
    My Heels Are Killing Me

    New Zealand's foremost fashion podcast where Sonia Sly goes behind the scenes of the fashion industry to find out what exists beyond its glamorous façade.
    enRNZ48 Episodes

    Episodes (48)

    Bridging the gap on fur in fashion

    Bridging the gap on fur in fashion
    Fur is controversial in the fashion industry and wearing it today is a statement of nothing more than excess. The controversy lies not only in the hands of the designers producing it, but also those who are buying garments made from fur. Dunedin-based Jane Avery is an unashamed advocate of fur. She understands the controversy but says doing it sustainably and ethically is what matters most.

    Making the modern gentleman

    Making the modern gentleman
    What does it take to make the modern gentleman? With a love of art and design New Zealand menswear label, French 83, provides a twist on classic suiting for the young professional. Add a dash of our good old Kiwi lifestyle and they've got a great brand story that works for their international clientele. Sonia Sly meets the team to find out why they took an unconventional approach to their business model by launching in Beijing, before breaking into the New Zealand marketplace.

    Creating a career in the Big Apple

    Creating a career in the Big Apple
    When Jonathan Thai moved from New Zealand to New York to get his dance career moving, he never would have imagined that be styling editorial shoots for Vogue and working with the cream of the international fashion industry, producing shows for designers at New York Fashion. Sonia Sly finds out what it was like to work with Winona Ryder and working on a show that sent a stream of models topple over on the runway.

    From the runway to the great outdoors

    From the runway to the great outdoors
    Headhunted to work for Tom Ford's eponymous label just as it was getting off the ground was like watching history in the making, according to designer Quentin Hart who worked with Ford for 3 years until he decided to break away from the fashion bubble he was living in. Today, he couldn't be happier as the designer for iconic Kiwi brand Swanndri, transitioning from the high fashion runway to designing for the great outdoors.