
    No Ego

    Reality-Based Leadership, hosted by NY Times best-selling author Cy Wakeman and her VP of People Evolution Alex Dorr, will give you the tools you need as a leader to ditch the drama, end entitlement, and drive big results in your workplace and worldplace. It is time to modernize your leadership approach. In each episode, you will learn practical ways to evolve yourself, lead your teams with love AND call them up to greatness each and every day.
    enReality-Based Leadership219 Episodes

    Episodes (219)

    S4E17: Creating Peak Performance In the Midst of Disruption

    S4E17: Creating Peak Performance In the Midst of Disruption
    Jessica Tietjen, author of Exceptional Life R-Evolution and founder of Evolving to Exceptional joins Cy to talk about strategies to not only reach peak performance levels in your life and the life of your teams, but to call for a Revolution founded in each person’s evolution.  Join us as Jessica shares the innovative techniques she used at her organization for building personal accountability in all aspects of life, even in your engagement efforts at work as well as how the Great Resignation can be the Great Reset instead.  


    No Ego
    enDecember 13, 2021

    S4E16: Best Retention Strategy Ever - Go Deep to Build Devotion on Teams

    S4E16: Best Retention Strategy Ever - Go Deep to Build Devotion on Teams
    People are not a means to an end and aren’t fulfilled being cogs in the wheel achieving some stated objective for the business and the Great Resignation is stating that loud and clear.  In this episode, Cy had a great conversation with Robb Holman, Founder of Inside Out Leadership about how to use these times as a great wake up call for leaders - a call to do the inner work, to  radically simplify, and put people over procedures to build something beyond engagement - true devotion, to the leader, the team and the purposed of the organization.  www.MoveTheNeedleBook.com
    No Ego
    enDecember 02, 2021

    S4E15: Connections are the Antidote to Feeling Burned Out

    S4E15: Connections are the Antidote to Feeling Burned Out
    Connections are the antidote to feeling burned out….
    In this episode, Sasha Shillcutt, MD, MS and Cy get together to chat about burnout, resiliency, and living big, peaceful lives in current times. Sasha is the founder of Brave Enough and a fantastic leader in the Department of Anesthesia at UNMC.  
    No Ego
    enNovember 16, 2021

    S4E13: The Executive's Productivity Paradigm, with Richard Medcalf

    S4E13: The Executive's Productivity Paradigm, with Richard Medcalf
    Richard Medcalf is Founder of Xquadrant and an executive coach to some of the world's most impressive and successful CEOs and their teams.  In this episode Richard shares four key insights that help his clients make real transformational progress in this area and become champions of transformational change.
    Free course: "Freeing Yourself Up For Strategic Activity: An Executive's Productivity Paradigm" https://xquadrant.com/go/productivity
    Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast https://xquadrant.com/podcast/
    No Ego
    enAugust 30, 2021

    S4E12: Becoming a Peaceful Powered Leader

    S4E12: Becoming a Peaceful Powered Leader
    Jared Narlock, Speaker and Talent Development Coach, and author of Becoming a Peaceful Powered Leader, joins Cy in this episode to share the habits and dedications one needs to practice to be a peaceful powered leader - one transcends their own ego to build team members who can meet the challenges at hand in a state of contentment. 
    No Ego
    enAugust 17, 2021

    S4E10: Becoming a Boundary Boss with Terri Cole, MSW, LCSW

    S4E10: Becoming a Boundary Boss with Terri Cole, MSW, LCSW

    The last year has revealed to many of us that the current state of our boundaries is disordered and in need of repair to avoid exhaustion and burnout.  Join Cy and guest Terri Cole, MSW LCSW as they talk about how to become a boundary boss so you can live an authentic and fulfilled life.  



    No Ego
    enJuly 21, 2021

    S4E9: Gleb Tsipursky, Returning to the Office

    S4E9: Gleb Tsipursky, Returning to the Office

    With the vaccine situation improving, you are likely thinking about, or in the process of returning to the office. Gleb and I cover helpful benchmarking and best practices to aid in your return plan. 

    Find the full white paper here: https://tinyurl.com/TheOfficeReturn

    No Ego
    enJuly 07, 2021

    S4E6: Hope Makes A Comeback

    S4E6: Hope Makes A Comeback

    We are certainly heading towards some pleasure, some decadence.  Many predict something similar to the roaring 20’s that followed the Spanish flu pandemic – pleasure does most certainly follow pain but the two are kindred spirits in the same cycle that is predictable and always returns to pain – why?

    No Ego
    enApril 06, 2021

    S4:E5 Self Reflection

    S4:E5 Self Reflection

    Feelings have good information – goal is to experience them completely. Important for leaders to develop the ability to hold space for people to share their experiences AND important for individuals to learn to self-regulate and take ownership for their own feelings and their own emotional experience.

    No Ego
    enMarch 30, 2021

    S4E3: Breaking Projection

    S4E3: Breaking Projection

    This week we break down Projection and how it is showing up in our hybrid workplaces. We need to change the way in which we are having conversations and managing our energy to open up the opportunity for the BIG conversations that will determine how we move forward. Join me as we work through the Thinking Inside-The-Box Tool as well.

    Newsletter Sign-Up: https://www.realitybasedleadership.com/newsletter/

    Thinking Inside-The-Box Tool: https://www.realitybasedleadership.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Ego-Bypass-Tool-Thinking-Inside-the-Box-Exercise.pdf


    No Ego
    enMarch 23, 2021

    S4E2: Evolve Yourself

    S4E2: Evolve Yourself

    Season 4 is in full swing! In this episode I break down ways to build your inner wisdom using some tools and tricks adapted to today's challenges. 

    No Ego
    enMarch 15, 2021

    Challenges and Coping with Covid ft. Jacqueline Anderegg, LCMSW

    Challenges and Coping with Covid ft. Jacqueline Anderegg, LCMSW

    Uncertainty and ambiguity are universally difficult mind states for all human beings that inevitably produce stress, anxiety, and fear. If this is pervasive in the culture, we are all affected. It is pervasive now.

    Join me as I discuss these challenges and more with Jacqueline Anderegg, LCMSW.

    No Ego
    enMarch 01, 2021

    What We Mean When We Talk About "Trust"

    What We Mean When We Talk About "Trust"

    When I hear people talk about trust in the workplace, I get concerned because we make it sound like something we can create for another. But that leaves us dependent on other people and creates situations where people end up waiting to be offered something. When you say there is a lack of trust in your organization, is it due to leadership or due to your own choices? That's what I want to get into today. Whether or not you trust someone has a lot to do with you.

    How Learned Helplessness Affects You Daily

    How Learned Helplessness Affects You Daily

    When you are blaming others for your circumstances and not taking control of your own actions, that is when your ego really comes out swinging. And I want to get into today one of the major factors of blame, something I like to call learned helplessness. Learned helplessness is the opposite of accountability, and personal accountability is the death of the ego. And we all know that when you ditch your ego, it allows for growth and collaboration.

    This is Where Conflict Comes From

    This is Where Conflict Comes From

    In today's episode, I want to talk about conflict. As a researcher, I've spent so many hours dissecting and trying to understand conflict and why it happens. What I've found is this: so much of the time, the root cause of conflict is ambiguity. And a leader's job is to facilitate clarifying conversations. Listen in for more on this and what else I've discovered are the best ways to fix it.

    No Ego
    enJanuary 18, 2021