
    Mind Money Soul

    This podcast is for women looking to feel good about money, build wealth and achieve financial freedom! Laura is a Certified Money & Mindset Coach, and Financial Wellbeing Speaker talking about money in a fun, judgment-free way, teaching you how to use money as a tool to live your best life! If you are ready to get financially confident, grow your money, and smash your big life goals, then the Mind Money Soul Podcast is for you! Tune in weekly as she explores the emotional, practical, and spiritual sides of money to help you explore your money mindset, improve your relationship with money, build your net worth and step into financial abundance. Change your mindset, grow your money, feed your soul.
    enLaura Ann Moore80 Episodes

    Episodes (80)

    I'm Turning 30 - Here's 20 Things I wish I Knew At 20 | Part Two

    I'm Turning 30 - Here's 20 Things I wish I Knew At 20 | Part Two

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing part two of my birthday special - the things I wish I knew at 20.

    As I approach turning the big 3 0, I’ve been thinking about my biggest lessons of the decade and truth be told, it’s been really fun to look back at my 20’s and reflect on. I hope you find some wisdom and comfort from this two-part series.

    One of my greatest lessons was understanding that investing in yourself is the BEST investment that you can make. Whether you’re investing in your education/ skills/ health, it’s ALWAYS going to offer the best return. When you make an investment, you’re spending money on something that you expect to make a return on in the future. The key thing to understand is, you’re not throwing your money away, you are making an investment so you can better yourself and reach your big happy goals.

    In this episode:

    • How to tap into your intuition
    • The power of forgiveness and not holding grudges
    • Why investing in yourself is the best investment 
    • Why your life is defined by the monotony of daily life
    • Why dating is a huge learning curve
    • How to establish healthy boundaries
    • The only constant in life is change
    • How to create habits that support you
    • Understanding the circle of concern and influence
    • Why sex can be fun and safe with the right people


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    I'm Turning 30 - Here's 20 Things I wish I Knew At 20 | Part One

    I'm Turning 30 - Here's 20 Things I wish I Knew At 20 | Part One

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the things I wish I knew when I was 20.

    Turning 30 is a milestone for sure. Recently I’ve been thinking about my biggest lessons of this decade and it's been fun to reflect on. I hope you find some wisdom and comfort from this two-part series.

    One of my greatest lessons was - I wish I knew to start investing sooner. It wasn’t until the age of 26 that I learnt about the concept of compound interest and investing. It then took me another year of researching and learning until I invested my first £1 at the age of 27. In total, I lost 10 years and thousands of pounds. The lesson? Don't wait to invest. You can't gain back the time lost. I wish I'd known to capitalise on the time I had to invest. 

    In this episode:

    • Why you’re a reflection of the 5 people in your inner circle
    • Why you should stop caring about other peoples opinions 
    • The importance of experiencing uncomfortable emotions
    • Reasons why rest is a necessity, not a luxury 
    • Why you're losing thousands by waiting to invest 
    • Why you should stop wasting time worrying about time
    • How to find happiness by being authentically you
    • How to feel comfortable with people not liking you
    • Risk vs. Regrets - How are you living your life?
    • The importance of appreciating your body


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    One Thing That Changed My Entire Financial Future

    One Thing That Changed My Entire Financial Future

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the one thing that changed my entire financial future - investing.

    So many of us think that the sensible option is to “work hard and save your money”. In actual fact, this is a tiring existence. You’re swapping one resource (time) for another (money) and there is no end to the cycle. As long as you want to have money, you have to be working. So, what’s the solution? Investing!

    Choosing to invest is about making your money work harder for you, instead of constantly working for the money. The power of investing means that over time your money will grow and you can use the profit of that money to fund your lifestyle, whilst your money continues to grow. Investing isn’t something reserved for certain people, it’s for everyone. The key thing is to get started. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to build wealth for the future and helps you work towards financial independence. 

    In this episode:

    • Why investing will change your financial future
    • The reasons why you should invest
    • The impact of inflation
    • How to invest so you can choose when you retire
    • How much you need to retire
    • Saving vs. investing 
    • How to use investing to fund your retirement
    • Ways to invest in the stock market


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    You Are Losing Money Everyday | Tips To Start Growing Your Money PART TWO

    You Are Losing Money Everyday | Tips To Start Growing Your Money PART TWO

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing 4 more tips on how to identify where you are losing your money and provide you with solutions so that you can start to understand and grow your money.

    Every single day that you are out there making, spending and saving your money, you are actually losing money. I know, it’s mind-blowing when you begin to break it down and realise where your money leaks are and just how much money you are losing. 

    Last week we covered my first top tips and I’m back with 4 more bangers (if you haven’t listened to part 1, head there now). You might listen to this two-part series and say omg, every single thing you mentioned I’m currently doing and losing my money to. That's ok! Start small. Begin at the top of the list and make changes one by one because you don’t have to do it all at once. You’re already on the path having listened to this episode, so meet yourself where you’re at and take the steps to create change!

    In this episode:

    • How to save money by spending money
    • How to utilise cash back, rewards, credit cards 
    • Why waiting to invest is costing you thousands
    • The power of compound interest 
    • How to make the most of your ISA and LISA
    • The importance of clearing a high-interest debt


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    You Are Losing Money Everyday | Tips To Start Growing Your Money PART ONE

    You Are Losing Money Everyday | Tips To Start Growing Your Money PART ONE

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I'm going to be sharing 4 top tips to identify where you are losing your money and offer you solutions to help you grow your money. 

    No one wants to be losing money but yet every single day that we are making, managing and spending our money we are actually LOSING it. Crazy, right?

    What is the point of working, making a salary, or running a business, to be saving or spending that money, but a large portion of it being lost? This is why it's so important to identify your money leaks so that you can use this data to make changes and grow wealth.

    In this episode:

    • Why you are losing money by not paying attention to your numbers 
    • How to identify your money leaks
    • The importance of regular money dates and a spending plan
    • Saving vs. Investing 
    • How to beat inflation and grow wealth for the future
    • Why your money mindset could be losing you money
    • Ways to build an abundant mindset
    • Why you are losing free money if you don’t have a pension


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    5 Simple Steps To Get Started On Your Journey Of Becoming A Finance Girly | Personal Finance 101

    5 Simple Steps To Get Started On Your Journey Of Becoming A Finance Girly | Personal Finance 101

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I'm going to be sharing 5 simple ways to get started on your journey of becoming a finance girly. This episode is for you if you’re making money but you don’t know where it goes, you don’t do anything with it and you feel clueless about where to begin. 

    Money can be very overwhelming and confusing, however the reassuring truth is - there’s no right or wrong way to manage your money and everybody does it in their own unique way. That’s the joy of it, you get to manage your money in a way that works for YOU. 

    In the world of finance there’s so many different things to understand; investing, budgeting, saving, money management. With so much to consider, where do you start? I’m going to break down what I think are the 5 most important things to start you on your journey. I’ll be giving you step by step processes which you can implement to level up your money game. Once you feel confident with these things, that’s when we can look at the bigger picture things like investing. 

    In this episode:

    • One of my biggest (and embarrassing) financial mistakes
    • Why education is key and knowledge is power but only when you implement it
    • Get to know your numbers - how much does it cost to be YOU?
    • How to create your financial goals 
    • Why you should have a separate spending and saving account
    • The power of working on your money mindset


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    Is Wanting Money A Bad Thing? | The Desire For wealth & Why We Should NOT Feel Guilty About It!

    Is Wanting Money A Bad Thing? | The Desire For wealth & Why We Should NOT Feel Guilty About It!

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I'm going to be sharing my top tips on how to move through feelings of guilt, ick or shame, so you can feel excited about wanting more money.  

    We all deserve to create wealth. The more wealth we have, the better. Why? Because money is an amplifier. If you’re a good person, having more money is only going to benefit everybody around you. The more you have, the more it enables you to do the things you love and care about. To put it simply, money transforms the way you can show up in the world. 

    I want you to know that you are worthy of having and making money. You’re allowed to desire abundance and freedom, and repelling wealth is an act of self-sabotage. 'Wealth' doesn't have to mean being a millionaire, it can be as simple as an extra £10,000 a year. It's about being comfortable receiving and accepting more than you already have. 

    In this episode:

    • How to identify if your money mindset is self-sabotaging 

    • Discover how to use your money for good

    • Identifying the ‘why’ behind wanting more money 

    • The power of wealth

    • My big happy goals and why I want more money

    • How to fix feeling guilty about wanting more money

    • The importance of challenging your beliefs to create new possibilities


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    Achieving My Big Happy Goal - #AMBHG

    Achieving My Big Happy Goal - #AMBHG

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I'm going to be introducing my brand new concept, #AMBHG (Achieving My Big Happy Goal) and I'm so excited to bring you along on this journey with me! I'm doing #AMBHG for me, but also to show you that if you have a dream, you can go after it and you can use money as a tool to get there… 

    Remember, money is just a tool to help you reach your goals. There's no right or wrong way to manage, spend and enjoy your money, so long as it brings you joy. It's something that's really personal and unique to everybody. 

    Understanding what your Big Happy Goal is will allow you to focus on the WHY and not the money. This will transform your relationship with money because you're calling in, saving, investing and managing money in a way that allows you to get what you want. Therefore, money becomes the vehicle that gets you to the destination, not the destination itself. 

    In this episode:

    • A personal update including Ibiza & Wilderness
    • Introducing, #AMBHG
    • Getting clear on what you want money for 
    • What happens if you make money the goal, without the why
    • I reveal My Big Happy Goal
    • What you need to do financially to achieve your goal/s
    • How to simultaenously enjoy and grow your money
    • Ways you can work on your money mindset daily


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    3 Ways To Get Out Of Debt

    3 Ways To Get Out Of Debt

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I'm going to be explaining the top 3 debt-clearing methods, so that you can get out (and stay out) of debt.

    Debt is considered a 'dirty' word, but when used properly it can actually be an incredibly useful tool. For example, if you buy a house your mortgage is technically debt, however the investment will grow profit or provide a return over time.

    The problem lies in consumer debt - these purchases provide short term gratification but you won't make your money back on them in the long run. The best thing to do for your financial self and mental health is to create a plan to clear any debt you have so that you start to build real wealth over time and become financially free.

    In this episode:

    • The difference between using debt for financial gain and consumer debt
    • 3 methods to clear debt
    • How to create a plan for all of your financial obligations and debts
    • How to work on your money mindset
    • Why breaking the cycle will help you to stay debt free


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    3 Tips To Maintain A Budget When Bills Are Soaring Higher

    3 Tips To Maintain A Budget When Bills Are Soaring Higher

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I'll be sharing 3 things you can do to control your budget and spending whilst rising prices continue to squeeze living standards. 

    Budgets are incredibly useful tools and an important part of our financial health. With inflation rising, prices increasing and bills soaring, you have to adjust your budget in accordance whilst finding ways to increase your income. This is going to help alleviate stress and worry in the short term whilst you make a long term plan - starting with how you budget your money and manage your spending.

    When you learn this on a smaller budget and income with higher expenses, you’re building really good financial habits that will set you up for success in the future.

    In this episode:

    • Why your budget needs to prioritise your top financial commitments
    • How to create a hierachy of spending 
    • The importance of ensuring your budget is realistic
    • Examples of short term sacraficies you could make
    • Becomming aware of your financial behaviours
    • Identifying your emotional triggers and creating copying mechanisums 


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    Fear vs Success - What Are You Aiming Towards?

    Fear vs Success - What Are You Aiming Towards?

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’ll be reflecting on life and talking to you about your financial goals.

    When creating financial goals, start by envisioning what success looks like for you. Does your goal align with this vision, and is it something you really want? Do you believe you can achieve it, or do you feel disconnected or like it’s just out of reach? Because I promise you, it’s not.

    Your desires are your own, and you’ve been given them for a purpose. No matter what society, your family or even your sneaky brain tells you, if you can dream it, you can absolutely achieve it, so let go of your fear and create something beautiful for yourself.


    In this episode:

    • Why it’s vital to trust yourself in life
    • What a positive money mindset can do for you
    • Why your failures will ultimately lead to your success  
    • How a clear vision will help you achieve your dreams
    • The benefits of feeling strongly connected to your goals



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    3 Top Money Myths Keeping You Stuck

    3 Top Money Myths Keeping You Stuck

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be busting the 3 top money myths that might be keeping you stuck.

    When it comes to the money myths you hold, I want you to start by identifying where these thoughts or beliefs have come from and then begin to question everything. This may sound like a recipe for disaster but trust me; it’s going to unearth the things that are holding you back.

    Money is just a tool, and you get to choose what emotion you attach to it. By doing this money mindset work, it becomes a choice, and you’re no longer beholden to how money is viewed or formed in your mindset from a young age.


    In this episode: 

    • Discrediting the belief that money is the root of all evil
    • Why managing your money doesn’t need to be confusing or complicated
    • How to set yourself up for success 
    • Why you don’t need to be rich to get rich
    • The extra step you’re missing that wealthy people do



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    What To Do On Pay Day - 5 Things To Do With Your Money When You Get Paid

    What To Do On Pay Day - 5 Things To Do With Your Money When You Get Paid

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing my top 5 things to do with your money when you get paid. 

    When it comes to payday, it’s so easy to go out and spend like there’s no tomorrow. But the thing is, you work too hard to let your money just do what it wants. That’s why putting aside some quality time to have a money date and to sit down with your finances is essential. 

    By turning these 5 top tips into your regular money habits, you’ll know exactly what to do with your paychecks and be well on your way to financial success. 


    In this episode:

    • The benefits of paying yourself first
    • How to create a successful spending plan
    • Why you should always check your payslip
    • The importance of being connected to your financial goals
    • What you can learn from reflecting on your previous budgets



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    The Secrets of How I Saved £40,000 in 7 Years…

    The Secrets of How I Saved £40,000 in 7 Years…

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I will be sharing the secret of how I saved £40,000 in seven years.

    Sometimes saving money can feel impossible, especially in today’s financial climate - but I promise you, it’s not. By sharing my secrets, I’ll help you understand the key elements and behaviours to make you a successful saver, whatever you're saving for.

    These secrets will teach you everything you need to know, and by following the steps, you’ll have a system that will keep you achieving your savings goals for life. 


    In this episode:

    • The power of habits
    • My #1 financial tip to help you save
    • The benefit of regular money dates
    • Why it’s vital to view yourself as a saver
    • The advantage of setting timelines for your goals



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    Is FOMO Making You Poor? | 5 Tips To Get Out Of This Financial Trap

    Is FOMO Making You Poor? | 5 Tips To Get Out Of This Financial Trap

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I will be talking about FOMO and whether yours is making you poor. 

    Do you ever say yes to things even if you can’t afford them or don’t care about them? I get it. FOMO is hard. But by making you spend from a place of emotion, your fear of missing out sabotages your progress and, ultimately, your success. 

    But you have the power to change this. By following my five top tips, you can escape this financial trap, smash your money goals, and achieve anything you want. 


    In this episode:

    • What you can do to afford what you want
    • The financial benefits of being at peace with missing out
    • Why it’s essential to understand the emotions behind your goals
    • How learning to prioritise your goals will boost your savings
    • Why knowing yourself and your values will help you achieve



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    Life Update 2

    Life Update 2

    This week on the Mind Money Soul Podcast, I’ll be doing my second update of the year and sharing everything about my life, business and dating.

    Things have been up and down for me lately, from a loss in the family to a blossoming holiday romance to an exciting business announcement; I will be sharing it all. The past few months have taught me some valuable lessons, and now I’m excited to share them with you!

    Whether it’s money, dating or life stressing you out, sometimes the best thing you can do is take a break, ease the pressure and embrace the solutions that start showing up for you. 


    In this episode:

    • Why like attracts like in the world of energy
    • The importance of making time for fun and self-care
    • Your subconscious brain and how it’s linked to creativity
    • A very special business announcement you won’t want to miss
    • How stepping away from your problems can help you find a solution



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    Listen To This When You Need Financial Inspiration

    Listen To This When You Need Financial Inspiration

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing a little financial inspiration for those who may need it. 

    Money is emotional, and with so many opposing views out there, money can feel overwhelming. If your current financial situation fills you with dread, anxiety and worry, I want you to know that it doesn’t have to be this way. Where you are right now does not indicate where you will be in the future. 

    You are powerful, and you have control over the choices that shape your existence. So are you ready to create the financially free life you’ve always dreamed of? I thought so. Let’s go!


    In this episode:

    • The benefits of a positive money mindset
    • How your choices impact your money and your life
    • Why you shouldn’t compare your success to others
    • Inspirational examples to help you overcome adversity
    • Why changing your behaviour can improve your finances



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    Where Should I Be Saving My Money?

    Where Should I Be Saving My Money?

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be answering the question, “Where should I be saving my money?”.

    With so many options, deciding where to put your savings can be overwhelming. But before you can choose, you need to know why you’re saving. So instead of asking where to save your money, try asking yourself, “What am I saving for?” to create a savings goal.

    A clear goal and a detailed understanding of the top three saving options will ensure you make the right decision to watch your savings grow and smash your targets in no time!


    In this episode:

    • What to consider before saving your cash
    • How to decide which savings option is best for you
    • The pros and cons of a Fixed Term Savings Account
    • How to choose the right Easy Access Savings Account
    • ISAs, their purpose, and when you should use them



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    All The Ways I Have Made Money

    All The Ways I Have Made Money

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I will be sharing all the ways I have made money over the years.

    Income can be a taboo subject, but despite what the status quo may tell you, there are so many ways to make money, especially in today’s internet age. Whilst they may not provide quick cash, these options are an excellent opportunity to increase your income in the long term. 

    By sharing my various jobs throughout the years, I hope to inspire you to think outside the box and find new ways to boost your income so that you can live your best life. 


    In this episode

    • How to earn cash from doing your online shop
    • Ideas that could help you increase your income
    • The benefit of diversifying your income streams
    • Why commitment is the key to making more money
    • How to boost your cash with side hustles and hobbies



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    5 Tips to Fund A Fun Summer

    5 Tips to Fund A Fun Summer

    In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I'll be sharing five tips to fund a fun summer. 

    Summer's sunny days bring endless fun activities, but with the recent increase in living costs, you may wonder whether you can afford them all. The answer is yes, you can! With good planning and clever money management, you can have it all.

    Whether it's barbecues, beach holidays or festivals with your besties, you'll have no problem funding the fun-packed summer you've been dreaming of if you follow these tips. 


    In this episode:

    • The importance of prioritising your goals
    • How to make your money go further with a spending plan
    • Finding the balance between fun and finances
    • How to earn free cash with your credit card
    • Creative ways to have fun for less



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