
    Natural Living Family Podcast

    “Green" living is the new black, but many people are still unsure how to live a healthy, natural lifestyle. After spending the last 15 years experimenting on how to best balance health, work, finances, with family and everyday life ... Natural Living Family pioneer couple Dr. Eric and Sabrina Ann Zielinski, authors of The Healing Power of Essential Oils & The Essential Oils Diet, have cracked the code. This podcast goes deeper into their NLF world. Tune in to discover the behind-the-scenes mishaps and success stories that have inspired Dr. Z & Mama Z to help millions of people master the art of living an abundant life in this faith-based, family-friendly show.
    enDr. Eric Zielinski54 Episodes

    Episodes (54)

    Power of Words: Death & Life are in the Power of Tongue

    Power of Words: Death & Life are in the Power of Tongue

    The Bible says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” We know that people hurt or help us with the power of words, but do you realize that the words you say to yourself have power too? They can be as edifying – or destructive – as the words of a friend or enemy.

    Positive thinking starts with removing destructive words in your life: gossip, self-criticism, profanity, deceit, etc. The words of your mouth reveal the state of your heart and may uncover deeper truths.

    If you struggle with this, we’re here to help!

    Today, we’re discussing the power of words in our lives.

    What do you say when things don’t go your way? When “bad” things happen…

    How does that impact your mindset and health? We’ll share how to get a grip on your words to produce positivity no matter what is going on in life.

    We’ll dive deep into what the Bible reveals about the power of the tongue and how to control it. We’ll talk about how to build up the people in your own life and share how we speak to each other in stressful times to edify our marriage.

    Join us today to learn how to unleash the power of words so you can speak life to those around you – and yourself!



    • Topic Intro and what’s in our diffuser (1:56)
    • News and announcements: book and film! (6:17)
    • What do you say when bad things happen? (9:41)
    • Biblical truths about your words (15:48)
    • Do you truly honor the power of your tongue? (20:30)
    • Using the power of words to edify others – and yourself! (26:01)
    • Reprogram yourself and your life (33:14)
    • Testimonial time (36:26)
    • Being judicious with your confession (38:05)
    • Do you use your mouth to tear others down? (46:30)
    • A word of prayer and more on your confession (55:34)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (59:35)

    A Day in the Life of the Z’s: How We Get it All Done!

    A Day in the Life of the Z’s: How We Get it All Done!

    Do you struggle to get things done? Work, family, prayer time – it can be difficult to manage all our responsibilities without becoming overwhelmed.

    Many of us are also faced with challenges that make it hard to get even the basics done. Sleeplessness, health issues, and more can make us feel inundated and leave us struggling to get things accomplished.

    A lot of people ask us how we get everything done. It’s true that life can get really hectic for us, even with help! Just like everyone else, though, we struggled when we first started out. #LearningProcess

    Over the years, we have put systems into place and made some non-negotiable priorities that allow us to accomplish what we need to get done.

    In this podcast, we’ll share our best tips for prioritizing time, creating our schedule, and getting things done including practical tips for productivity and schedule changes. Today, we’re sharing “A Day in The Life of the Z’s” and how you, too, can be more productive starting today.


    • Topic Intro and what’s in our diffuser (2:21)
    • A day in our lives (2:05)
    • Diffuser reveal (6:10)
    • Testimonial time (6:30)
    • News and announcements: a new documentary (8:02)
    • Prioritizing your time for fellowship with God (14:43)
    • Getting things done: Mama Z’s schedule (21:00)
    • Getting things done: our family schedule (28:12)
    • Self-care even when you’re busy (30:40)
    • The secret to productivity (35:53)
    • Maximizing productivity: what’s your time worth? (40:15)
    • What drives you to be productive (47:31)
    • Living your day with purpose (53:23)
    • The point behind all this planning (58:40)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (1:04:43)

    Getting Up When Life Knocks You Down (Part 2): More Practical Things to Do

    Getting Up When Life Knocks You Down (Part 2): More Practical Things to Do

    Have you ever lashed out at a loved when life gave you bad news? Or found yourself struggling to work your job or business when crisis crops up? When you are feeling badly, do you cope by indulging in things that are bad for you? Getting up when life knocks you down is a skill to master.

    When we are overwhelmed by life’s circumstances, many of us unintentionally lash out at those we love, struggle with our work, and give in to temptations that are bad for our health. We have frequently faced these issues ourselves. #BeenThereDoneThat

    While we cannot avoid crisis coming into our lives, we can take action to reduce the risk of engaging in negative behaviors when things are not going as we had planned.

    In this podcast, we’ll discuss practical steps that you can take to handle “crisis management,” including what to do at the moment when you want to overreact. We’ll share strategies you can use to help you ride out challenging times without surrendering your health. And we’ll share what we do when we are faced with overwhelming circumstances in our business or lives.

    You’ll learn the benefits of living a fasted, toxic-free life and how to make changes so that you can maintain a healthy life and walk with the Lord. We even share a life-transforming testimonial that may encourage you to move ahead into the abundant life even during difficult times. These practical strategies have served us well through difficult seasons. Listen to learn how!


    • Topic Intro and what’s in our diffuser (2:21)
    •  Announcements (4:10)
    • Testimonials and a prayer for those who need love & support (8:56)
    • Handling crisis and reaction especially with your children (12:31)
    • Having crisis management systems in place (19:29)
    • The role of discipline in crisis prevention (24:30)
    • Honoring your self-care practices away from home (36:23)
    • Essential Oils Diet 60-Day challenge life transformation testimonial (44:05)
    • Living a fasted life unto the Lord (52:19)
    • Living a toxic-free life, organized life (1:02:59)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (1:09:30)


    Getting Up when Life Knocks You Down (Part 1): Rallying Support, Family Time & Setting a Spiritual Foundation

    Getting Up when Life Knocks You Down (Part 1): Rallying Support, Family Time & Setting a Spiritual Foundation

    What do you do when you have a dream you are certain is from God but there are things – or people – blocking your pursuit?  Or perhaps you have a dream that you’ve forgotten or abandoned,  and God is resurrecting it.  

    When we are following the desires that God has put in our hearts, we can and, often, will face such opposition. The enemy of our soul does not want us to succeed because when we manifest our dreams with God’s grace, we can impact the world.

    That’s why it’s important not to give in when facing these challenges. Instead, we should stay focused on our goals, our walk with the Lord, and on creating a positive environment. We also need the support of a person that can cheer us on and keep us on task. And when our loved ones don’t understand this journey, we need to keep them in prayer as well.

    In this podcast, we share how we have stayed focused on the goals that God has set for us while dealing with obstacles like distraction, doubt, and negativity. We’ll share some of these challenges and practical ways to overcome them. We’ll discuss creating a positive and supportive atmosphere. Finally, we’ll end with a word of prayer for all of our listeners who are following their dreams!


    • The build-up to today’s topic and what’s in our diffuser (2:01)
    • Mama Z’s upcoming gardening class & topic intro (9:08)
    • How to get up when life knocks you down – Rallying Support and more…(14:05)
    • Testimonials (17:23)
    • Pressing into the Lord when life happens (19:56)
    • Setting the spiritual foundation (25:39)
    • How to operate in faith IN THE MOMENT of despair (31:13)
    • How do you get a “God perspective” on your challenges?(38:59)
    • How to set yourself up for happiness (47:56)
    • The power of fasting (55:12)
    • Find a release & the power of gardening (57:42)
    • Rallying Support – Spend time with loved ones (1:03:46)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (1:05:45)

    Detoxing Your Emotions (Part 2): Faith, Retreats, Removing Distractions

    Detoxing Your Emotions (Part 2): Faith, Retreats, Removing Distractions

    It’s been shown that ongoing negative emotions, such as anger, bitterness, or discouragement, can increase your risk of getting a serious disease or lead to depression. In part one we explored the first steps of detoxing your emotions. This episode explores how faith, retreats and removing distractions can help tame negative emotions.

    Instead of changing your products or diet, emotional detox requires you to take internal action to help yourself to the life that God wants you to have. Don’t be sidetracked by naysayers who believe that suffering financially, medically, or in other ways is “spiritual.”

    We may go through a season of difficulty but God wants us to be joyful, healthy, and prosperous. It’s not God’s will for you to be depressed, anxious, or chronically stressed. There is a way out!

    In Episode 28, we covered the first 7 steps in our 12-Step Emotional Detox program. Today, we’ll cover Steps 8-12 and show you exactly what do to next. These tips can help you on your way towards a healthy, joyful, and abundant life!


    • Topic intro and what’s in our diffuser (2:06)
    • Testimonials and reviews (5:08)
    • News & announcements (7:19)
    • Detox Emotions: Step 8 – have faith (9:34)
    • Does God really want you to be well? (17:31)
    • Do you really take God at His Word? (28:05)
    • Detox Emotions:  Step 9 – find a retreat (31:15)
    • Mama Z’s self-care detox hacks (35:03)
    • Dr. Z’s self-care detox hacks (39:15)
    • Detox Emotions: Step 10 – remove distractions (41:49)
    • Detox Emotions: Step 11 – ditch social media (46:33)
    • Detox Emotions: Step 12 – pamper yourself (48:11)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (51:13)


    Detoxing Your Emotions (Part 1): Forgiveness, Crying and Letting Go

    Detoxing Your Emotions (Part 1): Forgiveness, Crying and Letting Go

    Most of us are familiar with the concept of detoxing our food, water, personal products, and so on. But did you know that it’s just as important to detox your emotions in order to prevent disease? Detoxing your emotions by learning to forgive and feel can be key. 

    In fact, research supports this idea. Dr. Karen Schwartz, MD, a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins, found that ongoing emotional states can weaken your immune system. Over time, this can lead to an increased risk of diabetes, depression, heart disease, and other diseases.

    Emotional struggles and stress have also been linked by research to obesity, cancer, fibromyalgia, pain, and more. It’s time to get rid of those negative emotions!

    But how do we detox our emotions? In this episode, we’ll discuss 7 specific steps that you can take. We’ll share how we’ve implemented these and give you practical tips on how to achieve each one of these steps.

    Get on the road to better mental and physical health with an emotional detox today!


    • Topic intro and what’s in our diffuser (1:55)
    • Testimonials and reviews (5:35)
    • Some people just shouldn’t Internet! (8:50)
    • Behind the scenes: life after Mrs. Georgia and emotional detox (14:35)
    • The Essential Oils Diet: excerpts and stories (20:21)
    • 12-step emotional detox program: Step 1 – let go (26:33)
    • How to handle it when you want to lash out (33:46)
    • Can unforgiveness manifest as disease in your body? (37:36)
    • Emotional Detox: Step 2 – forgive yourself (39:00)
    • More about self-forgiveness (42:55)
    • Emotional Detox: Step 3 – practice self-love (49:30)
    • Emotional Detox: Step 4 – positive affirmations (56:02)
    • Why feeling numb is dangerous (1:00:07)
    • Emotional Detox: Step 5 – don’t look back (1:02:39)
    • Emotional Detox: Step 6 – have a good cry by yourself (1:06:23)
    • Emotional Detox: Step 7 – have a good cry with a friend (1:09:39)
    • Steps 1-7 recap (1:13:44)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (1:14:40)

    Pursuing Your Dreams when Facing Opposition

    Pursuing Your Dreams when Facing Opposition

    What do you do when you have a dream you are certain is from God but there are things – or people - blocking your pursuit?  Or perhaps you have a dream that you’ve forgotten or abandoned,  and God is resurrecting it.

    Either way, when we are following the desires that God has put in our hearts, we can and, often, will face such opposition. The enemy of our soul does not want us to succeed because when we manifest our dreams with God’s grace, we can impact the world.

    That’s why it’s important not to give in when facing these challenges. Instead, we should stay focused on our goals, our walk with the Lord, and on creating a positive environment. We also need the support of a person that can cheer us on and keep us on task. And when our loved ones don’t understand this journey, we need to keep them in prayer as well.

    In this podcast, we share how we have stayed focused on the goals that God has set for us while dealing with obstacles like distraction, doubt, and negativity. We’ll share some of these challenges and practical ways to overcome them. We’ll discuss creating a positive and supportive atmosphere. Finally, we’ll end with a word of prayer for all of our listeners who are following their dreams!

    Episode Highlights: 

    • Topic intro and what’s in our diffuser (2:15)
    • Testimonial time (5:00)
    • Guarding your attention to achieve your goals (6:13)
    • Are distractions hindering you? (14:40)
    • Spiritual maturity and pursuing your dreams (19:01)
    • Allowing time and space for transformation: Mama Z’s story (26:35)
    • Are jealousy and fear coloring your perspective? (32:28)
    • Surround yourself with supportive people (37:35)
    • How to conduct yourself in the face of opposition (44:29)
    • Mama Z addresses wearing a swimsuit at the pageant (54:32)
    • Pageants as a ministry platform (59:03)
    • A word of prayer and episode wrap (1:05:14)

    Detoxing Your Home and Life (Part 2): Bathroom, Laundry and Garden

    Detoxing Your Home and Life (Part 2): Bathroom, Laundry and Garden

    Why are we focusing so much on detoxing your bathroom, laundry and garden in this week’s episode? You may not realize it, but many of the popular brands that you use in your laundry, bathroom, and garden are exposing your family to toxic chemicals. 

    If someone in your home has an unexplained rash, allergic reaction, or even more serious health issue, these products may be at the root of the cause. Today’s episode on detoxing your bathroom and other rooms of your home can help. 

    There are safe and effective products for your laundry, for example. The common myth is that nontoxic products are too expensive but a little comparison shopping will show you that healthier versions only cost a little bit more in many cases. 

    And, you can save even more money with simple DIY recipes and by replacing harmful synthetic fragrances with essential oils. In fact, our natural living tip shows you how to make detergent for $20 for up to 150 loads of laundry!

    In this episode, we’ll provide tips on affordable and manageable ways to detoxing your bathroom as well. We’ll talk about why you should avoid some of these popular brands and how to take your home detox step by step. We even share some great recipes for body care and garden. 

    Remember, this is all about being healthy and honoring God with your bodies. We want to be strong enough to age gracefully. Join us today and learn how a home detox can help you with healthy living!

    Episode Highlights:

    • Topic intro and what’s in our diffuser (2:11)
    • Announcements: what’s ahead for Natural Living Family (4:10)
    • The year of Mama Z’s: her new classes and projects (6:11)
    • Are you feeling stagnant? (12:11)
    • Testimonial and new all-access membership (14:32)
    • How to detox your laundry (17:08)
    • What’s wrong with conventional laundry products? (28:28)
    • Detoxing your bathroom products (38:49)
    • Affordable nontoxic personal care products (46:01)
    • Chemicals and women’s health (50:47)
    • How we find and vet products (53:47)
    • Detoxing your garden (57:08)
    • Skin allergy essential oil blend (1:06:16)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (1:08:41)

    Detoxing Your Home and Life (Part 1): Kitchen and Pantry

    Detoxing Your Home and Life (Part 1): Kitchen and Pantry

    Today’s show is all about detoxing your home and your life…starting with your heart. #DetoxHomeAndHeart

    Many Christians embrace Western medicine but question if natural remedies are in-line with Biblical living. What’s the truth? We discuss how we live a natural life God’s way. We talk about educating people on this topic to clear up the confusion. We also discuss how Mama Z’s participation in beauty pageants helps her achieve a well-balanced life.

    After sharing some exciting announcements, we’ll get into detox in depth. Sin is a toxin and that one of the most important ways to detox your life is to get right with the Lord. He can direct your steps to a clean and healthy mind, body and soul! We will share what you can do RIGHT NOW to change this. 🙂

    So now, where do you begin? We’ll take the confusion out with some practical, easy steps to detox your kitchen and pantry. We’ll also discuss the question of whether or not plastic is safe to use and what we do in our home.

    And you don’t want to miss today’s natural living tip – an easy recipe for safehand sanitizer! Join us today to get started detoxing your home.

    Episode Highlights:

    • What’s in our diffuser & praying for our leaders & pastors (2:09)
    • The truth about natural remedies, pharmaceuticals, and Christianity (6:43)
    • Creating a positive environment in natural living (11:21)
    • We’re appearing at the Michigan Lavender Festival (15:28)
    • Announcements: All-access membership to everything we do is in development now – and our own show! (17:08)
    • An invitation to Christ and a truly detoxed life (23:34)
    • Getting rooted and fueled with Holy Spirit power gives you what you need (29:00)
    • Start detoxing your home – How to detox your kitchen and pantry (34:42)
    • Our nontoxic home makeover, the question of plastic and using totes (41:20)
    • The Essential Oils Diet book: your home detox survival guide (49:01)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (55:29)


    Raising Healthy Kids That Love Natural Living

    Raising Healthy Kids That Love Natural Living

    In this episode, we’re talking all about how to raise children that love natural living. Raising healthy kids in a world that regularly gives out sugar as a reward can be challenging but that doesn’t make it any less important. 

    Don’t feel overwhelmed by this topic. In this podcast, we’ll break down exactly what we do that has helped our children choose healthy habits

    Kids see everything we do, which is why we make sure to include our children into all aspects of our lives. 

    In fact, actively pursuing our own dreams with God’s leading has matured our children. For example, we involve our kids with Mama Z’s pageants!

    Over the years, this has helped them learn to value hard work, perseverance, and good sportsmanship – which is badly needed in today’s society. 

    Even without such an exciting event, it’s important to do routine daily tasks with our kids too. Everyday things like gardening, cooking, and cleaning can be as important to do together as creating our own natural living traditions for special events, like vacations and holidays. 

    We share strategies on how we reward our kids for living the natural lifestyle in ways that speak to them and allow them to participate in community activities. We don’t let them cheat with junk food but proactively find ways that encourage our kids to be responsible for their own health

    And we are honest about the reasons for that when they ask difficult questions about it. #HonestyMatters 

    We want our children to enjoy life. When we work hard, play hard, and honor God around and with our kids, we teach them to live life abundantly!

    Episode Highlights:

    • What’s in our diffuser & praying for our leaders & pastors (2:20)
    • Your testimonial and reviews (5:15)
    • Our special announcement - persistence pays off! Thanks to our team. (8:36)
    • Modeling values for your children (20:39)
    • Raising kids who love natural living (27:43)
    • Strategies to raise natural living kids – and gluten-free apple pancakes! (33:33)
    • Let kids participate in activities but leave out junk food (45:50)
    • Answering their questions about healthy living (52:20)
    • Work hard, play hard and honor God as a family (55:16)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (59:52)

    Raising Grateful Hardworking Godly Kids

    Raising Grateful Hardworking Godly Kids

    If you want to raise kids that are grateful, hardworking, and Godly, you’ll need to master the art of disciplining them – and that’s the topic of this podcast.

    Mama Z and Dr. Z discuss the benefits of discipline and share tips on what age to start, what kind of discipline is age-appropriate, and how to enforce it.

    We’ll talk about spanking, including do’s and don’t’s, and what would be considered abuse. We’ll briefly touch on potty training as it relates to discipline and then we’ll share more tips for incorporating structure into your parenting. And we’ll talk about what to do after the discipline has been meted out.

    We’ll show you how to combat laziness your children with chores and discuss how that teaches kids to be grateful. Finally, we’ll talk about how to share your faith with your kids. And all of it has real-life examples from our years of raising our 4 children!

    Join us to learn tips that can aid you in the most important job you have: being a parent!


    Episode Highlights:

    • Today’s topic intro, what’s in our diffuser & your reviews! (2:15)
    • Special announcements and events (6:45)
    • Listeners reviews & being real with your life and faith (10:02)
    • Disciplining children: time outs, spanking, and more (16:50)
    • Discipline strategies for different ages (24:14)
    • What to do after you’ve disciplined your child (28:30)
    • Potty training (33:22)
    • Disciplining your children for their good (35:20)
    • Incorporating structure into your parenting (38:52)
    • Combating laziness, and cultivating gratitude & faith in your kids (44:14)
    • Raising children with a legacy of faith (51:51)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (61:40)

    Gifts, Talents, and Your God-Given Purpose

    Gifts, Talents, and Your God-Given Purpose

    Living a life worth living is one that is full of God-given purpose and pursuing your passions. This is why having a relationship with Christ so important in order to find the guidance that you're looking for as you chase your dreams. 

    Sadly, far too many people never really "tap into" their destiny and suffer through an unfulfilling life that doesn't make an impact on bettering the world

    This week, we tackle this life-transforming topic and will talk about the personality and gifting “tests” that people take and how they don’t really help with getting to your core purpose – and what does help. 

    Mama Z shares her story about becoming a worship team singer, illustrating how following God’s lead can bring skill and talent. Dr. Z talks about how he overcame a chronic speech impediment to show you how a so-called "natural weakness" can actually be a sign of a Godly gift that can found deep within.

    Throughout, we’ll share practical tips and steps that you can take right now to discover your gifts, uncover your passions, and start pursuing your God-given purpose! Join us.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Today’s topic intro, what’s in our diffuser & your reviews! (1:55)
    • Listen, learn, research and apply: Mama Z’s story (6:17)
    • How do I find my purpose? (14:08)
    • Keys to uncovering your gifts (23:38)
    • Believing God for your purpose (28:09)
    • Put deeds to your faith to see what happens (35:38)
    • Tips to fortify and nurture your talents (41:46)
    • Are you open and flexible to God’s purposes in your life? (48:10)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (55:17)

    How to Thrive in Survival Mode

    How to Thrive in Survival Mode

    Today we talk about how to thrive when you’re in “survival mode.” We’ll discuss what it is and how to manage it.

    We learned firsthand about survival mode when we jumped out of our secure jobs to follow our passions. In fact, we didn’t know how difficult it would be. In addition to our new financial situation and a baby on the way, life threw plenty of curve balls at us and we found ourselves in “survival mode.”

    It’s important to remember that this mode only lasts a season – but it can be a long one. Learn what we did to move past just surviving and eventually thrive during this period.

    We’ll share practical tips on how to thrive in this period and even what to do when it’s over. If you’re in survival mode right now, this podcast will encourage you! 

    Episode Highlights:

    • Today’s topic intro & what’s in our diffuser (2:04)
    • Testimonials (5:10)
    • Upcoming Natural Living Family classes & offerings, and the blessing of gifts (6:41)
    • From pursuing security to pursuing passion (10:50)
    • Seeking after something God has put on your heart (14:55)
    • Financial troubles and entering survival mode (18:55)
    • Our survival mode story: things kept piling up (23:27)
    • What does your survival story look like? (30:15)
    • Practical ways to thrive in survival mode (35:14)
    • Take time to enjoy special moments (47:16)
    • The power of gratitude (54:15)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (57:13)

    Keeping First Things First

    Keeping First Things First

    In today’s busy world, it can be challenging to manage what really matters in life. This week, we will show you how to prioritize the most important things in your life: God and family.

    We will share real-life tips to help you keep God first in every area of your life and how we manage it, even though we’re not perfect! We’ll teach you how to make sure that you are not too “BUSY” to find time for God, family, and community.

    We’ll show you what it looks like to walk in love so you can serve others well, especially your own children. We’ll discuss what it means to “pray without ceasing” and the importance of reading your Bible and fasting.

    Finally, we’ll share how to truly balance work and family, even if you’re a busy single parent.

    Join us today for this episode that will teach you to live an abundant and balanced life by keeping first things first! 

    Episode Highlights:

    • Today’s topic intro & what’s in our diffuser (2:00)
    • Working, pageants, and our new book (5:52)
    • Reviews, thanks, and are Dr. and Mama Z “perfect”? (11:58)
    • Mama Z’s new cooking show! (18:17)
    • First things first: are you too “B-U-S-Y” to make God and family a priority? (19:50)
    • Walking in love: what does it look like? (27:33)
    • Rejoice, pray and be thankful! (1 Thess. 5:16-18)  (30:37)
    • Fasting, Bible reading and more ways to put God first (37:06)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (56:13)

    Healthy, Happy Summer Tips: Kids, Picnics, Traveling & More!

    Healthy, Happy Summer Tips: Kids, Picnics, Traveling & More!

    Summer is upon us and that can mean a lot of challenges for families, like how to keep the kids busy and keep eating healthy. In this podcast, we’ll give you tips on how to have a healthy and happy summer.  Mama Z shares activities we do with the kids – indoors and out, including the importance of community outreach. 

    We talk about the nontoxic sunscreen and avoiding the temptation of unhealthy foods. We also share how the 5 “Ps” help us stay healthy and focused on fun & family when we travel.

    Mama Z “unpacks” tips for packing and organizing for summer travel, including how to travel with food, so you can stick to a healthy diet all year long. We share our own experiences traveling with food & family, including how to keep the kids occupied for long car trips and unexpected delays.

    Finally, we provide you the recipe for Dr. Z’s Bug Bite Balm and DEET-free bug spray, right out of our book, The Healing Power of Essential Oils. So if you’re traveling this summer, listen in before you go on vacation!

    Episode Highlights:

    • Mama Z’s pageant and what’s in our diffuser (2:49)
    • We appreciate you! And introducing today’s topic… (6:03)
    • Summer holidays, Memorial Day, and honoring our veterans (8:30)
    • Getting involved with community outreach with your kids (13:30)
    • Health, happy summer habits –and activities - for you and your kids (17:27)
    • Practical summer tips: nontoxic sunscreen, healthy summer eating & more (25:49)
    • Year-round nutrition survival guide (31:48)
    • Start your 30-day Fast Track to losing weight and better health (35:56)
    • The 5 “Ps” and tips for packing everything you need (40:11)
    • Tips for packing and traveling with food (44:22)
    • Bring your own summer nutrition (55:34)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (1:03:00)

    Never Give Up! How Perseverance & Consistent Training Leads to Optimal Growth

    Never Give Up! How Perseverance & Consistent Training Leads to Optimal Growth

    Welcome! Today we are talking all about perseverance. Sometimes we have to go through difficulties and challenges in order to grow.

    Mama Z's beauty pageants are a lot of work and, in fact, we’ll be doing it again this year! In this podcast, Mama Z shares 3 stories about overcoming contest challenges to be successful.

    We discuss how persistence, hard work, and great coaching helped us get through these events and how we even used them to teach our children. We also touch on how we persevered through busy seasons and marital challenges!

    We’ll also share plenty of Bible verses that have inspired us along the way to help encourage you. Join us today to learn how you can survive difficult times with grace and maturity!

    Episode Highlights:

    • What’s in our diffuser and supporting your spouse (1:55)
    • Aromatherapy blends that stay with you –what’s your blend? (6:43)
    • Podcast, reviews, and announcements (11:20)
    • From Romans 5: Suffering leads to perseverance which leads to maturity (15:12)
    • Are you tougher than a beauty pageant? (18:09)
    • How Mama Z challenged herself & inspired others (22:29)
    • Never give up: Mama Z’s impossible marketing task (27:27)
    • Love: the key to good relationships and everything else! (35:51)
    • Perseverance in relationships (39:14)
    • Mama Z’s pageant journey (42:17)
    • Perseverance pays! (54:42)
    • Natural living tips to cultivate excellence and episode wrap (1:00:48)

    Having a Spirit of Excellence: The Missing Key to Success & Overcoming Laziness

    Having a Spirit of Excellence: The Missing Key to Success & Overcoming Laziness

    This week, we cover a very important topic: how to have a spirit of excellence. Only one of us was taught how to do this as we grew up: Mama Z. We share what her parents and grandparents taught her as we discuss our definition of excellence.

    Cultivating excellence comes with challenges. We talk about how to avoid the trap of perfectionism and help you overcome two very common pitfalls on the journey: fear and laziness. We discuss how fear leads to regret as Dr. Z shares a personal family story.

    In this podcast, we’ll each share our own unique journeys to excellence, and give you scripture verses that can help you attain excellence in all you do.

    Join us for this life-changing topic that can help you fulfill the purposes you were created for and give you an abundant life!

    Episode Highlights:

    • What’s in our diffuser and The Essential Oils Diet Book has launched – and reviews! (1:58)
    • Today’s topic: excellence and how we define excellence (7:49)
    • The spirit of excellence in business (12:30)
    • Growing a spirit of excellence and the trap of perfectionism (19:53)
    • The common pitfalls that hold us back from excellence (35:04)
    • Regret, the ultimate product of fear (42:53)
    • Bible passages to help overcome laziness (48:05)
    • How to maximize your time  (53:36)
    • Natural living tips to cultivate excellence and episode wrap (56:38)

    The Essential Oils Diet: Lose Weight and Transform Your Health with the Power of Essential Oils and Bioactive Foods

    The Essential Oils Diet: Lose Weight and Transform Your Health with the Power of Essential Oils and Bioactive Foods

    This week, we are celebrating the launch of our book, The Essential Oils Diet, by talking about food…food that is rich in bioactive compounds, that is. We define bioactive compounds and delve into the importance of this plant-based chemical nutrition that is necessary for abundant living.

    We’ll talk about “diet” as a way of making smart food choices vs. meat-heavy fad diets that can be bad for you. We’ll walk you through how our book can help you attain your body’s ideal weight and achieve better health.

    We’ll share about healthy eating as a spiritual practice and discuss stress and other emotional factors, like unforgiveness, that can actually cause disease. We are going to tell you about the “Essential Eight” core food groups of the Essential Oils Diet and all the benefits of trying it for yourself.

    Are you ready for the challenge? Join us as we show you how to transform your health and your life!


    Episode Highlights:

    • Topic intro, what’s in our diffuser and latest reviews! (2:14)
    • The Essential Oils Diet Book is here! Shout out to everyone who helped us write this book (7:00)
    • Diet means choices and the spiritual act of good health (13:36)
    • Stress and the emotional causes of disease (16:23)
    • Transforming your life with bioactive compounds instead of fad diets (22:18)
    • The Essential Eight core food groups of the Essential Oils Diet (34:58)
    • The Essential Oils Diet: fast track 30-day challenge and lifestyle (45:30)
    • How to get started right now (1:02:16)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (68:02)

    The Truth About Grains: Yes, You Can Have Your Gluten-Free Cake and Eat It, Too!

    The Truth About Grains: Yes, You Can Have Your Gluten-Free Cake and Eat It, Too!

    With the growing number of people sensitive or intolerant of gluten, we decided to tackle the topic of grains, glutens, and healthy eating!

    Can you have your gluten-free cake and eat it too? We’ll discuss the root causes of gluten sensitivities and allergies here in America. We’ll share how our wheat products are grown here, why it’s different in Europe, and the dangers of industrial farming in the U.S.

    We’ll share all about Mama Z’s gluten allergies and how you can conquer your own allergies or sensitivities. We’ll talk about grains, sprouting and how our family chooses grains so we can enjoy our food in optimal health.

    Finally, we’ll share how you can find balance when eating grains and wrap with our natural living tip on the best way to cook gluten-free pasta!

    Episode Highlights:

    • Topic intro and what’s in our diffuser (2:37)
    • Behind the scenes on writing The Essential Oils Diet Book (4:11)
    • Let’s talk about grains – and more about our cooking classes! (7:28)
    • The truth about grains, chronic disease, and industrialized farming (14:27)
    • How sprouting aids digestion (23:34)
    • Let’s talk about gluten and gluten-free cooking (27:28)
    • “Gluten-free” doesn’t necessarily mean healthy (35:30)
    • Finding YOUR place of balance with gluten and grains (40:31)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (45:47)

    Food Sensitivities, Fitness & More: Living Right for Your Body Type!

    Food Sensitivities, Fitness & More: Living Right for Your Body Type!

    This week, we share all about living right for your body type. We discuss how and why genetics and biochemistry, along with environmental factors, can impact what you should – or should not – eat. 

    We talk about some of the adverse reactions you can have to food and what to do about it. We discuss Mama Z's struggles with food sensitivities and what caused them. Then we reveal how our 14-Day Essential Oils Diet Boot Camp can help you.

    Next, we provide tips on how to choose the right exercises and how to get started if you haven’t worked out in a long time. We also share the warning signs of overdoing exercise or doing the wrong routines.

    Finally, we reveal our leaky gut capsule recipe. You don’t want to miss this podcast if you want to enjoy feeling healthy again after you eat and exercise!

    Episode Highlights:

    • Topic intro and what’s in our diffuser (2:31)
    • Eating right for your body type (6:24)
    • Navigating beans and the benefits of sprouting (13:05)
    • Individual reactions to foods and how to tell if something is wrong (20:16)
    • Additional factors that can impact your nutrition (29:21)
    • Mama Z’s battle with food sensitivities (33:05)
    • Change your life with the 14-Day Essential Oils Diet Boot Camp (42:35)
    • Tips to exercise the right way for your body type (45:24)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (57:54)