
    My Freedom Grove Podcast

    If you don't take care of your Mental Health, your business won't matter. Being a successful entrepreneur depends on a healthy mindset, aligned processes that support your business & life strategy and goals, and being part of a collaborative community of support. My Freedom Grove podcast sets you up for success with this 3 tiered holistic approach. Get inspired and get moving in your business while taking care of you.
    enGretchen Hernandez190 Episodes

    Episodes (190)

    Episode #189 Relax with Money Buckets

    Episode #189 Relax with Money Buckets

    Tight jaw, heavy chest and tense body = nervous system hijacked by money scarcity.

    It happens to everyone.  Life whammies happen.  As entrepreneurs we get the added bonus of business whammies and sales scarcity.

    This episode isn't about how to soothe your nervous system when this happens.  This episode is about prevention.

    How great would it be if you could just relax?  Even better, what if you didn't have to feel this way ever?

    Perhaps 2024 is the year to finally create your money buckets.  Not sure what I mean and how to create them?  I'm sharing tips and some special buckets you may have never considered.

    Join me as I share a few of my lessons learned from 2023 expensive business experiments and life whammies.  Lessons learned always lead to "What would be better next time?"  This is the perfect question as we head into the 2024 Business Vision & Plannign workshop.

    In this episode we explore:

    • Lessons learned - expensive business experiments & personal whammies
    • Planning experiments and FB ads based on costs
    • Business & Personal Money Buckets
    • The 3 Types of Business years
    • How to bring these concepts in your 2024 Business Vision

    Episode #188 2024 Possibilities

    Episode #188 2024 Possibilities

     Make 2024 The Year IT Happens!  This year is full of possibilities.  Let's get you ready to recieve all of the abundance.

    Ever start off the New Year with the same goal you had in previous years?  If the goal was not met before, you may be unintentionally bringing in emotional baggage that will slow you down.  What you need is something brand new. Something for which you have no evidence about outcome either way.  Instead you get to feel wonder and freedom.  This episode is going to get those creative juices flowing.

    Goals  are so much easier when you know all the pieces.  Have you allowed the Universe to align you with the right people to get those pieces?  I have a couple of tips that will allow inspiration to kick in.

    But, are you ready to recieve all of the abundance that's coming your way?  At first you might think "Of Course!"  But are you really?  Let's take a look at these 4 systems.  I bet you'll find yourself thinking "Oh wow, I never thought about that before."  Exactly.  That's why I'm here to help.  I can't wait to see what's in store for your 2024! 

    In this episode we explore:

    • The exiliration of doing new things and estabilishing new habits
    • Allowing Universal alignment for biggest impact
    • Exploring new Thought Communities
    • The 4 Systems You need in place to Recieve Abundance




    [0:47] Dealt too many cards?  Or Gifted with Possibilities? - How a family card game can shift your perspective of what's needed for success. 

    [2:35] The Best Goals are Exciting and New - Plus No Evidence - Don't let old baggage weigh you down by retrying failed dreams.  Shift into curiousity, wonder and excitement of something new.  Plus learn about 1 easy tool that will help you establish the habits to ensure your success with the new goal.

    [7:10] Allow for Universal Alignment for Your Biggest Impact-  You'll be blown away when you experience it.  There is at least 1 new connection out there that will completely change the trajectory of your business and life.  Are you open to allow this alignment?  Where do you start?....listen in, I've got some suggestions.

    [14:07] Ready to Recieve?  Maybe.  But are your Systems?- Abundance happens, especially when you've made space for it and put out the welcome mat.  We'll go over the 4 systems to have ready to ensure 2024 is The Year It Happens!

    Episode #187 Make Space to Manifest Your Dreams

    Episode #187 Make Space to Manifest Your Dreams

    If you find yourself thinking “I wish, I wish, I wish…”, you might actually be unconsciously blocking yourself from achieving what you want in your life and in your business. Let’s get out of the “I wish” way of thinking, and into the “of course” energy.

    “Of course I will sign that client.” 

    “Of course I will meet that business milestone.” 

    “Of course I will take my vacation to the Bahamas this year.”

    To make this shift, you have to lean into the Law of Attraction which means you believe that a certain thing will happen for you. Think of it like “If you build it, they will come.” It’s time to believe it will happen, and get ready for it. 

    In this episode we explore:

    • Manifestation for business success
    • How to lean into the “of course” energy
    • Making space for your dreams, goals, vision
    • Preparing for your manifestations to happen


    Episode #186 Universal Alignment

    Episode #186 Universal Alignment

    Have you ever had something happen in your life or your business and thought to yourself, “Wow! What a lucky coincidence!”?

    Well, I am here to tell you that I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe in Universal Alignment. The Universe is taking care of you and putting people in your path that you need. (Or putting you in someone else’s path that needs you!)

    As we focus on Mindset this month, I want to dive into the four reasons why the Universe aligns people in the right place at the right time. And of course I have some fun stories to go along with each one! 

    In this episode we explore:

    • The importance of making a difference for even just one person
    • Four reasons why the Universe aligns people 
    • How to stay open to the Universe
    • Wins in my business when I was open to Universal Alignment
    • Support I provided to my clients when I was open to Universal Alignment


    Episode #185 Creating Self Belief

    Episode #185 Creating Self Belief

    Nothing can derail your business faster than a big dip in Self Belief.  It happens to all of us.  It's human nature.  That doesn't mean you have to keep spinning in the dip.  Let's get you out of there...now!

    There are 5 main ways that I create Self Belief.  These ways have helped me achieve things for which I had zero evidence that I would be successful.

    We know that entrepreneurship involves a lot of experimentation.  We start from a blank slate.  Everything is new.  There is very little evidence to prove that everything is possible.  That's when Mindset Obstacles sneak in.

    As you learned in the previous 4 episodes, you can achieve anything with The Clarity Steps.  Part of that is resolving...Mindset Obstacles.

    The Month of December is dedicated to helping you with Mindset Obstacles.  It's very fitting.  Everywhere you look in December, you'll see the word "Believe".  You believed in the magic of the holidays.  You can believe in YOU too!


    In this episode we explore: 

    • Allowing yourself to Believe
    • Imaging the Metaverse YOU
    • Pretty, sparkly Belief Plans
    • Baby stepping your way to Belief
    • The fun of proving yourself wrong

    Episode #184 Optimize Your Revenue and Time in Business

    Episode #184 Optimize Your Revenue and Time in Business

    A day comes when your business is making it, but you feel like something is missing.  You’re doing all the things.  You’re incredibly busy.  Your revenue is good, but it doesn’t justify the amount of time and mental bandwidth you’re using.

    It’s time to uplevel your business.  Highly profitable, established businesses leverage their metrics and processes to optimize their time and revenue.  


    Every business has 1 critical path that is vital.  It’s the 1 process that must work exceptionally well.  All other processes and projects support the critical path.  For entrepreneurs, the critical path is a sales funnel. 

    In this episode, we’ll apply the “Special Sauce” to your Sales Funnel.  Yep, The Clarity Steps are back.  With these routine steps you can streamline your time and increase your revenue & profits!  What if by this time next year, your business doubled in revenue & profit and your time decreased by half?  Anything is possible with The Clarity Steps.

    In this episode we explore: 

    • Improving the sales funnel process for your business
    • Obstacles I faced in beginning stages of my business 
    • Using the Clarity Steps to create more time for yourself
    • Improving the processes you’re already using 
    • Eliminating what is not working for you


    Episode #183 High Converting Consultations

    Episode #183 High Converting Consultations

    Consultations are a make or break aspect to many businesses. They are the critical moment to learn what a potential customer really needs and how your product/service is the perfect solution. If you don’t have enough consults or you’re not successfully converting the consults into paying clients, your business will suffer.

    This episode is for you. 

    There are tons of people that need your help. But, if your Connection skills are off, you’ll be tempted to keep yourself occupied with busy work. That doesn’t keep a business afloat. I have a special course to share with you. I’ll show you the exact psychology and authentic approach that will get you fully booked.

    As for the consult itself, guess what? It’s just a series of process steps. Which process steps you may ask? Why, the Clarity Steps of course!  Seriously, this Secret Sauce works on everything!

    In this episode I’ll reveal how to use The Clarity Steps as your framework for a Consultation call that converts to a paid client.  You’ll learn how to connect with heart, with their exact needs and deliver on what is most valuable to them.  The Clarity Steps gives you a Win - Win.  A win for them and a win for your business, everytime.

    In this episode we explore:

    • An off the shelf offer to help you book more consultations
    • What a consultation actually is
    • What to do before a consultation call
    • How to structure the consultation call (using the Clarity Steps!)
    • A good idea vs. a valuable idea
    • The difference between innovative projects and improvement projects


    Episode #182 Create Your Suite of Products and Services

    Episode #182 Create Your Suite of Products and Services

    It’s time to put all your great ideas into motion and create your suite of products and services for your business. And I have the secret sauce that helps you get them all up and running while still prioritizing your mental health.

    The Clarity Steps seven-step process is the same framework we talked about in Episode #181 How to Get Client Results. In this episode we are applying that same process to building your cohesive suite of products and services tailor made for your clients’ needs and obstacles.

    So get ready to put yourself in the client’s shoes today. You’ll think about where they start and where they hope to go. Then the Clarity Steps will guide you as you build your value ladder and help your clients start to climb. 

    This is the second of four episodes where I am expressing my gratitude to you, my listeners, by sharing how this “secret sauce” can be used in all areas of your business. Make sure to catch all four episodes in November to learn how The Clarity Steps helps you ensure client results, design your products & services, have successful consultations, and optimize your Sales Funnels. 1 process for unlimited results!  

    In this episode we explore:

    • Why the Clarity Steps is the ONE process you need
    • What is a suite of products and services?
    • How to build your cohesive suite of products and services
    • Creating micro-products and services (what & why)
    • Thinking outside the box to give your clients the best experience


    Episode #181 How to Get Client Results

    Episode #181 How to Get Client Results

    No matter what type of client you support in your business, you want them to see the results they came for. Would it sound too good to be true if I told you there is a secret sauce to helping your clients get those results? 

    Well it’s not! The Clarity Steps seven-step process is the secret sauce. It’s the framework you need to drive client success. Let’s take a deep dive into what the steps are and how they can help guide your clients towards their goals and ensure their mental health remains a priority.

    To express my gratitude to you, my listeners, I’m sharing all the ways the “Secret Sauce” can be used in your business. Throughout the month of November you’ll hear episodes about how The Clarity Steps helps you design your products & services, have successful consultations and optimize your Sales Funnels. 1 process for unlimited results!  

    In this episode we explore

    • The 7-step process of the Clarity Steps
    • Setting and achieving goals (with examples)
    • Overcoming obstacles
    • Creating experiments and problem solving
    • Using this process again and again

    Link from this episode

    FREE GUIDE: Achieve Your Goals without jeopardizing your mental health


    Episode #180 Business Tricks, Treats, & Horror Stories

    Episode #180 Business Tricks, Treats, & Horror Stories

    We all have them. Horror stories about work. They’re funny because they’re true. And they make you cringe, because we’ve all been there, or at least we can relate on some level. 

    On this special Halloween episode, three of my dear colleagues and friends join me to share Tricks, Treats, and Horror Stories all related to places we’ve worked. 

    You’ll laugh (glitter during a rainstorm, anyone?), you’ll cringe (oh no! That sensitive email was not meant for THAT person!!!), and you’ll run screaming from the disgusting horror! It was hilarious to share and I hope you have just as much fun listening!

    In this episode we explore

    • Business horror stories
    • Bad bosses and workplace challenges
    • Tricks, pranks & workplace culture
    • Treats, bonuses, & workplace recognition
    • Ewww….the gross stuff that makes you shudder

    Links from this episode

    Martina Doleshal



    LinkedIn-Martina Doleshal

    Mollie Isaccs

    LinkedIn-Mollie Isaacs


    Donna Jennings

    Facebook-Donna Denton Jennings




    Episode #179 Yearly Business Planning for 2024

    Episode #179 Yearly Business Planning for 2024

    Increase Revenue, Profit and significantly reduce anxiety and overwhelm by performing Yearly Business Planning every October. Both Established and Startup businesses benefit from this activity.

    Planning ahead allows you to have a balanced workload and enjoy your life.  Your success with business revenue targets is more likely with calendar strategy. This episode shows you how.

    This episode is your personal workshop to plan out 2024.  I take you through 9 steps to plan out your Boulder through Sand activites.  Grab your calendar, a delicious cup of coffee, and let's get planning!


    • Holidays and Vacations first
    • Strategic Offer Timing
    • Scheduling Cross Promotion
    • Ample Build Time
    • Ad timing

    Episode #178 The 100 Year Business Vision

    Episode #178 The 100 Year Business Vision

    This week marks the 100 year anniversary of the Disney Company. It all started with 1 man’s vision.  Although today you may be thinking about how to get your Business to work for you, what if this was the start of your 100 year business?

    How can you set up your business to effect change beyond those you encounter directly? The vision you create today, the mission statement you operate under now––how does that translate to helping more people? 

    Roberto Candelaria is a Master-Certified Business and Life Coach who thrives on helping people find the money gaps in their business and fix them. But our conversation in this episode goes much deeper than that. Roberto’s perspective on life and business is inspiring. He shares personal accounts of why he accidentally became an entrepreneur and how his vision and his goal of helping 10,000 women and people of color make their first million keeps driving his business forward. 

    In this episode we explore

    • The 100 year business vision
    • Tips and strategies to get into it
    • The value of a simple mission statement
    • Operating the day-to-day while believing in more
    • Using corporate sponsorships 
    • Ways to bring in revenue now (that aren’t corporate sponsorships)

    Links from this Episode:


    Episode #177 Social Media Marketing the Easy Way

    Episode #177 Social Media Marketing the Easy Way

    The Social Media conundrum––a strong presence could greatly benefit your business BUT you can’t (& don’t want to) spend ALL your time creating and posting content. Would you love to know exactly what to do on Social Media to get the biggest bang for your buck? 

    Dawn Ferguson, CEO of Sneaker+Kale, Social Media Coach, and Agency Owner is sharing the four-part process to creating and maintaining a social media strategy that is easy to implement and will take you far in your business.  

    No more 30+ hours spent each week on creating just a few posts that only get a dozen likes or views! You will love the practical suggestions Dawn has for how to make social media work for you, no matter the stage of your business. 

    In this episode we explore

    • Using processes to streamline Social Media marketing
    • The four-part process to creating a social media strategy
    • Getting really specific with your ICA (ideal client avatar)
    • Using Social Media to grow your business
    • What should come first––website or social media

    Links from this episode


    Social Media Success Academy

    IG @sneakersandkale

    Episode #176 Calm Your Nervous System

    Episode #176 Calm Your Nervous System

    Overwhelmed, on edge, snappy, irritable, & reactive. Chronic pain, sensitive to sensory stimuli, trouble sleeping, & daytime fatigue.  I’m willing to bet that NONE of these are the reasons you went into business or became a coach. But if any of these describe the way you feel at times (or all the time) then your nervous system is dysregulated! 

    It is so important to take care of your mind as well as your body, and calming down your nervous system is part of that. And if you can do that, it will help you make a lot of progress in your business and have a better quality of life. 

    Maureen Kafkis is the Brain BS Coach and creator of the course Mastering Brain BS for the Struggling Coach.  This course, and all her work, can help you work on feeling calm, centered, and grounded in your success, no matter the stage of your business.

    In this episode we explore

    • Nervous system dysregulation
    • Feelings and reactions that go deeper than thoughtwork
    • Tips for calming the nervous system 
    • Emotional and mental health in business
    • Overcoming fear in business

    Links from this episode



    The Brain BS Podcast

    The Brain BS Podcast Community


    Episode #175 How to Get It All Done

    Episode #175 How to Get It All Done

    As business owners, we are the go-go-go type. We are always busy and we have a constant to-do list. We are running our business and supporting our loved ones. Our plates feel so full, but we still want to live our lives.

    Is it even possible to get it ALL done?  

    Actually, yes! You can stop feeling overwhelmed and take a systematic approach to all your tasks. Then you can get it all done, and live the life you want. 

    In this episode we explore

    • How to map out the individual pieces 
    • Figuring out what should take priority
    • Create a project plan that keep your priorities in place
    • Estimating how much time projects will take
    • Fitting it into your schedule


    Episode #174 Seize the Opportunity

    Episode #174 Seize the Opportunity

    There are some opportunities that you just have that feeling about.

    I need to do this. 

    Now, there are always reasons to say no or put things off. Saying yes might be messy and chaotic. But it also may be just the right thing for you, your business, your clients, and collaboration partners. 

    In this episode we explore

    • When to say YES to opportunity 
    • What to consider when you’re seizing an opportunity
    • Normalizing that things will go wrong and how to roll with it
    • Why doing it messy is the right move every time (over no movement at all)


    Episode #173 Following Up After Networking

    Episode #173 Following Up After Networking

    You’ve done it––you’ve networked. You have a whole list of new connections and contacts. You have so many ideas, possibilities, and potential collaborations in mind. It’s so exciting, but also somewhat overwhelming. 

    So now what? How do you follow up with all these new connections? 

    Let’s approach the follow up process in a systematic way that helps you handle the overwhelm, remember why you connected with certain people, and stay organized in your follow ups. 

    In this episode we explore

    • Feeling overwhelmed by all the people you networked with
    • Other feelings that might come up in the follow up process
    • Jogging your memory (& theirs) after meeting so many people
    • Getting organized before you begin following up
    • Details of a collaboration follow up


    Episode #172 Networking + Collaboration = Possibilities

    Episode #172 Networking + Collaboration = Possibilities

    For some of us, our people skills got a little rusty during the last 3 years. So networking can strike a little fear in us. Especially in-person networking. Networking and conversation has so many benefits to your business, so it’s time to dust off our [ahem] real clothes, get dressed, and go talk to people!

    Jillene Emerich, Leader of the Coaching Posse is here to talk all about networking and all the possibilities connection and collaboration can bring to your business. 

    In this episode we explore

    • Our upcoming (in-person) networking event: Coaching Posse Networking Extravaganza
    • Benefits of in-person networking
    • Getting out of your comfort zone
    • The power of collaborating (even with your competitors)
    • How to show up when you are networking
    • Tips for networking––before, during, & after an even

    Episode #171 What if it Doesn't Work?

    Episode #171 What if it Doesn't Work?

    Are you at a time in your life or business where you are not moving forward? Are you possibly stopping yourself from going forward because of the fear of failure (or even the fear of success)? 

    These thoughts have nestled their way into all our minds at one point or another––What if it doesn't work? What if it goes bad? What will “they” think?

    If this resonates with you, then I’m here to help you not only resolve these thoughts, but to shift your thoughts and mindset to a place that will set you up for success and move your business forward.

    In this episode we explore

    • Times when thoughts of failure might creep in
    • Ways to resolve the thoughts
    • The impact these thoughts have on your business and mental health
    • How to process emotions during an end or a pivot
    • How to take pieces of a misstep and repurpose what you can
    • Setting limits, using data, and adjusting your mindset

    Links from this Episode:

    The Man in the Arena speech by Brené Brown

    Root Cause Fishbone Diagram


    Episode #170 Automation Hacks

    Episode #170 Automation Hacks

    How can you have your business running 24/7––without actually working 24/7? Automation is the answer! 

    Automations and AI can help you streamline your business to run smoothly while you reclaim your time for yourself or for the bigger, more creative things you want to do to scale your business. 

    Jesse Parker is the creator of Life Coach Operations and an automation architect. Jesse is here to share how to balance your workload and grow your business by getting technology to work for you.

    In this episode we explore: 

    • What is Automation and AI?
    • Tips and tricks for automation solutions at different phases of your business
    • Specific automation solutions you can implement today
    • How to stay authentic with clients within the use of automations and AI
    • Using automations with networking 
    • How to do your own automation audit

    Links from this Episode:



    Facebook Group: Automation Mastery for Life Coaches