    • The benefit of automating your finances

    • Why you should set long term exciting goals


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    Financial 'Ins' & 'Outs' For 2024

    Financial 'Ins' & 'Outs' For 2024

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be reviving a trend and sharing my financial ins and outs of 2024.

    I’m kicking the episode off with positivity and inspiration by diving straight into my top 8 ‘ins’. My list is a real mix, from money dates and investing, to capsule wardrobes and Vinted. The word for 2024 is INTENTION. Are you spending and saving mindfully? Second hand marketplaces like Vinted are an amazing way to practise mindfulness by supporting sustainability, not spending an insane amount of money on fast fashion, and being intentional with your purchases.

    I’ll also be sharing my top 6 ‘outs’ including buying things out of habit or impulse. If you can relate to this, the trick is to focus on the root problem, not the consequence. Emotional buying is a by-product of how you’re feeling about yourself, money and life. When you focus on the root cause, you’ll notice that the emotional spending will reduce and over time, stop. Again, it’s all about intention.

    In this episode:

    • Why you should date your money
    • How to identify is you’re spending in alignment
    • How to set personal financial goals that excite you
    • Mantra: there is more than enough to go around
    • The benefit of using a credit card to pay for flights
    • How to track your spending with ease
    • Why 2024 is the year you learn to invest
    • How to create a capsule wardrobe 
    • Stop spending money on people you don’t like
    • How to stop avoiding your bank account
    • How to take control of your finances
    • Why you don’t need unnecessary consumption to feel whole
    • How to change your relationship with Apple Pay


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    Money Dates | The Best Tool For Taking Control Of Your Money

    Money Dates | The Best Tool For Taking Control Of Your Money

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing why money dates are the ultimate tool for taking control of your money. 

    A money date is the practise of regularly sitting down 1 on 1 with your money, spending time with it and going through all the information to analyse the past week or month, plan ahead for the following month and reflect on your relationship with money. This data will move you to the financial drivers seat, so that your money is no longer the one in control. Like I always say, data is knowledge, and knowledge is power.

    You have to treat your money like you would treat a partner in a healthy, loving relationship. If you’re not going on date nights, spending quality time together or  connecting as a couple, you're not going to understand each other and the relationship will break down. It’s exactly the same with money. You need to date your money in order to show your money that you care, respect, love and are interested in it. Going on regular money dates will allow you to feel good about money, build wealth, explore your relationship with money, move closer to your big happy life goals, build financial resilience and improve your confidence. 

    In this episode:

    • What are money dates?
    • Why money dates are so important
    • Why you should be having a money date monthly
    • Step by step guide on how to conduct a money date
    • How to analyse what financially happened last month
    • Ways to manage your money and plan ahead for the month
    • Journal prompts to improve your relationship with money


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    3 Financial Goals You Need For 2024 & How To Achieve Them

    3 Financial Goals You Need For 2024 & How To Achieve Them

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the 3 financial goals you NEED for 2024 and how to actually achieve them.

    2024 in Numerology is an '8' year full of success, achievements and abundance, which is why when you think about your 2024 goals, it’s even more important to have a section focused on finances. Breaking your goals down into categories will allow you to be intentional with your life goals, which many believe is the key for success. 

    Remember, we are all in control of our own destiny. We owe it to ourselves to put time and thought into carving out the direction of our year in order to create the life of dreams. This comes with intentionality, mindfulness and planning. So, take note as I share the steps and processes to achieving your financial goals.

    In this episode:

    • The importance of building an abundance mindset
    • New level, new devil: how to work through mindset blocks
    • Journal prompts to identify your biggest financial challenge
    • 6 methods to change your money mindset
    • The best way to create your emergency fund
    • The perks of using a spending planner
    • How to invest and build wealth in 2024


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    Top 5 Mindset Shifts To Clear Your Christmas Debt & Become Debt-Free In 2024

    Top 5 Mindset Shifts To Clear Your Christmas Debt & Become Debt-Free In 2024

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing my top 5 mindset shifts to clear your Christmas debt so that you can become debt free in 2024.

    Sometimes Christmas can take you by surprise and you spend more than you think. Perhaps you went over budget, ran wild in the Boxing Day sales, spent money to deal with your emotions, or splashed out because ‘fuck it, it’s Christmas!’ You won’t be alone here.

    If you’ve hit January in sheer panic and you’re counting down until your next pay check, I’ve got you! This episode is going to touch on the different attitudes and mindsets towards clearing your Christmas debt and how to think about debt moving forwards in order to make 2024 your best financial year yet.

    In this episode:

    • Why honesty is the best policy when it comes to debt
    • How to own and deal with your debt on an emotional level
    • Why clearing debt is a form of self care
    • How to discover your joy by spending less money
    • Power move: the art of delayed gratification 
    • Why clearing debt isn’t easy, but is SO worth it


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    MONEY MANTRAS | Let's Make 2024 The Best Financial Year

    MONEY MANTRAS | Let's Make 2024 The Best Financial Year

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing 31 powerful money mantras. 

    Welcome back to the first episode of 2024. I want this episode to be an episode that you come back to time and time again or whenever you are in need of some financial inspiration and motivation. This episode is one you can play at any time of day, whatever you’re doing. I want you to listen carefully to the words and truly embody them. 

    Mantras hold great power. When you change how you think and talk, it starts to change how you feel. When you change how you feel about yourself and money, you'll find that naturally your behaviours begin to change. Why? Because your behaviours align with how you feel. This is the mindset that will help you create the future you deserve and desire. So, let’s make 2024 your best financial year yet.

    Mantras include:

    • Money comes to me easily and flows to me freely
    • I attract abundance and prosperity everyday of my life
    • I am a powerful money magnet
    • Money comes to me easily and flows to me freely
    • I am worthy of having and holding onto money
    • I deserve to build wealth
    • I am financially free


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    Pension Breakdown Part 4 | Should I Consolidate My Pensions? Pros & Cons Of Pension Consolidation

    Pension Breakdown Part 4 | Should I Consolidate My Pensions? Pros & Cons Of Pension Consolidation

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the pros and cons of consolidating your pensions.

    Every time you start a new job, you get enrolled into a new workplace pension. This means if you’ve changed your job multiple times, you’ll have pensions all over the place. In the UK there are nearly 20 billion pounds of unclaimed and lost pension pots! It’s really important that you avoid becoming part of this statistic by ensuring you have full visibility of your pensions. If you need help, you can use the free pension tracing service to track all of your pensions from different providers.

    This is an incredibly nuanced topic, largely because there are so many different pension providers that offer different features, benefits and fees, and everyone is a bespoke combination of all of these things. If you’re interested, this is something I’d recommend chatting with a financial advisor who can ensure you’re making the most out of your pensions.  

    In this episode:

    • How to have full visibility and keep track of how your pensions are performing
    • How to reduce paperwork and admin by consolidating your pensions
    • Ways to save money on management and admin fees
    • Why consolidating your pensions will provide greater options for investment 
    • 4 reasons why you might choose to not combine your pensions
    • 5 things to consider before consolidating your pensions
    • Key takeaways and recap of the 4 part pension series


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    Pension Breakdown Part 3 | How Much Should I Be Saving Each Month Towards Retirement?

    Pension Breakdown Part 3 | How Much Should I Be Saving Each Month Towards Retirement?

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be answering the rather large question of “how much should I be saving for my retirement?”. 

    The short answer is, there’s no right or wrong way and it’s going to look different for everyone. Some financial experts offer a formula to help you calculate your pension which is handy, however I believe in order to work out how much you need to put away, you need to know what you’re working towards. How much do you actually want to retire on and what type of lifestyle do you want? Getting clear on these questions will help you understand how this transposes into financial habits in the now.

    Remember, you do not have to get an exact amount - it can ebb and flow. Understanding pensions and having an idea of what retirement looks like for you is going to help you know if you’re on track. You can then work backwards and reverse calculate how much you should be saving or investing each month based on your ideal retirement and goal.

    In this episode:

    • A formula financial experts use to work out your pension
    • How to reverse calculate how much you need in your pension 
    • What RLS recommend as an annual retirement income
    • How to work out your pension gap
    • Ways to reach your retirement fund target
    • What to do if you currently have £0 in your pension pot


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    Pension Breakdown Part 2 | Should I Be Saving Money In A Pension Or Into An ISA?

    Pension Breakdown Part 2 | Should I Be Saving Money In A Pension Or Into An ISA?

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the benefits and the downfalls of different pension products, the other ways you can prepare for retirement and I’ll be comparing pensions vs. ISA’s. 

    This is part 2 of the pension series and today I’m going to be answering the question “should I be saving money in a pension or an ISA?”. Remember, pensions are just one way that you can prepare for retirement - business, property and investment are the 3 main alternatives. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and confused by your options, however when you understand the pros and cons, rules and features of each product, it will help you make a decision that is right for you. Remember, knowledge fuels power and allows you to make educated choices with confidence.

    Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way on how to prepare for retirement and it’s going to look different for everyone. It’s about getting clear on when you want to retire, how much you want for retirement and understanding what option/s will work best for you. 

    In this episode:

    • Alternative ways to prepare for retirement
    • A breakdown of the different types of ISA’s
    • How you can withdraw money from a pension
    • Pros and cons of paying into a pension
    • The basics of tax relief explained
    • Investing into a pension vs. the stock market


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    Pension Breakdown Part 1 | What Are Pensions & Why Do I need One?

    Pension Breakdown Part 1 | What Are Pensions & Why Do I need One?

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the basics of pensions; why we need a pension, what they are and a breakdown of the different types. 

    This is the first of a 4 part series on pensions, starting with an introduction to pensions. To put it simply, a pension is a tax-efficient way of saving money for your retirement. In the UK we have the state pension age and the average retirement age - they are two different things which often get muddled up and technically you can retire whenever you want!

    Having a pension is just one way that you can fund your retirement, you can have other income streams (just like how having a salary is one of the many ways of making money). For most people, your retirement income is going to come from 3 main sources; state pension, personal and/or workplace pension, and other forms of income such as property and investments. With all pension schemes, your money is being invested on the stock market into pension funds. If you understand investing and how the stock market works, you will feel so much more confident in how you are building wealth over time for your retirement. 

    In this episode:

    • Why you need a pension to survive and fund life
    • What retirement actually means 
    • The state pension age vs. retirement age
    • Pension 101: what is a pension?
    • The different types of pensions 
    • Understanding state, workplace and personal pensions
    • How much you can pay into your pension


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    The Money Hotline | How To Stop Dipping Into Your Savings

    The Money Hotline | How To Stop Dipping Into Your Savings

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing how you can stop dipping into your savings. 

    I’m back with another “Money Hotline” episode, a dedicated section where you can write in, ask me your dilemma and I’ll share my advice! Today’s request for advice comes from a gal in my DM’s who says “I keep dipping into my savings - please help”. 

    In today’s episode, I’ll be sharing my 6 top tips on what you can do to support your finances on an emotional and practical level. When I was 19 saved 15K and when I was 25 I saved £25K. It would of been very easy to spend this money, but it would of disappeared even quicker. One of the biggest saving graces was learning how to resist dipping into this pot - and it’s down to mindset and strategy. 

    In this episode:

    • How to create a strong purpose for your savings
    • Identifying and dealing with your emotional triggers
    • Do you have financial fomo?
    • The importance of doing money mindset work
    • Are you being unrealistic with your budget?
    • How to automate and protect your finances
    • Why visual aids will motivate you to save
    • Setting aside a ‘fun fund’ within your budget


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    Mind Over Money: Your Mindset Is The Key To Financial Success

    Mind Over Money: Your Mindset Is The Key To Financial Success

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing why your money mindset is the key to financial success.

    Your money mindset is a unique set of belief’s and attitude’s about money. There are so many different ways that your money mindset can show up and impact you. What are the little things that crop up daily in your business, personal life and finances that make you cringe? These answers are important data about your relationship with money. Don’t ignore these clues, they are gentle nudges towards to things which are holding you back - and they can be changed!

    It’s important to understand the link between your mindset and financial success and then make a tangible plan to get yourself to the next level - take practical steps like introducing a spending plan and learning how to invest. It’s solely your responsibility to take action. Remember, you are capable of achieving the financial success you deserve.

    In this episode:

    • The importance of money mindset
    • The link between mindset and financial success
    • The 4 pillars of having an abundance mindset
    • How to hold positive beliefs about money
    • The importance of taking accountability 
    • Ways to embrace financial education
    • How to set clear financial goals
    • Practical steps to shift your money mindset


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    7 Steps To Becoming Financially Independent (Say Bye To Financial Stress)

    7 Steps To Becoming Financially Independent (Say Bye To Financial Stress)


    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the 7 steps to becoming financially independent. 

    Think of this episode as a mini guide. I dive into each key topic including financial security, financial freedom and financial independence, and share a roadmap of how to get from where you are, to where you deserve to be.

    It’s so empowering when you take control of your financial future. Part of it is practical (finding a budget that works for you, choosing the right accounts, learning how to manage your money) and some of it is emotional. It's about making decisions for you and your life, and no one else's. Financial education is a huge part of the picture when it comes to financial independence. Knowledge is power, especially when it’s implemented. 

    In this episode:

    • The 3 main stages of financial independence
    • Your mindset and relationship with money
    • The importance of creating a spending plan
    • The concept of paying yourself first
    • Why you must save with a purpose
    • Good debt vs. bad debt
    • Why investing is the key to financial independence 
    • It’s never too early to think about retirement
    • How to achieve financial literacy


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    Jumpstart Your Goals: Don’t Wait Until New Years Eve To Change Your Life

    Jumpstart Your Goals: Don’t Wait Until New Years Eve To Change Your Life

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing how to jumpstart your goals. It can be so easy to write off the rest of the year and put off starting any new goals/ habits until the new year. The issue with this is, you’re loosing months of your life. 

    It takes 66 days on average to form a new habit. So if you get started now, by the time 2024 rolls in you’re going to be in a much better position. So, let’s do this! What is one goal you can set yourself right now to work on for the next 2 months that will help you feel amazing come NYE?

    Remember, your actions create a ripple effect. The small changes you make today can create a ripple effect that lead to significant results. Motivation follows action, not the other way round. We assume that we have to wait for motivation in order to strike action, but sometimes we have to grip through the discomfort and pain of taking action (even when you don’t want to) and then the motivation and magic will follow. Imagine who you could be and where you could be in 2 months time. 

    In this episode:

    • The advice I gave a client who was in debt
    • Reasons why we put off taking action
    • 3 big goals I want to achieve by the end of 2023
    • Why I’ve chosen to start these goals now
    • How I’m working towards my big happy goal
    • A 2 minute trick to help with procrastination 


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    Understanding and Overcoming Overspending: Practical Steps to Break Your Habit

    Understanding and Overcoming Overspending: Practical Steps to Break Your Habit

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing practical steps to break your habit of overspending.

    The biggest issue with overspending is the fact that you’re living outside your means. When you do this you can get yourself into a sticky financial situation including debt, struggling to manage your money and being unable to save or invest, which has a detrimental impact on your financial progress.

    In this day and age, we’re marketed to constantly. There’s always an ad, billboard or a promotion and we’re constantly battling against marketing in an attempt to not overspend. It’s their job to highlight our pain points so that they can sell their product or service - we’re fighting against all of their clever marketing so we’re not parting with every penny of our hard earned cash. Understanding and overcoming overspending is one of the most important things you can do when it comes to working towards financial independence. 

    In this episode:

    • Examples of how you’re overspending

    • Common reasons behind overspending

    • The 4 hormones which are released when you spend

    • The psychology that drives overspending

    • How to understand and overcome your overspending

    • Ways to utilise your brains chemical directions to curb your overspending


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    The Money Hotline | Paying Into A Pension Vs. Investing In The Stock Market

    The Money Hotline | Paying Into A Pension Vs. Investing In The Stock Market

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the differences between paying into a pension and investing in the stock market, to help you understand which option is best for you. 

    This is the first of many ‘Money Hotline’ episodes, a dedicated section where you can write in, ask me your dilemma and I’ll share my advice! Today’s question comes from a 19 year old listener who asks “should I be paying into my pension or investing in the stock market?” - and what a great question this is!

    Here’s something that a lot of people don’t realise - if you have a pension, you are already an investor! A pension is essentially another way to invest in the stock market. Whether you choose to invest by paying into your pension or the stock market is going to depend on your big life goals and your time horizon. Either way, learning to invest is the best way to build wealth and protect yourself against inflation for the future.

    In this episode:

    • How to understand your pension as an employee
    • How to make the most of free money
    • The pros and cons of a pension 
    • How to have a pension as a self-employed individual
    • A beginners breakdown to investing in the stock market 
    • Having a pension vs. investing in the stock market
    • How to decide what option is best for you


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