
    Natural Living Family Podcast

    “Green" living is the new black, but many people are still unsure how to live a healthy, natural lifestyle. After spending the last 15 years experimenting on how to best balance health, work, finances, with family and everyday life ... Natural Living Family pioneer couple Dr. Eric and Sabrina Ann Zielinski, authors of The Healing Power of Essential Oils & The Essential Oils Diet, have cracked the code. This podcast goes deeper into their NLF world. Tune in to discover the behind-the-scenes mishaps and success stories that have inspired Dr. Z & Mama Z to help millions of people master the art of living an abundant life in this faith-based, family-friendly show.
    enDr. Eric Zielinski54 Episodes

    Episodes (54)

    Passion without Wisdom Isn’t Good: How to Survive (and THRIVE) During the Internet Renaissance

    Passion without Wisdom Isn’t Good: How to Survive (and THRIVE) During the Internet Renaissance

    In today’s “internet renaissance,” people have access to more information than ever before. But this brings major problems that can be disastrous.

    We talk about the dangers of using the internet to help your health concerns. Much of the information available online is sponsored and/or unqualified and can harm you. From fad diets to essential oils, information overload from a multitude of conflicting sources can make you “freeze” instead of improving your health.

    We will show you how to cut through the noise and focus on the right type of advice and limiting your mentors. We’ll also discuss how to slowly implement what you learn to improve own health in a safe and practical manner. 

    Another pressing issue in this internet renaissance is smartphone addiction. The average American picks up his or her phone 50 times a day! We’ll show you how to tell if you are addicted to your phone and how to break the habit. We’ll share how we’ve been tempted by this addiction in the past too and how we got over it.

    Finally, we’ll talk about what “phubbing” is and how you can break this habit that harms your relationships. Join us for this important podcast.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Topic intro and what’s in our diffuser (2:30)
    • Navigating the Easter holiday without falling into bad food habits (3:53)
    • The controversy over Dr. Z’s first book (10:18)
    • How to navigate the “Internet Renaissance” and sort through bad information (13:27)
    • Fad diets and misinformation on the internet (21:28)
    • The keys to navigating the truth (27:38)
    • Navigating multiple voices (33:19)
    • How to master technology so it does not master you (39:41)
    • How to conquer technology addiction (43:49)
    • How to break up with your phone (54:44)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (60:02)

    Body Image, Positive Thinking & Never Giving Up: Dr. Z’s Fat Pants Story

    Body Image, Positive Thinking & Never Giving Up: Dr. Z’s Fat Pants Story

    Welcome to our podcast episode on body image! Today, we give a heartfelt thanks to our listeners for their support and share some of their stories.

    We delve into why we are open about our lives, giving you a glimpse into some of our everyday struggles. Dr. Z shares his “fat pants” story, including how and why he got off-track with his health. We discuss how we dealt with that to get back on track with natural healthy living. 

    Mama Z shares her perspective as a mother of four children on postpartum weight and how to manage it in a healthy way. We give some details about our private Facebook support group for our new book, The Essential Oils Diet, and how it’s helping people lose weight, improve mental health, and clear up physical issues. 

    Finally, we provide you some concrete tips to help you improve your body image and an easy tip for getting started with fitness. Join us today for this life-changing episode!


    Episode Highlights:

    • Topic intro and what’s in our diffuser (2:10)
    • Thank you to our listeners and your feedback (4:00)
    • Why Dr. Z and Mama Z are so transparent (9:17)
    • Dr. Z’s “Fat Pants” story (13:37)
    • When self-care starts to decline (22:16)
    • How do you define workaholism? Dr. Z changes his routine (33:28)
    • Body image: Mama Z’s perspective as a mother of four (40:45)
    • The Essential Oils Diet Group: you’re invited! (49:30)
    • Are you willing to commit to healthy living? (58:33)
    • Tips to help you improve body image (1:02:32)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (1:13:15)

    Food Buying & Travel Tips: Being Healthy is NOT More Expensive (Part 2)

    Food Buying & Travel Tips: Being Healthy is NOT More Expensive (Part 2)

    You won’t want to miss this episode. Today, we debunk the myth that healthy eating has to cost a lot. After sharing what’s in our diffuser and two surprise announcements, we’ll teach you how to shop for healthy foods without breaking the bank. We’ll tell why you don’t always have to buy organic – and when you must.

    We’ll show you how to get the best quality for a reasonable price in grocery and bulk stores, health food shops, and farmer’s markets. Dr. Z reveals why you should avoid costly trends, like unhealthy gluten-free foods. And Mama Z shares why our kids are not members of the “clean plate club.”

    Mama Z wraps it all up with our natural living tip on food for traveling. Join us today so you can save time and money the next time you shop for healthy groceries! 

    Episode Highlights:

    • Topic intro and what’s in our diffuser (2:33)
    • Two big announcements! (4:55)
    • Airing Dr. Z’s dirty laundry…LITERALLY! (7:53)
    • How to be healthy and not break the bank (12:32)
    • Saving money with the Clean Fifteen (21:53)
    • Produce you MUST buy organic and tips to afford them (26:28)
    • Buying in season and using a farmer’s market to save money (28:38)
    • More money-saving grocery shopping tips (34:11)
    • When gluten-free food is not healthy (42:30)
    • No more “Clean Plate Club” (47:14)
    • Natural living travel tip and episode wrap (54:28)

    Essential Oils, Supplements & Health Insurance: Being Healthy is NOT More Expensive (Part 1)

    Essential Oils, Supplements & Health Insurance: Being Healthy is NOT More Expensive (Part 1)

    A common myth is that natural living is expensive. That’s not true! By making smart life choices, you can have a healthy, happy and abundant life on a budget. In fact, you may even save money!

    In this episode, we’ll share our best tips and hacks on how you can save money. We’ll discuss the money-saving benefits of healthy living, why you might not need health insurance, and every day changes you can make in your approach to spending.

    We’ll share with you our tips for buying the best essential oils without breaking the bank and how you can save money with DIY solutions. Mama Z even has a tip for when you don’t have time to DIY!

    Finally, we’ll show you why you don’t have to waste money on supplements. Natural living does not have to be costly; it can even save you a bundle. Join us as we show you how to embrace a healthy with little investment.

    Episode Highlights:

    • What’s in our diffuser (2:24)
    • Is natural living more expensive? Tips & hacks to save big money (4:41)
    • Taking natural living to the extreme and finding balance (10:53)
    • Do you need financial fixes? (20:27)
    • Don’t compromise: living healthy will pay off (24:26)
    • Taking a hard look at health insurance and alternative options (28:21)
    • Essential oil buying tips (37:36)
    • Saving money with DIY as a way of life (47:47)
    • Stop throwing money away on supplements & protein powders (55:53)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (1:09:11)

    Pantry Makeover, Spa Day, Declutter & Sex: The Art of Self Love (Part 2)

    Pantry Makeover, Spa Day, Declutter & Sex: The Art of Self Love (Part 2)

    This week, we continue with 7 more of our top 10 tips for cultivating self-love. Mama Z will show you how to indulge in an aromatic bath or shower. We’ll talk about the importance of spa days and massages and how to manage them on your budget.

    We’ll review some specific self-care tips for scarring, pregnancy, and postpartum, and men, and discuss why good nutrition is really an act of self-love.

    We’ll show you how decluttering, cleaning and redecorating can make you feel better about your home, how giving of yourself can make you feel better about life, and how to stay encouraged.

    Finally, we’ll talk about building relationships with friends you value and reducing harmful relationships. We’ll even give you tips for increasing intimacy with your spouse.

    Sound interesting? Join as we discuss cultivating self-love to create a more abundant life!

    Episode Highlights:

    • Topic introduction, what’s in our diffuser and part 1 recap  (1:55)
    • Kim Morrison and self-love techniques (4:40)
    • Self-love tip #1: Aromatic bath or shower, spa days and affording massages (5:28)
    • Mama Z’s post-shower routine and oil base (12:46)
    • Pregnancy and stretch mark care (16:53)
    • Self-pampering for men (21:01)
    • Self-love tip #2: Proper nutrition as self-love (24:38)
    • Self-love tip #3: Declutter, clean and/or redecorate a room (31:20)
    • Self-love tip #4: Share yourself with others (39:14)
    • Self-love tip #5: Carry a Bible verse with you (45:50)
    • Self-love tip #6: Meet with friends that lift you up (48:45)
    • Self-care tip #7: Cultivating intimacy in your life and date night tips (1:03:50)
    • Natural living tip and episode wrap (1:10:21)

    Digital Detox, Earthing & Family Traditions: The Art of Self Love (Part 1)

    Digital Detox, Earthing & Family Traditions: The Art of Self Love (Part 1)

    Learning to love yourself is critical in the quest for abundant living. On the other hand, self-hate can be a harmful and destructive force. How can you love others if you don’t love yourself? Today, we dive into this topic. Dr. Z shares his own experience with self-hate and how he learned to overcome it. We discuss the 5 love languages and how to use them on yourself, including falling in love with yourself. We begin sharing the first 3 of their 10 self-love tips and how to achieve those. If you want to battle negativity and self-hate, or just want to go to deeper with yourself, tune in to today’s amazing podcast! 


    • Why self-love is important
    • The importance of love languages, using them on yourself and battling self-hate
    • Falling in love with yourself and Dr. Z’s self-love acts
    • Self-love tip #1: How to unplug and the dangers of cellphones and social media
    • Self-love tip #2: Move and get connected with the earth
    • Self-love tip #3: Creating family rituals.

    Goal Setting & Vision Boards: Pick 1000 Weeds & You Can Play with Your Friends (Part 2)

    Goal Setting & Vision Boards: Pick 1000 Weeds & You Can Play with Your Friends (Part 2)

    Most people today set goals by writing them down or creating vision boards, but did you know that these tasks may be limiting your success? An accomplished athlete and repeat pageant winner, Mama Z shares how she attained these goals through hard work, affirmations, and visualization.

    She and Dr. Z will discuss how you can integrate those techniques for both major events in your life as well as everyday abundant living. Dr. Z explains how vision boards and traditional goal setting techniques can actually limit your dreams and 3 common Bible verses that are often misquoted to support goal setting. Today, you’re going to learn a treasure trove of Bible verses that can help you break through and accomplish greater things than you thought possible! 


    • Topic introduction and what’s in our diffuser (2:26)
    • Mama Z’s athletic background (10:58)
    • Discipline and Mama Z’s pageant training (17:52)
    • Be sure to check out the special AquaTru made for Natural Living Family members (25:45)
    • Mama Z’s tips on how to visualize for big events and everyday life (26:48)
    • The problem with vision boards and writing goals (36:00)
    • 3 misquoted Bible verses that can hinder goal setting (40:27)
    • Bible verses to set intentions in your heart (44:43)
    • Wrap up, resources and upcoming topic (59:12)
    • Natural Living Tip – An alternative to traditional goal setting and vision boards (1:00:03)

    Discipline & Hard Work: Pick 1000 Weeds & You Can Play with Your Friends (Part 1)

    Discipline & Hard Work: Pick 1000 Weeds & You Can Play with Your Friends (Part 1)

    Would you like to be more productive? Stumped on how to overcome things that are preventing you from living a healthy and abundant life? 

    This week, Mama Z will share with you how her childhood helped her develop a highly productive work ethic. We’ll talk about the benefits of hard work, discipline, and productivity – and how to foster those skills if they are not your strong suit.

    Dr. Z, who was raised without this work ethic, will share tips on how he learned to be productive as well. They’ll discuss tackling your to-do list and maintaining your health in the face of a hectic life, fatigue, illness, and even laziness.

    Finally, they’ll share tips on how to fit exercise into your busy schedule and avoid “stinkin’ thinkin.’” This week’s natural living tip can even help bring positivity into your everyday life. Ready? Let’s go!

    Episode Highlights:

    • Topic introduction and what’s in our diffuser (2:21)
    • How Mama Z grew up to develop a productive work ethic (5:17)
    • Mama Z’s parent’s garden urban homestead, family support, and discipline (14:40)
    • How Dr. Z stays productive (17:33)
    • Mama Z’s work ethic (19:22)
    • How to avoid being a slave to your schedule (23:02)
    • Overcoming fatigue, illness, and laziness (27:43)
    • Incorporating exercise into a busy life (32:08)
    • Freedom, temporary “crutches,” and dependence/addiction (36:13)
    • Using scriptures to support an abundant life (38:16)
    • Overcoming negative thinking (41:16)
    • Natural living tip, wrap up and upcoming topic (47:17)

    All "Good" Things in Moderation: Mastering the Art of Saying "No" to Things that Hurt You

    All "Good" Things in Moderation: Mastering the Art of Saying "No" to Things that Hurt You

    People always say, “All things in moderation.” But Is this true? In this podcast, Dr. Z and Mama Z share why you need GOOD things in moderation in your life, and examine the pitfalls of having even a little bit of something harmful.

    We’ll learn why “cheat days” can actually sabotage your journey to abundant living and get a sneak peek of Dr. & Mama Z’s new book.

    Mama Z shares how variety and flexible routines are key to finding balance in food and fitness and discusses with Dr. Z the importance of gradually transitioning to a natural living family lifestyle.

    Learn how to avoid fad diets and eat properly, and listen to Dr. Z’s challenge - and promise - to you.

    Episode Highlights:

    • What’s in our diffuser and Dr. Z’s sleep deprivation story (1:31)
    • All “good” things in moderation: what it means (7:50)
    • The dangers of “all things in moderation” (10:46)
    • The Essential Oils Diet book sneak peek (16:58)
    • The importance of variety in finding balance  (19:36)
    • Moderation in fitness, thoughts, and more (23:12)
    • “A little bit of leaven”: Transitioning gradually to a natural lifestyle (28:33)
    • We reap what we sow: good health vs. “cheating” (33:15)
    • Navigating diet fads and eating for your body (37:29)
    • Learning about food, Dr. Z’s promise, and final thoughts (40:39)
    • What’s coming on the podcast (48:44)
    • Natural living tip (50:13)

    Navigating Vaccines, Flu Shot & Home Birth: Green is the NEW Black (Part 2)

    Navigating Vaccines, Flu Shot & Home Birth: Green is the NEW Black (Part 2)

    Even though living naturally is “en vogue,” you will still encounter stigma, judgment, and criticism along the way. This week, we share more tips on how to overcome negative reactions to natural choices in everything from flu shots to home birth. Finally, we share how you can handle social eating situations, whether at the office or on holidays or for social functions. We’ll wrap with a tip on how to help your kids eat healthy around their social events as well. Join us to learn to tackle these uncomfortable situations with grace, patience, and kindness. You just might end up being someone’s go-to healthy living guru!


    • Avoiding the flu shot (06:02)
    • Finding a doctor that supports your lifestyle (13:08)
    • Dealing with your family and an “uninvited” unvaccinated child and the battle over vaccines (16:09)
    • Mama Z’s home birth story (21:19)
    • Eating healthy at work and social functions alongside friends, family, and co-workers (35:14)
    • Dr. Z’s immune boosting “shot” recipe (44:33)
    • Natural living tip (45:32).

    Navigating Lice, Nursing & Eating Out: Green is the NEW Black (Part 1)

    Navigating Lice, Nursing & Eating Out: Green is the NEW Black (Part 1)

    Green is the new black: healthy, natural living is in fashion today but some of you may still feel pressured to return to “the dark side” of unhealthy practices. Some may even call you “crazy.” But what if you could use that label to your advantage? Today, we’ll be talking about how to overcome the stigma associated with natural living.


    • Overcome objections & stigma of natural living (2:50)
    • How we shopped for natural living products and foods (8:36)
    • The 5 P’s and Dr. and Mama Z’s shopping hacks (11:58)
    • How to comparison shop for healthy foods (16:27)
    • Tips for nursing in a restaurant, airplane, and more (24:34)
    • Using the “crazy green people” label to your advantage (36:35)
    • Tips for eating out (41:34)
    • Mama Z’s “infamous” lice story (48:25)
    • Mama Z’s lice protocol (01:00:34)
    • What’s coming up on the podcast and final thoughts (01:07:21)
    • Natural living tip (01:07:25)

    Our Origin Story: What Happens When an Eating Disorder Meets a Health Fanatic

    Our Origin Story: What Happens When an Eating Disorder Meets a Health Fanatic

    People are curious about how we got our start at Natural Living Family. We get questions about how we met the Lord, how we met each other, and how we were introduced to Bible health, essential oils, and natural living. We’re not perfect. On this podcast, we’ll share our personal stories and how we each faced serious health challenges along the way. You’ll hear how we met - and discover what happens when an eating disorder meets a health fanatic. We’ll share how we began our journey to health, as well as how we overcame the idealism of finding the “perfect” marriage partner. We’re going to tell you about some of our bumps along the road and how we learned to balance our marriage. Join us to find out how we got became a Natural Living Family and how you can get started being part of the family, too. 


    • How Dr. Z and Mama Z met and all this came to be (3:43) 
    • How Mama Z got started with natural living and essential oils and how she met the Lord (12:38) 
    • Mama Z’s health issues and how they were resolution (16:50) 
    • Eating healthy and fad diets (22:20) 
    • Dr. Z’s story – how he met the Lord and how he dealt with his challenges (23:32) 
    • Becoming a healthy family (30:03) 
    • Why listen to Natural Living Family podcast (33:07)  
    • Idealism, reality, and finding balance (35:55) 
    • Be patient with others during your transformation (43:06) 
    • Final thoughts (46:20)

    Our First Show!

    Our First Show!

    What’s a Natural Living Family & Why We Started this Podcast... Everything has a beginning, and we’re so excited to welcome you to the beginning of our podcast, the very first episode of the Natural Living Family Podcast. We like to think of this first episode as an introduction to who we are and an invitation for you to join us on this journey. So come on in and make yourselves comfortable. Let us introduce ourselves and tell you a little bit about who we are and how everything – the online ministry, the summits, the books, all of it – has led us here to the launch of our podcast. We welcome you all to our family – our Natural Living Family.


    • What is a natural living family? (07:00)
    • The 7 pillars of abundance (spoiler: it’s not what you think) (10:28) How to become a part of a natural living family (15:20)
    • Why did we start this podcast?  (17:24)
    • In the very beginning: how Dr. Z and Mama Z got started (21:37)
    • How the Essential Oils Revolution Summit began (25:22)
    • Becoming NaturalLivingFamily.com and how this podcast came to be (32:04)
    • How to become part of a natural living family (33:53)
    • Final thoughts (38:40)